Friday, September 11, 2020

Made in China in the USA: American Historical Materialism. A look at the prescient 2nd hand informative article on Rosa Luxemburg (spelled her name wrong in the my last post on her).

 I never thought that I would find an article in Teen Vogue even faintly of intellectual interest. How wrong I have been in assumptions. What a magazine dedicated to materialistic pursuits.

The article continues with a very pertinent quote from Luxemburg's writings that absolutely echo all that I have written about Colonialist expansions on this very day (if they remain unpolluted by hacker rewrites and deletions),

Having written that, I want to add that I am unfamiliar with her writings, this copied paragraph from article link below is the first time I have ever read or heard her writings.


**I do not write this post as any kind of confirmation of the movement that Luxemburg represented or what she and her organization still represent to this day.**


"What did Luxemburg observe? Here, we dive into the arguments she made in one of her most famous works, The Accumulation of Capital, to help provide some insight.

Capitalist markets would expand through exploitation of Indigenous and oppressed populations

“Each new colonial expansion is accompanied by capital’s relentless war on the social and economic interrelations of the indigenous inhabitants and by the violent looting of their means of production and their labor-power...capitalism strives purposefully to annihilate them as independent social structures.”  "

I am merely adding this as information on themes and political outlier groups which irk and then threaten the consolidation of power in its centralized form. Reasons why these mind control/propaganda technologies, along with murder weapons silently killing hidden under veils of secrecy and obscurity are so popular with the "elite".

Sounds a bit like the USA TODAY

Now the methods of torture and assassination can be done with a phone call, pressing of buttons, ordering of waiters and waitresses, landlords and family members of the target, and "silent weapons" causing things like heart attack, aneurism, stroke, mental incapacitation leading to brain damage. Poisoning has always been a favorite method of covert assassination but the means of poisoning are now greatly enhanced by these technologically-intertwined terror networks operating under every conceivable superficial format under as many names and guises.

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