Monday, January 22, 2024

Did "the Devil" make them do it? A terrorist/gang death squad stalking food poisoning situation: this is a macabre case for the eating of human flesh--surreptitiously, of course. Some would call this type of poisoning to be "Satanic" but you just call it your celebrity icons you all worship and believe in.//I bought two "on sale" trays of what appeared to be pork ribs smothered in very maroon barbecue sauce, sprinkled with herbs on top. There were only two of these trays which had appeared in the meat section while no one was around me, just a few days ago. The packages, with their very thin and almost useless cheap plastic wrap (here in Thailand, even having plastic wrap on meat is not as common as you may think, so they use very easily breakable plastic wrap and I always, or almost always ask them at the butcher counter to put a double-wrap on the meat packages. //The woman, who I had never seen before, put on a very creepy fake warm smile and wrapped the meat. It was far too "perfect" in her smile construction but I am always beset by people attacking me on all sides and I brushed off the feeling of dread seeing this fake smile. I recognized it, but the packages looked like the usual pork ribs, about 2-3 inches long and I could not see the dimensions because the sauce was nearly brimming to the top coating all the ribs. The meat section sometimes has packages of meat that are specially-coated with barbecue sauce and although I have told myself for years never to buy anything, in particular meat or other very transmittable edibles which could easily contain poison--such as a dark sauce---but I have been attacked extremely viciously and am always being drugged and I just went ahead thinking that surely the meat would be okay--in a hurry because I really wanted barbecued ribs--really love eating them and in a delusional state of unawareness that I usually have, I let down my guard. //As to the macabre content of this: I ate the first package yesterday, it was frozen because of all the stress and problems waiting for the delivery of the toilet seat that this same person who is ordering this sick human flesh attack disguised as barbecue ribs--but I cooked the ribs when they were almost frozen. (cont. below)

 "The Illuminati Deception 04/13--Satanic Ritual Human Sacrifice". openallstations. January 17, 2010.

B4 he was silenced 

"Michael Jackson--This is A Conspiracy". openallstations. October 8, 2010.

I noticed that the taste was weird, but here in Thailand, herbs that are used are very unfamiliar and I also noticed that the sauce had a most peculiar bloody color to it. I had poured so many packets of ramen instant noodle powder and half a bottle of hot sauce, because the meat was weird, I thought due to the marinade which I could not recognize--also chives and other hot herbs were on top--you can cook almost anything using the myriad of Thai herbs and sauces and make anything almost edible.

When I exercise and I am ripping poison out of my body internally, stretching areas that have pockets of congealed poison and are latched onto my flesh, and after I try to break off as much as possible using all the exercises, I am famished I devour whatever food I can quickly and this is because the poison literally has a kind of DNA all of it's own and I have to feed my body with excess and quickly to pump out the poison after it latches (after I attempt to break parts of it out by stretching with 100% effort, and I can only do a little bit every day and then must rest, unable to do any more exertion I usually am in too much pain and exhaustion to take a shower and then clean up afterwards)

I ate this meat yesterday, saw this blood color of the liquid and I also had poured a lot of water to make a soupy mix (my body needs these protein-based liquids as digestion is extremely clogged from hard poisoning).

I saw that the bones, which I didn't inspect carefully because the toilet situation too up hours of my time and I had to eat something out of exhaustion and quickly and then rest in pain--

but the bones were bloody red, there were blood-red layers of meat stuck to the bone, I only noticed. I thought perhaps, in my brevity to get this all done out of exhaustion from the eneregy-draining parasitism of the attack using the toilet (they are breaking things "left and right" now that I am fighting--literally for my life--to get psychopath parasites off me--and this one, I believe, after having the "elite" mostly Europigapeland title of elite has "tried everything" in all his sadism and masochism and hate for women (I believe he prefers boys, actually and has made it public sort of that he has been bi).

Not that I care, but this is a deadly psychotic personality fixated on torturing me to death or whatever--he was "helping" me with exercises because he knows the body anatomy and how to build up strength. he was instead giving me wrong information and then resuming the poisnoing--basically enjoying watching me fight for my life, doing exercises mostly for shoulders and neck but the poisons are rooted along my spine and heavily into my hips

he was torturing me non-stop. That is murder. Although none of you find this upsetting whatsoever, it's a slow torture-to-death situation of agonizing abuse and poisoning internal suffocation of thick, disgusting poison clogging all intestines, viscerae, bone structure, keeping mind control poisons and drugs embedded into the body and then abusing someone literally 24 hours a day with subliminal and voice-to-skull and teleportation and about 100 million death squad operatives around the world, or probably it's at least 2 billion people worldwide as there appears to be more than half the population thoroughly involved in participating or keeping silent (silence is complicity--as Biden the complacent participant in this situation likes to quote from someone else about "racism", of course he means only for "blacks" and only the "good" ones deserve concern about racism (good for him, bad for the fight the real fight against racism).


I noticed today that the bones were not pork ribs which are rounded because they are naturally small, but these were thin actual human-sized ribs but cut into sharp angles so they appeared, under the mound of dark maroon barbecue sauce literally brimming to the top of the plastic trays--with the herbs on top, you can only see the mounds of the pork ribbed-shaped items, which is all I saw, and the shelves are lower than my hip area which would have meant bending down for me that is painful.

Anyway, the meat tasted creepy and I thought something was amiss, but I was starving. Every day I am doing a total new regime of stretches that still leave me famished and exhausted but not completely sick--as Baryishnikov was keeping my body out of alignment but yelling at me "you need me" "people pay me a lot for this" and always constantly "talking" and responding to me (I believe he paid one of his employees to do this, perhaps even using a voice synthesizer to sound similar to him, as this is not precise hearing capabilities for vocal precision when they use this tech--and they did it not using the teleportation so I could not see anything I just "heard" the endless commentary to every single thing I am thinking--which is still ongoing with nasty hate directed at me if I think anything the terrorist wielding the subliminal "thought-reading" tech does not like--I have to get into arguments constantly as they are always insulting what I am THINKING ABOUT in reaction to the things that they force on me--the thoughts come instantly

their programming is not working

but anyway

I discovered that this morning, when doing my exercises, my body was instantly much stronger and had progressed immensely after having eaten the severed, probably human ribs and meat, with the bloody human sauce, and my body was much stronger. I could do exercises much better and with more stability in my posture than I have ever had since all this deadly poisoning began (that means all my life, essentially). 

I noticed that I could do the exercises with so much more strength and flexibility. I think this human flesh made me much stronger, although it's a sickening thought.


This makes me think of the tv show I enjoyed watching called "The Horror of Delores Roach" which is based on the Sweeny Todd play about disgruntled employees and shop owners finally sick of the nasty exploiters they are forced to deal with. They cook human flesh from their murder victims and the population throngs to eat this "new dish"--however, I found that the meat does NOT taste good at all and I think the creators of Sweeny Todd had never eaten human flesh. 
I assume that is what I was eating. The ribs were flat like human ribs, not the thick ribs of a pig. 

I would not suggest eating this unless you are a Satanist looking for some kind of ritualistic experience. But as for healing my body, this one time (now twice as today I had time to fully defrost the meat and then upon eating realizing, even though I literally poured half a bottle of hot sauce (a large bottle) into the sauce which had this thin red bloody aspect to it, the ribs were still pink bloody red even after having been cooked. I also put in very good items in the mix and being starving from healing exercise I ate most of those and then took a bit of time to inspect what seemed wrong with a bone that was too thin to be a pork bone, then so red that it looked bloody and soaked in blood even though I had cooked it thoroughly and completely to perfection (for ribs) and it was NOT the marinade I discovered and saw that these were NOT pork ribs. All cut into 45-degree angles with an electric razor--

I believe this was the work of Baryishnikov and his network of scum and sick filth, as he was delighted with raping, then poisoning, then diverting me from actual healing exercise and giving me wrong information and keeping under hypnosis under the impression that if I just kept on, as he kept telling me to not stop but to continue as for ONE YEAR I was sick, bloated, endlessly shitting out piles of stinking black poison as he continued this "game" and has profited but mostly he's really gotten off on torture, sadistic slow murder.

Biden fully supports him and all of this. The top A$$-hole list of Whorewood completely welcomes him, and if they are part of a Satanic cult I would not be surprised at all.


The Horror of Dolores Roach, which is the Sweeny Todd story but draped in "woke" terminology and about the gentrification of the former Latino community in NYC, and of exploitation and etc lots of themes that completely irk the white violently sadistic womanizing rape men of Whorewood and who are being currently paid to inflict this tech so they can easily continue their propensities for domestic violence and torture and mutilation and rape of women disguised and concealed with full permission of the blonde bigot Nazi women (who steal ideas from people like me, the real victims not the pretend ones) who they obtain ideas about fighting and injustice from, but cheering the sick and pathology of their men-folk into venting all the violence against women onto me, instead of them.

Happily they engage in participating and sexually hugging with love and gaiety anything like Baryishnikov. I must add that in an interview with Pete Rose, he claims that his mother was abused by his father and then committed suicide.

These men-so-called are trained that in order to be "elite" men they are NEVER to appear "weak" enough to study issues of domestic violence, because they don't "need to". Instead, they are allotted top position to continue the oppression of women (and children) for the trauma-based mind control apparatus to continue.

These expletives are extremely coached and trained in this psy-ops traumatizing of the public with all their movies and plots about terror, death, mafia, gangland violence, murder murder murder and then silly comedies usually focusing on love relationships of their blonde Nazi women and all the wonderful loving fun that they are "entitled" to enjoy while the movies about black and dark women are about trauma and violence (of course, there are the outright "horror" movies where the hate of the Nazi men is actualized in a parallel vision of blonde women being mutilated and slashed to death, but it's only in the horror genre but usually the blondish women are the "heroes" who are saved at the last minute).

I am referring to older Whorewood themes in dumb movies but I'm making a generalized point. The people inflicting their trauma upon me have firstly been traumatized themselves, but this technology offers them a way to circumvent having to have zero accountability nor any introspection. They can become dumb and dumber, which I see them doing and sliding into complete psychopath sickness the longer they obtain these technologies where they don't have to think of anything but the most crude and basic sleazy sadistic versions of torturing someone to get a promotion they could never otherwise obtain if they had to prove actual intelligent talent.

This, in turn, is indeed driving the insurrection throng who just want to grab power and grab 'em by the p-word as well (which no one will state is an indirect reference to rape, not complicity by the women).


What all this bloody mess about probable human flesh as a "prank" from a sick psychopath forcing itself upon me for the last year, promising help and healing but causing distress while torturing to death using all these covert technologies--

but I realize how much I CAN'T AFFORD TO PAY FOR RED MEAT which, from having eaten this human rib set (I really believe that the thin curved ribs which were cut into 2-3 inch pieces to appear like animal ribs--cut up of course but you know what they are in the package--but smothered in some maroonish bloodied marinade, mostly blood as it turns out but thickened probably with corn starch (perhaps)--I really can't afford to buy steak. As much as I LOVE all these animals that humans eat considered to be "normal" such as chickens, cows, and I have little experience with pigs but I have watched people turn pigs into pets and they are loving animals--

so, I HATE eating them but I NEED red bloody meat. I got this from this psycho sick "prank" from such a "demonic" hateful person who really was screwing me over (into the ground) as much as possible with his public fake warm smile and lies and deception, that he gives to the world as well about his wonderful egalitarian and political aspirations for a free society and to live without tyranny (but tyrannical himself) obviously, in my opinion, an infiltrator and I am not a type of conspiracy-theoristt I have been around double-dealing people all my life.

But he, and the organization which is paying for this (including and even worse than Biden is Trump--do not vote for Trump and think he's going to rescue you from the economic slump DUE TO COVID by the way).

They cut off my ability to earn money so I can only buy meat on sale, and I need meat for healing as I am constantly ripping poison out of my flesh at incremental stages at micro levels, but also healing to restore the ripped tissue (even at cellular it's still tearing down cemented poison and fighting to restore stagnated and flaccid muscle and tissue, every day)

Baryishnikov kept me out-of-alignment and the poisons continue to be trapped in the pockets of poison that have completely hardened (I was given shots at doctors' offices which I believe contained a catalyst which hardened the more adhesive but permeable (gooey) internal latched on tubes of poisons. Forming huge shelves of internal hard poison into all vertebrae and etc

but just stretching the shoulders and keeping the shoulders back, while being told that THIS will heal and solve the problem by this hateful murdering racist bigot

with the rest watching on. The others who are millionaires, billionaires, famous for body image and for training, body builders, millionaires all who could have contributed, amongst them, $100 apiece every month so I could at least afford to pay for rent for a small house with a little private pool (where no one will attack me, as they do in public places) so I could at least exercise. The others i.e. the pig pitt and shitalina pair and their endless rotation of the expletives of Whorewood, none of whom would do a single thing to help me in any way while torturing and abusing. Baryishnikov was the first person to even begin to claim he was trying to "help" me and this was only when I began to exercise becasue for over a decade they kept me so paralyzed and bloated and sick (they would put my hips out of alignment every night and rape me soI was unable to walkl, most of the time--that is the terrorists proxies for the celebrity whorewood abuser rapists murdering bigots Nazis prostituted etc creeple)

I finally did so many Master Cleanse that I began to try to work out. My body was so stuffed with poison that my knees swelled-up when I first begn to exercise. That induced Senator Graham to jump into violent abuse and murder threats and attacks and then claims that he's a Christian and I'm a sinner and a "radical liberal" thus slated for death--and then this other old grease bag abuser Baryishniikov came to "help" me while divering my exercises to what he claimed were going to heal me if I just kept suffering and striving

one year later, so weak and sick from daily "exercise' under his "direction" I finally have been trying to get him off me and fighting literally for my life to get him off. Determined to get every bit out of exploiting me as a whole group of expletives are behind him, very many of the outright Nazis from Europigapeland and Russia. 

Trying to not let more Nazis into America through the UN_based prostitutalina, who i earlier thought was an adjunct to the English crown, but I now realize that it's the United Nations to which all the politicians and actors are all bowing down to, with this rotten and stupid ugly plastic surgery modified jack-off plastic reconstruction skank shitalina being handed every torture implement and then to steal ideas from me and have me slowly raped and beaten and poisoned to death.

All bowing to this rotten and really stupid lying sinister skank shitalina with pig pitt this greedy and dumb scum

because she is the token United Nations Nazi in Whorewood. Obviously that holds more sway to the Speaker of the House t han the U.S. President and especially than all "The American People" combined.

And behind that appears to be a "Satanic" agenda using this conspiracy theory titillating theme but it appears to be accurate from all the years of observing the sleaze, racism, death murder hate ugliness darkness of these scumbags tethered apparently to the whims of the United Nations through which shit pig pitt and shitalina are being paid in BILLIONS to represent in ole dirty nasty Whorewood.



In the entire YEAR of Baryishnikov forcing his unwanted--as I told him every day for at least two months to get off me, after he teleported and violently raped me in front of the filthy nepo parasite spawn of Depp who obtained her entire career out of her father raping and torturing me and participates in this every time she needs a  boost for her next movie--I have never seen anything of her of talent (and I never said that her father was untalented, just to state that I am being objective)

but, in the one year of this violence, in which he had one of his employees pretending to be him, because I could not "see' him in the teleportation I could only hear a voice that sounded garbled, similar to him, (probably a voice synthesizer to emulate his voice) and he gave me TWO TIPS for ONE YEAR TIME FRAME. Literally told me two pointers for the entire year but kept threatening, torturing and poisoning and telling me that I needed him (for my life) and that he was doing something so extraordinary and that his "help" costs so much people pay so much and etc, yelling at me as I told him that he's profiting in millions off this and I am losing everything, that i never once asked him for help (the truth) and that I want him to go away, endlessly I repeated this until I could not continue after 2 monthys and he clung on with torture and abuse

You see, I need to focus on spine alignment, and his youtube video channels he had his assistants hack into my channel really did not do much they were exercises focusing on moving the arms. and lets. I need to work on the core. the core exercises he had his assistants show I cannot do because they involve too much stress on the spine (like lifting legs and sit-ups)

he never once told me anything but to keep my knees down when stretching, and to put my shoulders back (he said this yelling on the first day, for a few days he kept insulting and body shaming screaming to put my head up. I told him that there were hard poisons latched onto my spine and I cannot do this and I have to break out these poisons somehow. He put more exercise videos and then profited off repoisoning and abusing me with his host of Nazi women and boyfriends and partners. I finally have begun yelling to get off me, literally to save my life. The result is that they just killed this one squirrel that was busy surviving in the trees behind my patio--it's gone, as are all the other animals. He has tortured me cat when I defended myself against a German pig ape woman (around his age) who made Nazi comments to me, and he did this with other Germans making other Nazi comments and hints about Master race and my submission as I told them to fuck off unconditionally and fuck off and die German pigs. He tortured my cat, which no one will return to me alive and get her away from such sick shit as these pig ape scum who are really murdering bigots---

Satanists, if you will as they do follow all the precepts of what Satanism implies (that also includes Speaker Johnson who flouts every precept of Christianity when he gets a chance to impress this skank prostitute shitalina who undoubtedly holds a great deal of influence with her United Nations Ambassador position. I have been listening to Hour of the Time Broadcasts, a series called "Treason" in which the United States "abdicated" the Constitution to the United Nations and it's charter. I am listening to this but while I listen, shitalina and pig pitt have their endless array of white pig ape piggies all screaming yelling violently rushing at me insulting abusing sexually abusive dirty sleazy and rotten white pig ape actors yapping screaming and threatening me so I listen to this lecture by Cooper to try to absorb my attention--because music doesn't work I need words to adhere my thoughts to

and then they grill me on the information that *I could not hear as I could not stop responding

but they asked me what I know about the United Nations. Like the pig apes that they are endlessly trying to discredit me. I could not answer as they were smug, but they made sure I could not absorb or even hear the information because of these ugly dirty white creep men who are on the B-list of actors who get lead roles and movie deals after they violently rape me like pigs and scum, all under the insruction of prostritutealina. They are all calling me a "whore" now because I am calling her a piece of shit skank prostitute. There is a difference between being drugged, poisoned, teleported and raped or being forced or working as a feminist in a feminist organization versus being a piece of stupid sick shit using sexuality and sex as a vehicle for advancement screwing and lying and stealing--ideas to feign being "free" and a "feminist" and "activist" the roles she and Hillary this psycho scum violent "Satanist" I have no doubt really is

they are

It's part of the "Satanic" agenda, and using sex as a means to exploit others and abuse and oppress also is of that same thread in the tapestry of hate which they keep weaving and it's called "Entertainment".


It is so disgusting how far-reaching this corrupt entity of hate and violence--or, the "Satanic" brood loosely described above, operates and how sick they are--at least towards me. I know they are all kissy and lovey towards one another, except perhaps in private after a period of time when the sexual orgiastic expressions of "love" they all contain within the fragmented shells of their superfluous membranes get past expiration date.


That these trashy white dirty foul pig apes and their minority minions are coming at me like scores of waves of diseased Covid-19 bats from Wuhan torture laboratories, released and the younger pig ape scumbags have been viciously attacking me to support the old bigot filth men who are happily engaged in satisfying their rage at women like me having any chance in any free society without them exploiting, raping and using in the name of "civility" with my permission as opposed to me endlessly, now it's 13 years, of screaming NO continuously as one rotten ugly pig ape scumbag takes it's filthy turn raping and poisoning me to death, WHILE stealing ideas from me and blocking my ability to compete. Fully ordained by the shit of Trump and Biden alike with all their rotten dinosaur co-conspirators from all political parties--and I mean all. Blacks are thronging to the fascist side but they always were with that side as long as I have lived I have had to experience on a much lower level the absolute hate of blacks for Jews, forced upon me while they actually bow in deference to the actual Jewish racists who they claim I actually "am" but I am not. They are deflecting so much it's unbelievable.

And the sickness goes on and on.

The line-up of trashy dirty white pig men yelling and raping and abusing me now for at least a year, and the blonde Nazis who viciously violently attacked me after writing the reality of what they stole from my written concept but have been so poisoned, made so paralyzed, they poisoned me and put my hips and spine out of alignment while sleeping until the bloating poison put the crookedness into a permanent huge hard formation into my crooked and fractured (by them) spine.

But the last year has seen this ugly dirty old man Baryishnikov, who has been gorging like a pig on feeding off destroying me, my body and life while claiming he is "helping" me to heal. The line-up of white pig ape younger men, all starring in tv dramas but now not in the spotlight, and this putrid punk band, so-called, out of San fran is the most violent and all these trashy filthy pig ape white shithole "men" are desperately grasping like just rows of dead zombie parasites latching onto this contract of destroying me, killine me with hate and poisnoing and torture and mutilation, and for the sake of this white trash pig ape Nazi from Latvia, from which a most horrific genocidal Nazi mass killing of thousands of Jews (or hundreds of thousands) took place, now this son of Nazis and of Stalin is titillated and with a host of vile and dirty blondish Nazi women (from America, from Europigapeland, from Russia) they are clawing at me to get endless promotions and they have been obtaining this for the past year, and longer actually this has been ongoing for so long, in a concurrent series of shithole pig ape "men" doing the exact same things but in their own putridity version of the same protocols.


WHILE i LAUNGUISH NEEDING MONEY TO JUST PAY FOR STEAK BECAUSE i AM ANEMIC AND CAN'T AFFORD TO PAY FOR FOOD i REALLY NEED. I must spend so much money to buy herbs and things that this piece of shit millionaire or billionaire Baryishnikov is ordering the filthy greasy crap surrounding me to break constantly because this ugly dirty old man can't get his Nazi brood into power center positions unless they all constantly are torturing me to death.


So they get these rotten white trash men who all aspire to be pit the piece of pig shit and depp the filthy greasy dumb scum and they pour love and lavish compliments to all the filthy whore skanks who are assaulting me. They have since gotten Farrakhan and violent black people to physically assault and threaten and abuse me on and on and on adn on for years and years. I finally called rotten stupid ugly Oprah an Aunt Jemima for her role in stealing my ideas and putting out the bs she does while fully supporting white supremacy and being paid in BILLIONS FOR IT. This applies to the most violent nasty Candice Owens as well, who can only scream "bitch" at me and rush to hit me without warning or any prior conversation.

Now I hear that blacks are thronging to get a power grab because bought-out sold out Farrakhan, a most vile Nazi adherent to white supremacy, absolutely bought and sold without any concern about human rights and only wanting a POWER GRAB and trump the corrupt liar is proving an easy power grab situation---for Farrakhan and his friends. 

Candice Owens will be included in the Nazi 4th Reich. The Jewish Nazis who have also participated will likewise be exempt from the hate of Farrakhan while I will be endlessly accused of everything these creeple (all of them, all races and colors) crank out as their main focus of promotion. The white trash pig ape men claim, if they want to own normality and socialization, that I am not normal for the punk music I sometimes listen to, as I listen to a wide spectrum of music anyway. The "punk" fakes are screaming that the music I listen to is too "cool" for me, because as white Nazi usurpers of culture, they are "supposed" to represent the complete takeover of the former alternative subcultures that sought to get away from shit l ike them, the mainstream violent fascist pop music yuppies--which they really are, and absolutely on the side of MAGA Trump fascism, and I mean white supremacy and genocide. So all of them have a little niche of cultural misappropriation that they claim as their main focus. All they can do is spout out the same lines only along the coached and rehearsed lines that they use constantly as their bag of tricks for media attention.


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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...