Saturday, April 20, 2024

Terrorist report on the stinking filth of the creeple attacking me: they put drugs/poisons into my bladder once more while in a deep sleep (made unconscious or unresponsive due to brain implant tech) and the poison/drug mix forced me to have to get up. I had to take off the layers of protection around my hands to use the bathroom, and the toxicity in my bloodstream released forced me to have to lay down again, in such sickness I could not get up to protect my hands from being slashed by terrorist mechanical arms--as has happened countless times for all these years of my body being raped, mutilated, parts of my body cut out, my hair skin nails feet everything on my body permanently destroyed by nighttime rape and torture teams--now using mechanical arms as I have learned how to block my front door--barely--they can still get in but they would have to rip and tear through the items stacked into and against the door (opening it from the inside with mechanical arms, untying and taking away all the items I use to protect against the 4 locks that are just opened no matter what I do-- but they will not leave evidence so I have created a way that they must leave evidence--although no one is helping me or protecting me from this and etc ). I lay down for just a minute and was put into an instant unconscious state due to the tech underneath my bed, the frame is literally bolted to the floor and stuck down, and they create unconsciousness instantly using this plus the drug mix inserted into my body. They then slashed underneath my cuticles which are gouged with holes, some of the cuticles are gone completely and the nail will not grow there are literal permanent holes in my n ails and the nails are raised and calloused--permanently. And they are also blowing sewage stink up through the bathroom sink pipes from the other side of the wall. The stink wafts up every time I use the sink, but occasionally this does not happen because the creeps are on break or something (out to lunch/dinner) but it's usually on a 20/7 basis-- leaving a few hours for them to sleep and eat. They literally wait all day for me to use the bathroom or wash my hands and the air in the morning in the bathroom is stinking. //My food was poisoned with a horrid toxin. It is a bag of heavy limes--polluted but you can't tell if you slice open the limes and extract the juice with a squeezer. It is when you drink it that a chemical taste is detectable. This is a first for that, and a new team of white male pig apes have just moved into replace the endless stream of white Nazi terrorists with endless brown Thais in a ratio of about 5:1 in terms of the usual lone white figure surrounded by eager brown/black. The white center of the Oreo. The Thai women, their |"girlfriends" I assume swagger their A$$es like they are doing some catwalk for a sleazy display of terrorist titillation. They are sexually aroused by attacks. The white males, however, are deadly violently grim and serious, as the very core of the shitholes that they are emanate outwardly with a nasty psychic stink around them. AS the Thai women are primarily sex objects for exploitation of investment into Thailand, they can only associate everything dealing with becoming "accepted" into the 4th Reich with their sexuality. They do not know how temporary their acceptance truly will become once the laws demanding a Thai partner are made exempt when the government is fully turned into a pawn colony of the 4th Reich.

It is very hard for me to lug around a huge and heavy bags of lime, but limes are part of my healing and I need all my food and not to waste a single item. I had to throw away a bottle of water, which I had to lug from the store to my home--I had to throw away 4 limes, which costs me money and the price of the limes has gone up a total of $3 in one month, this past month. Repackaged and then the price for the same item literally almost 1/3  higher in the space of one month.

I wonder sometimes if the prices are not manually increased just before I enter the store. This is not "neurotic paranoia" but simply the fact of years and years of store employees--or people wearing the uniforms, fully participating in terrorism aimed at me. 

I just want to express something I had written of before but I really hope that JUSTICE will raise it's blindfolded head and pursue justice on this: Graham this nasty Senator with his team of Nazi collaborators in the Senate (from all sides) ordered stinking sewage water to be put in my drinking water. That was after first threatening to have me killed but done in a roundabout less direct, albeit yelling and threatening tirade about the "system" being used against me and how people get killed whom "they" don't like and then being teleported to his "Christian" family with the affixiation of never questioning the hypocrisy of their mandated  tyrannical religious persecution and lynching apparatus--

I told him "NO" to whatever he was pursuing of exploitation against me, and   immediately my water was tainted with sewage water. I had been bedridden for days when Graham began his "get out of testifying in the Georgia trial" attack against me, and he was indeed given Immunity after his vicious attack upon me with violent yelling for not instantly saying YES SIR I WILL to his silent demand that I just do whatever he wants to exploit out of me. It was the same silent demand that Clinton used (Hillary but Billary in essence) and the result was physical violence of the death squad "gang stalking" variety.. In the latter case I was in bed because I had begun exercising for the first time in years after having done Master Cleanses every single month for 2-3 years to try to get the poisons out The pig apes would POUR bloating/hardening poison to an extreme while I was fasting--into my drinking water, into the limes I use, etc and after the fasts were finished the POURED the bloating murder poison into my food--always bought on sale, but my food poisoned regardlless because I was struggling to find ways to protect my home for Y EARS and unsuccessful (they do everything completely stealth so when I thought I had succeeded they stopped one form and just used another, as this little room is filled with tiles, cracks and panels on all sides).


The internet is so hacked that I had to spent 3 more hours this morning fighting to check my information online. Endless hacking, endless disruption of the keyboard. Endless poisoning and endless stinking fungus, poison, mold, bloating black hardening poison endlessly put into my body---\




the pig apes are all partying. They are invited to Biden's White House by private invitation by Biden for almost every single public "dinner"| that is publicized. They are endlessly in lead films. They are endlessly being given "|the Floor" in Congressional debates which are filmed by firms like Forbes, which also accentuates the rape cheerleaders of the Whorewood 4th Reich gang cartel endlessly assaulting me-- 


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Circa 180 days of no connection to news events due to non-stop threats from terrorist celebrities, news, political and every other facet of media celluloid mind programming hell who jump at every click I make to attack me. If their hacked photos/articles appear on the news print sources I try to avert the videos on YouTube to get news content, if I so much as LOOK at their photos hacked on the page, or open a news article referring to the shit scum who hack and hack so if I see them or click they jump in a greaseball lightening frenzy to assault me in Whorewood. This includes cheap and unheard of Youtubers, and anything else that can slide on into the terror group does I tried to just read news papers online and got f-ing Netanyahu abusing and cajoling me for ideas and then abusing me immediately after he obtained what he wanted. I tried to get him off me a few weeks ago and spent weeks of iteral physical fights to get Ratskin from beating and abusing me for hours and hours and huors yelling because I am tryin to get a sexual predator abu8ser off me--which represents the Jewish Nazi component of the 4th Reich, in totality but out of the U.S.-Israel branch. Add Adam Schiff to that as well as he stood in silent agreement urging Ratskin to abuse, beat and yell fascistically at me using this tech. My crime? For saying NO to rotten ugly sh it pigs from raping poisoning abusing stealing my ideas and then discarding me but only after destroying something, stealing and breaking and breaking down my body, finances and life and health adn abusing me all the while but drugging me into believing I was in "lov" using drugging/mind control while for most of my life I had NO IDEA about this contract. Now that I know and am fighting it, I am at the level of SHIT FROM CONGRESS violently assaulting me simultaneously they are blathering bs about freedom Democracy and womens' rights against domestic violence , rape culture and lack of everything that the 4th Reich is now pushing so ONLY blonde Nazi women can enjoy the wealth and abortions (they can just fly overseas if need be on a vacay to get away from the lack of abortion--as the wealth disparities increase they all plan on personal private plantations to fund their luxury slave and rape plantations--a lot of blacks are included in this scheme and Jews proliferate. AIPAC undoubtedly has been forging alliances with Nazis as they blondify their country and Nazis control them, but meanwhile all the antisemites claim that Jews are the New Nazis--this, too is purposeful to have the other Nazi Progressives literally rampage and kill Jews if they only could and probably will. This double-sided machination is currently in progress, but the filth shit attacking me are pompous scum knowing that they are "protected". Maybe they really aren't. Stupid scumbags to the end, some adept at eloquent blathering for cameras and into microphones.//I can't look at a single news story, not in news print and YouTube is just a death portal for me at this time. I can't read a single news item without someone attacking me for having read it. I can't watch a single fucking tv show or movie even if the lead stars are dead the spawn profit off the royalties and they attack me. I tried to find an old movie channel and it had a ton of black-and-white old movies and the next time I opened it all was modern, colored movies with the same shit attacking me and all the long-dead stars are erased from my searches. So any single 20+year old movie could be a potential "forever" terrorist and family attacking me--this happened with shit-nigger the fuck from Austrial body builder turned governor now covert fascist Nazi (as he always was) back-patting STallone for his "service" to the 4th Reich for brining in every shit fascist bigot through South Beach and Florida has turned absolutely fascist and Nazi as a result. Moving on to Los Angeles, or maybe it's the other way around. I can't even open any news source I have to completely ignore all goings-on and have no contact with the outside world for at least 180 days or longer. It appears that every single fucking person in power is aligning with allowing Trump to get away with his violence and crimes, put more fascist Nazis into power, and then get elected again if possible. They are VIOLENTLY with deadly hate assaulting me non-stop. Every day, it used to be hours in the morning, but MAGA MUCK this filthy black-spirit "christian" "leader" of shit in Congress has doubled the abuse because he's operating for Trump and they ahve to abuse me, now it's 8 years of Trump violently assaulting me through hundreds of celebrities. The only reason Trump got into this contract was because I CLICKED on his photo hacked on my Facebook page and I only wanted to know a bit more about him so I clicked on this photo of him sitting in his provate jet and ever since, it's been not just a continuation of torture and violence but now they are going almost round-the-clock torture for that pile of shit to get this contract and all I do and have done for over a decade is tell them no and I am fighting to NOT PUT NAZIS INTO POWER if anyone out there does NOT WANT NAZIS TO CONTROL AMERICA maybe you can do something other than sit passively and then spew bs into cameras for your s hit "career".