Sunday, April 21, 2024

For simply having watched a free streaming movie site/movie two days ago, and then only 1/3 of the k-rap and then dismissing it--assaulted later on that same day while in the shower, sexually attacked, physically assaulted (in teleportation) and every morning hours of violent yelling, abuse and insults from a team of Europigape skanks (probably the co-stars ini the k-rap celluloid product" most of the cast was Europigape filth, one featured in a tv show about the Engllish Crown endlessly producing propaganda about English royalty) and sitting in a row of yapping shrill birds from hell the females (probably from France) yapping hate at me for not liking this filth movie and the crap American actor sexually violating me for having a critical review of the movie upon teleportation (while naked, in the shower, endlessly yelling at this filth creep to go away, to stop, non-stop not able to stop responding) as he h it, yelled at and abused me for saying I do not like this movie and then under torturous non-stop threats and yelling, as I was cleaning m;y body sick from poisoning his partners sitting in the rows have ordered their stinking filth minority minions to, as proxies, mutilate and poison me slowly to death--first extracting more ideas they can steal for movies depicting thejm as "heroes"--and the yapping, yelling and this American thug scum sits with his row of French infiltrtaotrs yelling and abusing me as long as they can with at least 7 sitting yelling constantly at me while I attempt to block them out, yelling back that they are shit and sick and ugly and rotten and why they are so--going on and on. Their only reason for dooing this besides genocidal Nazi indoctrination is for ENDLESS FREE PROMOTIONS for doing this. //The rest of this post, as I began to read the first sentence I saw that most had been deleted from the intro which I have now just re-written but elaborated upon. The rest is undoubtedly absolutely hacked, discrediting what I wrote, half-deleted and re-poasted together. I have to spend a few HOURS to get about 4 paragraphs pounded out with non-stop revision due to hacking blocks to keyboard functioning--only to see at least HALF deleted and restgrung togother. I usually don't even re-read as it's too upsetting. I suspect that there is keystroke logging and what I write is noted anyway but not "published" as such--only the discredited mess remains as visual. //Get this team of skank rot from Europigapeland off me with this greasy rapist filth shit whore American dumb scum who are non-stop attacking me BECAUSE IT'S A FREE PROMOTION FOR THEM ALL TO CONTINUE INDEFINITELY--only for me having watched a movie on a free streaming platform, turning it off less than halfway through and for that, I am under non-stop assault for deconstructing the metaphoricall symbolism of this crap k-rap because of it's fascist Nazi takeover subplot of the usual white supremacist, Euro-centrist constriuction that is so ubiquitous in Whorewood movies that it is formulaic by now://the rest has been hacked, and what I just wrote will be destroyed and probably already is while I am; typing this.//Days of hours per day of teleportation and voice-to-skull torture, sexual violence and violent yelling with hate and insults and threats and racist remarks by the Europigape cartel partnering with the sell-out Whore American who starred in a movie, and every day they are grasping at promotions for their stinking careers into infiltrating further into the U.S. through these Whorews of Whorewood by attacking me, fully welcomed in by the various U.S. policticians who want a complete 4th Reich take-over of the United States, with themselves of course being handed estates, mansions and orgies in France, Euroopigapeland and all the money incentives handed to every sleazy filth lying scum of all politicall affiliattion with this crime of teleportation and torture/information extraction and of course, for "THEM" this technology will enhance their sleazy and loveless sexual pursuits as well because they can only lie and exploit so I really believe whatever "love" the find can only come from an artificial stimulated situation such as drugged up and dying torture victims being traumatized which they sexually exploit. But I believe the yelling skanks siting like a tight-knit group of yapping hateful birds from hell, at me, for days now after they ordered their trashy sick ahnd stupid rotten dumb white trash bigot from America to sexually violate me as they watched on lovingly embracing the good French aristocrat wanna be American "stupid" that they reallly call "Americans" For having watched a free, streaming movie which I randomly choose because I thought there were no stalker terrorists in it, but then after the first few minutes realizing that inevitably there had to be at least one who has participated in the teleportation terrorism aimed at destroying me so r4th Reich adherents will be promoted to mind program "the masses" into fascist Nazi white supremacy indoctrination while I am destroyed in every facet possible and always fighting for my life, literally. //I continued to watch thinking, in a dim daze of drugged-up sickness from detox (decades old poison are being loosened in my body, stuck at the core of my endocrine system and skeletal and muscular core, viscerae etc) and I just continued watching because the theme began with the grease mop fop performer American and homeless--playing in the first scene with a feral kitten and the intro was of the plight of the disadvantaged in America. I thought in my naivete and need to "believe" that some "good" exists in Whorewood, that the movie was going to be about caring about the desperate and poor and in helping to alleviate the problem. Of course, the celluloid K-rap was about bringing fascist french Nazis into power and taking over the mess that they instructed their mind programmed minions to perform for them--as the central command which this group from Whorewood receive their fascist terror and Nazi indoctrination protocols instructions from. //I had to skim through the latter half (2/3 actually) just to see how it ended. Thought that it was another Nazi programming piece of k-rap--(K=wealth and class disparity which was a term used in the 2020 election cycle for 'the "K-economy" so you can look it up) and the rest is "rap" meaning just crap).

 I know people automatically assume this is going to be a "woke" diatribe, but however racism and sexism and economic oppression is a fact of every political economy in every country I have lived in, around the world.

There is again excessive hacking and so I presume that this post will be rewritten in a completely discrediting way.

For having watched this movie (only watching about 20 minutes of it, scrolling through to various points and then to the end and clicking it off in boredom and disinterest

The hacking is atrocious--;the intro paragraph was disjointed because hackers froze the page and I lost the point where I was writing and I have spent a few hours once more today fighting the internet being turned on and off constantly as I looked for information that is important to me--(not related to writing about the endless murder situation that the U.S. Government continues to fund and allow to progress).

The scum whores from Whorewood are all going to get more movie deals the longer they violently yell, order their sleazy and greasy stupid American scum puppet to sexually violently assault me for the French skanks he adores and bows down to like the slave adherent to worshipping false idols--as if they were God itself--as he is no believer in anything but his sleazy ascent to power, in keeping with the mentality of the scum he worships. It is so common for the minions, and the minions can be white supremacist trash from America who then have black and brown minority minions performing the slleazy and dirty filth that the Europigapes instruct the white Nazi hate of America to perform; ultimately for the purpose of Europigapes to tsake over and wrest control as they instruct  the greasy dumbness of the antisemitic and racist Nazis of America into the divide and conquer strategies, operating to turn groups against one another as they assume control.

This is almost the exact replica of what this shit movie is all about and it is a metaphorical account of this process.


I have to wonder how much of this post will be half-deleted and pasted together.

I am putting it out anyway.

I hope there is someone who cares enough about America not being infiltrated by fascist Nazis who are keen to amplify the most sleazy and stupid plastic surgery scum into power so they can use them like conduits for their overtake.

What is sad is that at the turn of the 20th Century, an American novelist called Henry James wrote of French and Europigapeland infiltration and the worship of Americas for all things "French". This sentiment has died out and has been replaced by hoards of America incensed with Civil Rights progress and Jews being "allowed" to compete but the catch is only if they play subservient abuse punching bag on any level possible. The Jews then vent their rage out on me because I am fighting the system which put them into power.

Like one of the most violent of "them" in the last recent weeks, even though I have told him of the death squads and that he and his family have been "probably" targeted for antisemitic reasons, this has only increased his violence towards me in order to prove that he truly is not REALLY against fascist Nazism only that he doesn't want his position of power to be upended if a more unethical power base replaces his lying blathering about Democracy with "Dictatorship on Day #1" replacement theory put into practice.

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