Monday, September 7, 2020

The New Jerusalem: "And did the Countenance Divine Shine forth upon our clouded hills? And was Jerusalem builded here Among these dark Satanic Mills?"

 The William Blake poem The New Jerusalem commences:

"Bring me my bow of burning gold!

Bring me my arrows of desire!
Bring me my spear! O clouds, unfold!
Bring me my charriot of fire!

I will not cease from mental fight,
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand
Till we have built Jerusalem
In England's green and pleasant land."

As I am personally fed-up with forces of hate enveloping my internet and brain waves, stealing all possible for their media output or commentary in whatever guise or form it takes, rendering me silenced I submit a song, a dance routine (from most wonderful TWYLA THARP, not to be dismissed as irrelevant, nor the production of this movie, the older version, the time and era it was made in and the emotive sensationalist explosion this movie propelled into the media ionosphere:

I will refrain from my personal commentary, much less so drugged up, sick and paralyzed and endlessly cleaning up the terrorist filth that is sprayed on every item in my room (almost, I spend all my life now cleaning up their filth and then laying in a paralyzed state afterwards and in pain and detoxing hard poison because it was deemed I am too "dangerous" to be "allowed" to have my own creative expression and no chance or opportunity to enjoy having my own creative endeavors rewarded or made any threat to "they" who are stealing my ideas and being awarded for it.

I have strayed from the relevant topic: the temple is polluted, corrupted, this is not ENgland butmerely a media studio in the middle of a deserted shrine, conveying a theme which the theives will have to inject their dominance Roman Empire machinations subliminally drawn into the Underdog Theme formula.

O holy ghost of those slain by the fascist tyrannies of the bourgeoning empires of the SUn and the Black Sun/Moon parallel ennui of spiritual vacuity. Within the cherished shrine, the lepers conspire to suck and draw out the essence that was lost in the exchange within the desecrated temple halls, blackened with the blood of holy sacrificial ennui.

Surrounded by worms, the lost Holy entity can only revert to the soothing balm obtained at the charity function sale remaining after the fall of the walls of the temple of the sanctity of the sacrilege slaughter FOR SALE GOING FAST, ,holy rollers on the auction block in the New Jerusalem Temple (Streets of London, at Temple House, in the financial district where the boys are so refined and slick, One can almost worship them for their beautiful meadows of plush lush refined satanic mills exiting the impoverished Satanic mills).


You will recognize this scene
if your Biblical Memory is Green. 
The situation is obscene
yet it makes for happy Queens (NYC).

Maybe one day I can write my ideas and thoughts not in an indistinct code, almost secret and enshrined in silence and oppression. The Roman legions surround me with staves and knaves I must obscure my ideas and wait for the 2nd coming of The First Amendment to the US Constitution to bring my soul to the light of uncensored reality.


Even IF...."no one" is reading this, I am still writing this to the unlimited potential of the void and it's receptivity to concepts materializing that are too revolutionary even for the bearing of the Cross and the Blood dripping down into the abyss of the Satanic Majesty of the might of the fright squadron goons blocking my writing and ability to compete in the Temple of the Sacrilegious Temple of pornography.


But...of course, this post was written under the expression of a golden halo of hallowed political and religious pilgrimage delving deep into the history of the Medieval Crusades coming to the 4th Coming because the 3rd Coming failed (except for Saladin the marauding might who won his religious fight against the Satanic brood coming to loot the crude oil refineries).


Like Nostradamus under the Inquisition: I must cloak and veil my ideas because first they will be stoe,n if applicable to the underdog hypocrisy of the Satanic gristmill of the media demons, and secondly, because of the political fright I am under the oppressive Big Daddy protection of feeling doomed to gloom if this is not turned into a maelstrom turning the desecration of the Temple into something quite more Holy than the scurrilous rollers turning all into a roller coaster descent into HELL and it's denizens controlling the levers of the ride. Must conceal all my ideas until this turns into a confusing scattering of ideas because I am blocked from writing and expressing and even this rambling is being scrutinized for content to steal and then--I will be tortured afterwards forhaving written anything at all which could be construed as a threat to the Order of the Temple Bank pornographic Cult control Crusade. As my head/brain feels like it's being spun in a centrifuge, and the hacking is a form of censorship because the keys won't operate. My brain under attack by "mind control" tech orcing a rambling sensation, the blocking of keys and...and...what is forced was forced back for all time--damned for all time--until the 4th Coming I will wait and I wait and wait...

Their "might" keeps the world in Fright running scared and selling out 

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