Saturday, April 27, 2024

Terrorist Report: Terrorists are breaking into my room and poisoning my drinking water. This has been ongoing for 2 weeks. The poison is mixed with bleach, so the taste is nasty but of chemical bleach (probably from the many huge bottles of bleach I have in my room to endlessly spray the stinking clothing, most of which I have cleaned endlessly--which they spray with permanently staining putrid substances so I can't even get the stench out after cleaning. I must spray bleach mixed with water on my clothing at least 25 times per day. Everything I sleep in is sprayed and stinking.). The water bottles I use in the fridge I have sprayed with bleach and never has the water tasted like bleach until last week, when they began this new poisoning and murder attempt. A combination of non-stop poisoning with black, hardening stinking foul chemicals into my body and food now with any other poison, from the cumulative effect, is absolutely a murder attempt. It must be one of the next new scumbag crap creeps from Whorewood, or one of the sleazy lying politicians. Always operating for the scum crew from Whorewood, a particular "Christian" one is attacking me while I am in the nascent waking state after having been doused and sprayed and injected and poisoned and drugged and attacked and "traumatized" with endless death and homeless skits in deep sleep teleportatioo by the "Christians" and the "humanitariss" and the "Me Too" skank whores of Whorewood, every day and night they teleport me in a large group and attack me like it's a performance and it's a promotional stepping stone for each rotten aged dino with it's filthy dirty spawn nepo-baby creep waiting for a free chance to instantly get into the A-list spotlight for just being a stupid dirty rrupt parental unit, fully programmed and absolutely lacking in the most basic of higher intelligent functions. But higher intelligent functions are effete in light of the cor

 CORRUPTION of the base common denominator of them all.

Last night I refilled my water bottles and used no bleach, and the water from the sealed large gallon jug I buy at the store and lug home, very difficult for me to do due to the poisoning this filth group has forced upon me for over a decade (and the larger group has done this all my life).

The water was pure and wonderful. Just last night I refilled the bottles using a brand new gallon jug, store-bought. I was attacked by the delivery service because I order things (on sale) that are heavy so I don't have to carry my entire life around with me and then huge heavy bottles of things. The price is discounted and the same as buying anything in the stores. But I was put into a rush this morning because they would not respond to my text asking what time of delivery, which normally this service answers. But they wanted to force me into a rush and then the delivery guy harassed me a bit for being too slow after his call and the delivery was unnaturally early for this service. It was an orchestrated attempt to rush and harass me, which is one of the staple harassment techniques, particularly in the Western countries.

I returned and made my morning drink (which is cold and not hot coffee or tea).. And the water was horrid-tasting it had bleach in it. Because I can't constantly carry huge gallon jugs of water due to the infirmity that has been forced upon me by the creeps spraying stinking toxins on my clothing--every day, without end, for years and years and years every single day this goes on and on--my home is perpetually stinking and I am too ill to bend and clean the stinking goo  and nasty fungus mold filth that is poured everywhere. My patio is always bestrewn with hair, everywhere, clumps of hair and clumps of muck, dirt and debris are a constant, poured in front of my door on the doorway frame on the floor and items are ALWAYS put in front of the door. This is very "black magick" like--as putting nasty things in front of a door is something that black magick practitioners do. I learned this in Miami, and the "Good Christian" Johnson is an evil sob who is attacking me with Sylvestor Stalllone sitting in the usual position of "I ca have my Italian friends poison and try to murder you and I am entitled to this" with nasty foul Johnson the rapist telling me that I am "evil"\ for reading tarot cards. I also want to know the astrological signs of people just to make a test as to whether astrology really has any basis in veracity. For these two aspects of my own experimentation in reaching other arenas of intelligence of the universe, Johnson is using a witch hunt style of persecution which echoes the endless "you're a racist" theme that Farrakhan and his group and the Blacks involved alll used against me. Like Johnson, some of the use sexual violence as if I "deserve" it for saying that Oprah is an Aunt Jemima. THey all fully are sitting with pieces of rotten Nazi shit who make racist comments and they all love Trump who has made countless openly racist statements. 

But Johnson got into a debate with me and I had a very astute and I believe correct response to the bs lies he endlessly spouts as his platform for persecution and righteous allegiance with a criminal and bigoted Nazi cartel using the symbols of The Cross to justify rape and torture and collusion with rapist murdering Nazi bigots who are a legion out of Whorewood and that includes the Jews who have participated and who have made their presence known and felt "entitled" and hacked videos of themselves with captions, "do jews believe that whiter Jews are more entitled than darker Jews?" as if to mock the utter racist analysis I have made about the classification of this group (but really, I was just sold off into this group for torture and that is the prime reason, other than skin color but I also have not participated in Judaism and have tried to have what "America" has a slight promise of, freedom of thought, freedom to pursue your desired life achievement if you are not harming others in a serious way against the law and etc).

For this I am tortured, rtaped and for defending the "rights" that this group all proclaim as their advocacy but in truth and reality really adhere to the philosophy that they have absolute IMMUNITY from all criminal prosecution and the US government structure maintains and fully supports this thesis and allows them to rape torture and steal and attempt to murder me, endlessly.

The Italian mafia scumbag who was the manager for Bar None in Miami Beach back in the mid-late 90's, a fully sleazy hormone-growth crap cocaine and sleaze pimp operator with a host of Italians (mafia, and they make it open and plain without actually pinning labels on their clothi8ng of "mafia") and---I was desperate for survival, I was being blacklisted, and I found one and only one job for selling cigars in a shop owned by an Italian "man" out of Milan and that began almost 30 years of Stallone having me beaten, poisoned and raped for his and his dirty filthy family and mafia scum organization to thrive off endless promotions for them all

the creep Nicola Siervo began teleporting me when I phoned him asking for help--I was away from Miami, far away. But I thought I was being stalked by some realtor because the terrorism of gang stalking became outright open and teleportation began when I was looking for an apartment in Miami because I had been accepted into grad school at FI|U. So glad I was gang stalked out of that school which was a terrible institution and like a high school level mentality and instructional proficiency (a bad and low-level institution at that).

But, I am digressing as the keyboard is hacked and my brain is under attack.

Siervo began assaulting me using teleportation and he would not stop raping me every day. He is a huge mf with a hormone-growth body, as I said.  His brother is much shorter and smaller than he, and I reallly believe that the Nazi experimentation with the huge "master race" physiognomy has included steroids and hormone-growth. Many of the people in Miami, especially those with Euro-p-a-land backgrounds, went from being relatively "small" in stature to huge--one person from Italy I know in particular who was a slouched-over bar owner, opened a pizzaria with Italian ingredients and a few years later, when I returned to that same area, he followed me with some glaring hateful blonde American woman and he was at least one foot taller--in that huge towering body image that the scum who is good friends with Stallone is--but his brother is not.

He was raping the poison into my body as I begged literally every day for 2 years to stop telpeorting and raping the poison into my body. He let me know that he wanted me IN A COMA and to teleport and rape me. The old excuse of 'you know you really like it' was all he said as I was shitting huge piles of stinking black hardening poison out every day (and I still am, and my body is still saturated and huge and misshappen because this group has never stopped this poisoning).

I wrote a post yesterday about this never-ending increase in the celebrities and politicians who are just jjumping at the chance to abuse tortur erape poison and mutilate me for their and their shitty rotten and mostly mediocre filth children to get instant |A-list status for just attacking me.

STallone issued rotten and evil foul Johnson to verbally assault me with endless accusations and the brimstone yelling about how astrology was "evil" although I had said repeatedly that I don't really follow it, just taking a sort of survey as to whether the archetypes are real by finding out the sign of a person and seeing if they truly adhere to the cliches. And reading tarot cards, of course is forbidden. So I had to remind him of how his misuse of the symbol of the cross and his claims of being a devout holier-than-thou brimstone type judge of all that is "good" is in stark contradiction to his support of a rape organization and theft of my property the violation of the Constitutaion he took an oah upon. 

And more, that he misuses the cross in the same way he is trying to use witch-burning tactics of condemnation against me but his evil agenda of using the cross as a sword of righteous persecution is as much a misuse of a talisman as reading tarot. But in response, he just like the thug he is endlessly using platitudes for his platform, just used the abuse squad to spray more poison on my clothing so every single thi8ng stinks of some rancid substance--and my water was poisoned.

And so I am writing today. All I can do is wait for that rotten creep to get the f-out of power in November but then I will still have to wait until January for the piece of K-rap to finally not have every symbol that is misused to defend rapists, Nazis, genocidal bigots while he's using his false pulpit to denounce me for trying to ascertain the reality behind a government using death squads to poison and rape the poison as deeply into my body as possible because of their RACISM while he's endlessly claiming to be some kind of ultra superior conformist to the "one and only true religion" which is the greed religion of sleazy dirty filth that Whorewood encompasses and sleazy lying filth like Johnson does as well. That is his real religion. The blasphemy of his misuse of the symbol of the Cross, like the Inquisition, is of an organized other society to which he truly owes his one and only allegiance where every lie can be used to sell a snake oil death cult following who can abandon all real precepts of actual life-affirming "religion".

"Carrie (1976) 'Go in your closet and pray!'". Cinema Cut. January 18, 2015.

I had to remind Make America UN-Godly Again Johnson that the icon of the Republican classic movie heroism, aka Ronald Reagan, used ASTROLOGY for literal political decisions and had an astrologer go to the White House to make astrological predictions, in order to formulate State responses to various policies and actions.
When Johnson began his witch hunt fire and brimstone yelling at me about how because I just looked up what his "sign" is (Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, color Black, the Goat, sometimes this is represented with an upside down/inverted pentagram on the forehead of the Goat, which is the ruler of Capricorn--not that I "believe" in this but I have looked up the significance and symbolism on an extremely superficial level, almost no research on my part due to sickness non-ending from the poisoning of this black energy void group teleporting ;me, which Johnson is now impacting along with a huge other slew of politicians and celebrities (there appears to be no "aisle" separating any of them when it comes to exploitation and profit derived from a State-sponsored terrorist mind control contract out on me).

But his platitudes became silent when I mentioned the hero of his group there in The Bible Belt. He remained silent but asking me on every point for a rhetorical debate on the discrepancies of "esoterica"  (a term not used, I can not use my vocabulary when I am in this state and mostly when I am typing as this mind control effect literally blocks much of my brain's functioning capabilities, even the movements of my hands while the keyboard is being hacked into non-responsiveness and endless typos--the space bar constantly skipping, and then what I type is rewritten to absolutely discredit me.

I could respond so easily to his arguments, but that capability is lost to me when it comes to a public ("real life") display. My throat becomes constructed due to the microchip implant in my throat that was forced on me when I was about 14-15 years old (maybe 16) by my very "EVIL" family (mother and grandmother, who desperately wanted to see me f-ed over for their promotion and sense of entitlement). If any of you assume that family members will not be very quick to have their siblings tortured and sold off for death and enslavement, you are completely incorrect as I assume due to the absolute decline in ethical standards my predicament has been on the rise and will continue to do so. Unbeknonst to most people as this universal "lying" system retains it's impenetrability due to the collusion of people like Not making America Great again Johnson--the "great" part about his platform is that the "south" will rise again and that the Christian burning cross is now a techno-terror operationi and no need to openly display what they do in private--(all protected).

That the worst of the hypocrites, picked, of course by Trump but mostly from the death squad system, is flaunting the Cross of Christianity to pursue a literal death squad operation for elimination of threat to white supremacy and the 4th Reich--as a "crusade" of sordid sorts. NO one reveals this revelation in the public news displays and/or makes any real attempt to dislodge the claims of pristine religious zeal that this faction uses as the pretext to support genocidal fascist Nazis, openly expressed by the many of this group of celebrity expletives who have hissed at me, before and after poisoning, rape and torture that is ongoing never ending in a succession of just crap who take turns--Johnson is just another dirty nasty evil sick sinister thing coming at me for his promotion. But like Farrakhan he is using  his one and only platform to try to assign his condemnation upon me and using any justification to do so. 

Deuteronomy "forbids" any "witchcraft" but I dare say that the sacrifice and blood-and-flesh imbing of the "Body of Christ" that accompanies many a Christian ceremony is an invocation of a blood sacrificial ritual that is essentially a human sacrifice image, that results in the concept of murder as part of a religious zeal (killing Jews, as the Christ, has been in a functioning antisemitic form of mass indoctrination that has been allowed to proliferate because the "good sheep" of the flock need a scapegoat because they have to claim that they are good, white sheep following the shepard.

they pray to an image of sacrifice, human bondage and sacrifice and the Killing of Jews. This has been the unspoken worship for maybe 1700 years for masses of people. The early Christians, when they were an underground rebel religious cult, used the symbol of THE FISH and not the cross. The cross was used as a reminder of the "power of Rome" and of killing Jews--I mean killing masses of people which has been sanctified throughout centuries. The usual condemnations of, in particular, women h as been used "by any means possible" to cut down women who are independent, do not bow and obey the dictates of a stringent dictatorial righteous hypocritical mass of men-dominated-religion who are worshipping their power and the money accumulation of mass indoctrination into a blood sacrificial ritual ceremony held every sun-day but on Monday the slaughter begins in earnest once more. 

I have become not the former "white supremacy racist' that Farrakhan and the Black Nazi-colluders have claimed and hit, threatened and punched me as pretext that I am some "racist" for using a term Malcolm X used for the Blacks who collude with the "white master in the Big House" to oppress others and therefore to gain the benefit of eating the leftovers (crumbs) from the table of plenty (just using the image not the realistic stats of whether all slave owners had "plenty" and probably plenty of "them" were really "white trash" living on earth floors in shacks themselves.
And so,  once again, I wrote about the THIRTY YEARS of Stallone handing this tech that his partner and friend had obtained only because I asked for help. I thought someone in Miami was stalking me by proxy and was very wealthy (lo and behold, t he person in question came from Paris).

It's been me fighting for my life ever since.
The awards and prizes keep acomin as Not Great Johnson keeps allowing "them" to brutalize me as I fight non-stop to get this embedded and cemented poison out of my body so I can just not die from stress while they are attacking me so every scum creep can get a free promotion out of just endlessly attacking me.

Would YOU call this a |Christian mentality from someone who is openly supporting people who rape and torture and poison and steal everything possible from one individual whom the govenment, while constantly claiming to be the greatest Democracy on Earth, is almost openly allowing a non-stop rotation of sick creeps to rape and torture me, 

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...