The sundowners
MIND CONTROL, MK ULTRA, creative fiction, teleportation, technocracy, science fiction, drugging, state-sponsored terrorism, synthetic telepathy, voice-to-skull technology, gas lighting, microwave attacks, gang stalking. terrorism, sabotage, hypnosis. microchip implants, behavior modification, NEW WORLD ORDER, philosophy, dystopia society, HUMOR, LOVE
The sundowners
It's just endless hate, sickness, stupidity and vile ugliness directed at me by people who are instructed to "hate" me as they go off laughing obtaining Grammy's and Academy Awards and being nominated into President position and/or just obtaining a new free something or they don't care, they get to abuse someone and get away with it and it's just filth surrounding me continuously.
Stupid sick people being promoted how can anyone actually seriously protect this system?
I must stop getting on this internet because I am seriously being prompted to write--so idiots, whores and sleazy skanks can continue to torture me for writing about how sick their "masters" are, which they strive strenuously to emulate and are as ugly and sinister as any decaying animal road kill but like zombies they are miraculously alive.
At stores I was surrounded by rancid and rotten ugly old Europigape men and their rotten Thai slaves blocking my path, jumping into me from around every corner as I pushed my cart slowly and gingerly around all the aisle corners. Rotten ugly disgusting putrid whoremongering old white Europigape men who are in Thailand on their rotten pensions from the endless lucre their rotten Nazi countries obtained by genocide and the Holocaust. I can't describe how they behave but it's just like the accounts from people who were attacked in all wars and genocides except in the middle of society in a store--
and ugly basterds that they are, the younger versions, including American tourists, are as rancid and rotten just younger with more beauty treatments because the money has exponentially increased in all these decades of the 4th Reich instituting it's rancid grip around the world.
When I descry, write with rage about cement pouring over the planet, I refer to Phuket and how it was so lovely when I moved here first. All the beautiful areas I used to love are now covered with box cement structures for rotten pig apes to come and get their nearly free, but ultimately cheap whore vacations with prostitutes at a mere $20 per pop (for Europigapes the cost is less if you transfer money to Europigape increments of corruption). My hate for Europigapes is from over a decade of being attacked by at least 500 people per trip to a few stores, a mere 4 hours of driving around and shopping in stores which equates to almost 100 people attacking me per hour, and that alone is a conservative estimate.
It really is no better in America. I went to Orlando in 2012 and it was horrific, the Americans are fully enmeshed into this system. It was blacks and Latinos attacking me more viciously than the whites who stood back as the minorities did the nastier jobs, while they stared at the white pig apes with adoration and love and utter worship as they attacked me (for no reason) with absolute hate. The bigot white pig apes stood back silently smug and composed as their rotten minorities did the very ugly sinister dirty and foul work. I can't express how this is copied in H-wood and how disgusting it all is to see this endlessly repeated from the lowest scumbag nasty place to the wealthiest in Whorewood.
I am waiting for the day when someone will actually "hate" me for something nasty I have actually done rather than dumbed down idiots attacking me and told to "hate" because they want a promotion. That also includes the people who are supposed to represent "art" and "culture" in the media and in politics. The dumbing down trickle down idiocracy is truly anathema to the United States which is supposed to lead the world as a Free society.
well, I have written for over a decade adn I remain in this situation and the pig apes who have tortured me are still in their mansions but now with a new suitcase of awards and prizes and are in higher positions than ever before, after having tortured ideas out of me with not only no thanks or payment but my life nearly destroyed my body scarred up and them with more and more and more beauty treatments plastic surgeries and endless lead roles in every single facet of their rotten nasty lives.
I just want to get away from them (not "just" ) but in terms of having anything to do with anyone who is part of this global organization---to find at least people who are somewhat not pigs, whores and hyena ape hybrids on this planet.
to just live in peace with my cat La Moux returned alive and healthy and happy, if she is still alive. To have my own home and my own money and for this group to be stopped from this tyranny forced upon me. For protection and to live in peace in prosperity and to just get this group of stinking foul ugliness and hate and rotten evil putridity off me.
I am still going to write about this even though none of you does any single thing to stop this. The smug gloating smiles of the bigot Nazi women who watch as I get deformed and mutilated nightly--scars are now all over my body, covering every inch of my skin and body and my legs are crooked, the bones are literally crooked. Every toe has been broken, part of my uterus has been cut out, my fingernails on two fingers are now almost dead and I can't use them due to YEARS of metal objects inserted underneath the cuticles every single night without exception so the nerve endings have literally been severed completely--and nails are in shreds and won't grow back. My toes are now being cut to the bone and have been every night for months--that is making me paralyzed but none of you can give a damn or a cent to help me live in safety instead of this enforced poverty. Half of my hair has been chemically-treated out and is been in a half bald state for over 4 years due to the endless attacks on my body. For 2 decades or probably more like 3 my hair has been smothered with damaging chemicals night after night. My arms and legs are covered with scars, spider veins from creeps going into my room while I am comatose and teleported who pound do hard on my legs that the capillaries explode. My spine and hips have been put out of alignment since I was very young and my vertebrae has been fractured in two areas of my spine and my spine is completely crooked from the hardening poisons which have pulled my spine out of alignment. They also caused vertebrae to not only fracture but to stick out in one area (after a surgery to "correct" the curvature).
They have been cutting into my teeth after nearly crushing them out after they forced an accident--and for over a year they cut into the gum tissue to make the teeth fall out--I sleep with packaging tape covering my face to try to stop this, tape wound around every toe, my feet and all over my arms and legs. I have made a sleeping cap with many layers and two clasps--they open the clasps and then insert these nodules onto my skull to use the teleportation hell of abuse and hate they have forced upon my sleeping state for--at least a decade but probably much longer. I wonder if I have had a real dream for most of my life at this point.
What is my crime that for decades and decades people in huge seething with hate groups have forced this upon me and while others are may be against it have been aware of this and yet never stop it?
The answer to that question is that the racism of this group is so over-arching that they want to create a death torture and rape prison system where people appear in a normal state of living yet are being put into prisons because they represent a threat to the bigot system to so many others participate in for their security and comfort. As I watch the millions of people in the news being disenfranchised due to the pandemic I can see the years of people who have attacked me now suffering due to the huge increase in wealth that the creeple who are teleporting and torturing me are swimming in wealth due to the profit that they have amassed during this crisis. I see clearly that there is a correlation between the complicity of the pawns and the death system that finally engulfs them but they remain trying to go back to more worshipping the wealthy who have obtained their wealth from posturing, lies, bs and death squad activities. Glamorized and offered plastic surgeries and luxury imagery they remain as if in a bubble of entitlement and the more vicious their attacks are the more they are protected and shielded and the more they are idolized by the public. I wrote months ago and then even more recently that I believe that the virus is a de-population program designed by criminal fascist Nazis (I did not write all this out explicitly exactly in that line of thinking but in that same vein--as my words always come out in hacked rambling but all the words are combined in the mixed-up paragraphs that hackers destroyed nevertheless). I believe that Elon Musk is definitely behind much of the death and his technology is being used to create genocide after genocide--his technology of brain/body computer interface is tied to his endless participation in this crime against me--with all the microchip implants and all the drugging and all the groups helping to thwart my every move and activity, keeping me in a prison being deformed, robbed, raped tortured and slowly poisoned and abused to death.
And he's smiling hugely now--his factor in China that opened just the month or a month prior to the onset of the virus seems to be that he could so easily, with his technology--spread this virus through air-borne sources of his technologies and in the end--he's the richest man on the planet. If people think that this smug greaseball is anything but the most vicious and deadly and sinister CEO of a huge technological death machine they had better think just a bit more on the really dark side of the people who are being put in control over technology, who then become media stars who are put on red carpets along with celebrities (who mostly are part of the Nazi and Mafia cartels--those I have met)
and of course, this blog is being censored who is reading my post but the very pig apes who are the hyenas who are inflicting all this hate upon me--because they want another Holocaust and another genocide and this technology is just the portal to the ways and means of disseminating more hate and more violence with the aim of creating localized death chambers into each pod of every living target's private space instead of carting them off in trains to death camps. Or mass graves or trenches where they are shot. This is a clean way of killing targets while all appears like a normal death. Well, they all know this, you all know this, and so I remain writing about this to their delight, being now blocked from publishing what was left of this blog which was never put on Google dashboard instead it was always blocked--but even what little was blocked is now completely blocked because of a fascist Nazi actor who has infiltrated so completely that the "Radical liberals" as the Repuglicans call them are in a debt of gratitude for helping them to appear like good ole boys for the Nazi network as they begin their fresh assault on Democracy for the next new term--California of course getting a huge bulk of the money that "The American People" actually need but the wealthy need it more for their endless exploitation and their need to push for electronic means of genocide and oppression and murder. Thus I remain so censored and the future victims are fully engrossed in helping the exploiters because they assume that the benefits and incentives and the joy of attacking someone else instead of them being the eternal victim--well, they assume they are now part of the power structure and are "safe". How many of these types have participated in this attack upon me and how many of you reading this are part of that group of future victims of the death that your good "friends" in this hate group will eventually inflict upon you or your descendants, once you finally hand them all obedience and subservience and all you can give heart, body and soul for them to suck out with your willingness and complete permission?
Why has no one ever informed me of my status or openly ever defended me?
Why is NO ONE coming to defend Democracy or Freedom yet the people attacking me can only blather about how they are fighting to do just that? Why is it that Nazism has only increased for the past 4 years and why is it that everything I have written of warning people about in connection to the end results of this technology and the creeple associated with--all has come true, yet I am not only silenced absolutely and discredited but also what I write is STOLEN and then adapted to the Big Lies that they all put out-these actors and politicians and media mind control constructs (they are very talented at what they do, out of all of these people attacking me I would have to say that the mind influencers even on YouTube are very well-informed and work probably the hardest and certainly are much more capable than the performing con artists in H-wood). As for the politicians, they are more elusive and I don't know how hard they work but you can see clearly that the news anchors work diligently and hard and should not be so criticized even if they may be fake (some of them).
I can respect them for the sheer amount of well-done product moreso than the actors who receive millions upon millions of dollars for muttering lines from scripts who turn around to be handed every top position because they are presenting a false reality of hipness but fully welcoming in every exploiter from Europ-a-land possible if they can get a mutual huge deal or mansion or promotion out of it. It's just so endlessly sickening to have to see this as I am a kind of purist who believes that actually caring about the values of a free and Democratic society should be of prime importance to the qualifications for putting those held in high esteem to actually defend and support.
I am always chagrined at their criminal and hypocritical stance and the corruption and the ugliness that they are truly enhancing onto the planet. The movies are very bad as well, for the most part. I am incapable of truly writing unless I get off the laptop, and then if I hand write my body is attacked with nervous system attacks so my hand clenches up and I cannot write as it becomes shaky to keep my hand steady--it becomes impossible after about one page of hand writing while my brain is under attack anyway.
If I were to try to obtain a kind of tape recorder to try to just vocalize my thoughts, it may improve this situation a bit, I know that every electronic attack is probable and that would also be broken or destroyed or blocked.
No one ever does anything anyway. You all think this is great you all love these haters they love you. They want to force a BABY on me and that is a hate situation that you all love apparently too.
These haters love to watch me turn from a happy and loving person endlessly emitting the hate that they pump into my every moment with their swaths of hate people doing hateful things while they laugh and love every minute of it--as all or most of you do too, apparently.
What will it take for anyone to ever protect me against this group of hate? They keep having their most ugly and hateful sinister stupid minions put babies in front of me at every turn around every aisle in every store there is some idiot with a baby--the sign of their further exploitation of me from these hate and ugly, most undeserable rotten parasitic rapist pig ape hyena whores and their even more insidious rotten whore females accompanying them--who are all "feminists" who want "equality" and "freedom" to be in top executive positions as well, as long as the "black" minions know their place, far below them idolizing them and fully laughing with glee alongside them when they attack me or some other target--even if that means their own children or friends.
And so, I appeal to this world that if there is anybody out there who is not some skank creep attacking me, please get them and their baby demands off me--my only sensation concerning them is that I wish them utter destruction and will never want anything for them but death--that is the amount of violence they have committed against me and all I can feel for this group of rotten cesspool crap by now.
I argue strongly that you are wrong but none of you cares, as long as you feel comfortable that you can obtain endless vacations and have prostituted slaves cleaning your houses for nearly free --the immigrants t hat enter your country due to the death squads that are created by the powerful in order to achieve this huge gap between the haves and have-nots.
Well, this is not a new idea at all. however, the technology seems new but it's been in use against me for most of my life, and that is now longer than it should have been embraced by society and kept a full secret and still left silenced. Now a fascist Nazi out of Europ-a-land is making sure that hate and hostility follow me around and people are more nasty in stores and the censorship is more enhanced and this is embraced fully by the politicians like the mafia "Italian-American" who always slurs in a drunken on power state that she is working for "The American People" but operating with an international cartel of crime and Nazi bigotry to obtain millions or billions of dollars in deals.
New oil pipelines perhaps in Alaska for rotten political leadership to click their endless bottomless cups of cesspool wine as they party celebrating their new billion/trillion dollar deals they made with bigot Nazis enmeshed in the international Nazi /Communist circles based in Ho-wood?
It's all too disgusting and I am being silenced and threatened and tortured for writing on my already silenced blog and the oppressions have grown because I clicked on a movie made by some fascists who are promoting a robotic idiot put into leadership position because he so completely represents the Nazi ideal of posturing corroded meat.
I am so completely dizzy from the effects of mind control blocking my brain and/or damaging brain cells or perhaps it's cutting oxygen off or blocking neural firing (every single word I must backspace and fight to get out due to hacker terrorism).
I am like floating and spinning around but sitting here just being blasted by some kind of electronic brain/body altering technology. Hackers are now inserting a blue bar over what I am typing and I have to stop now--the blocks are now too much to handle and this has all come out as a completely rambling rant instead of a well-ordered writing exposition. I cannot write under these influences. That is the point of their attack of course. I write because every time I look at the news I see clear examples of how badly this planet is being run and I must see personally the corruption and lack of skill from those elected into power or put there by nefarious corrupt groups who are so irresponsible and incapable of understanding, depth or meaning and the destruction to the planet and to society is now so over-archingly apparent and I must write this to try to get people to stop just blindly following and obeying these absolute incompetents and just because they have the degree, the diploma, the experience does not mean they are capable of understanding these technologies or the symptoms of destruction that their failed policies have wrought upon the planet (they succeeded in bringing death and destruction,, which really is their ultimate goal--watch the video in my last post to see why).
The hacking is now very horrible. Almost every key I press won't operate and there is a blue bar covering the words I type so I can't see the red underlines of wrong spelling until I have written the sentence--so I can't even backspace I have to click on the sentence above--and then when I click on one space they move the cursor to another word so I click on the wrong space and have to correct even that. My thoughts are in such a jumble my brain is under so much attack--this is all just a hate rant but it's very legitimate anyway. And it has been put into a hate rant by this hate technology by these hate people you all love. One of the defining terms of these hate groups is to "love" each other and to hate their enemies/targets. That is the only way they can consolidate power is through saying they all love each other and they MUST have an enemy to target in order not to tear each other's throats out (but in private they do so anyway and so in the private realm they are viciously at one another when they lack slaves or victims--which is a psychological reason why they also badly need to reinstitute slavery--).
I am now too completely dizzy to write. When I get up I am completely ill as if I've been poisoned--the tech is very dangerous that they are aiming into my brain in or der to completely block brain functioning--it's very very bad stuff and very deadly yet you all love these people so you can have people like me to hate--but the hate is you and your beloved hate leaders.
You are destroying the planet in so many ways and you should be stopped immediately. Who will do this when people lik eme are being completely silenced and you all allow it, even if you agree that there is something wrong at some level (i.e. you might lose your lives or wealth due to the impact of globAl warming.) IT WILL TAKE MORE THAN JUST PUTTING UP SOME GREEN TECHNOLOGY to stop the real destruction and I suggest that a total paradigm shift from adulating fascists and rapists and Nazis is what it will take.
But looking at the Europigapes here in Phuket for over a decade smug, laughing and smiling as their nasty minoities always imitate but exaggerated the thrill of attacking, the "power" hormonal high of it all, the money the free deals the promotions that defy talent or capability but only a willingness to attack using this system and the skills necessary to lie, to be duplicitous and mean and petty, raping and robbing and killing for bigot nazis to take over the world. AS the planet is dying from the endless absorbtion of cement, steal, aluminum and pollutants so is the spirit of the planet absolutely defiled and on this track--the stupid movies that keep coming out are a pure diversionary tactic to get people to really stop thinking and pondering existence or meaning.
I am very much in a dizzy haze of mind control and this is coming out as a foggy hate diatribe, wandering from thought-to-thought without a directed course. I really feel ill from this attack on my brain.
How long before people put an end to this recently new technology which so many millions of hissing, DIRTY foul and filthy creeple are embracing and being promoted into huge comfortable cesspools of compliance?
One of these dusky creepy musky billionaires has attacked me in this teleportation system and fully yearns to obtain slavery through technocratic means. He is so completely adulated by America (yet he's from a fascist, Nazi colony in Africa) and ...still being cheered on because he's wealthy and how people just love the criminals who are labels as the glamorous ultra-wealthy at the expense of actually thinking about what these parasites actually do to the planet and to people--the people who applaud such types really want genocides and death systems and gang stalking and hate to flourish.
(Democracy Now. March 25, 2021)
More and more functions are being blocked by terrorist hackers on this laptop. I now am not able to copy and insert any photos onto this blog, which is already blocked by a 3rd party service (the information for which has been blocked after I first obtained information on another browser a few days ago. Upon trying to retrieve the information for the service which is connected to monitoring this page--the IP address was immediately blocked from my view as is the name of the company which acts as an internet hosting service--it was made available on my Maxthon browser but not a single bit of information shows up on Google Chrome (this browser I am using now).
I wrote my last post and as always, which functioned the last time I used it last month--I copied and saved a photo and then after 4 attempts I realized that not only the photo was not being copied but no photos are being coped on this site any longer. A similar icon placed on the left-hand upper corner of the empty space where the boundaries of the photo should be--where you can expand, the blue boxes where you can change the shape of the photo and the lines of the computer program so you can alter the size of the photo and the editing boxes all appear but the same icon appears when I try to download a photo as happened when I tried to see my blog on Maxthon--which is the symbol that I clicked on to obtain information on the IP Address blocking this blog.
And now, after having written just that, just now (endlessly backspacing as hackers are deleting letters I type while typing, blocking the space bar and inserting letters and making the keyboard so stiff I must pound down almost with my entire hand/arm to get anything out)
I went to another store to buy some essential oil, a shop that is a very small space but has good products. I had contacted the larger central base of the store through the internet and was told that I could order online and pick items up at the store in Rawai. I told them I would just go into the store and order there. I had gone into that store last month at a completely random time and a friendly Thai woman was there very helpful and instructing me that the items I wanted were not in their stock but she could order and pick up the things next week.
But having pre-planned to go to this store, I got instead the usual Thai woman who is there whenever I plan on going to this shop--instead of the real woman who works there on a daily basis. Every store I enter in a pre-planned state has terrorist agents waiting to attack me and help perpetrate the dozens of people surrounding me (at various times within my trip into each store) to assist in their attacks upon me or they do it themselves when I pay and check items out.)
She was there in his nasty, insulting stupid way as usual. The item I had wanted to buy was of course not on the shelf (the terrorist organization takes items away and then forces a hate/nasty situation of me trying to talk to these Thai skanks who are the fakes acting like they actually work in these stores. This rotten creep then told me that they were out of stock as if she were not fully prepared to say everything in advance--(all are coached beforehand and then are further given instructions through voice-to-skull technology or however it's being done--they are merely puppets mouthing what they are told to say--this goes for the sophisticated millionaires in H -wood too, there is no difference just the level of wealth and attainment in society--but there are no other differences between the prostitutes of Phuket and the whores in Whorewood and in Congress too who participate in this hate crime not only against me but against the planet).
She told me that the manager of the store had moved and she could not order any products. I gave her a quizzical and kind of angry look, she then stuttered that she can try to phone, which she finally did. I then asked her if the store was going to close and she said it had stopped ordering products and might close, then 2 minutes later said that they had ordered three huge boxes and that the store was going to remain open. I asked her to order three bottles of something and she asked me for a deposit--which is not something the store demands--as they are out of stock and they need these items anyway in the store. (they take the goods out of the store). I then began to tell her that I had emailed the main store and they told me I could order ahead of time and pick up the goods in the Rawai store--and she began telling me she "no understan" and began interrupting me as my voice then was "tweaked" by the throat implant so it constricted, I choked my throat suddenly had stopped functioning as I coughed and had to stop talking--because I was telling her that she was a liar in other words by just telling her that I was very capable of ordering by email but she was lying and telling me that she could not order anything--as the woman who I had worked with last month did immediately on the phone, who was polite, friendly and informative and spoke English--lo and behold. As for the nasty creep above, the agent: she wears a thick coating of make-up for this store which sells natural beauty products. She appears shiny and without a blemish when she dons her mask of friendly chirpy terror agent with the white fascist Nazis in the store blocking my every move and making loud comments while she most cheerily assists in the attack upon me (the usual minority minion stance of being absolutely delighted to be invited into the "power structure" rather than a victim of it). Yesterday her makeup was off. A blotchy complexion and pimple scars marked her face. This was and is the reality--and her pettiness and meanness was in likewise full form as she began to nearly hiss at me. I have a most nasty Europ-a actor attacking me now, and the increase in hostility has arisen due to his Nazi network that encompasses the globe--which has so beguiled the American version of Nazism to the extent that he was allowed to reap the harvest of a huge heist of the California coffers of power and still holds many a purse string in that arena of "power" which was accessed by Pelosi and Harris only in the last few months--that huge deal they made but I have no details only that they operated to attack me so this global network of stupidity and hate can award more dirty agents posing with all their makeup and posturing intact--but underneath all they are are little dirty whores like the skank who attacked me whose makeup cake was off for that day because there are no customers during this pandemic.
I silenced her by a wave of my hand as she kept saying she no understand and "WHAT?" as I began telling her that I had contacted the main email account for the larger chain of this store, which has a global retail service in many other countries. Before she began to lie with every breath this hissing prostituted rancid thing uttered from her dirty mouth--so similar to the people who teleport me and their hate skits and their nasty lies and the millions who adore them for it--such a death wish the planet has and so charmed they are by fakes posturing with their plastic coatings that hide huge blotches of ugliness, decay and the nascent markings of death who can lie so well and claim they are selling beauty and nature and life with loving, kind smiles as long as they can get the lucre that sustains the lie they will live to perpetuate death and they don't care. That means you, whomever you are.
That was me until I had to analyze this system since it's killing me. You only know that it's killing you because the planet's raped life arteries are rebelling and I think nature is trying to rid the planet of the filth that you and your group are and do to the planet and to the life and soul of the planet.
But back to this most wonderful store with it's natural products, essential oils and the dirty and disgusting things they allow so some Europigapes from England (the manager) can obtain more free promotions for their unnatural system of slavery, prostituted Thai skanks and the American version also controlled obviously by English Monarchist Imperialistic aims. (Much of this is due to English invasion of America but furthered by other EU interests such as Germany, Austria, France and the rest of the pile).
Oh, alas poor America is dying due to this pile of incompetence. I wanted to add this part about how I silenced her after my throat was so constructed I could not get any air out. This group has such monitoring of my every movement that if I am driving at night in a remote spot in Phuket and sing or take a swig of water on my motorbike, there is no problem singing or swallowing. However, in the confines of my torture/surveillance room or anywhere in public if I begin to talk to defend myself or take a drink or eat food--the constrict my vocal chords or my throat muscles to make me choke so I can't sing, drink, eat or talk.
They laugh about all of this. I want to put the equation into your limited brains that what they do to me is being done to you is being done to the planet.
But I walked out of that shop without a word--I have gone there for a few years and this skank is the person who has always been there except for the one time I went there at a completely random time driving past and making a sudden decision--where I was treated with warm smiles (perhaps not genuine, but still of the saleperson pitch friendliness) and, I was offered help and obtained service without a problem. Now, because I had decided to go there a day before, I was beset by a prescribed script of lies and hate by this woman who made a point of looking ugly and tediously repulsive in appearance--her hair also was frazzled and looked ugly and acted in the same ugly, mean and petty manner (simply echoing the real personalities of the white Nazi bigot filth that tells this ignoramus what to do, as they are also dumb whores performing the acts that they are instructed to do by the very wealthy who just laugh as their stupid puppets perform every act of stupidity but are told they are noble and beautiful and glamorous for being so aristocratic in behavior--crushing other people down is one of the huge hallmarks apparently of this most "elegant" stance but they are just ugly creeps with a lot of superficial coating disguising the rotten decay that they conceal so well in their every fake appearance. Unfortunately, being attacked by so many of them and for so long, this is what I have had to see of them and I know that many people just want to believe in some glorious lie of supremacy so they can have something or someone to control them--handing responsibility over to people but unaware that these idiots will kill them at any second for more to steal out of them. However, as I continue to write the hacking and blocks to my brain along with the mind control making me pour out ideas (for these incompetent, meaningless parasitic rapist creeps to steal while what I type is censored, blocked and made unavailable and I obtain no money or acknowledgement but only more and more abuse and torture so I write more and more about how sick and disgusting they are--which they then steal to promote themselves as fighting against what I describe, but using my words and descriptions and analyses as their own as they have very little introspection and very little real artistic talent except for posturing and lying--
but still, the politicians--throw them also into that category but adapt it to political hacktivism
and so I walked out of the store without saying goodbye or thank you--it was all I could do. The seething black energy of this rotten parasitic creep remained a vacuum in the air as I felt her black emptiness glaring at me from behind while I walked out the door. I know that every internet email and attempt I make to connect with anyone is always beset by hacking intervention so I cant get a single thing done on this planet of commerce. Trying to obtain these products at this low pandemic state of economic despair and this ugly lying wench who is such a rotten and ugly person who I must deal with--along with this rotten landlord and the people in the stores--with the posturing plastic-surgery white pig-ape prostituted creeps making grandiose postures of supremacy and oh how they are enjoying how well their politicians are fully allowing this to continue unabated year after year.
I have to investigate some way to begin another website or blog which has some kind of contact service because this blog is now censored and blocked in probably every way possible. Only the interior circle jerks of these rapist whore creeps who are so incompetent for the levels of power you have ascribed them except that their competence of creating more misery, more death, more malfeasance more corruption and more graft is their most obvious trait from this position of truth that I must have to see their every ugly blemish and rotten behind-the-mask vantage of what they so clearly are but no one wants that reality they just want hideously plastered fakes controlling their ultimate demise-as if the death instinct just purely takes over when it comes to fantasy and putting people into power. They think/you think you are benefitting from these bigot Nazis (black, white, etc) being put into power to play their respective roles in the grand farce of their huge plastic-coated smile theft of the planet and the oppression of so many people that millions are dying on this planet due to their policies).
They are skanky, rotten and sick--and this is the kind of crap I must deal with thanks to the full participation of the United States governing body of the US Congress and it's Executive Branch--president after president allow these filthy sick psychos to continue to discriminate and torture, rape and murder people they don't like.
This is just a small example, of which I have been writing of for years and years without it ending and no one ever intervening. My last post was regarding the CONSEQUENCES of continuing to allow these rotten parasites into high levels of power. However, if they turn "green" they will still have the rape mentality of exploiting anything they can possibly and seemingly very easily take advantage of.
I am fighting back and the increase in blocks to my every internet reach for expression is increasing every day.
There is still only silence on the other end, and now this blog is further blocked and silenced and muted by people who have been put into power who devastated the economy of the State they were chosen in only because they are so adept at lying and stealing and posturing and people want to worship death so much and liars and rapists.
Over 40 tornados were identified in a few days in the United States in just one region last week. I have never heard of some natural occurrence so intense when it comes to Spring tornado season. The interlapping human drive for profit, plunder and the vulnerability of the soil, the earth, the rivers, the streams, like the "weaker sex" so vulnerable to being raped and exploited, confined and beaten and controlled--the driving force of domination over the planet has ensued in a raging torrent of retribution from the planet's natural preservation adaptation to the ineptitude of the plunging dagger of "Man's" desire to extract and control all possible.
This extends to mind control operations which is another spiritual, physical and in my case, an obvious rape cycle of ignorant and stupid greedy men and their even more rapacious women enablers cheering them on as the cheerleading squadron from the pits of the blackest cesspool polluting the pristine waters of the sanctity of life and of society and it's fabric of cohesion.
*I am now writing/copying posts on both Facebook and on this blog. While writing on Facebook earlier today, that which I will copy here now, the hackers were blocking functions which I tried to copy from a text--I had to click on functions 4 times in a row and delete as many times in order to get a simply copy and paste function accomplished. I would write a commentary and that was deleted while I was writing it. This post below I am not going to re-read for hacker inserts or deletions or rewrites. The hacker terrorists also changed the order of the pasted text to jumble all in the wrong order of the book after I published. Often entire passages I pasted would be deleted after I copied them and stopped pressing the function keys/mouse to copy and paste. Parts that I added as commentary were deleted and the text appeared as a black block when I tried to copy as well. Entirely much time spent simply trying to correct the pages I was copying--which on Facebook now are completely out of alignment with the text due to hacker terrorist intervention and censorship and discrediting of me.
Chapter One, page One, first paragraph.