Monday, March 10, 2025

IN DOG(e) WE TRUST" & the "Good Christian/rapist/Nazi/genocidal" DOG(e) BLUES SONG "My Last Dollar is Gone" will be sung as a chorus and refrain across America --and is being sung by me today plus more torture, never-ending to my death but before that, my last saved dollar from the Stimulus and Student Loans, which I did not want to spend, are being taken away PLUS all money I was paid for having over the $2000 monthly allotment penalized for not reporting in my savings account. It could be even more drastic than just taking every cent away then charging me more to pay back before they will resume my payments & other penalties far worse could be handed down by the sneering contemptuous worker at SS (88): Soon Social Security under direction from the Trump terror, which was an operation begun before the election (they knew they would "win" the rigged elections) but it's not enuf for them, and continuation of .....Terrorist noise report: drilling in the room 2 floors down--changing rooms for months--on all sides, hour of drilling for months and months, then maybe a few months pause last year, then daily for years, and 7 years of drilling and pounding non-stop for hours per day, day after day. The terrorists bring "work" to drill and pound and saw using industrial saws drilling into cement and steal for hours per day. The building is mostly empty, only terrorists live here--when they go out to work or party, the dirlling begins. I remain detoxing (s**itting) poison out and paralyzed, fighting for my life to heal, stuck and paralyzed for decades due to the piosoning. The drugging (which is still poisoning) p;lus non-stop attacks by a non-stop rotation of people---never-ending people rushing to join in. People I tried to avoid for years knowing they have attacked me murderously in the past--now have come because my money is being taken away by Social Security--all the money I saved every month out of the subpoverty income so I could have some safety net--they are taking it away plus money I wa spaid for this month, and student loans and other "gifts" by people I could not save in my mattress because every time I leave my home is ransacked--my items are rummaged through, to the depths of the hiding places, sprayed with stinking substances stolen or broken or ripped frayed--money has been stolen constantly from me. I kept the money in the bank, now I face serious threat all money taken even what I was paid by social security this month because I saved for YEARS--all was orchestrated by the billionaires who have obtained global fame from attacking me or stealing my ideas--and now new people are joining because I asked people from my past to please help--and they brought other people to exploit and profit off my demise. The drilling and pounding continues.

Depression-era music of the hills of America---1929, 1930, after the huge market crash

now DOGe ("IN DOG WE TRUST") is a'gonna make people a goner and they have a boner for making people stoner aloner and poorer to the grave! I was on Trump & Musk's hit list for impoverishment before they rigged the final outcome of the last election. For having fought off various abusive sexually violating and then verbally death threat abuse members of his high-ranking team--plus years and decades of fighting off the Democrats then fighting Obama (pairing with Trump now to assault me because I became outraged) and fighting fighting and now

they want to take my last dollar and then maybe more---serious draconian measures for having saved the Stimulus checks and for having saved another gift that I was given and I saved so the inevitable death blow I could survive from this group. With their world of brainstorming bigots and hateful murdering marauders, they devised this plan to take all away "legally" through Social Security--as soon as possible after Rtump took "power" which he never stopped grabbing under Biden through his Democrat partners allied closely with their "across the aisle" partners (in crime)

and so, I asked someone for help, they came with more members of the very system that forced this exact contract upon me decades ago--rushing when I asked for help--with the new spawn of former violently assaulting people now like all the spawn of the a-dolts who are immature and violently ugly towards me for their promotions--

I await the letter stating if they are taking away all my money

putting me in prison

 or just taking all my saved money and then some to force me into not being able to pay the huge amount they are charging me for "overpayment" for just saving money--the stimulus, is now going to be taken, money I saved will be taken, and all that I saved every month from the subpoverty income I saved will be taken--and then they might charge me more than I have for not having reported it so I can't pay them "back" for having saved the government stimulus in 2001.

The Depression of course preceded the Nazi uprising also in America (it was rising before the Depression but it is credited directly to the rise of Nazism in Germany--by Germans stating their inflation and high unemployment, etc)

"My Last Dollar Is Gone". Mark Dvorak. November 24, 2020.

Trust your Nazi government to save you from people like me--so they are cutting your Social Security money to save you from becoming rich so your soul is going to heaven for not becoming "evil" by focusing too much on wealth accumulation. The billionaires will be saved when they pray in groups clustered around the F icon phallus symbol of wealth accumulation (The Washington Monument) as your money is stolen so they can save you from people like "me" who is "evil" and all the hate words used against me (far so many of them all unjustified, I find that actually the creeple making such unfounded accusations turn out to be exactly that which they are trying to sully me with--all the names, the toxicity, the dirty filth and sexual debasement they are actually what they are projecting to try to get people to ignore that they actually are all that they accuse their "subordinates" of. 

Trust in them to save you from Jews homosexuals and etc because those who are of that ilk who are working with them are spared--it's the ones like me who you all have as your enemy--the "good" ones are the ones taking your money away to feed the billionaires because purchasing luxury items will "stimulate the economy" and better make sure that I am left with NOTHING so I can never have any chance--and what a joy it is for all of you. A little "pain" for many who want people like me killed, raped and all finances stolen and blocked. Oops, they are having some of their money taken too--but they are inconsequential they will just have to wait until people like me are killed off, they can continue to steal from the people who they forced into poverty once they are dead--or alive--

Trust in them to put competent people in power, they may be black or brown and call themselves activists feminists but ultimately they work for DOG(e) and have no faith in "God" (of the Bible) but they do have faith in killing me, as you all do too. Not to try to put out bad energy against myself by writing this, but it is certainly apparent at this point that NO ONE upon whom we are told to "trust" is doing anything but allowing the theft and murder to continue.

"IN DOG(e) We TRUST". Reagan Youth. November 12, 2019.


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IN DOG(e) WE TRUST" & the "Good Christian/rapist/Nazi/genocidal" DOG(e) BLUES SONG "My Last Dollar is Gone" will be sung as a chorus and refrain across America --and is being sung by me today plus more torture, never-ending to my death but before that, my last saved dollar from the Stimulus and Student Loans, which I did not want to spend, are being taken away PLUS all money I was paid for having over the $2000 monthly allotment penalized for not reporting in my savings account. It could be even more drastic than just taking every cent away then charging me more to pay back before they will resume my payments & other penalties far worse could be handed down by the sneering contemptuous worker at SS (88): Soon Social Security under direction from the Trump terror, which was an operation begun before the election (they knew they would "win" the rigged elections) but it's not enuf for them, and continuation of .....Terrorist noise report: drilling in the room 2 floors down--changing rooms for months--on all sides, hour of drilling for months and months, then maybe a few months pause last year, then daily for years, and 7 years of drilling and pounding non-stop for hours per day, day after day. The terrorists bring "work" to drill and pound and saw using industrial saws drilling into cement and steal for hours per day. The building is mostly empty, only terrorists live here--when they go out to work or party, the dirlling begins. I remain detoxing (s**itting) poison out and paralyzed, fighting for my life to heal, stuck and paralyzed for decades due to the piosoning. The drugging (which is still poisoning) p;lus non-stop attacks by a non-stop rotation of people---never-ending people rushing to join in. People I tried to avoid for years knowing they have attacked me murderously in the past--now have come because my money is being taken away by Social Security--all the money I saved every month out of the subpoverty income so I could have some safety net--they are taking it away plus money I wa spaid for this month, and student loans and other "gifts" by people I could not save in my mattress because every time I leave my home is ransacked--my items are rummaged through, to the depths of the hiding places, sprayed with stinking substances stolen or broken or ripped frayed--money has been stolen constantly from me. I kept the money in the bank, now I face serious threat all money taken even what I was paid by social security this month because I saved for YEARS--all was orchestrated by the billionaires who have obtained global fame from attacking me or stealing my ideas--and now new people are joining because I asked people from my past to please help--and they brought other people to exploit and profit off my demise. The drilling and pounding continues.

Depression-era music of the hills of America---1929, 1930, after the huge market crash now DOGe ("IN DOG WE TRUST") is a'gonna...