Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Drilling into cement continues as a form of noise terrorism--the room two floors beneath mine or it sounds like it's directly beneath my torture room but two floors down, the noise reverbs against the steep rock hillside behind this back area of the condo.//This is over 5 years of annual drilling and pounding in that same room (it used to be 8 hours a day, every day, for over 3 months--the time when pig pit had my computer broken as I have not stopped fighting against these fasco Nazi terrorists out of Whorewood and their insidious technology and death squad capabilities for over 13 years (I first began to realize I was being teleported in 2011, from an associate of Stallone who hasp profited off rape, torture, poisoning with intention to murder me, being hit by cars, and non-stop abuse and torture while poisoning me to death---he, like all the rest, is assured he can do anything he wants and is of the smug entitlement belief system that his fame and the Nazi promotional hierarchy have been handing this thug for over 40 years.

 I had to fall asleep again after having woken up this morning and putting everything away. The healing process is very slow (and because they kept having me poisoned, it has been never-ending shitting out of poison for me, non-stop and always bloated and paralyzed and sick)

I was put into a teleportation situation because I was just without any sound system to block out the noise (I sleep with loud sounds from a listening device which slightly helps against the teleportation hate and violence).

But it was in full force. It appeared to be Europigape women stealing my money and the usual homelessness skit was forced upon me. I tried to have very little conversation with them and just tried to not engage. They were sick as usual. I suspect this most foul and ugly disgusting filth of Baryishnikov is still being handed this tech, although he's done nothing but yell at me that the exercise videos he paid his partners to hack into my internet, and two single tips about exercise in the course of one year, literally two and two only, not really helping me in the crucial area of healing, and yelling that I owe him everything my life a baby for this and his "Help" is so expensive that I am so lucky and I must give and give. endlessly shitting out black poisons the entire time, for another year as he kept torturing and having me poisoned and abuse and rape and abuse and rape and violence and violence.

This disgusting evil man from Latvia, not Russia, comes from a history steeped in local participation with Nazis to slaughter Jews out in the open. The scumbag Latvians very willingly helped the Nazis to kill Jews in very disgusting ways, and rampaged and raped and had Jewish women naked in the streets. And the legacy of that shows very clearly in his behavior towards me. The mental illness that should be an evaluation put on him by any real psychological practice professional has been instead, been replaced by "good boy, good ole boy pats on the back for he and his rotten dirty American wife and daughter and all their group for perpetuating Nazism and fascism and for helping the filth from Whorewood into further training and emulation of the most callous and heartless abuse and torture leading obviously to a genocidal disposition. The money is pouring in endlessly. Filthy ugly dirty Baryishnikov has not obtained, in the past year, the endless profit he has planned from all the years he expected to abuse and force me into endlessly doing the WRONG stretches so the poisons never would come out.

And as I fight really for my life to get him off me, the violence has been unending. Like any domestic violence prelude to murder of a woman being battered and abused who tries to get away. In this case, I am a hostage of this tech.

The applause and accolades are just endlessly forthcoming for the partners of this ugly pig ape scumbag. The Nazi women who are doting on him have added to his former glory days of endless orgies and sexual depravity (but always deemed a "playboy" and heralded as being a virality). Now, when he's been depressed and obviously shows depression but also a huge amount of mental disorder and psychopathy and pathology, this terror and rape contract is like a lifeline for his murder and death stagnated career and buried sickness he holds within himself, now has a chance to unleash it perpetually as pigshitalina have been doing, the partnership of this pair of rotten parasitic Nazi-trained pig apes is unbelievable. All supported directly, not indirectly, by the United Nations, where ugly dirty prostitutalina is a supposed women's rights advocate and ambassador for every whore public display of the ingenuine bs she is always being paid in billions to project as the blow-job face of H-wood for gratuitous displays of what the art of plastic surgery facial reconstruction and gastric bypass surgery can achieve, plus endless coaching as well on how to appear like a "gracious" aristocrat with a bloody need to have women raped and brutalized in front of her. 

In full agreement are the top personalities of Congress-Whorewood.

So I must appeal to "the people" or whomever to stop this tyranny because there is NO RESPONSIBILITY on the part of the top politicians. Certainly not from Hillary Clinton, a most vile and abusive racist scumbag whore who is trained well enough to conceal her vicious grasping corrupt criminal actual real personality with the endless bs costume of "fighting for women's rights" which has been her main bs platform for decades. She means only blonde women and Nazi women and the rest are to be used as feeding material for their filthy and nasty men to abuse and molest. I am certain Monica Lewinsky was slated to be the dark-haired "Jewish" victim of sexist mistreatment and fully approved-of as such by the most viral antisemitic Hillary. It's a true shame my mother actually worked at the head of the Phoenix campaign to elect Hillary in 2016. The gratitude of that piece of crap liar and scumbased bs operator Hillary is that my mother, who Hillary remembered as she mentioned my mother when she was abusing and then torturing me through her proxy scumbag organization and the Brooklyn Mafia actors predominantly--and if you want to accuse Trump of behaving like a mob boss, Hillary has learned so carefully to conceal her actual underbelly while Trump does not.

ANd so, the gratitude of Hillary towards my mother, who is much more "fair-skinned" than me, as I take after my father (and his father looked so olive-skinned and Italian that people confused him for Mayor La Guardia back in NY City when he was working with his construction team on the steps of city hall--as the leader of the construction so he was wearing a suit and hat just like La Guardia) but, the Mediterranean look is what I was given by my father's side)

and so, because I have a darker skin color, Hillary and this group's demarcation process of elimination and racism has literally split my family into lighter and darker more "acceptable" targets of hate, and then, my brother who is darker than me is a full compliance terrorist (attacking me viciously) from childhood onwards so he is fully welcomed and he has been attacking me with purposes of murdering me alongside his Nazi partners even up to this day in time, right now).

And Hillary of course is one of the big-time enforcers of this racism and hate division and even from within my own family. That my mother supported this rotten bs piece of crap....and the thanks was that Hillary violently assaulted her staunch supporter, the head of the Phoenix chapter to elect Hillary president in 2016, and she's violently assaulting me for doing what my mother never did.

I blame people like Hillary for the hate my family has been split and turn asunder under the pressure and death threat that Hillary truly embodies

and Baryishnikov is one of the instructors that shit like Hillary look to for guidance and global support, as she is a globalist 4th Reich influencer and remains as some kind of icon for the "liberal" party, which has only proven to be as or more fascist and violent than the real Nazis of the Republican Party. They get their minion "liberals" to perform the worst violence against me, who in turn get their minority minions to do the actual violent and disgusting filth operations. All look for advancement into the fascist silent minority group of white supremacist "elites" who will then spread out more of the endlessly stolen moneis from all the genocidal and austerity victims and so the ball rolls downhill ever- increasing in numbers of crap on the ground looking to get into the huge massive swirling entity that this 4th Reich has become.

And Baryishnikov has a history in his background of familial violence and full participation in genocide. His father was some kind of official, and those were the types of people who herded the Jews into small areas within town squares in places like Latvia (Riga) where the vicious local citizens, all Christian of course, raped and beat and sawed heads off Jews and laughed and took photos before the police (like Baryishnikov's father) herded them onto trains heading for the concentration camps--but before the death camps came as the last solution, the Latvians, the good Christian peoples, would watch laughing as the Jews were taken to be shot en masse in huge cavernous pits which the Jews were forced to dig and then get shot into.

He is training the pigpitshialina group et al in ways of violence and instilling most disgusting and grotesque forms of violence as precursors for massive genocide. He has this in his cultural memory and in his family history, I have no doubt.

And he won't let go. There is a group of women, one of them a noted "New Age" guru, Shirley Maclaine--(sp?) McClaine? very famous but I have never spelled her name before and hacking is bad and the browser is blacking out and the entire page is disappearing if I try to minimize the page and do a search--it just happened while I was writing this).

That he has striven for most of his life to be an aristocrat with a mansion in Paris and global accolades and his stance that he's gloriously so important, and obviously has been showered with $ by the KGB for his most disgusting pretense of having flown Russia to be "free" as some symbol. You can hear his weak voice mumbling all this gracious pleasantries about how he's fought tyranny and is against Trump and loves America for freedom and has had to fight dictatorship and blah blah blah on his speeches he's a disgusting liar. Unfortunately, I seem to be the only one who finds this abhorrent as the rest are taking copious notes from his example and trying themselves to get that money flowing out of the coffers of the 4th Reich for every fascist and rape violent act of terrorism forced upon me. 

In the past month, he's used a retractable knife to stab me in the abdomen. He's had his minions here in Phuket, who will literally do anything for money, put human remains soaked in a bloody red marinade sauce put on display and undoubtedly I was under mind control when I bought them, as I already know that food will be poisoned by disguise in the form of sauces and very heavily flavored foods whenever possible. My guard was completely gone when I bought those packages. I have been tortured and "traumatized" literally non-stop for months and months in the teleportation and before this ugly old man, it was deniro and pesce with stinking filth they learned from their Italian fascist partners

and it goes on and on . With Depp it was the influence of his French fascist Nazis who pay and pay for such activities and put his filthy dirty daughter into every top position possible. Giggling, she sat urging Baryishnikov when he was sexually abusing and violently assaulting me, simultaneously while I was drugged and in a state that was absolutely unnatural to me and the situation. it is ME who is supposed to be discredited and not the slime men who do this--and the ones who do this are all europigape. They are fully indoctrinated into facsist Nazism. They are training the American counterparts of Whorewood. Congress is already fully immersed in global aspirations for FRench estates and mansions for also having participated in this crime and in fascist Nazism. The worst are of the Democrat Party for their utter deception and lies. /The "liberals" of Whorewood are likewise egregiously foul and disgusting in terms of most visibly demonstrating their learning of fascist rape and torture behaviors and actions (and thought patterns). They have all completely abandoned any and all aspect of American Constitutional Republicanism or "Democracy" but they do love mass violence and organized crime as a legitimate criminal enterprise aka America that they have polluted and turned into a cesspool on the brink of economic and every other kind of collapse and disaster. These pig apes of course can all just fly to their Europigape mansions when the violence erupts int he streets from the policies and the mind control these pigs have been pumping into the brains of the now crazed public desperate and grasping violent population.


I must have slept for 4 hours after having gotten up, planning to do as much as I could with all my physical limitations from all the poisoning. The poisons are a hard shell literally enmeshed with my spine and my body's tissue, muscular tissue, into viscera, etc. 

From some of the new exercises I am learning from the Sifu of H-wood (out of Asia) I have begun to somewhat "crack" the internal outward hard layers of "shale" of this poison. And yesterday I had to fall asleep as, after one such exercise, I could hear a tremendous "crack" along my spine, into my back. Today I had to gorge on food, so hungry and tired I could not exercise or do anything. I ate and ate very heavy type of food, and had to lay down at about 10-1 a.m. I woke up at 3:30--and pieces of hard poison came out of my back, after having to go through all the unravelling process. I was laying in such a state of immovable sick healing sleep but teleported to Europ-a-land women ripping me off, lying and it was a sick atmosphere. As I wrote above, in this teleported state, although I was not aware that I was being teleported on one level, I was also aware of it on a most deep level of my theta sleep consciousness--so I spoke very little, trying to have zero contact with any of these creeple surrounding me and attacking me. They had a literal image of something coming down from the ceiling almost landing on me as I instantly turned my body to avoid whatever was falling on me. They put this in the teleported state but in my prime body awareness state, in this almost waking state, I really believed something was going to fall on me.

They dug into my cuticles and my gum tissue--which has been cut from nightly attacks on my body--down to the root of my teeth on my lower mandible-=-I have always had literally perfect teeth, not even one single cavity my entire life. The amounts of sugar I must devour now are only due to the nature of this poison, fermented, that I can't process in my body without a huge amount of quick and easily digested energy, in the form of sugars, to try to internally break out. So I wrote this post, above, in the usual state of disgust and near nausea to remove the bad energy and sickness of these most foul creeple forcing their hate skits upon me in this deep sleep state. All of t his is murder but done in a way that destroys the person internally so they appear to manifest absolute decay but no one will ever expose gang stalking or all these technologies.

So I am subjected to the filth and sickness of each and every one of these emotionally crippled scumbag filth creeps who are famous celebrities. What they sold out of their paltry souls has become fetted rot that they need to pour out onto other people. That is the genesis of the cause of torture and abuse--but now they have a nightly foray into the endless black stench that their spirits truly imbibe. I am delving into the spiritual realm because it's such a death cult of sickness and disgusting stupidity, on the most personal levels. All of these creeple are adept at the trades and performances they have been coached to represent. Once they get into the "in" crowd, the programming for the death cult begins. What they harbor is most grotesque decay of the human spirit and de-evoluation of all that is truly bright and commendable. I am forced to have to try to shunt off their literal poison, which is the spiritual realm in which they really dwell, this black horrific poison and the stinking brown and black goo that stains permanently that they have their filthy minions spray on every single inch of my living space; repeatedly, for years until it's a permanently, stained, tattered, broken down filthy mess which I can't clean due to the stink poison they also order be put in my body constantly to slowly kill me and destroy me on every level.

They are filth. I can't get rid of them. the endless awards and prizes is too much for this pig ape group to decline. What in their careers is declining or their actual lack of talent is replaced by endless money poured into their every project so what they come out with is a spectacle of the highest level of production (in terms of film) poured into these projects. It's just like sugar-coated bs. Underneath is a stinking black cesspool of filth and hate. Please get this group of shit off me. How much longer must I be saddled with their spiritual malaise, filth shit hate and stupidity?

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...