Saturday, February 22, 2025

More hours of screaming (3 or more hours non-stop) with the most furious rage and hate I possibly can due to drugging and the mind control. I could not breathe or stop--the reaction was instantaneous it was in my brain I "saw" the hated abusers who are latched onto their careers being skyrocketed by latching onto torturing me for decades--for expletives like Rambo it is more than 40 years for shitalina and her filthy father it's more like 50 years of them latching onto attacking me in this contract--they attacked my family and it has been ongoing since 1975 with s hitalina and her dirty father and the English shit who directed Deliverance--mostly it is the fault of my family but they are incapable of defending against a world of violent Nazis including in the Jewish community. Today it was again G. Clooney, who laughed when he was being promoted as advocating for Kamala, who rushed to abuse and attack me smiling lovingly at the rapist German expletive who has been there influencing every person who jumps at the money he and his Nazi German team is throwing around like drugs to addicts--the money is unbelievable the Holocaust has generated 70 years of America being completely bought out and transfixed on having their own holocaust to steal all possible from Jews and anybody else they can label as being whatever--targets . Clooney screaming with rage that I am "supposed" to sacrifice my life be poisoned raped and tortured abused to death ideas that blank hateful stupid sleazy bigots--himself and his friends the shitalina pig ape pitt group who have stolen my ideas for over 15 years and their benefactors also associated with the movie Deliverance out of London having done the same for over 20 years--Stallone and h is Italian mafia with Steven Tyler and his daughter having done so since 1995 and onwwards without end. They hit me they punch into me they threaten my life they scream that I have zero rights I am going to be killed they scream endlessly to submit and just let them murder me destroy my life so t hey and their lack of actual top talent t heir lack of creativity their endless theft of my i deas can be stolen without me having a single "right" to defend myself. Absolutely supported by MAGA with full blessings of years of Obama the foul black Nazi who is probably more a puppet of the insidious Biden group than anyone could ever imagine, the posturing of all is so extremely deceptive and bombastic and the lack of actual criticism has been lethal for the United States--all is so discouraged a barrage of fake lying "liberals" are the only ones allowed to dominate the "algorithms". So Pete Hegseth, who with his wife and children began about 3 weeks ago to torture threaten my life endlessly yelling as I am stuck shitting out the poison that the dirty shitpigapealina pair and group and stallone and tyler and all the rest poured into my body to keep me so paralyzed, sick and dying that I could go NOWHERE every day I am paralyzed iin pain shitting poiso out that they ordered put in my body. I spend 80% of my time fighting to stop the endless mutilation of my body by mechanical arms while I am asleep and being injected drugged poisoned by mechanical arms and then it used to be I was being raped by people breaking into my home, injecting fungus into my hair and scalp and damaging chemicals are smeared still on my skin--I try to cover all up every night it is impossible--they would put my spine and hips out of alignment and rape me I had semen and fungus coming out of my body and smeared into my hair and I was in extreme pain, walking crooked with a limp every morning after they pounded my body and did whatever--sliced part of my cuticles out in my toes broke my toes cut into my gumline to the jawbone etc etc etc every single night for YEARS in this torture room. Now Hegseth who was with Bannon last week screaming with death threats constantly and they killed a pet on my patio that I had a connection to, they killed more plants they screamed with fascist murder and today Hegseth told me that he would cut part of my arm off and that I would die and that he would make sure I was going to submit. I have a phone appointment with Social Security on the 27 and they could cut my money off. This group and organizatino has fractured my vertebrae so I am chronically disabled--there is x-ray evidence I am listed as permanently disabled. They forced me into the lowest payment schedule because they fractured my body 3 months out of college as I was temping in San Francisco (at an elite law firm, btw). All was done while I was sleeping, inert and unconscious. I was since denied health care and then I had to fight for survival. My family did NOTHING to help but instead viciously attacked me while I was that helpless and did nothing and kept saying that I was making up the spine condition, a claim they still make although I have to tell them that there are x-rays to protect their crimes against me they claim that I am delusional and making it all up, a sponge on the system and etc etc. My brother John came to "hug" me in front of pig ape shitalina a few months ago, he has not done that since I was about 4 years old, and he was abusive back then under instruction from my family so it was just to demonstrate that he was as usual a full-on Jewish nazi doing what was told by Nazi filth attacking me--my family has sacrificed me wholeheartedly--the entire family from uncles to every member--like all of society. I thusly am faced with Hegseth who has used non-stop violence death threats and such extreme yellin screaming I can feel my hair turning grey again as it did when the German ape scum was raping and punching me in the face while I was completely drugged and under mind control and could not stop the sexual "urges" that are artificial one million percent; ever since they have forced this ape on me because I reacted for a few days and thusly they say I am "supposed" to give him a baby so he can infiltrate America and become an extremely VIOLENT NAZI influencing all the Left and Right of the scum group who have joined in for all these years. And I fight but the lingering threat of them having my money cut off remains. They forced this upon me, they had a situation where my money was cut off a few times in the past few years because they used their Nazi influence to have people like Trump and biden force all kinds of threats to my security. They had my mail returned and the agencies claimed that the letters had been returned instead of delivered and cut my money off. Then they demand a phone interview where they could ask me for items I cannot provide information on and could cut my money off. They are all assuring me that they won't do that which means they are planning on doing exactly that. I need someone to intervene not only to stop this endless life-sucking drain of their vampirism and screeching weasel parasitic latching onto my life as their endless springboard for endless incompetents endless has-beens who obtain plastic surgery and are put in every lead role for years afterwards. The shit like Dumb Mirran who obtained non-stop- plastic surgery after having had her Irish boyfriend (former ) rape me as she obtained plastic surgery and has been put into lead roles ever since--the flocking of has-been women like Jane Fonda who brought the German rapist into this slew of scum as well as the Gottis, and Deniro and all whose careers had been in decline they have been at the Oscars and at the White house all of them ever since. The screaming screeching parasites are outraged that I am saying NO after years of being stuck shitting poison out, fighting to get the murder of poisoning me to death and paralysis to be stopped as no one would intervene--to stop this endless destruction of my life--they are threatening my life for trying to stop the endless murder tortrure and rape so a bunch of stupid ape shit can have a lifetime of movie lead roles after torture of me--by now I have become a symbol of hate for all to rush and abuse as has been happening for decades--believe it or not, I used to have a lot of friends was top of my class was beautiful and they have mutilated my body through the stupidity of mob mentality all view me now as some target witch hunt person no one dares come forth who may be against this. //The interview is on February 27 at 9:30 EST--with the Indian River Social Security Branch in Miami. They will phone me, I cannot provide various bits of information and I can't state everything clearly but I also would not be lying if I said that I do not go to any Western medical doctors any longer. I have not seen a doctor since 2011. My disability is from spondylolysthesis which is crushed vertebrae and this is a condition in many places along my spine from men who raped and t hen when I said no they had my spine fractured by the teams of death squads . These so-called "men" (in their 20's) had drugged and date-raped me. I never wanted "instant sex" I was drugged into an overwhelming state of sexual desire and like floating and drugged but appearing compliant I went along like I was floating down a fast torrent of manipulation. And now, this is a man who had my pet killed last week, and his family has proven to be extremely nasty there is no semblance of any kind of the Christianity that is associated with the kindness and compassion of Jesus it is the Christianity that is derived from another source (Christianity was a religious theme before the birth of Christ--). I am stuck without any way to go outside I am still very ill. today I shat out more poison that has been lodged in my thoracic region of m y back probably for decades as the poisons have hardened into a mess of flattened pieces stuck together like a lumpy cement mixture. Hard as rock but intertwined with vertebrae and muscle and ligament tissue (and into my intestines into my skull) and etc.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Terrorist mutilation report: I am writing this to get the stress out of my psyche, because 15 years of writing about it has only produced scores and dozens and hundreds and thousands of more terrorists rushing to attack me; they have to wait in line sometimes. The physical, ongoing mutilation of my body. Ongoing daily mutilations of my body repeated nightly and daily while I am unconscious, teleported and in deep unconscious comatose sleep state (my consciousness is literally teleported out of my "prime" sleep body and transported to the teleported semi-physical body. Apparently I appear "whole "in tangible form to the people abusing me viciously murderously every night while i sleep to their gleeful sadistic feeding frenzy. My body is ravaged, put out of alignment, mutilated parts severed out damaged stinking liquids poured into my hair, body my skin is doused with horrid curdling chemicals---

 The numbers of layers of socks, rubber bands and tight-knit mesh socks around my hands is so extreme that my hands are literally forced into a curled position, cramped and for the first few nights of using this most physically squashed, stress position for my hands, the mechanical arms didn't reach my fingers and jabbing sharp knives, blades under my cuticles and under my fingernails was not done for enough days so my skin began slightly to heal and not look like reptile skin, enlarged and swollen red bloody welts around almost all fingernails, the nails half off the cuticles literally cut out by now on many fingers--my toes are destroyed in regard to nails---hardening chemicals were put on my toenails for so many years/decades that they are completely deformed in twisted shape and almost never grow--the cuticle nail bed cut out of the large right toe so it's half grown deformed, the cuticle cut to the top of the nail bed it is completely and permanently deformed literally they cut all the nail bed off the cuticle.

The other toe has been broken to resemble a "bunyon but it was broken a few times and juts into my foot at an almost 45-degree angle.

My hands look like enlarged 80-year old hard labor hands---

the chemicals they keep putting on my hands--the skin completely damagaed looking like scales and horrid, enlarged deformed from NIGHTLY for over 15 or more years of chemicals making my hands look deformed horrid. Last night, and for a few nights since, they managed to get under the 4 layers I had used, and now I have to add another layer so there will be blood flow decrease to my hands which will be curled up in a ball cramped for 8 hours or so. My hair--I have used 6 different layers around my entire head to protect my hair from being slathered with permanent hair loss chemicals. I go to sleep my hair is clean and fresh, I wake up it's nasty, brittle and brushing clumps fall out. So much of the poison  has been put on my scalp that the 2 years of fighting to grow the balding rubber scalp areas that were so damaged that the scalp was like rubber feather-plucked chicken skin--dead chicken of course. The hair after 2 years of minoxidil and every single other treatment I could think of has grown over the rubber bald scalp areas at a lenth of about 1 cm, or less. They have begun inserting the most thin of mechanical arms under the layers of materials I can only try to use to protect my fingers, hair and other parts of my body. I have to restrict blood flow to my head and to my hands now to try to stop the endless destruction of my body from the celebrities obsessed with their appearance who are making sure I am mutilated deformed poisoned with horrific bloating/hardening chemicals to deform and internally suffocate and paralyze and make me crooked and obscenely bloated/huge/"fat" as they laugh about all they have done, literally feeding off it with glee.

And so, I am watching the news and seeing the emergence of protest against the government. It is so sad that the lies and greasy sleazy duplicity of the former administrations had so successfully sold the bill of lies to the public who went along as I did, believing or hoping that the soothing words and the endless movies portraying justice and the fight against all the evil "isms" was really what America was about.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Violent door-slamming as noise terrorism and extreme threat of violence---continuously day after day, repeatedly during the day someone is slamming with extreme force a door--down the hall in the room which was a noise terrorist designated 8-month drilling/pounding and hammering pollution of the environment. The workers kept the doors open, and the drilling and jack-hammering into steel and cement went on all day, every day, from May until December non-stop daily. Out of this room emerge the straw-colored haters out of Euro-land or Russia, paid to inflict as much of their racist and personal hate psychopathy as possible onto me. They are handed a free newly renovated room while they rush into my room to break smear filth fungus mold and break and steal. The vacation time-spans for one month or longer from their Holocaust-generated endless vacations spurs on the creed that the end suits the means. My room was inflicted with floorboards being ripped up yesterday by the people who slam this door down the hall--the distance is not within easy noise circumference it is at least 200 yards down the hall. The slamming reverbs and the echo is due to the emptiness of the entire floor as only a few of the rooms are inhabited by the rotating expletives on vacay and the standard locals who inflict their hate upon me and smile lovingly at the terrorists they obey and obtain their unbelievable (for them) ez money and release of hate, promotion into the ranks of hate Nazixm their enthusiasm to smear stinking filth and torture upon me, all, is extremely energetic . The slamming of the door is accompanied by an attack on my nervous system and brain. The subtleties of the microchip ensemble along my spine, held solidly by a plateau of hard poisons that are enmeshed along my spine, into my brain into my skull down my legs, extending to solidify the nervous system attacks and the poison I believe acts as a conduit for the electronic signals (whether hard or in more malleable form). I also "feel" and "sense" great threat as the subliminal, inaudible but by now I perceive that there is an adjoining parallel attack of death threat constantly being pumped in while, as the nervous system microchip "ladder" up my spine inflicts a spasm and like I'm being assaulted at the exact moment of the thunderous slamming of this door--with fury hate and death threat it is pounded throughout the reverberating hallway, electronically inflicted along my spine, and then subliminally death threats of extreme violent murder are input into my deep subconscious at a level of inaudible range but I can "feel" it and by now I am aware of the multi-pronged system of attack.

Endlessly accompanied by a series of ridiculously open and bare discrimination and financial assault in ongoing financial transactions. In stores I am ripped off, money not given and withheld with excuses that I am lying and being told to "sit and wait" while they are "checking" the store cameras to make sure I didn't pocket the $3 that they withheld from the change when I had to purchase one extra item because I was lied to about the price while the price tags had been switched in front of the items I wanted to buy---and etc I wrote of it days ago.

The terror wave of the vacationing 4th Reich who have been told all their lives that the mass murder and theft of the millions of victims whose lives were happily laughed over by the people whom my government--or is it my government they make sure to let me know that nothing applies to me of the country except to be raped beaten tortured mutilated poisoned and left to die without health care even with government insurance that was met with more violence from practitioners--housing discrimination and no one helping me to provide evidence--etc etc --

and this group teleporting me welcome in with open everything---the people and the nationalities who swear allegiance to the Nazi 3rd Reich which stated that America is a target and will be overtaken and Jews massacred and everything and everyone else as the usual targets--and these nationalities which rely on the basic principles that Hitler and his CONTINENT (not one single country) were cheered on enthusiastically for--and  yet, in modern post-Nazi neo-Nazism (and that is what this is about, there is now little doubt about it any longer) and that no one can begin to fathom that while the "friends" from "across the pond" make open statements to me about what I'm "supposed" to do according to the 3rd Reich Nazi paradigm, and that I'm "supposed" to accept "reality" and "what is" which is them being handed automatic assumption to power using the cliches of the 3rd Reich about their innate superiority, based on genocide and the mass deception not only of the Germans towards their neighboring countries in lying and breaking every compact and agreement, which in secret was always intended for a small minority too overtake every country and to plunder the wealth of the targeted hated group(s) the Jews, wealthy for having to be designated as the "dirty rat money-changers of the dirty coins and notes passed around from grubby hand-to-hand in Euro-land for centuries" but having accumulated a wealth and with fighting for equal rights Jews began to surpass the white supremacists who then resorted to claiming that the Jews were "rats" and "thieves" and their money had to be stolen and them smashed, their soul their psyches had to be crushed and the endless cliches abound especially in this mind programming unit out of W-wood who are there situated to enforce and then re-enforce these paradigmatic stereotypes which they have turned almost into quasi-religious established entities. The structure remains a stolid foundation of belief. Yet, not a single person who is handing the keys to the city to all the self-proclaimed Nazis out of Germany and every other NATO country our "friends" will not begin to recognize that if they are using the 3rd Reich as the basis of their instant assumption to entitlement, then their plot has never changed to infiltrate the United States and conduct a mass genocide and another Holocaust along "modernity".

I am not digressing but, just to point out that although I am always put into a state of hysterical ranting due to non-stop poisoning and torture lasting for hours per day, in the most vulnerable sleep state and then upon waking for hours while I am groggy and unable to breathe the microchip stratified "ladder" extending up my spine like an invasive serpentine parasite upon my body into my brain is in constant over-use by the ever-enthusiastic exploiters, most of them "fresh" with energy to get free deals that they could only dream of before they rushed to torture me along with this never-ending applauded and promoted group (celebrities, politicians, news anchors, extras, wanna be's etc)


The door slamming is a direct "message" of extreme violence which has been ongoing not merely with poisoning to death and paralysis but the cars hitting me driving into me and nearly being smashed by a truck nearly running me over and etc etc etc mutilation parts of my body severed out while unconscious and sleeping

Last night was the first night in months (or weeks?) that I did not have to rush and go to the toilet because each and every single night the terrorist group, the hateful people surrounding me killing animals who fly around my room killing any animal I harbor on my patio killing all flowering plants killing and killiing making stinking dirty filthy and broken and maiming and poisoning my body and rushing into defile and steal and break and rob anything they want while I am out of this room, the very few times I am capable of such movement the damage to my spine and bone structure is profoundly damaging and life-threatening in and of itself.


Of course, they are also threatening to cut my money off, and I must fight to survive this appointment by phone on the 27th which cut be a "soft" killing if they cut my money off.


I was not severely drugged last night, could sleep through the night and the years of morning routine of the celebrities with politicians, new anchors, brining in people who had tortured poisoned and raped and screwed me over in the decades of groups of people operating as teams to inflict as severe damage as possible--from decades ago they are welcomed to assert that they are only to anxious to continue

but now diverting from topic as the attacks on the keyboard make typing almost impossible, not quite and my brain is being pumped with subliminal gibberish and death threats and insults--constantly but it is inaudible I can "feel" it and the sense of dread they are forcing into my nervous system through this microchip stratified system along my spine and into my brain extending.

The slamming of the door from this room which was an 8-hour noise torture of pounding drilling hammering with the door open, the people who inflicted this noise would rush out to walk towards me and into me if I left to just take the garbage out, which was and is too much stress for my body to do from having to barricade my door with layers and layers of items which the terrorists also tear and destroy so I must continuously work to remake them--just to stop the invasion of my body and home by the mechanical arms opening my front door and rapists who fracture my vertebrae put my spine and hips out of alignment poison me with hardening bloating poison which solidifies the crookedness that the terrorists are inflicting on my spinal alignment and have been doing this literally almost all my life.

The slamming of the door and the spinal nervous system "dread" energy they force using brain and nervous system attacks with constant subliminals I can sense of insults abuse and death threats, constant coming from this room.

On the other side of the hallway just a few feet away is ANOTHER room that has been a non-stop drilling and pounding operation for the same 8 months of 8-horus per day of pounding so the haters who are on vacation get free rent and board and a sparkling new room with cleaning maids and service from the minions (dark-skinned) who pour stinking filth and spray fungus and filth into my room, my hair my body injecting inserting and etc, literally every day.

Last night I did not have to rush to the bathroom once, and usually they inject so much liquid into my bladder while I am completely unaware and unconscious while they teleport m y consciousness to an abuse homeless situation or hate and abuse, it is really almost the same theme of disenfranchising raping and abusing me--

when the current or the latest hateful abuser came to torture me, I had to rush to urinate with huge amounts of liquid coming out 6 times in one  night---multiple times per day

and I was severely DRUGGED with horrific mind control drugs which rendered me pretty pliable in terms of mental and emotional coercion and manipulation and exploitation and of course, information content idea extraction  they must do this in order to have more unique ideas while destroying me in every way possible.

The usual hours of verbal death threats abuse torture are now subliminal and inaudible but from years of experience I know it is ongoing and continuous. I "feel" and "hear" the sentences but they are not audibly articulate. I know that this is the most low level of the voice-to-skull technology of coercion and deprogramming of any sense of self-awareness and confidence they are trying to inflict and tear out of my body and mind and spirit and soul.

the yelling abuse death threat and the rows of chairs did not happen this morning for the first time in probably 3 or more years it has been literally a daily event for over 8 hours of my life spent in just being yelled at threatened with murder every insult aimed at my body every day people accumulate to get into this contract their endless aptitude for abuse and dumping their hate is a bottomless pit of hate and violence murder affiliation and confirmation and promotion.

But I could feel all t he "smash your head into the floor" all the "slash the scissors into your breasts" I could hear the "you are so ugly nothing you do will help" (while I am brushing my hair which either they are still smearing damaging chemicals on or the years of this happening non-stop have completely destroyed most of my hair-- I think they are still inserting mechanical arms under the multiple layers of head protection I sleep in every day but their mechanical arms probably with tiny micro-camera "heads" can "see" and slip under the most thin of the apparel. The strings I use to tie around the layers are often loosened--they are still making my hair fall out, I believe but I can't tell any longer. if they are still poisoning my scalp or the damage they have done has made healing impossible...

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

After the past 2 weeks of non-stop death threats, the new "man" in charge of torture and abuse informed me that "we are going to force this upon you"--this contract of me being forced into such desperation that I have no choice. I was told that I will have "no choice' as well by one of the goon "actors" next to the ugly shit team of celebrity sick fuckery as this pig ape creep has been behind them for all the many years of rape torture and poisoning. The nearly has-been set of shit and filth and their crap spawn are all waiting, there are so many now who are part of this cartel of shit and scum has-beens waiting for devour my life for an endless empire deived out of white supremacy entitlement that this group is now openly displaying in front of the white supremacist tv anchor politician---who has been violently threatening my life with graphic detail as this german filth scumbag piece of shit with the rest of the ugly sick whorewood team are screaming yelling theatening my life and they are forcing me to have to deatl with social security this month to cut my; money off- they kept me poisoned with intention to murder me for over 15 years and have stolen my ideas, made millions off them but to be forced to have to actually "win" any big achievement out side of stealing my ideas and torturing me they are all incapble of. The yare latched on as vicious disgusting parasites every day and every night they are foul and disgusting. That America cannot discern what aquaity is any longer should be apparent but it's still not.

So every single day I fight to use the internet to shut them off to get their ugly endless death threats to be silenced--listening to my podcasts about freedom and how America has become a fascist Totalitarian state--as aired back in the mid-late 90's by William Cooper means nothing to these endlessly spewing "patriot" bullshit practitioners of shit and lies to the public--their only allegiance is to their luxury Europigape friends who hand them the pretense that they are elegant sophisticated aristorcrats--they learn the posturing and steal my ideas--I was trained by Europigapes but not of the 4th Reich they need this information the stupid next generations of Nazis out of actual Europigapeland at best can only recite Shakespeare for which they are told they are the epitome of the zenith of class and society. They rush at me insulting me I retort with elegant verbosity they have me tortured for proving that they are just rotten white dino old sick fuckers out of England

and etc

so I am stuck with them threatening to cut my social security disability off and I have no recourse. My family has a million percent particiapted in this murder sacrificial operation forced upon me I have literally nowhere to turn. 

If anyone doesn't want sleazy dirty sick fuckers to constantly ahve access to the media and to information to entertainment and thusly to politics perhaps you should stop waiting for someone else to do the work for you. The fuckers who have rushed to teleport me are urging the "American people" to "not give up" and to "fight back" but I can assure you that not a single one of these rotten fucks have ever once fought back in any semblance of the term, unless it was in a display of political action with their committees as a group but only in the visible display of pretense of opposition to the dino league of filth bigots.

Terrorist hacking report: over 3 hours of struggling to use my laptop with hacking blocks to getting into the BIOS so I can do a factory restore--somewhat no matter what the hard drive is completely infected no small little F12 function will actually restore the system. I cannot obtain a recovery disc anywhere I am lied to, all I order online is defunct, I can't phone any computer place or get help they all claim they can't understand don't know and want to charge me 6times more than the actual cost.//They made is forced into my laptop to have to input a recovery code every time they log me out (they turn the WiFi off manually hacking at least ever 5 minutes, sometimes every 30 seconds it is just a jerk-off scum creep in the next room operating for the billionaire scumbag filth creep ape whore shit ordering them what to do---I have been naming them for years you have only put them into highest orbit possible, all of you even those who are against this do nothing to really stop it. You are waiting for a mass explosion from the population so as usual you remain "safe" in numbers. The predator A$$-hole class who are not apex but just the nadir of the lowest of human achievement with technology they never created at their disposal to inflict their nasty and dirty obstruction power-over cartel filth as you all cheer it on, giving them credit for the nothing they have done but act like deranged apes claiming this is "reality" and that they are innately "superior". Their only modus operandi has always been technology but otherwise, the social conditioning of absolute discrimination has ALWAYS been inflicted upon the victims by other victims. I am surrounded by victims inflicting their victimization upon me endlessly. Of course, in the course of writing these few disjointed sentences with backspacing to correct as the keyboard is hacked so it's literally impossible to type on without having to constantly rewrite and backspace because of the blocks to functions---the WiFi is off for the 20th time in 3 hours--it's now getting into 4 hours of tryin to download 3 sets of music that should take about 5 minutes combined.

 What they did was create a "loop|" of forcing me to put in the 4-digit "code" that I am forced to enter every time I am logged out of the system. They log me out by blocking the internet and I have to restart so many times. This is an optional function not embedded into the Windows system but there is no way for me to get rid of it. I have no computer programming skills and it was put into the system years ago.

They made it so I clicked on the log-in screen and it turned black for 3-4 minutes, just pure black. It then slowly spun back to the original log-in page. I tried to press F12 and get into BIOS because I literally could not use my laptop I thought I could reset the entire system, requiring hours of the whole thing being deleted  but NOT the hard-drive program which forces this code for entry---not a single thing gets rid of it I have tried and looked it up, this is an optional function. They also did this to me using my bank log-in system a 2-step verification process which is optional but the bank managers and no one would get it off my system. They then forced me to have to fight to get into my own bank account because they hacked my mobile phone so the code I could not receive, and then when I had to fight the bank about that problem they then forced me to put in a "code" which was not received on their end. It required weeks of explaining the problem to executive managers and finally they offered a solution but I am still forced into this "optional" 2-factor verification process. And they forced this into my laptop and this little "window" of stagnation in the flow of logging in has created a bypass system whereby the virus or block can be turned into a loophole so I get the same screen no matter what.

I tried to get into BIOS and I clicked on F12 when the system was restarting, and what they also hacked into my system was that the screen brightness had been substituted for the F12 function of getting into BIOS so I can only lighten or darken the screen using the usual F12 system to get into BIOS to clean out the system and re-install. Otherwise there is the standard "reset" function which only clears out the immediate extra files and it requires 1-2 hours, which I have to do at least every 2 days due to the amount of corruption to my system which is never-ending every time I use the laptop. No matter what type of site I use., the malware is hacked almost instantly. 


The teleportation has switched to another group but it's the same celebrity hate filth shit which is such an abomination. The new controlling person from yet another news agency (it was MSNBC for the years of Biden and preceding Trump but now it's t he "other side"  taking it's nefarious "turn" exploiting the abuse of me for hours per day for years and years by the same celebrity sick fuck shit who are never discerned in any way as being sick and disgusting--no, their violence makes them "superior" as the white entitlement fuckery that t his organization especially the blacks are all keen to perform with utter violence just endlessly aimed at me for saying NO to being poisoned and raped to death with any idea stupid meaningless mediocrities can use for their career advancement has been met only with applause and more promotions.

That this is not deemed as being reprehensible to any person who is "famous" in society should be some "red flag" to the f-ers reading my posts and constantly doing nothing about this entire situation. It has morphed into despotism and fascism and still you fuckers allow them to go on and on.

My years of warnings are met with the fakes who have teleported me who are "liberal" and "Progressive" stating that they "warned" You all years ago, which is what I have been writing. I was confronted with t heir bs when they hacked it in constantly and all they did was follow the same bs lines that all the rest went on about--distorting disguising and protecting the fascist Nazi uprise and violently assaulting me for the sake of proving how much they are in line with the rise of bigot fascist Nazi 4th -ism.


So they have a technological multi-billionaire hacking himself and his mommy's face into my every social media which I use to log-into various other sites because I am spending what tiny amount of money I get, which they are trying to take away at the end of this month on the 27th for having fought for my life for all these 15+ years and decades against stinking filth shit whores who are glorified by  you all

and they have had me hit by cars poisoned nearly to death and are hacking their fucking selves and teleporting me and smug and gloating they have made billions of dollars at my expense as part of this techno-terrorism which you all embrace and these f-ers as well.


I of course cannot earn money so I am stuck sitting here fighting to download some music for over 3 hours. My life is spent fighting to use the laptop so I can write to relieve the stress of non-stop murder torture that is ongoing every single day. The fuck whore apes from Whorewood are now relying on white supremacy entitlement with glowering looks of rage as I scream that they are shit and worthless stupid fucks to the next abuser from the next presidential pick media outlet (combination, as news media and politics are intertwined now wiith political representatives and allegiances as is celebrity)

the looks are of rage that I am speaking of them in ways that are realistic that they are stupid ignorant dirty ugly shit and parasites screaming this. Under the "liberal" fucks of this group they were smiling and smug as the blacks rushed to  hit me the jews rushed to laugh and mock me and gloat and smile next to the Nazi rapist sh it ape stupid fuck who found a gold mine of entrance into Whorewood and the USA through these stupid ignoramus fucks all trying to be the "master race" with this violent stupid ape instructing them on just being violent and dumb and proclaiming that they are entitled.


The same day as the straw-colored fodder of the sheeple pig-ape cartel violently assaulted me with glaring looks of white supremacy entitlement after more than 15 years of this stupid ape fuck whore having me poisoned brutalized tortured mentally physically sexually every single fucking day and night as this filth ape stole my ideas so this stupid fuck creep could be portrayed as anything beyond the white little boy male big daddy entitlement swaggering violent psychopath that he is in movies and in real life--he is not acting he's just a snot little boy ape big daddy scumbag and so is h is ugly dirty c-sucking lip set of parasitic leech lips so disgusting and so ugly and vile.


Now glaring in hate at me for screaming that I wish them death, the same ugly dirty stupid ape could be seen smiling for the stupid football game which sucks in billions of dollars if not more in revenue for the lying bullshit propaganda plantation system that America has become.

I did not write names as I am not doing now--it appears that writing their filthy shit names, and it really means nothing they are nothing but repetitive bots who have no real personalities--but I am not writing their filthy shit names but the references to these fuck scumbags is obvious in context of the big stupid foot-in-everyone's-a$$ game was just highlighted by the major outlets so I wanted to see what kind of destruction had just been conducted and I saw this "game" which featured the sick pig ape who had just attacked me that very day and the day before with violent hate, as this filth ape piece of shit has been doin for years, but in extreme violence before every huge promotion for such events and awards. With his ugly dirty trashy sick wife always there with her ugly beady eyes, the men only see the cock-sucking lip structure as this stupid whore is always hugging rapist pig ape scumbag whore "men" but made representative of "women's rights'  by all the scum of Congress, the rape culture dirty ugly dinosaur men of the Repug party and the greasy lying scum of the d-o-rat doormat party who are so ineffectual and weak it is obvious to whom they truly cater--the "right wing"--who, as William Cooper would state, are not "right at all they are Communist Socialistis like the Nazis (National Socialists) they are NAZIS the the fascist control is not "right wing" it is LEFT WING all the way to Totalitarianism. 

So they have made it even impossible for me to get into BIOS and trry to really clear out t his system even if for a few minutes before the inevitable hacking commences (if I never get into the internet then the keyboard still jumps and the cursor clicks twice for every single click for every single thing I do)

Thursday, February 6, 2025

3 hours of fighting to order online---the site is blocked. A system recovery (more than 1 hour of "reset" on Windows 10) has resulted in the very same block to functioning. All the while, detoxing (=shitting out) black poison from the "plug" of hard poison I managed to break off from extreme effort in slow isomeric exercise while taking detox substances--all organic and not chemical stuff, items I can't afford but must pay for to fight for my life. I need to order a case of Red Bull otherwise I have no energy to fight the non-stop 15 years of detox which the filth trash whorewood group kept laughing as their filthy death squad minion operatives had my food and body poisoned, put out of alignment, raped, fungus in my food hair my furniture into my vagina and etc for over 15 years of me fighting and writing online about it every single day to silence and more filth and crap coagulating as a huge pile of stinking SHIT to torture rape and fu ck me over. Now 3 hours of fighting to use my laptop. If the WiFi is not turned off within 5 minutes after a 3-hour fight to reset and restore the system, the external remote attack on my router, or some internal chip or component of my laptop so the router is fully on and the system shows clearly that all is "on" but the signal has been blocked--non-stop every few minutes they do this. I am trying to order a case of Red Bull so I have energy to fight this toxicity that nothing else helps in the fight to have some energy to detox and fight the endless HATE AND ABUSE from the never-ending rotation of the SAME SICK FUCKS from Whorewood and Congresswhorewood who have obtained endless media promotions book tours awards non-stop production companies replacing the Weinstein mass murder operation of antisemitism replaced by white trash bigot rapists--all cheered on by all the blacks latinos and everything conceivably else in Congresswhorewood and in Whorewood itself and of course, all of society as still not a single person can ever come to state that this is not just unAmerican it is not just unconstitutional to the extreme degree that this violates every Golden Rule of society that it is a preemptive strike of genocide--but nothing matters but the blind greed of the pig apes you all keep cheering on.

 So now it's three hours later and I cannot get the page to function whatsoever. Typing is the usual blocks to keyboard function as my brain is rendered in a state of rage, instant exponential rage after the next abuser bigot claiming it is a good wonderful zealot performer of all the God-given lawless laws of hegemony--

Meanwhile, the apes who are ordering this, silently sitting "multi-tasking" while silently observing the destruction to my peace and my ability to render a single thing in modern society--as the apes of Whorewood are all observing in the background. This next abuser is playing "good cop" to the psychopathic shit and scum, telling me that cursing is a "sin" but meanwhile supporting rapists because he and they are all racists is "GOOD" and that they have "Gawd on their side" because they are White supremacists including all the non-stop rotation of black "activists" and Latino and black and Jewish "feminists" all cheering this on as they are heralded in endless appearances after bashing me psychologically, as viciously as possible with murderous threats and hate while smiling into the faces of the white rape entourage handing them all the awards they have constantly been handed for the decades of participating in this attack upon me from the more sidelines--as the front-row participants except for a few "token" extremely famous blacks are relegated to back-row participation. Not that they care about having to sit "at the back of the bus" of the racist lynch mob techno-terror simulation they all are glorified in being included in the ever-enlarging "exclusivity" of 4th Reich Nazi hate crimes.


I begin screaming because I have taken Kratom, a drug, the leaves of which relax the body muscles and help me to detox as this group of hyenas produce so much muscular and energetic stress that is deadly I need a muscle relaxant. I distrust chemical drugs (pharmaceuticals) so greatly knowing that there is evidence-based research on some of the famous drugs, finally resulting in harm to liver and kidneys (if research is ever done, I have heard this endlessly from acupuncturists and all other herbal medicine practitioners). With the literal lifetime of endless poisons injected into my food and body, I am fighting to not have liver cirrhosis or extreme kidney failure because the amount of greed of the pig ape scum and shit endlessly attacking me is co-equal to the amount of poisons on all deadly levels that they order and infuse my very existence with. The toxicity and stupidity of the hate bigots in and of itself is toxic enough to kill anything that is sentient or even artificial (the  bad energy would create a negative ionosphere, I suggest) .


After another 6 hours, after having slept for over 15 hours yesterday due to the toxicity of the detox which has lasted, from the day of exercise in a way that appears slow and weird  from an observational perspective, but internally is monumental in it's internal force and the "plugs" which are never-ending within the huge hard-as-stone structure embedded into my spine, extending literally from the crown of my skull down my spine into my toes--arms, fingers, etc

and breaking off a tiny chunk has required over 4 days or longer of being inert, in a perpetual sick daze, unable to function except to fight to clean the endless destruction to my home that the mechanical arms render on a nightly basis--tearing spraying stinking filth, fungus and muck everywhere. 

And I'm trying to order this case of Red Bull because there is something in that concoction that enables me to be able to move, and often it aids in detox. The sugar and I think there is some vitamin B essence but it is an energy boost that nothing else can compare to. I have stopped drinking coffee and tea years ago. I rely on Red Bull but to have to carry huge cartons of it is extremely painful and hard on my fractured body.

Repeating years of blocks to my internet but the attacks in places like stores is like the "old days" of which I began to search endlessly for some sanity in the planet for any assistance. After more than 15 years I am back to the origin of the sick attacks that this new "American" and his cronies (German Nazi and French and English) are instructing him on). Oddly, asking him how this is making America great obviously the point is to render people like me so powerless that even trying to get a single thing done without making me enraged and to suppress the rage and then to claim that cursing makes me very bad, indeed., Calm like any abuser, he sits doing his multi-tasking because this contract, to which he sprinted on the day after his ascension to this powerful position, means his endless family and group will be included in Whorewood and media and the empire has embraced him. I am besotten with Europigape shit and filth who are vicious violently dirty and nasty once more, as happened when the Italian and English filth ape pigs were raping poison into my body and ordering non-stop murderous attacks upon me (not just poisoning but the stress accumulation).

In trying to order the Red Bull and a few other items, this man is sitting doing his actual real work for which he was given despite some objections by a lot of people. Oddly he is more 'benevolent" than Obama, Raskin, Pelosi and AOC, Kinzinger, Schiff combined. That is not saying much at all, but in this endless murder situation it is significant. 

However, he must get his free deal and so he is animated in his stoic presentation of doing probably 3 things at once while ordering me to be attacked so I can't order this product to arrive by tomorrow--the deadline is long gone. I began at 10 a.m., it is now 2:20 and the blocks to ordering after doing a reset function (clearing out the old windows, reinstalling a new Windows) supposedly, but all has been so corrupted that nothing short of a complete overhaul of the system going into Bios will only achieve about a 10-minute window of the possiblity of bypassing this endless block to me ordering what I really need.

And that goes for all else that I need to do. There is endless hacking of more bullshit practitioners into my YouTube channel. The opportunist YouTube bullshit cadres of lying scum are never-ending and I can't find any single other alternative as literally all my information is being controlled and monitored so I can't get information outside of their system. That goes even moreso for any AI use I make where the results of sabotage to information-gathering are instantly recognizable.

The whore apes of shit and filth the pig ape cartel of celebrity fucking crap are watching this man play "good cop" while reducing some of the former endless abuse but of course including his own brand. The result after taking kratom leaves is me losing my control because Kratom is a drug, similar to Marijuana I have forgotten exactly what type of "class" the leaves are, but they are affecting mood and control. It is intended to relax me, but in this instant of over SIX HOURS today of this rotten fucker asking me questions and sucking ideas out of me so the pig ape shit can continue to suck as much out of my mind as possible because they are pure hate and stupidity blank emptiness and bullshit crap following orders and posturing in Nazi poses with endless plastic surgery imitation of Nazi features made in replica by an array of plastic surgeons, the "best" handed to this worthless overpaid bunch of shit and their family members after they all gleefully abuse me slowly to death, every day.


So I can't order anything now unless I clear out the entire system, which could take another 4 hours if it works even. The price for the items I tried to order also has come out completely wrong, almost doubled. Every other site possible works except for this one particular site, in which it is so slow and then wrong information and blocks render a spinning nothing as I try to order the products I need for healing, which are too heavy for me to lift. The keyboard right now and my brain are also under attack so I am cursing, unable to function.

the sinister ugliness and sickness is ever-present every day from this group of sick fucking shit and the bad energy is like a death pall hovering over the stench of their filthy greed and life-fuck energy that they feed off every day they go on and on. Parasites glorified. The end of the country has been in effect for many decades already, but now it's ugly sinister head is just barely beginning to show through the cracks of a false calm of a sea-bed of glaciers just waiting to tear through the tin can of the facade of a sane society--the Titanic which is never supposed to have fallen this quickly is now sinking but they are all assured that what few lifeboats remain they will gobble up as they party over the rest drowning.



Update: after having released the stress by writing, in hopes that this situation would be somehow addressed in some positive way--I got my "reward" for writing in rage and hysterical cursing--which was their "plan" all along. They render so much abuse and it is, in it's cumulative effect, so deadly on my nervous system--my body, my face indeed shows the signs of extreme stress and depression. My cheeks have been under non-stop attack by tears forced out of my eyes due to the microchip implant in my throat which can force everything from non-stop tears to swell out of my eyes, rolling down my cheeks (they used to force this while I was in heavy traffic, which obviously is a murder attempt) but the skin on my cheeks is so damaged from over 15 years of this ongoing. Every single day there is at least on attack on my eyes and tear ducts so tears are ongoing and ever-destructive to my skin and eyes. My cheeks have sunken in, my nose looks pronounced now I look like Kafka-esque oppressed "Jew" that you see in the endless horrid photos of Jews who, before the Holocaust, had endured repression abuse and the features are now ingrained into my face, whereas they were not at all before the onslaught of in particular the American filth from Whorewood with their endless Europigapeland cohorts (controllers, actually they are controlled to a huge degree but the awards they claim they are entitled to, they are just Pavlovian bigots awarded for allowing every entrance into America every piece of dirty nasty elevated k-rap out of Europigapeland, the most notable Nazi countries which all have emergent Nazi leadership in control at this point (and of course, Poland Belarus and all those other countries on the border of Nazi-land and Russia, trying their best to display every Nazi fascist leadership government in order to "belong" to the wealth club of NATO.

They stopped the block of the purchase of the few items I need for healing and for my life, which otherwise are too heavy for me to lug around and drive around. I slept over 15 hours from yesterday afternoon until this morning due to the over-stress on my body from breaking an internal hard "PLUG" of poison out, which ever-so-slowly enlarged and then came out, bringing 30 years' worth of trapped mind control drugs and hardening poisons and toxins that have been buried inside my internal system(s) probably too many to list as I am not so well-informed of biology and all the internal systems--endocrine lymphatic--all the cancerous regions have poison infecting my entire body from the years of the whorewood group pouring this poison in through all their nazi teams and minions wanna be Nazi white supremacists joining the " club".


I have now ordered the goods. I ordered some food it could be poisoned. I have to take this chance. 


I still await the dread interview at the very end of this month with an agency that is in the public eye and media for cutting out people who rely on that funding for their lives. I have done nothing but fight to get health care which I could not obtain in the place I was, and now I could be made homeless. That was the deep sleep "skit" I was forced into last night in the midst of detox deep sleep, theta, with me being homeless and begging to not be forced into homelessness. The white ape grey-haired man who was sitting as the supposed "landlord" ignored me telling him that I was about to become homeless unless he stopped the action. I was made homeless anyway. That was the more " benign" of the deep sleep attacks, as this person I am only vaguely referring to as Mr. Hegemony is ordering this upon me, for his and his teams' promotion in collusion with the Whorewood murder and endless psychopathic violence group.

I am "thankful" but with the Kratom and detox and the need for some kind of stability and the looming threat and the stress from over 15 years of non-stop fighting for my life and all could be taken from me for fighting back, and of laughing about how the celebrities who have been part and parcel of endless murder heaped upon me lost their nasty dirty homes while they have made my home stinking unlivable toxic death traps with rape and non-stop mutilation of my body--every day for over 15 years

as I was thrilled that at least one of them lost their f-ing mansion they never deserved in the first place (another nepo-extraction trickle-down f-over meaningless bigot, portraying itself as a charitable concerned adolt in some push for publicity and "helping" children of sex trafficking or was it abuse? Knowing damn well (using the term deliberately DAMN) that I have been my entire life attacked--but so glad about it they all are. so determined that I NEVER ever ever ever get out of being abused and tortured exploited and destroyed until my very last day on terra firma if they could they would)

so I laughed and they have put me into a situation of facing losing the tiny bit of financial security I FOUGHT FOR in the first place, while they poisoned me so I could not function could not enjoy the Graduate Degree I fought to earn for over 6 years while they were poisoning me to death but extracting ideas out of me, including the 6 years of studying criminal justice and responding to the criminality that is rampant amongst all from bottom-to-top of this structure.


And so, I reacted in desperation. I wrote in rage, I cursed I insulted them, the kind of hate and rage that feeds this machine and displays my uncoiling and unraveling into slow mental illness death and whatever else they want to force upon me

Otherwise, if I had not written about the block to ordering what I need and cannot physically handle carrying to my home from the store, because I slept in deep healing sickness from having gone shopping for a few hours, which this group turned into a stress hell so my energy was once more put into a rage hate which I tried to negate but could not. They attack my nervous system while they are blocking basic functions that almost everyone else on the planet has no problem with except for the targets like myself.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

The moment in history you have all (not) worked for but sought through your non-working for anything outside of your self-interests has finally arrived. Convoluted sentence, just as I re-read the first sentence to my post from yesterday, written under duress and sickness, hacking and disruption and brain attacks. You have all not worked for freedom or Democracy and so you have obtained what you have desired, truly behind all your posturing. I am threatened violently with murder for writing my posts. In teleportation by the next wave. After 15 years of writing about burgeoning fascist oppression, no one could give a damn. And now you have obtained all your have not worked for. Some are descrying that they are losing out now that the actual reality has hit. Money is being blocked, and all I wrote which people scoffed at, derided and INDEED TORTURED mutilated and abused me viciously, nearly to death for expressing and writing about; all those years of warnings were met with silence and of course, I am obscured and forgotten as usual because the cries of lament are so vociferous now that money is being cut from the formerly complacent and giggly smug watching me get tortured in the "new system" that you have all welcomed with open arms and legs (especially the lower half).

They are, after more than 15 years of torturing me to obtain ideas which are tortured out of me so greedy, hateful bigoted meaningless parasites can suck ideas out to proclaim that they are original, meaningful and "care" about society and all the problems that these same people are actually WORKING to entrench so they can be more "entitled" in endless gluttony although they are constantly dieting to appear "thin" and fashionable.


The millions of dollars the hate parasites have sucked out of torturing me for ideas, literally abusing me for over 8 hours per day, with notepads on their dirty nasty laps to write the ideas I am screaming out in rage that I cannot stop talking, can't stop responding instantly to probing questions after hours of "trauma" torture in deep sleep, awake mutilation of my body drugging and poisoning leaving my body fractured, poisoned into an oblong distorted fractured crooked hardened mass I fight to remove and heal from every single moment of my life as they threaten to take away my last remaining sub-poverty income, after years of destroying my property so what little I have to barely not be able to survive on is spent on healing and repairing and re-purchasing because they order non-stop torture and destruction of my property and my body every single day.

Some of the expletive parasites have obtained entire careers in the spotlight for having done this to me for over 13 years from one of the rapist spawn children and the rest of the kiddies follow suit there out of Beverly Hillbillies because they cannot be put into that cherished spotlight otherwise. All of them give not only NOTHING but destroy what tiny bit I can't afford to spend for my own survival. My home is literally stinking filthy sprayed with permanently staining brown and yellowish stinking goo, droplets are on the walls the floor has been literally gouged out in places and they are slashing and breaking every single day my body and my property.  I must stash my items like passport so they don't spray stinking permanently foul staining stinking liquids on it any longer, and etc. If I don't bury and seal my shoes they rip the soles out, they take my shoes and literally put half-broken down heals so I am walking crookedly while they are pouring hardening poisons into my food. My body is completely crooked and major surgeries from the fractures and the injuries inflicted upon me in deep MK ULTRA microchip comatose zombiesque sleep states so I am disabled

now they are trying to take that away. This is not the Trump policy this was done deliberately in a very hateful attack utilizing all the departments with the Whorewood cartel. It happened after the LA fires and dirty filthalina didn't "win" the rigged awards that this pair of stinking dirty nasty filth have endlessly been "winning" for over 15 years due to just torturing poisoning and having non-stop waves of murderous and genocidal Nazis and their black and brown minorities minions viciously attack me. I have written about it, have been teleported to the endless line-up of media news anchors, youtube influencers, politicians and it is a never-ending circular rotation going on and on spanning decades.

Not a single person has ever come to really stop this.

And now some are descrying that they are losing funding while they saw me get tortured (for no reason other than the racist bigots can't abide me having a chance to compete and win, they must destroy my body force me into sub-sub-poverty destroy my few little belongings destroy my ability to use the internet steal my money steal my pets kill my pets force my brainwashed family to go along, which they have done hook-line-and-sinker like bots following orders which most or all of the people assaulting me are exactly like as well.

Everyone watched me get tortured raped poisoned and they rushed to join in. Now they are using the same statements I wrote of regarding this undemocratic fascist Nazi takeover but they are all "safe" from any kind of drastic repercussions because they proved how false and uncaring and do-nothing complicit they truly are. Hearing them now blather lies in front of microphones is more than disgusting but that is the gist to the modern world.


I have an appointment that could make me homeless. After years of graduate studies and fighting to heal and then being repoisoned as the filth ape whore pig shit fuckers of Whorewood ordered more poisoning to death non-stop as I fought wrote begged someone to intervene and no one did.

The filth whore pieces of shit going to the Oscars and every Europigape fascist award ceremony for the ideas they stole from me, continuing the torture instantly after receiving the Oscars and nominations they instantly go on for the next year, literally the day after "winning" the rigged nazi bullshit awards for pretending to be intelligent, meaningful and caring and loving towards humanity.


Threatened with violent death for writing about the utter racism the bullshit the organized instant techno-tyranny of this system.

I was going to write yesterday but the hacking the interruptions the wifi being turned  off constantly, literally every few minutes--

and my brain pummeled with brain-altering frequencies to hinder and block cognitive coherency and function

the keyboard so stiff I must pound every key down. years of writing about this no one could give a goddamn fucking goddamn and laughed joined in jolly gloating feeding off violence as the parasites that you all mostly all are.


Now some of the fake opposition are descrying this take-over they call it. They helped it to go along for a complete smooth transition years ago. Krapola obtained the promise that if she didn't question the election results and let it all go as planned, she and her hubby would obtain lush NYC jobs and perhaps a governor spot and the spawn more modeling enterprise rewards for also helping fascism and Nazism continue as planned. All told exactly what to say and do, they all follow using their little orchestrated platitudinous lectures to present a false narrative of "caring". Laughing at my plight going fully along with fascist torture Nazi genocidal-spewing filth from Whorewood they all latched onto this group which put the current spate of open and clear "dictatorship" pundits into power and now they continue to "represent" the false opposition. Secured in their fake meaningless affront to actual resistance they are part-and-parcel of the total package of compliance to this fascist Nazi take-over.

And I remain, for all my years of fighting writing warnings saying that you fuckers will regret having done nothing, as some now are regretting it. None of them remember my years of warning, they all wanted a witch hunt. Trump claimed he was the target of a witch hunt but instead it has been me and he the instigator who also, like all the rest, was and still is just following orders from the "power behind the throne" (I suggest it's not a woman or female-lead group, and if women are part of that structure, they expect entitlements above what the "other" women are going to get and they probably believe that is the best they will get, and they get a lot for playing this role. I think of the spate of Nazi feminists who with their speeches about women, have been some of the most vicious and nasty of the rape enablers and cheerleaders who urge the men to become more violent when they rape and torture--me---and of course, that translates to other people but at this point I don't know who as the silencing and protection of this organization is becoming more clamped down and I am receiving graphic death threats from the same wave that took over the last violent wave which preceded the rigged outcome of the "election"  that was predetermined probably at least before the end of the last election cycle. Biden, of course, was just handed the same entertainment venue management contract that the Obamas also obtained after their decades of participating in the rape and torture of me, ostensibly to death they are smug and gloating about it still to this moment--all.


It has been literally being sucked dry to death for ideas which are blocked even from being recognized as my ideas, let alone a single thank you and payment has been obsolete as the dirty filth parasites glare in hate that I ask for money for the years of them destroying my chances of having anything but filth sickness poverty and torture and murderous rape--literally the pig ape whore "men" so-called all know they are having me poisoned and raped to death they rush in, their filthy children (i.e. the Depp family) has been most fascist and rewarded with every single top fashion and plastic surgery rennovation for that filth team of sleaze and sickness--and glorified they all are constantly. On the "other" side are greasy filth like Oprah who is just a most foul racist rape enabler working to obtain permission to "represent" the system that they claim they are "fighting" against by theatrical (mis) representation in movies created by Jews, who put them into fame and then they participate in Nazi antisemitism anyway afterwards. "They" meaning the line-up of "black community" supporters of any black icon who joins in with the Nazi brood because that means they "all" obtain permission to spew out their anti-racist endless stream of bs while fully participating in racism to a murderous degree behaving like lynch mob dumb black trash in the process (as opposed to "white trash" which they are really striving to emulate while making public statements about being poor black victims)\this relates to the "Constitutional" endless spewing of representatives like Raskin with his "I'm German" Kinzinger of the J-6 Committee who rushed to abuse and laugh at my poisoning mutilation and rape congratulating dirty stupid psychopath criminal life-fuck scum out of Whorewood so they could obtain documentaries tv shows biographies etc etc and more permission by the 4th Reich to remain in stolid place as fake representatives of causes that they truly could not give a goddamn about when it comes to the reality, not the fictitious performative bs they are paid to represent but truly to DEFILE in reality. Utterly they defile anyone actually fighting for justice and against racism. All of "them" have their little "tribe" power structure group which is integrated into the larger 4th Reich hate death lynch mob genocidal absolutely racist rape denigration system for their endless lavish luxury schemes, the bottom line in reality.


I remain having to fight for my life to not be made homeless at the end of this month. They phoned a department now threatening my life to take away the money I need to survive because I am actually disabled actually endlessly sick, but for the decades of this group having me hit by cars poisoned every day drugged and tortured a MINIMUM of 8 hours per day, literally without stop every day for over 15 years with everyone coming to rush to join in for their prizes. Watching people like the "rising star" Crocket from Texas whose " butch body" bs statement was issued the very week of her joining in with Mike Tyson to physically threaten me along with all the rest of the "team" of fascists Nazis rapists racists and lying filth on all "sides" they all join to viciously attack me as now a symbol of something, I'm not sure what at this point because they all use some lie and skew anything they force out of me to blurt out as justification so it could be a range of excuses for "why" they are targeting me at this point. The bottom line is of course the only reason.


The theatrical release of the MTG v. Crocket slur contest was the week of both of these same actors in Congress joining ranks to attack me. It was scripted, and Crocket has since obtained like all the rest top plastic surgery renovation (I suggest, seeing her change in appearance that is the standard response from this 4th Reich team is to beautify all the participants as quickly as possible to install them into info-tainment political representation AOC is another example but her attack upon me was years ago. Listening to them LYING on stage to get "their side" into the coffers of funding grasping greedy sleazy clawing for the lucrative contracts and money is I believe their sole purpose. Forget about Democracy and Freedom.

So I have to face an Inquisition at the end of this month because after years of hours of torture near death vicious rape non-stop death threats actual real threats to my life from poisoning my body frozen paralyzed fractured I have had to run for my life to obtain health care I was being MURDERED and I had to flee to save my life, now they are threatening to kill me for having run away they are demanding that I am in a trap and must "submit" to being raped abused insulted threatened a baby forced out of me the endless dirty shit and filth of the Brooklyn Mafia and the Stallone mafia Italian complex of violent rape and murder always has surrounded me ever since I sold cigars at Bar None back in 1997--Steven Tyler and his English consort also were partners with Stallone so it's been the Mafia and the English Crown after me for decades without end.

Told by American represenatives and politicians that I am nothing have no choice am a slave must be abused without any resistance.\

Now threatened with brutal death by the next person who has gotten his and his group's clutches on my life as representation of a new form of slavery using AI quantum computing microchip implants and gang stalking government-sponsored societal endlessly enthralled tortured mutilation and torture.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Will the end of DEI bring standards in places like Walmart impact more in terms of more racism, after all, I wonder?///Terrorist attacks at stores, my home, etc the usual but seems heightened and more sinister in overdrive full gear heading for a Brave New World.

 1:. My front door, under the "new" set of terrorists who are being handed free rent to inflict their psychopathy and hate upon me, which is like Christmas all year round for the haters just to inflict violence and be paid in ways they never would have been otherwise--

my front door is locked, indeed, every time I go out. I return and the front door is unlocked. This has been happening for the past month. Because I leave my tiny torture chamber "room" about twice per month due to fractured vertebrae, poisoning detox sickness and the absolute life-sucking drain on my energy from the non-stop violence hate and abuse from the celebrities smiling laughing and glowing with hormones endlessly featured in top roles after they abuse and inflict murder upon me (literally--albeit a low, torturous non-stop torture-to-death situation so I look worn out, and as all targets look like they are declining before the end result, it is the inevitable at this point).


2. While driving cars and trucks made sure to partner with motorbikes and other smaller vehicles to slow down while a huge SUV or large car swerved into the lane and blocked my path just as I was driving into a narrow section that had been artificially-created by the car maneuvers of slowing down, blocking the road on all sides while I am force into a "bottleneck" situation and a huge truck/SUV vehicle begins to back up into me and if accelerating, could kill me. The threat is real.

As well as driving out of the shopping mall parking lot huge cars speed into me from a side angle as I am pulling out of the sloping drive-thorough way out of the lower deck of the parking garage so I have no time to adjust and they literally speed to almost hit me coming from a side angle out of "nowhere". This goes on at certain junctions, always in a crossroad or the artificial narrowing created by people who have plotted this type of attack out obviously before hand. The TECHNOLOGY is aiding in the precision so that even the slowing down while I am literally forced into a "trap" sort of placement between cars and motorbikes which slow down and stop in the road and are pulling backward (illegally of course, always I am doing the exact precise legal thing they are breaking the law--no cops around anywhere every time).


AT a store, I wanted to buy something that was frozen and ALWAYS at these stores I shop at, the reduced price places where a lot of the terrorists also go (in particular the minions)--at a ratio of over 10-to-1 in the race spectrum, and me surrounded by the 30-to-3 ratio after they create a "skit" which also involves TECHNOLOGICAL AI and other quantum types of speed calculating precise almost instant attack scenarios.

At all these cheap stores, the prices are mixed up or taken off the shelves so I have no idea who much anything costs. Often for items I really want, the prices are literally taken off the shelf (before I arrive, undoubtedly) and the names on the labels are tiny weeny almost impossible to read if you need glasses (the torture to my eyes forcing tears out of my eyes daily for about 10 years wtihout end every day has forced poor eye sight now).

I asked a person who appeared to work for the store how much a frozen item cost, as the price was nowhere to be seen and although I could make out the teeny weeny price labels nothing in the range of the item was showing for that particular item. I was shown a tiny price tag on the OTHER frozen section to the right of the item in another entire section of the container. Placed in front of other items. They re-arrange the prices also so it's either not anywhere or placed in another section nearby.

I was shown a price of about $11 for a pack of (cheap) steaks. Because I am so constantly ripping tissue out of my body in this non-stop detox (because your wonderful celebrities and politicians kept having their minions poisoning me to death while I fought to save my life as they laughed and laughed about it and continued and mocked how I looked while they were murdering me and profiting and stealing my ideas and bein awarded for it all! You all love them so much. I remain this hated cliche by now, as it doesn't matter what I say or do by now the prizes associated with attacking me create any and all ratrionale based on lies or even any deviation from having no mind or opinion if I utter anything it will be twisted into some "offense" justifying slow murder, according to the wonderful people you all love and adore. 

the tech enables instant coordination and so I assume it might be AI or quantum computing at this point. I went to pay for my items but the frozen steaks, at this good price (like $11 for 6 small, almost tiny pieces but my body needs red meat to heal) and---I was told there was no bar code (although there had been a price and I checked the name on the tag on the OTHER frozen food section container to the right of the actual bin where the steaks were, asking for help, but because I vocalized and asked, once I got to the check-out I was told that I had to have the packaged weighed. 

Every time I have ever purchased food at a store and decided to rush back to have something weighed and then return to pay for the last item, showing my receipt to the same check-out person, there has never been a single problem. But I have never done it at this particular huge discount warehouse. I was told upon having the item weighed, it now costing $3 more than the price tag (but I just really need red meat for my healing of my muscle tissue always being slightly ripped apart by hard poisons I literally have to break off my spine and off my muscles and bone and ligaments, an interior fight for my life).


She told me I had to pay at the service counter. It sounded odd, but I did it anyway. Once there a woman highly glowing with the usual hormones of sadistic delight at participating in the hate skits, such a usual hormone greasy glow of delight from most people who join in they are all glowing afterwards from the "high" of bein paid to torture and having affinity with the "apex predator" class thereby.


a sort of frazzled poorish looking older woman came to take my money to the cash register and returned short $3. She handed me the money, I took it and then had to check the receipt and look at the money and I said almost within 1 minute that she was short $3. She ignored me, the other women ignored me, I repeated it and repeated it. They finally, after 10 minutes of me saying she gave me the wrong change---a huge number of people came, one laughing and giggling and all telling me to "wait one minute" as they told me they had to "check" and after another 10 minutes of telling me to please wait and sit down, which I did not do---they told me they had to check the cctv cameras to see what had happened. 15 minutes later I began to fret telling them to do something they kept repeating "one minute ma-am" and finally I walked into the huge corridors of the warehouse into the end of the store and walked into the managers office to really tell them that I had been waiting 40 minutes and was told to "wait one minute" while they were doing nothing. 

The woman who gave me the wrong change began yelling at me glaring with hate accusing me of lying and that I had stolen the $3. Because I could not just return the frozen steaks and demand my money back, and I was not going to pay the $3 extra already they had charged me $2 more than the actual price but I was hungry, tired and my body ached--I have to hold my fractured body up to go shopping on the 2x per month trips because I have no help and this is the best I can do, but at the end of the day of my body having to carry everything that i need to protect so I am just inundated with heavy items I carry around with me constantly--and where there are elevators the people coming out of the elevators press the buttons just as they are getting out so the doors begin to close once I rush to get in--literally I have to almost sprint to not have door slam on me w hile I am walking into an elevator due to the technology being used in every way possible to assault me by people, of course, manipulating the technology.

The coordination of an almost seamless attack of about 15 people surrounding me while I waited for 40 minutes for my $3 change, being told to wait with glowing hormone sadistic smiles on the faces while they were just lying. But the seamlessness of the operation was such that without forethought I decided I wanted to have the steaks weighed because no matter the few extra dollars, I truly need the protein the red meat and it will help in healing (if I am strong enough to cook, most of the time I am not due to having to clean--my body can't take it).

They had it so perfectly timed within almost a 10 minute frame---I believe that AI and a template of attack scenarios had been staged using computer software, and the attacks while driving are being utilized to perfection by vector analysis software and a variety of other technologies such as GPS tracking of my every movement (I have been told that I have an RFID) chip--or is that what it's called? like an animal I am chipped my every thought, eye motion, what I see what I think and everywhere I go that can be quantized will be recognized in coordinate plotting technologies.


I was told about 15 times during the 50 minutes of being told "one minute we check the CCTV" while they were just literally lying making me wait while they were never going to do anything, as the woman who handed me the wrong change accused me of stealing the money and lying, yelling in hate at me and cursing at me while they all watched on smiling never demanding high quality service.


The instant plotting of attack is so deadly but of course, everyone reading my posts is part of the death squad system all enthralled with it perfectly comfortable with people like me being tortured raped beaten and poisoned and attacked just for buying something extra because they lied about the price they lied about everything in a perfectly orchestrated system of attack that was timed perfectly upon a random action on my part, so they had no time to plot or scheme they had an instant capability to enact this scenario which has echoed some other similar situations in other large (cheap) stores like Walmart (or is Walmart considered "cheap" in more than a few ways, as in price?)

That was a black woman employee who insulted me openly and loudly while two blonde white large women were blocking my path. I was trying to buy soft material for my cat's carry bag,  because she had been stolen and all my possessions had been stolen by the same Miami celebrity and mafia expletives who are currently still having me followed around with the nightclubs advertised on taxis and cars, which they obtained AFTER poisoning and torturing me nearly to death years ago and after realizing that they were trying to murder me via raping poison into my body as pounding as possible, I called them "pigs" so they fractured my cat's body, stole her, stole all my items, had me thrown in jail under a pretext with full cooperation of the cops and the government. I had to get another cat carry bag and was buying soft fabric and while waiting in the very empty fabric section at this huge Walmart in Orlando, with a pet store in the adjacent area of the mall area, so I could purchase both, take a bus back and try to get my most precious cat back (stolen again, that was back in 2013 and I have been begging for her return ever since, she is probably dead by now, the expletives who took her have obtained global fame awards for having tortured me, they refuse to return her dead or alive or anything else they have stolen from me, especially ideas which I have receieved only more poisoning rape abuse and torture because they have to exploit all they possibly can out of me to death as long as possible no mater how many millions huge clubs businesses awards oscars they have to continue and never stop as they bring in more and more of their friends and family to get their own endless awards).


The speed of what appears to be an almost impossibly spontaneous scheme to assault someone with full cooperation happened in Orlando as well, but this was at a much slower pace than what happened today. In Orlando, the black woman finally showed up, or she was not an employee but an agent dressed as an employee (that happens regularly). Two obese white blonde women were blocking the entire area of the tiny fabric section with their bulging torsos--and the black woman was also obese. I could not get around these these huge bulging bodies and I didn't feel like pushing past them, so for about 1 minute I just waited for  a chance to slip around them when they finally got out of a blockade formation so there was no room for anything but themselves standing in the center and staring without moving. Again, like with driving, they form a type of block and a bottleneck formation so the "target" is forced to move into a precise "trap" area for the attack to occur. As I waited the black woman began sneering with hate that I was keeping her waiting and that she had so many other more important things to do other than wait for me to reach the front area to hand her my bit of material for measurement and pricing. I can't recall exactly what she said, but it was so rude that I was aghast I had never experienced anything like that ever in any store. I went to the back customer service area and asked to speak to a manager, and 3 people came out staring like zombies with enlarged pupils glowing with zombie sort of blank sarcasm at me--surrounding me, etc asking me what happened. They then told me that she was considered a wonderful employee and that I must have done something or etc. It was eerie and staged. I gave up. At the real check-out, an elder white woman (southern, obviously) said very warmly at me with concern and genuine warmth that she was very glad that I was at their store.  I had done nothing unusual I was just paying for the item, but the employees knew that this was going on. I also experienced other similar experiences in Orlando where elderly white women were extremely kindly and almost apologetic, glaring with strength at the stalkers who were hostile and trying to push into me, going slowly and warmly welcoming me and kindly offering the best service they could. I fear that such of that generation are all gone now, and what is left is pure hate and murderous death.

-The technology is now so advanced that almost instant attacks are certain and more lethal then ever before.

But you all love this system and welcome it in. You all get promotions awards for furthering it. Aren't you all glowing with satisfaction that you are safe and secure and your monopoly will remain enshrined into the halls of fame for your hate and murder actions?

Oh, my internet was turned off again.


They have poured more deadly hair-falling out chemicals onto my scalp and I am balding again--my hair fell out in clumps and it's because they turn my internet off so often that I sit in pain from ripping poison out of my spine and internal organs and can't read or do anything but sit and try to distract my consciousness from the sublimiknal hate and the teleportation murder squads you all are and worship endlessly.

Every awards season for almost every top prize there are at a minimum 4-5 famous people who have viciously assaulted me "winning" some top award. The Grammys are just another example of this same never-ending trend.

I must make a decision whether to shut off all the news and media or not. Any time I even read about a new politician or watch the news the people being featured literally sprint to join into assault and hate and violence.


By the way, the situation today was all minorities with a small handful of white males giving them knowing looks, smiles and glaring with hate at me viciously with murderous intent. One of them, very white blondish/greying hair and bright blue eyes glared with violence after I took to the extreme to get "help" by not waiting any longer, and I tried to not  be angry even though I did begin to yell at the people lying to me, knowing that this was ridiculous. I had already spent over $2 more for an item. I must explain that living on sub-sub-poverty means that every single dollar must be spent extremely carefully and going over a few for an item (but I really NEED red meat and I was exhausted and I paid but they were trying to steal over $6 from me for this item which should have cost around $11-12 but they were trying to charge me around $18 by lying and then not giving correct  change, telling me they were going to "check" the CCTV (right directly behind ;me where I had been standing" and then they never did any thing but smile as the white men gave them very warm looks of approval as they sauntered past--

the hateful glaring white male who had been one of the few staring from the sidelines watching as their minions giggly and yelling in hate at me that I was stealing from them, as it became 6 "managers" surrounding me they took photos of me as I smiled into the camera and got my money back begrudgingly after 50 minutes of being told to sit down and wait while my hot food was cooling and the frozen meat was thawing out.\

It was the same protocol as in Orlando where the minority behaved like the outright bigot racist while the whites stand back smirking and smiling warmly at their good racist supplicants.


Listening to the conversations now about DEI and the end of such hiring standards at places like Walmart. I thought of that black women openly hostile, openly discriminating against me (as happens almost 100% of the time in the W-wood and Congressional and "activist" conflagration of assault, the same ratio the same absolutely open racist hate heaped upon me by blacks, jews, latinos, et al while the whites sit back smiling or glaring with deadly violence when I try to defend myself and do so).

Will the end of DEI bring standards in places like Walmart impact more in terms of more racism, after all, I wonder?

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Social Insecurity

""They" refers to the terror operation operatives, which range from "you" reading this to "they" who are reading this to "them" who are implementing these types of MURDER operations through legal means of destruction and desolation row.

1. They--poisoned me from near infancy onward with bloating/hardening poison.

2. They--put my spine out of alignment while the microchip implant forced me into an unconscious state while in the Theta deep sleep state.

3. They--thusly forced idiopathic scoliosis upon me.

4. They--continued to poison me with the bloating hardening poison and have me raped, mutilated and my body put out-of-alignment so I could never heal.

5. They--used the microchip implant system embedded into my spine, due to the microchip implant system ranging from a "procedure" in my throat excused as a different "healing" name (non-consensual) plus surgeries for spinal correction due to the poisoning which put my spine so badly out of alignment. 

6. They--forced contrived "accidents' upon me whereby the microchip implant system forced my limbs (legs, arms) to do things while driving or running so as to cause an accident. Then, always (literally)) after such contrived "accidents' while completely unconscious severe and life-threatening damage was done to my spine, toes, teeth, gum tissue, etc.

7. They--denied me health care and then even when obtaining health care I was lied-to and misdiagnosed and given more poisons and more implants and etc.

8. They--continued to poison me so my body was huge, deformed and layers of hard poison created a literal endoskeleton shape of hard poison which I fight every day to remove with no blueprint for how to do so, whatsoever. 

9. Denied the type of radiology which would have determined this hard structure in my body, such as MRI scans.

10. They--continued to poison me with mind control drugs and hardening poisons until--after more than 55 years of it on a daily basis (to one degree or another, always mind control drugging to render me in capable of decisive action or control over decisions---).

11. They--forced me to have to fight for my life as people had me drugged, then teleported to have the poison pounded into my body from repeated rape and torture skewing defense bodily systems while pounding the poison into my body as often as possible through deep sleep rape---and this was done for the profit and benefit of the teams of terrorist attackers, the level of which extends to the "elite" of all countries and their leadership ranging to the lowest, if possible. There is zero wealth differentiation in behavioral patterns the deadly viciously is uniform throughout race, gender and nationality.

12. They--have "blamed" me for the situation "they" forced me into then denounced me in most derogatory terms for being in this situation.

13. They-are now trying to cut the tiny amount of money I am given, sub-sub-poverty, because I am fighting to not be repeatedly raped and poisoned and tortured TO DEATH as that was the initial plan from "them". Now they want me to be a "slave" doing sleazy porno tricks for greasy nasty hateful abusive men and women who are partying and laughing over the millions of dollars being handed to them for this system they must adhere to for their continued non-stop "success" at my expense.

14. They--continue to deny this system, they have been major news anchors and leaders of political parties and all kinds of charitable entities who just join in viciously blaming me for not doing what they want--for their profit and my death.

15. They--are now threatening other American lives besides my own due to the blood of the millions already dead from their system, now they want to enslave devour and go off to luxury fashion modeling shows displaying their utter lavish lifestyles kissing one another in congratulations on the cheeks.

I cannot be more explicit about the decades of me literally fighting for my life and the absolute extremes I have had to maneuver to survive this which I believe most could not have done. Besides them stealing my ideas due to being outside of their system, they will not pay me but instead laughingly threaten to have my subpoverty money cut off so they can have an empire out of your system of enslavement which you all support by never exposing how the mind control technology, death squads and the poisoning and torture really operate.

I am facing absolute homelessness because of the cuts to Social Insecurity because they put me into this situation and are trying to get more out of my life as their vessel of rape torture mutilation and hormonal highs out of being paid in millions and free every-handout so they can have a more Nazified Mafia society of social injustice while they torture people like me to provide them with ideas so they can continue to portray themselves as being heroes rescuing America from all kinds of exploitation and injustice frailties of the "Human animal".











They--have fractured parts of my body so that I am chronically unable to function but I fight to try to not be a weak pray to the vultures every day 

I can't expose my vulnerabilities but I am on the social insecurity chopping block as many others are. Every detail of my life is being questioned and I have had to circumvent their system to survive. They put blocks on going outside of their system in order to survive and if you do, they will kill you for it at the level they forced me at. 

I am blamed for my predicament constantly by them and they threaten my life on a daily basis for not giving them what they want out of me. In addition to being an abused, beaten poisoned drugged mutilated slave with microchip implants forcing tears out of my eyes every day, my body to react in ways my brain to not function clearly at critical moments my telecommunications constantly blocked so I have ZERO opportunity to get out of their enslaved cages of poverty. Literally I am blacklisted forced into dire poverty with zero chance to get out unless I am forced into denigration . The people who flout Democratic opportunity hope joy and equal opportunity no rape culture feminists unite as the major "heroes' of our society are calculated icons who really don't mean it. They are some of the most violent and oppressive closed-narrow-minded rape culture bigots racists racists who worship the system that put them into iconic status so others would believe that they truly are not trying to just kill them all, us all, you all, not them not they all.


Because no one wants to intervene with this death system, it is spiraling into an outright catastrophe and people are just becoming alarmed after years of blindly going along with the money America world domination paradigm philosophy. That means cutting certain people out but everyone agreed upon it. To have people who are drugged and raped is also a  social insecurity party game to most of them who participate and it is now considered a normative event in the realm of their entitlement entertainment haute culture vulture.


Tuesday, January 21, 2025

To No one, as there is no one here (except me). Update on the attack on my life, this time financial. It was forced on January 14, so last week. As I suspected and knew, it was done recently and my mail was rejected at the mail service I have used for months---returned my money suspended. They are demanding either a redetermination--I am chronically disabled, this group crushed my lumbar and cervical vertebrae the medical records state chronic and permanent disability which means there is nothing that will make me "Normal" or capable of doing much, but of course they will try. I am s tuck most of the day in pain and unable to even do anything but they want to squeeze everything out of me, the tiny subpoverty included from SSI Disability. I could not obtain Social Security Disability, which would not force me to live on subpovety "Welfare" subsistence, but instead some livable expense and able to live abroad in order to survive but on SSI you are forced to have repeat reviews--but I am disabled they still are forcing the qualification for welfare upon me. They are not supposed to. They also either did not k now or lied but Social Security administration has changed various rules for food budget and you don't have to report on whether you have assistance for food or help, but this woman asked me if I did. It is listed on the website as a recent LAW that changed the policy, right below the main top portion of the main Social Security Administration page ( but she did not know this. I did not need to remind her for fear of the usual recrimination for knowing more than the person put into some position to deprive me of something like basic service and survival. That is how they have forced me to live. I now have to wait to phone this department in Hollywood to speak to a man to make some phone interview where all kinds of questions will be asked and I could lose everything. Even with medical records, they will force me to have to fly to America where I have literally nowhere to go, no money to survive on, and a physical condition that will make me extremely sick and in threat of extreme physical decline or illness from stress to my spine.

3 hours later of bureaucratic targeted stalking bs (repetition of the same events for most calls proves that this is not just the normal bureau bs)

on hold for 45 minutes from Social Security--the woman made me repeat my number 3 times (the repeat of simple id numbers and spelling of my name, which often requires screaming letters and repeating and this is part of the hell target frustration stress that they force on me every time possible, in foreign-speaking places or people they "No understan" usually the most basic of words, etc etc but just writing this down for no one because everyone is no one reading this

then, after of course she asked me about food supply, which is now not part of any determinability under this new law, whereby food costs and assistance are not deduced from recipients but she asked me if I had any financial help for food and was ready to deduct from my sub-sub-poverty using an outdated law (was she really working as a legitimate agent for Social Security or an agent posing as one, who had worked here but no longer works there?)

she then relayed me to phone the Hollywood office toll-free number to speak to a mr carrera, who answered with gruff annoyance without giving his name, curt and cold. He then told me that I had to phone another office in another place and gave me the wrong number (it was a toll-free but only had access to extension numbers and office hours, so I was stuck having to phone the toll-free number again. The message stated a 120-minute wait time, which probably means more like 150 minutes wait. I phoned at exactly 8 am and had to wait 45 minutes to speak to an agent---.

I can't find the toll-free number of the field office and I can't make the call using my voip so I am stuck having to wait and be refunneled to yet more lying agents who may or may not legitimately work or are working but the terrorist agents who are being redirected to lie to me always given wrong information; always I am directed to some lying hateful agent by this hate group. 

Hacking of course is ongoing. My Tor browser is being hacked and it worked for about 1 hour and is now no longer working. 

The internet connection has only been turned off 4 times for the past 4 hours of fighting to get my money re-instated.

Hammering pounding hammering pounding in rooms on all sides. Every day, since May of last year. That ended for a few months but it has been steady for over 7 years on all sides, for months out of the year, year after year. //About a dozen people who are getting free rent in all the furnished free studios on all sides of me walking to h attack me glaring with hate and walking directly at me in the hallways whenever I go downstairs to pick-up deliveries which are being part of attacks--status shows delivery for "today" for 3 days in a row, no answer no help from the service and I have to spend hours packing items so I can carry it all to the lobby so these scumbags can't destroy and steal my most precious items.

Monday, January 20, 2025

Deliberate sabotage of my finances to kill or make me homeless, which being physically extremely ill is murder. Social Security has "suspended" my payments for next month due to "address change".

 The mail service I paid a much higher fee for than the average price for same services in the LA area went through the terror hacking network to literally hack false prices on other pages for similar services in the same area. The list of prices was higher or similar in price so I chose an address that sounded nice, not sure of where to go. My money had been sabotaged in a similar way through a network of lies and hacks so I was put into a quandary. I moved and got lied to once more, non-stop. They refuse to answer questions, refuse to give me any information told me that they would open and scan by phone and then later by email told me they cannot open any mail. They put a smiley face next to every lying email response for overcharging me for basic services.

I asked them if any mail had arrived since Dec. 1, they never replied. I had checked my payments last month late in the month all was well. Thusly the "action" took place since January 1 to the present---all the while I was being punched in the head and face upon teleportation to Steven Tyler, being viciously ferociously fascistically screamed at for about 16 hours per day by the associates of Ian McKellan (sp?) and oh, of course, the WiFi just went out. My every word is monitored my every thought is hacked they turn the WiFi off and as I fight to restore the power and Wifi they rewrite my post and delete without end, rewrite and delete grammer, etc.

I also after 15 years of non-stop torture of part of my uterus being severed out, my cat La Moux my only family stolen because I was screaming to stop being raped while they kept poisoning me with deadly posions making my body swell to huge deformity, like extremely obese in appearance but rubbery polymer type hardening goo that appears as tasteless or they inject it into flavored food but they put it in somehow-and injecting silicone under my skin to appear as cysts, cutting my cuticles off daily from incisions under my fingernails and cuticles--going on every day since 2013--my scalp so poisoned by fungus and mold poured on it daily while I was so drugge I could not udnersatnd much, sitting and laying in bed (dying) writing my posts trying to get my brain into a creative space and all those ideas have been used (not "all) but such a huge number) for this group raping beating poisoning and abusing me to death (all combined or separaetly the attacks each and of itself is a murder)

all have been used as "their" concepts for their Plan B production company sponsored by the Nazi Mafia 4th Reich, reformatted into Nazification instead of my reverse analysis, and then sponsored in multi-millions of dollars worth of production costs the very best that money can buy in acting coaching costumes set design lighting and all that the 4th Reich has murdered stolen and obfuscated for so many centuries poured into the mind programming for Nazification of the planet. Today is the manifestation of all that programming in it's onset towards what will inevitably be the final culmination, whatever form that takes (whether it is dismissed as a failed project or goes skyrocket into a cataclysmic orgy of whatever mayhem and turmoil it will bring a blood bath probably many are aspiring to unleash)

and on and on

animals I loved and took in after they stole my most cherished family my cat La Moux, they killed and maimed mutilated any animal I took care of fed and loved--beat some to death, left them with gouged eyes dead in front of my door or entire spines crushed barely alive as I struggled to get help I was assaulted by teams of brown and white in groups glaring with satisfaction and giggly if of the brown.

and so, after inflicting the Nazi-spewing German rapist beating abuser endless death threat "actor" upon me with the favorite of the 4th Reich interconnected to the English Crown and the American Nazi Party (very inseparable, as a matter of fact--and for centuries this has been a collusion of powers in the United States but now fully functioning as every benevolent savior of the planet through this Whorewood empire of lies and deception and installing fascist regimes throughout their endlessly enlarging empire, and the more they are paid in multimillions with Oscars and Golden Globes and every top award attention the more fixated they are on obtaining more and more--out of completely destroying my body my home and my life for their sucking dry my entire creativity my health my home my beauty any chance I ever fought for in my life stolen and I fight every day to stop this so I can live without torture inflicted upon me with my "permission" which is their goal--so many people of oppressed groups are obedient to being "slightly humiliated" for the sake of being welcomed into the throngs of the "entitled" and are themselves smug Nazi-manufactured icons, extremely bigoted and with the sense and air of elitist arrogant assumption to inflict racist violence while they, themselves claim to be victims of racism for the money to come pouring in for their "cause".


And so, they have forced a situation upon me where my life IS IN DANGER I AM IN DANGER OF LOSING MY LIFE IF THEY CUT MY MONEY OFF.

They stated that my address is no longer applicable and payments have been "suspended" 

I checked and they never answered the question if any mail from social security had arrived after December 1 (the COLA adjustment letter). A health care agency in Nevada where Social Security also administers disability determinations also sent a USPS tracked parcel to the address where they would not open it to let me know what it was. I was in such pain and sickness and could not function I was being abused and drugged for over 16 hours during waking day during that time. I was shitting poison that has been accumulating in my body that this same group had put in my body over a decade ago and for decades before (30 years from Steven Tyler and STallone)

the government site I checked on Saturday, forgot that Monday was MLK day, and now I have to wait 9 more hours to see if my life is destroyed or not due to their really sinister attack on my finances.

Either way, THEY created this situation ether they alerted Social Security because they demand that I have a residence and in my state I use a service--to try to be a bit oblique about it all, I suppose that most people reading my post today have an understanding of my situation

but someone told them that my address was not real or actual. I asked this mail service if any mail had been returned or put in a wrong box, and if they signed the package with their business name (I told them that this had to appear as my own street address)

no response. I have to wait 9 more hours after another 3 days of the same hateful group viciously abusing me at every possible moment they could teleport me to hate and sleeping to being teleported to sick disgusting creeps and then waking freshly drugged while sleeping,my body mutilated huge red welts on my fingers under the nails from being sliced and cut--every day--my skin doused with horrible chemicals my home sliced up debris on the floor things scraped off everywhere every day they damage my property my body and they torture me for hours per day as I scream after 15 years of saying no leave me alone

and so they cut my money off.

they told my mail service to return mail, or they phoned or had a politician alert them that I am or not--I can't go into the rest they attacked me and only because I have had to fight for my life to survive while they kept and continued and they still continue to poison and drug me slowly to death.

I literally have had to do all this to not die from poisoning and abuse n AMerica, the fascist Nazi dictatorship was fully in action long ago but it was not made clear. I knew that Obama was NEVER going to be any real promise and he has attacked me recently and brought this vicious German rapist Nazi into abusing punching me in the face in front of them all threatening to beat me to death in front of glowing smiling shitalina and the rest smiling as he rapes and beats me using Nazi concentration camp references and taht I am a "slave" and I will go to Germany and be raped without end until they kill me.

Oprah the "benevolent" supporter of every "cause" is titillated as is Obama, for me becoming angry after 2 years of Oprah stealing the idea I had written about A Wrinkle In Time while embracing shitalins and pig ap epitt and that group and all the while with her shitty fake talk show comforting white women about being victims of sexual assault. Fully enthralled with it happening to me the callous entitlement is shocking. I called her a name that Malcolm X had used about Black people working for white supremacy and being amply paid well for it, but that set of terms has enlisted a cadre of blacks rushing to viciously assault me alongside her after she spent about 2 more years having my home and body poisoned (to death) and laughing, she was handed cheers in Hollywood, was handed invitation to run for President (vying against Trump, her lover and friend) and then for the 2nd term, Harris who she and MIchelle O brought to the mind control terror dome to ask me if I liked her and I was under hypnosis and asleep and drugged and I said in repeat hypnosis mode: I think she should be president" and she was chosen to be VP. The next time I saw Harris she was giggling about me being raped poisoned and mutilated with the laugher of the shitpigapealina pair of filth and their gang. The next time I saw Harris she was smiling with love into the face of the German ape filth pig who had by then beaten raped punched me repeatdly in the face and head, encouraged many other shit pig apes to punch me in the head and face (Steven Tyler--who has been latched on with his daughter to this contract since I met him, not by choice, in 1997 at the nightclub Bar None where I independently sold cigars on my own schedule so nothing is written about my presence there).

Beating me for fighting to get them off me. Then I posted "Burn Hollywood" and for the next week Chuck D has rushed to call me bitch and abuse and threaten me and claim that I am racist but not making that open statement; only that his group was losing their homes and thusly I must be racist to not "care" I have had to repeat for the past week of finally rushing screaming at him to shut up and go away after such atttacks I cannot ignore, and he rushes and hacks videos of LA fires and once I few them, he rushes to telport me and clal me bitch and etc
 I have to scream that for the past how many years he and Ice Cube and SnoopDogg have all participated or watched me lose my home lose my hair (from poisoning) lose my cat lose my money lose my health lose my body but just severely damaged I spend all day fighting to heal every single day in utter sickness while they attack me no-n0st
I have to scream at him that he never gave a damn about that and only hacked his f-ing crap onto my channel so he, too, could join in and getj a promotion. Now he has his opportunity to viciously attack me and has not stopped. NOthing I ever say daunts them the prizes re endless.

So anyone or anyone else from the 15 years or all combined worked to have my social security cut, and the threat could include me being forced to make a phone interview or go into a local office. That means losing everything and could mean much worse for me. I am so ill I can barely move

my "screaming hysteria" about LA fires is only in relation to the wealthy celebrity homes burning, but this fuck CHuck D has absolutely no compassion because look at how Snoop Dogg and Oprah have been celebrated for viciously attacking me? It's his turn now to "fight" the Powerless (relatively speaking) and JOIN THE POWER(sucking parasite league Nazi white supremacy league of the planet, not just Los Angeles)


So I have to deal with a situation, unlike the filth and shit of whorewood, I never created only wrote in rage and years of mutilation poisoning torture rape which is never-ending with me fighting literally every day to not die go into toxic shock a nervous breakdown and my hair turnging grey as they cling to abusing me because they must do this in order to be put into this huge top slot which they otherwise could not accomplish, I suggest that if left to their own skill-sets without endless millions poured into uplifting them through artisans and millions and millions and instant promotions they would not be able to put Oscar-winning movies into that highest orbit. 

they must cling on to forcing me to have a baby, as babies are thrust around me everywhere I go in synchronized assembly, coming out of elevators, in my condo lobby following me babies and this is what will ensure their empire which I never want to see I actually want to have actual highest art in the world not Nazi propagandized programming flicks and sleazy fake sexualized empowerment strutting stuff and Nazis disguised as former hippies and yippies and "liberals" and "feminists" ANY LONGER usurping the actual dialogue of a free society.

So again, this is a repeat of three other posts I have written for the past 3 days of daze: please do not let them destroy my life. I have begged to pry them off me for so long it is like the decades of their movies repeating the same themes of fake altruism combined with hints of white supremacy and observance to it in whatever skin color or shape or feminist attire they are handed by wardrobe departments.

Do not let them consolidate a fascist Nazi regime any longer in H-wood which has reverberated into Congress--or vice-versa I don't know the origin of this trend I suggest it was in Congress firstly and then transmuted into H-wood to further the mind programming for mind control.

I have only fought to stop this they were murdering me when I was "complying" and they killed my parents who complied unreservedly they poisoned and murdered many members of my family who did whatever they were asked by this filth organization Nazi Mafia which includes MANY MANY JEWS.


That was ranting above**I was put into a hyperbolic state by the technology which is always pummeling my brain whilst I fight hacking intervention. The WiFi was turned off, the keyboard is so stiff I must pound out each key with my entire hand and even that doesn't work to get words out. The computer froze so I had to turn it off and restart

upon getting away from this hell zone of brain-attacks and malware, I remembered that the "Big Kahona" arrived in this last month: Trump and his entourage I think it was his sons and daughter--it was a group of blondish people sitting in a group but far away so that my poor vision in teleportation could only make out Trump. He asked me, in deep sleep and "truth serum" mode if I was happy he had won. I screamed NO and wished he had been shot instead. 

Then, this same month period

Snoop Dogg (invited to krap for T-rump today for the Inauguration festivities which probably half the country is mourning in distress, whereby the Biden Inauguration I had been skeptical of his reference in the video he had made of a sun rising over the Capital stating "It is a New Day" which I took to be the symbol of the Sun that --to make it short--the Nazis use in the version of the Swastika. It has proven to be relevant in that the Biden team has been indispensable to the furtherance of inclusion of brown and black into the Nazi fold under the jurisdiction of the "Liberal" side of "elite" wealth exclusivity (absolutely racist "as hell" in reality).

Snoop Dogg appeared alongside Denzel after I watched Gladiator and he came insulting abusing and I deleted Gladiator. I wrote about his years of inclusion in the background and at that point, I was not able to restrain my rage so I wrote about the director snott from England (he was so repulsive I only got through half of Napoleon before hours per day of abuse from him, yelling abuse nasty and it was disgusting---then urging Denzel to do the same as he had done--)

and with Denzel was Snoop Dogg. This is all, the entire list, is not even the list of all who have tortured me for the last month, but snoop I told that I am disabled, and that he is attacking a person who is sick and has been poisoned and tortured. I seriously think that he and Denzel were the ones who got this life-threatening attack on me because I had told them, in truth serum deep sleep teleportation hell torture with the stress of the endless abuse ongoing every single day in that state, upon waking and all day and then into the night, everywhere I go non-stop people are assaulting driving into me walking into me elbowing me flicking stains on my clothing ripping my purse or bags like pros and pickpockets--while my living space is being sprayed with muck and goo and debris and all things broken and things stolen as well

and I believe probably it was Denzel and SNoop who did this horrid thing to me out of Social Security, and today Snoop is performing for MAGA. Denzel feels vindicated as he did not win the golden Globes but expected to do so, and so did prostitutalina the pumped-up parasite who has fed off torturing me and poisoning and mutilating me with delight and feeding her frenzy of rabid vicious Nazi fascist feeding off other people and then stealing my ideas as if to pronounce herself as being not a sleazy skank and prostituted couch-casting Nazi and English Crown portal for all to enter now through her and s hit pig ape pitt with this contract, through them a convulsion of slime and scum have assembled to get their free deals.

So dirty foul Snoop Dogg and preaching Denzel probably were the ones who got this suspension of my disability money because they want me in the lowest of the minority categories raped beaten tortured impoverished no chance all discrimination conducted by THEM alongside most violent white supremacists.

for trying to get snoop hogg the dirty foul creep to have any compsasion I told him in that vulnerable truth serum teleoported sleep state that I am disabled. I am certain that prompted them to look for any way to have that money cutt of and they are now welcomed into MAGA officially for this violence against me.

I had searched for any compassion from him instead, because he played a crippled man in a wheelchair being abused by a white cop in LA. He asked me if I thought he had done a good job, I said yes. In return, according to this contract, he took my statement about being disabled (due to my spine being fractured while drugged and in deep sleep/teleported mode, which is when they the terrorists do things like rape and cut part of my uterus out slice my fingers and toes  rape and put my spine and hips out of alignment.  I am teleported to hate skits orchestrated by the Nazi Mafia black white and Jewish and all other race bigots of Whoreowod who use their aspiring "exttras" to inflict terror upon me, each and every single night and for over 15 years.

that i respond in rage they use also as an excuse to inflict more and more and more slow murder and violence. They are heaped with praise and awards and welcome afterward.


That no one could give a damn bespeaks of the utter destruction of the fabric of the United States and a sick death culture of greedy sleazy ignorant but educated (only in some) have arisen to grab rape kill slaughter destroy and assume every plantation Nazi cartel Mafia posture they possibly can in their expected endless wealth plantations with Black Nazis viciously assaulting Jews while the whites watch on from sidelines applauding them so they can have their own plantations. Only, however, for a tiny few as symbols of what you are "supposed" to do in order to not be turned into an enslaved victim. I would suggest that most of the people who attack me from minority groups are victims of mind control in whatever form it takes to render them "traumatized" enough to worship their abusers, they claim they are "fighting" against. 

And so, that is the last month. today for me fighting viciously every day trying to ignore this group of shit filth to not get these reactions of attack threatening my life, but the DRUGGING CONTINUES I cannot handle it. Meanshile I am fighting and extremely ill EVERY SINGLE DAY paralyzed most of the day in sickness from detox to fight every day to not be vulnerable.

I have no way to earn any money they are blocking my internet so I am stuck with no resources except sub-poverty due to them poisoning and fracturing my spine so I am chronically disabled not just a few injuries. Despite all this, they attacked me fresh out of college and I had no health care. I now cannot apply for Social Security disability I am in a category of people who must report and etc. Only because while running TO WORK in San Francisco this group had me put into an accident, I was not seriously injured but while sleeping they made a metal rod come loose in my spine, which began to jut out of my skin after 2 more years of no health care and being told 'NOTHING" is wrong by all the free health care and hospitals I was barely able to go. My family 100% going with this to also profit off exploiting me (to death and they knew and still know everything about my situation but lie endlessly and claim I am just lazy there is nothing wrong with me, etc)

So I am stuck with being dependent because this group is blocking my internet I have tried to earn money online. They keep the WiFi on, the webpage I use to make money is "on" but when I check the URL it is turned "off" to the WWW and internet. They literally have blocked my every attempt any time I began to earn money they stole my money the put me in accidents they drugged me most of my life so severely I could not function normally whatsoever.

Now I face this today because Denzel had to join in with bigot Riddley Scott because they are up for Oscars, or one of them is by now perhaps. Snoop has to get MORE AND MORE AND MORE out of abusing me so he had to join in. Denzel had a huge smile while I was laughing about the Nazi stars and their shit mansions burning in Whorewood after years and decades of them having me beaten raped tortured poisoned my home destroyed put in jail beaten raped every day as they profited off it. 

Which one or did they all try to destroy my life for fighting back and being glad that the fuckers who have profited and laughed at my rape and hacked and attacked and joined in, their houses were burning. For one or two days I felt like there was some kind of justice somewhere. They had to viciously fascistically try to crush any joy I could have from the endless decades of torture they have all participated in (it is more than 15 years from this same group going on. Shitalina looks like a bloated puffed-up parasite having bee comlimented by all the shit form Congress which pour into get their promotions or attack me and get more deals--and the German ape filth fuck has beaten tortured and abused me for watching a movie about a concentration camp he co-starred in with part  of the Gotti Mafia and Tarantino--only because I watched this movie he rushed instantly to rape and hit me in front of the group shitalina the filthy ugly sicki parasite has blossomed from my ideas my energy and watching me beaten tortuerd as I tell that ugly sick piece of sick shit that she is a fuck ugly and sinister. She is puffed up by the German lavishing the energy he sucked through rape out of me, there is an energy transfer. And the endless glorification she never had prior to this contract, the years of my ideas which show her to be of some original mind-setj instead of me, so threatening they can't stand to see me intelligent creative and not willing to be abused and humiliated and loving this fuck pig pile of shit, as so many do they bow and scrape and attack the target--me so willingly lovingly looking for confirmation to the dirty foul group. 

And so I could not after years of this going on, I finally just call them ugly and sleazy stupid sick fucks and the torture is endless. They do not deserve the position the money and I deserve to be paid MILLIONS OF DOLLARS in compensation and for intellectual property theft and left alone to live in peace.


In addition, every SINGLE DAY in the teleportation for at least 4 months (?) time has slowed down considerably, the German rapist life-threatening concentration camp referencing bigot hater gang rapist pimp wanna be Whorewood executive exploiter, so fully welcomed by UN Ambassador celebrities black and brown gyrating adherents of P-valley allure political posturing about themselves and "brown and black girls" power

loving him, loving what he is doing to me. JLo (this was LAST MONTH) dyed her hair even more blonde, her skin is now whiter even then Ben Afflecks (which is mostly why she was with him in the first place--having risen to white power 4th Reich status she no longer needs him, j ust as filthalina no longer needs shit pig ape pitt for her power cartel with her dirty nasty daddy and is now crushing him in financial ways, obviously recommended by her daddy and she is now with the German rapist who loves her and she needs him now to beat and rape and threaten my life so they all can obtain this empire by forcing me into being just destroyed for their feeding frenzy upon all that I have ever worked for stolen and destroyed by them, and by so many Americans in "normal" society so many health care providers that I was left dying and had to flee for my life and even then attacked so badly that I turned to someone of this group long ago and asked him for help, which began an endless assault by Americans all in the media and in politics--a realm I have never even ventured into in all my online pursuits--because I spent 6 years studying online for a graduate degree and had no time and never cared about any of it--which was wise but careless I was absolutely unprepared for the lies and the deception that they all pose. I am s till beguiled by fake posturing and I must realize that probably 100% of all the media puts out for the humanitarian angle is a pay-for-subscription to entitlement to human rights; otherwise I see the dying and homeless abound and increase in America and around the world. No one cares about human rights but they are extremely concerned about not remaining "in the closet" any longer; a huge priority for them all.