This same group under the MAGA hate terrorism, not very different from the Obama/Biden/Trump/Trump attacks. This person with his family has been attacking me for a few weeks, it feels like years because they just follow the same pathology as the rest under instruction as usual but through this protocol system they expect to be handed top position in everything they simply want to grab and take from anybody who is not in their "group". Eventually, after this person had my "pet" killed on my patio for reacting in rage after multiple fascist yelling abuse hours of teleportation abuse the German rapist smirking with his American partners who are extremely nasty endless death threats violence and finally I react in rage--their goal.
So now the internet is off every 15 seconds to 30 seconds. Items are missing in my room. They have been missing for a while but I am finally able to do an inventory and many items that people might want have just been taken for their consumption.
Ginseng and other Chinese herbs--not cheat but just taken. Bottles of herbs I bought in bulk gone, just taken and gone from the place I stored them. The teams of hate under the German atrocity rape group has become more nasty than the past few years of the Russian terrorist groups.
My room has been torn-up the floor boards have huge holes and gouges in them. Every time I leave the room has more pieces left ni the middle of the floor torn-up in holes, exposing the wood base floor underneath. They sprayed fungus into the holes and tatters of the floor covering I made are constantly being ripped up so the floor with the artistic coverings I have made--6 by now, covering the entire floor--which should have remained solid and beautiful are completely ripped to shreds, sprayed with black stains, and mostly ripped out completely.
The MAGA hater has his daughter, who I have screamed at to get off me after the children of this hater have gone to assault me while I am in my room, doing things. I am always drugged, by the way and in the mornings they rush to assault me while the drugging is "fresh". She began making hateful insults I became enraged due to the drugging, but also how this technology is so slimy the sinister attackers listen to my thoughts using the cochlear thought-reading technology, using voice-to-skull (V2K) they insert commentary on my thoughts my barriers to blocking out verbal assault is obliterated due to the brainwave technology and how steal the thoughts are interjected into my consciousness through my brain instantly I respond without being able to stop. It is creepville 666 really a nasty creepy technology. Of course it is cherished by this group en toto the administrators can't want to kill rape rob have orgies and destroy lives and spy infiltrate--it's so cherished no one has any reservations about being ugly and sick they consider it a wonderful trait. Based on how many brown black and Jewish victims of racism absolutely rush to embrace any white supremacist Nazi who offers a chance to become a Nazi supporter there is no resistance yet from the entity of the American culture for any of this.
So I write once more.
Screaming at him to get his trashy spawn off me--my instantaneous reaction to weeks of them killing my pet killing plants calling me all kinds of disgusting names brining in the Nazis bringing in the German expletive joining into decades of torture of me and seeing what they can also get, as an entire family system. The endless latching on of opportunists is never-ending they latch on will never let go the endless prizes and the line-up of those who seemingly must rely on this system in order to win contracts, awards and etc. That a few "token" celebrities and Trump and other politicians have been handed everything from the presidency to being given immunity for the Georgia election interference for viciously and violently using Nazi terminology and behavior to yell threaten fascistically abuse me while I am constantly shitting poison out, laying in bed obviously sick, asking for help, asking someone to stop the poisoning and that they are murdering me.
And I am now as usual extremely ill. They can't stop. They were just handed a multi-million dollar deal by Trump not from attacking me, but this is the "perk" and the whole "Christian" family has joined in violently with smug assurances that their entire futures are determined by how well they obey orders from the German. He is training them to murderously threaten me constantly for any resistance. As I wrote iin my last post, this is the conditioning to accept being abused and raped to death without fighting back. The dirty and meaningless lying creeps can steal the ideas I have studied for, for my own career which they have destroyed and blocked from gang stalking poisoning gang stalking "accidents' rendering me disabled as they abuse and torture me without end. Layers of politicians have rushed to join in from congress.
Again I write about this endless sickness to a void of apathy and unconcern. That this is a monumental situation that has put Trump and Musk into power seems to shake or stir anyone into action to stop it. Rather, they only rush to get free deals as well.
But with their children now a throng of them. Day after day they are abusing torturing and I react finally after hours of being teleported to people being murdered in a fake situation that the creeps then laughed about it's a joke I thought it was real. They can't wait to be handed every top position in society for being violently stupid and sick but given all top positions anyway.
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