Monday, July 17, 2023

Terrorist Teleportation Report/Master Cleanse Fast Day #4:The 4th Reich 3rd Reich American-Axis Powers strike again-- DOLLY THE PIG PART and De-nerdo-de-venereal disease murder threats in various forms for writing about the whore's bulbous facade of being a "positive" and "cheery" "Humanitarian" "not-racist" skank parasitic scum. The "idol" the 4th Reich KKK worships as their country Lil' Abner icon cannot be touched, it's such a half century of the chirpy pig-ape cranking out it's facade and diddies and endless plastic surgery thanks to participating in the rape and torture of me for absolutely filthy, violent racist reasons--as always, dirty de-nerdo-de-venereal disease comes to violently assault me, as he's done when blonde German rapists were poisoning, beating and pounding poison into my body thru rape as he punched into my face with lethal force but missing it by an inch---for saying no endlessly until finally screaming at the pig ape calling him a pig (in German). De-venereal disease always the "Italian-American" Mafia hitman for the 3rd Reich, which has been the main token of that insidious group's "success" in Whorewood, next to the crooked Hillary's (pls no te, another dyed blonde pig ape fascist Nazi)--and there's always this violent and sick disgusting creep to violently threaten to kill me when I am fighting to get worthless crap blonde Nazis from raping and torturing and exploiting me in the most deadly and vile ways. He's always there when I fight back to threaten and abuse with disgusting comments about the destruction he and his filthy group of whores in Whorewood have inflicted upon my body--including Dolly the pig-ape Part of the 4th Reich. I'm sure every Christmas that Dolly the Pig Part has huge festivities with charities with a ton of black folk coming to prove as her pawns and puppets how charitable and fun and wonderful her bleating singing K-rap is at her now ever-more luxurious Nazi Parties. Undoubtedly Clarence Thomas and his Nazi wife have been invited as they go wholeheartedly next to their Nazi-flag Southern-waving Confederate donors--with Dolly the Pig Part bleating her rotten "country" songs about how cheery and wonderful all the 4th Reich money is pouring into her pig pen "country" plastic-coated boob appearance and lifestyle.

"Pig Calling Contest goes METAL!". Andre Antunes. April 3, 2021.


"Husband Calling Contest". Andre Antunes. November 19, 2022.

Day *4, despite having been thrown to the ground while in teleportation and only "waking" up in the state of laying on the floor at the feet of disgusting ugly de-derdo de-venereal disease--I don't know if they threw me down, what transpired before I was forced into this position, which many a f88er of this Nazi/Mafia group has done to me before for calling them pieces of shit after they raped me, after they attacked me, for saying I am fighting them so America can have sovereignty because the aim of the Europigapes I am certain--in my experience of having lived in Europigapeland for over 8 years--speaking German with the 4th Reich Nazis in Germany, sitting around their Stuuble beer sessions as their inevitable conversations revolve around politics, the United States and power politicis--always the conversation I had in Germany sitting in social settings around the ubiquitous beer drinking daily sessions--NEVER in America in the same arenas of "relaxation"--I did this for over 4 years--5 years (one year I was studying and being poisoned to death)--

But with the half-dead zombie of the Rolling Stones when I said I am fighting so America will have sovereignty (over it's own decisions and not part of a colonialized push to infiltrate America) as he had me on the ground while a car door was about to slam on my head--waking up suddenly in teleportation). The same thing happened with another English piece of filthy shit out of London, another blonde bigot celebrity but not with huge Country-sized boobs, but a skank genital emphasis on her sexuality and since she sicced her Irish dog boyfriend the huge Nazi actor playing the anti-Nazi for Nazi 4th Reich Spielberg in his endlessly sappy unrealistic movies about  how he is sad and fighting against racism (jumped with joy to partake in attacking me with his blonde bigot dirty wife--they did this for years until he won award after award culminating in his last movie about growing up "jewish" with actors who look like fake actor "jews" who have had their noses absolutely shovelled into a flat square instead of the "Jewish" look and cultural appearance, absolutely whitewashing the entire culture by the choice of these filthy dirty actors--one of whom assaulted me, playing a lead role, looks like a Midwestern Nazi bigot and he is the latter--)

So Dolly the Sheeple Pig part--I wrote of that ugly skank and that rotten dirty parasite from Brooklyn did his "Italian" role of violently threatening to kill me for having written my honest assessment of that ugly prostituted skank dirty bleating pig ape--which is now cemented in my opinion as the fascist reprisal on that dirty rotten filthy whore's part has reinforced my opinion and so--

When I "woke up" on the ground behind ugly, dirty foul most repugnant sleazy and sick De-venereal disease, I had some kind of w weapon in my hand, I tried to stab his genitals from behind as I rose up and put an chokehold on him from behind as he gasped--I could see from a peripheral angle the pig ape celebrities sitting in the chairs watching, I felt a surge of surprise--probably dolly the sheep pig part was there as well feeling gratified that a violent sick dirty boxing-trained Mafia murdering bigot like deveneral disease was doing her dirty work for her--as the blondes always have darker haired or skinned minion scumbags performing the violence for them. The role of "Italians" as the Brooklynites call themselves, and all the "Italian-Americans" call themselves especially those who are fastidiously engaged in Mafia/Nazi allegiance, which is their one and true allegiance and supporting blonde pig apes is of their highest distinction in performing their duties--as has been for decades or even centuries. I have heard lectures about The Illuminati and an Italian scumbag named Massini (sp?) who began one of the first official Italian-Ameican chapters of The Illumniati in the United States--featuring texts such as The Protocols of the Elders of Zion for reading and other such esoteric texts relating to white superiority based on a waffle-pseudo science i.e. genetics and etc.


And yet, I can't ever consider this crap to be "superior"--if anything, when Kathleen Battle came at me like a rabid bat out of some Europigape fascist Nazi hell to attack me, as another minion for the 4th Reich, only because she has had so much prestige handed her by the Nazi continent in Europigapeland and now she's an official Nazi in name only not officially declared as such openly---now with "permission" to become an oppressor instead of being what she formerly was, a school teacher in some lower economic district outside of the white privilege before she rose to become a global operatic star--(deservedly so but I have deleted all her files in my laptop and will never listen to her singing again, ever). But at least she has the talent to have some sense of slight "respect" although it's extremely paltry in my very empty mental folder of American talent at this point---the act of being traitorous to America by way of participating in a fascist Nazi regime overtake of America is something thta should be condemned by these sell-out whores of American media and political stance, but instead they embrace the "power" that is surging through them in this global force of endless money, plastic surgery and power in politics handed to these incompetent persons who have lost their actual personalities and instead have merged into the fascist Nazi/Mafia iconography and mentality so in effect, they are nothing but put on pedestals as being "everything" glorious. I only see pieces of shit acting like parasitic filth but that is the main baseline mode of behavioral manifestation that the 4th Reich glorifies and pays huge sums to have incorporated into every single barnyard pig ape cartel of America--Dolly the Pig Part is one of those trickles of money and "power" and plastic surgery--as all the pigs have done except perhaps for DeVenereal disease who is "allowed" to look craggy because older men don't have to appear like they are nubiles they are the pedophiles and they can look like dirty ugly old men and still get "laid" by gold digger wanna be's.


Of course, no one has still stopped the group of shit, but I am writing just to try to point out that your icon blonde-boob-job creep is not all that--

not okay, not cheery, not positive.

My experience of having lived in "The South"--Gainesville Florida where I was nearly poisoned to death and deprived of basic health care while still on Medicaid--they discriminated against me by collecting the money from Medicaid as I signed their forms so they would get paid, they then misdiagnosed me repeatedly and I had nowhere else to go for health care as I was  attacked at these health clinics and all lies were told constantly while I was being murdered via poisoning and also a lot of attacks (so often by poor whites, Jews and blacks).

Then there was Pensacola, Florida--on the border of Alabama--almost killed, a murder attempt--in a horrific car crash where a car stopped in the middle of the road directly in front of me while a Latino maintenance worker BLEW dirt with a leaf-blower into my windshield--the po po came, they denied me an ambulance, I was drugged and in shock--I was viciously attacked in a way that was disgusting by the blonde Nazis and their endless circles of dark-skinned (and with the celebrities at the higher-income levels, the minorities who are part of the team are the "dark-haired' "Italians" who are from Brooklyn and Chicago and etc

the chirpy, cheery welcome with huge smiles, hokey jokes, warmth oozing out of the spider web as the cheery chirpy "southern charm" embraces the potential victim--that was the typical ploy I encountered from some of the most vicious and violent of the bunch. 

I recall having watched a short documentary about a lynching that occurred when a black male had an affair with a white woman---the white father discovered the liaison (so the story goes, but I think it's otherwise and I think the father knew much earlier than the lynching was ordered)--the black man ran away, the white lover-so-called urged him to come back, with entreats that she missed him and her father was not angry any longer and to come on back  home to her--she sent a letter to him, and this was around the early 20th Century so sending a lynch mob to some other location far away was not feasible. The black man came back, and immediately the lynch mob arrested him, threw him in jail, he sobbed and cried the night before a lynch mob hung him in public for having sex with a white girl ("rape") or for whatever reason. This is the "Southern Charm" that Dolly the Sheeple Pig Part in the 4th Reich plays, with her cheery happy "I'm so positive" schtick about how great that rotten, dirty and ugly sagging boob job image of consumer super-size pig ape shit is--fascist, violent, KKK and Nazi now in an international scheme to deconstruct America with this group of shit at the helm of promoting political candidates and having global influence in the media---

Think about it, oh sheeple of America who claim you care so much about saving "Democracy" while you continue to allow this group of pig ape shit to vilently threaten to kill me constantly, poison me with intention to murder me, abuse me while I'm suffocating from their poisoning so my immune system and body can't hold up under stress, my food poisoned my home a torture zone and millions of shit pig apes attacking me every moment everywhere I go--for years and years and years and years as they get promoted and plastic surgery and awards--until their friend #45 tried to topple the government and install a fascist Nazi/Mafia cartel --and you are STILL doing NOTHING to stop this group. You may be trying to stop #45 but that is all.

Do not believe in their cheery chirpy pig-pen singing, gyrating, public performances--do not trust the benevolent posturing of the Ape-hole list of A$$-grabbing scum in Whorewood and also their pig ape friends in Whorewood-Congress. Lots of them, in particular for the past 2 years the very top level of the Select Committee leadership who have been most prominently featured in all these crappy news anchor interviews and podcasts--always blathering using platitudes-you can hear them when they make the most eloquent and bombastic grandiose statements that ring like a country fair pig-naming contest for how to call a bloated pig a celebrity prize-winner

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Non-stop pounding and hammering on rooms below, and near on multiple floors. The expletive who moved down the hall a few days ago is slamming his door with violence multiple times per day. //My arms look like spotted decayed fabric from years of poisoning creating liver spots covering my arms from toxic liver shock plus chemicals poured on my hands and skin nightly--every night and day they are poisoning me. The person who was "looking" at my room to buy it, who poured stinking fungus in my kitchen sink area killed a moth on the wall sprayed filth and debris and dirty on clothing and all over the floor has bought, supposedly, this room (it's the purchase of the celebrities, this entire hillside has been bought out by them). The renewal of the contract is due in DEcember, the landlord is telling me that he will come in February to renew the lease, and that is exactly when it ends. He will not answer any questions about new owner and price increase but says everything will be renewed by him--but he's selling supposedly so any contract is mute and not legal (fi I could go to court).//The hate group you all love have blocked every single earning capbility I remain in subpoverty with prices in this area having gone up at least 100% in the past 3 years. I am stuck with extremely ghetto options and just endlessly fighting. Going downstairs to pick up items for delivery assaulted by people blocking entrance to elevators and closing the doors by pressing the "close" button as I am entering while they exit---blocking my entrance and then trying to "help" me by getting in my way and blocking iuntil the elevator closes and is instantly going some other floor--people surrounding me with malevolence who are agents sent to attack me. Rooms on all sides with pounding drilling all day, literally for over 6 hours so far without a moment of pause. Not even for a lunch break the pounding is literally every single minute non-stop drilling and pounding rapid repetition every minute punding. Every day, it goes on and on.