Saturday, September 12, 2020

Highway 88 666 Revisited---Minnesota and it's long-gone residents. All along the Watchtower the thieves they do roam, going home but never arriving.


And then there's the (murdered) death of Prince--as I believe now in "conspiracy theories" from years of observing how these stealth deadly operations operate--seeing people close to me get slowly murdered with poisoning and attacks but always disguised as "normal" accidents and diseases.

Prince....I can't type due to hacking but I can express how bigoted and racist Minneapolis and Minnesota really is. However, this is no different from any other place on the planet, but the opportunities are a bit more available, or were, only briefly,, when Prince made his debut on the Minneapolis scene.

Reviled by the Nazi-adherents that I was "forced" to be around, who had copies of Mein Kampf in their bedroom bookshelves, and attended "German" camp and were often traveling to-and-fro from Berlin back to Minnapolis, but never had money on a personal level or so they seemed.


Prince, so beloved, but so hated by the whites who were plentiful in their hate organizations and their circuits. Widespread now with technology to the point that there are no regional differences any longer, in essence but perhaps a few slight alterations in dress code or accent.

Murdered. White hate groups behind the police investigation. The police with extremely bad karma. The city of Minneapolis now a dead zone of hate and crime, where it once was a creative bastion of new ideas, fashion, fun, parties....

Like everything wound down and sank into this horrid ugly abyss, and moreso after Prince was (Murdered) died of an "accidental" overdose due to a mistake he could not recognize....

Even he could sense his own demise that was looming over his iconographic stance in Minneapolis---the death squads were lurking back when he was reaching his peak and zenith. I could feel it and I left decades ago. Now time has shown me that I was correct. 

Always the suburbs will be clean and white in Minnesota and they remain a safe haven for white supremacist to thrive and plot and scheme on how to drive out the unwanted from surpassing them in style or music or art any longer....death squads of Minnesota orriginate not from police but the "good" suburban white demographic, spanning the entire state. The deeper you dig into this white rabbit hole, the more racist and Nazi supremacist the reality plunge into the cold and death waters of reality drown out the fiction of this once thriving "multicultural" artistic city. Now it's just homeless and people protesting blacks being killed in the streets as the streets curl up and die.

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