Sunday, January 22, 2023

Substrata mediocrity Freakazoid Hellworld of fascist fashion politico-celebrity bs-s**t: Once more, another year of...Paris Fashion Week honoring my most recent shithead terrorist celebrity who rose up from the dead zone of publicity inertia and obscurity by globbing onto attcking me in teleportation because I made the mistake of complimenting him and clicking on a page with his rotten mug on it. Thusly, the pig ape and his ugly sleazy sick wife have rushed to attack me in teleportation--to obtain fashion promotions from the fascist fashion empire of the 4th Reich in Europigapeland: Why I (rightly) call the teleporting terrorists "pig apes" and fascist fashion scumbags and whores and et al....A perfect example of the increasing violence awards system for utter shit as human beings being adulated by Paris fashion fascist Nazis/Mafia and how sick and disgusting it all is. What they do to get these promotions and how stupid and putrid and rotten and sick they are and how this "mind control" and promotional "rewards" for performing every hate crime act towards me thus demonstrating how perverted and what kind of racist/fascist programming this contract and system truly is.


"Marilyn Manson--The Beautiful People (Official Video)". Marilyn Manson. October 6, 2009.

Oh yes, oh no...Mr. Manson below is a pervasive supporter of the fascist Nazi "elite" fashion Nazis--he supports their fashion celebrity culture or he used to, he has kind of dropped out of attempting to become another user/abuser in this scheme along with Depp (but his putrid daughter never stops because her entire career has been obtained from endless teleportation and other mutilation and torture of me, feeding off it as well, as they all do). I only add this next fake "rebel" video because it's a bit more revealing than some of the comedy routines, but it's still another hypocrite putting out fake "subculture" antithesis to pop culture but he's undoubtedly a fan and goonie of the pop world of the fashion Nazi iconography. His selling point appears like a post-goth world of alternative introspection but like all of what is cranked out as being alternative to mainstream fascist fashion, it's just another fake being sold off in order to create the illusion of a kind of "balance" between accepting and being utterly drowned in Nazi iconography--this is also the routine with politics but also diluted into "left" and "right" illusional (sic) stratification labeling.  


Please get those sick and putrid pieces of shit above out of England off me, and the rest of this group as well. I wait for sanity in US Government and in Whorewood. Apparently this is considered behavior for promotion into lead roles and higher management positions. As unbelievable as it is, what is even more unbelievable is how many of the celebrities absolutely cling onto this system and yet are promoted as being rebels and advocates of societal change for more equality and freedom. I just want them to pay me so I can live in peace and have my cat returned and be alone but living in a beautiful house with enough money and people not attacking me, in a place that is safe and warm and welcoming and live there for a very long time in peace. After all this, they all have enough money to donate to my life as they have destroyed so much for so long--my cat La Moux returned alive and happy, and for them to be pried off me. This has been my endless appeal to the world. It should not be so endlessly impossible for anyone to respect or honor, but for all these years, I have been doling out the same desperate appeals for my life to silence and just more and more of these filthy shit crap parasites latching on to obtaining promotions like the pig apes above--who are stupid and moronic ugly and sinister--truly vile and disgusting they all truly are. What a wasteland it is that they encompass in our deteriorating society and planet of global warming and destruction. The greed and stupidity should ring out alarm bells in society but instead these idiots just get promoted. Trump having been promoted for his rape and violence towards me and the result of that should have at least given people a pause to not allow this to continue. But NO...and so, I just consider any effort on my part to attempt to find a single compassionate, beautiful person amongst the entire tribe of these "leaders" is an impossible task and just want to live in some kind of decent way without this endless hell forced upon me by these putrid ugly sinister parasites of my life force any longer--why can't this ever be allowed or promoted by anyone?

This putrid couple of pieces of shit from Europigapeland--the most appropriate classification for these scum-sleaze filth stupid apes--have viciously attacked me in teleportation along with the dirty and nasty "Russian" ballet dancer who raped and beat me for over one month while the people who have been torturing, beating, having me raped, my body mutilated, nightly torture in teleportation non-stop for years and YEARS AND YEARS--giggling watching on--but this married couple of pieces of sleazy and sick, stupid shit in no less than one day of me writing a post, under drugging, under mind control, as I am right now--always this is ongoing I sit here detoxifying from poison, sick and unable to move, sitting here as terrorists spray stinking foul liquids on my chair when I rush up to detox in the bathroom from the decades of poisoning that have hardened into my spin that I am endlessly fighting to crack and break out of my spine and body every day through rigorous exercise, that I have not even been able to do from such excessive poisoning from the pitt gang for so many years that I have been partially paralyzed and unable to literally move or do any exercising, stretching or any single thing. So poisoned that all I do is shit out poison I barely manage to loosen up to spend years too ill from detox to move--every day stuck in front of this laptop 

so while I am sleeping, every day, the same people have been beating, abusing, punching, raping, insulting, extracting ideas which they steal and refund with mutilation, poisoning to kill me, demanding a baby out of me, my cat stolen, my home stinking and putrid and foul and dirty and disgusting and toxic--

trying to get away from them endlessly for years and years. I wrote that this stupid, disgusting and ignoramus idiot Harrington below, who told me he was not "married" and tried to "get it on" with me immediately--as I just tried to ignore his "voice-to-skull" endless insertions into my every moment from the day I wrote that he seemed to be not as stupid as the rest of the idiot celebrity interviews I saw on W Magazine--which I was just drugged into a desperate stupor to get rid of them after years of trying--only to be more viciously attacked IMMEDIATELY with this pig ape pair of filth and shit--and within less than a week of forcing teleportation skits of people being slaughtered with an automatic assault rifle--with me behind the rifle as if I were almost there shooting them myself--the actors playing these roles dropped like they were dying--then the next night, it was a "performance" of a rape and orgy scene--as I was disgusted, shocked and I was forced to "see" this in a tunnel vision with an "editing" process these actors always use so I "wake up" while in a deep sleep in one state, to "seeing" in a tunnel vision people assaulting, raping and abusing me with me in the middle of "performing" some action I had no idea, in a black hypnotic state, while teleported, while asleep, while drugged up, under non-stop daily torture and thus deadly stress and non-stop duress--as these filthy pig apes just pound me down with endless torture. The smiling stupid and foul pieces of shit are just more of the glowing with delight pieces of pig ape shit who are awarded by the Europigapes especially in Paris with their Nazism and performances of absolute deadly anti-semitism aimed at me--a person who never practices any Jewish religious rites whatsoever and I have never done anything like it except for three times in my life in a social setting and for the most part just to try to understand this religion a bit. 

They hate me because I am not conforming to their stereotypes and have to destroy me physically, sexually to retain the cliche that Jewish women are ugly, frumpy, deranged but basically that they are destroyed as human beings. I believe that is their goal with me. I used to carry my head very high, they tried to break my spine, m;y teeth out, my body they poisoned me until I am huge and bloated and then using this tech have not stopped for a single day in violence, rape and torture, sexual abuse and mutilation going on and on every day.

So desperate to get pitt off me, and his wife, and his endless rotation of celebrities all now with the same photo ops in fashion and Paris and all the awards it's a complete line-up of people who have partaken in this teleportation terror operation.

I tried, I tried to get Baryishnikov off me, as I tried to get pitt off me, and I tried to get Depp off me, and I tried to get them off me as they took turns raping and beating and insulting and threatening to kill me. Within ONE DAY of writing a post complimenting this ugly and sinister disgusting creep Harrington he rushed to abuse and yell at torture and threaten me in a most ugly and nasty way. He included another ugly woman from GOT who was with that very short man who also played a role (now starring in a film this year, after a long haitus from starring meaning he obtained his role by attacking me, as they all have done for years and years and years and years).

All they had to do was behave like sleazy, ugly and stupid pieces of shit and viola! The French pig ape fascist Nazi shit organization has welcomed them into front page fashion appearances--they were just featured in another magazine for another fashion line--and a few days later (two days later) for Paris fashion week--like on the front page. This ugly sinister disgusting pair, the man in particular, was just attacking me the last time I was able to exercise, two days ago. Insults, yelling with violence at me--all I did to that stupid ugly pig ape was compliment him in a fantasy of what I hoped he might be--not blonde, not a fascist Nazi for his role playing a man with integrity. Instead he's a sleazy and sick, disgusting and lying putrid pervert with his ugly wife attacking me using anything I say to throw it back with vulgar insults to my every spoken utterance and my every thought that they hack into is also mocked and insulted and threats are abounding from this most oppressed and sleazy ugly and violent pair of shit with all this technology and all the Europigape adulation for these putrid creeps of the Whorewood industry. You can bet that the politicians who have fully participated like Hillary Clinton, AOC and Lyndsey Graham and filthalina and all the part-time actors/politicians like Oprah and et al--are fully incorporated into the programmed US Nazi cliches with their mansions in the most wealthy and "elite" areas of Paris and London. All bought out, all sold out, all sleazy and foul, all endlessly monopolizing the awards and lead roles now year-after-year. Endlessly put on magazine covers and touted as being "the best". 

This is why I call them pig apes out of Whorewood. But you can all become mesmerized and continue in your fantasy worship of them, as they are all you can ever believe in due to the need to worship lies and sleazy Nazi substitutes portraying heroic and loving, "beautiful" people.

Goddamn them, I have to beg and beg once more to PLEASE GET THIS PAIR OF SHIT OFF ME--this putrid and rotten sleazy parasitic married couple in the photo above, taken from ET Canada and it's page on "Paris Fashion Week 2023" which I only happened upon. It was not pushed directly on my social media pages I just happened upon it, as now I look at these celebrity pages as I NEVER have done in my life (except waiting in shopping lines and looking at the cheap tabloids covering the same celebrities--years ago--who are still the same on the covers with their younger accolytes being trained in how to attack me or behave in the same fascist concealed versions of heroic peace-makers and benevolent personalities charitable and kind and loving fashionable etc )

Please get this pair of rapacious sleazy parasites off me--and all of them. Please goddamn. I have spent years writing about these actors and after a few years of one of them after the next globbing on, finally someone else replaces them, only to become MORE violent because the organization instructs them to torture me more for resisting and fighting for any and all human rights; something no one will definitively support or defend me for doing or having done, as if I am a criminal and guilty of a crime. The treatment by Whorewood is worship of the celebrities who are torturing me and indifference to what has been an ongoing slow mutilation and torture situation upon me.

**My posts are being hacked/redacted/for discrediting purposes. I re-read my posts and see words deleted/omitted so what I write appears as ranting incomprehensibility in parts. They delete grammar and fuse sentences together after deleting half and then combining them, etc.

Los Angeles is the perfect American model of fascist Nazi/Mafia 4th Reich death camp elitist policy: First, "they" get a 1-15 day order to vacate an apartment or living space. Then once homeless, they get a 10-minute warning to try to save their every belonging before it's all bulldozed into compacted blocks by garbage trucks. The billionaires and millionaires of Los Angeles who teleport me laugh, giggle and inflict ever-increasing torture and violence upon me, the longer they get hormone-highs off teleportation (easily pressing a button, screwing someone over with increasing need for more violence to get that original high) and then watching the target get slowly killed and saying they "deserved" it for fighting back against their entertainment teleportation torture sadism and theft and rape and abuse. It's the exact equivalent of how the unfortunate homeless of LA are treated. Like me, they probably did nothing to "deserve" their plight except get laid-off or targeted for some inane reason which is mostly that Los Angeles and America loves the Nazi Mafia creed and needs people to torture, rape and kill for their global expansionist policies brought into a domestic sphere. The homeless "deserve" it because they are the "losers" of society, according to the expletives who vote for and create a system where by they are "entitled" to unending millions of $$ while others are just "losers" who get fired without enough money for any safety net; no health care, and f-off and die is the real motto behind it all. The fascist Nazi/Mafia Americans who worship nearly fascist fashion out of the Nazi/Mafia-controlled Euro-land centrifuge, owe total allegiance to that centralized system. The policies operate like a microcosm model in the city of LA. First, they adored the Clinton NAFTA globalization policies and moved their industries to outsourced cheap slave labor in various "undeveloped" countries, which they also turned into their nearly free cheap sex vacation pet home projects for "development". Then they give a 10-minute notice of evacuation after ejaculation when the Reagan policies took over as they worshipped the actor out of the Beverly Hills--until the cultural violence has spilled onto the streets as the terrorist "entitlement" expletives masturbate and swoon over the violence and torture they get to inflict, they become addicted to it, they obtain free promotions and awards and carte blanche by the government to inflict all murderous technologies and poisons and drugs and death squads using various sophisticated technocratic means of enslavement. This macro-to-microcosm model: It's all on display on the streets and hills of Los Angeles.

 "10 Minute Warning LA Homeless' Belongings Taken During Sweeps". Invisible People. January 18, 2023.

Every single day more homeless persons accumulate into these housing tent areas in Los Angeles-every day someone else can't afford to survive the cost of living in the US/Los Angeles and goes homeless. AT least one person, I don't know the statistics but I watched a clip about homelessness in LA where one of the men in these tent housing communities said that every single day at least one more person comes there to try to find refuge and is made homeless. From one day to the next--from one paycheck to the next--from one illness to being unable to survive. From one rape while homeless, from one stabbing or murder just another death...But....$2 Billion from Biden to Ukraine and for NATO's former 3rd Reich Lebensraum policy to extend into Ukraine---now being funded by the US--- to protect oil interests in Ukraine, and continue a long-standing Nazi/Germanic policy of overtake of everything possible---along with the past year of billions sent in addition to millions from the US, it's darling military-industrial partner before and after WWII---

The genocide continues upon the homeless in the US--lebensraum for elitist US Nazi/Mafia members (in LA it's pretty pronounced). Los Angeles, in fact, is almost the perfect analogy of Nazi stratification of culture encapsulated in an interior domestic setting. No need to invade other countries, the US just imitates Nazi genocide from within it's own culture, using the excuse of Trickle Down economic policy gone awry and other such distortions of reality.

The USA's dying homeless population and people dying for lack of health care silencing versus..Billions of US$$ poured into mind control torture/terrorism/death squad "incentives" for all terrorist activities, both domestic and international + ..And the best scripted political-for-money-for-billions$$-funding rationalization speech award goes to: "It's not just about Ukraine's security. It's also about European security. It's about global security and it's about our children's security..."--Lloyd Austin (speech below in video).

 "Live: Ukraine Defense Contact Group press conference/DW News". DW News. January 20, 2023.

I have to search outside of all US media sources that are major for news outside of Trump and MAGA. I must turn to international news sources, just to discover what is being kept on the back pages of US media: Lloyd Austin reporting at Rammstein Air Force Base, Germany--on how many tanks, missiles and other major military hardware and equipment is being sent from countries ranging from Sweden to the USA ($2 billion more aid to Ukraine, it seems that the millions and billions keep pouring into that country while Americans can't afford to live on the streets even any longer)--

It sounds a lot like WORLD WAR III is going on......only described as a more regional conflict. Listen to how many countries are sending tanks and planes and killing equipment to Ukraine, from all over Europe to the US and beyond--. Meanwhile, the Kremlin responds with assertive claims that the influx of foreign aid to Ukraine will make no significant impact and the war will go on indefinitely with the looming threat of nuclear war and threats that the US will "regret" all this support. Not reported in main US Newspapers whatsoever.....(not in the places I have looked for news, maybe this would be a small article or op-ed piece for a large paper like the Washington Post--but it remains a kind of silenced action with global consequences with a seriously dangerous foreign power claiming threats of nuclear war and that the US would "regret" any further aid to Ukraine--still not publicized by US Media outlets as any source of concern and only Trump is the main mention every single day on all the Left and Right media outlets.

One good thing about the Republican House agenda is to quell the endless influx of US $ into Ukraine. I hope they are successful in this. Good for them (for us all). It is ridiculous that the US is funding a war while NATO countries with health care and wealth care for all their citizens demand and expect the US to endlessly fund all their Nazi expansionist agenda criteria as the military might pushing all the international wars (for oil and clout and hegemony for the 4th Reich). Make Germany pay now, make Sweden pay make England pay goddamn stop America from PAYING AND PAYING into this sinkhole war for Nazi control over Central Europe). Make FRANCE pay and pay and pay...make Latvia pay--make the Netherlands pay, make Italy pay, make Norway pay, make Austria pay, make goddamn the rest of that Nazi continent pay instead of the United States pouring millions upon billions of "aid" into that shitty country (with so much oil with US investment holdings from the Biden administration and et al). I hope the Republican administration WILL uncover all the graft from this horrific outrage upon all the homeless and struggling of America who are lacking in health care (which all the Europeans are automatically "entitled' to and have almost for free in most cases while Americans are DYING for need of housing and health care and prices are too high to survive). F--this war in Ukraine and the US involvement in it.

" from tyranny and oppression...we remain confident in our support of this conflict."--Lloyd Austin (ibid/below). I am not free from tyranny and oppression from the US Government as a US citizen. The people who remain homeless and swept away by garbage trucks in Los Angeles because of the homeless criteria are victims of tyranny and oppression and fiscal irresponsibility on the part of our nearly floundering in national debt crisis government on the brink of total collapse. The ultra wealthy who are sexually charged by pressing buttons and teleporting me as a prototype for a furtherance of enslaved people destitute with no options that is being currently implemented by all Parties in the US SOCIETY and not just in the government. Loving torture, feeding off anything they can steal and then torture into "submission" and then kill off upon whim or directive. Millions and billions of US $$ are also being poured into this kind of domestic terrorism which is spreading throughout the planet to teleport, mind control and kill off various unwanted people. So many of those from those "unwanted" groups are wholeheartedly programmed and paid off to participate in the demise of their own "groups" which they are as far-removed from and distanced from as possible while claiming they are "fighting" for "them" in their million dollar roles as such by this hate global enterprise paying millions and billions into ensuring a rich/poor master/slave divide. Listen to the rhetoric that Lloyd Austin is reciting from script about fighting tyranny--he could be making an Oscars acceptance speech for a rigged election acting award it all sounds like the same script.

Saturday, January 21, 2023

One of the violent, hateful and nasty sleazy teleporting terrorist celebrities (out of England) asked me quickly a few days ago, what being around Prince and "his" club First Avenue was like. Here is another post about Mpls and that atmosphere, which these terrorists perhaps have never experienced in their lives and have always been vicious and callous or just perhaps after they achieved the "elite" status of celebrity: A warm fare-thee-well and RIP to the former bodyguard of Prince and bouncer at First Avenue whenever I walked in (on the weekends). I always got a very warm welcome from the huge dragon stationed at the entrance of First Avenue. A warm nod and look of welcome as I entered was always this segue to a most fantasy-world of First Avenue enthrallment and going into the vortex of spectacular creative energization.



Charles "Big Chick"--A person I miss from Minneapolis--although I never was connected to him, he exuded a warmth that was felt from yards away. Giving a warm nod of welcome as I passed his dragon gate post in front of the larger dancehall floor of First Avenue--gauging who was okay to enter or just welcoming in the Prince neophytes as I was (not a groupie).

"Charles 'Big Chick' Huntsberry Prince Bodyguard Autobiography--Purple Rain Premier". Jme Forness. August 31, 2022.

RIP to the person who helped make this black club with the white checker-board floor (formerly a bus station) an entrance to a light and multi-spectral color parade--
I guess he died perhaps due to drug overdose---I think he may have passed as a happy man, having fulfilled his life in a meaningful way, partying all the way and not going down badly at all.
I always felt so enveloped in a welcome and protection that this would be a fun place without any problems, and there (almost) never were any problems there for me (except for one single time, drugged up). I can't say this for any other club I have been to, and all the people who had created this warm envelopment are now dead---all I can do is see them on the internet now. The rest is the total annihilation of what culture there was turned into more 4th Reich takeover of entertainment and fun and musick---pop culture that I tried to get away from and Prince (and this bodyguard) helped to create an oasis--it's now trashed by the trashy culture calling itself "superior". Leaving nothing left of the former glory of this unique and spectacular artistic endeavor that First Avenue used to be. I can't imagine Minneapolis being anything similar to what it was back in the day--reverting back to Nazi culture and yet another formerly very happy and cool place turned into a hate haven for fascists who stole, usurped and probably killed Prince off in order to capitalize and steal what he had created, calling it their own.
I was approached a few times, over the years that I lived in Mpls, to meet Prince. He would show up at the movie theater I worked at, unexpectedly (to see Giant). I was told by coworkers that Prince came here and asked if I liked Prince. I usually said no. His movie and his videos are extremely sexualized versions of female sexuality that I found seductive but I didn't want to be just another pawn of Prince so I just remained aloof. I tried my best not to be a "star-f-er" type just willing to do anything to be near a "star". I am glad I had kept to that philosophy so I can truly appreciate Prince as the artist and the healing influence he was, as perhaps my unwillingness to instantly "submit" to being used was a kind of empowerment on my part and he respected me for it ---but, he also had me contacted in Miami by other people, and etc. He was kicked out very soon after I moved to Miami and the expletives who stole his concepts (verbatim, stole his themes and concepts) the Italian Mafia associated with Stallone and the Milan brothers---who stole his concepts also attacked me and still are behind the LA hateful group endlessly having me poisoned and abused slowly to death. I think I would not have revered Prince if I had gotten close to him and been another tidbit for him to devour. Perhaps he wanted to also exploit this contract out on me (undoubtedly so). 2 weeks after I used the terrorist social media "contact" of clicking on and writing anything about a celebrity, trying to get out of the grasp of the LA Nazi enclave of absolute hateful people stealing my ideas and torturing me to obtain the ideas and poisoning me and calling me fat and etc and stupid after stealing ideas and etc etc etc--slow death, endlessly so, endlessly writing about it, Los Angeles endlessly showering the criminal celebrities with more and more awards and kisses on their cheeks, then their children, and their friends, and it has never stopped ballooning ever since--but back to Mpls, I tried to get away from them and Prince put his photos on my social media (not upon clicking "subscribe" on my part) and then, 2 weeks later, he had been killed (my conspiracy theory, which others also believe in or make allusions to a murder rather than accidental overdose).


This sort of concealed murder/sabotage is one of the ways that this hate 4th Reich organization kills off The Beautiful People of this world and leave only their minions to usurp all possible that was created by those who truly can love on a universal plane, as Prince and his bodyguard from long ago were capable of (while I was around their influence, at least, at the beginning of Prince's fame and fortune circa 1986-1989). As a Hate organization, they want "hate" and terror to be dispersed. The hate-mongering ones then lap-up the fear and negativity and feel entitled and the warm elation of hormonal high from violence and murder. They are thus, able to "love" for a very short amount of time until they can once again feed off hate and violence they create with all their duplicitous machinations.
With this endless teleportation terror operation, these types of parasites can feed, thusly, endlessly off the hate and negativity they then feed off and press of a button the torture victim is disguised as a sleeping partially dismembered, bloated torture victim with no evidence. I have spent YEARS begging online for anyone to get them off me. With the endless rapacious destruction of such love dispensers such as Prince, also notably on a plateau of creativity based on love and life appreciation, which these hate parasite "entitled" 4th Reich "leaders" are absolutely bereft in on all levels of their lives---but, society suffers. No one notices because they are being tricked by the deception of lights, cameras and editing plastic surgery and the theft of ideas from those who have such heart and soul. The lies that society is alive and vital but underneath deteriorating and in utter disarray and chaotic upheaval remains a hidden lie. Until finally the lies can't be disguised any longer, but by then, the chaos has emerged and the controllers create more lies that they "care" but just don't know how this all happened. They blame one or two people for having created the problem and then continue with the social engineering to bring hateful and violent life-destroyers into positions of power, still doing Search & Destroy missions to kill off people like Prince or anyone who won't go along willingly with their Nazi/fascist/Mafia takeover and immediately granting them all permission to steal and exploit without opposition, resistance or question.

"Prince's Family Finally Reveal Distressing Truth About His Autopsy". Rundown. October 2, 2021.


***This post, like most of my posts (all of my posts, in fact) but today hacking was much worse than usual. Pages froze so constantly that I had to wait minute after minute for anything to unfreeze. I spent over 20 minutes just waiting for pages to stop being blocked, backspacing non-stop to rewrite. My brain also was under attack. I can never write or think clearly while I fight to pound out each word and backspace and rewrite non-stop.


"What was First Avenue and Prince like?", the hater asked me---welllll..U certainly, definitely can't touch this M.F., from MC Hammer to U (all). Your hate knows no bounds, your limited vision is the short-sighted limitation of your creativity and the dumb celluloid K-rap you crank out and are attacking me only so you can crank out more (seemingly just being talented and having the best ideas, and especially having a heart and soul of loving kindness and creativity that helps to generate such incredible and unique art and political movement-- is nothing worthwhile in the consideration of who and what gets to crank out more fake bs in this industry marketing 4th Reich politico-media enterprise).

"M.C. Hammer--U Can't Touch This". MC HAMMER. February 25, 2009.

Today's mystery meat package presented on my YouTube page from online terrorists trying to get a triggered click on their video page outta me---. Most of the clips were somehow about miscreants doing anti-social things, making movies about anti-social deviants (mostly males, in fact, no women are involved in any kind of threatening behavior in these movies or clips--or none that are the main character who is deemed a righteous hero rebel)--and I saw such similar types of videos--usually a male denouncing the power structure, never a female voice in the din...(women are 2ndary7 objects who are objects of lust--so anti-porn sentiment NEVER touches the fringes of their minds when it comes to threatening the status quo, and it's because they are creating a newer version of the same old boys status quo---)

 "The Midnight Special More 1974--03--Brownsville Station--Smokin' In The Boy's Room". 111blanandrive. July 30, 2011.

so I thought of this song which probably created a deviant groove in the record playing in my mind control metaverse--smokin' in the boyz room---sounded cool, my older brothers who also smoked doobies at the time, in Jr. High School and High School (yes, in Champaign, Illinois along with college students and pre-yuppie post hippie time of the mid-70's)---

in keeping with that, I play this song remembering how it urged me to feel like a cool camel skipping school--which sounds so menthol and camel at the same time---but as a "girl" I was considered actually really and truly "bad" as opposed to the hero boyz who smoked in the boys room (what does that mean, after all? They mean perhaps having a homoerotic pull on a cigar-shaped Freudian-blessed rubber object in the boyz room while skipping school. Maybe the subcutaneous meaning of the song was about gay sex and skipping the rules of "school"=society)? Girls are automatically considered sleazy and low for having done the same sort of thing and no songs are made about women/girls enjoying the same sort of "privilege".

All these men who put out these videos about how renegade their songs and show performances are, are attacking me for having done what their heroes provide as entertainment through which their assumed constructed personalities are conduits of.

I skipped school, not because I wanted to reject society (especially) but because I was so drugged I could not concentrate, my back hurt because hardening poisons were latching onto my spine and hips internally and it has been painful for me to sit for more than one hour at a time for many years now. High school involves sitting for almost 7 hours per day. I was dazed, could not study and that was wholly due to the conglomeration of poisons accumulating in my intestines and trapped underneath hard shells of poison tubes hardened into my every-twisting spine (which was diagnosed as being idiomatic scoliosis--cause unknown by all the doctors who knew very well).

I skipped school in high school very often. I was accepted nevertheless into Cornell University. My GRE scores were very high (upper 2%) in the science category. I would learn the school material from the corrections to my wrong answers and by listening in class as the teachers went over the results of the tests and what each answer should have been and why. That is how I learned for a few years of being absolutely too drugged up to concentrate. I was not a miscreant or a rebel. I did make my own paisley pants out of curtain material which caused my very conservative/wealthy high school group of cheerleaders to glare and stare and point--however. I was glad, and wore also my own fashion, which was something I never saw anyone else doing at Nicolet High School in Glendale, WI. (The area upon which the tv show Happy Days was based upon--). I was NOT considered the cool subculture male wearing the black, leather jacket. I was skeptically received because the word was out that I had rejected my Nazi step-mother and left and was not complying with the norm (my interpretation). Mostly people didn't know or understand and were instructed to avoid me. I was still being "hit on" by the boys at my locker, and just avoided them. Endlessly probably assaulted while in the deep sleep mode where I lived and they poisoned/drugged and used all the protocols against me ("good" Germanic-background Americans, a family I stayed with because the backlash against me fighting back against Nazis walking over Jews required absolute drugging, poisoning and rejection because I was so "bad" but not considered an outlaw rebel without a cause). Of course, Oprah, the "good" minion was "popular" she claims at the very same high school. Surrounded by blonde cheerleaders and one gets in that position without a$$ groveling to Nazi indoctrination and demands. Not much has changed since then in the "high school" of modern life....

But I thought of this song--about a cloaked reference to homosexual sucking on elongated things during the "school of life" in the closet, etc (it's not what I did as my "rebellion" but it probably was forced upon me while I was in the comatose unconscious but still aware sleeping state).

Friday, January 20, 2023

"HAIRPOLICE--Redefining Normal since 1989". Minneapolis HAIRPOLICE SALON--nothing like Derrick Chauvin but more like Sonia, a death squad "gang stalking" terrorist who dyed my hair blue after other terrorists in the blonde/Nazi salon in Dinkytown (near the University of Minnesota at a trendy hair place on campus) dyed my hair greying bleach/green from failing to do the blue dye correctly. My hair hasn't turned grey until the hate of never-ending blonde Nazi "stardom" from H-wood, so back then it was easy to dye over and my hair survived. Not so now, from years and years of filth sprayed into my hair every day by terrorists. But I was treated with a bit less stupidity by Sonia, who then began her "alternative" version of being a death squad terrorists but was capable of cutting and dying my hair without turning it into a mess or destroying it. I learned from her style and began to use an electric shaver and cut my own hair for YEARS using a similar technique I saw her do and my self-hair cuts were far better than anyone I have ever gone to for short hair style---but regardless, she inspired me despite her blathering about her problems while I was enthused about this "alternative" hair shop--as this happened at the height of the beginning of the Prince Empire but most of the planet was in the 80's cock rock scene or the pop culture and tattoos and blue/green hair dye and pink hair and asymmetrical hair styles were something you may only have seen in places like Greenwich Village, NYC and never in Minneapolis, or even in Chicago (maybe). It was a bit outrageous. Due to being the eternal ubiquitous target of everyone who wants a free promotions (which means almost everyone alive now on this planet)--the Hairpolice became a salon and I mentally dismissed Sonia (understanding subconsciously albeit not consciously that she is just, I mean was just, another sick piece of lying expletive using me as all the people attacking me are--at least in my opinion as the endless target). Now her shop is not so outrageous, but back in 1988 and 1989, it was extremely subculture for that time. In London, my hair was considered by the look-alike- yapping cardboard women of the salons I went to as being asocial and horrifically badly done and "the worst ever" haircut style.

 "Hair Police Take 4". customvm. April 17, 2011.

But Hairpolice--Sonia somehow, like so many others, obtained her new business shortly after I met her and she was working in a shop called Curl Up and Dye (that's the name of a beauty salon in the movie Blues Brothers, but at the time, I thought she was so original and funny and she never corrected my assumption about the name of the salon she worked in).
Like so many others, she got a new business after I walked into her salon and she began a kind of "relationship" with me (just as business hair stylist but her behavior was to try to get a friendship only casual with me). She didn't act like a terrorist. I don't know. She asked me to be a model for her but I was so drugged I slept through the morning photo shoot and she never asked me again, assuming I was a drop-out. I was drugged up (by terrorists who never want to see me have any single thing in this life but poverty, illness and endless hate heaped upon me every moment of my life).
Sonia, who did the usual, told me about her problems, told me sad stories--so obviously she was a terrorist---told me she was coming out of a divorce. I mean, isn't it supposed to be the other way around that when you get your hair cut it's the customer confiding to the stylist and not the other way around? Sonia did also what most of the hateful people endlessly surrounding me have always done and it's an integral component of the hate and negativity they all force upon me because that's how they happily get new businesses. They tell me about their problems, they go on and on, they invite me for situations where I'm going to get screwed, either literally or figuratively. Perhaps it was for the best that I was too drugged to go to that photo shoot. It may have ended up in just another sleazy situation where I was drugged and date-raped by a "friend" of Sonia's also looking to capitalize on this endless free new business deal out of attacking me. As you can see if you look at her website, she opened her salon as a kind of franchise in Amsterdam, lived in London, etc etc learned about extensions---and now she's dead, somehow.

Interesting that when I was in London I was insulted about the hairstyle I had just obtained from Sonia herself just before I flew to London in 1988. Odd that they welcomed her in that city with her odd hair cuts and alternative style--but years after I had gone there. It was highly conservative and my hair style was far too modern for what was very mainstream central London, at the time (I lived also in Chelsea, which was extremely curled hair for women as the ubiquitous fashion was at the time). In Camden Town I was not singled out and stared at for this odd hairstyle that was short on one side and longer on the other with a few cuts into the side of my hair and longer on the other and etc---a tinge of blue also in my hair. It was just too much for the people of London, many of them. I was told it was the worst haircut they had ever seen. I just had to laugh it off as it was obviously someone who could only imagine nothing more than what the fashion magazines instructed her to think and emulate and imitate.

I remember another female who was clinging on parasitically to attacking me pretending to be a "friend". She was a "goth" black-wearing performer pretending to be alternative. Actually a fascist Nazi and highly conservative. Her behavior was most incredible acting as "alternative" goth "girl" with heavy black eye-liner and various shades of hair embellishments colors. She had a little tiff with Sonia, the owner of Hairpolice, because like the scum that they were and even still are (Sonia is dead, but probably she's in scum hell with the other dead scumbags who have attacked me). I now recall Mary Pat telling me about a verbal argument she had with Sonia as Mary Pat took over the contract of attacking me (which is truly a pity as Mary Pat had absolutely nothing to offer in any way, just a sheer parasite pretending to be alternative--like so many, like all almost all the people teleporting me now). They give nothing and suck out everything possible and destroy. Sonia had at least something else to say (very barely as they all just follow the creepy protocol system of hate and attacking and telling problems and pouring ugliness and negativity upon me and then they all go off giggling and obtaining free new businesses and homes and they get international recognition and etc). Some of them are now in scumbag parasite hell--I wonder if Mary Pat is there now? As for Sonia---too bad her creativity in the alternative original hair style market had to become recognized only by having to perform hate acts for the fascist Nazi no-creativity controllers of the Market forces. Did she die of Aids? Did she die of Cancer? Was she just killed off by this group of fascist Nazis and one of them took over her salon, as these pig apes all do, they offer some kind of reward for behaving like a fascist Nazi to underground types who then conform to fascist Nazi standards, and then they get killed off and the money and businesses get reabsorbed into fascist Nazi financial control. ***you can take that to the bank it's so tragically real and true.


Hair dyed blue like a luscious peacock, by the stylists at Hairpolice--Minneapolis. I think preferable to the hair salons and fashion in London--(and Paris, and Miami, and Los Angeles)--cause I'm partial to what goes down in Minneapolis and I find those other large "fashion" cities a bit fascist and Nazi or more than a "bit". The hair styles resemble the frozen attitude towards fashion and there is nothing original that reaches any height of the fashion world. It always looks almost exactly the same, just a few different lengths of skirts and various angles of the clothing, the hair is absolutely boring in the "fashion" elite centers of those large famous cities supposedly the fashion capitals of the planet.

At least, because I am tired of nasty sleazy fascist Nazis with very expensive "Haute" clothing as they claim they are superior--I would have a lot more fun with the zany types but without Prince and the former glory of First Avenue not sure where I would want to go out and exhibit my funky hair style from the Hairpolice---???

Hairpolice stylists--Minneapolis, Minnesota. Home of Prince and First Avenue. But at least there has been a good thing that came out of the gang stalking/terrorist/exploit contract out on me, and that is this hair salon that Sonia started (like so many of "them" and YOU Too reading this!) who just appear with new promotions immediately upon telling me your problems and now teleporting me with your vicious hate and violence and rape and torture skits--(out of London, with boring hair styles and fascist fashion which you claim is the only superior on the planet--but I beg to differ). Hopefully my contribution to any other type of culture had helped to create a kind of antithesis despite all you f-ers out there trying to bring in monotonous conformity and obedience to your incompetent "authority" based on techno-terror technology, drugging, manipulation and discrimination, en masse with technology now a global phenomenon. Hopefully there has been at least ONE situation that has arisen that has proven a counter-culture opposition to the encroachment of your endless take-over of all and imposition of your mediocre fascist fashion and entertainment conglomerate Nazi/Mafia thug culture of conformity


"Prince & The Revolution--Paisley Park (Official Music Video)". Prince. July 28, 2017.

Of course...the life f*** terrorists who steal concepts and ideas from me (i.e. the hair color I invented which they stole after making my hair fall out--the exact original hair color was used by someone in a London interview for an American actress---in Camden Town, but the exact same color I had mixed and created using my own formula. The person teleporting, raping, poisoning and murdering me at the time (Danny Moynihan) had already stolen ideas verbatim from a short story, and ideas (and this has been the contract out on me for years) but they steal everything possible while murdering and mutilating and poisoning me with horrific bloating chemicals in return. They must use torture to extract the ideas, and they must torture and abuse me until I can't think or have happy creative thoughts and when I do, they literally can hear my thoughts, call me stupid, a "bitch" as they beat, slap and rape and do whatever violence they want as no one ever stops them. They then present the ideas as their own, modified of course into the Nazi fascist fashion iconography and ONLY incorporated into the general brain programming for the 4th Reich, out to the minion fascists being programmed by the "fashion" and "entertainment" and "news" and political blathering programming from politicians. They destroy anyone or thing that contradicts the lie that only they are creative and superior and "beautiful". They mutilate, torture and kill anyone not playing the slotted role they demand for those who are supposed to service their monopolization of life--the boxes, the cliches, racial roles sexist roles and etc---but in order to "sell" themselves as being commercially viable, they have tortured me in order to obtain ideas and they return it with more death, enforced poverty, endless hate forced upon me by millions of creepazoid bot "people" who all look almost exactly alike who all act the same and have zero personality structures because they all follow the instructions without questions demanded of them to follow by the pig apes they all consider to be "elite" (because they have blonde--or dyed--blonde hair--even if they have black skin, etc etc ).


Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Boycott Haute Living Magazine: a 4th Reich/Nazi/Mafia social engineering "fashion" fascist brigade of teleporting terrorists who have, during the years, inflicted destruction upon my home, property, body and life and sleep and health and happiness. All "awarded" with photos of them next to luxury everything. Always touted as being "the best" and "real" and philanthropists and etc. Not a single one has paid a penny for the damage they inflicted upon my health and home, not a single terrorist has even apologized. They go off whistling a happy tune as they get photographed and applauded by fascist fashion magazines like Haute Living. 

I almost never look at this magazine, but sure enough, every single time I do (when I am in the mood to look through my former home, which I used to love, Miami, turned into a deadly and viscous fascist Nazi/mafia terror zone by the likes of Stallone and his Mafia goon partners out of Italy, along with the French fascist fashion models of the Nazi 4th Reich---and the surge of high-priced everything kicking out the artists who actually made South Beach the original quaint place that it used to be, now excluded, kicked out, some dead and replaced by fascist Nazis with Mafia doing everything to interbreed with blondes and to protect the Nazi iconography).


but every time I open this page online, maybe once or twice per year, there is a litany of scumbags being honored as having "the best" and opening new businesses in very expensive, millionaire Miami row of Nazi/Mafia entrepreneurs which took over the places and homes that artists and people who were actually "real" as opposed to the titles of the little captions underneath the shit and crap like what Bloomberg also spewed out as his daughter--a most offensive and disgusting foul-mouthed idiot screaming "loser" at me continuously for the favoritism of the Trump MAGA group which has been behind so much terror heaped upon me, after years of the Mafia and Nazi brigade out of South Beach that were poisoning me to death. Endlessly screaming about how ugly and "fat" I was (am working out to fight to break the internal  poisoning out of my body, which has completely mangled my intestines and spine and created a huge interior shell structure that literally is as hard as rock cemented into my hips/spine and along my body).

I was just assaulted yesterday by a team of most foul disgusting perverted scumbags out of England--part of the Game of Thrones actor's grabbag of wanna be A-list Europigapes infiltrating H-wood, so many of them absolutely welcomed with every kind of high-priced red carpet as they swagger on in, training Americans in how to really torture and destroy lives. The show that they starred in only programmed them into repeating the traumatization of that show upon me in their "fantasy" teleportation state of wishful violence that they could actually get away with by inflicting it upon me. The first day was of a mass killing spree by an automatic assault rifle shooter--with me observing from behind the shooter as if I were right there shooting along with the actor/performer playing this role (it was obviously faked but in a dream state and teleported, even though I knew it was fake, it was still a sick thing to have to be forced to see in a tiny lens capacity as my sight is mostly of a tunnel vision in these teleportation situations--whether that is due to the technology or my sight is restricted somehow through all this brain manipulation I don't know).


The next night was of someone crying out for help that she was being raped. Then there was an actual orgy scene with some hideously creepy bunch of sleaze creeps having sex, and it was not attractive it was just like some sport exercise with sweaty disgusting foul parasites which I also had to watch. I understood even in that state, also, that it was not "real" but they were really having this ugly dismal pornographic filthy sex and it was a creep out--

The remnant of Game of Thrones YEARS of murders, death and sex scenes in every show---didn't promote any kind of feminism just Nazi blonde and brown-haired women coming into "power" through acting like violent men and having some arsenal of weaponry like dragons in order to inflict fascist autocratic tyranny if possible. With a few exceptions of the more soft-spoken women who rose to power---all the blathering script about equality and fighting to preserve "honor" has completely escaped the tyrannical fascist filth creeps (it was a short, nasty and dumb woman who played one of the lead roles, and the morose nasty brown-haired man who also attacked me, I wrote of him just a few days ago). They just viciously attacked me then upon waking with the voice-to-skull tirade of hate--which is what the daughter of Bloomberg also had done. I am waiting for the duo of filth and hate from Game of Thrones who have just attacked me to be promoted by Haute Magazine, the Golden Globes and whatever else for their wonderful humanitarianism in their next scripted movie plot about how "strong" and wonderful they are as human beings. 

Bloomberg's daughter who also yelled other obscenities, while her very ugly and vicious "Jewish" Nazi father would reach his ugly gnarled hands towards my breasts and do something like make his hands into gnarled talons waiting to rip me apart as his face resembled, in my sleep and teleported, drugged up and dying from poisoning state--something like Gollum hissing with bared sharpened fangs as he also had me put on a kind of rope, dangling from a helicopter over the Manhattan skyway (literally, he did this like he was going to hang me/murder me by having me hung on a rope dangling from a helicopter over Manhattan) and this was for just reacting to the endless screaming of his half Nazi daughter endlessly screaming "loser" at me to impress the Nazi Trump contingent who hands out such awards. I told them that Elon Musk was going to become an overt Nazi and they then threatened to kill me and had me hanging off this rope in another teleportation skit. I would think things to myself and this filthy and stupid idiotic daughter would mock what I was thinking and would say the most absolutely stupid things--like if I thought about some food, she would yell "loser bread" (i.e. I was thinking about getting bread) and etc--just anything I thought in my private room was an adjective for her to add "loser" to in my private room, my private thoughts, with this foul and rotten parasite attacking me--and only because the blonde bigot Nazis told her to act like this with nasty foul Bloomberg right behind her, glaring at the huge pot of poison in my abdomen. I told the parasites that I was being poisoned by the Pit gang with filthalina mostly ordering most of the poisoning murder operation--they attacked me even more vehemently. I had to go through the usual endless online posting begging AND BEGGING AND BEGGING people to get yet more unbearable shit filth parasites off me who are "famous" creeps who are really the most despicable idiots possible who say and do the most disgusting and sick and stupid things to me and then are promoted for it. You can see on Haute that this filthy dirty daughter "Jewish" Nazi is being hailed by that nasty magazine as being "real". 

Then there are many others, and every single time I open that website just to see, if possible, if this will ever be stopped, there are an increasing list of the people who have had my body mutilated and then made jokes about how bad I look and how much better they look (after all their glam treatments and surgeries and modifications). 


There is always someone being awarded every month or handed a lead role who has tortured and participated in this attack now. There are so many of these filthy and nasty creeps that it's a never-ending array of terrorist Nazi/Mafia actors being handed every kind of promotion and treatment possible.//By the way, Bloomberg, after obtaining permission for his half-Jewish piece of spawn shit daughter to get Nazi approval, which is why their vicious violence upon me was so much more pronounced than some of the more obvious blonde Nazi celebrity types, who rely on their minions to perform the violence so they all just sit back and appear like they are wonderfully hipster and cool, which none of them are they steal every concept possible they are as mundane as black white paper in a copy machine. But, that is what "Jews" have to do in order to not be put into the target zone as I am. My "crime" has been to fight for my life against filthy Nazi men who drug, torture and rape me and then destroy my body, steal my property or ideas and then poison me with intention to see me paralyzed and internally suffocating, with dismissal of hate after they force a "love" drugged and brainwashed drug/technology interface upon me--usually using date rape drugs to initiate the exploitation portal and then latching on and when I try to get away they kill and maim pets and have groups of blacks and latinos and Jews viciously attack me without end. That is the role that "real" spawn of Bloomberg and that ugly sick "Jewish" creep have played to defend blonde pig pitt and filthalina the absolutely nasty fascist Nazis backed by the Mafia of Whorewood. Haute Magazine putting on the list every vicious and foul parasite who follows in the genocidal creed to put the label of "haute" meaning highest fashion and thus only worthy of legal representation, only they are worthy of financial opportunity and everyone else has to become homeless, downtrodden and kicked out and they are "losers". No more equality and freedom, that is what Haute Magazine promises with all the usual lies about what gregarious wonderful humanitarian artists and performers and people of great superiority these puffed up copy machine print-out programmed hateful sleazy dirty foul most stupid bots are programmed to put out. 

After I told the Bloomberg rat father-daughter emotional loser duo that I was being poisoned, they just allowed the poisoning to continue. They have since donated money for the Democratic Midterms and in millions in "charity" and the little bs clip about the rotten emotional loser scumbag parasite daughter in Haute magazine labels her as being "real" and wonderful. They left me to die, in other words, only because I was defending Jewish people who are not going to play the Nazi game. They have obtained billions upon billions of dollars for playing that societal role as the symbol of what is only acceptable for "Jews" to play especially in the NYC world of Mafia/Nazi overtake. They are now welcomed into the Nazi/Mafia overtake city of Miami, especially on South Beach, which had once been a warm place for me to live before it was completely taken over by violent Nazi Mafia Europigapes who have since been training their "stupid" American minions that their (my/American) culture is "stupid" and has no "class" and only by emulating fascist fashion and by submitting to the Europigapes and their fashion dictates, will they only then be "haute" and then allowed to survive the 4th Reich impending doom of genocide and another Holocaust.


Also included on that same long line-up of thug celebrities for the Miami edition of Haute Living (link above) is Keenu Reeves, who teleported and raped me and threatened to kill me multiple times. He received, later that year, no less than 4 lead roles in movies--during the pandemic when theaters were all closed, that was a very special award for his death threats and rape. Ever since the death threat aimed at me has resulted in the pig apes teleporting me obtaining higher prizes, more death threats have ensued it's now like the water pouring down from the patio above mine--a cascade of death threats for not immediately giving ugly sinister sleazy disgusting so-called "men" sex while they beat and abuse and insult me before and afterwards--that is the condition I am forced into, which people like Senators Graham and Cruz, Clinton and Sanders, Biden and Trump and et all fully endorse and have never done a single thing but jump in to get their own career enhancements and prizes and get out of testifying cards for free for endless violence and death threats and torture and rape and abuse--never ending, their behavior in the "private" sickness of the collective masturbation orgy of teleporting me has reached hideously odious levels of stupidity, asinine ape and pig behavior that is supposed to be "haute" according to the social engineers waiting for the inevitable trickle-down of hate and violence to seep into the fully loaded populace of America for a real political take-over with genocide and war in the streets. That is the Haute they are promoting, in a veiled form of hate. Haute Hate truly is what this magazine is promoting. But it's not Haute, it's just indoctrination into Europigape "aristocratic" elitism with murder as the underpinning for obtaining the wealth.


So there is Keenu smiling in one of the clips about how "wonderful" he "is"--there is McCounaghy--(I can never spell that awful name, and don't want to look his mug up on the internet because he's offensive to look at). He intimated that I am just a "prostitute" in one of his skits, before he hissed in hate at me that pig pitt and filthalina are his "good friends" and whatever violence they were inflicting upon me was because I must be a "prostitute" and thusly "deserved" it and by fighting for any human rights in defending myself, I deserved more torture and he surely was going to join in--and then get promoted by Haute Magazine, get lead roles, get endless prizes, labeled as being a compassionate hero of society by the other Nazi and Jewish Nazi controlled media social engineering "magazines" and entertainment news sources and movie roles galore, never ending for them all and money money money money money without end poured into this multi-billion dollar enterprise of creating a fascist Nazi society. 

There was JayZ and Beyonce not too many years ago put on front cover after they began making "go to a concentration camp" comments to me while the German actor (who played in the Tarantino movie about nazis and Americans like fascist Nazi pig pitt "fighting" Nazis, as usual)--but Tarantino, who is not in this issue--also made such "die in a concentration camp" comments to me when I fought to stop him from asking me for ideas for his next movie as I fought to not answer. JayZ and Beyonce, I also had done nothing to do with or any harm to them, they just jumped in as the usual black and brown and wanna be white supremacist minion favorite flavor of the decade celebrities--made such comments in front of August Diehl who had punched me multiple times after raping me. They (not Diehl) were put on the cover of Haute Magazine--because of course, they have to promote "black people" as being inclusive because American culture is so "equal" and not racist (sarcasm, of course on my part). I only looked at the first few rows of the photos. The spawn of Depp was also prominently featured on the cover, and that is from years of death threats, torture, spitting on me, rape, my cat being stolen, endless promotion by Nazi fascist fashion world of Europigapeland, her fascist French skank sick mother and that gang of criminals out of France--featured as a nepotism celebrity and only for her father raping me endlessly and beating and torturing and stealing my cat for years as she was trying to get out of having no status in the entertainment world to being put on front covers, lead roles after years of that family Depp raping, beating, making Nazi genocidal comments and etc etc upon me. How many others---? Nicole Siervo who was murdering me and wanted to put me in a coma while pumping poison into my body--the poison he made jokes about that was making me so "fat"--he was featured in Haute Magazine as being the "best" entertainer of Miami--and his venues were ALL obtained from  his years of torturing me. Before he began doing that, he was a part-manager of a club owned by someone else and had been a floundering manager for club-after-club which all became bankrupt due to his Mafia mismanagement of all--graft, stealing, etc etc. The concepts he used for his clubs also were Mickey Mouse boring mainstream music, nothing even worthy of commenting upon. He did have expert designers from Europigapeland create interior design that was very well done, and this I must give him. I don't know if he personally designed the places or not, since he did study design somewhere in Italy. I doubt that he did so, but it's a remote possibility. Considering his bad taste in music before he was handed such extremely expensive huge venues (like a mega huge venue, from part-managing a very small lounge when I first contacted him from Thailand, asking him begging him to help as I thought the gang stalking terrorism was originating from someone I had tried to rent an apartment from on Miami Beach--a Europigape and because Siervo kept coming after me for YEARS and with his hate and negativity with his sexual advances I avoided him, but in desperation I contacted him on the chance that maybe he may help me just because he had been coming after me for contact and sex for so long--I had no idea what the heck was going on regarding this terror contract at that time). Of course, Siervo was the manager for Stallone & Steven Tyler's small venue called Bar None, where I was "invited" specially to sell cigars as an independent vendor, back in 1997. The terror has never stopped from that group ever since and is still going on.



If any of you readers out there are against a tyrannical fascist Nazi/Mafia overtake of the world/Miami (has already been fully ensconced in that city for over a decade, fully) and anywhere else, and I suspect that the owners and controllers of this magazine are Europigapes and all part of the international Nazi 4th Reich---which put someone like Trump into power in the first place through his terrorism aimed at me and others---

then boycott this stupid magazine and find other versions of what is supposed to be "real" and "beautiful" that actually are

Terrorist Report: The terrorists have bored holes into the ceiling of my patio, through the grout and in between the patio board flooring. They are pouring water through the holes literally all day and every time I look or go outside water is dripping like a little fountain. I have built a trellis out of plastic rope and cloth tape. They are destroying it. I have contacted the landlord for over a year but he won't do anything. After the last time I wrote about it, the water attack has increased to being literally all day without end. My entire patio is drenched on one side, items are being destroyed. I would have to endure going through people entering my room to install something they could actually do from the patio above mine--I know their game and stalking terror tactics by now. It will be never-ending intrusion into my home and space with nasty and sick people coming into my room and stealing and breaking things when my back is turned (as always happens during these attacks upon the structure and appliances that the terrorists break in this room when I leave to be further endlessly attacked in public spaces)..

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

All the lies and yo mamma too (and yo mamma's mamma).//Watching the Santos debacle "outrage" response being held in Great Neck, NY through ABC News, resounding in echoes of that district being a "joke" to the community (Jewish Republicans, I might add).// Connecting the lightening-shaped (SS) dots and Thinking of an obituary (my Jewish Nazi mother who spent her adolescence in Great Neck, NY, being programmed into the Jewish Nazi wealth barnyard; --a label no one but me has the honesty claim as her real legacy).

Meeting held in Great Neck, NY to address the Santos problem (of Jewish Nazi Republican Sheeple doing what they are told=voting for a lie, accepting lies, telling lies, living in lies. Obeying what the bigot Nazi 4th Reich instructs them to say, think and do like so many of the minority minions of the 4th Reich. So many lies they can't discern reality any longer).

"Rep. Torres calls on the FEC to investigate George Santos". CNS New York. January 17, 2023.

This "outraged" community meeting was held in a beautifully designed, ornate ($$) building, in the lavish and upscale community of Great Neck, New York. I grew up having to drive from Champaign, Illinois to that spot twice a year, from near infancy until at least age 11. I don't "know" the community like an accepted member. I was always designated as being the sacrificial mind control victim, and all the people from that community were fully aware and attacked me with terror and fear underneath the scowling dissent--all the bedecked dripping with jewelry marshmellow-hair-doo woman and sunken-in Jewish men and women, surrounding my suddenly wealthy grandparents (coming from the Lower East Side, coming from Brooklyn, coming from not-wealthy immigrants out of Austria and Hungary)--. My grandmother made a point to usually invite "Erik" this German immigrant from Nazi German to our most bedecked nighttime dinner soiree's, with his "Jewish" (dyed blonde) very happy wife, one of the few Jewish women who looked happy and glowing compared to the more sunken-in and droopy types (despite their grandeur with jewelry). I suspect that they lived in perpetual fear from the endless hate and intimated violence from the thugs like those I have encountered coming out of Brooklyn, the Italian-American mafia with it's threats, insults and for many decades, complete collusion with the US Government with mind control technology and death squad permission handed out. My family did what it could to get away from the thuggery of Brooklyn and live with money. voila, here I am writing about mind control as they are either dead (my mother passed last November, being remembered only as this wonderful beautiful personality), or still living with the lies that, like Santos, have created a beautiful mist about their personas and how successful they always have been (financially) and about their credentials--me of course now castigated as the problem and of course all the poisoning and torture and stalking and abuse has forced me into paralysis and not able to earn a single penny while under non-stop torture, so I look and appear like "the problem" just a "problem child" while they are, like Santos, seemingly picture perfect. As opposed to Santos, however, my parents DID attend Ivy League universities and ARE of the Jewish clan (not the religion--but in particular in business matters if money is involved they become "jewish" very quickly, just like Santos). Otherwise, they couldn't give a damn about Jews or the Jewish community or the religion. It's a label they were forced into. They tried to force themselves out of being the perpetual victim of racist hate, and sold me off to the vicious 4th Reich to be raped, poisoned, beaten and mutilated and destroyed--a sacrifice. The Jews I meet from New  York are almost all (that I have been exposed to, i.e. Bloomberg who is a most hateful vicious abuser towards me in a way that is like immediate rage and violence without any provocation on my part--he's so indoctrinated into New York Jewish self-loathing programming and venting his spittle upon me with death threats, like they all are--he's just emulating the Nazis and the Mafia out of Brooklyn, as so many have done of the "Jewish" community, as my family did with eager glee to get out of the ruts imposed upon them, to be handed wealth their parents dreamed of, as they sold out not only me, but the community and themselves and then the country, in fact, helping to destroy the fabric of what America really has stood for--for the chance for equality and freedom from Nazi and Mafia and state-sponsored death squads and etc--which they sold out to, leaving me to fight alone against what they should have rejected but never have. My family has not even contacted me to let me know my mother died, I discovered it on my own. I stopped contacting her and them after she began screeching in rage at me over the phone because I had moved to Thailand and never told her--but really, it was because I was fighting to get the next filthy pig ape rapist from endlessly poisoning me and pumping poison into my body (and laughing about how "fat" I had become, then letting me know he wanted me in a coma) and was going on and on for over three years with me constantly telling him to stop. This is the Italian scumbag friend of Sylvestor Stallone, his name is Nicola Siervo--I wish him hell. But otherwise, my mother began yelling at me with utter rage while I was fighting the Nazis. Her rewards for obeying, she married an "Italian-American" but began screwing him while he was married and living next door (she was sent to be his mistress, and I suspect my grandmother sold my mother off to sex slavery and oppression as my mother became even more violent towards me because of her own victimization, which she just had to pass off onto me). My mother, in other words, was violently yelling at me for not obeying what some filthy pig ape scumbag was doing to me, killing me. She didn't care, what was important was HER standing with the Nazis. My family, in all it's intermarried with Nazi pig ape Americans, are completely also immersed into this lie and distortion about how wonderful the are (all play the usual "liberal" role for society, because that is what is expected of "Jews" and their oppressed minority offspring). 

But back to Great Neck, the Republican Jews, who assume that the Republican Party "cares" about Jews in Israel can't wrap their minds around the mind-bending fact that many Nazis are members of the 4th Reich Republican Party, and that killing Jews is one of their top priorities. When the Nazis come marching into Great Neck, the whimpering Jews call the police and assume also that law enforcement is always going to be there to back them up, mostly because they have all sold out to the 4th Reich and believe that they are sheltered and "safe" if they just go along with selling the children of designated targets like my family (rising up out of Brooklyn, suddenly having a very beautiful house in Great Neck, cleaning maids, mink coats, a Cadillac, etc etc etc). 


My grandmother Elsie,  half Nazi half Jewish was accepted 80% into the Nazi program especially by handing her daughter and son and grandchildren into mind control experimentation, microchip implants and all that funky filthy stuff that has become a normative stepping stone for so many aspiring people that it's a commonplace "secret" that "no one" knows about but "everyone" participates in one way or another.


My grandmother with her blonde hair and blue eyes---a stiff autocratic demeanor, a closet full of mink coats, a jewelry chest full of diamonds and exquisite precious gems and jewels. The neighbors with their dyed marshmellow hairdoos, always at the beauty parlors once a week, bowling for Great Neck and going to the diners and to restaurants at the very least 4 times per week (when we would all drive to Great Neck, I can remember only a few evenings of a home-cooked meals (expensive steaks, always from my carnivore family). It was ALWAYS out to restaurants--my four brothers and sisters my parents and my grandparents. In New York, that's an expensive. My grandfather claimed that he obtained his wealth by playing the stock market. He "showed" me the place where his pet supply store had been on the lower East Side of Manhatten by driving on an over ramp so I could only see the tops of the buildings and he pointed to an old red-bricked sort of sagging roof while we were on the expressway and told me "there's my old shop". Cloaking and lying about every single thing, almost, that is how my grandparents operated. That is how my mother learned to operate. That's how my mother has always operated. 


My brothers and sisters and their offspring, who were waiting, I suspect, to also have my mother berate and abuse me so they could also get free promotions and deals, tried to lure me back to Arizona a few years ago. I can only suspect them because of the years of my mother trying to essentially have me killed. She also told me that they (my family) were "waiting...." for me to....(blank, silence). She was begin to yell at me with hate that I was lying about my back being injured (she created the injuries, made sure I was poisoned, made sure I was f-ed over all my life, or most of my life, poisoned me personally herself)--I refer to the hardening bloating poisoning. As I grew older and puberty turned into a threat to her insecurities (and my Nazi grandmother) they began to have me disfigured and maimed. This is the exact mentality of the bigot women of the Nazi enclave in H-wood and their mentality. My family has picked up a lot of the methodology and behavioral traits of their Stockholm Syndrome "handlers".


This is an obituary clip from the Champaign, Illinois News Gazette. All the wonderful parts about how my step-father and mother hosted anti-Vietnam war meetings (parties, in reality it was parties and gatherings with passing joints and cocktails--it was always a "fun" party for my family. Once the war ended, they never spoke about America and it's war culture ever again, as if they had been muted by their authoritarian controllers who are war hawks and need to rely on the graft and the flow of endless money for their social engineering mind control machinery). My parent's function was then not of use, and the targeting of my family began and what had been a solid and loving family turned into my parents following orders and turning upon their children with viciousness in order to prove that we (me) could not achieve self-determination but must always remain the sheep waiting for the slaughter if and when the Nazis want to steal all the money and property of Jews--as usual.

My mother turned into a vicious, yelling and screaming alcoholic. If you prod members of my family, perhaps they may eventually not tell lies about her and the situation. She would sob and cry at the beginning of the Nazi and Mafia infiltration of my home and family to stop us from being powerful in the community. My step-father had become a kind of symbol of anti-war resistance and was very popular. The Nazis, after the Vietnam War had ended, had to quash my family and bring us DOWN down down into ignominy and a kind of shame. I was targeted, especially when I became First Chair in my middle school band, and I was the best in the drumming and percussion group because I had had training in classical violin by highly regarded (top level) classical musicians. The others were self-taught but bigot Nazis. I was accosted by groups of teen guys following me home surrounding the chagrined ugly (German last name) creep who was 2nd chair as they yelled sexual abuse at me and threatened to rape me. The stupidity of the same mentality has not stopped to this day from famous world celebrities and leaders. But now as I have nothing, they have stolen everything from me, they are just deriding me for the damage and loss they have incurred but blaming it on me being a "loser" a "bitch" and a "nothing". My mother has fully complied with this group, kept me poisoned, and fully defended with violence all the men who raped and abused me. My family lives in perpetual lies to this day. Hailing back to Great Neck and the "get rich or die trying" mentality, and trying to get away from the US Government -funded "Italian-American" thuggery which has driven many a person into the grave for many reasons--racism being a paramount position the thug pig apes take and all the cliche sneers and references to Rome and how Romans killed Jews was perpetually on the ugly sleazy lips of Victoria Gotti after her nasty psycho ugly son raped me and family undoubtedly could not wait  to move away from crap like that. Living around self-loathing and perpetually lying wanna be Jewish Nazis of Great Neck was undoubtedly far more important than even having the integrity to care for their own children (me) which they sold off in order to get away from shit like that out of Brooklyn (thanks to the US partnering with the Mafia which they still do--and Hillary Clinton, formerly Sec of State for NY, is fully partners with the mafia actors pesce and deniro and on personal good terms--after screeching and yelling at me--so reminiscent of my mother, who was only emulating bigots like Hillary Clinton).


Of COURSE, just as when my father passed and his German-last-name wife who refused to change her name to my last name--who made open anti-Semitic jokes while my father, drugged, plastered with mind control drugs, would just sit staring in a dazed smile (which I know has happened to me, unable to move, paralyzed and smiling not "understanding" the hate) while someone who is penetrating your body and saying they are your "friend" is actually drugging and poisoning you to death slowly and using you for whatever the 4th Reich can pump and extract out before they kill you). But my father left me $0 in his Will. he was wealthy. He has a Yale Law Degree. He owned companies. He cut me and my brother off financially while I was in college and paid for the Nazi woman (last name Wagner, making reference constantly to her "German" background and my family as a joke being "Jewish"). My father was instructed to marry her, and he did because it enabled him to live on the Hawaii coastline with her. Otherwise, like the Jews discriminated against, he was not "allowed" to have property. The Nuremburg Laws are applicable in the US and are upheld covertly but still under strict policy unwritten but enforced with death--and under compliance, the Jews are still targets of death. But in other words, most of the money my family was handed out to sell out the Equality factor that America promised all the oppressed immigrants from Europe--my family sold me out, they sold themselves out, and the money handed to them to live in mansions along New York fancy townships has been re-absorbed back into the Nazi filth that exploited my family in the name of breeding children and intermarriage in our "multicultural" society. I got nothing from my step-father. My mother told me years ago that she would leave me nothing, and whined in an antagonistic way, "What will you do after I die, how will you get money?" She always had to lie, so that meant, I deduced correctly, that she already know that she was not "supposed" to leave anything to me. The children of my siblings who intermarried with white supremacist Nazis are the ones who have absorbed back the money my family got for selling me out. I also have to add that Lindsey Graham also told me in a very direct threatening way  that I was not going to get any money from my mother when she died (and thus I should help him to use me to obtain his promotion and not try to resist any longer this endless successful of people exploiting and destroying me and my family).

Make no mistake, I may sound callous towards my family but I am resisting because of the great beauty and love my family once had that, under instruction and forced by threat from this odious group--to comply to. All lies all the time, lies to the death. I fight because I love my family but can't have a single thing to do with them any longer because now they are a direct threat to my life. They have been drugged and poisoned but have never been honest enough to admit it or even suspect that they are. So fearful of this group and being handed businesses and options but always under the condition that they have some bigot filth pig ape "marry" them and use and abuse and control and poison and drug them; the children of these unions then adored by my mother who has handed them all the inheritance and me NOTHING. Yet, I still fight because this 4th Reich Nazi group has destroyed my family and they are also destroying the United States. I thus go back to the first point: Santos and his deceptions and for me, the focal point of this being held in Great Neck brings back all these associations like a blitzkrieg of connecting all the dots back to the lies and the cascading formation of lies built upon lies.


Post Script: what I "forgot" under brain-altering memory loss while writing the above, which I had intended to add-in but it just got lost in the fight to type and think (endless hacking, disruption of the keyboard--stiffening of the keys so I must pound down--my fingers have been cut into while sleeping so I'm pounding on slashed fingertips by the terrorists while I'm unconscious using their mechanical arms--the technology works in so many combination of disabling paralysis).

I wrote of a German man named "Erik" who attended my grandparent's very lavish dinner parties. He was always very jolly, most theatrically so. From my years of experiencing Germans, I know this was an act on his part. He would make a point to sit next to me and ask me all kinds of personal questions about what I planned to do with my life (I told him I wanted to study physics, which was my first year College choice, but so drugged I could not study at all, and I remain now unable to read most of the time due to the excessive amount of brain-altering drugging and technology endlessly blasting my brain so I can't function in an intellectual capacity--plus non-stop hacking and if I try to hand-write my hands begin to "shake" because of the microchip implants which can cause heart palpitations, eyes to tear perpetually, throat to constrict, etc.) But Erik and his "Jewish" wife, who was the most vivacious and happy woman of the group of more withdrawn but loquacious women at these parties, with their husbands--all "Jewish" except for "Erik" with his German accent. Coming to prod me for information about my plans, to assess if I was withdrawn enough, beaten down enough, how to suck information out so as to sabotage my life and order his minion, my grandmother, to obey and follow orders in order to attack me for the Nazi party, which controlled my grandparent's lavish lifestyle where they only went out bowling, to parties, to restaurants, on vacations, all on "stock market" earnings (my grandfather NEVER looked at the stock market or discussed anything except that he had one single holding in a restaurant). I can only connect this dot to that man, that he was an agent, married to a "Jewish" woman in order to infiltrate the community, control it, and of course to eventually bring it down to a level where another genocide could easily occur. As this threat is now looming and Nazis have come to Great Neck to chant death slogans and the Jews close their shutters and tremble and phone the police (while in other parts of America, people train in weapons, how to shoot, how to form militias and how to defend themselves in such emergencies but not the Jews, no, they are trained to obey, be drugged, sell off, sell out, attack one another in a divide-and -conquer strategy--and then VOTE RFEPUBLICAN because "Republicans are funding the State of Israel".)


Bette Adelman obituary


SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. - Bette Adelman, 86, of Scottsdale, Ariz., passed away Nov. 19, 2022, at home.

She was the wife of former UI Professor Gary Adelman. She lived in Champaign from 1964 to 1978, when she moved to Geneseo, N.Y., to serve as compliance officer at the state university there. From there, she moved to Scottsdale, where she lived the remainder of her long life. There she earned a law degree at Arizona State University and started her own law practice.

In the time she lived in Champaign-Urbana, all who knew her were taken with her intelligence, charm and grace as well as her devotion to ending the United State's participation in the war in Vietnam. The Adelman home is remembered by her friends for the many social and intellectual gatherings that regularly occurred there. She was a very special, beautiful person.

Published by The News-Gazette on Jan. 15, 2023.

Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...