Perhaps you politically slothful politico "activists" of all sorts can't connect the situation that has been imposed upon me to larger consequences of this "fun" and "entertaining" brain-manipulating spectacle that you observe, passively always doing nothing to stave off torture for me, but never associating apparent verbal mishaps of public figures with other brain-wave attack situations that are being implemented at highest levels.
Since the "people" attacking me ARE at highest levels, it would seem commensurate with the general situation of political machination(s). Have any of "you" out there ever considered this type of association, between my brain-mapping discrediting scheme, and the inability and thus invalidation of "Sleepy Joe" as his "owners" call him, as part of a discrediting scheme aimed at by the "Right" and simultaneously part of "The Left" agenda?
No, it can't be happening to such a long-time "friend" of both parties out of Congress to represent a shadow government of former long-term political ally "elite" "friends who also are, and have been participating in this scheme of puppetry associated with my current predicament, that "no one" will ever expose or alleviate me so I am alive, well and having a great time in this beautiful life, living in of some semblance of "Freedom" of speech, privacy of THOUGHT, privacy of my home and movement which I am "supposed" to have protected by the very people enforcing torture, discrediting, disfiguration of my body, drugging, rape, non-stop violence aimed at me, threats of all kinds aimed at me, financial ruin, etc etc-- all those criminal actions that are being fomented by your favorite "Left" and "Right" fascist, Nazi bigot Communist terrorists that have been "ruling" the country into ruin for decades.
That may sound like a rocking chair rant, and I sit here nearly paralyzed after more than 9 years of non-stop poisoning detox so this is all I can muster up. The keyboard has the customary blocks so tying is becoming increasingly impossible. My brain is likewise under severe attack as I sit here, my motor skills are declining because of the brain mapping tech that stifles hand coordination skills.
I have many ideas I would love to write about, and my typing ability as I always write is at top level or high enough to be able to type very quickly, accurately and smoothly without endless typos and suppression that I always encounter from hacking and keyboard blocks and brain-mapping tech swamping my brain so I can't function, or think without the "emotional" centers being exacerbated to the point that I end up in hate rants, unable to focus on the realistic points I want to convey.
I suggest that a similar attack scenario is being aimed at Joe Biden, because I doubt he truly is senile or incapable of verbal expression.
And there is Joe Biden, now labeled "Sleepy Joe" by his adversaries. This current campaign has been manipulated into becoming A situation of jokes and laughs by the opponents of Biden, and even those of his "party". The real goal is opposition to any change from the entrenched power structure, which the current incumbent is only one component of, and then he only represents and is not in complete "control" over his situation, and perhaps he too is a target of mind control technology but is too brash to ponder this, although I have been asked what it is like, how one can tell--and the point is that one cannot tell that one is being mind controlled unless it happens all the time and you "lose out" on what you are working to achieve. When "the chips are down" then one must survey where the onus of the problem exists. When one is rewarded with billions of dollars, gold-plated everything handed on a "silver platter" as some of these proponents of this system are, then they have no rationale to ever dismantle such a system, even if they suspect they are also being controlled.
There are also many other former incumbents involved in this situation, who are going to assume the mantels of power from behind the persona of their verbally deficient figurehead. They are likewise having me tortured, and using this technological platform to obtain promotions for their continuance in the media and political spheres, which I see personally in this situation and from observing the news and how much more publicity all of "them" obtain after being involved in this torture "mind control" situation that I have been writing of for years, to their gain and my utter torture, loss and still I remain tortured by the "Left" and the "Right" pundits, with their obscure "handlers" ensuring they have ever single iota of entitlement to torture me for information to crank out as their own ideas and formulas outside of their formulaic pedantic "Left" or "Right" formulaic posturing, which is essentially a contrived "bipartisan" trick to represent only one, narrow and confined mental space which they "control" with the "mind control" tech and the other propaganda devices that are endlessly utilized in repetitious formula contrivances in the media.
As "people" hacking/reading my post can assess from what I am fighting to convey, "they" (since I am being disfigured daily and I am in dire peril if I write their names literally on this blog--or perhaps I should, but I am now limping because "they" ordered their terrorist teams to inserts a metal object into the cut they slice into my foot--to the bone every single day, which is now inserted with a microchip which throbs and expands when I walk--but "they" can easily control their verbally obscure front person while operating as one singular team with their "Right" Party affiliate "friends" when they schmooze, have their rape and torture orgies upon persons like me (and this has been documented for years and testimony abounds but yet they remain in "power" because this is the "Democratic" "Will" of "The People" who endorse this situation. Plus all the covert assassinations of any real adversaries and the silencing and theft of "alternative" ideas from people "like me" and utter disenfranchisment, obscurity and silencing and block of all expression, plus torture and murder attempts after they steal and rob every single thing they can suck out and steal and break and etc etc..other people likewise have been murdered, silenced and all stolen from these insidious parasitic liars who "represent" only the murderous death squads which are also at the forefront of defending the "Left" and the "Right" fascist Nazi Communist life-destroying representatives, always keeping the same, death course and the planet is now in flames and dying and yet, they keep retaining "control" over BOTH SIDES OF THE DISCUSSION AND THE POLITICAL DEBATE through these technologies, through murder, assassinations, silencing, and only their pundits allowed to "represent" the lies spewed out by "both sides" of the political "divide" which is essentially a seamless death organization which also is devouring the planet's resources. Probably, I suspect, they are also "depopulating" the planet and want to eliminate millions of people --and this is another "conspiracy" theory that is not so "crazy" after all, at this point in time it appears to have at least a bit of validity.
I am now at the rambling, lack-of-coherency stage of the brain-mapping tech discrediting attack. I can't stay on the ideas I had wanted to present and I can't write or think clearly at this point. I am digressing to a more emotional stance and getting into suspicions instead of trying to stick with more rational analysis. Of course this is an intended brain-altering attack by the terrorists aiming their mind programming weapons which are always trained at me at all times.
. The discrediting of Joe Biden is intentional, it is calculated and manipulated and I feel very strongly that he is either microchipped or drugged or under the influence of remote brain-altering technology.
The discrediting schemes of these pernicious liars are that people are "deranged" due to old age, resulting in infirmities. As I have written for years, the poisoning, drugging, which is a real, not conspiracy theory conjecture, but a currently implemented form of not only mind/brain/tech interface "control" over the subject/target, but also of fooling the swayed public into following policies that are only part of a one-sided political operation, formatted by the media into representing some kind of dualistic interchange of "ideas".
Oh I have more to say on this point. I just realized that I was teleported by one of the "Left" political leaders, who while I was in a drowsy, nascent sleeping state, asked me for ideas about the situation this person was encountering in it's now solidified resurgence of power, after a few years of having me tortured by it's Nazi/mafia partners (who have been winning top awards in the movie and tv sphere for at least a few years of torturing and teleporting me--and that INCLUDES the blacks and feminists who claim they are victims of the "Right" and male rape culture, while they watch their "friends" rape and torture me, all with glaring looks of hate aimed at me when I fight back, call them names under this hypnotized, suggestive sleeping state. They cannot tell the difference between the ability of a human being to cloak their real thoughts and reformat the basic drives, mature or immature, that result from torture. They simply torture me for reacting and toerture me to get promotions and torture me to get ideas and torture me because they are emotionally and intellectually handicapped by their obsessive need for power and wealth and fame and glorification. However, the millions of people stalking me as proxy terrorist agents for them have their own promotional emotional handicaps, and the levels of unjustified but realistic rationalizations for attacking me are as endless as the millions of people from all walks and levels of society who are attacking me under the "Left" and "Right" rubrics cube of society.
And now I am digressing and unable to move my hands or fingers well to type, plus the keyboard is stiff and nearly inoperable.
The censorship continues through this hacking and brain-altering tech, which is supposed to be a form of discrediting me. The point of course has strayed to my personal near-ranting stage, but I had intended this to be a linear example of my "experimental" situation and the real deadly situation of Biden most likely being drugged, "programmed" microchipped and unable to get sentences out. As I stumble to type, I understand how this technology appears to make the target unable to think clearly, can't express words clearly, words come out unexpectedly without prior thought. I have no doubt this same situation is being foisted upon Joe Biden. I suggest that if any of you want to survive the 21st Century, to have a planet that is not being killed off by these "people" who endlessly want the next Quarter to be more profitable than the last, who want to have more plantations with slaves loving and serving them, with no opposition except for a controlled, Machiavellian "opposition" which is so stifled creatively and emotionally that they must rape me for sexual gratification, must then turn around immediately afterwards and then torture me to obtain ideas for their fake opposition output, to "represent" any alternative to the fascist tyrannical death squad murder (Nazi, bigot, fascist, mafia, Communist) system that has kept these haters in power for so many decades after they mass murdered millions to steal their money and property, level the over-population field, and then assume decades of power using the strategies that I am fighting to type about. If any of you want a planet that is not burned into a crisp, air pollution giving you cancer, rotten carcases representing the power structure who laugh and are turned on by rape, torture, murder, disfigurement, who have wrested control over every business, media outlet and etc etc, you get the point.
I also have been watching Fox News lately, for the first time. One of the anchor persons is extremely witty and "common sense" sardonic, insulting but clever like a witty attorney interrogating the "opposition" who always falter and appear to be uninformed, incapable of verbal defense. At this point it is very hard to type but I only add that this shows me absolutely that my "hypnthesis" of the "Left" being only part of the fascist, Nazi, Communist "Left/Right" facade, are put on display absolutely to be discredited but to appear like reasonable alternatives to the one-sided political point of focus. I cannot call it a spectrum by any means.
I end here only having been able to pound out a few paragraphs. When I tried to read through the post, I saw immediately that words were rewritten to discredit me. I wrote "real" in one line, and the hackers replaced that with "steal", to alter the statement irrevocably. Do not hesitate from associating what I write of with all these discrediting factors to Joe Biden's discrediting by the media, especially the "Right" pundits on YouTube and in the media, who scoff and laugh about how incapable he appears to be for the leadership position.
On another point, which is related to this. I was teleported by a "Left" personality a few days ago (last week). In a drugged, as my food is always drugged, state, and sick from detox, and paralyzed from poisoning, and sitting here in utter isolation with every beautiful, loving thing stolen from me so all defenses have been torn down for years and years by now: thus very vulnerable and sick and sitting here under torture conditions, my body every night being cut into and severed slightly night-after-night:
I have time to assess Nazi historical policy and when this personality who is very famous, indeed very well entrenched in the power structure, and much moreso after YEARS of observing me being tortured, raped and attacked by it's "friends" and now, is endlessly in the spotlight of media and politico structure, behind the scenes of the other target who is probably being drugged, microchipped and is under the sway of this techno interface torture:
I described Ernst Rome, the former SA leader who allied with Hitler and then was assassinated by Hitler after having helped Hitler to achieve great power. I associated this with a current attack upon this personality. This person then queried why I associated "it" with this Nazi figure. I won't go into detail on this point because I delineated my ideas on this above, that there is no opposition and the "Left" are, from my experience of those who are being promoted into higher positions and winning top media awards for stealing ideas from me after they rape and torture and drug and poison and do it non-stop day after day for years upon years---discrediting me all the time and blocking any single attempt I make at having any voice, literally my throat is also microchipped as they close off my sphincter muscles when I attempt to talk in public. Right now I am struggling and fighting with the cursor, which skips to other words or lines when I try to backspace and correct the non-stop attacks on my writing--which of course will be rewritten after I publish this post as more discrediting to my written attempt to defame my character--
Immediately, two days later, a persona on YouTube who vblogs and has a tv media politico show, wgise videos show up nearly continuously despite me having subscribed to his show, I have also subscribed to many other sites but they NEVER show up, such as home construction and tool sites because I have to repair so much that the terrorists order upon my living situation.
Back from this brain-controlled digression: this man on air mentioned the "Night of the Long Knives", which is when Ernst Rome was assassinated (or he was put into custody and then murdered a few days later).
And I see endlessly the "liberal" white males, and the "liberal" "feminist" white females who are all at the forefront of the media complex endlessly either having their faces put on display at inappropriate places (if I attempted to describe their triggering tactics, it would definitely be fodder for accusations of paranoid and delusion aimed at me).
This is now at the stage of impossibility to type, from hackers blocking keyboard function.
Just fighting to pound down and backspace and get the space bar to operate.
Always, my ideas stolen not only by "whites" but also by "blacks" who also represent the same power structure that they claim they are fighting against, over and over this has been repeated for years. Then there are the "feminists" and also the "Latinos" and also "The Jews" and etc etc etc the list of turncoat liars is endless, but the perpetrators are white.
The censorship of me, my ideas, but my thoughts stolen not even while I can write about them, but stolen from the nascent sleeping state of teleportation or my thoughts, which are likewise continuously under surveillance by their inaudible thought-hacking technology (see cochlear implants to assess how non-verbal communication can be circumvented by technology).
I am ending here as it is impossible to type any longer. I have completely lost my train of thought, and using correct grammar at this point is too strenuous to type out.
Only white males or their women are allowed to have a "voice" and suppression of speech is the absolute rule, that has created this one-sided dialogue that appears to be a joke and a diversity speech and a righteous bipartisan spectacle. The suppression of the First Amendment at this stage of technological advance means that literally a voice can be mechanically blocked by microchips, and thought processes can be allayed to incoherent rambling. These are facets of the breach of the FIRST AMENDMENT that are being relished by the power structure, ignored by the rest of "you" reading this and your assumptions that this is a positive and not a negative are astoundingly ignorant.