"The Supreme Court is a Product of Minority Rule..." . Democracy Now! April 26, 2024.
The teleportation, mind control, microchip brain implant and gang stalking tyrannical death squad cult culture supported by governments around the planet---probably not originating in the United States but fully integrated into it interwoven in a shield of silence and posturing snake oil presentations to the contrary while the surveillance State is tightening around that "Don't Tread On Me" snake of the Revolution. One must harken back to the actual real origins of the American Revolution against tyranny and Monarchical aristocracy "entitlement" to rape, pillage and murder in the name of wealth entitlement and mob rule.
I do believe that what I had written in the "body" of this post was completely deleted, in addition to the usual undo hacking obstruction. Yet another finger is being pounded so hard on the keys that there's a bruise---
I don't remember exactly what I wrote, I think it was about how many YEARS the Senators and House reps remain in their offices despite regular elections, they are placed in the sole position every 2-4-6 years for the same spot. The Primaries and Caucuses appear to be "rigged" so that the same corrupt become more ensconced in the quagmires of their collective but singular corroded corruption complacency to just losing all touch with humanity and human concerns. On a public level they are all for lecturing about the plans and plots they want you to believe they are working for "you" so keep voting them in power.
They remain and remain, apparently there are no others to fill their seats. This is the same system that is used in Whorewood and has been a non-stop same-face policy for decades. Every corrupt become so engrossed in the utter depths of depravity, as the years go by.
If you vote for Trump you are not just voting for a "funny" humorous guy who will allow you to unleash your inner "Kraken" but you will get truly violent perpetrator professional criminals who may not be as jolly as Trump but will remain for at least 3 decades or longer than Trump's tenure if he is re-elected.
I did a few tarot readings on whether Trump would be re-elected and I got a no at the time. That doesn't mean that conditions will change and he will be voted in. It is not a static system as the universe is in flux and flow, but the f-ing Senators remain a static force of unnatural habitation growing with roots deep into the graft machine and hate and war and profiteering and disdain for "the people" except for a very small few "chosen" of their constituents who are fully part of their real allegiance societies--if you are not part of that "entitled" group you may face not just homelessness which is a threat of "punishment" and a way for "them" to just get more and more as you lose everything. The Nazi strategy of total "winner takes all" philosophy now applies to :"The American People" who are not included in their Nazi circies, even if you try, and comply, they will still just pull the rug out from under you as a collective raking-in of whatever they can steal. The micro version of my targeting WILL be implemented on a much larger scale and it's been happening and is cascading into a near frenzy of devouring the lives of people and profiting off whatever can be gleaned, stolen or obtained (land, houses, mergers, hostile take-overs, businesses failing, banks failing, mergers consolidations all disguised as the "All-American" Democracy of "Free Enterprise". Like the Christianity of the lying rapist hateful bigots, the disguises of the other forms of absolutely pummeling people into destitution and then being criminalized and attacked and turned into willing slaves if only to get out of the death traps that are currently being fully set by these Senators and Congress expletives whose every "fight" for the public is a charade of concern.
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