Saturday, April 20, 2024

**hacker terrorists deleted at least HALF of this post and repasted it together into a most contorted lack of coherency. It is hard to discern where the hacking begins and ends because there is a proficient English speaker who is pasting at junctions half-deleted sentences . //For having clicked on a free streaming movie site and randomly choosing a movie I thought had no stalker terrorist performers who would attack me, within one hour of having watched it, while in the shower-----.....teleported by the lead performer & TORTURED, SEXUALLY ASSAULTED, BEATEN AND POISONED WITH STINKING FILTH SPRAYED IN MY ROOM AND TERROR TELEPORTATION TO DEEP SLEEP "TRAUMA" BECAUSE i DIDN'T LIKE THE TRASHY NAZI movie and the premise that europigapes are the most wonderful and blonde women from France are the ultimate for pig ape whores from Whorewood. I can't express the reaction to French pig apes in MIami from everything and everyone who just handed over the land, area and all worship to some skank shit from France. I got close enough to that group to understand it's all a facade. I can't believe the mesmerism of self-hate for America and near worship of blonde Nazi French shit whore ape pigs. The accent compared to the more twangy American dialect is enough for EVERYONE to literally sell the country just so someone with an accent can come in and turn the country into a Banana Republic with them as Imperialistic Colonists on a most fanatical antisemitic rampage as sisters to the Nazi brothers from Germany that stinking and foul country has embraced en toto.//but for just watching this shit movie while drugged and sick, from drugging that is never stopped and they never stop injecting and poisoning my food intake. I watched this movie, and while in the shower that evening I was assaulted by the trashy piece of crap who had assaulted me almost 10 years ago, stopped bothering me until I watched this movie because I have never since watched anyhthing with that cheesy and not-great actor in it. I was confounded that Spielberg had put him in the role of the "Jewish father" in that biopic that Spielberg obtained in the spate of Oscar appearances he also obtained for his YEARS of participating in the stalking of me.

  **I have just re-read this first paragraph after having written it hours ago. MUCH was deleted but smoothly sort of integrated into other sentences so it doesn't appear like it's a total misshapen hack job. No, it appears almost "normal" but just that I can't write or think clearly. Many, many words and fragments of sentences were omitted, deleted and then strung smoothly together into a sort of non-English speaking tapestry of contorted ideas strung together. The hackers usually add a "so" to my writing (see next sentence)//So, since that movie I watched which really is a mind screw propagandized Nazi 4th Reich programming for hate of America with France and Europigapes coming to the "rescue' of a homeless and trashy American landscape. 

That is the main thrust of this mind f** movie---and it's the same exact formula I have seen and heard countless, innumerable times while living in Germany for 5 years, and in England, and in Miami which has since been taken over (South Beach) by Italian mafia and French and German/Italian fascist Nazis. Not just bandying the word "Nazi" about as the usual genocidal "die in a concentration camp" slogan was rampant as was the absolutely violent assault upon me, by the French community and combined with the ever-ready Latino, Haitian as the filth and scum attack minions, as always it's always that same configuration depending on the geographic location just have one or two whites surrounded by the "ethnic" population coming and rushing to abuse and assault me or any target for a chance to get a free chance just for spraying filth or abusing or poisoning someone to death in this death squad system aka "gang stalking" which is a misnomer, it is DEATH SQUAD activity.


Just for watching a tv show, just for listening to a song NOT BY ANY OF THE PIG APE SCUMBAGS of this endless rotation but one of the pieces of crap posted/hacked a photo of herself next to the country Western singer I had looked up on YouTube--because he was dead so that meant he could not attack me, as is the norm. So instead. this filthy bleating K-rap country western bimbo blimp hacked a photo of herself next to this singer and then began teleporting me only because I SAW the photo. The viciousness of her attack was in line with another minority joining in to assault me along with her. 

THEY LIE about everything about me so constantly--like the Nazis, they repeat and repeat the lie as I defend myself not just a plethora of times but the same sentences of my justified and provable defense i have shouted out in teleportation only for them to skip back to the beginning of their lies broken record collection of accusations thus "proving" justification for non-stop torture.

With Farrakhan it's that I'm a racist and nothing I say or do changes that. He aligns with Trump who has made OPEN AND DIRECT racist comments, and my one and only one was that Oprah was/is an aunt Jemima--I do not consider that as a racist comment as I obtained this phrase from a lecture by Malcolm X and he used that term, which is what incensed this group of sell-out whores so much--that they ARE the slave enslavement enforcers by any other name--much highlighted in Whorewood and in the media. They enforce racism but in particular, antisemitism as the redirecting of ALL racism onto Jews, with Blacks stomping with violence upon Jews as proof of their Nazi allegiance and in contempt for Jews as the scapegoat and them being lifted into Nazi approval status. I have had to see this so repeatedly put into direct form by Kamala Harris, Oprah and Farrakhan plus a host of others in Whorewood and it's despicable yet it's the reality.


So this filthy greasebag antisemite scumbag who Spielberg loves, who has been with his French and English buddies from the film assaulting me, began with yelling while I was naked in the shower, demanding what I thought of the movie and I began to yell back in my " brain" under the tyranny of the "voice to skull" technology and the very thin veil I could barely perceive this filthy dirty creep while in the darkness of my windowless shower stall/room (turning on the light shows dripmarks on all the tiles of permanently stained brown goo that nothing washes off, sprayed from floor to ceiling and it's filthy and disgusting-looking but there's no goo any loner it has absolutely stained permanently everything).

Yelling and yelling with fascist violence while he fellow scumbag cast members were in the chairs along with the rest of the terrorists, I kept telling him to go away telling him to go away--they use a truth serum, and somehow, in the shower either due to water being some kind of transmitter (i.e. energy can just cut through water to electrify and fry) but I tried to "ignore' the rotten scumbag as he yelled into my cochlear and I could see his ugly hideous stupid face barely--yellin and into my face---\

under truth serum I did a deconstrution and told him it was a purely racist movie based on glorification of France and blonde women, a purely Nazi movie and intended to promote more take-over of America by Europigapes and also it's part of the racist push and part of the antisemitism as part of the degredation of women who do not look like the Nazi mold.

For this, it has been huge hormone-growth looking scumbag creeps, white pig apes with violent glares of hate pushing into me in surprise attacks from behind me and behind people who are glaring at me when I am picking something from the lobby of this emptied-out terror condo building where literally the entire space of 7 floors is based on housing a tiny unit of attackers so there are at any time at least 10 people or more focused exclusively on supporting the pig apes who are attacking me, or the pig apes themselves. This number grows during  "high season".

In the past few days since I watched this shit movie, a new batch of huge white men, very athletic-looking and huge, maybe almost twice my size, have been covertly physically assaulting me in public spaces of this building. Threatening body movements that could be lethal if they had intended to harm me, and all done at very quick spurious movements from behind objects and people blocking  my view who I am doing "business" with but who are really agents working for the pig apes.


They have sent teams of creeps to spray stinking filth on my chair, to poison my food, they are pumping sewage air through my bathroom sink drain(wafting up through the pipes, which are not dirty it's being pumped from the other side). Likewise, they also attack little things constantly like the wall plugs so I can't unplug a night light without literally yanking at it with my entire body to get it out. they also have some kind of object that latches onto the sink drain stopper so I can barely pull it up to drain the water. I have to stick a plastic piece into the drain to keep this lid from constantly being pulled downward and blocking water flow. When they are not pumping foul air and blocking this drain lid, everything operates with complete ease without any s train or stress. They are literally performing this sick constantly version of minute terrorism from behind the walls, up into the pipes, etc.

And this team of Europigapes who have just replaced the last team are nasty and violent. Things are now breaking and stinking and my food has not been this polluted for a while. They were sent by the Europigape team along with this filthy American creep ONLY BECAUSE I DID NOT LIKE THE SHIT NAZI MOVIE AND WAS ABLE TO CRITICALLY ANALYZE IT AS SUCH. 

I went to college exactly for this kind of analysis as a Lit major. I doubt any of these stupid dirty pig ape creeps have any experience in writing any real critical reviews of content and not just superficial style and superficial commentary on content based on superficial constructs and not on the symbolism or on anything else.

This is pure fascism and pure despotism. This American wanna be aristocrat, like shitpigalina, has been bought out like the whores that they are by pompous extreme extravagent wealth and mansions and yachts and every single thing--plus Oscars for them all who with increasing violence and non-stop death threats attack me for the slightest criticism or lack of absolute approval-- 

all done while I"m in the shower, while I"m sleeping, and this filth creep stuck his filthy dirty pig meat at me slapping ;my face--

under deep sleep, awoken and repeating something they had forced me to say under hypnosis after violence

FOR JUST NOT LIKING THEIR SHIT NAZI MOVIE making Americans look like stupid and unkempt loser nothings who truly desperately need a blonde Nazi French woman to come in, demand the very best, the men fight over her attention as if she is this super woman, and I am assaulted for not liking it because I JUST WATCHED IT FOR FREE ON A FREE STREAMING MOVIE SITE drugged up and needing a respite from the endless curculating rotation of shit pig whore after piece of shit ape from Whorewood assaulting me every single day and night\in addition to the shit from  Conress

i.e. blonde-worshipping Jewish men who began assaulting me BECAUSE I WAS READING TAROT FOR MYSELF and they came abusing me and threatening me to read for them, then afterward insulting and sexually abusing and harassing me (again in the shower). I defended myself and told this Jewish man to stop, who had an English piece of shit from London behind him, literally there urging great violence against me for saying I did not believe that he is an advocate of Israel, but instead is a British Israelist only interested in usurping control and power in Israel once the Jews DIED so the English Crown could take control over Israel, their intended goal.

Beaten, tortured and all  of this done after me repeating endlessly "go away go away leave me alone".

Haitians are demanding slavery reparations from France, although Haiti won it's independence technically in 1804, the remnants of France-controlled IMF loan non-forgiveness, austerity, and other "legal" forms of slavery abound to the present.

If you take the tiny country of Belgium, a French-speaking country which borders France, and read the novel Heart of Darkness, which details first-hand accounts by the author Joseph Conrad (the book upon which the film Apocalypse Now was based on, but switched from The Congo to Vietnam War era America as the hegemony power asserting brutal primitive dominance). The novel is much more graphic and detailed than the film, which only shows a few shots of the graphic scenes, whereas the book lingers over the bloody details and of the resulting "decency" of English society covering up the carnage under the proverbial rug (the captain of the story is from England, although the colony of Congo was really Belgium territory). Let's just scrap it all down to a comparison between Nazi Germany and Austria, annexed and the origin of the founder of what is now known as "genocide"--and Belgium a tiny country bordering France. One thing I heard and is accounted for historically is that in the plantations in Congo, the Belgium landholders would cut off the hands of the slaves if they didn't pick enough cotton or whatever the cash crop of the season was. In the major cities of Belgium stand huge monoliths of the wealth and expanse of this empire of death and torture and brutality. The Heart of Darkness is gilded and expansive with pillars of white stone dedicated to the wealth accumulation. The slaves are still bowing to this empire and indenturing themselves in this modern version of plantation slave society with gratuitous groveling in the form of every service rendered with a smile of gratitude if only to live "in the big house' instead of the slums or whatever....

I am sick of it. Don't ask me if I like your Nazi-propaganda movies any longer. I have yet to see a movie that I don't consider to be such from the current batch of terrorist torturing bigots. That means the directors and production companies are of the same ilk. I can't describe how many "minorities" perform the function of violent force multipliers in this scenario. The white mainstream, mostly middle-class American whites who are part of this wanna get rich and famous celebrity A$$-hole cesspool I am forced to have to see in it's almost worst semblance of honesty about what they REALLY are, have come to this conclusion from experience and observation all these ten years of being teleported nightly to situations of the most foul and "evil" ugliness perpetuated by those who are creating the mind programming you all bow down and worship. The overtake by mostly fascist Nazi Europ-a-'s is a travesty but so much of the actual overtake is far behind all the cameras flashing and the public displays. It appears occasionally in dumb movies like the movie I watched (skimmed through the last half, skipping because it was not only BORING and predictable after the first sort of funny intro, but also because I just wanted to see if there was any shift from Nazi propaganda and there wasn't. The intensification of the racist theme of Eurocentrism and elitism and overtake being a benefit to the United States in general--displayed as a third world sort of dystopia in the film. I sincerely know that many of the expletives in Congress and Whorewood follow implicitly the instructions handed to them by the Europigapes they grovel to in deference and brutally abuse me under instruction by their Nazi "overlords" whom they call their "friends" and defend almost to the point of murder because, they get out of the American life and are put into a Disney fantasy Europigapeland "elite" mansion. chateau, vineyard and "haute" society with smug kisses on their greasy greedy cheeks by the "elite" they bow to in almost slavish observance.

Criticism and analysis of the real intended message underlying the crap movie is almost an instant death sentence to question the premise of French "superiority".

If Americans in "power" would only stop bowing like slaves to fascist Nazis out of Europigapeland and not be influenced by "dark money" to sell out their own citizens so they can "be somebody" with wealth and a mansion in France or in that vicinity--then perhaps they would not pass the legislation that screws the country over so people are flocking to fascism because the "system" has been killing people off under the guise of "caring" and "Democracy"--which the wealthy spout off constantly while they are working to screw and murder people like me off who actually have the independence of thought to question the bs formulas that these money-grubbing grabbing parasites are just blinded by greed and rapacious endless grandiose posturing. The one and only aspiration is to appear "haute" in France, as I have written so many times but it's always ignored.

I had no idea what the film would be about--I mean MOVIE using the word "film" implies something artistically sophisticated.

To be tortured for just not liking a fascist Nazi indoctrination celluloid white supremacist piece of crap--I could also go into the homosexual/homoerotic "relationship" of a character in one of the Caribbean Islands who makes only one cameo at the very end, signifying the "only friend" the English hateful "partner" of the American wanna be rich and famous wanna be a fascist imperial wizard plantation slave-owner played alongside--

and to me that signifies the overtake of the Caribbean as wonderful smiling blackies who serve with huge smiles to gain a bit of The Big House from the white "master" if they are good and also if they perform the sexual favors and even if they are allowed pedophile rights--I think there is a lot that could be associated with the very brief symbolism, but you would have to watch this film. If you are unused to analyzing movies along symbolic content, it's because even though there is this "woke" phenomenon, I have yet to see or hear of a deconstruction along those lines, but my internet is so hacked and so much information is blocked.

All I can say is that SOME of the Caribbean denizens are not especially thrilled with French fascist Imperialism and I know that I definitely want the French fascist Nazis OUT of my country and certainly I never support a film that openly or covertly sponsors the Imperialistic takeover of my country, white supremacy and white Europigape "elitism" and "superiority" which is what this movie is ALL ABOUT if only people could get more criticism of this instead of shaming it as being "woke". 



After I was assaulted for having watched the movie, in the shower by this greasebag American scumbag performer who has about--as I wrote the last time this creep attacked me (verbally with racist implications) 10 years ago (and then was shown sitting in the front tables in front of the cameras for the Golden Globes, where he was not featured in any movie but just was allowed to sit right in the front of the camera for full viewing; his promotion for his assault upon me back then. NOW the contract has increased so greatly that they rush at me violently within the first minute of me being teleported to them. He is no exception and is of course trying his best to get more and more, as the greed sleaze filth gang always do. No humanity, and they function like a genocidal bunch of death squad operatives, and they certainly are agents of infiltration for every fascist nazi who has the money to buy these whores off for more mansions in Europigapeland.

After he assaulted me while I was in the shower, and I could not stop talking as this technology entrains the brain, it is in a "groove" like a bowling ball caught in the trench unable to get out---going forward my ideas and thoughts extracted while I am struggling not to respond but it is, for me at this time, impossible to counter this techno-terror technology and brain implant with electromagnetic energy coursing through my brain and nervous system plus drugging to enhance the effect. 

After he stuck his greasy meat in my face and assaulted me for just saying I diidn't like his filthy stupid movie, which by now is a joke of energy spent on a piece of crap for a celluloid product that is not worth the time to watch, let alone to be harassed about for days and days for having an interpretation that it is a symbolic overtake of the United States by Europigape fascism, which is exactly what is happening right now politically and in every way the U.S. is being overturned and destroyed, from within.

Fighting this greasy pig ape to the point that I tried to kick him in the face as the pigs holding the teleportation devices turned it off

the shit whores then assembled to insult me in my deep sleep state as I told them that my sickness and my body's actual reaction to stiffening and hardening poison they injected into my bladder along with sewage water stinking fluids and semen and into my hair and into my ears and on my furniture and etc for all the ten years they have stolen my ideas to claim they are "liberal" and "humanitarian" and "fighting rape culture" etc blah bs

 they assembled to yell insults at me for having sickness they forced upon me, my body fighting to heal day after day as they continue to inject poison into my body and drugs into my body so I am constantly in a state of toxic shock plus non-stop violence and abuse so I am always in a state of aggression, defense and can never relax. Not in the shower where endlessly shit like Deniro and Pesce made disgusting comments about my body, and this is going on and on with old men dirty filthy and this one has had great plastic surgery and is just a rotten filth degenerate old man but looks like he's young--a dino jr. in other words. Trying his best to be a rapist racist genocidal filth bucket of the old world aristocracy, heralded by the Europigapes because he's such a malleable dumbo who can be so easily used and exploited for their infiltration. His violence towards me in this respect he knows will bring him endlessly more orgies, yachts, mansions, lead roles, maybe a production company as so many have obtained after they insult and abuse me in teleportation.

The group of shit, the Europigapes and their sleazy and stupid American agents of exploitation who are exploiting me according to the directives of the crap from Europigapeland

just yelling insults at me

but I know that, like the paragraphs above, this post, what i have just written, will be terribly rewritten to sound like I can't write, spell or form sentence structures. They deleted so much of what I had written that I think about 2 entire long paragraphs have been deleted and only fragments of sentences have been pasted together.

And all this because I was under truth serum, asleep and saying truthfully that this is a movie extolling white supremacy, and fascist Nazi take-over of the degraded United States, which I believe has been a plot of the Europigapeland Nazis and has been so easily accomplished because of the sleazy stupidity and greed of the Americans put into power, who only see the lavish Rococo designs of French architecture and long only to become as French as possible.

They are ashamed of America, they make apologies for being American to the American-hating French Nazi f's who are just themselves puppets of the German and pan-europigape Nazi 4th Reich who ahve been instructed on how to act and what to think.

They all get a piece of the Nazi gold and the grabbing greed empire is endlessly being built by this incentive-driven protocol system.

The feeding frenzy is endless. 

I tried to find the French to be as glam as they are credited with being, but found it and them lacking in the qualities of human greatness that I have found in American culture that I admire so much more--or used to. \The filth from Whorewood make America so not-great as usual. 

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