Monday, July 17, 2023

Master Cleanse day #3 terrorist report/cyber terrorism. *This post was so badly hacked while I was in the middle of writing it that the hackers literally hacked my cursor to middle sections of paragraphs while I was fighting to pound out letters--words have been altered, etc. It's hard to read, I have correct it at least 4 times already and I have to walk away to try to "remember" the ideas that are being blocked from my consciousness while I am under non-stop "mind control" attacks from their tyrannical torture tech endlessly blasted into my body and brain--more murder. More silence and more applause for the perpetrators of this violence. More never-ending non-support for me, more endless prizes and promotions for the pieces of shit attacking me.

 I know that my food and environment are being polluted with mind control drugging and subliminal hate messages that are constant with every insult and curse they can endlessly repeat--the pig apes in the studios next to mine, ordered by the filth from Whorewood, applauded by the expletive executives and the politicians of Congress-wood-swamp-Dark Money Inc.


I surf YouTube to try to see ALL the predators hacking their videos on my channel--my real reason is to find and discover information to try to figure out a way to destroy all the millions of enemies I am surrounded by in the death squad/gang stalking terrorism that is being sponsored by those above-mentioned or facilitated-by or funded.

I surfed today, after writing a post triggered by detox, as horrific poisons are surging to the surface of the interior of the huge hard shell of cemented poison with liquid pockets of stinking, vile substances trapped in all recesses of my body possible. The huge, ugly contortion that they forced my body to appear as is cemented into a horrible square-pear shape and I can do absolutely nothing until I work with all my life force and strength to try to figure out how to break off incremental pieces through fasting and exercises that pull all the poisons in every direction latched onto my spine, into my skull extending to my feet and it's not just excruciating, but when the poisons finally soften or crack off in tiny pieces, they explode internally into a huge stinking mass that I must get out by eating copious amounts of food so the adhesive poison at the cellular level will latch onto this heavy food in my intestines as to eliminate them--it takes up to 10 hours after gorging on heavy, fattening food. Then I must sleep while I am tortured by the filth of Whorewood and their poisoning sickening partners and politicians giggling and laughing and screaming and insulting and grabbing at my body and raping and applauding and complimenting the whores and pig apes who feed off violence, are titillated without end, on a huge hormone power trip, and transmit that into sexualized "humanitarian" concepts that they also steal from me out of non-stop torture while I am in this most vulnerable physical state--as they keep having poison inserted into my body, I'm drugged up literally every single day for that slow murder effect.


So I surfed after writing a post on Facebook about this bulbous ancient dinosaur with a cheery psychopathic disposition, claiming that she is of a most pleasant and cheery disposition. Her inclusion in this violence against me, even while she's putting out dumb movies about The South and inter-racial coupling and gospel choirs all with black and white and all comin' together for a sunny gomer Pile type barbecue at the end of the Happy ending dumb movie--her playing the compassionate but critical junction between failure (them) and success (her) in the movie. This mediocre movie played constantly on my cable tv where I had no tv guide, along with the pig apes from Whorewood I have been writing of for years who then spent years teleporting, raping, poisoning, abusing, insulting, stealing, destroying, mutilating, having my body nearly killed, hit by cars, animals killed, as they stole ideas from my writing and my thoughts and included them in their blockbuster movies according to contract--giving me nothing but more torture, more destruction of the scant I can afford to pay, as they also had my money stolen, my body raped in one state of teleportation while they teleported me and abused and raped me in another--simultaneously. And more and more, and when I fought to get them off, they had my body mutilated, and severed and my uterus partially cut out and all money for health care stolen and blocked and all access to earning money blocked and my cat stolen and animals I loved thereafter killed and taken away--and on and on-my hips and spine put out of alignment--every day as the rapists would insert semen and fungus into my vagina--my hair mostly gone from chemicals they put on my hair after I fought for over a month to get some huge disgusting Europigape to stop teleporting and raping me violently while they were poisoning me non-stop as he pounded the poison more deeply into my body, had me so badly drugged I could not figure out how to balance my bank account--when I called him a pig and hit him finally after 6 weeks of this going on and on as I said no, the pig whores of whorewood hugged him--the whores who stole my ideas about feminism, about Sleeping Beauty--absolutely thrilled and loving hugging and sexually swiping the pig on his cheek lovingly as he was beating, raping and murdering me and when I screamed finally in absolute rage, being murdered, for the 100th time to stop, screaming in desperate rage that he's a fucking pig as I tried to punch him and screaming--they had my hair mostly chemically damaged so my scalp was like bald rubber and the hair would not even begin to grow back for more than 6 months--and it's still mostly gone after maybe 2 years later I can't get it to grow back (and won't take dangerous drugs to try to get it to grow back because my liver and kidneys are under far too much strain to take potentially deadly hair growth pills which have actually damaged people in the past under research and studies). 


Can't anyone PLEASE have this situation ever stopped? What the FUCK is WRONG with the United States that it's so depraved and sick to allow this to go on and on and on and on and awards and deals and prizes handed out, even when it has been proven how sick they eventually become, the public continues to love gang stalking, the government continues to hand out these drugs and technologies, the politicians keep blaming me for not allowing the shit whores to suck every single thing out of me with my complete acceptance and obedience--

They never stop, I constantly am fighting for my life. This detox I am under now I have been doing non-stop for over 5 years--as they kept poisoning me anyway so I became even more poisoned the harder I worked to rid my body, the more shit they poured into my body through my food intake and from insertions of stinking sewage and poison into my bladder and vagina--laughing as I ran to the toilet sick --they teleported me. These are whores who have stolen my ideas and turned them into movies celebrating them as if this is what they are--

Now writers are striking in filthy dirty Whorewood and the actors' union is as well. This situation has extended far beyond my own personal exploitation by the shit that are being groomed through Nazi protocols into leadership position--affecting slave labor, sex slavery, murder for anyone who resists or says no, theft of ideas, property and destruction of property and life for anyone they don't like who won't go along.

yet still, no one can associate my situation with the "greed" the greedy actors are claiming that the execs they all obey and follow and know about my situation (I believe the President of SAG-AFRA has known about my situation for a very long time but has, like all the rest, gone along because she gets contracts and more roles for her silence--so the greed has trickled down completely but the situation is so egregious that I read writers are forced to work two or three other jobs just to pay rent or have any kind of solvency--in addition to writing for the pigs, whores and shit of Whorewood who are sucking out every bit of lucre possible--not a single one who has stolen my concepts or ideas has paid me a cent, they have instead forced me to perpetually repurchase items that are constantly being sprayed with stinking permanent laboratory-created filthy substances--yellowed with sprays that won't come off--stinking, broken constantly. force me into such poverty I can't afford a doctor. Inserted silicone into my body under the skin to appear like cysts--round and semi-hard in creepy weird places. I can't trust a single doctor to remove them nor can I afford to do so. I have No health insurance, as they have cars constantly nearly hit and kill me while I drive.


And yet, this is fun and funny to the filthy pieces of shit from Congress and from Whorewood.

So with global warming I can only state that I hope a huge sweltering tsunami floods the shit of whorewood and wipes them away--their studios, their shitty enclaves and mansions

the result of the conspicuous consumption they have been whoring off to the stupid dumbed down public

**this is the non-sequitor part of another paragraph that was hacked and inserted here-this regards the bulbous ape skank from The south who hacked her unwanted sick face and video onto my youtube channel today. I reacted because I am being drugged while sleeping and this was in the morning, as I search the internet for what is going on in the endless debacle of the deterioration of the United States by this Nazi/Mafia cartel. this should have been included in another part of the post about this woman and her movies about being so loving and kind and open-minded and not racist as she for over a decade has worked alongside the rapists and Nazi-spouting haters in mutilating and torturing me--the blonde bigot with the fake positive cheery voice that sounds like the Chipmunks on crack--singing her country crap songs--and obtaining plastic surgery and endless roles since having participated in this endless violence against me. Not exactly cheery and positive, but like all the putrid Nazis they feel so much better that their sagging careers and breasts have all obtained a lift by the 4th Reich promotional grooming hate organization handing out the teleportation to at least 200 celebrities and by now at least 20 significant politicians in the Senate and House and of course the US President and other presidents operating behind the scenes--and their VP's--This sickening singer I refer to once more: She hacked her disgusting music video while I was surfing for  outdated old music of the disco materialism genre. This 70's disco era really helped to deter the sheeple away from the protest era and into a materialism "greed" era, the "me" generation and the yuppie Wall Street era-- The Reagan "trickle down "economics disaster which is now the mutli-trillion dollar US Debt--then loosening of restrictions for big biz--and all the Dark money pouring in, which is mostly responsible for this endless tyranny that the technocrats are forcing upon me, to the utter delight of the parasites--so the cumulative effect has been the pig apes I am dealing with, most Reagan-era pollutants of the public consciousness--their induction into mind control programming now operates in conjunction with the climate crisis-- a worsening of the climate crisis and a desensitizing effect for actual real love and substituted it with quick and easy sensationalism which is now a combination of pop culture of sadistic psychopathy and sleazy pop music all devoid of any content other than a few sound bytes of information (stolen from older artists--and in one case, stolen from my writing) most of their output revolves around selling sex and inputting fascist mind control through their gyrating genitals on screen, and/or their gyrating genitals underneath the robes of "august" power in the halls of tyranny formerly known as Congress.


I became in a flurry of sickness, and nausea not just from detox but in seeing her disgusting face and boob job and disgusting fake psychopath Southern Bigot KKK Nazi/Mafia personality forced like so many other blobs and putrid skanks on my internet--at the point of absolute disgust every time they force their putrid videos on my YouTube channel after a decade of torture and violence and being hit by cars and my body huge and poisoned and them torturing me and blocking finances and stealing ideas and abusing me every single night in my healing sleep mode so I can't heal and am dying as they go off being applauded and my shit government keeps patting the shit whores on their greasy dirty backs

so they put a video of a woman being tortured (to death they claim) in videos from Mexico. The video they put looked like a Dark Web authentic torture and assassination video--I was so drugged I watched some of it, just to see--it was one of those "short" little 50-second clips from Tik Tok or the Dark Web. I felt the artificial sexual stimulus of the tech as I was induced through subliminals, poisoning which is always injected into my body while I sleep so most of my life is spent trying to not die from poisoning and trying to get out of a daze and sitting sick from poisoning in front of a laptop because my brain and body are so ill I can only sit and I need to divert the sublininal hate attacks by the pieces of shit who come and gather to abuse and insult me every single morning in one form or another in the teleportation ---sometimes I can "see" them sometimes I "hear" their ugly stupid dirty voices (your A-$$ hole celebrities the mafia goons the plastic surgery porno skank rape cheerleaders and the writers and directors who provide you with an endless slaughterhouse of murder and revenge flicks).


These inhuman, sub-human pieces of excrement are so inhuman and inhumane that I can't believe that this crap has been cheered on for torture and attempted murder non-stop by my shit government for decades. I know that my parents were crushed under this system and eventually, slowly poisoned to death as they obeyed and followed every order implicitly. They were just poisoned to death with abusive Nazi and Mafia spouses in order to avert the terrorism that I am being inflicted with--with hate, violence, death threats coming from so many Senators and presidents and House of Rep scumbags it's appalling and I have to wonder how any attempt at an insurrection was not attempted long ago instead of just in the last few years. Now the filth and shit of this organization is coming out into the open, but not so the shit attacking me in all their executive roles and aspiring to be execs once the dinosaurs die off who have trained, groomed and applauded them (the older Western actors who rode horses before color tv was popularized with analog tvs--these are still alive, are handed festivals, and are grooming the next generation of Nazi 3rd Reich children into the 4th Reich.

One of the greasy sleazy filthy stupid apes has spent half it's rotten life in profiting off attacking me, has been feeding off it since early adolescence and can't stop and has been instructed by it's filthy ape pig cartel with endless support from every government official all of Whorewood and et al--that this is "normal" to torture and rape and steal ideas

so I am disgusted thoroughly with the lack of any kind of protection for me whatsoever from the entire planet as I have gone around the world 4 times trying to find any place where this shit is not attacking me any longer.


As I wrote about global warming in conjunction with El Nino, exacerbating the problem, I can only hope that Nature will wreak revenge and stop all this techno-terrorism that stupid and subhuman scum has forced upon the planet with endless poisoning and pollution and hate and greed and sleazy and life-fuck paradigms that are being taught every day in the name of consolidation of power and luxury (aka the 4th Reich, "globalism", "development" etc).


I just want you greasy sick disgusting pieces of shit to stop hacking your putrid selves, faces, movies and all that you force into my internet so I don't have to see you--and to stop teleporting me, goddamn what will it fucking take for you pig whore apes to ever stop? Maybe global warming will wash you shit all away as tsunamis and earthquakes and floods wipe you out like some curse from Jehovah in the time of Noah's flood? All the years of you selling your sleazy filth in advertising to get people to feel ashamed of their bodies unless they conform to your standard--as you have been poisoning and mutilating me for years and then screaming at me that I am not plastic-surgery modified as you are, that I am under torture, sick from poisoning which you never stop having your filth apes inject into my vagina, my bladder, my food, my ears, my hair, my furniture--every single night while I am asleep, out of this room, or while I am in another part of this sickening filthy studio which you have sprayed with filth every single day multiple times a day to continue to profit off destroying me while sucking and stealing everything from me I have ever attained while screaming that I am some Loser'

And so your advertising about your fashion is just more of the impetus that causes people to feel insecure so they buy and buy and buy the worthless overpriced crap which they throw away into a huge global dumping ground as more convenience is necessary for people to try to emulate your filth and wealth while you are applauded for bringing death and destruction onto the planet.

I hope only that the mess you have absolutely helped to create washes you away with the rest of the destroyed planet instead of you flying off to Mars once your Nazi 4th Reich pig ape Musk creates colonies on that lifeless planet.


Can't you stop putting your filthy ugly faces on my internet and trying to trigger a reaction? Can't you fucking pig whore apes ever stop torturing and teleporting me? Can't, after a decade of me writing as Trump and the Clintons and Obama and et al the list is so long I always "forget" to mention very crucial politicians--all just participate in one form or another--get their tv deals, get more mansions, go off laughing at parties while I remain fighting to heal as they order more violence inflicted upon my body so literally all I do every single day is fight for my life to heal, as they continue to attack me to death with stress, hate and abuse

and yet still no one, not a fucking person can stand up for me? Not one single fucker in Congress not one single whore from Whorewood nothing, no one?


The terrorist hackers inserted part of this post into a paragraph while I was writing--and while I was searching for the blinking cursor, it disappeared as they hacked the place where I had been writing into a different spot--so the paragraphs are now jumbled up and the post is entirely re-arranged--I can't re -read this--this is ranting. I am extremely sick from the lower levels of detox as this huge block of poison just remains in my body so hideously deformed--broken and crooked toes, mutilated fingers

and the shit whores can't stop attacking me, they won't fucking stop attacking me, the shit from the government won't do a fucking thing to goddamn stop them

please, God, create waves of death in global warming and destroy this group of shit--divine retribution

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...