Friday, April 19, 2024

Mind control attack/freezing of motor skills (body frozen, unable to think or move for a few partitions of a second, enough time for an attack) while under seemingly random attack (orchestrated at the "crossroads").

 The title of this post sounds ominous. and it could be if in the deadly situation that could transpire under similar circumstances. It is at every junction and crossways, doorways and intersections that the terrorists LOVE to attack from every  hidden crevice and from behind objects. 

It is guerilla warfare tactics inserted in "gang stalking" death squad operations with computerized vector analysis and aerial-angle surveillance interface. Cameras, drones, many other vantage points of surveillance is used in addition to the old |"eye ball" version in combination with another operative, head down into a mobile phone, giving instructions as to the precise moment when to attack.

My brain was under a most noxiously powerful "mind control" nauseating smog of incomprehensibility and frozen motor skills so, as has happened countless times in the past, while the terrorists rush to brush into me, or attack from very fast side or oblique angles, I am "frozen" my brain is blanked out temporarily for a few fractions of a second or maybe one or two seconds as the person rushes into my immediate space, the usual boundaries of acceptable bodily boundaries. 

It was at a doorway. My brain was under very strong mind control. I was going down to pay for a delivery item and the very stern and upset looking miserable minion, instructed to look dour, ugly, nasty and snarling at me, sat in the char in front of the double electronic doorway, but on the lobby side. I approached from the elevator side and just beckoned the delivery person to come to the doorway. I was not able to "think" I just floated along in what seemed to be my quick response to his sitting in that position. I also had a huge cart of my belongings which I pull behind me for these excursions down to the lobby to pick up delivery items. Often I order delivery (the price is right, lower than in stores often) but also because of the extreme stress to my very fractured body in having to lug everything around that I need to protect plus two-weeks' worth of shopping goods (including shampoo, cooking oil, lotions and nothing similar to potions --ie. not a witch) and when I receive these deliveries I have to also lug everything downstairs just to pick up an item for a minute. The terrorists rush into my room at every single opportunity to spray stinking filth on EVERYTHING and they would destroy and poison my food and shampoo if possible. 

I have to repeat that this condo has been emptied out and it is only a terrorist stalking operation against me at this point. People live here in sparsely-located rooms in which they are given access to mechanical arms to destroy my health and body every moment possible, my belongings and my room in general constantly sprayed and literally slashed with knives and permanently-staining liquids sprayed on almost every single thing--literally all walls, the floor, etc\

AT the electronic key doorway, I just opened the door a small sliver to pay for the item and my carry luggage cart with the huge bag containing my backpack my shoes my everything plus the  backpack I was wearing plus the food I didn't want spoiled and etc etc--carrying all just to go down two flights and the terrorists usually rush into this room and also put horrific malware on my laptop--etc etc

as I opened the door, the very tall Thai delivery driver stood in front of the doorway and almost out of nowhere, behind him, an even taller white expletive rushed to walk directly into me as I stood at this open doorway. I turned to my left to get the trolly cart out of the general doorway. Normally I go down and pull the cart away from the doors. I was not able to think and I was under subliminal mind "instructions" i believe. Every single time I have gone downstairs and this delivery person is sitting in front of the glass doors I pull my c art away from the doors, place it against the wall. But today it was an haphazard sort of freestyle assuming that the empty halls and rain meant that the Europigapes (plus Russians) were gone. From behind this Thai man glaring in miserable hate at me but asking me for money, the huge tall (hormone-growth f-er) just blasted his way from behind the Thai guy and literally slipped through the doorway almost knocking me over but I was in the middle of moving my cart away from the doors so I had no time to adjust or move. I frowned as this ugly frowning white pig ape Europigape brushed past me without any kind of "excuse me". He came from withing about 2 inches of me, as I had to swerve. I did it automatically because my brain was u under very inescapable mind control influence. Literally this is the case that my body can be manipulated in this state of shock, as this huge and obviously threatening expletive was just rushing at me at extremely rapid pace through this 2-foot door opening I was only handing my money to the Thai man through a small opening in the door. I FROZE and could not move until after I paid the fee and received the package. I then had to swerve my torso to grab the handle of the trolly luggage cart and as I was in the middle of swerving another huge white male (this time bowing slightly at me as he rushed to walk through the tiny opening of the door I was just releasing as I FROZE once more, unable to think, unable to move or say WAIT I AM STANDING HERE I just was like some floating thing being washed to either side by these huge men as they rushed through the doorway--and there is ANOTHER door this is a two-door system and they just pushed to get through the tiny opening in the doorway I was holding with my hand to brush into me and get through this opening as I stood there frozen by the mind control. I laughed in frustration because the man was friendly about it all--but if either of the men had intention to cause me harm they could easily have done it in this instant brushing past me.

I want to emphasize a few points: I do not ever just place my cart in front of the double doors in the middle of the pathway. I have never done this. Today was the first time. I also was not able to stop this breach of my space. This same freezing has happened innumerable times in the past while the more violently pushy and basically Colonistic Europigapes come to have me frozen temporarily so it appears like I am being "passive" as they push to block my path or push into me or push ahead of me. Their Imperialistic and Colonialistic symbolism is obvious but to an outside observer it would appear that they were just kinda rude, not especially as the doorways are "public" space and I was standing in front of one of the doors so they just had to push almost into me to get through the one door that was slightly ajar rather than use the button to open the OTHER DOOR so as not to push me aside, as they did. I bent to avoid being pushed into, I literally did all of this without any intention of moving. My body and brain froze instantly; also every white blondish piece of shit is a threat to me at this point in this condo as this is a a MURDER situation and I have barely escaped murder in this room for the past many years I have lived here.

Getting into this vulnerable position was due to the terrorists using mind control and freezing of my cognitive capabilities in the compartmentalized mind control technology construct/interface. Then using physical means of intimidation to make the body go into a sort of "shock" state because I am aware that all of these people have no qualms about murder and their objective is murder, in fact (not 'JUST" of me, by the way but many, many others).

The combination of the sudden attack from behind, from behind an object from when I am turned around doing something as they sprint up from behind me, the body also automatically freezes at such instances and while the body is in that kind of vulnerability they enhance this effect with actual brain/body interface microchip implant attack plus remote. There was another Thai dude on the other twin chair of this very small chair/table piece, and this has been a constant is that on that chair which has vantage of the entire lobby, a person is sitting glued downwards into their phone. Relaying surveillance and attack locations prepared for every move I make in that lobby area. They can then direct the mind control tech into my brain as they force a freezing aspect--because every doorway is a point of someone walking suddenly into me, rushing to attack me just as I am going through this "portal".\

There is a large emphasis on "portals" and on "crossroads" in various types of "sympathetic magickal" practice where the junctions are places where energies can be directed or imbibed. However a person wants to interpret my last statement is left open. I would suggest this is part of the 4th Reich as the 3rd Reich certainly studied a lot about Black Magick and how to bring in energies to destroy or embolden.

Logistically doorways are an excellent point of vulnerability. It becomes a crossfire episode in how to have survival skills. I must work on it. This also applies to very deadly situations of crosswalks and of intersections when someone is driving. People who are really part of the terrorist league are prepared with safety precautions and they  WILL try to kill a target using car accidents in this manner. It has happened to me but that is another story (I will only reference it as a Pensacola, Florida situation but the person literally had made a seat gimmick where if hit, the driver's seat fell backward instantly so any impact would not cause the driver to fall forward. They stopped at a tiny crosswalk on a very busy road--which I had never seen before, this crosswalk or bus zone. They stopped dead in the middle of the road going from 45-50 mph to zero in the space of less than 5 seconds--so the car had also been built to stop instantly. Also someone blew dust into my windshield at the same time using a leaf-blower---literally this was done in broad daylight in Pensacola and all witnesses were part of the attempted murder. )

Summation of the threat of murder/death: They (terrorists) will come at any target from behind, they will inject microchips into the body non-consensually in so many "health care" guises and excuses, and will freeze the moment when the body most needs to react instantly to avert being killed or attacked. They will drug your food beforehand so you cannot escape the tech that is blasting your brain at the precise, vector-driven software analysis causing the "accident" or attack.

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