"Prince__Controversy (1981) (Full Album)". Solid Ball of Rock. May 14, 2022.
"Prince--ANNIE CHRISTIAN--lyrics video". Lyrics N music. April 30, 2016.
This is dedicated to the next, last and current bot... substitute Christian for "me too" and for Jew and Palestinian and for Black activist and for Free Everything (except for me) activists.
I have not seen a single Palestinian call out for the security of Jews, nor have I ever seen any Palestinians or the "Pro-Palestinians" rage about the human crisis of the hostages of the Oct. 7 terrorist kidnappings. \I just watched a video from an Israeli vlogger who showed an Israeli hostage who had been kidnapped from the music festival and his hand had been blown off. He looked like someone who had been crying for the past 200 days, his eyes in a state of black shock and agony of pain. Not a single chant goes out for him and there is no media coverage of this pitiful and sickening sight.
Would that same hostage ever have supported me against a world of Nazi fascist minions who are both Palestinians and Jews, all being controlled by this central force that instructs all to obey and follow a program with or without their consent.
I can't be on any side, yet of course I am in favor of one side over the other as the Jews who attack me are smug and giggly, nasty, condescending and sit abusing me alongside white supremacists.
The Arabs are violent and the last time I was confronted with what were Muslims in this partial Muslim community where I live, I was just trying to get a roadside iced tea from a little shop vendor, which was near the Muslim temple but also in an area surrounded by "modern" buildings catering to the tourist population so I had no idea that I was going into a hostile territory. This was during Covid and it was boiling hot outside and most of the stores were closed and this was something open and seemed accessible. The glare of DEATH AND MURDER was apparent and open from the hooded Muslim woman who was an agent of the Nazis who lied about whatever they wanted her to hate me violently for, as justification for what was almost a physical attack for just parking in this roadside tea vendor. The Muslim woman almost refused to serve me, but I stood my ground and smiled and really was hot and thirsty and nothing was open and I was waiting for someone to meet me for a business transaction at a store that was closed but they were going to meet me in a few minutes. I stood and smiled as she shook her head no. I stood and smiled and watched her until she finally realized that I was not t his lied-about thing that she understood was a target and was innocent. I thought of a two-person solution and just was pleasant and smiled and said the tea was so wonderful as she smiled at me. The woman sitting on the table who had instructed her to not serve me (discrimination) with a literal glare of hate at me (I had never seen her before) and I realized that this was due to the Mid-East situation and all the assumptions that were being made were instructed to her from the white Nazi pig apes who control literally both Jews and Arabs.
The Jews are violent in their covert stealth attacks of poisoning and exploitation but this was an open look of murder on her face, which was so angry and the hate was being directed at me in a way that was almost on the point of a terrorist attack.
However, the woman from that area, as I could tell that the woman coming to glare in absolute violent hate was not from that area, was much better dressed, much more wealthy looking but just not wealthy enough to be comfortable with ordering some other minion to do the hate work for her, as she was a minion probably trying to get a good recommendation and a promotion from the Nazi 4th Reich network in this area (and around the world).
It is the exact same situation, but the celebrities see me as this open source of exploitation and the hate for me defending my rights is at a murderous level and has been for a decade.
Not a single Jew or Palestinian comes to defend human rights, and those expletives marching at the college campuses in America are the same of the ilk that assaulted me in the US to the point of absolute terrorism against me and multiple murder assaults--the Progressives, the Liberals working alongside the outright fascist Nazis and Mafia.
This, too, is the same formation and formula used by the "highest" of this low organization in a mutual "hate" directed at me, but not for political reasons and rationale but just for money but also because they truly "believe" that they are this elite factor of untouchable criminal Nazi participants (never labelling themselves as such) yet, they must torture me in order to obtain original ideas and then suppress even my ability to type or think while fightin to pound these posts out (I only can imagine how badly this will be hacked, and it will be vetted for all and any ideas that can be stolen and it is assured that happens with my ever post as it's being partially deleted so when the ideas are stolen I can't go back and point to what was stolen as they keep deleting and then stealing and destroying my every post).
It is also the same with the recent "disappointment" with the "Me Too" cartel of Whorewood, who, one of the most outspoken of the white women, is despairing that "women" are being silenced once again. As I recall, she hacked a LOT of her videos on my social media in a way that absolutely is part of the hacking systematic triggering and attack protocol that so many do every day and then teleport me and torture me if I so much as click on their K-rap or write a commentary and now they are violently assaulting ;me if I watch a news clip or a video which has them in any way, or a photo of them next to another singer I am listening to--
and I can't commiserate with the Me Too Movement and I believe that this "woke" became a "joke" because at heart, they truly are despicable hypocrites and not a single one has done a single thing to stop this rape and torture protocol against me, and some of the leaders of the Me Too hve come to profit off this endless rape and abuse from "men" so-called as they watch on smiling and laughing and cheering it all on (then they are handed production studios to make their "feminist" victim narrative movies).
If there is NO ONE who thinks that this techno-terror rape and sex traffickin situation forced upon me, with mutilation and horrific deadly poisoning and drugging ongoing never-ending and violence and everyone thinks this is FUN AND GREAT they rush to abuse and threaten me, they can't wait.
But they all are seemingly on "opposite sides" but yet, they are all in agreement when it comes to violence against me because I am fighting for my human rights and not for some unidentifiable group halfway across the world or for some blondish Nazi women in Whorewood because they jumped on those couches and got cast and now want to be in the driver's seat but the the couch casting is now substituted by TORTURE MUTILATION POISONING TORTURE ABUSE MUTILATION ABUSE ABUSE ABUSE as they laugh and glob on to obtaining awards for cheering it all on.
As they are all on the same side, from Fox News to MSNBC AND from Biden to Trump
I have no side and if and ever there is a single person on my side for this egregious crime that is only like an open season on me for saying and screaming and fighting NO for the 13th year in a row to get sleazy filthy creeps off me and just more glob on every day.
There is literally no one on my side but yet the world is divided between the have-nots and the Haves but all are under the same central command structure as they "all" attack me using the exact same formulas, in each and every single instance. That means that all the seeming divisions are actually a construct and all are playing roles and parts they have been programmed into. The sad part is that they kill and die for these roles and they attack and follow every instruction that I have seen a billion times before, and on every side of every dualistic situation they all do literally the exact same things, from every country to every socioeconomic level, and from top-to-bottom.
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