Saturday, March 1, 2025

Continued from last post today: attacked in the elevator but what sounded like a Russian//front desk at this hate torture condo abusive, nasty when trying to report the stinking water the Russian probably has orchestrated with all the other nasty minions servicing this trash coming to attack me.

 The creep kicked my cart--which I have a huge bag of items which they will destroy if I leave them in my room unprotected for ever 10 minutes of going to the front lobby to get an item I ordered (delivery)

He was 20-30-ish--tatts all over his neck and arms and chest--looked red-eyed a bit hung-over. Aggressive, body movements spastic like on drugs or high on adrenaline. He rushed out of the elevator coughing and it triggered a reaction out of me--I pushed my cart backward behind me as he rushed past me trying to hit  him--I admit but it wasn't like excessive movement just didn't want him behind me--like a horse kicking something behind it trying to keep it off. It didn't come even close to him at all, at least one foot away from his hooves as he spasmatic rushed past behind me coughing--the triggering noise of coughing which the pig ape scumbags make before they attack. It is a Pavlovian triggering noise which is always accompanied by an attack.

I got into the elevator--and he rushed back aggressively kicking my cart at the bottom of my bag. I stared at him, asking him what he was doing. I told me I had tried to hit him. I saw that he was ready for a physical confrontation and the pig ape shit creeps attacking me know that I am one against a world of police the U.S. president and all his so-called "men" and minions ready to attack me like a unit of a flying shit storm (troupers)

and so I told him, no, i was just pushing my cart back because it was so heavy (which it is, because fuckers like him go into my room and steal break and make it dirty and stinking)

he asked me politely if I needed help with carrying the trolly--like a "gentleman" I thanked him politely and he followed me and opened a door for me.

I am calling him names but the fact of aggression and how smug they all are when they have police all politicians and most of society ready to assault me and I have literally not one single person--as most or all of the targets really never have anybody.

The smug sickness of the attackers is disgusting.

The front desk, I reported the stinking water situation they made ugly faces confused and broken non-English could not understand and asked me stupid questions like why no one around me complained and they could not understand. Would not help I told them to have the maintenance check the water pipes--they looked confused no understand I told them to give me an email address so I could write a message in Thai they said they understood me.


As soon as the tall blondish Russian man strode hastily into the waiting room next to the front lobby area, he began laughing that mean kind of laugh that conspirators have when pulling a big one on someone they are bullying. I do not mean this due to the context only but it was a mean laughter of shared schadenfreude, absolutely. They did the stalking protocol of "laughing" when a target reacts to stress and stimuli, which is their intention. The triggering of coughing, creating a Pavlovian response of instant stress levels, because always there is an attack shortly after this trigger noise (or multiple attacks. The attacks range from nasty and stupid silly to deadly. The aim is to kill the person softly or with blunt force--but predisposing the target to reacting so they can garner any excuse to commit violence is their aim as if they are "innocent").

Combined with my brain and body under attack in all public situations and always while I write these posts and all correspondence as well--i.e. yesterday I sent out three or four business emails, all of which unanswered but the emails had been rewritten to discredit me. One of the headers for an email changed "inquiry" to inwiry and it only showed up after I had sent the email, not before I checked prior to sending).

But, normally I do not respond in such a manner, in fact almost never do I make any response but I had become relaxed. I walked out my door into the hallway, no one was there. I felt 'relaxed" and thought that perhaps no one was going to bother me after all and that somehow my hundreds of thousands of messages about this terror operation had for one day brought someone to quell the endless attacks. 

Because I was not prepared I became too relaxed, too confident my instantaneous reaction was of aggression. He walked past me as if to go to his room but instead walked back as if under instruction. And there are cameras everywhere he also has the "voice to skull" technology instructing him on what to do. Someone (a female) was in the waiting room next to the lobby waiting to have hateful giggly sessions with him because she had been monitoring the situation all along--giving him instructions and "they" all of the terrorists have manual instructions and people coordinating responses and they are trained in how to react with fascist response to any act of rage by the target to their triggering. Not that my hands sliced every night my hair being chemically destroyed every night my body raped and put out of alignment by Russians under the last Tprum rump romp 4 long years ago of daily begging and writing about the torture asking the wonderful "Democracy, Diversity and Equity and Inclusion" Democrats to stop the fascism but they only joined in, with the same giggly laughter as the current attackers now, today demonstrating their training "skills" which many use, the same exact protocols. 

It was done, this giggly laughter, to the Jews who were shot and killed in the trenches they dug by the wonderful neighbors they had in countries like wherever--Poland, Ukraine, Latvia, Croatia the common "folk" under Nazi instruction would stand around watching as the Jews were stripped naked, after they dug the trenches for the corpses, which they were told was for some other reason, and then the pig apes would laugh and giggle as the Jews cried in despair with the not-Germans standing with shot guns under a few German Nazi control monitors, also as they are doing now, under instruction to giggle and laugh as the Jews were shot from behind in the trenches--their possessions stolen their houses taken from them by the greedy greasy pig apes. And the Democrats did the same thing, or glaring with deadly hate threatening to kill me, as the Republicans laugh and giggle and threaten to kill me while they are applauded by their MAGA cohorts.

So I, under drugging non-stop mutilation my home a stinking broken down mess years and more than a decade going into 16 years of writing daily about torture as it continues on and on and on and on.

I reacted. The sick fuck giggled and laughed after he had some sense of decency but in the midst of the gang stalking goon squad he returned to a smirking Nazi follower--but out of Russia. I heard stories when I was in Germany from Jews who ran to live in Germany because, they said, it was far less racist than Germany. that was back in 1992. I wonder what comparison he would make today, if there was any difference any longer or if russia has become more racist than it was in comparison to the prestense of caring and being open-minded that the Germans played while under American occupation. The celebrities who "love" the Germans don't f-ing understand that they are dealing with deception professional liars and pathological liars and psychopathic liars and that their warmth is a trick used to lower the resistance to the aggression they are plotting at the same time.

As for Russians, I have been only under assault in this condo which was bought by the Whorewood Trump cartel and it has been Russians here raping mutilating and poisoning me to death with non-stop attacks for years. I can't see any difference between the dirty German rapist thug that the Whorewood and Trump cartel of MAGA are enamored with who under any semblance of decency standards is a pathological scumbag, but this behavior has become the absolute normative value set in America and around the planet.


All of this was ordered by the filth and shit trash of the whorewood celebrity scumbag cartel which has been feeding off my ideas and my life my body my energy and every day they ask me for more ideas to steal through torture. Hundreds of millions of dollars combined they have been paid and earned by stealing my ideas, going to the Oscars yearly and etc and not a single thank you but denial and silence that these were my ideas as they torture me for stating truth about their crimes they go on and on as the government keeps handing them every carte blanche red carpet fascist Nazi award and prize and millions and billions of dollars with endless new scumbags joining in every day to get their free deal.

I remain with nothing almost--barely hanging on to subpoverty disability as they kept poisoning me so I could not capitalize on the GRADUATE DEGREE I earned from years of study. Instead they just used this tech to suck ideas out of me and poison me into infirmity and they were trying to poison me to death, slowly paralysis and then death with being hit by cars and after being hit by cars raped for writing on my facebook page that dirty stupid ugly shit pig ape pitt should not be awarded at the Oscars every  year of attacking me and stealing my ideas. That was all I did, he had me  hit by a car I landed on my chin,. the smashed my lower jaw teeth and began cutting my gum tissue to the jawline every night so I have to sleep with things covering my mouth even years later they will cut gum tissue away from my teeth if I leave my mouth exposed--my hair has been slathered with killing chemicals for years and years--and etc

my property broken and I must purchase new items they break and destroy every month so that cuts out the $900 I am forced to attempt to survive on every month, paralyzed and shitting out toxic death chemicals and mind control drugs fermented into my intestines and hardened into my back as they torture me without end to get more and more and more and more non-stop they suck everything out and grab and suck more out of my life force until it's just daily slow death and fighting without end as they continue to try to force this contract out of me as I wish them death scream they are shit every day--now every single day for years this has been a daily torture event of hours and hours per day of me screaming at them to fuck off and die that they are shit and stupid and sickness

in teleportation of course. Then they have teams of fuckers surrrounding me--I go out on my patio the creeps in the room below mine begin hacking coughing as loudly as if they are screaming--so obscne a noise such  ugly sick creeps. They kill my plants and my animals and make my home filthy and disgusting stinking foul mucked up grery brown goo and the furniture the floor ripped up stinking and my clothing sprayed with foul substances--constantly I am cleaning, shitting out poison, screaming at the disgusting pig apes who are giggling laughing under the instruction of the German ape shit filth who they adore who is instructing them on Nazi protocols

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