Friday, September 18, 2020

I tried to have "fun" today by getting onto a site I never go onto, which has humorous fun and truly alternative views and posts.

 For 10 minutes I was able to surf and finally feel this sense of relief that I finally got onto a forum without the endless photos the terrorist actors and politicians insert into every single page, newspaper (excluding the big political personalities whose photos are obligatory media fodder, but the excessive amounts of his photos are beyond the normal capacity of generated media search results. The percent of his photos is at nearly 100% for every search and media  outlet I peruse on the internet, and always displayed at the very top of every single page possible).

The rest of them insert their videos, gnarling hate photos insinuating violence (they are merely the entertainment branches of the Hooligans, who pay for and attend their hate concerts and performances, as they all support one another they also worship their icon idols that portray their hate philosophies, always and usually disguised as righteous anti-fascist, anti-rape Me Too posturing but all veiled behind absolute violence and hate philosophy always disguised and always touted as being the superior of all the other actors in the world; they remain a monopoly for what appears to be a parallel dictatorship of the Holllywood and media conglomerate empires.

Back to what I was trying to write about, which has strayed inseparably from what I was really going to write:

Immediately, like all the gang stalking operations in the shopping areas, the streets, just like the Dortmund video I posted in my last post, within a few minutes the faces of these hate personalities, who put these photos and videos implying through trigger mechanisms, symbols that are repeated, absolute death threats, homeless threats, etc etc veiled as all the media output they insert into every media source possible, as all are really just like the gang stalking network (they ARE the gang stalking representatives)--all having a monopoly of their personalities that span decades with almost no space for anyone else to rise up in popularity or fame unless they are fully desensitized, programmed into murderous hate programming, bigot despite all superficial appearances (i.e. they are "black" but bigot Nazis programmed to assist in racist attacks but appear like they are fighting racism).

It's disgusting, their rotten faces are disgusting. I just was having "fun" for 10 minutes in a site that was not polluted with mainstream media celebrity programming--it was such a RELIEF for 10 minutes. Immediately their faces emerged in huge, huge photos dominating the links I opened in stupid and inconsequential themes, thus ruining the enjoyment of reading the threads of these discussions. I think they are blocking content so only their banality and stupidity is represented. I think they intend to make me "stupid" by blocking al realistic content. 

Also their drugging and the technology they inflict upon me makes me so drugged up and incapable of concentrating that I cannot do real research, as I write every day almost by now I want to research and learn and have my concentration on other things besides these ignoramus ugly sick personalities that are hacking into every cool and interesting site and thing I do. Otherwise, I am too ill to read or concentrate as they have increased the drugging ratio and the detox also has me spewing out poison and mind control drugs that have fermented into my body, hardened and calcified, coming out it's like waves of sickness where my body is too ill to even take a shower, I am completely dehabilitated physically and intellectually I am blanked into a daze and cannot read. If I do attempt to read my eyes are forced to crank out tears that keep blurring my vision and exacerbating my already damaged eyes from years of this one particular attack on my eyes and skin.

Please goddamn someone get this group off of me so I am living in peace, security, prosperity and my cat(s) returned alive, healthy, my own home financial compensation for this endless crime. Around people who are not part of this system who will protect me who I can partner with. I know that nearly 100% of you reading this are part of this group and only want me broken, endlessly begging online for help to stop slow mutilation to death, poisoning to death, blood poisoning from toxic sprays and fungus and mold perpetually sprayed into my body, my orifices, my food stinks of fungus, my refrigerator is always smeared with dirty nasty fugus and mold, my room stinks of sprays that I must breathe in all night--

I can't stand these creeps attacking me who are supposed to represent a "liberal" and intelligent artistic cultural display of beauty, but inactuality they disgust me I only see ugly sinister parasites PLEASE GET THEM OFF ME. 

I can only hope that in a few months there will be a real change of power, not just a superficial restructuring with the same people mind controlling and using the seemingly incompetent puppet they are exploiting and using tech to verbally destroy. 

I hope this person is made aware that he is potentially a target and has been perhaps microchipped and is being used by his "friends" in his "party" which has become a disgrace. The very people who make oaths to protect the Constitution are attacking me with such vicious hate and death threats if I fight for any human rights whatsoever described in any constitutional body of any country, around the world they have negated all human rights to me and my situation. This is of course being fully supported by all societies at large around the planet. But as for the American situation of "Democracy" I can only attest that I see, from my position as target, that they absolutely almost worship European fascist Nazi handlers who hand them huge mansions, estates, promotions, contracts as they nearly idolize these fascists who they claim are just "friends" and they are "nice" and "glamorous" and then they use absolutely Neo-Nazi tactics upon me. 

They want a "baby" out of me, I want them destroyed. Do not let more celebrities get paid, like corrupt power lobbies, to endorse these political pawns of the fascist Nazis out of Europe and other countries. The same tactics you can see on the Dortmund Neo-Nazi documentary I posted on the last page are being used against me by these same Democrat pundits.

They keep attacking me viciously because the more I write about the damage and misery they inflict, as they laugh and gloat over the hormone rush they get for dumping their hate and ugliness out on me, glowing with joy afterwards, then being promoted into their coveted and desired top positions in the media--you can see red carpet photo ops of them at all the biggest media soirees at all the most expesnsive functions and endorsements and in all the lead media positions afterwards. 

That every single one of them cowtows to Europeans when they teleoprt me, shows me clearly and unequivocally that Americans are NOT IN CHARGE OF AMERICA BUT INSTEAD HAVE BEEN BOUGHT OUT BY EUROPEAN AND OTHER FOREIGN ENTITIES THAT ARE NEO-FASCIST NAZI OPERATIONS OUT TO DIVIDE AND CONQUER THE UNITED STATES.

I just try to get out of the media onslaught and then they pollute that like all the other things they pollute in my body and mind and home to sicken and then slowly murder me, but fighting to get me to claim, under drugging, hypnosis, brainwashing and teleportation rape and torture that I really love their crappy movies our media output or their political posturing, when in reality I never have endorsed them and they are aware of that. The goal of brainwashing "behavior modification" which is simply torture using "silent weapons" and the absolute allowance for such behavior by the executive executives. After all the theft, rape and torture, they then are demanding a baby out of me. If anyone can imagine how disgusting they are to try to force this upon me? The other facet of their mind screw operations is to get me to lean on them for 'Help" and "love" them for having stinking clothing put in 2nd hand shops after they block my real financial capabilies, after they create the fiction that they are "rescuing" or "helping" me, and then they come and appear as "heroes" coming to "rescue" me from their violent sleazy and sick and rotten "friends" who are really their business partners in this crime, who are abusing me to death--as they all laugh and make jokes about their conquest and then the next sleazebag scumbag creep attacks me exactly in the same ways and then appears as the heroes in the movies and in politics, coming to rescue society from their friends who are fascist Nazis they party with in their orgy pedophile rape mansions with their fascist Nazi adherents sitting calmly smiling in the background as their rotten and sleazy puppets help to deteriorate the American culture as the masses cheer it all on because they can't stand a truly free and non-racist culture or society.

But their goal, which has been met today, a daily quota if possible of me writing about  their ugliness and violence, and asking people to intervene to stop this murder and torture disgusting group from inflicting anymore of their stupid attacks upon me, demonstrating their inferiority not superiority--and I have written in excess today because I reacted after more than 10 years of rape, torture, theft of every single thing I have obtained, worked for, and sought to achieve and with this tech and the silencing of everyone else around the world, they have stolen ideas I wanted to use for my own output, always drugged into stagnated oblivion incapable of functioning by them---and I was in a good mood today as I began to surf the internet and getting onto fresh, new alternative websites, which for a few minutes was a new view of the world that these greasy, filthy stupid sleazy ugly creeps pollute and sully with their endless insertions, their hate and rotten foul racist crap aimed at me endlessly with violence as a daily constant aimed at my body

so, after drinking more drugged tea and detoxing for the 9th year going on 10 of hard poison I can never fully get out of my body---limping they have begun to cut my toe off because I wish them death after years of torture day after day after day after night for years and years with shitty president after president, actor after actor, pig after ape attacking me--hundreds of thousands of creeple stalking me for their entire bigot Nazi operation--not ONE SINGLE PERSON EVER COMING TO ME WITH ANY SUPPORT SYSTEM OR HELP DESPITE YEARS OF ASKING FOR HELP AROUND THE WORLD. so I wish them death. They cut into my already twice broken toe, which was beautiful, my body used to be beautiful they have marred and broken vertebrae, bones, poisoned me for years while my body became a huge, bloated poison balloon with hard poisons pulling my spine out of alignment because the terrorist pig apes attacking me while I sleep have put my hips and spine out of place. They have also pounded spider veins into all areas of my legs, and smeared chemicals or fungus on my skin so huge red pmples have erupted all over my thighs, which remain visible so my legs are covered with scars, the left foot is mangled and ugly,now the toe is being cut off, the toe is almost parallel to the toe next to it, the ball of my foot sticks out because the bone has been ripped out of the joint--I can't get medical care the pig apesmnaking millions of dollars off stealing my ideas have blocked all medical care from me, after trying to rape and murder me. ALLOF THIS IS BEING FUNDED AND SUPPORTED BY THE UNITED STATES PRESIDENCY FOR TWO ADMINISTRATIONS DIRECTLY AND INDIRECTLY, AND FROM FORMER PRESIDENTS AND THEIR SHITTY "FEMINIST"WIVES.. But I remain very bady and seriously injured because they keep cutting into this toe area, into the webbing of the toe tissue between the toes to the bone, and now they are digging into the bone structure and cutting bone and tissue. I can't walk any longer.  etc but this makes my foot ugly and deformed, My body is covered with poisons that appear as cottage cheese cellulite, and spider veins cover my legs too. My toenails have been coated with fungus and other hardening substances so they are crooked and broken and disgusting. That is just my legs. Every single night the terrorists go througha list of deformation and bone-breaking attacks on every part  of my body, and if possible  they rape me as well and insert stinking fluids into my hair, ears, vagina and all over my skin. This "turns" the presidents and their wives and daughters and friends on so much that the funding never ceases. They want someone to rape and mutilate and sever and break bones and watch get smeared with fungus in every orifice and fight to the death for human righs while NO ONE AROUND THE PLANET NOT A SINGLE PERSON ANYWHERE WILL EVER INTERVENE OR HELP THE VICTIM, unless they can participate in this contract too and get free deals out of it, which means I never get help as this torture and murder situation is never stopped and I am blamed for being a target too,then tortured more when I react in rage after more than a decade of literal non-stop attacks that last 24 hours a day without end.-

does anyone out there reading this wonder why America seems to be completely breaking down?

 I want them dead I wish them death, all of those who attacking me. GET THEM OFF ME GET THESE PIG APE WHORES OFF ME GODDAMN WHAT MORE MUST i DO TO GET ANY DEFENSE OR JUSTICE?

I can't pound down and fight against this brain-attack confusion any longer at this point.


Meanwhile, these rotten and boring, empty and meaningless parasites are perusing my writing RIGHT NOW to steal whatever concepts they can for their fake alternative posturing, with extremely generous funding and promotion from their English aristocrat, Italian mafia, Russian Communist of the genocide cult, and probably behind all of that is Chinese funding (communist) because here in Paradise Nazi Phuket, Thailand, it's the Chinses who are the main financial backers of all this cement crap they are destroying the ecosystem with so ugly rotten Europ-a men and their rotten bigot Nazi wives can have more retirement businesses as the natural beauty is absolutely destroyed--like all this group does, they destroy all they touch but they call it their "entitlement" as they are supposed to be "superior". All of this is being done and has been done in America by the same exact people and forces, extending into huge concentric circles of terror operations but disguised as "normal" social groups (aka "secret societies" by some).

I can't fight the keyboard blocks any longer.

Every time I pound down furiously on the keyboard to get this stress out, as physical mutilation and poisoning, non-stop cleaning of stinking fluids every single day it's non-stop as they never stop inserting mechanical arms into my room. Ideas I have written are verbatim stolen and used for the scumbags who are teleporting and torturing me, I am forced into abject poverty while they are being paid in millions for stealing my ideas and then forcing what they have stolen into my every search, so I j must see them and what they ahve stolen as they torture me for reacting in anger against this endless crime.

What I have just written is of course the endless goal of these parasites: I write that NO ONE will defend me, which is considered their glorification that NO ONE LITERALLY NO ONE, not antifa, not anyone, ever gets involved or protects me. This they consider to be their prize goal and the complete uniformity of the mind control programming operations so no one ever stops them from enacting a one-world system of though and behavior programming and "behavior modification"

Then they are promoted further for my reaction. so at this time of political renewal, the attacks are so violent that my toe is literally being sliced off every single day for me not being able to not react after being drugged into a hysterical state, the drugs make being stoic impossible. Every single thing I do is broken and marred and stolen, and all attempts to reach out are met with saturation of them , their photos all those who have raped and disfigured and broken my body endlessly show up, in all sites, within a few seconds sometimes. This also happened today on Twitter, which I never use, and within a few seconds a few of these rotten celebrities and political personalities who have been promoted for either assisting in,  or personally participating in teleporting, torturing and raping and disfiguring me through their proxy minority minions (or poor white people aspiring to get rich quick and have a genocide system where they always get free entitlements in their "socialist" systems) and now they are dismembering me, the more I try to ignore them as I am stunned, sick and sitting in one place unable to read, concentrate or get any single thing done--in order to obtain a reaction where I ty pe about how they are hacking, how they are mutilating me, to a silent audience who never stops them or protects me no matter where I go on the planet I get blank silence, turned backs, accusations of how I brought this situation upon myself somehow--and murdering me through these proxy terrorist dismembering attacks to slowly to get endless reactions out of me. When I react, they get more deals and prizes. I am stunned and poisoned every single day so I remain alone in a room which is poisoning me to death, the attacks are non-stop. every attempt to get my mind on other things is met with more attacks so I revert to watching YouTube, which is being subliminally programmed into me. If I do a search and try not to see any page, if I don't expand the page at once, the multiple videos of these parasites who are attacking me immediately pollute every page on the right-hand side of the YouTube format. 

I just spent 15 minutes trying to insert the cursor which kept jumping to other words when I clicked to correct the typos the hackers inserted, and now the hackers are blocking the capital key on the right hand side so I can't print out any capital letters using my right hand. The function simply won't work.

The increasing of attacks is coming as November looms. The presence of sinister politicians who I deplore and think are absolute despot tyrants, who have eliminated all freedoms of the Constitution from me, are laughing as they torture me for writing any single critical comment about them whatsoever, fascist authoritarian style. All of them worship European fascist Nazis and strive as much as possible to emulate European fashion and they openly express contempt for America and Americans in their every private attack upon me, with Europeans nearly patting them on the back for doing so.

I tried to have some relief from them today, was too sick from poisoning after having to throw away more stinking shoes, my brand new shoes stinking with the same poison now after just less than one hour of wearing them--my internet poisoned with their faces and bs "friendly" posturing after they have Nazis dismember me so they can get more promotions. all of them call themselves a European descent and have no real affinity with America, the US Constitution unless it involves their bigot white racist Nazi culture and for me, it's supposed to be a meaningless nothing and that my attempts to be beautiful, happy and successful are met with so much violence that I can't move any longer physically. My ideas I had wanted to capitalize on, which I WORKED FOR BY STUDYING FOR YEARS they continue to TORTURE OUT OF ME AND DRUG AND POISON OUT OF ME because they are blank and empty sterile rapist abusers, rapists who make jolly jokes at parties. They are so enthralled that any threat to their mediocrity is being assuaged by endless rape, torture and they can utilize this technology to steal ideas, quell any dissent from me, through torture that never ends whether I remain silent or not. They are not only exonerate by all authority but promoted by the foreign and domestic fascist Nazi organizations and mafia cartels that have taken all reins of power over the country.

I write this same theme, but it has grown into dangerously corrupt proportions but remains only as theoretical posturing, as these same sold-out pundits are allowed to torture me to obtain "alternative" concepts to sell off, the the huge cheers of the entire media "left" and "right" cartel ownership of both sides of all debates.

I can't pound down any longer and fight to retype any longer.


One or two minutes today of getting outside the overarching boundaries of "their" excessive control over all media and output, for a few minutes I felt the sense of being a fun, happy person involved in some written internet system. Immediately under attack to poison my thoughts with their rotten and ugly faces. I can't get rid of them, I can't stop the poisoning and drugging so I can go out and do other things beside sit here in a drugged stupor, only able to clean dangerously toxic poisons that I must fight to not get KILLED by breathing in all the time. 

I ask once again for people to group together and get me into a safe living environment, to stop these parasites to get me in a safe environment. 

Once again the capital key for the right hand is inoperable, and when I press it the cursor jumps to the next line so I can't use this function. 

Make them pay me for this crime, for the ideas they have stolen, stop this violence against me. where are any defense organizations? where are the anti-racist groups coming to defend me instead of other people. I mean a planet of people and organizations denying me support or help, and infiltrators everywhere using terrorist tactics, and threats to these organizations, to block all support or defense of me from anybody and everywhere it is exactly the same thing. All the people who once supported me are dead or they remain silent and won't get involved.

Please, they are disgusting, these leaders and actors and they are trying to force this "baby" on me despite me fighting to kill them whenever I can get at them in the teleportation skitsl I pray for their deaths every single day without fail.


Hackers, or the very people I am describing in the posts, have deleted parts of paragraphs but this time they did not contort the phonetic structure, instead the hackers made their deletions appear as if the sentences were smooth and coherent. Regardless, as I re-read some of the posts, I realized that much had been deleted but the posts read like a seamless thread (with a few typos and word omissions, but not too much to make the seeming incoherency absolutely skewed and unreadable. Mostly unreadable in parts, the hackers smeared my writing and made what they left remaining appear as if I am capable of writing, with a lot of messy typos and words omitted, tense wrong, and blanks where there should be complete sentences. I also know that my brain is under this severe attack where I cannot write clearly and write in cryptic fashion, at times not including introductory words to make the sentences clear and understandable. I also wrote about the huge deletions hackers perform, which was also hacked out and deleted! Almost funny for them to attack my writing about them attacking my writing.


What was also hacked, and or blanked out of my brain, was how whenever I write the names of the famous people who teleport me, who threaten to have me killed, (right now the space bar is absolutely not working so I must pound down with my entire hand to get it to operate-- I am being censored and stopped completely from writing because every single word I type I must backspace and correct or pound down with my literal hand and arms strength. By the way, this also happens at the bank where I deposit my rent money into a banking machine. The hackers are standing by, the banking area is empty and then as soon as I begin to fight to literally pound down on the electronic keypad because hackers are blocking all functions--I am surrounded immediately by people on either side, as my heart begins to palpitate from attacks on my heart.

I am now pounding so hard on the keyboard it is like hammering the keys with my fingers and hand.

IF I WRITE THE NAMES of the famous actors and politicians who are attacking me, they insert photos of themselves at red carpet openings and media "elite" functions. I have been keeping relative track of whom or what is going on in this arena, although I was blocked from owning a laptop for more than one year, I still looked. The surge of their relatively sudden and numerous appearances always accompanies my depictions of their attacks upon me. Sometimes this surge in media popularity occurs a few months later, but inevitably it occurs. When I do not write their names directly, they are not so highly publicized. The most vicious are the most honored by this group sponsoring these attacks upon me.That for some reason I am this focus of all these attacks, for so many years out of this H-wood scene is unbelievable but I believe that their goal is to break my spirit and body on all levels before forcing a baby out of me and then, inevitably murdering me at some later date, once they finally suck out all sexual passion, all love from drug-induced and technological brain-mapping "experiments" in hateful,  nasty rotten loveless men forcing their nasty and dirty, foul and stupid unlovable selves upon me while I am drugged nearly to death and my brain is always in some induced state. I am fighting to pound this out now, the attacks are extremely severe by now on the keyboard to the point of impossibility of typing. I absolutely cannot get this out whatsoever

When I write their names and in hysteria detail what violence that is so sick and repulsive that they force upon me, in this sleeping MK ULTRA teleportation state, and the violent and ugly things they have their minions perform  to destroy each and every single moment possible of my life--and afterwards you can see the perpetrators ABSOLUTELY L THRILLED as I sit alone, cleaning and cleaining hour upon hour day after day and then sitting here sick from the exertion, the tasks and things I actually l want to do with my life every day are neglected for months and years due to sleeping in pain as my body is being ripped from the exertion of  pounding hooks into the corners of the 30+ panels which line both sides of a tiny microstudio where I am not able whatever I do to stop this murder of me every day by their incisions and destruction of my body and the poisoning of my body and food and home.

I know that many of them are reading this right now, I realize that the disgusting creeps who are bigot fascist Nazis who I met years ago, who came at me glaring in hate with their legs spread open, insulting and attacking me and then telling me to be screwed by them so they could be handed free new businesses for doing essentially nothing more than drugging, raping and abusing me. When I thought and assumed that they had at least some interest in me as a person, and I succumbed to the overwhelming sensation that the drugging effects combined with the technology,  they then got me pregnant (and I believe I was impregnated while I was in this vulnerable sleep state and not when I was sith these rapists I thought were friendly, after they ALL offered me drugged up alcohol at social situations where my "friends" offered me these cocktail drug drinks and then watched as I got raped by their partners as they all then got more free promotions. Now I sit here decades later, almost  10 yearsof detoxing all the drugs and poisons so many people smiling into my face put into my food and who broke into my home or were eventually extremely abusive "roommates". I am; now fighting to type so hard that it is like a literal fight with the keys. Some of these same people who have done this to me aned much, much much worse violence are part of the current surveillance and attack situation. I spent over three years trying to stop a disgusting ugly personality who is still part of this huge profit situation, who makes every attempt to trigger a reaction out of me, as the business he was handed in Phuket is continuously on display on the cars and trucks that drive into my lane and stop in front of me, and in the shopping mall where I buy food, his insignia is everywhere with people handing out fliers and leaflets advertising his venue, just as I am being blocked by stalkers on all sides so I have to stop just at the point where this is going on in the shopping malls--a contrived situation to trigger and bring endless reminders of this disgusting, ugly sick psychopath murdering bigot Nazi creep who I had only 5 minutes of any verbal exchange from, in all the years I lived in Miami where his nasty businesses have thrived ever since he began torturing and disfiguring me slowly to death. A piece of scum like him reads my posts, informs the Americans who are absolutely part of mafia carterls, to torture me slowly to death they all oblige him and laugh as they are doing it--I write about it to silence and I believe most of H-wood knows about this and still will not do any single thing to protect or defend me.I realize they don' tknow me, to them I am just  a civilian and not part o ftheir cartels,while their "friends" are teleporting, r aping and torturing me and they can't deviate from their cliches and don't care to anyway.i

I cannot describe how bad the hacking is, the space bar is not working at all. I have spent over 20 minutes on the one paragraph above trying to get the cursor inbetween the words glued together and all I wrote was not intended. I donot want to expose myself like this, it is just coming out as I fight to be ableto type my brain is being bombarded so what  I had wanted towriteabout is completely gone and their discrediting of my charactercomes to the fore. That a woman is raped always seems to imply that she did something "wrong" to "deserve"it, instead of the rapists being absolute scum and filth that are disgusting abusers, which really is what these celebrities and politicians really are. 

I wanted to write about how when I write their names they get more deals and are absolutely promoted at the highest prestige appearances, and these appearances are always put on my every media search, and always what ideas they always steal are also placed immediately in front of me, sometimes copying exactly what I had written or even just thought that they "harvested" from their terror and drugging and tech attacks, and then I see how what I had always written is turned into their bigot propaganda, with bigots playing anti-bigots in these movies (which of course includes black actors who threaten and yell at me and kiss their white Nazi bigot "handlers" who hand out these appearances and rewards. They ask me "why" I am against what they are doing, in this hypnotized state, and they hit, abuse, threaten me as well, and then I begin, in this state where I cannot filter or make my responses in any way congenial or pragmatically calm, and that is also how they not only obtain ideas about how to present themselves as having these ideas, but they also then are put into these high stakes red carpet appearances smiling and then, alternatively, glaring in hate at"me"in personalized photos which accompany their posturing entries into the highest levels oft media conglomerate bigot parade ceremonies.

The hacking has made this impossible to type. I am talking about 30 minutes, literally, fighting to type one paragraph.The keys won't operate witout pounding down with all my strength, and the spacebar literally won't work when I pound down completely with my entire hand.

This entire addition to this post, from the dotted line above----to this point has taken me almost one hour to backspace, then the cursor jumps to another letter when I attempt to correct the typo--and righ now keys won't operate at all. The space bar is something that I am pounding down on.

I pray, I  pray every day that these parasite  pigs are killed I just ask for someone to stop this crime when will anyone ever intervene?

I do not want to write their names more because they are then rewarded so unjustifiably for me reacting directly to their crimes against me. This I am fighting with my entire arm and hand to pound down right now as it's nearly impossible. I want to see them destroyed I cannot express what kind of destsruction I wish upon them all after years of this unjustified hate series of endless tortures inflicted upon me while stupid and ugly rotten pigs are being paid in millions to steal ideas from me while blocking my every attempt to thrive in any business capacity. I want to write their names and have some kind of evidence of their rape, violence, disfiguration, theft of my property, violence without end and for this country to stop allowing them to be promoted.

WHAT REALLY NEEDS TO BE DONE IS FOR ALL CELEBRITY ENDORSEMENTS OF POLITICIANS BE MADE ABSOLUTELY ILLEGAL AND THIS SHOULD BE ENFORCED WITH A JAIL SENTENCE. These pig ape creeps, who are also politicians who are involved in the highly lucrative and brain-control operations of the propaganda media are worse than any lobby that operates as an illegal front and an affront to all Democratic laws and principles. They are a mafia organization that is funded by human trafficking, which my situation can attest to--all of the creeple involved in attacking me appear to have prior experience in rape, trafficking, and other versions of human exploitation and sexual abuse. They have been groomed in being predators, pimps and glorified prostitution. That includes the female (blonde) Nazi "feminists" who, all want political power after their rapist husbands allow them to try their hand at the political game, especially if the limits of their political tenures have expired, like the situation of politicians (or anyone else for that matter) being exploited with this brain-mapping technology and literally turned into verbally stuttering "fools" who are then used as front puppets for the people who are not "allowed" to run for office after years of them inflicting Nazi "liberal" politics---the females are likewise used in this manner. But only as a continuation of the male rapists who sponsor their rape culture women to appeal to female voters; all ostensibly appearing as "feminists". Now that I have only alluded to whom you  know who--with the pounding of the keys at such a snail's pace that it is unbelievable tome, when I can type over 70 words per minute I sit here pounding down one paragraph for over 30 minutes.

These Nazi, mafia bigot rape enabler females I allude to can also be the DAUGHTERS of the  men who have exceeded term limits for political leadership.


As I just got up and walked away, after spending what seemed like an hour or two fighting to correct glued sentences in long strings while the cursor was hacked into jumping to other lines or letters

I am being forced to continuously have to write screaming online for rape, mutilation and torture to be stopped. this has been ongoing for over 7 years literally non-stop day after day,month after month, year after year.

They want me focused entirely on them. They trigger a reaction with knowing what I am looking at, as I have been informed that "they" can see through my eyes--if they can force my eyes to look downwards when a Nazi is confronting me--my vision goes into a grey/black state at these times I literally lose consciousness for a fraction of a second as my eyes literally drop and my consciousness is GONE entirely--I blank out and literally faint within less than a fraction of a second at these times, but the appearance of weakness has been wrought, and I appear to be succumbing to these worthless pig apes who I find to be scum and low meaningless pig apes unworthy of any honor or respect from me.

I am now once more digressing and entering into an emotional downward spiral in my writing. I write of these women because one of them has been profiting off this contract alongside the rapist mafia personality I wrote of above, who will never stop attacking me and this is not just for years but decades--THIRTY YEARS of some sleazy foul scumbag rapist who I have talked to for less than five minutes in all those 30 years--who teleported and raped me nightly for four years while I screamed in emails and phoned his business screaming in hysterica to stop teleporting and raping me, as he was MURDERING ME by pounding the poison into my body as deeply as possible. After more then THREE YEARS of writing and screaming in drugged up hysterida, after he had me raped endlessly while I was drugged and alseep by the wortheless ugly rotten old men who lived next to me in what was a violent torture and murder situation rental situation (which has been THE ONE AND ONLY RENTAL SITUATION I HAVE EXPERIENCED FOR YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS) but, I cannot type due to the severity of the hacking blocks to the keys, it takes me over five minutes to pound down and write these few words within one sentence when I really could type it within less than 45 seconds. When I began to write emails to him calling him a pig, he had my cat nearly killed, and because he forced me into sickness and then blocked all financial earning, I was put into a deadly situation and all my possessions were stolen from me, as I was attacked by people in the thousands literally because of this one Italian mafia scumbag creep, who I can't understand why, but has been welcomed into America and is put into this high position and his dumb and stupid as hell and imcompetent and a disgusting criminal who has not earned anything, but has been handed all access to torturing me and stealing ideas from Prince while I believe he was part of the murder operation that had Prince killed afterwards. He also stole ideas about Prince's club from me, and also some of my own entertainment ideas, deleted the posts I wrote under drugging and rape conditions while he was and still is murdering me slowly, and then he stole the ideas and incorporated them into his crappy club in Miami Beach which has since won award after award for entertainment spectacle on SouthBeach, while when I knew him, his crappy club was a boring mafia joint that had not a single concept or idea beyond basic pop music with mafia pimps and their mostly blonde whores golddigging for lucre.

This disgusting parasitic pig is being handed all access to continuing torturing and dismembering me and is still being honored by the "feminist" Nazi politician who has been operating with the mafia to obtain access to the huge rewards of this system. It is a repugnant and utterly racist situation confronting me. This dark-haired absolutely racist bigot sleazy Italian mafia pig ape always had blonde women sitting behind, laughing as he insults and rapes and abuses me in front of them, for their promotion (they are French women, who "hate" Americans and also want to establish, along with all their minority slaves in Miami, a huge plantation State out of the United States. Their anti-semitic rancor is evident and pervasive. I use this term anti-Semitic only because that is what they use against the image of hate they aim at me. They want me to belong to the oppressed, ugly, disfigured status that they have used as a genocide tactic throughout the centuries to crush Jews and make the women frumpy, ugly and discredited. Thus, they superimpose all kinds of disgusting stereotypes upon me because I have never conformed to the standard that makes these bigot blonde whore creeps feel they they are entitled to steal, rob and insult and have their men degrade, rape and sometimes murder "Jewish" women while no one can or will ever call them out for it; that is the standard they want to impose upon me, and with the huge conflagration of American support in all these bigot and Nazi concepts, this is being reinforced uniformly within America and in Miami, where there are colonies and nests of these parasites, this is a reason for promotion. That a very famous blonde American woman who purports to be a "feminist" is not only fully supporting this man, but also being promoted by him and his mafia organization--because so many of these Italian men apparently must be seen with a blonde woman of Northern European descent--their racism is so rampant they openly express bigotry and this is no hidden secret by any means. 

It is so hard to type this out, the hacking is so abominable.

that she is supporting this male and laughing as she participates in this rape and torture situation is a disgusting example of how much the backlash against real feminist emancipation has resulted in America, and how this twisted racist bigot has become some symbol of female empowerment. Oh, I guess that only means for Nazi Blonde bigot women or their brown-haired but still white counterparts. I realize that by writing such stuff I am falling into the trap of the bigot stereotyping victimization typecasting of myself. This is yet another brainwashing goal of this group, to make me always write about being a victim, and then to always turn all into a racist victimization rant with myself depicting myself as this targeted and (what they want me to believe) as an "inferior" "race" against their oppression. I never, almost never considered myself to be some "minority" or a "Jew" because I NEVER ONCE followed that religion, that diaspora, the tenants of that culture, society or group. I actually tried but was extremely uncomfortable therein because of the endless self-incriminations of being an outcast race that so many of these people verbally expressed, while not fighting this discrimination and also they participated in attacking me.

But they must superimpose this upon me, and try to destroy my zest for living with decades by now of unremitting torture,poisoning and violence.

so now they are literally slowing cutting my toe off. 

All of this is being supported fully by this "feminist" blonde woman who has ties to the mafia, and I know this because she calls them by first name in the teleportation skits and has made appearances in Italy. I know how these Italian men treat blonde women in their dumb ignorant racist stereotyping mentality and she is undoubtedly glorified by these types of men. I do not mean all "Italian" men of course, but this "type" .It is very hard to write using these exemptions because of the hacking making typing so impossible. Just this last sentence involved backspacing more than 20 times in jusat one sentence to stop the space bar hack.

They are cutting my toe off every night now.I can't put weight on this toe. They want me to react and I have determined to stop writing about this crime to stop these rotten creeps from being promoted any longer. I wrote also, after  more than one year of daily and nightly torture from the Brooklyn portion of this mafia scum which have also had my toe rebroken, have had me raped by someone who makes disgusting and sleazy comments using this "voice-to-skull" technology prior to teleporting and raping me, after having fungus and stinking toxic substances poured into my ears, vagina, my hair, my furniture, my clothing, repeatedly for years going on and on (this has been going on from just this mafia group operating out of Brooklyn for something more like 2 years without end, day after day, night after night. HOrrid teleportation skits of death, hate, abuse, threats and insults. comments every time I use the bathroom. etc etc on anad on, day and night, 2 years and prior to them, years of the other actors--and always behind them are the Italian mafioso and the English aristocrat, both of whom could not conceive of any original concept until they tortured information out of (creative ideas) out of me and used it as their own concepts, while poisoning me to death, while raping me prior to what they believed was going to be my death--all currently reinforced by this Nazi American feminist who has been put into the highest positions in American politics and is supposed to represent this "great" feminist stature as a result of the feminist movement which, of course, to women like this, only means that after they help other men to destroy women "like me" they are then put into leadership position, perhaps as a temporary boon to the "movement" but ultimately the cause of the total destruction of all feminist movements. 

Aye, that is the rub, that is the culminating hypocrisy of the entire drama of this situation.

And, I wait for the results of this possible change in power. I wait for this new group to implement justice and fairness and to stop foreign and domestic terror operations, including corrupt and "crooked" politicians with their bigot "feminist" Nazis (usually blonde women,dyed or natural or even if they are brunette--and I know how trite that may sound but it is a real observation of those who are attacking me--)

I got lost in fighting to type from what I was fighting with allmy hand and arm strength to get out, blocked by the longevity of fighting to get ideas out while my brain is blanked in memory and functioning.

I wrote two weeks ago or last week, I hinted that I wish this group death, and the next day my foot was severed more severely to the point that I could not put weight on the foot, itis very damaged, cut to the bone repeatedly for a few YEARS every single night they cut into my body in the same places causing severe damage. I need a doctor and they have blocked my finances so I cannot afford to eat well and purchase food that is not poisoned and drugged, much less pay to have surgery on my foot, which would be more damaged by any doctor I attempted to get help from, as all established medical clinics I have gone to, and that is a lot in many cities and in many countries--all have participated in this attack upon me, all lie about my conditions to my face and then overcharge me for services; that is the tactic the terror operation uses everywhere. That is what these highest venerated politicians and their "feminist" wives and daughters and children and friends who make all kinds of claims about how they are fighting for women to have power in the workplace--they endorse all of these deadly attacks upon me not just with adoring love for the men who rape and attack me, but if possible, after they get elected or...when being promoted by this rape organization into a higher status, they help to silence the target/victim and they keep the racist caste system going on and on, with them also stealing idea after idea from me, as just happened THIS WEEK to me from this woman whom I will not name, but who is ordering my home poisoned, my toe has been broken and then cut nearly off since she began this torture situation aimed at me more than half a year ago. By now, after something like a decade of one of these filthy vile pig apes coming after me using this technology of teleportation, one after the next, each one going on and on for years until I am screaming in agony to get them off me, into the absolute silent void of complicity running throughout the planet--to the next pig piece of shit personality doing the same or worse, but then partnering with the sleazy scum Italian pig ape, who never stops being promoted for his 30 years of attacking me non-stop as EVERYONE apparently loves Italian mafia pig apes and just can't do anything else but allow them to induct more and more Americans into fascist Nazi methodology while he is adulated, awarded for the concepts he stole from Prince using torture on me to obtain this information--beloved\ by Florida mafia Nazi groups who have promoted him and everyone else who attacks me, also globally anyone attacking me gets a promotion; but this rotten ugly creep is never stopping his attacks upon me because before he attacked me in these 30 years of this disgusting situation, he could not accomplish more than being a 2nd rate manager for sleazy discos with crap horrid radio pop music and no creative concepts. From stealing Prince's ideas after torturing the info out of me, he's won awards for "his" creative concepts. And still he's going on and on after me, because without this contract he is a boring blank meaningless black hole personality pimp. But he's exalted by this feminist American politician after his endless violence towards me, and partnering with someone who used to be something like Attorney General and is supposed to somehow adhere to the precepts of the Constitution not only when it involves Blonde Nazi women or men.

They are destroying my body with these mechanical arms I cannot stop entering my room while I am sleeping. I wrote last week I wish these pigs death, after years of poisoning me so that for 10 years I have done nothing more than literally shit poison out day after day, while they repoison and then torture me on a 24 hour schedule. Heart palpitations causing weakening of my heart this Italian scumbag pig ordered upon me by his willing French and Europigape "neighbors" that he also forced me to live next to, while he and this English moronohan art thief dealer who is another huge, long story of murder attempts, rape and torture, stole idea after idea from me and marketed all as their concept. while blocking my every fiscal attempt to survive, having my cat's body broken, stealing all possessions I had worked for, after I wrote in posts after more than 8 years of both of them operating together, calling them "pigs" in Facebook posts which were my private and personal blocked page rants.

They had me thrown in jail, flown with torture, drugging and poisoning back to the US, my cat's body nearly broken, all I owned stolen and never replaced--because I wrote that they are pigs in messages I wrote on Facebook t muyself. THESE ARE THE PEOPLE THAT HOLLYWOOD, THE US EXECUTIVE BRANCH and the rest of American society nearly worships and follows, lays red carpets at their misogynist, Nazi, racist pig hooves--these are men I was forced to "meet" because they wanted to exploit this contract out on me--they were so ugly and rude towards me I nearly ran like hell away from them every time they approached me--it is now30 years of them still stealing ideas and having babies put in front of me while I pray every night for their horrid deaths, I wait for any responsible politician to stop this crime against me instead of patting these filthy sleazy mediocre pigs on the backs and obtaining mansions and "glamor" deals in Europigland, where they are fed lies by enemies who are exploiting them to gain infiltration into the United States. The racism of America is so great that the fans supporting these sell-out whores desperately want me and anyone like me to be so crushed and for what they mythically believe are these Europig ape fantastic embodiments of "class and style and fashion". With all this inexorable block to this keyboard, making every single word a struggle to pound out and backspace because the spacebar is frozen

I can't do this any longer it's sohardto type I can't do any more. I am also extremely dizzy and nauseous due to how my brain is being attacked by their tech. I can't even concentrate any longer and my vision is completely blurry by now.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...