Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Fascist violence (being punched in the face by German thug boyfriend of dirty shitalina) post Golden Showers award. The fascist response and violence post my post regarding the FIFTEEN YEARS of this foul dirty leech skank scum feeding energetically off rape and torture of me for all the 15 years she could get any and all white trash Europigapes into the skit scenario of raping and beating slapping poisoning and having my home made stinking if I tried to get them off--in drugged (dying) sleep and barely cognizant mode from endless druggingi poisoning. I wrote two days ago that this filth should not be awarded. I returned from a long day of shopping and being assaulted by non-stop blonde white Nazi apes on their "holidays" being serviced like plantation masters by a brown wave of subservient programmed loving bots; nothing not an iota any different from the billionaire/millionaire black and brown and "minority" programmed hateful agents of American politics and media puppetry.//The knee-jerk fascist response was a gloating smug violent fascist display to prove (for more awards) that any written response to years and years of 24 hour torture, every award these dirty foul leech whores have obtained in the last 15 years or longer have been stolen from my writings which I could not even retain---all written on Facebook in the endless struggle to get even a paragraph out within a 15 minute fight to get the keyboard to work, backspacing as everything is blocked. So drugged (dying) I could not function could not concentrate. All my possessions, every single thing broken stolen and all electrical gear frayed all writing stolen. I could not figure out how to stop the invasions into my living space while in a comatose teleported state I only could resort to writing my idea on Facebook. They "programmed" me to write my ideas as well. I was so drugged my body was a square shape of hard poisons with layers of cellulite and poison raised into just disgusting protruding masses of poisoned mutilation. //I could not use a Flash drive to save ideas I could not write more than 4 paragraphs and this is still true now. The effort to pound and write while my brain is also fraught with electronic blocks to cognitive processes left me with almost nothing but a few sentences.//The ugly sick sleaze skank with a group of the Europigape trash sitting in rows and the controlled American whores who also have attacked, viciously and otherwise, coming to watch the German once more punch me in the face as they are all telling me, that means politicians who have been retained in the last rigged election and those promoted into higher ranking or the Senate--al backing this German Nazi-spewing filth rape violent abuser (Obama being the most openly supportive of antisemitic violence against me; although I have nothing to do with Jews or that community and that black Nazi uncle tom had Jews in his administration you can believe they are as stupid in terms of obeying white supremacy as he is). Stupid in terms of just blanking out consciousness and following the dangling promises of more multi-million $ mansions more tv interviews more book tours more promotions more invites to the Met Gala to wear a stupid dress "Tax the rich" etc.

 The ugly trashy creep skank whore said complacently that "I won" but that ugly sick stupid whore never "won" any single thing. The months of having this German trash filth creep who they all love and gather around to vent his sickness his violence and woman-hating racism out on me as they laugh party they all go off supporting him they love him, all the gyrating skank shit from the last circus Harris campaign have been elevated--Jlo looks ever-more white and glowing with happiness after threatening my life and abusing me with the German ape slime standing smiling. She has been attacking me out of the Miami region since at least 2006, if not much longer (I was invited by email to a "party" which had a list of guests and her filthy name was on the list)

I am digressing now, but the endless foray of celebrities and politicians viciously assaulting and abusing me with this German sick fuck standing smiling and smug as hell--coming to control America

and that is exactly why ugly sick stupid shitalina "won" because for over 15 years she got the "Jew" out of Whorewood, got more "Jews" from Whorewood to gather around and get Oscar invites--such as Spielberg with his blonde Nazi skank wife--attacking me, after I posted on Facebook about West Side Story he came out with his "award" movie which is really boring and although technically well-done

but for years he was handed Oscars or nominations while his presence in this murder situation I have been living in was just a stepping stone for him. All the crap actors (male & female) who obtained international recognition for the movies that Spielberg cranked out are now openly viciously antisemitic and racist--the black creeps (Oprah just rushed to violently attack me last week--the years of her being literally championed in Whorewood after her vicious assaults upon me for years was met with all top prizes--being told she could yap her "strong black woman" bs--but just another sniveling dirty minority minion if you take out the years of her being coached in how to yell out "bold statements" about how "strong" she is. I just had to get attacked because I fell into the same trap of wanting to believe that there is something honorable and decent in dirty cesspool whorewood when Denzel Washington hacked his similar  yapping "I'm so strong and righteous" absolute bullshit from his videos on "motivation" which I had never searched for, never wanted to actually have anything to do with him because he came to the teleportation one single time I said with anger "not another one" he made a sad face and then I never saw him again until just three or two days ago because I began to watch Gladiator--knowing that I should not, that the director is a lying fascist bigot shit creep and that all his movies are projections of some grandiose facet of the Nazi fascist 4th Reich display of power and overtake of society. The theme is very long, the attacks on my brain and keyboard are too strenuous for me to type and get any of this out. I am now ranting as usual the rage is a sickness that is surging out due to the stress of fighting to type the frustration that I am always curtailed while sick stupid meaningless filthy shit have stolen my ideas, the rest of America participated in me being raped poisoned and left with NO HEALTH CARE to survive--so they are trying to kill me now using stress and violence non-stop and poisoning and drugging plus now they havea someone urging all the rest of the shit to just punch me in the face, as he keeps doing as I fight back this filthy creep is being handed every single thing possible to train more of the shit from Whorewood into the most violent fascist Nazi behavior as possible. Full cheers from the old white trash men from Congress and the black dirty filth who are part of their false "diversity" appearance.

Oprah has a void now in the endless promotions that she achieved from about 2 years of violence poisoning and torture of me as a plethora of black scum shit rushed to join in because I called her an Aunt Jemima. 

Because Harris did not win, that ugly sick bloated creep prostituted meaningless crap has to attack me once more to continue the endless "strong black woman who made it but grew up poor black like in The Color Purple bs that Spielberg along with violently disgusting Whoopie goldberg who began hitting me as I fought back.

I am now rambling and ranting, typing is now almost impossible the blocks to all keys and fighting with all my hand to get anything out


pounding as the keys won't operate, so stiff I must literally exercise my hand strength pounding pounding down my biceps are working hard to pound my arm and hand down


And the stupid shit who have drugged poisoned and s tolen my ideas are awarded by the 4th Reich for bringing a non-stop plethora of white Europigapeland trash and meaningless mediocre shit into America to train more Americans to punch rape torture kill steal and become fascist "aristocrats" afterwards.

Thusly, my writing in rage that this filth creep, who said she "won" but I never checked, I only wrote the post to try to get anyone who may care about America and about the country to stop this endless snowball effect of greasy greedy sleazy stupidity only following orders from a trash heap they and you all worship called Euro-land

a most foul fascist dictatorial group with genocidal aims and aspirations to devour America, destroying it using their filthy stupid puppets of Whorewood, who put Trump into power and now everyone is not shy about saying that America is trending fascist.


And that is all I can get. My ability to actually type and write is always blocked. The white trash bigotry which comprises most of you reading this, or the black jewish latino asian or whatever components without which this genocidal regime could not encompass the earth, are all smug as these "awards" are handed to smug stupid whore apes who, in this situation forced upon me, have done actually nothing but feed off the hormones of non-stop daily and nightly torture upon me, as they are energized into feeling not only supremely privileged but that they can never be stopped, that the endless progression of power through criminality is so empowering and they are addicted to the endless free theft and violence they can't even stop if they ever had any pangs of conscience. Thusly they keep rushing back taking turns abusing raping punching beating and they now have a most stupid foul German filth scumbag who is their thug beating punching raping and making a huge display of it in front of the smiling brood of scum.

They have all been handed every free red carpet all money for their productions paid in multi-millions. They are ASSURED at the very least highest nominations for all awards categories and festivals. They are assured that top production teams which they could never access are at their disposal. The Black ops funding (drug smuggling human trafficking which all these filth scumbag whores are completely familiar with, most of the shit attacking me are current or former cocaine addicts alcoholics sex addicts workaholics pedophile incest victims or promoters--)

all completely a pack of vicious hyena-like smirking laughing vicious sniveling weak parasites that I must confront in this technology tyranny that is so embraced  by the current president, who just seamless continued the same violent from Trump, who was intended to "win" this time around and the pig apes let me know that they knew at least one month ago before the election who was going to win. Unfortunately the technological aspects that Elon Musk has at his grasp, which Trump ensured he would have back in 2016 when Musk and Amber Heard and shitalina and pig shit filth stupid ape pitt handed Trump has now ensured that hacking into elections is private and silenced, just like this teleportation tyranny is silenced, fully approved of and everyone knows but the news sources state that teleportation is being experimented upon little bytes of computer bits in emails and perhaps teleportation of bytes of info can one day be achieved.


Of course, I wrote beforehand that dirty ugly shitalina would probably "win" the Europigapeland Golden Shower (p$$ on America award for every traitorous anti-American American who helps put in more fascism through the mind programming of these insidious sleazy sick "movies", more Nazi programming more "Illuminati" programming more symbolic representation (ancient symbols often) used by "secret societies" which I have been studying for years I recognize the intent and purpose but most people have no inkling)

All "awarded" by the "Foreign Press" for bringing in as much foreign control into the U.S. as possible. The endless teams of Europigape shit who operate behind "my wine plantation in France" dirty ignoramus shit pig ape pitt, the "I'm part German part English" skank Nazi-spawn dirty ugly sick shitalina

I am hacked, blocked can't function they are handed MILLIONS to promote my ideas, but to suffuse them with Nazi and secret society symbols (all handed to them by their teams, they have no idea about anything whatsoever related to art, symbols or any single thing--because they are not intellectuals they are not compassionate they are not artists they are performative models who have been handed every plastic surgery to enhance a Nazi-esque appearance along with every dog and whistle Pavlovian dangling carrot to project this mentality onto the void of the blankness of the increasingly less intellectual and discerning public through these vile movies.


The movie that this filthy dirty skank has been awarded for, as she said she |"won" but she won nothing, it was rigged it was pre-determined and it was months of being raped and beaten with her bringing in a filthy stupid vile creep from Germany making "I will kill you in a concentration camp" style endless spewing of hate after violently raping and beating me in front of the teams of sleaze filth and shit whom I have been fighting off for years. 

That is why this ugly dirty stupid shit whore was "awarded" whether the "prize" went to that filthy whore or not. Another dirty whore also was vying for the top position. The theme of elderly Nazi women trying to relive their "power" is a common theme. This is yet another "victim" ploy about Nazi women not being as sexual and alluring as previously and the injustice of the "youth culture' as these vultures use every pity tactic to make their filthy movies. Jane Fonda also is a huge component of this theme, and it was nuanced as well in one of the movies that hit it big--

with actors part of the attack situation who know knew and although they have not shown up in front of my face, their videos and photos have appeared regularly (except for one I am thinking of, but she is very close to pig ape pitt).

And so my non-intellectual ranting post has come out. The German ape filth parasite keeps coming punching into my face from a side angle as I sit here fighting to clean the filth and pick out the dead leaves of a very beautiful plant that they are poisoning every day, as they have not stopped killing all my beautiful plants on my patio for the past 2 years--the landlord took away all my beautiful vines 4 years ago, I had no plants as he threatened to evict me if a drop of water appeared on the patio below--and that was a fabricated lie in the first place--just another attack upon all that I have and do that is beautiful and could make me have something other than destroyed shabby stinking dirty filth--my body covered completely with scars from nightly assaults as ugly shitalina has been handed top awards along withg dirty stupid smug shit pig ape pitt

and they are surrounded by Europigapeland filth dirty creeps who, if I display any intelligence they instantly rush to beat and yell as fascists for hours. Any display of equal or superior intellect or training is met with a hail of violence. 

As they keep on attacking me for every THOUGHT I am thinking to stifle all that is superior and great about me, which they keep asking me for ideas so their mediocrity can be bolstered by original ideas as I never believed in their mainstream k-rap rap I never liked any of them

one of them I "liked" but hated for over a decade until I was paralyzed (this was back in America, but this team has been torturing me through Stallone and his vile Italian team, and French and etc and then Tyler who was more in the background with his English teams--)

and i can't struggle to fight to pound this out any longer\I can't even think or write my really great ideas and I did undergo 6 years of grad school and I did get good grades but some professors even discriminated against me and gave me D's when all other profs gave me non-stop A's. I was being killed my last semester and was so ill I could not finish my papers I had to go to this place where I am now and have not been able to do more than fight to get this poison out of my body for the past 15 years as shitalina now has a U.S. Govenment-sanctioned rapist German Nazi-spewing ugly sick filth thug creep to punch abuse rape and threaten to kill me in front of them all--smiled at by Obama, embraced by all of these shit whores who keep using my ideas to get their shows into highest orbit

Pig ape pitt's dirty production team with his nasty violently racist wife, ugly anniston, not sure which one of them uses the pretense that they "care" about black victims of racism but it is a theme they have used for years- pig pitt probably is a closet homosexual with preferences towards brown and black uncle tom types who grovel with love at Nazi "tops" (he's probably a bottom a lot in the closet).

And, the stress upon my body and the stress of poisoning and the stress of always being alone the stress of never being able to have even one single cat for any companionship the stress of fighting for my life constantly the stress of fighting to "not react" as the hate sentences are being pummeled into my brain on a non-stop basis (all kinds of hate words are issued in a streaming non-stop hissing hate attack into my brain through the cochlear technology forcing the hate directly into my brain, all day, hissing hate words and then this German thug they have put into this attack constantly coming at me suddenly from a side angle to punch my face--I fight back, the pig got his reaction, the pig ape whores got their reaction. Me writing 2 days ago to not let this filthy dirty whore shitalina "win" another rigged contest for an idea she stole from  me, as every year she comes out with my ideas, or her friends do, as they are awarded for it. This is not to say that they didn't embellish the bs wrapped around my original concept with all the money that production and costumes can buy

but, for writing about this the team of fascist imperialist English, I believe that is the crowd of shit that was in the rows of chairs watching as t heir good Nazi buddy punched me in the face as ugly gloating smirking filthalina told me that she had "won".

This is not my response to the "win" as I wrote months ago that the Golden Shower awards (p##ing on America awards pi@@ing on concepts of actual "freedom" cloaking all fascist ideology into the semblance of egalitarianism)

but that probably she would win in that domain of bringing in as many fascist Nazis into power cartel reach connecting Whorewood with Congress as possible. The members of Congress I have seen all are firmly into "I'm part German and English" welcoming red carpet committees to bring in as many Europigapes into America as possible. They want fascist totalitarian methods of how to quash to quell to imprison and to rape women they don't like to put the most foul lying skanks into  "feminist" position whose goal is to become as wealthy "aristocracy" as possible, which means their ugly dirty men must have victims to feed off, as the women feed off watching other women get trashed in their stead--racism is the conduit through which the endless line-up of victims is handed to the bigot men

In places like thailand, this combination is met with investment opportunities so the hate and genocidal facet of the actual mentality is diverted into the brown women and men attacking me for approval, as it is in America to the same exact proportion as any "Developing country" Banana republic 3rd World plantation system.


The fascist tyranny of dirty ugly shitalina, whose every movie about women's power, based on ideas she tortured had ugly shit white trash men rape and beat out of me, is met by more violence so that the next goal of Oscar win (but I predict she will not "win" in that race) and than an entire EMPIRE based on me, this prototype microchip implanted endless target of hate, racism, sexism and bigotry will be "controlled" by some dirty foul bigot white trash ape or it could be from any race or skin color, but just for s**ts and giggles, make it a German Nazi sleazy fuck crap parasite thug, they all laugh and agree upon this irony of the representation of all that they publicly are endlessly awarded for portraying.

By the way, if ever any of them project "emotions" for these roles which are hailed as "great" acting, you had also not doubt that the brain-attacking tech and other technologies (I have heard that microwave technology is used to force tears out of eyes, or the arsenals that these filth creeps have at their disposal, with Elon Musk's satellite capability that can indeed beam into human bodies through walls)

but the fake emotions that they portray can appear as "real" due to nervous system attacks so they can be artificially-rendered as sobbing, crying, terrified, elated, etc

these emotions are also artificially induced into my body as well

yesterday I had a horrible attack on my nervous system deflating my energy into a "depression" brainwave zone. It was a remote attack, I never feel this way it was absolutely an anomaly.

This was ordered by the German filth scum, as well as teams of blonde white trash crap following me around in stores, blocking my path. .They got another little dirty German-looking boy, around age 11, to stop in front of me as I was pushing my cart in a very busy section of a grocery store--he began flailing his arms in circles his hands in fists as if he was beating someone. They are instructed, these walking goon attackers to sway until they are walking directly in front of me, I believe the "voice to skull" technology is being employed as most of them are not holding any devices--but thanks to Elon Musk and his satellites and his 15 years of involvement in this horrible technological crime wave that he helped to accentuate with Trump putting him into power--but not just Trump, oh no. The list of wealthy magnate type personalities extends to some of the most notable Wall Street types--my brain is blocked and the name of a most famous American investor is blocked but the funding for this operation is well into the wealthiest in the world arena of funding. The performative people like Musk and Trump are just the show-spokespersons for the entire take-over drama skit unfolding as the news anchors refuse to even begin to report on the actual reality. 

An endless barrage of blathering lying protects them all.

The technology is being dispersed to them all. New ideas they can steal endlessly from the creative type people, like me, who want nothing to do with any people of this group, as none of them I ever liked except one under extreme duress and isolation and he portrayed, falsely, the "alternative" movement but he's a fascist empty meaningless boring yuppy money-grasping fake--but with acting skills, no doubt about that. Probably he's one of the top or best of them all. A total destroyed brainwashed programmed bigot in private.

And that is all for today. I tried to remain silent but they are attacking me  non-stop with hate and drugging all day until I write. They then get more promotions to me responding with unendurable stress. No friends no love not a pet nothing but vicious murdering people surrounding me at all times in every place, everywhere.

Yesterday while I was paying in an area where there is supposed to be a division line of the waiting line and the payment area, while my back was turned from the payment zoned-off area and the cash register, as I paid after putting the items back into my cart, someone literally ran and took out the huge 4-box pack of tissues from my cart. It was obviously a huge item. The woman at the  cash register later followed me as I was beginning to pack all my items into my bags, with the greasy hormone rush ooze on her face that is so characteristic of shitalina the grease stain who every day of torturing me she gets a boost of hormones much more powerful than all her plastic surgery renovations

and thusly, I also could not "remember" that I had bought this item. I am so blanked out in public that I "forget" items, forget to pick things up

but this payment area is a tiny little space at the back of the store. The huge item of 4 boxes of tissue paper is nothing anyone could "forget" to pick up as there is about a 3-foot area to put items down., the cashier then places them to one side, one foot to the left, so there is no way that I "forgot" to pick this item up.

and the endless attacks on my brain, which is ongoing right now so I am cursing rather than writing clearly with any kind of sophisticated analysis--it's just fighting endlessly to pound words out with my entire hand pumping on the keys to pound as hard as I possibly can

pounding on the keys only means that 80% of the letters appear. I hae to then rewrite backspacing, which is more endless pounding down

my shoulder, my biceps and arms are now sore from this

meanwhile, the sleazy stupid ignorance of shitalina and this dirty mediocre German scum filth ape are being hailed, not for their originality or creativity, but for their absolute conformity to the authority of this group of sinister mind screw operators and wealthy genocidal--probably mostly out of England from The Crown, Ltd conglomerate controlling as much as they can in America through these conformist, absolutely empty meaningless scum creesp who have relied on either attacking me to obtain non-stop top quality production teams, costumes and every thing from advertising to promotion to being ensured year after year for 15 years that the glossy most top production of all will be sent directly to every festival all media will be instructed because they are all aligned into this system to hail the "acting" of the shit whores who have no depth no soul no creativity just sleazy empty and blank bigots and sexist rapist scum.

and they got me to react, which means they will get another day of awards. I tried to be "stoic" but the endless stress on my nervous system, with being physically assaulted repeatedly told they would kill me making murder statements for every sharp object I use to cut paper with every moment anything and everything I do they either ask questions about, to see if they can steal any concept or healing idea as they have done constantly for over 15 years.

As with every other day, I write, more filth shit and scum from Congress, Whorewood, MSNBC or any other goddamn crap media company (mostly aligned with "The Left")

rush to join in. They mock, abuse yell fascistically at me hold guns at me threaten my life as I fight back, they get promotions they are invited t o dirty Biden's white house so stained with greasy incompetence and collusion with fascist Nazism by now that it's impossible to pretend it doesn't exist with the dirty outgoing Biden admin. Unfortunately his partners are still in the Senate and in the House, Many of those elected in the rigged elections under the Trump admin, all working assiduously to ensure the continuation of fascist Nazism. 

I remain writing to a void of incompetence but skilled at lying blathering bullshit operators who hail and award the filth I am writing about, every day to them only being awarded more for me writing not less.

They don't stop endless death threats being hit tortured drugged and abused every day for non-stop hours, every moment they are hissing hate words punching into my face abusing me and making death threast. I am non-stop cleaning up stinking filth that they order their filthy creeps to spray on everything. I am assaulted non-=stop everywhere I go at almost every single moment. I am fighting every day to get hard poison they are still making jokes about how deformed my body as as the main focus of all their attacks, as if not having a perfectly plastic surgery-created body is a crime. It's the only thing they can use against me as any attack. Meanwhile, dirty ugly shitalina had her German whore pig boyfriend punch me in the face for writing in rage, that was drug-induced, from over 7 days of being stuck in a torture chamber room, shitting poison out she and they all ordered put in my body to paralyze me, as they attack me without end day and night without end now endlessly being punched in the face raped without end death threats are constant. 

And they are never NOT awarded for the ideas that they stole from my writings, changed them into the ideas from some movie called Blonde it was supposedly based on a book. All of the ideas that they are now or in recent years have been awarded for I wrote on Facebook as the only means of getting anything down that was not going to be destroyed or stolen by the endless teams of shit rushing into my room to rape steal and destroy and break my computers my body and my life.

That was over a decade ago. The books that were consigned to rewrite my ideas, I suspect, were written in the last few years and then turned into these movies--they can then claim that the ideas were adapted from books, but I suggest the books were written as a template based on my ideas that they all stole from as early as 2013--

but I stopped writing my creative ideas, as few as I could manage to get ou t. I wanted to equate this experience with violence against women. The dirty rape filth cheerleader whore pimp prostitute team has been going on a holiday of stealing these ideas which they could never formulate, having their Nazi teams assign the writings of books and scrips based on the idea(s) they stole from me in relation to the endless rape torture and murder and hate attacks from them (all, a non-stop rotation of shit whores coming back after the endless awards and deals have run out they all return to get more).

I can't pound down any longer. To get and alleviate this deadly stress, as they have stopped the nervous system attacks which literally are being electronically conveyed along my spine, creating a sense of rage and hate--as yesterday they forced a severe sense of depression which I never have--they can artificially induce various reactions of extreme sexual passion for scumbag ugly pigs--and this German scumbag ugly stupid sick pig and his ilk have these technologies at their disposal. The looks of delight from the groups of shit,. filth and crap I fought and fought to get off me as they abused insulted and went off being invited to lecture at the United Nations for every humanitarian concept (but ultimately that agency is probably funding every genocide on the planet).

Sunday, January 5, 2025

5 days of not writing anything except a few music vids on Facebook so the ape whore shit from whorewood are having my plants on my patio killed. They attack me regardless of what I write, if I don't write they attack me to get me to write. An avocado plant is being killed now; I have grown it for 4 months it was beautiful. Every day more is dying. The ape filth shit whores are attacking me to beat me into saying that an ugly sick stupid German ape Nazi is some dirty sick thing I will allow to control and u se exploit rape gang rape and throw me away when that ugly filth piece of shit is "finished" so this group of fucking whore excrement can have an entire empire out of this contract out on me. Ugly shitalina is projected to win for Maria, the idea she and her English and Nazi team stole verbatim from my Facebook past around 2016/2015 around that time, written in my daily daze laying in bed I was shitting piles of diarrhea from poison this filth whore ape profited off for over 15 years as I was so drugged all I could do in a drugged stupor was write creative ideas under extreme mind control, non-stop rape and beatings at that time by J. Depp with his filthy stupid ape spawn and they have been all going to the top awards for all these years of me writing about endless torture poisoning rape and abuse to death as every politician rushes to laugh along with them and sneer in hate and contempt at me for fighting for any human rights that NONE of them could give a damn about.

Another actor who has a long-shot at "winning" is playing the same game, but he used a mind trick of putting out the "strong" vocal style of being so honest and direct, but it's a trick I have heard endlessly from his ilk and in conjunction with this contract, there is only lies, deception and every opposite of all they boldly claim in public about how great they are at human  compassion and help for all those who are being attacked/targeted and/or oppressed.

Once I fell into the target range of his sights, I then downloaded his movie and wrote a compliment to him on YouTube in an absolute dazed and traumatized (from decades) of daily abuse. Although the English Nazi director had rushed to assault me when I watched Napoleon, I could only watch it halfway, I had to again delete Gladiator II halfway for the same reason, but instead of the white supremacist I got the "anti" advocate against all the "bad isms" of the world rushing to be as stupidly nasty, oppressive, perpetrator vile as the rest of the worst shit that has been endless cheered on who are making outright Nazi and fascist sleazy sick statements and laughing giggling and dancing around and glaring with hate having my body mutilated for just fighting back against endless criminal violence being non-stop perpetrated against me. The bigots in Congress, and oh, let me tell you the highest number of those have been high-ranking democrats ever since Trump gave permission along with Biden to go full-on Industrial-Entertainment-Military-Prison-industrial complex on me.

This is a new form of lynch mob sexual titillation and mediocrities stealing ideas from those who actually are superior while destroying their bodies (many other highly superior than this bunch of filth shit lies scum trash shit trash shit filth scum have also been mutilated poisoned with cancers and put in accidents, etc)

fighting furiously for YEARS to stop mechanical arms from wreakin every kind of filth and damage to my property and body for years and years.

Right now for the 30th time or more, literally the internet has been turned off. They have put some malware into my laptop so the router remains on but the signal is turned off remotely directly into my laptop bypassing the router.

I have to for the 35th time today, not exaggerating they are attacking me more ferociously now that this German ape fuck whore piece of ugly stupid shit has joined in, to the applause of this group of dirty crap

and he's bringing non-stop abuse like all the dirty filth of his ilk always do when they rush and have non-stop dirty minions but now out of AMerica--Kamala Harris, dirty violent disgusting Cardi B, J-Lo how low can you go?

All the black girl feminists who ran on a clown campaign are the most vile and violent stupid minority minions of a dirty foul German Nazi they applaud, as long as "black" can have Jewish people to trash and participate in antisemitism they are extremely thrilled to be part of the 4th Reich

So Denzel is now attacking me alongside dirty shitalikna who has had me beaten raped and poisoned to prove what a violent nazi shit whore skank prostituted creep she truly is. This group is so ignorant and vile t hat they can't even associate the actions of this group of posturing plastic surgery shit with the actual shit that they truly are. They only see the plastic surgery and endless millions poured into this contract.

It is the destruction of another huge component of the United States that NONE of the media personalities or politicians in Congress, not a single one even considers a threat they all rush to participate and get their free mansions for proving how little they fucking care about human rights. It portends a huge genocide but still none of you care.

For those who have access to this, maybe if you cared a tiny fucking bit, then goddamn stop this contract before absolute fascist Nazis take over every single fucking thing and brainwash more and more of America through this heinous contract out on me and this technology that Elon Musk promises to bring to more fascist violent rapists and murderous bigots--of all races they only want to be part of the death squad troop.

If anyone can ever do anything, then do not let this filthy whore "win" another fucking award. They have paid me zero and stolen my money destroyed my property stolen my property I must pay every month to replace the many items they destroy every single month I spend my life shitting poison they ordered their filth group to pour into my body through injections and food poisoning.

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

*No one appears concerned at all about what life-fuck sick shit these crap creeps attacking me are, the famous scumbag prostituted gyrating stupid a$$-apes, instead they see the money being handed to these life-fuck sick fucks and rush to get some of that filthy lucre for their dirty gyrating promotions into more consolidation of programming into a death organization to envelope the planet*//Rather than having any foresight into the potential catastrophe that this group of incompetent greed actually is and presents. No one could care, they assume an endless luxury lifestyle and promotions for themselves and their children. This is what is being promised, the line-up for free hand-outs while tax breaks are also promised to them all, so the population is now an "open season" and any unfortunate made destitute by their filthy death squad system, of discrimination that rivals all that has ever transpired in the past. The discrimination will be delivered by those "representing" the targeted group. // Terrorist destruction of life report: the life-fu666k celebrities, through their network of minority minions here where I live, have ordered daily slow death of yet another beautiful potted plant on my patio. I watered the plant, ripping off another huge dead leaf this morning, and upon returning another leaf is dead. This is an avocado plant, and there are few leaves on this tree--maybe 10 in total. I have been growing it for 3 months it grows very slowly. All my plants are killed on my patio. They never stop destroying every beautiful thing about me, ;my body completely covered with scars and poison from their endless hate and attacks, my plants killed non-stop for over 3 years I keep trying they never stop killing destroying spraying stinking filth on my clothing, furniture my body my hair my food and the stink of their dirty, nasty attackers is everywhere they are sick and stupid vile creeps surrounding me constantly. An aura of sick stupidity and stupidity of which they are al "proud" pervades all that they do as "symbol" of their "superiority" by the demonstration always proves how inferior they truly are except in numbers and how their combined greed and murder factor is the cohesive glue putting this pile of life fu666k crap into one huge pile of greasy excrement, in terms of human quality.//

 Every one of these filthy whore, ape, shit scum trash creeps has been handed multi-millions of dollars in pay-out for this non-stop decades of attacks upon me. They are screeching in murderous rage as I fight to unleech the parasites off me every day trying to get any leader anywhere to get the filth parade of sick dirty low -class crap off me. They are established as being the "superior" but by now I only see a huge deformity of all that humanity has striven towards for all these centuries since the Enlightenment and is striving to completely dumb-down and create mass murder squads to complete their "depopulation" agenda so after the wreak they are creating not just environmentally but in every respect has cleared away, a few will be able to enjoy the remnants of what remains for their luxury concentration camp plantation system.

The pig whores are now in line-up for yet another year to have MY IDEAS as their platforms for awards at top level of the rigged contests--absolutely rigged from the moment after years of torturing me they obtain funding for every single thing and automatic promises that the finished result will be a top awards contender. The money poured into presenting their stupid sleazy trashy filth prostituted ape pigs (men foremost in all these categories only followed by the women, boys and girls really; all of them cling to their mommies and daddies as their support system well into their old age or middle age years)

For me to try to regain my health which they laughed about as I was writing on these endless posts day after day that they are poisoning and abusing me to death using this system only brought on more sick fucks from every walk of the spectrum of celebrity and politics--(so it seems to me)

but for me to grow a plant so I can have food, because they can't stand to see me have anything they are fighting for absolutely enslavement on all levels while still they are using MY IDEAS which they can't formulate any single concept that is original to sell as their fake personas of intellect, beauty and sophistication. I have spent years studying was brought up in an academic Ivy League environment (all my parents are Ivy League, none of their shit parents are even close to that level)

they strive to bring into "vogue" Nazi fascism. They have brought in most of the gyrating skanks of the last lost Democrat campaign under the defunct Harris team (not including Walz especially in that claim but I am unsure exactly of him as he did not speak except once)

it was harris coming repeatedly to do her famous giggly stupid ape performance of demonstrating how much she loves having INNOCENT people tortured to death slowly by a pack of scum celebrities tied into Europigapeland fascist Nazism which IS rising in Nazism politically and culturally without the former disguises that were held for so long while America still had some semblance of concern to fight the 3rd Reich now they are embracing entirely the 4th.

So even to have a plant growing so I can have food in my garden, slowly day after day they are killing some next leaf of the now dying plant, as they have been doing for over 3 years--I stopped growing plants because the landlord came throwing objects in my room screaming as loudly as possible that water was disturbing the (terrorist) shit in the rooms beneath mine, the white trash pig apes with their sleazy dirty brown minions servicing them like slaves--to be discarded after a season and grateful for the bump up in money and "power". 

The same exact mentality I saw in the gyrating stupid sleazy shit from the Harris campaign i.e. J-lo, a former P. Diddy skank and then Cardi B, a nasty dirty black Nazi who really helped to throw many Black people into disdain over that caompaign because of the STUPID SLEAZY FACTOR THAT MINORITY MINIONS WHORES PORTRAY which they are truly stupid and they project fake enthusiasm at the "black" girl woman being put into power but hideously murderous when the white trash German pig ape, whom they worship like the slaves that they are, and viciously threatening to kill me in most brutal fashion. All because they happily gyrate and suck up to the white trash power structure because they have been so elevated financially and in every way to PROJECT A TYPE OF SLAVERY TO PLANTATION PROSTITUTION.

So the shit whores, three of them this year, were funded with as much money and top quality producers and filming agents and costumes and money for every single thing poured into the shit fake "feminist" and "ant-racist' movies once more, this year by performing fascist Nazi behavior murder actions towards ME ME ME ME every day every night as often as possible they never stop.

For me defending myself they are killing plants, having me viciously attacked while out with nose-picking stupid nasty dirty minority minion creeps, who are smiling with delight that they are not part of the "victim" class any longer. Just that facet alone is more than the little bit of money they are handed compared to the white shit trash who expect to have millions poured into their filthy gyrating skank a$$es forever for every little stupid thing they say in front of a camera and every projection of fascist Nazism which propels more minorities to join in happily engaged in attacking me. 


Again, as I wrote yesterday on another of the Vignettes blogs, the hackers corrupted the VPN I began using successfully for one day, no interruptions no hacking no block of the keys--. One day after I used this new system, it was hacked so the endless routine hacking blocks had returned because the VPN source is either compromised by a terror agent working for the server where the signal is being re-routed, or they jacked the connection so it is just looped back to this hacking source. .The WiFi is being turned off again constantly, the cursor is jumping to other parts of the page while I am writing, pop-ups are constant. I am ranting as usual due to the endless interruptions and the block to free flow and positive energy. Yet another day has transpired with the same group of fucking dirty ugly shit yelling death threats and insults while my brain cannot filter them out. Seeing more filth destruction and beautiful things destroyed, broken and now a plant dying again, over and over they kill all the beautiful natural things I try to grow, kill all animals I take in or love, abuse and torture me to the giggles of Trump & Harris & Klobuchar & the yelling screaming hate of Lyndsey Graham, John Kennedy, Ted Cruz (rape threat from him) rape from Mike Johnson, and the list is never-ending and my brain and this system is endlessly hacked

the culmination of years of this ongoing daily and night is a bit too much to take with ZERO support towards me from ALL of existing human beings on the planet, regardless of which country or city it is a ubiquitous attack upon me with ZERO SUPPORT (the little I had is now waned due to the enormity of the attack upon me, so the little I used to have years back is now completely gone) the vicious murderous hate and violence from people who had just sneered and smiled faintly as they participated in attacking me years past, when I had zero concept of anything related to all of this global system

viciously murderous in teleportation. This teleportation which people like Musk are working to enlarge so more and more people can be raped beaten tortured poisoned and murderously abused

but the dirty hatefulness of the attackers is now outright murderous violence in teleportation

the killing of my plants is symbolic

I am still fighting to heal my body from decades of murder attempts by these same shit filth whores who sit staring with hate and eying the endlessly sleazy filthy German ape shithead whore who is endlessly willing to commit any action of murderous violence if given the chance

all his dirty stupid filth life of watching documentaries of the Nazi holocaust, which are endlessly shown on German tv when I lived in Stuttgart for over 5 years the endless parade of Hitler videos and concentration camp sagas was the programming to entice dirty filthy shit like him into re-enacting the same situation in the future--

this dirty filth creep has superimposed me onto a template of victim and the shit from Whorewood have been handed a never-ending bottomless pit of money to circulate to the ever-increasingly Nazi scumbags they are bringing in, as I am the only person fighting Nazism apparently in all of American society. There is no one saying, "wow, what a great job she is doing all fucking alone sitting writing into a set of blogs and on facebook about impending Nazi rise, which was met with torture mutilation and sneering contempt and being silenced and ignored.

Then countless scumbags from podcasts and news outlets (namely MSNBC) the January 6 Select Committee joined in with blaring giggly laughter and now are featured in documentaries about what heroic fights they have personally made, sacrifices for "Democracy" I remain silenced and tortured without end.

Not a single "thank you" for the ideas these dirty meaningless shit whore prostituted fuck pieces of shit who have gone to the Oscars yearly out of stealing my ideas but just mutilation torture and destroying without end because more of the filth who have been backing this for 30 years, 40 years, they are screaming that I am fighting for my life to get them off of me, writing these daily posts to a vacant and hateful readership which supports this filthy trash group, leaves me begging online for help, as you all fully support all of this, most of you do and the rest are just fighting by getting on air or a podcast to lecture but as for actually doing any single thing that would  jeopardize your stability within the 4th Reich, of course not.

So I have to have everything destroyed all my efforts destroyed my ideas stolen and being tortured for more ideas on a non-stop basis while I wallow in death, toxic filth, my body endlessly sick and broken and deformed and they are slashing into my skin every single day and smearing filthy toxic destruction chemicals onto my skin every single fucking day and night. I am so ill from non-stop poisoning and drugging that I literally collapse into a faint on my bed, where they teleport me to hate and death and rape and abuse skits while I am too sick to wrap all the items around my body to try to protect against more damage. They then insert metal objects once more under my cuticles, smear more hair-destroying chemicals on my scalp, kill more plants destroy more property spray more dead meat stinking semen substances into my refrigerator on the floor on my clothing on the walls

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Terrorist (Nazi) death threats, beating-to-death threats just like what I watched regarding the black inmate being beaten to death now a famous NY State prison shockwave (not shocking to many). Watching it, and being told by the never-ending German scum stain filth grease stink who is never gone, always there, ,months and months of this fithy piece of sick skank prostituted crap with dirty ugly sick shitalina, the lovers who have gotten every politicians now to hug them for violence against me--as if I have done the most horrible crime for fighting in my defense after tey suck my energy out suck my sexuality out suck my ideas out destroy my body my home make my home a perpetual toxic shock sepsis near-death infecting filth cesspool abuse me for hours every day to extract ideas go to the Oscars for the ideas claim the idea as their own have their Nazi writers redo my ideas into the 4th Reich protocol programming, after they win the very next day after obtaining an "award" always completely rigged, always bought by the 4th Reich for making mind control teleoprtation torture rape and violence extremely desirable with everyone rushing to join in--to attack me, every day it's me. The video of the black man surrounded by white trash Nazi bigot thugs exactly the same with the filth shit from Whorewood they are overpaid redneck white trash and black wanna be white trash and bigots everywhere in every skin color. //I fell asleep yesterday becaause they are poisoning my energy drinks I use to get energy during the 4-10 hours of yelling abuse through teleportation every singleg morning. I fell asleep because my food is drugged, my energy drinks are drugged because I can't arry them around with me to protect them---(I buy boxes of the stuff just to try to have energy with all the poison they put iny body to paralyze me--this same group of fucking shit who are never stopped but only awarded. The german scum filth shit whore compared me to the black man and how they will beat me in the same manner as the filth who have profitted off torturing me in groups of rows of chairs of the immeasurably corrupt "leaders" of media and politics approving and watching on and joining in. The German sick ugly fuck creep was saying that this is what they will do to me, as usual I told him to f-off and that he's about the equivalent of a 5-yr old little boy, which he is and shitalina the ugly stupid sleay parasite, and I cannot understand how this ugly sick creep can be so protected forthis crime, but America is a sick and dead country it is a death trap trip America is so fucking destroyed and horrid and disgusting at this point.

 This morning teleported to dirty foul Liv Tyler once more, an ugly hateful dirty woman and her filthy father who have been leeching off my life for over 30 years using this contract. Fully in line, as they were back in 1997 on South Beach , with Europigape fascists they welcomed into South Beach who then took over, created a fascist Nazi atmosphere, kicked the artists out and put franchise corporate discos replacing the individuality and peaceful joy that the place had once been; turning it into a violent place with people getting killed and robbed, due to this vile hate and death energy this group truly imbibes

I am not able to type

the hacking is so awful it's impossible to write, think or express myself

Liv Tyler asked me what herbs I took for healing, and then began insulting me. That is the protocol to suck ideas out of me so they can use for themselves in any way, to sell off while blocking every single aspect or avenue for me in all respects and then calling me every kind of name for being some "failure'.

The German scum parasitic ugly filth pest began teleporting me while I was in a drugged sick deep sleep state and I was unable to wrap all the layers of protection around my hair, hands feet and everywhere else that they have routinely sliced to the bone, cut out, destroyed mutilated

and they poured horrific chemicals on my skin on my hands once more, which they have been doing literally every single day including slicing my nails to the bed and cuticles lifting the nail up with sharp objects and smearing damaging chemicals on my forearms and my skin and injecting drugs into my bladder through my vagina and if possible cutting gum tissue away from my jaw and making my hair fall out in clumps to a balding rubbery scalp and  my hair will not grow back from years of them attacking my hair until the hair is permanenty gone on over 60% of my scalp

the pig ape shit whiores got this vile German scum filth bucket trashy stupid ape to threaten my life constantly as he worships shitalina and beats punches abuses and threatens to beat me to death in front of her smiling ugly trashy face

it is amazing to me what low standards American truly holds now that this kind of sick filth is being paid for promoting this murder technology and mentality from truly stupid meaningless shit filth scumbags.

Whenever I drink my energy drink, whether day or night, the filth ape especially this German PARASITE who attacks me always after they drug me and I am most vulnerable, and he claims that I really like it because I am reacting and because I am reacting in any way that means they have procured a reaction which means I must "like it". 

But after about 10 minutes the drugs kick in after I drink the energy drinks, which I really need to get energy my body is polluted with murderous toxins that this group poured and injected into my body while stealing ideas. They act like I have committed a capital crime for responding to being abused and raped on top of everything else while they are championed by AMerican and Europigape society for this Nazi programming protocol system they are projecting into the world through this movie sick shit. The more I see of them the more sinister and disgusting these movies and of course the "actors" are--and how little intelligence they truly have despite being able to recite scripts or Shakespeare of anything else, even if they have great degrees the stupidity of their actions is telling about how much they can only repeat--I am telling you.

There are some who are more "intelligent" have Ivy League degrees who continue to feed vicariously off this terror contract, but they remain in the shadows very stealth giving instructions. They have remained relevant in media and society as a result of helping to orchestrate

so the drugs make my nervous system on a tight-rope walk over a chasm--I can't control my breathing, the drugs they are spiking and injecting make it impossible for me to literally breathe independently they are "controlling" my nervous system. I go into hate and violently screaming rampages I feel my body literally aging and dying as this transpires, and they do it every day day after day

Then they threaten my life constantly for having reacted. I try not to react but I must have food and I do need energy drinks my body is so poisoned (from what they have done and are still doing)

it is almost impossible to think and write right now, hacking is so bad I can't get any words out--it is so hard to type and pound I am not using commas or correct grammar I am going on a sort of run-on sentence structure like stream-of-thought--sometimes the lack of punctuation is my unintentional mechanism to bypass the hacking I just keep trying to get the words out--it is so stiff they are blocking keys constantly I must pound with my entire hand to get a single letter out


Another hate/mind control attack happened at a tiny "mom n pop store" where I was looking for some repair items, should be very reasonably priced and I had luck with this shop before. There was a different man behind the desk, not like the usual store with a counter but a desk. I asked him about the product as people followed me around and asked me if I needed help, I would ask for a simple item, they reacted by saying "huh?!" with absurd stupidity at me, and my brain was under attack so I reacted in ways I could not control--please note I am now aware that my body is embedded with a network of microchips down my spine and into my brain it literally "controls" my thoughts and actions so I cannot respond in a meaningful defense mode and I appear smiling while under attack. People are very happy to exploit this, without doubt so many more people than fewer are overjoyed to exploit someone whose brain is being wadked out with microchip implants or drugging, they don't care they get high off torture and abuse, a power high.

He said he had "something" and told me to go to a back room which is not part of the store. He showed me a carton box of something with label and told me that it was what I was looking for. I asked him how much out of curiosity there was no package only a crate with some item in it appearing like the substance I was looking for to patch up some material--and he told me it was about $80 for a football sized bag of unmarked brownish material. I laughed automatically like it was fun and a joke and told him as I walked away "thanks" without being able to express anything other than giggly laughter (hacked, programmed microchip implant reaction very often forced upon me in stressful and rip-off lying nasty situations. My reactions come out sporadically with no forethought or intention to react in this manner whatsoever.

I walked away he followed me and pounded my back with his finger and as I turned around he told me to go with him to another shelf in the store proper. I said something again that was far too polite and complacent for the situation it was something like 'that's' okay" with a chirpy voice that I had not even intended to say or do it came out automatically---from mind control. I was followed by slithering-around creeps and people driving into me and blocking my path the entire time.

I then went to another store and I looked at items with foreign language instructions and no English. I asked the people to translate, the male who answered picked his nose as he was responding then kept swiping his nasty nose and with a huge ugly grin told me what the package said. I could not even believe what he was saying. Everyone in the store was following orders to be rude and nasty--almost

but I had to buy this item to repair what the German sick rotten ugly putrid whore fuck and his gang rape friends ordered to inflict upon my living space, utter destruction of the floor they gouged a hole about 4 feet in circumerence in a circle around this chair in front of the laptop and broke a wheel off my chair so it's a complete physical stress to sit and use the chair and kick the wheels, which are crammed with threads and muck almost every day so using the chair and sitting here means endless work to use the chair and get in and out. I am trying to repair it with my own money and getting this mind control while fighting to pay my money to repair what this vile rapits scum piece of shit and that filth group from Whorewood ordered. The barbarity and cruelty is being honored by every president and Congress and has been for over 15 years. The cruelty and murderous mass war genocidal aspect of America I can see very clearly through this group. And I have to hear a single word of wisdom or any meaningful or beautiful thing out of these so-called self-proclaimed "superior" bigot white trash supremacists who are inferior as hell, literally.

The mind control was used again by this hideous nasty thing from the Tyler family who had semen and dead meat poured into my refrigerator defrost tray every day using the mechanical arms which are endlessly destroying my body and life and room despite years of fighting to block every panel every tile and nearly killing myself in the process (chair slipping on the floor while pounding a hook into one of the cabinets and my head missed the edge of the table by less than one inch and  I landed on a bag of plastic bags which I use to save the environment so I save all usable bags--it looks bad, but I try to save the environment in that way. It saved my life

but working endlessly to block the tiles and holes and threat for my life from this system

but this morning after I drank the energy drink Tyler assaulted me for about 2 hours, I could not stop responding in the deep recesses of my "inner mind" I respond to their prompts and sucking energy life fucking parasitic information extraction which they do every day because they are blank hateful meaningless vile scum--in the most important realm of life, that if respecting life enough to not constantly have to feed of abusing others to feel "empowered"

I respond instantly I can't control it. The drugs in the dirnks make me hyper-enraged as well. They are threatening my life for reacting in rage due to their drugging and violence and endless hate and torture rape and destruction. It is being a promotion leverage by members of Congress so how to assess the state of the nation based on their lack of finesse sanity wisdom and beauty?


To repeat, it is very very horrifically difficult to pound every word out

Tonight, at 10 pm I was so thirsty from driving around all day, that I opened up one of the bottles of energy drink which usually I drink in the mornings, only . Thusly I got the "experimental" view of how the drugging and teleportation hate life-sucking system works. I began to drink from the glass bottle, and within 15 minutes, for the drug to kick in, from being relaxed but exhausted just from years of hours of abuse per day without a single day of it stopping, day after day and this morning of course as well. But having left I was in a different state from the norm of sitting in this room all day in pain trying to rid my body of cement-hard poisons which never come out

the 15 minutes of the drug absorbing into my system and instantly the German parasite appeared as I went into a screaming rage about what a sick fuck he is--hitting him ect and this reaction on my part is part of their endless promotional protocol system it enables and empowers them emboldens them to continue indefinitely to my death, as this is murder there is no doubt and the death threats are constant now.

I was not teleported, not in any semblance of that old age ranting old woman state and I felt decades older, they are doing something to my subconscious while I am screaming due to violent brutal rape torture from this German greasy ugly dirty parasite along with dirty ugly shitalina who is abusing me to death to obtain an oscar as is dirty filthy pig shit pitt with his fucking "poor black victim of racism" movie once more, as he has come out with every year using this terror racist contract out on me. He and they all use blacks to beat and viciously assault me and they do, as do many Jews. 

and so, the energy drink as I surmised before is absolutely the "carrier" of the signal, or howver the terminology goes for a conduit of the electrical signals transmitted over the network of microchip implants

suddenly I was "screaming" in my "inner ear" to this ugly filth creep as he stared at me grinning because that wortheless creep is being paid and promoted for creating this reaction. He is such a parasitie slime scum he attacks me always at the point of falling asleep, the moment the mind control drugs kick in he's there feeding off my life force the first second possible;

I can surely assume that his career was on a downhill trajectory as it has been for most of the shit and scum who attack me in this horrid dirty contract

so he's never stoppe and he's never going to stop

I need my energy drinks

 I need my youth they are literally abusing me into old age and death and this Old age sensation only began with this German parasitic rotten fuck who is truly an energy-sucking leech.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Threats to break my arm happened while I was asleep and in teleportation the German pest came to threaten grievous harm to me. He comes from side angles while I am in deep sleep punching hitting and raping. He was sent by Obama and fithalina and the rest of this putrid team--who have made millions of dollars off attacking me and stole my ideas stole my cat broke my body tortured me daily and nightly fed off torture obtained awards and t hey won't ever stop. The addiction to torture is enough alone for them to never stop, the hormone high off it. The pestilence ugly filthalina must torture me non-stop so the Nazis will award her for the movie concept she stole verbatim while feeding off my life force to energize her empty meaningless ugly sick self, plastic coated shit. The German is in love and she is giving him chances to infest America with his Nazi crew. You all asked for it, you have got it! You wanted Weinstein gone and you want a real Nazi rape culture to thrive instead. You wanted movies about Nazis, now you are getting actual real ones out of Germany in Whorewood for your entertainment programming and to inflict more rape upon drug-dazed microchipped victims whom dirty ugly shitalina and the filth cesspool of that contagion of English, French and German and mafia Italian thugalugs all want to wreak their sexual humiliation abuse and torture upon.

 When I think of the last 4 years of the Biden sickness of endless rape, my money almost being cut off twice, countless politicians circulating in this lynch mob arena to beat abuse torture and laugh with delight as the ape shit filth of Whorewood, dirty ugly and stupid mediocre shitalina and pig filth pitt, endlessly there with smiles watching as they try to force me to say they are great, that them poisoning my body to death and abusing raping torturing and then stealing my ideas as their "right" (only implied they don't say that outright)

and then when I demand justice and for this to be stopped, I get more torture from politicians who rush to get media coverage instantly afterwards. 

Again, years and years of the cliche-ridden mediocrities stealing my ideas, but the torture of me after they steal my original ideas because they have NONE they exist only in stereotypes pitting themselves automatically by assumption into "superior" roles by racist decree, enforced by lynch mobs, which is what this situation has become, a slow public execution of me by non-stop beating and groups surrounding me endlessly raping abusing insulting and destroying and stealing. Some of the most vigorous are blacks, latinos and then the 'Jew" are most violent and ugly and openly viciously hateful.


They depend on stereotypes of their racist "entitlement" (I use quotes because I do not condone that term, I use it in their context but of course they can burn in hell they are inferior as I have seen endlessly for years of the sick stupidity and the feigned elite moral and ethical superiority and compassion they portray endlessly and are paid to represent those whom they are very clearly working to further disenfranchise while "representing" their interests.


Congratulations. Ugly stupid meaningless shitalina was at the forfront, as were many of the dirty filthy foul rape enthusiast skank cheerleaders of their filthy, dirty "men" who raped and tortured me for saying no to all my human and constitutional rights, all legal  rights being on a 24/7 basis torched and obliterated with full support of disgusting members of Congress; by now a very long list.

They got rid of the Jew to make way for Nazi 4th Reich rapists who are really violently rapist sleaze material much, far more violent and ugly and nasty than Weinsteins groping and sexual demands quid pro quo for work. They are using sex slavery and torture human trafficking, that is what sick ugly shitalina is doing now to me after years of stealing my ideas and feeding off violence as the parasitic ugly sick leech that she is.

This German sleaze dirty stupid fuc**is so disgusting and the epitome of the murderous abuser tainted by the Nazi roles he has played in his violent portrayals of all the worst of German historical society, almost the worst of German society he has portrayed with applause by all involved in the current overtake of America by Nazi forces. 

Because they may "live" in Germany occasionally in their mansions as their prizes for promoting fascist Nazism, they have not really learned to speak German and live amongst Germans and know much about the post Nazi era. All they appear to cling onto is the 3rd Reich and endless reference is made to the 30's-40's in Nazi Germany as if nothing else has ever happened in Germany before or after. They are so immersed in replicating Nazism that this is the dominant theme; for this they obtain the best of funding for their projects derived from the ideas they have stolen from me, with not just violent dismissal but violence mutilation torture and poisoning. The sickness of the politicians in laughing jeering punching threatening to kill me (the worst coming from the Democrats making the biggest waves about "|Democracy" and "The Constitution" and "The American People" and caring about all human rights that the "Democrat Party" espouses as opposed to the "authoritarian" threat that the Republican Party poses, they claim.

The Republican Party actually controls these hateful "Democrats" who assault me. 

And so, another day of writing. Tomorrow I have to use another tactic to try the most difficult lesson in life, which is made exponentially even more impossible by the drugs and micriochip implants down my spine plus the hate voices of these filthy sleazy Nazis yelling insults and hate and death threats and stupid ugly remarks constantly and hitting punching into my face because the German Nazi told them to GO AHEAD just become extremely violent. Dirty shitalina can't win anything outside of playing psychopathic sleazy skanks, and her glorified roles have all come from my ideas. The attempts to completely crush and break my body from having cars hit me to slicing parts of my body out to poisoning me to mutilating me to my entire body slashed poisoned scarred up to completely mutilate me and laugh calling me ugly and herself beautiful as the violent slapping punching pig ape shit whore "men" yell at me that she is more beautiful--they all get media attention instantly as I keep on fighting to get them off me. Impossible because there is no justice no law and no government in America it is sleazy dirty sick crap looking for ways to destroy the chances for competition and put people into straightjackets homeless encampments sucking out their money and life and killing as many as possible in many various ways while the filth shit whores of their ilk suck out as much of the national money fund debt whatever they can, from funding bills from insider trading from grift from black ops from donors from Citizens United the list is very long. From the Europigapeland shit and filth funding this operation they will accept any crime committed against me if they can profit off it, and the money doled out to each scum lying sick fuck from Congress is bottomless. They rush to attack me and allow this to continue. Now instead of just putting Nazis into direct contact with the government executive branch they are including Nazi death-spewing concentration camp filth creeps into Whorewood to continue the programming into fascist Nazism--through the very sleazy dirty skank ugly sick plastic-coated shit filth who threw Weinstein to be poisoned to death in a prison cell. The death squad units have arsenals of poison just waiting to kill people through food intake.

Over 2 hours of non-stop fight to use the internet. Every day I spend over 2 hours struggling against hacking to use anything on the internet. I tried to use a few VPN's, Proton VPN free and Avira. The Avira lasts, probably because it's being hacked, for about 30 minutes before bandwidth is used up (or maybe an hour). The Proton VPN was excellent for the first 3 hours I experimented and that was late at night, when the hackers are out celebrating their new free pay for performing acts of sabotage hacking and destruction in every way possible upon me, my property my home my dwelling my peace and security.//Another day of failing to control what is nearly impossible to control: The more I remove the poisons from my body and although my body still is misshapen from a hard solid block of poison forming a sort of wedge-shape structure, especially around the triangle of the hip and lower back region, because the poisons have latched into my hips at the ridges of the arch leading to the joints and sockets. Completely hard, I can dig my fingers under this huge elongated piece. The microchip implant network extends along my spine, embedded underneath the hard poison ledge, which juts out of my body forming a "shelf-like" structure. It extends literally up into the apex of my skull. //I am being drugged in one way or another while in deep sleep or my morning beverage which I need to have the energy to move. I can't, at this time of endless detox, rely solely on just water. Thusly the terror "celebrities" wait until approx 20 minutes after I have had a few sips of my energy drink and begin death threats, stupid insults about every single thing I do and think as they respond to my thoughts threatening me for anything they don't like, asking me for m ore ideas in the way of "why" or their extraction techniques. I can feel that my breathing is on "automatic pilot" and I literally am in a state of not having control over breathing in order to control my nervous system and mood. I can't even begin to access breathing using my thought or control. I am eventually as I continue to drink the morning poisoned spiked energy drinks, plus whatever they did while I was sleeping, inserting tubes into my vagina and then into my bladder has been the technique for years just from this group alone.

 Alike, the computer problem of not having any way to use any free virus suite and any free VPN without expert hackers inserting malware into the new system within a few hours of the unexpected use that I used a few days ago after years of never trying anything. I realized and it is apparent that the hackers will instantly, within one day, sabotage any effort I make to rid my computer of their hacking rewrites, deletions for every single thing, email, communication I write. Likewise, the microchip implant in my throat; if I were a man I would say it is embedded in my "Adam's Apple" area. I can't speak as well, they constrict the trachea and larynx using this network in my body.

But I am considering paying for a VPN service and I just don't have money to waste on paying and once the free trial expires, they will hack and make the system inoperable. Just to have any money, which I really don't, to pay for any relief from non-stop hacking has taken years of cost of living adjustments and me saving money every month from sub-sub poverty income that I can never, ever improve upon due to this hacking and endless blocks. 

Again, as I have been writing, the screaming and me rushing to try to kill the hateful parasites leeching onto daily torture abuse trauma and violence death threats hate and demanding that I provide them through endless destruction of my body life their endless theft of my ideas which they torture or steal out of my writing until I can't write any concept any longer, can't begin to have any creative enterprise without them scrutinizing what they can steal to claim as their concept for their benefit on every level.

The German rapist whom I have been screaming in this silent portal of endlessly asking for any decency from this country from anybody to get him off me

as I was screaming that f-alina is a dirty prostittued whore, (and I must say that her 15 years of handing me over as a former prostituted sleazy creep for movies, which the "men" love but I never did, and then having me beaten and raped by sleazy dirty sick men for over 15 years, the "men" you all love as your nazi symbols of "beauty" and suave celebrity smug posturing, all playing violent murderous men in criminal or other exploits. This one playing a KGB/Stasi agent and then a Nazi. Beloved for his violence by the crew of "liberal woke feminist non-racists" from Congress and W-wood.

He grabbed my throat to strangle me and screamed "I love her!" as he then looked behind me and stopped strangling me and said "sorry" and absolutely not to me, but to whomever was sitting behind me who had been stifling the violence of this hateful bigot Nazi creep as ugly s-alina watches on endlessly making love to him (is it "love" actually or luv or mutual feeding off violence as they are both fanatical parasites feeding off my life force energy and the "high" of violence, rape and torture).

I told him that he loves her because she is giving him everything he has ever wanted: access to w-wood and permission to be sleazy violent and racist in rape and torture with applause instead of condemnation. I could not formulate the sentence as I was screaming in rage and hitting him and trying, unfortunately unsuccessfully, to kill both that thug and the dirty ugly f-alina sitting as usual urging him to beat me to death if possible but destroy break rape abuse punch call names while they go off hand-in-hand making love and having a party afterwards while they are showered with applause, parties, and the entire Harris campaign of the celebrity "white dudes' rallied behind this rape enterprise as they have for all these years and decades. One of the Harris "white dudes' so advertised in the media (i.e. on Huffpost) did the stalking thing and following me when I was on South Beach--back in 2007-2008. I had no idea but he made eye contact and etc) he is one of the Harris "dudes" and the list is never-ending. They all watch this going on and continue to feed off this contract for their careers and could not give a damn about any single human value except for their "entitlement" to become aristocrats following the 4th Reich protocols for exemption from all legal repercussions for all crimes against people slated to be destroyed in the 4th Reich, as I am.

And so, they had my internet turned off while they then used the frustration I had to shut them up and change the energy of their hate, I feel like I am aging literally while I am screaming at them. My voice is altered as along with the throat microchip they can also alter my vocal chords and change the tenor and range of my voice, literally they can alter my voice to sound like a man. This is not so strange it's a pretty basic version of electronics, sound waves and throat constriction.

Whenever they turn the internet off, although the router remains with all lights on and the signal that the WiFi is "on" remains "on"--

they begin more threats hate as I rush in rage. because for 15 years literally every single day I have been screaming--at first, the first 10 years I was speaking plainly but after about 20 rapes and being hit by cars my uterus partially severed out and coming out of my body while in the shower, they tried to smash my lower jaw teeth out and had the gum tissue severed out, the have broken my left toe and cut the cuticle literally out of my right large toe. They have poured hardening substance on my toenails so they are completely impossible to cut they never grow. They have inserted metal knife-like objects under my fingernails and cut out the cuticle bed and the cuticles are gone on toes and fingers, the poured absolutely disgusting chemicals on my skin and hands so they look like I've been working in chemical bleach water for about 30 years every day without wearing gloves. The skin on my forearms has been slathered with similar damaging chemicals so it looks like wrinkled reptile skin, with and then they have poisoned and pounded the poison into my body with all these men raping me in both deep sleep teleportation and then in actual prime body deep unconscious sleep while being abused constantly in the teleported state

for this they have been embraced into the White House and United Nations as "feminists"

and much much much more, this is just a short list. This situation has turned so many loveless sleazy sick people around the world that, again, I write to nobody and nothing in detailing it. It is mostly a joke for people to yearn to be able to feed off torture and rape and violence and watch a female get slaughtered by white supremacists and black and brown minions on a daily basis for years and years.


If I pay for a VPN it is absolutely certain that it will be compromised and will not work. But to spend over 2 hours per day struggling to shut up a literal death energy murder consistently day after day of my nervous system being inflicted with technological nervous-system alteration into extreme hate and rage mode while vile hateful sinister ugly sick people I find detestable are raping me and demanding that although they "love" the extremely violent and parasitic filthy creep female who has been mutilating poisoning laughing having groups of dirty foul so-called "men" rape and abuse me in front of her and then stealing my ideas  because she is a hate puppet for the white male rape culture she claims she is "fighting" against. This is the usual lying mind programming that I have seen literally consistently throughout the political and W-wood spectrum of the "activists" almost completely an inverse relationship on a near 100% level of every person making public statements about some cause is the most violent fascist hateful abuser who rushes to abuse me violently in front of this same crowd so they can continue to  be put into the false opposition role of "caring".


So, again, if anyone can please get this German hateful bigot off me, he has told me he had sex with F-alina and that he loves her. She has used my ideas for her film concepts and has been put into winning awards for the ideas she has stolen, as well as many other people who have gone to the Oscars year-after year who have also stolen my ideas, and laugh as I scream in rage and then they also get men (mostly out of Euro-land) to violently rape me while I am drugged with something so toxic and lethal almost my body is like floating I am nearly constantly collapsing in a near drug overdose and I can't control my reactions--it is undoubtedly enhanced by the microchip prison they planted along my spine, and then kept everything in place by continuously poisoning me with hardening poison so I remain just a non-stop murder target.

Please get him OFF me he says he loves f-alina I have only been screaming that I think of her and P-pitt as disgusting non-talented dirty and nasty and then the expletives keep pouring out--they are also implanting discrediting words, phrases into my brain and the tension and torture makes the repetition of what they are subliminally inserting into my brain while I am fighting to communicate, to get them to shut up finally after hours of abuse and me rushing to kill them fighting physically every day for a YEAR every single day I am screaming and rushing to punch them to death fighting physically in utter rage screaming that they are etc etc etc as they go off getting more rewards for creating old age, my body feels like it is aging exponentially while I am screaming--they make my voice lower into some old age type voice wh ile I am screaming and the words coming out are being administered by some old dino hater who is pumping these sentences into my brain to repeat.

Everything this group does is a script they have been issued to repeat, this is standard operating principle for this operation to have people just repeat like puppets.

They torture me to obtain original ideas and then call me bitch and slap hit and have me raped beaten and tortured for writing analyses of their mind programming so-called "movies" which are always, always propaganda for white supremacy and the inclusion of the former targets (blacks are an especially targeted group for 'inclusion" the "anti-racist' movies regarding blacks being discriminated against and their 'fight" for equality and justice is a form of programming that demographic into joining the Nazi 4th Reich white supremacy group)

it is now impossible, and another day I could not breathe and ignore an ENTIRE ROOM of bodies sitting in chairs watching as violent domestic violence rapist Nazi keeps attacking me day after day as I scream in utter rage from day one I screamed "NO" as he rushed like a thug to rape me as i kept saying nO NO NO NO NO but the drugging kept me responding to the sensation of sex, which is a human hard-drive in the brain so they are telling me that I really "like" the drugging violence and abuse and rape because my body is poisoned drugged shitting poison out stuck in a room paralyzed and being injected tortured abused stalked violated cleaning putrid oozing muck filth and fighting to stop the mechanical arms and laying in bed in agony not able to go anywhere--all love friendship and nothing but rape hate and torture with politicians rushing to threaten to kill me constantly.

For a few weeks I could not control my reaction to the drugging, just as I cannot control the microchip implant system in my spine so I can't breathe and "ignore' the endless ugly sick parasites who have so tortured me, literally worse than any story I have ever heard of, ever--in m life someone being daily and nightly tortured for more than 15 years just out of racist hate by politicians and sleazy dirty entertainers--in a domestic torture chamber situation

Finally fighting to get his dirty nasty sleazy sexual abuse off me, finally able to reprogram my brain that this is not pleasure but it took a few weeks and for the next 3 months or longer he has not stopped with dirty s-alina endlessly attacking me because I reacted to stimuli that has nothing to do with his desirability factor for me, which has gone from the "mystery" of not knowing the depth of his depravity and loveless racism, and of course instantly I said no kept saying no--my room is now broken down in a way that I will have to physically and financially struggle to repair they had my floor literally gouged out 1-inch a hole was cut in the floorboards--I am financially responsible--due to saying no to his man who remains with his "lover" f-alina who like all the years of the other Nazi women who rush to have their boyfriends and lovers beat and rape me, who then are showered with lead roles (and prior to having me violently raped, they NEVER were seen in annual lead roles, plastic surgery renovations for them all, the list of the old hippie era blondish women who had and now represent "feminism" and anti-racism, so caring about Jews and Blacks (mostly the movies are about Blacks, as they are some of the most violent and open supporters of white supremacy and the more they "represent" the "black cause against racism" the more openly vile and violent and openly racist and abusive they are towards me, in front of their white superiors, because they openly play the game of minority subservient slave minion it's very openly expressed. Like devotion and slavish worship openly done and extreme hate at me with loving smiles by their "masters". This is the same with the German, who is trying to play this same power differential towards me with the loving warm and sexual embrace of f-s-alina and of course the rest.

I had also mentioned another hateful female, now claiming as well to be "feminist" for a role it stole from  my writing as well, another one with top funding for a movie enterprise with a male also playing in the film who I have never seen in teleportation but he is absolutely part of this group. I wrote posts about Pasolini and he made a film on that theme, and is always around those who are having me raped and tortured and co-starring with them as well.

Rushing to have more promotions for joining in because I wrote of the theft of the hate and how nasty it is and demonically possessed --that is a term you will hear a lot in "The South" and after observing this group I cannot deny that this is a very strong possibility in the "human condition".

Please get this German hateful rapist abuser off m e. He  and s-alina have been partners having me brutalized for the past 3-4 months in a horrific wave of violence aimed at me. The more they beat and abuse me the more the 4th Reich awards them, and the Oscars and Golden Globes are in the next few months.

I never want to help them, ever want anything to do with them the sight of them is literally ptsd sickness for me.

I pray every day for their deaths I pray for them to die horrible deaths every day they remain being applauded I remain fighting for hours to get them to shut up they keep blocking my internet no amount of struggle I do can unblock the hacking. To consider paying a lot of money I DO NOT HAVE because this group of billionaires is blocking my every attempt to do anything, literally every single thing except for sitting here tying for hours to get anyone to stop this torture to death, and this disgusting group to try to force a baby out of me by some sick hater like this German creep who I never even liked at all, the instant he opened his ignorant and stupid foul mouth with sneering laughter because he and his dirty German friends were all thrilled to be raping and torturing--he rushed at me screaming "do you want to see my big German dick" I screamed NO he began beating and raping me. I was so drugged I just lay in bed for hours unable to move--the pounding brought out layers of poisons and I was shitting horrific congealed poison every day as it ripped out of my body as well. Every moment I was in the most sick and vulnerable state completely drugged from the detox of old decade's old mind control drugging and hardening poisons on top of the freshly injected daily huge dose (that continues, and the murder through sepsis and toxic shock continues)

every moment I was in a state of pain and paralysis he rushed to rape me and suck my life force out of me, abusing slapping and insulting me afterward with the huge smiles of f-alina and the rest of the "gang" watching smiling and literally embracing him. I repeated what he wanted me to say I was completely inundated with old poisons pouring out into my nervous system, constantly telling him NO to STOP STOP STOP that he was pounding poison into my body. He punched slapped and murderously broke objects in front of me like he was going to kill me for saying Stop pounding poisons into my body. 

This has continued now to this day of his violence and murderous threats while f-alina watches on hoping this will enhance her chances of winning every top award, as well as the other parasite upon me for over 11 years rushing once more with her chance at awards, who also stole the idea from me so both of them stole their winning award ideas form my writing(s)

and it still is never-ending this inhumanity and unbelievable torture and slow murder.

If that German thing loves f-alina I could not care I hope they kill each other off but please get this dirty loveless nasty hateful thing off me. If you all love him for his violent Nazism and want him and dirty s-f-alina to replace Weinstein, as that was the point of the M2 bm movement--then do it but leave me alone goddamn they have been paid in multimillions if not a billion by now get them off me

I need at least internet I need some kind of love in my life--my cat returned I will not support Nazis and these filthy vile parasites

all politicians have been bought off they will do nothing

I can't even ignore this disgusting group every day for hours and hours then when I try to get information on how to block  hacking they turn the wifi off they block every search I have to write

the only way they stopped blocking my internet was when I began to write, now they have not stopped the connection.

They are dependent their protocol is on me writing daily exhibiting misery grief rage and hate and asking for help which never happens.

The inhumanity of this is unbelievable. The potential for mass murder upon many people is increasing daily as this program is never stopped.


Because he was pumping so much poison into my body as deeply as possible, while I kept fighting but kept reacting to sexual stimuli, which I could not control said NO and fought to stop it after every RAPE--my hair began growing a grey streak he was punching me in the face from side angles upon "consciousness" in the teleportation state--which is something a line-up of men have been doing ever since--out of Europ-a-and and the Nazi-influenced LA father-daughter duo, extremely violent after more than 30 years of major blockbuster movie roles for the daughter, and tours for the father, and with the expectation that after 30  years of participating in murdering me for their profit, that me saying NO is violent reaction as they follow the instructions from this German disgusting thing which I Have been constantly screaming every day every day that I can't stand him. Every day it returns with ugly f-alina to pound abuse punch and bring on extremely violent English, more LA haters and racist abusers who have tons of "black friends" who are of course violently in support of racism as long as it's against "me" and any excuse to rationalize "hate" and murder upon me that I "said" something as in any response I make with joking intelligence to their comments is taken that I am not submissive and just listening and to have any response of intelligence is met by brutal violence and to shut up as they keep pounding me to get ideas out of me as I try to remain silent not responding to their endless information extraction through murderous torture.


The frenzy of violence is non-stop for the awards season. It went from Obama and Harris winning approval of the Nazi German cartel (with Italian-American mafia) but not really, as it turns out the German smirked with smug confidence when I believed that Harris would win, he made a reply that sounded like mockery on a very subtle level and I realized he knew that Trump would win and was laughing to himself about the "insider knowledge' joke. Pitt, always hyper smug cocked out on a power high whenever he obtains a free prize and award unwarranted but handed for his YEARS OF TORTURE AGAINST ME for the sake of this Nazi uprising which this team has fully put into the orbit of America and the world--

and they were in the animated "high" state I have seen year after year, just prior to awards they already know they will "win" and it is a glow and drugged-up high they exhibit--which they did and this German knew as well

and thusly, Harris smiled at her "Master" while he was looking at her, as she hoped with Obama she would at least get some huge multi-million dollar deal for absolutely welcoming in white male rape culture as long as she could continue to play in the pimp prostitute game, as a prosecutor I'm sure she knows a lot about it but so do they all

and thusly, it is never ending. He is disgusting I find him repulsive the longer I am forced to see him the more ugly and rotten he appears as well as s-f-alina (fucking shit shit fucking) absolutely revolting.

I am screaming every day and rushing to fight physically to get them off me. When will this be 'ENOUGH" for people seeing me get tortured poisoned into paralysis my body swollen disfigured crying out for help and justice being mocked tortured threatened for fighting in my defense for years and years ALONE COMPLETELY ALONE.

I can't stand him, I can't stand them. It is more than I don't "want" to help them it is they are life-threatening to the planet they are the destruction of the United STates they are death and hate and you all love them for it. Everyone wants America to just implode so along with the violently murderous Nazis and Mafia they can just vulture every single thing out of the chaos they are creating with death squads and crazed and drugged up mind programmed murder bots following orders acting like deranged "satanically-possessed" sick filth parasites laughing about torture being handed non-stop torture weapons to create cancers and heart palpitations and heart attacks and sexual desire that is unbelievable so hateful bigots can abuse and insult women like me who are a threat to the group which is claiming I am 
nothing that how can my ideas or me be any threat yet meanwhile ALL THEY DO is poison drug torture me and ask me for MORE IDEAS SO THEY CAN HAVE SOMETHING ORIGINAL but when I comment and analyze how they are brainwashing the planet, no one stops them, not one person helps me, they are continued and allowed with more millions of dollars in production costume and all budgets covered for this they never can stop this attack upon me

this german sick creep is so foul and ugly filthalina is a most dirty ugly stupid thing

if you stupid fuckers love her so much and hate me and want to allow her to break my body so she can't feel anything but energized and refreshed with youthful delight at having a woman beaten made old broken down as she feeds off it feels empowered and is constantly having every rapist every Europigape scumbag whore creep who joins in yelling at me in a chorus that she is "More beautiful" while I try to heal I try to have any day of not screaming in rage with my body aging from dying from poisoning and stress

every day for over 15 years this has been going on, they are at the Oscars once more

when the fuck will anyone get this parasitic sick shit group off me

this german fuck is a stupid ugly dirty parasitic filthy foul creep

ugly shitalina is a dirty ugly sick whore prostituted stupid ape

if you fuckers can't identify what is real or what actual quality is

it's not my fault I am here just asking for someone to get them off me every day writing this wasting my time for hours and hours because of the murder they are causing the destruction of my body my health and everything else

jwhat the fuck can't this everj be fucking stopped

you goddam fuckers reading this worthless fucking America a destroyed sick insane place with such dirty filthy shit put into power and you can't even recognize what an ugly dirty trashy whore piece of shit this ugly sleazy filthy skank is, nor any of them. YOu see the plastic surgery and a vampire who has fed off my youth health beauty energy feeds and thrives off violence against women to feel better about the whore that she has been all her life--dumping that onto me plus her old age and bitterness while sucking my youth joy and all intellectual ideas literally day after day for 15 years sitting having me tortured and taking notes watching as I scream ideas which that stupid ugly whore has used for her movies--and my life force my energy every day they are feeding off my love and energy and beauty calling me stupid bitch ugly a loser as they continue to be funded by all the Congress all people everywhere are abusing torturing and attacking me (almost) I am never with any protection there is never any justice for me there is complete support for this group of fucking sick shit you all love.

I left your fucking sick arena of hate so many years ago they are torturing me off the planet I have been running around the world to get away from this Mafia Nazi group which saw that there is some shit contract out on me and it's been non-stop me fighting for my life

where is there anyone who has any decency do not just tell this german sick fuck creep to stop strangling and punching me after rape and abuse and torture and hate without end with his filthy group of dirty meatball creeps following me abusing stealing my property where I live--ugly dirty white trash creeps with hamburger meatball body types of body builder thug rape culture racist bigots

disgusting--you all love this kind of stupid sick shit and must bring all and every one into America bring all the fucking Nazis into America bring them all in so dirty shitalina can have them scream at me after they beat poison rape mutilate torture implant microchips silicone bulbs under my skin destroy my hair so 80% is permanently gone balding from their poisoning part of my uterus gone I must seal material around my mouth and hair to sleep so they don't cut the gum tissue below the root as they were doing and my scalp bald and rubbery for over one year from what they poured into my scalp

and on and on and fucking on and on because dirty ugly sick shitalina, and you all think this ugly piece of garbage crap is so "beautiful" I have never thought so, my first impression was it was a sleazy Nazi prostitute my first impression of shit dirty stupid pig pitt is of a blonde Nazi icon symbol they are most foul and dirty and ugly

you all can only identify beauty as being Nazi images they have had plastic surgery to replicate this image. YOu all only want to live in illusion that is your fucking problem but I can't stand them they are repulsively ugly filthy stupid and dirty shit. They could not think of a single winning creative idea they only have been going to the Oscars for the past 15 years from this contract, and for most of their "winning" award movies the concepts came from me, they got their Nazi bullshit writers to create a white supremacy remake of my original concepts which I can never use for my own career or life. I am stunted poisoned tortured blocked hacked beaten raped poisoned posioned drugged poisoned blocked from all earnings I can't protect myself NO ONE WILL STEP UP TO EVEN STOP ANY OF THIS they you all just tell the fucking pigs to not be so violent after months of me writing begging to get this german rotten fuck ape off me

I watched a movie in which this filthy lying dirty piece of shit played a concentration camp S&M murdering bigot. He played "oh, how horrible the Nazis were" for his interviews--he was so smug I only looked at a few youtube videos about him because I too am still brainwashed by their mind fuck programming I thought maybe he cared, as he keeps making public statements of course he can't tell the truth that this turns him on exponentially that he can't "wait" to rape beat and torture someone like it's a concentration camp. 

Mutually ugly and sleazy sick Shitalina has been showering this filthy fuck scumbag with loving embraces, I guess they are lovers, and his stupid mediocrity is being put on the stage of Whorewood where he probably has dreamed of going and his frantic violence upon me is to get more and more couch casting applause and lead roles, as every other rapist has obtained huge awards from beating slapping raping and abusing me in sexual humilation while I am drugged in such a state while sleeping and they call these so-called men "superior" but I consider them and this situation the inferiority of low-class scum.

That NONE OF YOU can identify this is why America is a failing country in about every respect possible.