Monday, April 15, 2024

Prostituted, Euro-centric bought-off Nazi agents Pig-Pitalina's Plan BS (Bullshit) the mind programming/Nazi genocidal programming film studio facility in Whorewood, as partner with KGB/Fascist/Nazi/Inc, GmbH, Ltd Brat Pig Pit Shitalina the group of 4th Reich plastic surgery plastic fruit propaganda Nazi agents outta not-Straight Whorewood, and others who claim they are "conservative" and "liberal" alike--all operating to torture me endlessly for years and decades without end, every single day and night, without pause, so one sleazy filthy mostly stupid ignoramus can participate in the NON-DEPLETABLE cornucopia of promotions, awards and endless $$ poured out to each and every single agent participating globally to destroy my body, life, finances, any pet I love, everything stolen and destroyed as they never stop attacking me. Yesterday I realized that filthy shit pig pit had ONCE AGAIN stolen an idea I wrote of on Facebook, about two months or so prior to the onset of the Covid epidemic about Bob Marley. I posted videos on Marley's life, his videos--and now 4 years later as almost on cue that dirty filthy creep pig pit with shitalina the prostituted skank have come out, once more, with a movie based on ideas I have written of during this 11th+ year of terror and violence, torture, mutilation, gang rape , mutilation, theft of my ideas, beatings torture and information extraction and then torture for writing any single commentary on the shit they crank out which is intended to mock and insinuate disbelief in any alternative to fascist Nazism, thusly they are promoting the 4th Reich by inserting subliminal disbelief at the incompetence of the actors and the scripts/plot and glossy bs that they project so the public first pays for the sensational bs, then subconsciously learns to dismiss these ideas as being either resolved because they saw it in a movie or the sheerly stupid premise and dopiness of the scripts and performances negate the seriousness of the problematic stance put forward of the ills of the 4th Reich tyranny that is disguised by the smiling, plastic surgery fruits of Whorewood performing the ideas that, in some part, they steal from me. Appearing constantly as "victims" of injustice, which they steal from torturing me literally day and night for over a decade, after having obtained the contract from Europigape fascists who have taken over places like South Beach, Miami, who saw this contract on me and converged to assault m e--which they are still doing 30 years later. //The "conservative" element comes to participate so they can disparage the (fake) efforts of "wokism" in order to fully discredit the "movement" as they alll join together to assault me, endlessly.

 The hacking is so obstructive that it's like a complete finger heavy workout to pound out every space bar and key. That means this post will be redacted/half-deleted and strung back together even while I am fighting to pound out my ideas.

I wrote one very short paragraph on Facebook yesterday because I had been enjoying watching the Bob Marley movie that pig shit pit-ape and shitalina and Assiston from Plan BS cranked out. I had written about Marley, in the nth year of their endless torture of me while the Europigapes and fascist white supremacists had been sending out their brown-skinned slave minions to hit me while driving and hundreds attacking me per shopping trip--and fungus and rape and rape and fungus inserted into my body--poison inserted into my bladder every night for years until just a few months ago when it was greatly reduced to just poison and drugs instead of semen fungus poison and sewage water--every night.

But I had been immersed in a dead artist, hoping I would not be teleported. I could not conceive that the offspring had also full "entitlement" to assault me to get movies cranked out about their dead parents (mostly men) whose music I enjoyed, assuming I would not be attacked.

Lo and Behold, after years of shit pig pit and his endless profiteering off torturing me with rape attempted murder and this swaggering psych0opath sick fuck watching on with dirty filthy whorealina--endlessly there pushing one politician after celebrity to threaten to kill me after the next, being hugged after violently raping me with disgusting violence. The pair of shit being endlessly promoted.

I had also written a comment about Piglousy the former Speaker of the Dog Whorewood in Congress-Whorewood as of course, her permanent saccharine graft posturing fascist "Italian-American" mafia "I'm working for the American People' was also included as a very vicious attack by the by-now murderous and smug shit pig pitt and shitalina, the endlessly awarded pair of torturing rapist attempoted murder bigot pig apes who are endlessly surrounded by sleazy and dirty politicians and shit celebrities trying to steal ideas from me, rape me, or just abuse and threaten me with violent murder for just defending myself and writing about this travesty of injustice that is in every violation of every single attempt at freedom from tyranny throughout the ages of the history of humanity.


The filthy pig ape, like all the blonde Nazis, have their black minions fully violently assaulting me as the persecuted scapegoat "Jew"--a group which has sold me off to death by this group, has always attacked me except for a tiny small percent of 1% of all the "Jews" who have surrounded me to get "blessings" of reprieve from the ever-approaching next Holocaust by attacking me. Promotions still aplenty, and always approved-of by Congress surreptitiously-but not so much as this system is so wide-spread throughout the world (and so many who have resisted all killed off) that it's not exactly surreptitious.. 

So the next bs movie about "justice" and "equality" is, as usual, only intended for the "good" smiling blacks who fully support Nazism and white supremacy in the form of endless contracts handed out to the spawn of the formerly "dangerous" activists or performers who live comfortable lives in the warm white hills of Miami, or Los Angeles, for example.

Attacking me is now a symbolic staple of promotion in both of the Whorewoods that control the United States, and by association, the rest of the world.

Nice, warm and tingly movie about a now-dead man fighting against racism, put into the hands of the black partition of the white supremacy 4th Reich inWhorewood; many of the actors are ENGLISH and of course, the main promoters who hand out such "deals" are from The Crown in London.

I could not finish watching the movie to evaluate how the underlying basis of the movie would be utterly wiped out by lies and by distortions of the original intent of Marley and of that movement. 

I had some dealings with a white(ish) male whose last name was somehow related to the Marley family. He told me as he got me into a situation of what has become 30+ years of this same Italian Mafia group out of Miami endlessly assaulting me with their smug and "entitled" shit Pig pitalina as their proxies as they continue to reap the benefits of the royalties and percent of the profit for the arrangement with the Euro-p-a-land fascist Nazi controllers (out of France/England, et al).

 I could not see how they ended this movie, starring an English who had also starred in the Klaus Barbie Movie and of course, t hey are all part of this 4th Reich Whorewood cartel industry now amalgamating into a monopolistic and neopotistic entity you all see as seemingly disparate entities vying for top Oscars, with the usual performers and directors and teams and agencies all being put into a never-ending "top" award-winning rotation.

As fascism and Nazism and Totalitarianism increases in tenor in the OTHER Whorewood operation of Congress.


**This has been a sheer elongated amount of literal physical effort pound this out and perpetually backspace and retype what is endlessly blocked + also fighting to think clearly with attacks on my brain +not being able to get the clarity to finish my sentences and the effort and time spent on fighting this--not even going back to see what had been typed perfectly (except for pounding out endless commas which are deleted endlessly afterwards anyway)


I was assaulted by pig pitt who is a smug son of a bitch (yes I met his dirty nasty mommy and like all the pig apes they cling to their mommies and daddies forever--like little children. It's always disgusting for me to hear when Krapola or Bigot-den blather about what their Daddies told them about how to live well. It's always an example of their unstated submission to authority and to the Big Daddy who controls them as the conformist little children that they claim they still are. Like the children of the deceased who I try to find some kind of alternative mentality out of --i.e. Marley--I was assaulted by people who talked about Ziggy Marley so often that it is no coincidence that he has collaborated with partners of the Miami fascist Italian and Whorewood partners (claiming to be "Italian-American") who ahve assaulted me with deadly poisoning and rape and torture, with open Nazi Holocaust statements when I am fighting agains rotten ugly pig ape men teleporting me after I am poisoned with bloating and hardening poisons that literally cement permanently into the body and bone structure and internal organs as they then have the men pound through rape the poisons as deeply into my body as possible. All presidents and rotten filth shit like Pig-lousy the former speaker of the House which is a whore house by the way--all threatening to kill me sitting next to the former governor of California, the fascist Nazi thug who is almost an open and direct representative of fascist Nazi culture put into political power

all in the "protected" teleportation torture situations which Big Daddy conceals from open transparency--but "everybody" knows about it and follows what Big Daddy details them to say and think.

It is extremely difficult to pound out and spend so much time fighting to get this out.

It will all be partially deleted afterwards and restrung together anyway. None of you reading this at this time will do a single thing about this situation, as usual, except try to join in and see what free deals you can get out of it.


When you stop promoting shit pig pitalina the pair of crap and filth from being able to put their black and jewish and asian little Nazi minions into more power by promoting a false ideology of "victimization" to Plan BS (Bullshit) can continue to "win" at the Oscars--

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