They are also doing creepy things like spewing up stinking filth from the drainpipe of my sink whenever I use it. They broke my fan, the 6th fan I have had to buy for just the small bathroom in the past 2 years. I had to throw away my pressure cooker, one year old, which has been sprayed with deteriorating rusting chemicals so the interior was completely rusted and breaking apart. They also spray the pot with stinking foul rotten meat odors when I dry it. I clean it soaking in bleach, it smells like dish soap and bleach and is purely clean, but upon drying it stinks of rotten meat and other odors from food I have not cooked, but perhaps some of the ingredients I did use were incorporated into the attack stinking odor attack.
As for the brain manipulation by their technology--after writing these posts I have to get up and get away from the laptop because I feel so dizzy, sick and almost nauseous from the effect of my brain being bombarded with their electromagnetic or whatever form of electro-chemical obstruction to normal functioning is going on here.
It is sickening and the effect lasts for hours almost. The media is labeling something like this as "The Havana Syndrome".
Some of the people who lecture about Progressive politics and have been part of this attack upon me scoff at the notion of such an effect and deleterious "syndrome" being manufactured at all. They make insinuations that the targets or the claims are part of some ruse or silly delusional hoax or exaggeration (my words, paraphrasing their intention in their more exacting calm-level words). As they participate in this targeting of me, of course. Knowing full well what is going on, of course.
Many, many more attacks happened yesterday while shopping at the various places I had to go.
One place, a pharmacy called "SuperCheap" has a Thai male behind the counter who is a terrorist operative who isnasty and rude and lies about product availability. He had become someone more placid during the pandemic, but now that the foreighers who inspire and train and order him to be a hateful attacker are here en masse, he's filled with vicious ugliness and hate. The store is pretty small, but it was packed with long lines of people and as I entered and went about swerving around all the terrorist agents blocking all paths and stopping in the middle of the tiny aisles, the very same people after 15 minutes of me walking around were still in the same positions of this snaky line packed 2-people in a row. When I am in situations like this, the terrorists who push into me from behind begin to cut into my purses and packpack and sometimes flick stains onto my clothing or rip the fabric--always from behind as I am surrounded. I protected myself by sitting on a plastic chair and pulling it up into the line, which took less space than all the terrorists standing in clusters on all sides--but another terrorist Thai agent behind the counter wearing the store uniform began making nearly hysterical hand and arm gestures for me to stop doing that--knoing that the real people working there would not care and that I was taking up less space than the terrorists standing in zig-zag formation on all sides of me, I just ignored her. I asked for a refill of a prescription and the Thai man who is always there with hostility to lie or attack me--now pronounced during this rush of the white supremacists out of Europe who proliferate in hate clusters and surround me with ugly and sinister and sick (and stupid) hate skits and attacks, now after years of writing about this the resurgence of their hate and stupidity and sick and creep attacks is the "old normal" of their diseased mentality coming back en force. The subservient followers all beckon to every call to behave with the most sinister and ugly hate. The people who had been warm and friendly during the pandemic are all gone, except a few remaining but the ratio is now increasing of people I have never seen and the formally nicer people who didn't attack me, actually did the jobs they are paid to do, and were normal helpful customer service employees.
I walk into stores and the people I have never seen glare in hate at me with stupid dumb looks of animalistic emptiness and greed--driven of course by that factor probably more than anything else but the dumping of their hate unto a lone target is probably even more enticing than simply just obtaining free loot from this looting organization they all bend and bow to on every level of existence, every day and moment of their lives.
And more and more. But now stinking filth that is permanent sprayed on clothing--my jacket has red stains that won't come out with anything --the stains appeared upon waking yesterday and the night before I had checked the coat to see that it was okay for my shopping trip. The same red stains appear on my artful constructed containers in this room because all the cabinets are not only fully sealed and tied together with metal hooks to stop the mechanial arms, but the stink and stubstances sprayed onto all the clothing--well, it's been three days after cleaning two items that have been stored in the closets and the horrific stale stinking odors won't get out--not from being exposed to the very harsh Thai sun--and I really like this clothing but have not worn it because of the disfiguration of my body which this group has also forced upon me by pouring this hardening, bloating, mind control cocktail--tasteless, odorless--in my food for decades.
The hacking very bad right now--I write normally and letters appear in a string as if someone pressed a button and random keys appear while I am fighting to pound down because the keyboard is remotely being affected with stiffening malware.
Years of writing about this to the empty void of this readership and it's never stopped. Everyone participating in this crime who is famous is an "advocate" of Democracy and many of the most vicious purport to fight fervently and yearly and daily, especially for Progressive politics and platforms. Not a single one of them, especially in the YouTube and social media platforms but also include major news networks--not a single one really engages in exposing mind control technologies or claims from the many silenced other targets who experience this hate hell every single day with no one taking them seriously or stepping in to defend or help.
As for speculation or theorizing or making hypotheses, all that happens when I write is that people steal verbatim the ideas. My "freedom" to write has been turned into a life-threatening exercise in power by government agencies which are dsicriminating aginast me, I write of this and it's still ongoing. My every phone call to these agencies is diverted to terror agents who expressly lie without end. It's now 6 weeks of phoning to have my address changed correctly, with threats of forcing me to come into their office to report various aspects. Something I should not have to do and has never been an issue in the 25 years I have been subjected to this sub-poverty level where I am also treated with condescending hate and insults by practitioners and the celebrities and politicians because they are part of th is larger network that forced this status upon me by accidetns, poisoning, fracturing of my vertebrae while I slept, more accidents breaking more vertebrae and poisoning hardening into every rip and tear within my body. The physical attacks remain while I am sleeping.
Just writing to the empty void of this audience which is fully in league with the terrorist organization. William Cooper in his Hour of the Time lecture series always claims that form his indelible research the real origin of all of this is The Illuminat.
I could then go into more writing postulations about an episode of his lectures about the McCarthy Era and H-wood--and a certain movie portraying some kind of supposed "Kangaroo Court" accusing a beloved set of actors with potential Communist sympathizing--
but the depth of the situation goes and extends far more deeply into the kernel and core of this organization and it's not a story of a crazed anti-Communist. But on that note, I am always under threat for what I write. They try to get me to write by using such tactics as these noise terrorist attacks. Once I begin to write the mind control tech plus hacking combined force a somewhat jibberish rant but the terrorists know what I write without all their hacking interference, they also can obtain access to my thoughts which they do every day all the time night and day. So they gain access, distort what I write, distort my brain cognitive processes with these technologies, and then profit off exploiting and stealing whatever they can--andf then torture me for having written or expressed anything remotely threatening their coveted pirate system and their hate operatives who always posture in the most magnificent malignant tupsy-turvy of ideology.
Oh, one more set of attacks I forgot to mention because I was becoming so dizzy and sick from the brain-altering tech attack: I use a small folding rolling carrier when I am lugging groceries and all the huge bulk I buy because I am stuck in this room for days and days upon end (sometimes for two weeks) in healing mode and hard chemicals are slowly ripping out of my body at cellular levels--for years it has not stopped without end--the chemical mix is so lethal and disgusting--just another symptom of how this organization operates with their steal and rotten intrusion and embedded paralysis of mind, soul and body if they possibly can permeate into every level of every person's being in order to incorporate them into their larger flesh-feeding frenzy operation.
I leave this metal rolling carrier at the garage with a Thai "guard" who is absolutely a terrorist and part of the larger group. He does things like help the white males who drive their bikes directly into me as I drive out of the parking lot--the steep slope of the hillside where this huge condo is perched means that you don't have a plain level vantage when you are driving out, so they exploit this to come from side angles and this Thai garage parking attendant (seemingly) looks directly into his mobile phone to direct the exact precise speed and moment for which to attack--I can see this easily. But I used to leave my carrier in the small little hut that was abandoned a long time ago because this condo was emptied out expressly just to target me with no witnesses--something that has happened in shocking style in apartment buildings and homes around the world--particularly in the USA.
All the surveillance and seeing what I do to try to protect myself from their endless face-to-face harassment and lying and scoffing and attacks--they refurbished this little hut once I began trying to get around the other attendants who sat at a table just at the entrance. Now this attack is centered upon my carrier--so they are packing the bearings and wheels with strings, soot and black grease compacted into the joints so the wheels won't turn. I had used a lighter to burn out the strings and grease, and I then sprayed the joints and axels with WD45, but yesterday with a huge grin this dude handed me my carrier and it was so packed densely with black grease that my lighter won't get rid of it. The stuff is so pounded into the wheel sockets or axels, that trying to rip it out and burn it out for more than 10 minutes still meant that I had to literally drag my huge and heavy shopping bag (like over 20 pounds or more) with laundry detergent and other heavy bottles--all in a huge artistic laundry bag actually---almost too large to sit in the leg area of my motorbike and it extends to the handlebars of the bike---and I had to drag this huge bag because they packed it so badly with all this grease. It's unsable perhaps by now from what they just did to it. I had to buy another pressure cooker costing me over $20--I just bought it less than a year ago and they destroyed it. Along with another fan, and all the things I have had to pay to replace, all I do is spend what money I need for food on replacing essential tiny little appliances that I need for living--I have one cooker, one pot, a few fans because they broke the air conditioner--and etc. Clothing is routinely stinking with substances that never come off with any normal store solvent or cleaning or bleach or vinegar--permanent and destroyed--over and over. The list goes on and on, but that is really creepy and this creepy condo the dirty and nasty terrorists turned into a stinking and broken down ugly place--not just my room but the natural area in the back of the condo has been ravaged--all birds that once flocked are now completely gone like a barren dead zone--shot and killed to stop them from flying in this area. The two lizards who had thrived on the rocky hillside are completely gone--either shot and killed or taken away (likely the former and not the latter) because I threw food to them and had a kind of contact with them.
It is foul and disgusting that I am forced into this along with the stinking filth that has been injected into my body and hair and skin and food and I'm endlessly cleaning or detoxing, healing and stuck with no ability to earn money or get real defense or live in peace---