I can't imagine how much has already been deleted after I wrote more or less correctly. The hacking on the keyboard is so endless that I am neglecting to use precise grammar--so excuse the lack of commas. In addition to the endless stress of fighting to get a single key to work (and this brand new keyboard has already been stained, sprayed with stinking permanent goo, and one of the keys has been picked off)\but typing without having to backspace and retype what has been omitted as I pound every key with all my energy-finger strength and hands
The shit from England, just another English Nazi bigot in a recent spate of this crap contingent from that continent--very violently racist, extremely antisemitic to the point of genocide--every single one in "power". It is sickening that no one even questions that an English, or some guy from the UK or British Isles or in that vicinity has come out with a movie that some more aware would label as being "predictive programming"--the movie is Civil War and the director is English (or from that region of bigotry, there is almost zero difference between any of those countries in regard to racism and antisemitism.
Points I had no written above BECAUSE MY BRAIN IS BLOCKED from any kind of cognitive processes beyond mostly ranting while all I write is half-deleted anyway
The English filth who joined in, was just yesterday awarded a huge award for a movie I think is based on the English Monarchy--in fact, I have never watched it and only read the synopsis once and forgot -maybe it's about journalism. It's an English production featuring a rabid antisemitic English pig ape who sat with the Europigapes sexually urging sexual assault of me by the American pig ape wanna be Europigape who is a sickening reminder of how badlly Steven Spiellberg has completely turned his every movie theme about the "underdog" into a display of fascist Nazi actors who he clings onto because he has never gotten over his California upbringing of absolute racism aimed at Jews. The Jews who join in are so antisemitic they could easily be identified as fascist Nazis and behave as such, giggling like the "feminist" skanks who steal my ideas.
I can never think clearly while I am writing these posts. I try sometimes but just the endless hacking or the endless promotion and it's instant of every single sick fuck who assaults me is so disgusting it's incomprehensible how badly America has turned into a vassal Nazi puppet State controlled by this Europigape trash who the filth put into leadership position can't even begin to understand. They are so bought out, handed so many rewards for their complicity in a "shared elite" exchange program whereby every sick rotten celebrity and piece of sick shit politician gets a mansion, a deal, millions of dollars and endless political clout if they simply hand over the keys of power to the usurper 4th Reich out of Europigapeland. I want to emphasize that shit like the Clintons are absolute puppets of the English crown and are hostile exploiters of "the common people", of blacks and of course of Jews. Bill spent the Vietnam War years on a scholarship at Oxford, where undoubtedly the English bigots saw a perfectly sell-out malleable puppet easily bought who was trained in corruption and exploitation tactics that the English want to encourage the American lying "elite" to emulate from what they perceive as the "aristocratic" emulation of power that they are trained in, out of England and centuries of absolute degradation of cultures and of classes of people in their own country (and Ireland, Scottland et al).
When Hillary teleported me to some huge "mansion" in Connecticut, and then showed me some of the rooms and then I stood there as she asked me how I would decorate the mansion because I noticed that it had exclusively English decor--and I know that whatever I said (i.e. I would enlarge the ballistrade for the stairway and enlarge the wood of the stairway and put more roccoco and build a pond instead of a huge expanse of empty grass (no trees, no birds, it was like a cemetery atmosphere).
The keys are barely working now and I am rambling. I am also very sick from detox as another hard chunk that has become glued and embedded into my spine has come out and a huge swath of congealed poison has gone into my bloodstream--as this happens almost every day and I can barely think, and I could not move most of the dcay as usual. Watching and waiting for some kind of change in this sick society that I have just completely begun to hate and hope it just is destroyed but not by the British with more of that shit and Europigapes taking over. I just want some kind of responsible government and never ever ever to help this group of sick shit from Worewood to obtain more and more and more and more so they can have nmore and more mansions in France in exchange only for having tortured ideas out of me and then using them to promote themselves, and America, as being a fair and reasonable equality-minded free society. It has been CONSTANT for the past DECADE shit pig brad pitt this filthy and rotten sinister creep and shitallina who has no more name to me, and they have both been stealing my ideas, verbatim in some instances, and just fucking me over and poisoning me and tortguring me to death and having me mutialted and killing animals I love and abusing and poisoning and abusing and abusing and gooing off fucking the blonde Nazi women who they hand the "feminist" ideas to so they can sell it off as their idea as well-so fithy shit pig pitt brad fucked maggot robber because shitalina is no longer as young aand porno-ready as she used to be
and so he has had a slew of women who he has screwed in the sleazy sexual way and then handed them MY ideas which he and shitalina have literally tortured and poisoned out of me as I have been on the verge of death non-stop literally all thewse years fighting non-stop to not die from poisoning. They laugh about this as the mechanical arms go on and on and I can't defend myself but I fight anyway.
I hope Maggot Robber from Australia has a horrible mutilation and death as well as pig shit pitt and shtitallina and the rest of this crap, including most of you reading this. I should be able to fucking live in peace and have some kind of compensation. But the shit AMerican government (I also forgot to state that Maggot Johnson raped me like a few other men did for Maggot Robber because I wrote about her stealing my ideas about the Klaus Barbie movie which she turned into a glorification of herself--taking my ideas, and having me beaten raped and poisoned to get the funcing and then when I wrote about it at least 5 men raped me in front of her with beatings and abuse as she laughed and they complimented her and beat and raped me. She is still being congratulated by Whorewood and told she is incredible. I remain fighting the next English batch of fucking, the French shit, the German shit, and all adminstered by shit pig pitt and shitalina and every Speaker of teh House, every President has been almost intimately involved since Obama at least (still profiting off helping the white supremacist Nazis to hand them deals for movies and tv shows and book deals and mansions and to promote black Nazis)
And this post is just a tiny mention of the non-stop rotation of shit coming at me non-stop without end. The list of filth and shit celebrities is so long, with all this stress, the drugging, the detox and the non-ending torture intended to crush my spirit, break my body, extract ideas so stupid shit filth can promote the LIE that the United States is not a fascist sleazy sick country controlled by dumb sleazy greedy shit, trickling down via mind programming from all the endless blond Nazi programming of every movie (including the "woke" black stars) and every single politician and the antisemitism of the "progressives" and the antisemitism of the Jewish Nazis who have been thoroughly programmed into a white supremacy mentality.
I swear that if the threat of nuclear annihilation happened to a city like Los Angeles I would be extremely happy and celebrate.
But this filthy ugly old man Baryishnikov also, is a foul and rotten KGB infiltrator and the traitor Biden has also welcomed this piece of sick shit into MY country and has allowed him to poison and torture me and has made an honorable mention of him in an indirect stupid way for his Christmas Nutcracker celebration; which to me is just a symbol of the Biden Administration actually also colluding with Russia. Baryishnikov was working to kill me, has ordered every single plant killed--was telling me that I owed him everything while he was deceiving me and giving me false instruction that he claimed was his "expert" and that I was so lucky while he actually was telling me to destroy myself through the lies of his "instruction" and he would threaten me to not do the things I wanted to do--using mind control while asleep as well. He continued to poison me and used body shaming all the while I was dying from poisoning. The shit pig apes who have been stealing my ideas for years and years, the list of those pig apes is so long, but they stole my cat tortured me poisoned me and it's just endlessly being touted as promotional grounds for Oscars, funding for their studios using ideas they stole from me\
The shit skank whores in Congress who make the biggest blathering about Freedom and Democracy are the ones who come the most readily to assault me with demands to give in and allow absolute enslavement.
The hacking is now so bad on the keyboard it is impossible to type without having to constantly, every word, backspacing non-stop to retype what is being blocked.
Goddamn you fuckers--it is a full moon, I have been shitting huge piles of black stinking poison out constantly since 2011
they have not stopped repoisoning, raping the poison into me, then as I rant from the drugging about the concepts I have studied (and as a daughter of a University professor of literature and a political activist) they have just non-stop stolen ideas to promote the absolute deception that America is a "good" country. The evil, the pure evil of the politicians and the celebrities in this "enslavement" and rape and jutilation and theft of ideas from STUPID AND SICK crap shit who can only repeat the lies and the platitudes they have been instructed to say, it's an abomination.
I listened to Hillary talking about Trump becoming a deadly violent dictator and her words were like the predictive programming of the Brit who made this "Civil War" mind programming movie to actually INDUCE the tyranny rather than expose anything. The critics of the movie state that the characters are thin and the plot only revolves around "shitty people doing shitty things". As usual, the cost of production for this mind programming has been spared no expense so people can feel all the impact of the extremely LOUD soundtrack of the guns being fired so you can live out a war scene in the theater (this is very Aldous Huxley Brave New World with his "touchy-feely" movies).
And like this mind programming to induce Americans into a chaos, which the Europigapes really want America to become and shit like The Clintons have absolutely helped to fomet with all their globalization policies and NAFTA and then to destroy the Black Community with Biden's Ominbus Crime Bill.
But Biden invites the shit creeps who have tortured me the most to his White House Dinners and for presentations. It has become so routine and sickening to see. This is in addition to Chuck Schumer who has fully welcomed in, like all the Jews I have been attacked by who are famous and non-famous, who fully align with everything Euro-centric fascist Nazi. Literally they align with genocidal fascist Nazis and attack me or allow them to go on and on and on and on adn on and on.
My rant really includes wishing them all to Hell. They are 666 the prophetic "mark of the Beast" and the mark is the media and the mind programming of mass induction to a New Nazi Religion--replacing the old programming divisive entity called the Church/Temple/Synagogue etc etc.
It is like a 666 religion and they are purely sick and evil and have no soul and appear to have great "mind" when they are blathering lies but when it comes to the actual bottom line of decency and human behavior their one and only directive appears to come from the most sinister crevice of the anal crack of the 666 beast. They are foul and rotten, it is sickening that this is still ongoing with this endless torture of me. All I can do is under this full moon to pray for their utter destruction.
They surely have been bringing on a world of destruction that must inevitably cause so much global catastrophe that it will surely rebound upon them, even in all their luxury or wealth they are truly stupid on the most important basic levels of human existence and absolutely rotten to the core and corroded by "evil" and selfish ugly sdirty greed is all that rules them.
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