Friday, January 26, 2024

A death threat from B-KGB-Nazi-bot today: the creep ballet parasite I've been writing of for the past year. As I was exercising, as this filthy dirty ugly sinister parasite has been doing non-stop, while in the middle of 100% concentration, with my body completely wrecked, broken down from poisoning and stress, sagging and violence endlessly just thrown at me by disgusting truly sub-human scumbags you all adore. B-kov this ugly dirty old fucker gives his "help' with the same almost trite instructions that he's been giving while essentially--literally--murdering me with continuous poisoning. In a frustration from the last year of non-stop poisoning, gang rape that he orchestrated, endless torture, violence endless trauma in deep sleep, poisoning and shitting out poison every day for the next year, while before this ugly sick sinister pig ape it was "feminist" prostitutalina the ugly dirty parasite who was laughing as I had to run to the toilet with endless diarrhea every day from piosnoing as my body has been so bloated I can only look at it--appearing like a 10-month pregnancy of a huge bloated body that I can never heal because they KEEP POURING POISON into my food intake. I can't afford to pay for random food at normal prices. they have forced me into such poverty I have to buy everything on sale, and it's always poisoned. //In the usual exasperation, as I did from the beginning when he brutally raped and beat me in front of the blonde Nazi skanks of Whorewood who giggled and laughed as he slapped and raped me like the ugly old pig that he is, as well as the younger versions of Europigapes who are brutal Nazis but you all adore them for their posturing inherited mannerisms--there is nothing but bs and violence and posturing underneath, from what I have endlessly seen of this group from years of having to be around them.//AS I, for the nth time, told him in my thoughts as this is all "voice-to-skull" to go away and he kept on. It is disgusting. He was murdering me. He has threatened my life so constantly while telling me I owe him everything of my life (the contract for him, a baby, etc) for telling me to put my head up and shoulders back for the past year and that was the one out of two hints he gave me for exercises. literally and keep your legs straight, knees to the floor when doing stretches. Literally for one year that is all the "help" that fucking exploitative scumbag on a huge elitist power trip every gave, while yelilng constantly that people pay so much for his help, that "you need me" and I was desperate. the fucking millionaire/billionaires who were murdering me with bloating and hardening poison would not lift a finger to help me as they were trying to paralyze me with poisoning--literally. One after the next they all joined in to poisoning and attacking me. I began yelling in the teleportation state, after over a YEAR of telling him to go away, but I needed some help and I really had no idea what to do to heal my body which his partners have completely destroyed. mY body is so broken down from stress, hate and violence and opisoning and mutilation and no exercise I am almost completely destroyed, completely sagging and disgusting they have made my body absolutely wrecked. And they never stop. finally this ugly sick creep, who stuck a retractable knife in my body a few weeks ago, after torturing my cat who was screaming in terror and clinging to my leg in teleportation--both times German Nazi pig apes had used Nazi language at me, literally referencing the Holocaust and that they will do it again. I called them names, and this filthy ugly pig ape ballet scumbag, and that's truly all he is, is a jaded degenerate severely mentally ill Nazi filth cesspool of selfishness and sleaze. His intelligence lies in lying and conniving and pretending and the assumption of elitism due to the endless symbolism of Nazi white supremacy, something he is very viciously trying to help the fascists of America into learning to emulate, which they are keen on doing.//I told him to f-off I was insulting him because he IS disgusting and vile--and he threatened to kill me. He WILL NOT GO AWAY. Please get this loathsome scumbag parasite OFF ME and for the past year I have been writing this. If there are ANY people out there who do not want a feudal Nazi style of administration IMPOSED upon the United States, do not allow this filth creep to bring in more Nazis as that is what this piece of rotten disgusting shit will do. He is bringing in Europigapes who make Nazi statements--THROUGH THIS CONTRACT OUT ON ME. He is establishing a huge empire of Nazi whore skanks and pig apes and brining fascist murderous bigots INTO THE UNITED STATES BECAUSE OF THE EXPECTION OF AN EMPIRE around this contract out on me. Perhaps some of you may find that it would behoove you to stop being passive observers if you don't want a Nazi genocidal culture to increase, more than it already has from the Trump faction which came about as a result of THIS CONTRACT OUT ON ME WHICH PUT TRUMP INTO POWER. If many and most of you are absolutely in favor of Trump, you may still want to re-evaluate if you really want a fascist totalitarian system with white supremacists of genocidal mentality to be put into power--who claim that "Americans are stupid" which means that THEY WILL ELIMINATE YOU from all competition and create a fascist monopoly whereby America will be controlled by Imperialist Fascist Nazis. Do not underestimate my writing even if the terrorist hackers are deleting words and I appear hyperbolic or hysterical. I am being threatened with death and poisoned to death and beaten and raped to death while top levels of American society completely cheer this group of shit on and on. PLEASE GET THIS FUCKING APE PIG SCUM BARYSHNIKOV OFF ME. And my pleading for this filth to finally be pried off me is paired with the reality of the warning I am giving about allowing such a psychopathic sick rapist and really murderous creep to be put into power, and to bring more from fascist Nazism overseas, and along with them will come whatever terrorists they want to help destroy America from within while you all cheer them on the red carpet, as this is where a huge prong of the effort to instill a fascist dictatorship has brought Trump into power, and the MAGA fascist Nazis into power, and they will bring in the kind of immigrants that are truly anathema to the United States and want to utterly exploit and take it over and see it destroyed. The ignoramus Americans who operate in helping this to commence all have been offered huge estates in France and also in Thailand, where I now am. The rewards are endless due to the endless murder this group has used to obtain endless incentivizing for the enlargement of their reach. Most of you want to participate, and I know that most of you reading this could care less about any kind of freedom for me, and you all believe you are mostly free and you don't care. You get mansions and free promotions for just acting like scum and low and filthy. Easy, cheap and pays a lot. The lines of admission will eventually turn into a culling process and a re-absorption of the incentives that are being so easily doled out now. They will not allow you to retain the awards you get unless you are a white Nazi elitist fascist part of the most violent and close-knit circles. DO not allow this filthy murderous rapist scumbag Baryishnikov to continue and bring in more and more pieces of shit from Europ-a-land. You all "love" them you do not understand how essentially mediocre and repetitive they are. You don't understand their fake smiles and their real violent intentions--towards YOU. Most of you. Most of you Americans. And even those from Europ-a-land. They will offer you perhaps a great deal, but in the successive generations they will rescind all that was handed. Most of you are far too greedy and selfish to care. But I still ask for this piece of fucking shit to not have this technology at his disposal any longer to torture, threaten to kill, rape and tell me with hate that he's doing so much for me when he's poisnoing, raping and torturing me using teams of rotten shit white trash men who are put into cocky bastard roles and are adulated for appearing and training other white pig apes to be sick rape sexist and racist Nazi scumbags--glorified. That is ALL they are.

 What should really be--a little bit upsetting to people who are aware of this situation--but they are NOT disturbed at all. No. For the majority of the H-wood celebrities who join into the never-ending cornucopia of free entitlement promotions, deals, awards and mansions in places like France and red carpet and modeling contracts for their aspiring children, is that ALL of them, without hesitation, behave as if rape, torture, mutilation and abusing someone non-stop to death is a "normal" thing. Each and every single one of these expletives glares at me in hate, yelling about how I'm a "bitch" and they concoct every justification for their violence. If they are someone like Farrakhan, the old chestnut he's relied upon for decades for his fame is accusing others of racism. I called Oprah, who had joined in and stole an idea I had written of to star in a movie, hugged the rapists and Nazi-slinging white supremacists who had by the time she joined in, had already been mutilating and beating poisoning and raping me and then stealing my ideas having their minions kill my pets and trash my home and body--for years. I called her an aunt jemima. and Farrakhan, as an example, never stopped just going on about "instructing" me about how racist I am and always on the theme of black victimization--while he was victimizing me along extremely nasty antisemitism on his part. There was nothing I could do because this old chestnut is all he could use to attack me so he went on. He's obtained, as they all have promotions and media attention since.

But they all use their own whatever it is they are selling to accuse me of being everything they are "superior" about. It's been non-stop.

And they all behave with the attitude that I have zero human rights, that I "deserve" the torture, rape and my ideas being stolen my chances for life for a career for a home absolutely blocked by them. Any resistance on my part is met with death threats and endless rape, abuse and all kinds of other threats and hints that they will create non-stop misery for me, as they have been doing (while everyone watched on, enjoying the witch hunt, especially Trump and his family who love using their own situation of having broken multiple laws and the Constitution and any resistance is called "A witch hunt" but of course, they absolutely loved doing it to me when I have committed no crime or done nothing but try to just succeed and do my best. Too threatening. Not complying with being abused and insulted was also a death penalty, on their part.

The creeps from whorewood jump on me violently throwing things, rushint at me punching and raping and yelling with fascist violence and using any excuse to insult any and all things about what they are concocting is their labels that they are actually "famous" for being the supreme adjudicators of--i.e. the "cool" fascist Nazi is telling me that what I am doing is far too "cool" for me to be listening to in musical terms. The fascist yelling straight white all-American male is telling me that the music I listen to is not "normal" because HE represents the norm and thusly adjudicates all the linear dimensions of socialized normalcy. In other words, controlling your reality in terms of him being superior. And they all do this.

But the violent reaction from these scumbags should be very telling on t he part of any observer. However, the masses of scum who attack me violently and viciously are exactly the same--the non-famous filth and their nasty brown and black, yellow and poor trash minions.

So I am writing to blankness and the void in saying this. But surely to any discerning person, this information (which you already know as you reading this are undoubtedly fully operatives for this organization--but it should still prick a bit of your rational fear of utter chaos and a murderous aptitude that is being inculcated in masses of greedy and sleazy grabbing parasitic filthy and lying rapists and fake altruists.


One would think, and surely it would seem rational, for people knowing about this situation to be just a bit alarmed by the fact that people are being inculcated into these philosophies of rape, mutilation, torture and murder through gang stalking and all is condoned and paid for by top levels of government (worldwide).

No one is alarmed. I have been told "no one cares".

I think you don't care about yourself if you can't care about what the people you assume are decent and intelligent are actually doing and how they are being mutated into vile and sleazy sick criminal murdering bigots. You embrace this, they embrace it. Think of the perfect utopia where every violent rapist and murdering Nazi bigot *of all races, blacks are fully included as are Jews and Asians and everyone else, and in terms of antisemitism, Jews I have had to be around in this contract are fully enthusiastic about participating with Nazi white supremacists.

Imagine your final result when you have a world of technologies where people can blast your ear drums out, and that would happen if they got upset because you don't like their shit dumb movies (but you all love their movies I guess)

but that is what they are doing to me. They ask, under drugging and truth serum brain manipulation technology, what I honestly think about them or their product or whatever they want to brainwash me into saying is great. I am drugged, in teleportation while asleep so I answer truthfully, they begin torturing me and mutilating and poisnoing me.. they do this anyway no matter what I do because the contract entails breaking me in every way until they suck a baby out and then discard me. 

I truly wish them to be discarded and relish my own life and think of them as trash I would easily throw away if only I just were able to get support. So I am urging people to try to consider all the things I have been writing of, and compare how some of these people I have written of turn into violent abusers and insurrectionists and liars and fakes, eventually for many of them it comes out. Some are so protected like prostitutalina the ugly skank who has made sure to mutilate and poison my body into severe deformity while having pig ape after pig ape rape me as she steals my ideas as her own "feminist" lecture and movie basis for her claim, like violent rape enabler Clinton, working for the U.S. State Department, working at the United Nations, and endlessly being touted and welcomed by Biden and of course Trump really is a friend with Hillary so he loves her but has to show he doesn't for the public. In private, he welcomes her into attacking me for their mutual benefit as they are NOT on any opposite side whatsoever. In terms of abusing women, both Hillary and shitalina are fully on board with people like Trump. Biden welcomes them all in with open arms as well. His son has proven to be a bit of a rake and debauchery bandit, and Biden has been concealing his truly evil side with so many coached lectures and speeches. He sounds like he really means it. Somehow when it comes down to supporting white supremacy and dehumanization, he's someone working hard for blacks and anyone else--except for me. *I* wonder how that can be? If he welcomes into the White House for special events, the same people who are torturing me to death and having me raped while he's expressing all the "liberal" values, just as Hillary has been doing (and what an awful fake she really is)--

So I hope that neither Biden nor Trump are actually on the ballot for Nov.2024. I truly hope that if that occurs, that there will be something other than this established rotten power structure and nothing like RFK, JR or Cornel West as they have both joined into the same partisan group (fascist Left and Fascit Right) to sexually abuse me (not directly physical that I am aware of, but insulting and masturbating and being disgusting towards me as a sign of insult) both then catapulted into main presidential framwork, neither being ANYTHING resembling any alternative or independent thought or political machination bs-slinger.

There is a man from Minnesota, named Phillips who is running on the Dem ticket. I urge people to support him, although I may be highly desperately delusional and hopeful as I was with the other candidates. Somehow I try to hope that he is different. I heard him talk, he sounds positive. Probably he isn't, considering the state of the actual union which is dissolving.

I highly urge people to not allow foreign interference such as the terrorists I mention in this post to accrue more power out of this horrific subhuman contract out on me (THEY are the subhuman, they are lower than any sdumbag, and their behavior towards me is really what they are and not me. I am always sort of shocked at how sick and stupid they really are and low and disgusting on every level).

They believe they are some kind of entitled godly crew. They rush at me violently because I am fighting for human rights, not only for myself but for the future. 

Somehow, I can't understand how no one is even worried about this situation or if they are, they don't show it to me. I wonder what it will take for anyone to intervene in the entirety of this techno-tyranny that people like Elon Musk are helping to build. All the white boys think he's wonderful. They can't wait to have rape victims and white supremacy--I simplify it, but that is the lowest common denominator.

So I must wait for someone to be abused so badly that they try to fight this, and so far the victims are kept isolated and far apart (in my case, it's isolation through endless mutilation an torture and poisoning keeping me disabled, completely--almost. I am fighting for my life every day. Every day they are sucking my life out with abuse and torture from demonic scumbags who you all cheer on as your "stars." They are sick as hell. Do not be fooled.

Do not be so beguiled by Europigapes you are being deceived if you think they are superior to Americans. .that is their endless chant and you are being brainwashed by them and by the shit from Whorewood. You are all brainwashed, 100%. You don't realize the extent to how badly you are all being manipulated. 

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...