Friday, March 8, 2024

Post State of the Union Onion unwrapping (Deconstruction): There is no opposition to the systematic, entrenched and consolidated one-monopolized fascist, Nazi-criminal enterprise aka Mafia 4th Reich overtake of the country/planet in either Whorewood or Congress-Whorewood: I would write more about the hypocrisy but for a few obstructions and threats to my life by your illicit representatives of socio-political culture-so-called. They were put into power but given no alternatrives. It all appears like a sanctioned legallity but in essence they are all working for the central organizational terror and genocide apparatus. They call everyone who is a part of this organization their "friend", which is a code for "brother/sister" in the organization. Some declare this openly, some only hint at it by defending their fellow death squad partners by calling them all "my friend". Either way, writing about the next batch of nastiness appars to only provide them with their long-awaited promotions and no defense for me by anybody in "power" as they are all "friends". My post on my other blog where I wrote that both Biden and Trump are a part of a "brotherhood" in which the "sisters" are allowed their "feminist" promotion is through raping and brutalizing, sticking stinking objects into my internal cavities and torturing me without end eveyr day using this "silent weapon" system as you all applaud them like they are heroes.

"Daniel Deluxe--Star Eater". E m p t y R o o m. April 22, 2017.

**The hacking, as usual, is so awful that I have had to spend over 30 minutes to open this new browser, fighting freezing, disruption of the keyboard, and then fighting to get the system to copy and download. Every video I clicked on swas instantly shut off to another screen. I had to getinto "history" in order to obtain the above video after having watched it. The frezing and blocks is non-stop literally every word is frozen and every function does not work. That means this post will be rewritten, half sentences pasted together. The censorhip of me is part of the gneral silencing of any dissent to the fascist Nazi/Mafia "New World Order" which is just fascist oppression with a much worse system of oppression than any of the past configurations of this same system that has enabled the tyranny to continue to rape, plunder and murder en masse and claim they are God's Choosen and are humanitarian as they slaughter and condone rape and violence. I am now being assaulted by more Jewish Nazis and more minorities--it's been non-stop. The actual real clprits sit back bemused watching their enslaved, and for now, highly over-paid and pampered (but slated for eventual genocide) trauma victims turn against me. 

Any reference to "them" any longer only serves to put another one into the U.S. President's position who will foment the destruction of the country, long-anticipated by the Europ-a-factions of the 4th Reich who have been awaiting their "Christ" savior to resurrect the Old World but using modern technology of mind programming in order to do so.

I will state that during the State of the Union address, yesterday, the portion I was able to barely watch after an entire day of scour8ing the internet for the full address-as none appeared. My internet was literally shut off for the speech after the first 5 minutes (I was watching through a podcast channel on the Tube). The computer froze and the internet would not work. 

Later that night, hours and hours later, I obtained a copy from a news outlet (which has been hacking and attacking in teleportation, the so-called "liberal" "Democrat" news outlet):

I saw, not in surprise but the usual shock chagrin dismay that Greene not a representative of anything but the 4th Reich in the House of Whorrors--

yelled and interrupted Biden and he INSTANTLY responded using a wrong name, repeating her intentional "mistake" of using a wrong name for a victim of a shooting. Knowing what I know, but you all think and believe you understand, MTG certainly was a nasty sexual predator against me in teleportation **at the same time spewing violent rhetoric against homosexuality and law into cameras**but her grabbing was only a grab for power, using sexuality as a means of violent attack. Yet she was involved in this hate system of brain-altering tech long enough to understand the entrapment/entrainment of how the brain will instantly respond to stimuli during a stressful moment. This corresponds to my years of writing about how I instantly vocalize sentences, words and statements that not only are not my thoughts or anything I intended to say, which comes out instantly under drugging that is non-stop as well as stress from violent life-threataening poisoning and torture that literally goes on and on every day for about 8 hours or longer per day, for over 13 years now without end, not a single day.

Biden spoke instantly, repeating the mistake that MTG had intentionally (I believe) shouted out, to "prove" the mental "incompetence" of Biden because he used the wrong name. He was at the lectern, he was the one in the spotlight, I could not make out what she was saying (but obtained her shouting insulting interruption only hours later at evening) and I realized that "probably" Biden is himself very drugged in mind control drugs, MTG knew this as many do--and used that as a leverage to degrade him in that moment of his well-rehearsed speech that she tried to sully with him not able to "remember" the name of this victim of a shooting while he was focusing on his speech.

He repeated instantly to the point that I realized he was not in control over his reactions. Adding to this is the endless (threat of death) demand from this 4th Reich group that all have uniformity with their "friends" on all sides of the duplicity of their monopoly on "power". 

Instantly he responded without censuring her. Instantly he repeated the wrong name and tried to gather his wits and continue. He had walked into the room with MTG flaunting the red MAGA hat and attire as he looked away while she pushed and grabbed, the motif of theft and robbery and murder that the entire spectrum of the organization pushes, waiting for the ripe moment to put a woman into this position in order to appear more sort of "soft" but also a "feminist" sort of "tough". 


More I cannot write. First  of all, I cannot stop responding to the voice-to-skull vocal torture and hate from all the endless line-up of bots of the Congress and of Whorewood who operate together. The falsity of the "liberal" faction is most appalling if only because they are polluting the atmosphere with lies and distortions about their seemingly benevolent intentions of helping "The American People".

I must break for a moment of despair that Citizens United was ever passed and never fought tooth-and-nail by any of these seeming "liberal" representatives in the House of Whorrors of Congress--the Senate of Horses of the likes of Caligula with their orgiastic revelry and lynch mob death mentality, openly stated by the Repugs and concealed or silent by the other "side" who claim that the vicious Nazi-spewing who assault me are their "friends".


As there is no alternative position "allowed" the American People must resort to the podcasts of the white males and the rest--who are "liberal" but look, dress, speak and act just more soft-spoken the velvet glove of the iron fist of the fascists they actually are "friends" with.

They hack their podcasts onto my YouTube page. I listen to them hoping for hope. 

Yesterday I saw the collusion and the acting.

I was assaulted by one of the most outspoken of the "liberals" just as I have been non-stop for years by the Whorewood-Congress monopoly as the fascism and anti-American factions are growing. The public is being swayed and brainwashed, manipulated and any real dissent is being killed off by the poisoning, death squad operatives and operations which encompasses all regions of the planet. This group is growing exponentially as more become disenfranchised, also a deliberate ploy to induct desperate and do-anything-for-power to be a part of this leveraged divide-and-conquer white supremacist system. 

The upper wealth and oceans of the dying and impoverished, silenced now with tech and facing rape, torture and murder if they so much as criticize a sleazy dumb movie--because the performers are "friends" with the stinking filth of Congress-Whorewood who are all anticipating the mansions, castles and yachts promised to them by the "Haute Couiture" Nazis of Southern France and Italy. If there were transparency for the criminals of Congress, it would not just be the sole  Black man condemned but never taken down for his collusion with outright Nazis in the South, representing the KKK and lynch mobs. 

That is all I saw from the Speech of the "friendly society" of the usurpers and destroyers of the country who all claim friendshihp with one another. I am their "enemy" for nothing I have ever done. My criticism began once I realized that they have been funding death squads and Nazi and fascist conditions and death squads targeting me and others who also COMPLIED with this system.

Notably, they are paying the other persecuted to assault me more viciously  in front of their smug and glib eyes in order to prove what kind of actual "friends" they are. There are names for this type, and they can come from any skin type or representative group: some call them "rats", an older term which is what the Nazis used to slaughter the Jews who actually conformed to this system, turning upon others of the group so the Nazis (not yet defined as such) for centuries viciously betraying their fellow "Jews" who dare so speak out--(it is contained in the "Jesus" stories and has been used to "blame Jews for the killing of Jesus" also by Nazis).

Other terms are Aunt Jemimas and Uncle Toms. Oh, how the ilk are viciously violent if you actually reveal those old terms which are absolutely correct and still apply.

to write their stinking, filthy and dirty names any longer and then see them INSTANTLY promoted because there is no actual and real opposition is the travesty that you will all soon have to grapple with if all the rewards you have been offered for your slavery help--the help--are then taken away, your property, your rights and even your lives will be forfeit so the bigot group you are all defending can have more "lebensraum" and one example of this is less pollution, less "global warming" and more land and space for them. Your elimination.

But you comply and go along. The catch-phrases all contain the same bot repetition: "this is my 'friend'". It is almost code it is the password for entrance to the orgy of mass genocidal wealth accumulation. 


Assaulted now day-after-day by a "jewish" man in Congress. He came during the J-6 tv series entertainment production to pronounce his true affiliation with the pro-fascist anti-semitic entity aka the 4th Reich. It was done, as usual, by first using victimization to garner my sympathy because family members have been killed so I could commisserate. Once he obtained a kind of "complicity" in that means, while he was crying next to the "I'm German" American from Illinois, they both began to smirk, laugh and insult me and praise the Nazi-controlled  bigot 4th Reich "entertainers" of Whorewood, ever-encroaching upon politics and in the UN as well, invited after torture, brutality and mutilation, attempted murder via car accidents and poisoning and non-stop rape and abuse and welcomed with open arms into the White House. This same group welcomes the fascists who are open about their Neo-Nazi partnerships in their "support" system operations for funding for their political campaigns. All working together to torture me endlessly into destruction in every sense, while stealing all they can from endless brain-entrainment forced information extraction under non-stop drugging and traumatizing torture--non-stop they never stop for a single moment as one greedy sleazy filthy stinking greasebag after the next comes to abuse and insult and terrorize me with every possible cliche racist meme and lie an distortion possible.

Here comes again the Jewish Nazis. One came to assault me but asking for a tarot reading after abusing me. I had been under non-stop assault by the team of Whorewood viciously for months, and this was a "Jewish" leader and I agreed and tried to help him. For the 2nd time he then sexually harassed me, following the protocols of abuse, insults, sexual insult and intimidation and mutilation and torture for profit, gain and promotion and financial everything and ab solute immunity and monopoly, which they have all been handed for decades. For the nth time I told him no to the sexual exploit he was trying to force upon me. I went into how so many Jews are following the Nazi protocols and I mentioned how American Jews are fully in line with Nazi organizations. My experience from having been handed-over as a sacrificial target for the "security" of the Jewish Nazi prong of the 4th Reich. Instantly the Jewish Nazi brought the American Nazi out of Congress to once more assault me. it's now days and days of his violent threats, glaring looks of hate you NEVER see for his stinking filthy clown appearances blathering constantly about Democracy and the Constitution, a thing he knows from rote by having taught it at a Nazified "liberal" establishment (probably at Harvard, where the other Jewish Nazi expletive from Podcast Conservative Media and a host of minority women came to brutalize me-the darker the skin, the more open violence).

Now it's three days of me screaming about what an Uncle Tom Rat he is, how people like him are taking the place of actual opposition to fascist Nazism. The glaring looks of threat and violence coming from him, like disgusting Farrakhan the most insidious of the racist black Nazis, and his ilk and the violence that the minority minions openly portray for the promotion and endless deals and front-line position of being the "victims" "fighting for freedom from racism" and "oppression". The most openly violent towards me and like that character from that movie, the black man working harder than the "master" to push down the "field slaves" I am subject to looks of intimidation and violence, threats, and every time I get undressed this greasy stinking filthbucket scumbag from Congress makes body-shaming remarks about how bloated and crooked and whatever my body is. now calling me "stinking" and referring to my genitals--as I am constantly, day after day, shitting out stinking poison that HE allowed the group of shit from Whorewood to pump into my food, into my bladder via my vagina along with stinking sewage water. 

All of the stinking filth that THEY actually are they have poured into my home, my body, my food and they are refreshed in this exercise of parasitic sucking of my ideas and my energy and dumping their misery, hate and racist filth onto me. All I have is broken, stinking, dirty, all I have made is shredded in this room to beautify all the attempts to shield against every single plank, crack, tile and portal from being an opening for mechanical arms--unsuccessfully by the wsay as they have plastered fake walls and corners that literally crumble to pieces if I so much as pound a small, thin nail into the area to try to secure it to the other side with hooks and string/rope.

The sick sleazy dirty filthy plastic surgery-coated scumbags are constantly mocking and laughing and body-shaming the filth they have poured into my body for over a decade, and the rest of America and Europe and now in Nazi-controlled Asia all have pumped stinking filth into my body which solidifies and bloats. Years, now it's 13 years of fighting to get it out while the stinking and filthy creeps surrounding me are constantly, non-stop re-poisoining me in any mode possible.


THIS stinking and dirty creep who really looks like a clown now, but a worn-out and dirty rotten spat-out clown with a bit of polish because of his position, unearned his proclivity for expressive vocabulary to denote the falsity of his position, undoubtedly learned at an Ivy-League, like the other Jewish Nazi--like many of the "Jewish Intellectuals" I grew up around (my parents are strictly Ivy League and so are their friends, mostly until they had to intermingle and inter-marry with the Nazi filth who controls them, controlled them to death, with poisoning as the main avenue of control and destruction).

This poisoned and toxic filth scumbag who sits in Congress and has been mocking, laughing and insulting but now violently threatening me for speaking in the teleportation situation, a place I have been fighting to not get "entrained" into responding, where they use truth serum techniques to get me to blurt out without being able to stop responding--al lthe truths of how sick and repulsive and wrong they are. They of course believe that I am the "problem" and I am wrong.

However, if they really believed this, they would not be spewing the opposite in front of cameras and for publicity stunts while secretly teleporting me and without any censor behaving in literally the polar opposite of their stated public convictions and "fights" in front of celebrity cameras (that is now becoming a rule in Congress, to behave like a celebrity and vice-versa celebrities are more-and-more dipping into politics and vying for presidential positions).


I'm fighting to struggle to open another browser to paste an article about a politician accused of performing like she's in a movie for a political statement. Everything is so slowed down and hacked and blocked--this is part of the censorship that I must spend literally HOURS to write a few paragraphs and get anything to upload, constantly backspacing, rewriting and then what I write is blocked from the main internet so only the terrorists can read it--=the Nazi/Mafia who gloat over this "system" and then promote anyone I write of who is detestable and sick and disgusting towards me, an instant top promotion for them all just for being scum and dumb. How incredible is that for instant and easy everything to build up a fascist Nazi/criminal enterprise Mafia system encompassing every facetg of life and politics combined? The censorship of my writing, which is not a "terrorist" type of blog statement whatsoever but a critical review of an extremely dangersou form of technology that I have suggersted in this blog has been used even on the U.S. President (Biden) but ALSO Trump. Many have claimed that Trump has had a severe personality shift ever since he obtained access to this mind control system afflicting me. The perpetrators themselves are brainwashed, microchip-implanted (perhaps through nano-technology or medical procedures) and are absolutely controlled to unwind, have perhaps strokes or behavioral anomalies compared to their former "selves" as many have noted Trump to have shifted since his ascent to power, which is based on the access to this system and me as the center of endless non-stop abuse and hate from every facet, individual and group and faction wanting a "piece of the pie".

The greed is non-stop so is the selfishness and the yearning for murder is one of the cornerstones of this organization.

* I am now spending over one hour trying to copy and paste videos which are frozen. I must retype everything. Every click brings on a deletion of the page or tab or browser. I have to get up and do other things waiting for the slowness of the speed and blocks to all access. This post just for a few brief very hacked and my brain also distorted (I always "remember" what I had originally intended to write, but with all the blocks and my brain always blanked out for memory with the keyboard inoperable, I can't get through most and I begin to "rant" because my brain is also put into a mode of frustration. Once the lowering of my mental barriers is reached, I am then submerged into the subliminal stream of curse words and rants--all part of the discrediting process. I suggest this is likewise happening to political leaders like Biden and Trump, albeit on a different scale and not as frequently but still, I see similarities and know that the manipulators all have access to this tech, have accessed the programming by inflicting their hate and this misuse upon me, as the sole experimentee apparently that they can mess around with constantly as one scumbag filthy operator after the next comes to pile hate and abuse upon me, killing animals I love, destroying my body and home and then being promoted.

The Entire gamut of leadership on all levels is now incorporated completely into this system, as it grows every dya. The stinking filth of this Jewish scumbucket performing clown in Congress has reached the point of me trying to kill him physically to shut his ugly face up and get this stinking filth crap scumbag off of getting more promotions out of attacking me, so Nazi inc. will continue to allow him to represent a false opposition. 

It's the same everywhere.

I can't express how many "Jews" have gladly run to assault me in this system and many violently.

Very few have been able to "resist" this instant promotion.

It is the continuation of the Jews who handed other Jews to the slaughter in WWII. It continues to this day.


I never called myself "Jewish" except under mind control while I was in Germany. I was, by that time, under the extreme pressure of over 28 years of having been poisoned and drugged. I am still under the influence and can't stop the mechanical arms from mutilating and poisoning my body and food so I am always under stress and torture and not able to respond with calm stoicism to endless hate and abuse and violence every day for hours and hours and hours, especially fresh from waking after having been inserted with poison and drugs into my body while in a deep sleep, being teleported to more filthy stinking crap scumbags doing sick and stupid dirty things and being told they are "elite" and so highly skilled, intelligent and the most incredible besty (sic). 

It's the same thing for the Ivy League scumbags of Congress and in the media (almost none or few of the expletives attacking me out of Whorewood have anything beyond high school, maybe college not sure. Not that it matters but they also have not worked on impoving their intellectual expansion or awareness except to torture me in order to extract ideas I have spent years studying and then poisoned to mutilation and paralysis so I can't get a single thing done.)

All of this absolutely, 100% supported by the Jewish community who assault me viciously and are absolutely trying their damn best to be as blonde, Nazi and worshipful of Nazism as possible. Groveling, deferential as hell to Nazis and mafia scum they are put into highest position. 

Thusly, there is no opposition as this applies also to the Blacks, some are openly "conservative" but the "liberals' are like the Jewish Nazis and they are all "friends".


They are so detestable and I just not want to be around them or their impoverished bot structure under them. They have a worldwide financial grip on every single thing so I am stuck here with almost nothing always on the edge of every catastrophe while they keep being paid to steal my ideas which I can never capitalize on.

Always this is fully welcomed by the Jewish stinking filth, like the two creeps who have abused and molested and helped the Nazis and one of them had the f-ing "gall" to ask me to fight for the problems that he helped create by serving with huge smiles all the Nazis who support the overtake of the Holy Land by white Nazi supremacists--as long as he and his group get to enjoy the privilege of also living (there) but as long as they continue to blond and white as much as possible. 

I told them that the founder, supposed, or Zionism or the French Jew who was so oustracized with the endless racism of the Nazi French, his last name was Theodore Herzl, a "swarthy" dark-haired Jew out of Vienna---the exact same background as my father's side--with very similar coloring to myself

and what has taken over, with absolute hate towards me and groveling Stockholm Syndrome "luv" for white supremacy, are these fascist Jewish Nazis who have turned Israel into a "white and blonde-as-possible" adjunct to the Nazi ideal. It happens in Whorewood all the time with the "famous" Jewish scumbags who asasult me and then schmooze with the bigot filth who are violently having me raped, tortured and killed in a most racist act of Nazism next to what happened to Weinstein, with blonde bigot scumbags replacing the rape culture and the Nazi women claiming to be "fighting for women's rights against rape culture" cheering on the rape of me, with Jews from Whorewood and Congress-Whorewood absolutely applauding it all, ignoring it, joining in, and then being "aawarded" for their achievements. Always "fighting for Israel" and making their "stand" against anti-Semitism in the process of being "honored" for their mansion arm-chair "activism" while stuffing their orifices with Nazis in every way possible.

It is impossible, literally to access youtube, everything is so frozen and blocked. I can't access the articles, nor open the one browser which is not blocked to uploading a video so I will end here. 

From non-stop daily torture, poisoning, abuse and lack of money to eat healthy, unable to get any kind of positive energy around me, all things that bring any kind of joy are killed by one greasebag piece of rotten shit after the next. Some greasy dirty ugly blonde creep came to assault me violently because I clicked on a movie she starred in. I had been violently assaulted by the shit Cruise-Kidman duo for having watched a Kubrick film just the day before. I have been beaten, raped and poisoned mutilated and tortured (all combined) every single day for over 13 years by one piece of stinking filth after the next. I reacted under this kind of pressure to say that her performance was great and then I realized she was going to teleport me as a slew of her filthy dirty whore face and body appeared on my every search for information on the endless rigged debacle on the Trump affront to the country and the legal bs that the Biden Admin hjas allowed to fester with pretenses of putting up boundaries to the encroachment of all this injustice. All turned out to be a farce. But I reacted, this ugly dirty greasebag skank had the last animal that I harboed on my patio instantly killed as I began to scream to get off me, wrote about hos insignificant and repetitive and sleazy and mediocre she really is. All the one performance that I said was great was due to high glossy editing and endless repetition and studio syncronization. Otherwise a sleazy and filthy shit mediocrity of Nazism who sounds and looks and acts like the entire repetition of blonde Nazi shit in the pop and entertainment porno political Whorewood Congressional "friends" solidarity monopoly.


So, my body is getting old now, wrinkles, grey hair, breaking down and they can't stop. They torture me to extract ideas and information. From the years of having to bear witness to the stinking filth that they are, the stupidity outside of their lectures, scripted performances, their Ivy-League educations but no ethics or morals although they spout these endlessly about their high importance and moral high ground--absolutely null and void when it comes to Nazis promoting their businesses, in particular if they have movie production companies as many of the Jews do have---

and of course, aspirations for being in the Senate and for more and more interviews where the blathering lectures about "Democracy" with the most fake "warmth" of a most hateful and bigoted scumbag in private--this is what the Nazis have cranked o ut. They do it repetitively. The jewish Nazis in Miami were so disgusting in their public displays of "liberalism" and of "victimization" but when it came to attacking me, they gmiles huge ugly grins of sickness and rushed and ran to attack me proving what great Nazis they really are.

I can type but I can't access any videos. This entire very brief post (in terms of actually being able to express myself) has taken more than 2 hours due to hacked, DOS attacks

every day I spend HOURS fighting to type out the stress that these pig pieces of shit force into me every day every morning eveyr night every moment some sick scum shit whore can get a free promotion for assaulting and attacking me. It only proves to me how worthless this system of "friends' really is. So I can't do what they want as they increase the violence it never ends.

I have been fighting murder and assassination for over 13 years on a daily basis. I still am reaching out for someone to stop this, but the entire system has blocked my outreach to any group who may do anything, which is almost nothing because all my life I have been a target an no one really offered me anything but a few moments, literaly just about 5 minutes of some support and then they receded and went back to their safety. *btw, the hackers have put a malware system whereby they insert typos into my writing, I try to click on the letter to backspace and delete it--the entire word is highlighted, I click on the one letter again and the entire paragraph is highlighted (so if I backspace all is deleted) I then click about 8 times in a row until finally I can click on the one single letter that has been added to the entire wrong typo mistake--thus taking up 5 minutes of frantic clicking to get one letter to be deleted The typos appear after I type correctly because I am constantly watching every word I write and all is typed correctly. I must fight to pound down so hard on the keyboard as well that it's too strenuous to fight to pound out commas so that, I admit, is am istake I often experience because of the stressful difficulty in typing/pounding out words.

The censorship, the silencing and the torture continues unabated.

Certainly none of the so-called "Jews" of Congress will do a goddamn thing to stop this anti-Semitic violent murder assault upon me they all are fully compliant and most are happily in partnership. They continue to get full backing for the next election cycle. I wonder how the primaries and delegates really  operate. Why do people never chose any other option but the corrupt?

But, alas, the people who used to resist this system have literally been covertly assassinated, killed off, brainwashed and traumatized into silence and complicity. 


Sunday, March 3, 2024

Again, after one day of being attacked by a predator parasite from Whorewood because I clicked on a movie they starred in, (after this has been ongoing for years and I truly am too drugged up to do otherwise, I keep making this same mistake but also because it doesn't always happen.//But like with politicians and people who attack me because I click on an article, read current news, watch a news program on YouTube, watch a movie or video,I am tleeported to the star and persecuted, tortured, mutilated, raped, beaten and they are INSTANTLY given media attention. Today the lastest parasite has been featured endlessly in every media news source and even in the crap mewspapers online that are free which endlessly combine news with celebrity as there is almost no distinction any longer between the two entities. so many celebrities are put into political leadership and so many politicians yearn for publicity in entertainment--what a pairing and what a collaboration of corruption. And so no matter which news source I click on, the filth skank who just killed one of the animals I kept on my patio because it needed shelter and was tiny so I didn't care, and she had it killed because I began to fight furiously after years of shit people like her to get off me, as I have been fighting more and more every other day they come constantly in never-ending line-ups of shit and filth. Promoted INSTANTLY in almost every media magazine possible for her promotion, beginning with IMDB which has ALWAYS posted the creeps who assault me endlessly they are instantly promoted to global attention.

 It's not that I am so stupid as to keep making the same mistake


 I literally can't read I can't do more than sit in excruciating pain from the mutilations and broken vertebrae and bones and poison hardened into my fractured skeleton that they forced upon me, constantly drugginig and poisoning me without end.

The drugging is so intense that I literally click on the shit they crank out and write that they are great. They are instantly alerted by the central committee of Whorewood, the mafia like pesce and deniro who get a percent of the profit for every filth shit whore they get to join in on the torture-for-profit out of slowly killing me. All are hugged by all the presidents that have been elected for at least the past 20 years and longer and are invited to the White House and to the Oscars and all the festivals like Sundance (especially a partner of this criminal enterprise).


The disgusting Baryishnikov is putting all kinds of sick psycho domestic violence "come back baby" type of videos with Russian lettering underneath the English on all my social media. I see that his rotten dirty partner from Sex and the City has obtained huge deals and has also viciously participated and attacked me in the most stupid and sick ways along with this filth crap from Latvia, this Nazi KGB scumbag Baryishnikov, who is not an aristocrat but an upstart and proves it all the time with his filthy dirty low behavior trying to emulate violent aristocracy. But extremely wealthy and globally famous, especially for his indoctrination and programming into Nazism elitism.

The deals they have obtained are unbelievable just like shit pig pitt and prostitutalina for over a decade of endlessly latching on while I have physically fought them to get them off. They continue and continue and continue. The prizes are so endless for all the hate and violence these filthy low-life creeps can obtain from endlessly tryuing to pull me down.

I must literally physically fight them in teleportation and they are trying to force this reaction out of me. 

They rush at me with knives, punching into my head, raping and beating and abusing with the most sick and sinister insults about how my body looks from over a decade of them mutilating and poisoning and torutring me literally 24/7 for years without a single day of a break from over 8 hours, every day, of torture with my food poisoned and my home stinking and toxic as they keep spraying stinking filth into and on everything including my body and what I am sleeping in.j


Endless awards and promotions for them because of this contract.


When I hear goddamn rotten Biden talking about what a "Zionist" he is, I know that he means British Israelism, or Christian Identity, which means killing the Jews and maybe having the "good" obedient antisemitic Nazi Jews put into a few higher positions but the State of Israel going to the fascist Nazis as their "spiritual center" the piece of total control over many religions in Jerusalem, which they intend to control and usurp all possible but the antisemitism of Biden is no less than that of Trump in many ways. The difference between the two is of significance but not much. I have not stopped fighting murder under the tyranny of Biden as I had done under Trump, but it was much, much worse under Trump and his racism is undeniable. Biden has had 50 years of programming in Congress-Whorewood to learn to imitate a concerned leader with his fake pious warm voice--he is extremely convincting however I know he is an excellent actor and much better than most of the A-listers who have teleported me, as far as pretending to be a concerned citizen and working to stop racism (only for Blacks, who service him for example and are subservient and obey and then appear dumb and incompetent, which is what Kamala Harris, who obtained her position because Oprah needed another conduit into political entitlement into more lead roles in Whorewood producing now and etc--of course, relying on a copy-of-a-copy for her "newest" performance but the real attraction for The Color Purple was that she lost weight).


**hackers as usual deleted parts of sentences and strung them together into extremely long, lacking in grammar (commas and separations and periods) so it's almost all a contintuous run-on sentence lingering for over a paragraph.

The hacking to the keyboard has been so awful that just getting any words out was so hard that putting capital letters at the beginning of sentences was too difficult. Just writing this one sentence--this one--is now so difficult

so while i was constantly struggling to type, as all functions were blocked and every click of the mouse made something turn off or pages pop up while I was writing--constantly

the subliminials and "brain" alteration made me get into ranting mode as well.

Friday, March 1, 2024

Horrible PNC and "mind control" while being screwed around with in online chat service (fail mosttly).

 This post is for "informative" purposes although most of the readers are enemies who are enthralled with this system and can't wait to make it completely systematic discrimination and disruption and destruction of lives and livlihoods. Mine in particular at this time.

The chat session had to begin because 6 days ago I spent over one hour fighting with the computer freezing constantly, the WiFi connection timing out in the middle of trying to deal with the seemingly confused agent as the system kept freezing and blanking out (done on their side, this bank works completely with the terrorist hackers in my vicinity to disrupt, the template is completely hacked and it's a multi-pronged system of attack).

The agent had completely written my address so incorrectly that the city and country and zip code had been omitted. It took over 5 days for me to check this and I had written the form for international address change twice. 

I requested a copy of the chat sent to my email address, and the agent only included one blank tab to click on--I had no chance to do anything but click on it and I got a "this session has ended" and he had put a blanked-out bubble which was, I guessed, supposed to lead me to having the chat sent to my email address which I was supposed to type in.

For this chat session, I got a "service denied" screen that kept popping up while I was typing so I had to stop and backspace at least 8 times. The agent repeated a question twice and told me that the correct information I had included for verification was false and I had to correct him. 

the absolutely awful part of it all is, that the service is so corrupt and awful that even getting something done even with all the hacks, which I could not "figure out' because this bank is my lifeline and my financial life and the endless lies, screw-ups and mis/dis information that I am presented with, plus my brain being blanked out while I am fighting their hacking disruptions, the lies, the "mistakes" that are now constant

and to get someone who only freezes the page twice, puts in "error" messages while I am typing in my address for the 2nd time, and the "error" message appears constantly and stops and blocks my typing

and then he puts a blank bubble when I ask to add my email address for the chat to be sent, and I click on it and the entire message is put into the "out" phase of the chat and I cannot retrieve the chat session or have it sent

and I wrote excellent marks about this person who should have received about a 5 or less for his service, but compared to the last group who had completely hacked, froze, disrupted, changed agents after 30 minutes of my system being turned off constantly, as after all that, they had the completely wrong address, although I had written and submitted it on their international address form twice

so I wrote that this was an excellent agent, gave him a 10

but afterwards, realizing the stress involved and the utter threat and t he "programming" to "accept" crap service after getting absolute discrimination to the point that I could get nothing done, literally nothing.

This bank from the first completely screwed me over and it's been ongoing ever since. 

I can't phone them without the terrorists in my vicinity--next door for example--forcing the microchip implant in my throat to constrict, and this happens literally on every single phone call I make my throat becomes remotely constricted I begin to not have air and all fluid is dried up I have to have toothpaste handy to try to sooth my throat. I cough constantly and then the other hacks and attacks transpire while my brain is utterly blanked out.

The discrimination is so bad that even bad service is better than absolute nearly open discriminatory action

every time I try to get a copy of the transcripts they hack and freeze the pages and block the WiFi signal so I can't copy any evidence of the malfeasance they produce.


This is America for me. I experienced this with The Department of Education when I was requesting information about Grad School. I was told so many different answers and kept on hold for 30 minutes only to he lied to (and this was part of a terrorist attack on me)

I get this constantly in America, with banks, hospitals, with many businesses and the sickos perform skits that are disgusting and sick while my brain is unable to function or think and understand that I am under attack--tabula rasa--but I can still seem to function just the ability to comprehend the animosity and ugliness of the creeple around me is obliterated by a false shift in my brain waves and blocking of critical thinking in terms of survival mode.

So I gave this jerk-off good marks for the survey as he screwed me around constantly

but just to finalize a change of address, so I can attempt to do some business which, as always, will be fraught with blocks, people obstructing all I attempt to do in a universal and international chain-of-attack-discrimination that should be illegal but is done so covertly

as I can never get a copy of the transcripts from these chats to prove the incompetence of the agents--they may be very competent when they are dealing with the Nazi and Mafia scum who are ordering these attacks upon me, but I get this absolute endless series of lies, discrimination that is obscenely illegal but done in  a way that I can't get evidence--and they keep blocking this.

Who is listening anyway to this complaint? 

When I have to deal with the u tter sickness of Whorewood, at least towards me they are extremely sick and vile and violent and murderous and sleazy and disgusting

I am reminded of why I ran from America so many times in my life dying to get out

and never want to go back to that goddamn hateful place

 or be around the filthy crap of these pig apes from Whorewood

but if I do go back, to have a semblance of a decent living

these pig apes should be forced to pay me for crimes and theft and rape and torture

will there ever be a responsible government or is it slated that a universal system of discrimination will be rendered onto me with full permission of the corrupt Congress and every and all presidents whether "liberal" or "fascist" (but all "friends" when it comes time for the strippers to dance for them out of Whorewood who they then partner with for torture and fascist programming.

It is despicable.

this sick bank was forced upon me by Trump, during his time and his son Don Jr. put a post on one of my social media pages regarding how this bank, PNC is "his" bank and it is "great". 

During Covid, I was actually able to reach authentic agents working from this bank and they were warm, helpful and professional. They got the job done instantly, they gave me correct information in a friendly and helpful manner

But due to this hacking, surveillance and the system of discrimination, now that Covid is over, I am again stuck with the death squad members who are vile and dirty and nasty

like the celebrities who by now are so repugnant that it's intolerable they are such parasitic ugly demonic filth

the entire organization is such a complete life fuck ugly sinister operation

and they killed the spider who was my little mosquito protector and also a friendly animal I had on my patio and I feel the absence of it like a dark hole

and the hate and death of animals I have taken care of, even a little cute spider and beautiful cats and flowering vines and other animals I let live on my porch (a frog under a bucket, it would come out to greet me when I came home and walked up the stairs, literally like a dog saying hello) and they beat it to death on my patio. They left dead animals in front of my room. They brutalized animals I have loved and taken care of. tHey teleported me to my most precious cat who they stole because I have been fighting teleportation rape since 2011 and they never stop this and they just beat and kill animals when I fight back.

How this group of sick filthy shit can be considered "artists" or leaders is really beyond belief.

Yet none of you will ever stop it as it increases as the sickness seems to have become normalized and you have all allowed it to progress.


And this is real, but I realize after years and years and years of this same mind control protocol going on constantly

bad service, then discrimination, finally in desperation for basic services that I depend on for my life--i.e. m y bank

once a seemingly half-witted person can respond somewhat professionally albeit screwing me around with wrong answers, mistakes constantly, having to redo things, blaming me and accusing me of wrong information while I am giving correct and doing everything correctly

finally to get the chat sent to my email I respond with positive ratings for this abysmal jerk-off and I am authentically "believing" that he is decent. Only after the entire travail and I can't get the chat transcript sent, I realize how my "decision" was skewed into a false fantasy sort of disbelief about how rotten it all was and is

literally I am put into a sort of hazy fuzzy "Joyful" mode while I am getting f-ed over--and this happens extremely frequently

but with the trauma of a basic banking service constantly screwing my banking attempts over

in desperation, it's trauma and it's a serious threat to my life

so I respond in trauma-based mind control just to try to get past all the blocks

and I realize I can't even send a "complaint' as all my transactions online from this remote location are intercepted by the terror agents working from within their system 

just to try to get them to change my f-ing address correctly so I can have my financial information sent correctly so I am not stuck with no money; that is how important this information is to me and how much I must try to fight the mind control, hacking, blocks and endless lies and disruptions just to change an address.

I also opened a savings account from this location and it was like pulling teeth. I was lied to constantly about the interest payments and for one year I have earned less than one dollar for an amount that should have accrued much higher interest. I was lied to, and I can't do more and my energy is so constantly sucked dry from the life-fuck parasites from Whorewood who are literally murdering me and every day it is my life sucked out of me from endless HATE AND TORTURE these pig ape shit whores inflict upon me to get their fucking deals and promotions worth millions and millions od dollars, the pig apes go on and on and on and on for years and years and years annd years as I am screaming trying to kill them by now

so they are commiting more violence for my reactions of rage and screaming for them to die finally

myu spider killed today

the bank endlessly screwing me over because Trump forced me to have to switch to this bank because my reliable bank, Compass, failed somehow and was merged into this bank.

I also was not given the correct information by my mail service *udner the Trump tyranny years, so when the bank transfer was done I was not informed nor was I capable of handling any information I was so drugged and dying and sick and constnatly being tortured and raped in this teleportaiton hell

the same pieces of sleazy and filthy shit are still com8ing back if I watch a movie they starred in 20 years ago, they come and rush to abuse and torture me, it means more Oscars for them

and I fight b ack after years and years and years and years and years and years of at least the majority of the A-list group of worthless shit from Whorewood doing this to me, bringing in Trump so they can consolidate their monopoly 

and I get screwed over just to change my address just to try to save my life just to try to fight being murdered just to fight to stop the teleportation rape and tortrure and global discrimination

It takes something like Covid to get actual real service but once Covid is over, the filth returns and the shit continues and the people put into control just bow down to this hate and death system

I realize that there are still "good" people in the planet due to how Covid changed the power structure, only for a short while but all the while filthy pig shitalina were torturing me non-stop so I really had no break while they continued to go to the Oscars.

Apparently the "good" people are not "good" enough to actually protect the rights of people they see being tortured and discriminated against in this system. Once the system resumes they return to watching blankly on saying nothing and going along to get along and paying homage to the sick life fuck group who they serve and obey.


So this savings account I opened by phone because I could not come in-person to open it, the creep on the phone had a snarly smug nasal accusatory tone and asked me interrogation questions and then lied to me constantly about my options. He lied to me about the interest rate and there is no way I can go through more hell from that lying bank to obtain information and to change the account service so I am stuck essentially not receiving any interest whatsoever.

Every single business and essentially every place I go, especially in America, is fraught with VICIOUS and deadly "gang stalkers"--the situation of America many years ago was so violent that I understand that MANY PEOPLE ARE BEING MURDERED by this system in the United States and this has been ongoing for decades. 

The smug and giggly shit-hole filth who are teleporting me are delighted about this "system" and are fully immersed in a genocidal project. I do not project that this is what will happen if things do not change, because it has been happening for a very long time and is in full effect and was extremely prominent under the Obama Administration and all his fellow co-conspirators like Hillary and Joe. And of course all the vicious and now open Nazis of the Repug party.

It's an abysmal country by now. 

I find America to be just a death cult society and now this is coming out

but the unfortunate thing that perhaps few want to recognize is that there are almost no people who are antithetical to this system who are part of the "opposite" camp. I write of this often, today I wrote about the main Democrats who are fully in line with fascist Nazism and Mafia exploits, put into lead positions on the "alternative" of a one-sided system

people have committed suicide who are being targeted as I am. 

Even when I am this person who has been inflicted with the tyranny of Trump and famous celevrity shit and scum filth I find so deplorable they are detestable and every new piece of sick shit who teleports me is instantly a huge cockroach like Kafka's Metamorphoses but nothing even that glamorous could describe the transition of plastic surgery superficial appearance to what they truly are when teleportation can conceal the public purview of their filthy shit and ugly sleaze personalities--or lack thereof.

It is all like a constant slime of filth and muck poured on my by sick and rotten , meaningless shit-hole crap for "human beings".

A few of the 545 reasons why the Supreme Court has really obviated the Law and is "allowing" Trump to get away with his crimes. Please include that extra member of Congress, if that is what the U.S. President is enumerated within: the 545 for the total allowance of #45 and his crime. //Why this High Court came into being in the first place; it wasn't due to #45 it was due to the 545.

 As this is all interwoven like a spider web of global reach, I will begin with the most seemingly innocuous of the terrorism regarding this subject.

The death squad operatives, who have been given funding, full protection and a cloak of agreed-upon silence and residence, promotions, free everything for learning to undo all the societal adhesion social contract that has kept my country, and this country in a state of relative war-mongering peace. 

The terrorists, upon order, destroyed the very tiny, like a tiny bead on a very small necklace--this dot with 8 outstretched legs in a tangle of webs on the corner of my patio--absolutely a "cute" little spidey with almost no body, just a spiral of legs, bent at the joints--hanging in the same spot for over four years, keeping the mosquitos away (I have almost none and there is no screen on the huge sliding patio door).

Today, because I was drugged and then tortured for the 13th year in a row on a daily basis by the absolute filth scum who you all worship as your influencing celebrities, because I find them so deplorable, so disgusting, so meaningless such mediocrities such sick and pathetic sexual and mental parasites such filth in every way possible when they get this tech and the opportunity torture someone, as they all appear to need this every single day in order to dispell the pent-up rage they have for all the pretense at being wonderful and loving, kind and compassionate "liberal" "woke". Because most of the people attacking me on a regular basis are the false "opposition" to the impending and ever-encroaching fascist Nazi/Mafia order, these must prove their worthiness to be included in the Nazi/Mafia fold by perpetually attacking me. The tech is being produced as quickly as possible because a planet of sleazy and rapacious dirty foul parasitic feeding crap need people to rape and oppress for their plantation luxury lifestyles, in collusion with all the worst of society that they feign to be opposition to.


This spider I said hello to, despite every plant I grew being killed. Another tree behind my patio was doused with killing chemicals and stands bare in the middle of the hot season 


Even the famous "liberal" Judge on the Supreme Court, that Jewish woman--supposedly so in favor of every "women's" issue, so "liberal" and this Jewish woman of course living up to her secret identity of absolutely supporting every Nazi who wants to go through her to obtain his end. ***and now, for the 25th time, literally in about 4 hours of usage on this newly restored laptop system, the WiFi has been remotely turned off---The router lights are all on, the signal appears to be "on" but the system is off and I have to get into the Command system to do a ping and see that the system is indeed, turned off. It took me over one hour to get onto the internet after 3 hours of doing the restore, deleting apps and blocking the endless bluetooth hacks and printer hacks into my system--constantly fighting through one system or another as they blocked my access and pumped malware onto everything in a flash of a second.


Why I can't remember her name, this justice--I was going to look it up. She began hacking her photos on my Facebook and YouTube pages back in 2016 when Trump first arrived in the Oval Office. This has been the standard practice of all the terrorists from all the "important' offices for all the years; it was how Trump obtained this contract only for me having clickekd on a few personalized photos he hacked on my Facebook page. I had no idea that vicious and murderous bigot parasites would use my every click to justify coming to essentially beat me to death with poisoning and abuse and torture through the use of this system. That is what put #45 into power becausea so many millions of scumbags around the world can't wait for a death squad system entrenched into militarized and official form so they don't have to waste time feigning any longer.

Ruth Bader Ginsberg--yes, her name. She hacked and hacked her face and videos of herself doing exercises to Mozart's The Marriage of Figaro---which is pretty hard to do routine exercises to, but I had been listening to that opera at the same general time.

I was absolutely not surprised to see her dead by the near-end of Trump's term and abortion foes and ultra-right pawns of #45 put in her stead. I sensed instantly that her death may not have been due to completely "natural" reasons or causes. I know this system well.

Back at the beginning of the "hopeful" Trump ascent to power, when he claimed he was "outside the system" and a maverick of sorts. Bader-Ginsberg hacked her photos of herself as a young woman, photos of herself partying, photos of herself with captions that she had been very beautiful once. After I began to realize this was part of another hack, I stopped clicking on her and she eventually faded away. At her death, I saw the fixed and determined square-jaw look of Trump at her honorary resting where a surge of women began making howling noises when he appeared, as he withdrew scoffing at them.

Replacing her, was everything the Trump train demanded which he provided. Another item no one ever publishes but I do know Trump said it to his followers during his 2015 campaign was, "I want people who will kill" (and I think the rest was, "who will follow me") but the point was he wanted killers. This has never, once been ever repeated in the media yet it exists somewhere.

Bader-Ginsberg, like so many other Jews and hapless and clueless comfortable followers of the death cult that has been in power long before Trump (undoubtedly before he was born into it)

but believing themselves to be "safe" because they adhere, they submit, they follow, the agree, they smile and do what they are told. They get highest court positions. They think they are safe. They attack others as they violate the law they make oaths to protect. 


Likewise, today as almost all the news information videos are hacked onto my facebook page, which I click on one item intentionally trying to avert all the other terrorists--but I am always so busy cleaning stinking items sprayed with stinking substances, putting things away because if I leave them out they will be ripped, sprayed or stolen. Videos of the MSNBC anchors who have assaulted and attacked me appear, or those who join in . Without having chosen these videos, they appear. I got the attacker who joined in not only 3 days ago, but  years ago when the J-6 Committee began it's public hearings. As part of that committee, he "represents" the opposition, which as many people understand by now, is something similar to a death sentence if you really are working to exact justice upon #45. Being a part of the 545, he had to prove he really is, after all is said and done, one of the #45 train although his role in the 545 is the "liberal" icon working against the egregious excesses of #45. He appeared and the former head of the "liberal" Party in the House of non-representatives just as Trump called their committee the unselect committee

if I had chosen people to represent me, I would have chosen people who do not "bend with the remover to remove".

Why has the Supreme Court gone against almost all the normal codes that are expected for a working not-fascist dictatorship kangaroo court banana republic?

The drunk with power former leader of the house of non-representatives also came on this show, with her very well trained H-wood voice, very far removed from the ugly, in tone and pitch almost growling like a demonic "voice-over" CGI AI type of movie evil character when she was sitting next to The Nazi Terminator from Austria--plotting on how to extract money from the covid relief bill coming out the following week (and the previous relief Bill she appeared as well to threaten me with grievous bodily harm for just fighting agains rape, torture, theft of everything and my ideas as well and abuse and fighting for the Constitutional Rights to not be violated BY MY GOVERNMENT in this terrorist operation which she, and the rest of the "opposition to #45" are so famous for in the media with their wonderfully sweet and kindly, charming lectrures or "angry" in some cases "fighting so hard" but coming to join in the teleportation against me.

Maybe Bader-Ginsberg was not aware of how seriously deadly the rise of the 4th Reich had become, but this "next generation" truly does know, by now and they still fully go along.

The list of their fellow complicit terrorists in the 545 and Oval Office and Pentagon and The Supreme Court (including the Biden pick the "corn row" black woman who at the most critical juncture of decision-making went for #45 instead of following the Constitution or any kind of actual serious legal review of the subject matter).

these are just some of the reasons why #45 is expected to be scott-free and roaming with his merry bands of murdering Nazis and Mafia not only in the streets but also in Whorewood, which fostered and sheltered, brainwashed  and drugged this man who people who knew him years ago claim he has completely altered in personality to be unrecognizable now to his former self.

No hint of recognition that microchip implants may have been inserted, not just in him, but in all of these "famous" people endowed with the strings to control the masses--and pulling theirs are the "silent" round table of the fabled "9" just like Tolkien wrote of in LOTR.


So, the most tiny aspect of their terrorism was to destroy or kill the last tiny living thing on my patio that I could see. No, they can't kill the cockroaches they pour into my room while I am out.

Just a tiny little sweet spider, not ugly or hideous but cute because you cannot see it's eyes just a little brown dot and long, thread-like legs bent at a junction hanging for FOUR YEARS in the same spot keeping my mosquitoes away and I always said hi to this spider and felt a response from it (insects do have spirits and souls, by the way).

Unlike the filth from the hate organization which is so bereft of anything but the most greasy and life-fuck clutching for anything to suck out of every single thing possible.

The other examples of how the Supreme Court has absolutely shown without any shame it's biased and improbable but it happened--yes they are allowing Trump to get away with his crimes they are helping him to delay to a point that no one can even excuse as a labyrinth of red tape--no, this is a deliberate attempt to shield Trump from actual real penal and legal prosecution--at least before the election in Federal Criminal cases of espionage, attempt at a coup, and worse and more

the crimes against me, endlessly promotional stepping stones and a joke for the expletives in power--not just the 545 but the 545 million terrorists associated with them all in this huge global seamless spider web network of stupidity and death. Bader-Ginsberg certainly was not stupid, but just lacking in understanding and the result is what I have seen in my family background of those who go along get killed anyway. Pure Nazi shit.


The example I could list go on and on and on and on and on and on and on from over a decade of non-stop torture from the shit from Whorewood, who are so disgusting by now that I have to completely avert any look at any media from the past 50 years, and even then it is not safe. 


Oh yes, the "Jewish" man was speaking on how the Repugs were so wrong and should be ashamed. His concern is his position and that Repugs do not take precedence in the House in the next election cycle. 

As for stopping this group of fascist violent Nazis---NEVER will any of them lift a finger except their middle fingers at me for fighting for my Constitutional Rights, the same Constitution they claim they are fighting for but they call it "Democracy".

In many of the William Cooper lectures from his Hour of the Time podcast, he quotes Vladmir Lenin and Karl Marx who stated that "Democracy is indispensable to Socialism" (and Socialism is indispensable to the advent of Communism).

The Totalitarianism of Communist control and the preservation of a less-than 1% of upper wealth and a landscape of peasant misery is really what appears to be the real agenda. Not exactly following in communal resources but only in the Big Brother aspect and in raking in as much money for the 4th Reich "elite" as possible.

that they are allowing so many Nazis from Europigapeland to infiltrate and their minions out of the Commonwealth is also very upsetting to me and it should be to many others, but no one is concerned.

Please place a wreath on the grave of Ruth Bader Ginsberg, if you are Jewish at least and pray that you will not follow her in your 4th Class section of the #45 Train that you are helping to foment with your false opposition and your clinging to the power you have been temporarily handed so more fascists can overtake you when the time comes (your money, your property, your life).


**NB: I did write of the Bader-Ginsberg experience I had, on Faceboook, before I began this blog. If it hasn't been deleted, it is there somewhere around the 2016 time frame on my personal list of posts (all "friends" I believe by that time blocked out so no one should have been hacking or reading or stealing my ideas, but it has been like a feeding trough for the pigs of whorwood).


later--just "remembered" that I wrote about the Ginsberg experience at the time of her death, when the videos surfaced of the #45 visit to her casket and the sounds of the women making hissing noises at the #45 fiasco and triumph of injustice in America.


I'm not sure with of the filthy sickening celebras ordered my spider to be either killed or it's huge "home" destroyed after 4 years of it safely and comfortably keeping my home mosquito-free.

Could it have been the latest blonde addition to the Nazi crew who believes she is "entitled" to torture because I was so drugged I wrote a complimentary post about this one-time wonder and then regretted it immediately

the other members of the cast were also very good

so I know that I was being mind programmed to write about this filth bucket creep

who then probably ordered my spider killed or destroyed or taken away

because I told her not to teleport me

and she did

so I responded. I did a little research on her videos and saw absolute mediocrity and all that I wrote of earlier

this bigoted scumbag believes, as they all, that killing animals is a way to torture someone and they are paid and promoted for it.

It IS a death cult

I must not watch any more of the filth and vile crap coming out of Whorewood at least--for how long will I not have to deal with utter sleazy sick Nazi filth of all races and colors coming to violently assault me, destroying what I make, create, build, love

as i react in rage to get off me and then they begin the torture

expect a grammy a goddamn "awards" for this rotten mediocrity hugging "you you kiddin'man? this is an actor" I can't think of any less stupid nickname for the huge hunk of shit white trashy anorexic filth that used to be married to Tom Cruise one of the reasons why America is going into a Banana Republic with all his "military" movies he's one of the most a$$ grovelling destroyers of the United States. "Yes sir" he said to Trump while they were torturing me. 

An absolute a$$ and bends to what he considers to be his "authority" which is former wife plays a role of in his life--as she is attached to the Europigape 4th Reich and is a symbol of English infiltration into the US through this "military" TRAITOR of the United States Cruise---

but the other blonde skank bimbo who sounds like billie eillish and about a gadzillion American Idol blonde trying to sound like black gospel singers like oceans of their bombastic, not-subtle loud and obnoxious voices singing belting out with zero nuance this emulation of black culture, and thusly "owning" it-usurping it

like the Cruise/Kidding-me-this-is-an-actor? pair, they really "played" a Jewish intellectual couple out of Vienna pre-Hitler and wow, what an insult to that culture and another misappropriation--and put into place by the Jewish man with his German wife--and he died looking like the cat had chewed him up and spat him out--meaning perhaps poisoned to death by his Nazi wife

and that is what "they" really do--whether from America or any other country, whether Jewish or white trash they all have access to these poisons and the more violently they adhere to the program of this death cult, the more access they obtain.

Except that people like Ruth Bader Ginsberg did not understand that she would never be fully "allowed" exemption from the Nazi pogram culture that she actually helped to promote and put into power.

If she had just, at the very least, honored the oaths of the Constitution she would have objected fiercely to the rape and mutilation and poisoning and torture of me. But no, like ALL the Jews who are in prominent positions, when the time comes to steal their place and replace them with Nazis, as in the case of Bader Ginsberg to me, and perhaps to those involved, it is clear this is the next pogrom

and you are all participating in it. Most of you gladly embrace it, but many of you actually believe that even if you assault me you will be exempt in your roles of false opposition to the 4th Reich.

And you have all allowed Trump to not be put on trial for his High Crimes against the United States (the cases are labeled The United States Versus Donald Trump).


I DID also write about Ginsberg, as I wrote above, when she passed so I wrote about this situation at least twice in the course of these countless posts trying to get anyone to read past the hacking hypobolic ranting that I am always forced into due to hacking, obstruction, drugging and non-stop torture that all the oath-keepers of the United States have completely disallowed me as a citizen as a human being.


After having gotten up, I then "remembered" that the usual pattern I have observed for over 10 years was in true form with Ginsberg: not long after he debut of hacking and showing her videos, and letting #45 know that she was full-in with the good ole boy network, and yeah! Get the jewish woman as long as she's not a blonde--yeah! so she, like all the rest, went along and voila! A documentary appeared, as usual hacked onto my system featuring her. For her little bit of "fame" that no one watches now, that I know of, she got a documentary made of her. That is the same pattern as the "liberals" like Paul McCartney of the Beatles, with prostitutalina smirking next to him as he abused me. This is the time period of the first two years of the Trump debacle 2016-2017. Or maybe sooner, as the timeline of the Trump terror campaign of this contract began during his early daze of campaigning for president, the month that Amber Heard and Depp made international headlines for his alleged violence towards her. That same month Trump's rating jumped and it is BECAUSE of him assaulting me in this contract with Heard and Musk then handed to Trump to allocate all the funding and opportunities for Musk--of course, Heard got screwed over because she was fighting fascist abuse towards women and that is not allowed in the 4th Reich--but fully on board with the brunt of the hate being redirected at me--

I am now late and there is ONE single typo above, so far---but just wait until after I publish this post it will be so mutilated by the hackers and now the keyboard is almost impossible to write on.

The rest is silence. Keep doing nothing. Let them go on and on, please oh god let them just continue. My years of begging has done nothing but maybe if I beg all you out there to do nothing you will continue to do what I want--nothing, please do nothing about this because you are all safe and warm inside the comfort of this death cult operation! God forbid nothing will ever happen to you even in the repercussions of the violence that is inevitable. Mass carnage. DO NOTHING PLEASE KEEP DOING NOTHING ABOUT PLEASE KEEP BEING SMUG AND SICK AND STUPID AND TELEPORTING ME PLEASE PLEASE *fuck you

Next day---pop of the fantasy stink bomb--as usual. Regarding a post I had written yesterday about a movie and the lead star--absolutely I was drugged up and under undo stress from the crap from the OTHER movie I had watched while the hard poison this group of filth poured into my body is coming out from exercise that none of them ever helped me to learn.

 I had written about this absolute mediocrity singer, yet another blonde Nazi bigot attempting as hard as hell to sound like a black gospel singer. It is American Idol without end in replication of white skanks belting out as loudly as possible renditions of black girls without that special sauce and only salt and no pepper with that undelectable dish that American can't gulp down enuf. So many of these usurpations of black music performed by extremely white and mostly Europ-a-based Americans or Europ'as trying to sound as "American black girl" as possible. 

If you ever listen to American Idol (which I tried and was only aware of this awful program because a neighbor would offer me food and conversation as we watched this show commentating on the singers--) I never chose to watch this. I clicked on it a few times and just got disgusted when I was not with someone chatting constantly throughout the "performances" that every single one sounds without distinction as if one single vibrato of black gospel but done in a way that lacks that critical element: "soul", style, character. Empty yelling out as loudly as possible with a replication of gospel still is not good much less great.

And Under absolute drugging and physical violence, I  wrote that this hlonde almost replication of about a billion Nazi "singers" trying to take-over all things that other cultures create (it's very popular now to usurp black music as often as possible)

I had written she was "great" but then I had to realize I was probably under drugging and mind control (I was very sick yesterday from detox and recurrent non-stop re-drugging/poisoning)

I wrote that she was great in one scene, but PROBABLY she was that b-word and to not f-ing teleport me. I wrote that verbatim.

True to the rotten mold of parasitic fungus, she rushed not ran she sprinted to attack me and a non-stop host of her videos appeared, still are appearing as I had to yell with hate once more that I only wrote one post and I realized it probably was a fluke and she was as mediocre as all the gag types who have also jumped to attack me (for years, getting Golden Globes the year of attacking me for a tv series where my ideas were also taken --maybe not for those episodes but for other seasons)

Meanwhile, the Brooklyn "Mafia" performers as foul, sick and disgusting as usual, the stout violent thuggery ogres sat making sickening disgusting commentary and as I was detoxing they made stupid little boy noises until I had to shout that they are scatological--which is a pathology or considered as such.

They were violently assautling me for having written about the absolute mediocrity of the OTHER movie actors I had watched two days ago, not to see them but a Kubrick film NEVER because of them. They violently attacked me, insults galore about how my poisoned body is no match for a skank anorexic plastic surgery Nazi who has been handed every prize for years, almost a decade of joyously participating in this violence and going to the Oscars, as most of the most foul and disgusting creeps have been doing on and on and on and on adn on and on for years and years

the creep ugly dirty little old man who is so famous for his mafia movie scenes of playing a glib psychopath, so embraced by gun-toting violent death culture gang stalking death squad America (and the rest of the world)

the blonde bigot, like he and his partner who joined with him to viciously assault me for about 3 years for hours and hours of pornographic violent insults and handing me to be raped and tortured as they went to the Oscars

so yelling with violence at me with the blonde boring mediocrity who I told was really nothing I wanted anything to do with

my assumption once I had written this post complimenting this person and the film was met, as usual, by violence, hate, insults, threats and abuse. 

This happens for any film or news show or for any single thing I do in regard to sitting in a drugged near-death daze not able to move or think and in pain needing a diversion from the sickness so I watch the crap--my brain is under so much drug and mind control tech interrface I click on the most banal of the free streaming movie channels. My brain is under so much stress just from the drug/tech interface I can handle nothing more thought-provoking than stupid and meaningless crap, the hallmark of this rotten group of endless celebrity crap coming to drug and poison me just as any justification to teleport and violently abuse and insult me.


That rotten pornographic dirty old men from the Mafia who are uneducated, play psychopath rotten crap--constantly and always, are put in so much control over an industry of mind programming the planet is as ridiculous in concept (but unfortunate in reality)

and is equivalent to the mind programming of the Insurrecion of January 6, 2021 and the actual ideas that Trump stole from what I have been listening to for years: William  Cooper's Hour of the Time where Trump is playing one of the "Patriot" songs that Cooper had played very often--for his insurrectionists who have been programmed into the obverse of actual real patriotism for the American Constitutional "Republic" or "Democracy"--if you will, either/or is better than rotten mediocrity and scum being handed top positions of power because they turn the audience on because their hearts and souls have been turned off.

the crap music with soulless blonde Nazis imitating gospel soul music as as offensive as dumb scum controlling which foreign Nazi skank prostituted creep will be allowed to attack me so they can bring in more Europigapeland mafia crap to infiltrate places like South Beach (which I know to have happened partially due to Stallone and Tyler--both Mafia junkie scumbags) having used this contract out on me to obtain their Europigapeland mafia/Nazi monopoly on South Beach with themselves constantly remaining "relevant" even into being octogenarians. 

I know the above is rambling quite a bit--there are so many seemingly disparate threads of this situation that are centrifugally tied-into the central information-processing command center so all the seeming rambling and disparate ideas and concepts I am writing of are absolutely instantly connected but in this rambling post, seem to just stray completely.

The hacking is now pre-empting my ability to type and I have no doubt hackers will be rewriting and creating typos and discrediting alterations.


but they are mediocrities. The blonde pop singers and the black trying to be as white as possible (all under instruction from the centrifugal force of this one-central processing 4th Reich programming).

That they are in charge of programming people to see this awful blonde mediocre Nazi crap as being "the best"  like this ugly and sinister disgusting creep from Australia whose husband became absolutely violent towards me as she laughed--but once she was gone, he was much more "chill" if that is possible

under the influence of foreign money, which I believe their mutual exploitation of one another enabled both to obtain

her gold-digging and endless starvation dieting and plastic surgery, plus the endless violence she has profited off as well as he--and when I watched them play in that final Kubrick film and the job was done so poorly, in particular from the blonde Australian stupid mediocre-at-best non-actor who could not handle any concept beyond crying lines because she had no depth to portray anything but fake tears. 

I just realized how awful an actor she is, but so endlessly put into every top award for all the decade of her joyously dancing in delight at me watching me be tortured

and everyone around her is committing violence against me, just like maggot robber had done

these blonde Australian women and the American Nazi men, who clutch onto the front puppetry of the English Crown which is absolutely behind the Canadian rapist who threatened to kill me--touted supposedly as being one of the "nicest" dudes of the A-list cesspool-hole I have come to unfortunately know and understand

and the collusion with foreign governments to keep these rotten mediocrities into power, ordained by thugs and mafia scum and crap who know no difference between good and mediocre, much less great

but the programming for Nazism continues

the "soul" of black gospel is now completely usurped by the white blonde crap all the pop stars who are gyrating porno stars for videos

all of these concepts are absolutely interconnected

it sounds like I am rambling incoherently but

it's all absolutely integrated

it's a global system after all.


So please, rotten blonde pop crap singer, I watched more of your videos and realized you are just another American Idol singer who reached an amount of fame for your role in a Broadway play

your acting is believable because you are one of those types anyway

most of the psychopath "evil" roles that these rotten Nazi/Mafia creeps play is not an accurate example of how "well" they can "act' it's how well they are just playing their real inner scumbag and being applauded for it.

IN the case of the bigot rotten "are you kidding" as an actor the bigot from Australia--I mean Nazi piece of crap--her attempt to sound profound had to be accompanied by tears welling up in her rotten plastic surgery created eyes--because she could not say any line outside of a basic limited range of slight emotion of vacuous meaninglessness

endlessly put into "award-winning" racist and crap tv shows and movies endlessly awarded at the Globes and Oscars but especially heralded at Cannes, the S**hole of Nazi repository of billionaire Nazi programming. 

Maybe America can do better than this but it's doubtful when this stupid ignoramus mediocrity has been put in control of mind programming death squads and massive brain-altering technologies. What they are doing to me is ultimately being done on huge swaths of the population and this is also possible. 

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Teleportation bigot s*** report: watching a movie ONLY to watch the director's genius (Stanley Kubrick) and NOT the actors who have been endlessly awarded at Oscars for the YEARS of their giggly participation in terrorism, torture, poisoning--to-death, mutilation and rape and non-stop brutality which they are just awarded for.

I thought that they had "gone away" because of all the YEARS of them coming at me, sporadically to dance, laugh, giggle and participate in death threats joyously being welcomed into the Nazi halls of awards--especially at Cannes the very antisemitic center of billionaire financing of Nazi movie celebrities and political collaboration--(if only some responsible agency would look up the financial deals done at Cannes between the H-wood celebrities you would see huge backing from political entities and if any prospector would dig up more dirt, they would eventually reach Nazi/fascist/Mafia ties).
But I watched this movie and they RAN laughing to assault me. The putrid pig ape male, the American with his English Commonwealth blonde bigot horrible non-actor former wife were hitting me, using martial arts on me, endlessly insulting me while I watched this movie they starred in. The violence was immediate, the insults began as soon as I was watching in this room-endlessly sick from the poison they ordered to have put in my body so they could endlessly exploit and use me. 
The pig ape whore ugly and dirty pair of creeps went on and on until they got the reaction they were digging for: me rushing at them hitting furiously and screaming and trying to literally choke and kill them after they had gone on and on making every kind of insult at me while I was watching this movie--where I could not turn their voices off, they were louder than the audio for the movie and I had earphones on, at high level. I could not block them out, I can never block these filthy pig ape whore pieces of excrement out when they teleport me for hours and hours and hours and hours with death threats insults abuse and rape and hitting me punching into my head and face abuse abuse abuse and then they all go off laughing to the Oscars and Cannes with top awards for low shit movies with huge budgets pumping up the dumb scum who have obtained the roles, the funding and the awards just for torturing me to death
as they laugh about it

I am literally ALWAYS shitting poison out and have been for at least 13 years without an end to it because they keep having my food doused with poison and poison inserted into my body while I am sleeping--however and in every way they keep me sick, dying and they never stop shocking my system with negativity
so I can't focus or concentrate to read. This is "mind control" drugs which literally make any focus or concentration painful, not uncomfortable or difficult but painful for my brain which feels like it's being squeezed in a  vice and any reading or anything requiring any concentration is literally painful.
so I watch movies. They finally shut the f-up when I watch a movie or anything that has verbal dialogue, but I can't turn to any educational channel because I am so sick, and they are determined tokeep me so sick too sick to move even as they laugh and make fun of how my body looks
and then keep on poisoning me
and every movie *I watch some celebrity comes to torture and abuse me
if I watch a political news outlet they rush to abuse me violently
if *I listen to any music the musicians come to abuse me and join in
if I click on a photo on Facebook for a politician the politician rushes to join in (that is how Trump got elected, in short).

tyranny and despotism is now the result on a national and global level on the rise.
As a reult of this contract out on me.

But, when I analyzed the movie by Kubrick because the rotten pig apes, who follow the instructions of only saying abuse to me, nothing interesting nothing funny nothing at all except endless questions so they can steal ideas and then insults afterwards, once they obtain the ideas to steal and claim as their own--it's been going on for over 13 years from this group and their predecessors still operating from behind all this (funded by The Crown and other Europigape entities and beyond that I don't know)

But I obtained an understanding of the film
mostly that this blonde bigot empty and meaningless sdumbag from Australia who starred in the film was supposed to portray a "Jewish" intellectual from Vienna--as the author was a Jewish man from Vienna before Hitler made it all so meaninglessly blank Nazi blond--

and her vapid stupidity and the violence with which this rotten ugly man who was her husband, who treated me with VIOLENCE in front of this filthy ape creep woman so plastic-surgery coated and since attacking me has been non-stop going to Cannes and to the Oscars for CRAP utter crap stupid movies which are so forgettable I never hear of them again--and the other blonde bigot who starred with her in a tv series that also made the Oscars and was just a vapid nothing like they truly are
and so vicious this man was in front of me as, in teleportaiton where my eyesight is very limited it's like hitting a mostly blind person
and I am disabled with many fractures in my bonesa and body from all the pig apes who inflicted deadly v iolence upon my body while I was in a comatose drugged up sleep state being teleported so my consciousness was far away from my prime body being broken in the sleep state.

IN front of her, this Europigape-puppet of the English Commonwealth, as I have noted that so many of the former colonies of England have their reps coming to rape and beat and poison and torture me in lieu of the main Nazi actors--from the identifiable countries of fasism and Nazism (England, France, Germany) replaced by Canadian, Australian, Austrian and other nascent former aligned or colonized countries of the main perpetrator Imperialist Nazi couintries)
and very aligned with the Europigapeland fascist cartels, in front of this rotten ugly blonde skank this American man began hitting me
ONLY BECAUSE i was watching a Stanley Kubrick movie that they had starred in, totally misrepresenting the genius of what the Jews had written in reference to early 20th Century Freudian Analysis--out of  Vienna. When they asked me, in the teleported state, what I thought I said that they did not conclude the film in the right way, according to what I know of the Southern Germanic style from having lived in that region for about 5-6 years and speaking German. 
Yelling at me, punching abusing
that was two days ago
yesterday I was so exhausted and still trying to get them off me

thinking to myself that I should have known better
but I am so drugged still
and I am still "cracking" he hard-as-rock poison out of my body which comes out so slowly that I do intensive stretching, with the pig apes making teleportation insults about my body and calling me "loser" while I am fighting to stretch
and the poisons recoil, itt's so painful that i can't move and the poisons finally crack in yet another layer after my tissue next to all my vertebrae and spine are pulled constantly in literally every single direction in opposition because the poisons are recoiling and then fighting to break off the tissue (ripping off).
I need to read, I have some books, it's so hard to concentrate but the filth pig apes are so disgusting and to "help" them get more promotions only because I watched a movie, constantly telling them that I was only watching to see what Kubrick had done and not at all to see them--and then realizing that this was one of the worst of the Kubrick movies  becuase of their lack of acting talent, as they can only play stupid "block buster" movies about action figures and sleazY skank pretenses
endlessly they are awarded
because of their alliance with the 4th Reich, literally they are Nazis
violoent and stupid and meaningless

I got the usual nausious toxic shock from the revulsion of having to deal with them, rushing at them finally screaming and fighting like a wrestler in a creep show  boxing ring
this happens almost daily with the shit tleeporting me, the A$$-hole list of crap out of Whorewood
they are an abomination
maybe one day people will actual see the footage of me being teleported and understand what kind of crap has brought about the current disaster in American society and politics that they encompass
but meanwhile, they remain scott-free to rampage, rape and plunder me and anyone else being teleported
can't watch even a movie without their filth and hate endlessly poured on me
I have never harmed this bunch of fuckign shit ever
how any government can allow this kind of sick crap to be put into top p;osition is truly a result of utter incompetence
but president after president keeps them in these positions and never stops them as they get more and more lead roles and they are truly ugly stupid and disgusting--I can only think of basic words now--insults that are most basic--the keyboard is almost impossible to navigate and hacking is endless my brain won't operate so I must stop. 

Writing about how sick and vile these crapola scumbags are for years has produced never, not once an inspection of this situation, a cease of it, nothing
the rotten racism of every administration is foul and an abomination

I have to keep my eyes closed to their gaping cesspool movies, wide shut to the filth that they are I can't watch a simple movie without them beating and threatening me to obtain more and more
this filthy dirty stupid ape female was put in a role playing a blonde comic who my (great) uncle is famous for having written the screenplays for, amongst other extremely famous 70's tv shows) and she was a Joke of acting the reviews coincided with my assessment. She was paid in millions to put this movie out for just poisoning and laughing about the torture of me

This Australian  bigot Nazi blonde scum so endlessly plastic surgery enhanced
turned the last Kubrick movie into a bland and meaningless nothing of acting her acting was so awful and so mediocre and such a strained attempt to be "profound" with dumb tears and saying things in a way that sounded so trite and out-of-context. As much as these stupid filth shit-bucket whores believe they are aristocrat-endowed Europigapes, they have no idea of how to play the roles because they are so ass-kissed by fake flattery by the Nazi filth pig apes they worship like the dumb whore slaves that they are, absolutely no comprehension of the mentality they only know that being immature stupid sick violent and brutal and using this tech to murder and tortrure and rape makes them accepted by the Europigape trash who also have no concept of what the actual real artists had intended before the Nazis burned books, killed intellectuals and put sick and meaningless stupid immature not-good crap into the "arts" like these crap movies and the filth from whorewood

they are so disgusting towards me and so endlessly promoted for it
I had to scream about how effete how useless they are and finally they are so repulsive and I try to kill them literally in the teleportation but they have poisoned me so badly and forced me into paralysis for so long my muscles have atrophied and I am so weak as they continue with non-stop torture day after day for over 8 hours of rape abuse death threats insults and viloence which I cannot block out--while in deep sleep and for hours and hours upon waking

no fucker in Congress will stop them or this.
Wait until they take over the country not just the government. I wrote years ago that you stupid do-nothing fuckers reading my posts for all these years would regret not doing anything about Trump
I am warning you once more that now you see what Trump has done
you still leave this group of worthless and mediocrity shit crap in Whorewood to go on and on and on and on and on