Thursday, November 19, 2020

Copied from Facebook: a most desperate appeal for the terrorist rapist billionaires to be forced to pay me so I can live in a private home with a private swimming pool because my body is rancid from poisoning and lack of exercise and I cannot do even one single stretch and I must be able to swim to try to save my life.

 ...*wow, I just read this post after having published it. The hackers literally rewrote and deleted the very first sentence so badly altered that it's completely unreadable. I had written that at nighttime there is a hacker who gets on who amplifies the keyboard attacks, rewrites and then my brain is rendered in a "spinning" hazy confused state like being turned on and off by a switch as words are lost while I am writing. I leave the paragraph now as the hackers had changed it just to let you readers see how badly the rest of this post has been rewritten. I spent so long fighting endlessly to backspace and retype as hackers would insertt letters, spaces and delete portions while I was writing this has taken me a few hours to get out, and it's been altered so completely it's unreadable and confusing, at best. I also want to state that they behave like spastic creeps, the hacking feels like some evil entity giggling as it deletes, rewrites and blocks my words to create a mess and discrediting. Every single night there is a couple of Thais in a room below mine who make the most sinister laughing noises--it could be used as something allegorical if only I could write creative fiction about this situation I am embroiled in without, as has been happening for over 10 years now, all words literally verbatim stolen by these people who are slowly murdering me with explanations that are very badly rewritten below--which I have not stopped writing about on Facebook and now in this blog for over 8 years to the array of Hollywood leaders who remain doing NOTHING but celebrating these terrorists who are celebrities but to me they are just expletives I wish the worst upon.

I will now not read any more of this post as it's just embarrassing but I did not create the mess these spastic scumbag evil demons surrounding me created--\\

At nighttime the hacking and attacks on my brain amplify at least 50 times. There must be some daytime terrorist pig ape who gets on the internet to rewrite and attack my brain in a way that only a native English-speaker could achieve to this degree. During the day, I hear only Thai creeple surrounding me in these terrorist attack rooms on all sides of me. 

The rest of this is this very badly hacked and brainwave altered post which began as a nice appeal and degenerated into a nasty hate rant filled with curses and insults aimed at these people torturing and having me raped and disfigured. It is discrediting but I am going to paste this as I do not want to write this again tomorrow as I have already spent so much time backspacing to correct the hacking and writing this, plus, I have already been discredited probably forever so one more post filled with hate ranting probably is going to achieve the same result of no one doing anything but keeping me as a torture victim as you all have done all these years and one more hate ranting hacked and mind control post will not probably change an iota of your lack of response:

I try anyway to achieve some positive response to my endless rants but in reality this horrible writing style has been forced upon my consciousness. I am not able to think or write with this block to typing and this attack upon my brain, which renders me incapable absolutely of writing with grace and in any formal style that is respectable. After more than 10 years of appealing to this silent readership for help, for safety, for protection, for the law to be enforced, for human rights I believe I am entitled to as every human being is, should be respected. Instead I am treated with callous silence, the perpetrators remain laughing, partying and enjoying their closets of new awards, properties, investments, parties honoring them, new mansions, and I live in deadly toxic filth that they are ordering poured into my body and home to fulfill these contracts of slow murder upon me. Thus I write in this style as the silence from you the readers has reached a ten year impasse of NOTHING HAPPENING and the future appears grim but I must continue to fight as I truly believe that these pieces of K-rap have NO RIGHT TO DO THIS TO ME and I also never want to help establish this system in any way and I believe it must be ABOLISHED. The fact is that many of these people have increased in psychopathic violent propensities of behavior and have become more deadly personalities while being handed more powerful positions. I think some of you should begin or continue to take this into consideration and actually help me (first) and then stop this technology and begin to address how sick society is to award such a system instead of even revealing it or helping victims as no one will or has done for me to any real significant way.


*This post is very badly written due to brainwave blockages by terrorist technology. I cannot think or write well due to hackers blocking keys and rewriting my post and deleting parts while and after I am typing. ** I begin thus: I LIVE IN PHUKET WHERE THERE ARE MANY BEAUTIFUL HOUSES WITH SWIMMING POOLS FOR RENT, AT $1000 PER MONTH. I have been attacked by multi-millionaires torturing me to extract ideas and information FOR OVER TEN YEARS--MEANING THOSE PIG APES OUT OF WHOREWOOD WHO OBTAINED THIS CONTRACT FROM Rotten Europigape whore pig apes from Italy and England, who have obtained huge estates and red carpet luxury investments in the United States after having attacked me for YEARS before handing me over to be tortured and exploited while they continue to this day to steal ideas out of me, as they did for the years they traded me between themselves to teleport, rape, poison and have Europigapes rape me while I was sleeping, breakikng into my home for years, before Americans did the same in every city and state, but the real torture that I now experience began with the Europigapes who are very wealthy, believe they are entitled to doing wqhatever they want and have an agenda to destroy the United States and I have heard and seen them say this and their cohorts and friends say and act the same principles and expressions. They are enemies of the State, in other words, offered the best properties and investments in the United States and they are partners with this group of rapist whore pig apes who are Americans in Whorewood: Now, I am under severe attack as I type and think, my brain is being something like shut on and off and my ability to write with clarity or higher articulation has descended into hate rants, my emotional centers of my brain are being exacerbated into hyperbole and my ability to be cool and clear are blocked and GONE. ---but to continue, these creeps have been exalted by their crimes against me, offered millions of dollars and they are held in reverence by the Americans who participate in this crime, even as they openly claim they HATE AMERICANS and disdain the culture and insult it with their Nazi bigot Europigape friends as often as possible. i REMAIN forced into a hate and torture slow death living situation while my body desperately by now needs exercise--as they leave me fighting to survive on less than $700 a month. I have been paralyzed by poisoning for over 10 years AND I NEED A HOME WITH A SWIMMING POOL THAT IS PRIVATE BECAUSE MY ONCE VERY BEAUTIFUL BODY HAS STAGNATED AND I NEED TO EXERCISE AND SWIMMING IS THE ONLY FORM. The other very unfortunate thing about all these microchips and implants is that once I try to swim or exercise or even exert myself, the attacks from remote sources cause my heart to (remotely, not a natural condition or due to any infirmity on my part) causes heart palpitations that are DEADLY. I used to swim 4 laps and my heart was attacked so badly I was heaving for breath and had to stop swimming when I tried to swim at a resort public pool (at night, alone but surrounded by people in houses monitoring the electronic attacks on my heart). My body so badly needs exercise and swimming is all I can do. ALL THESE BILLIONAIRES AND MILLIONAIRES ATTACKING ME AND LEAVING ME FIGHTING FOR MY LIFE WHILE they are being paid in millions for the ideas they steal out of the hate and anger they force out of me, as I am drugged up continuously while they are literally murdering me and making my body stinking, filthy, poisoned with stinking poisons--I need a home with a swimming pool. During this pandemic the picks for a house costing less than $1100 per month are available and these f*(ers can so easily be forced to pay something. I am stuck here as my body is decaying an ddying from lack of exercise while they keep spraying fungus and toxins in my tiny room all night and day, whenever possible through these mechanical arms. I wake up with stinking filth sprayed on my shoes, into the air, on clothing hanging on a rack, stinking filth sprayed and sprinkled on the floor by these mechanical arms, and when the terrorists used to be able to enter my room they smeared my body and inserted fungus into my ears, hair, vagina and into my food. All are still inserted except for my body parts, as I am now having to cover my body almost completely with caps, gloves, layers of packaging tape after months and years of fighting to stop these entries through panels and from opening the front door. They have left me forced to live in squalled stinking filth and to have to breathe it in, as all these cheap rooms with stinking, nasty foul-smelling furniture have ONE SINGLE WINDOW which I must shut and seal all access to opening with tape, layers so no one can enter through the sliding doors or windows. I have to seal every single crack to stop the mechanical arms on every single panel, tile, and crack and after more than two years I am not at this point where I must board up the entire room and I cannot do this with a VIOLENT rapist landlord who is under orders of violent abusive people out of H wood and "democracy" America ordering these attacks, under the instructions of their Europigape whore friends who tortured me for decades before passing this contract off to the next batch of pig apes who I think should be forced to PAY ME FOR THEIR CRIMES AGAINST ME so I can live in some fashion where I am not dying every day from poisoning as my body is decaying and broken down and I MUST EXERCISE AND SWIMMING IS THE ONLY FORM i CAN DO AT THIS POINT. My body is literally so bound up in internal hard poisons I cannot stretch or do any single thing. I need water and swimming and any public swimming would entail a potential for murder/drowning if in the Sea and/or attacks at public swimming pools such as heart palpitations and assault in various nefarious forms. I now have to live in this tiny stinking room which is sprayed every day and night with toxic sprays and fungus by mechanical arms, and there in only one single source of air, a silding door to the patio, which I must shut up completely to fight to not be severed and slashed by mechanical arms at night--as with every other inch of this room from ceiling to the floor to both sides of walls and into all cabinets, all of which I have spent more than two years in this tiny microstudio patching with layers of paper, glue, sitckers on all corners, hooks pounded into all corners and tied permanently with string. Now most of the cabinets have been completely pasted over with (colorful, artistic) paper and tape and pounded in with nails--regardless, nothing stops the insertions of mechanical arms while I am in the shower or sleeping. By the way, as I type this hackers are putting spaces between letters, my hands can't move to keys as my brain is under SEVERE ATTACK COGNITIVELY AND IN MOTOR SKILLS SO i CAN'T MECHANICALLY FUNCTION TO PUT MY FINGERS TO THE RIGHT KEYS--I am correcting and fighting to not curse while I see letters appear as I pause and stop typing, etc --so this post is very filled with hate terms, wrongly written and grammar blocked and etc--it is so hard to type that I am fighting for every word and to not digress into insults and hate speech but my emotions are being so highly attacked and my motor skills are so blocked I am struggling to get anything out. As I was writing, I have spent YEARS trying to stop the mechanical arms from breaking in to destroy my body and home and nothing has stopped this. I am not able to pound wooden panels and pour cement into all the cracks as this violent and disgusting landlord who was picked by the team of abusers, rapists and intellectual property thieves who keep asking me if I "like" them and why not and what about all this don't I like as they slap and punch and rape and continue the poisoning and torture either directly as they physiclally assault me when they teleport me, but mostly through their sleazy rotten agent terrorists surrounding me on all sides all day and night in every location and now it's all my life spent like this. Years of fighting just to protect my body to not be covered with more and; more scars, liver spots they create, eruptions of red pimples due to fungus and chemicals smeared on my skin which they cement into my skin by pouring more chemicals which act as tattoing agents--etc etc the damages are complete covering my body from the crown of my head to every toe which; is not being slashed to the bone between the toes, every toe, every night, as I tape up my feet bound them in socks tie the socks with three layers of strings, tied around rubber bands, folded up--the tape is removed, my fingers and hands are slashed every day to the bone--bloodied and bruised--abused while teleported every single night--breathing in toxic fumes and fungus night after night, all night, for over 8 years and I have always slept with open windows even in winter all my life--they are murdering me just through stress and lack of being able to exercise plus more poisoning. Yeras of writing about this to no avail as they keep being honored, awarded and praised by the entire globe while I remain silenced and living in squallor which is murdering me that they create-- but I wake up with slashes adn cuts to the bone and into my teeth, to the bone and slashed into my toes so my feet are now huge, swollen, infected as they are probably inserting fungus into the slashes--I wash my feet at least 20 times and have to brush the rubber shoes I wear upon waking, and etc etc I have to continuously clean these items and have not energy or strength to clean anything else--thus I must exercise, myu body is so rotten and stagnated and I remain with a huge bulge of poisons hanging off my abdomen and hardneed into my spine--as these pigs who have explpoited me for years by now have left me with no ability to earn money online, so I remain stuck with a violent rapist sleazy greasebag scum whore landlord yelling, groping me, abusing me, yelling at me and threatening me continuously and I can't defend myself as pig apes in Whorewood have attacked me to rape me, to suck out my life force for years, and to exploit ideas I can never profit off as they block my brain, keyboard functions, I can't write, can't get any real exposure on line, can't earn money, can't get HEALTH CARE, can't afford medicine, can't afford to see a doctor, can't afford to buy sh oes, can't afford to buy health care, can't afford to pay for the damages they have poured into and onto my body--and despite over two years in this room of fighting to block their attacks with all my money spent on materials from the dollar store to blockaide all portals, cracks, tiles, panels and pound metal hooks and tie together panels, harming my body very badly--I wake up with all completely covered and all possibilities exhausted--I wake up every morning with bruises, black and blue marks, slashes and cuts into my body which are then smeared with scarring chemicals, while I still am breathing in toxic fumes and fungus all night due to the poisons these fuckers are being paid to administer through their stalking terror agents into my room. Godddamn them all, goddamn these fucking celebrities and abusive violent rotten politicians who laugh and participate in this and the millions of creeps around the world who fully can't wait to inflict damage and violence upon me and all the other targets--it doesn't matter what targets say, do or have done or not done people just are enthralled at having a defenseless target to torture as some form of public withburning and torture and murder: goddamn them and their filthy exploitation. I NEED MONEY TO HEAL MY BODY I NEED A SAFE HOME WITH A PRIVATE SWIMMING POOL WHICH IS ABUNDANT AND ESPECIALLY NOW IN THE PANDEMIC HERE IN PHUKET PROPERTIES FOR RENT WITH SUCH AMENITIES ARE AVAILABLE IN DROVES. tHE PIGS WON'T DO A SINGLE THING TO HELP ME THESE GREEDY ROTTEN PIGS KEEP TELEPORTING ME AND ASKING ME THE SAME QUESTIONS: DO YOU LIKE ME WHY DON'T YOU LIKE THIS ETC THESE GODDAMN FUCKING PIG APE CREEPS GODDAMN YOU SICK DIRTY STUPID PIECES OF CRAP i KNOW MANY OF YOU ARE READING THIS DAMN YOU STUPID SICK UGLY CREEP PARASITES DAMN YOU TO HELL. IT'S TEN YEARS OF THIS GOING ON AS MY BODY HAS BROKEN DOWN INTO OLD AGE FROM NON-STOP POISONING, TORTURE, RAPE, POISONS SMEARED ON MY SKIN AND INSERTED INTO MY FOOD AND BODY ON A DAILY BASIS FOR OVER TEN YEARS AND ALL MY LIFE (BUT IN THE EXTREME FOR THE PAST TEN YEARS EVERY SINGLE DAY WITHOUT IT ENDING FOR A SINGLE DAY). gODDSAMN YOU ROTTEN PIECES OF CRAP


Again, as I type, hackers have changed the font, put the font into underlined and italics, and blocked highlighting and then deleted what I had written. All within five minutes all these functions were forced. The writing is really hate-driven but years of appealing for justice and met only with silence and now waiting for a change in political administration with this sinking realization that it's just one set of liars and abusers after the next with hoards of people fully committed to this technology enabling them to crush and destroy anyone they hate, don't want to see achieve or have more than them or have any chance at doing so. I am surrounded in America by such types, who claim they are "liberal" and it's even worse in Phuket and in Europe with openly fascist Nazis who don't have to hide when they are surrounded by "slaves" servicing them to their genitals to their toilets and loving them for the crumbs they throw at them so they can get investments in Thailand for their plantations estates and villas and condos. The rental situation at this point is of much availability for very inexpensive private homes with swimming pools--costing 35,000 Thai baht per month, which is about $1000 per month--often with Wifi included. Goddamn they can afford to pay me to live in some kind of healthy living environment instead of polluting me to death with toxins sprayed in my home every moment possible when my back is turned, when I go into another room, while I am sleeping--all I do is clean so I am not breathing in deadly substances that are continously sprayed--and the rest of the time I am too ill as I can't get this poison out and I also need ultrasound, a relatively inexpensive technology for a small machine but not a single greedy rapist actor out of Whorewood will ever, has ever, helped me financially after exploiting ideas out of torturing me--instead they order more poisoning so I am perpetually fighting not to be murdered by them as I continue to see poison glued into my body, deforming me, and fighting to heal while they continue to poison and spray toxins and fungus into my room while they profit off doing so-and never stop, never help me, and for over 8 years this has gone on and on, I mean over 10 years--just with THIS GROUP but it's been going on at a much lower level for decades--deadly poisoning began decades ago but the more wealthier the terrorists are, the worse their hate crimes are towards me--or the contract entails more violence as I fight for my human rights which these "liberal" performers are completely denying me of so they can torture ideas outof me--for years and years without end. Now they want a baby otu of me. They are poisoning and abusing me so much I am dying from lack of oxygen, exercise and from non-stop poisoning. I havde not been able to exercise an iota for over 7 years, not even once, not ever. I used to exercise 1-2 hours daily and all my life very athletic with a very strong body. Now I am decaying and the poisoning and toxic sprays and fungus and not having fresh air in this torture studio never abates much less ends for a single day.


Thus I curse and my brain and this keyboard are under attack so I can't think I just rant in hate after a long day of my brain being attacked to this point as I am still detoxing from poisoning which never comes out of my body because I can't afford health care and these millioniare/billionaire parasites have never once helped me in any way but have only made the situation much more deadly for me as they LAUGH ABOUT IT to my face in teleportation:


This is very mind controlled hate ranting--the attack on my brain makes me into a ranting lunatic--much is being subliminally pumped into my cochlear or subconscious by their tech. This discrediting is awful but on the other hand, on some level, I "accept" these hysterical thoughts so I am going to publish here anyway---please note that this is not 100% "me" but is mostly due to "them" pumping this hate and these words into my brain, attacking my brain using ELF waves, and etc but its' still somewhat legitimate although it sounds like crazed ranting and hate expletives on a really "crazy" level--at least I can acknowledge this but I leave it as is--I hope this will induce someone to help me achieve this because rationally writing in a kindly and clear tone has never helped me to effect any support or help--maybe cursing will get at the axes of connection between the readers who may be able to influence this torture situation as rationality has not worked, so it would seem.

mAY YOUR SHIT LIVES AND CAREERS AND BODIES BE RUINED JUST AS YOU HAVE LAUGHED ABOUT ALL THESE YEARS AS YOU INFLICTED HATE UPON ME. The pigs who commit your crimes and then recede into anonymity are as disgusting and these groups MUST BE REVEALED, THE TRUTH MUST COME OUT INSTEAD OF BEING HIDDEN ANY LONGER because the damage to society is so great--people laugh when there is a target to assassinate, torture, mutilate and the hate, racism and ugliness abounds when there is no exposure to the stupidity and ugliness that people keep hidden behind the exteriors of their fake smiles and rotten happiness wiles.

Next conspiracy theory. I do not know if QAnon has posted this or not. I doubt it as my theory goes against the grain of Nazi propaganda which QAnon espouses.


This post is based on an interview on Democracy now regarding the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine development study and it's process, aired last week). The control group, which received placebos, consisted of 70-80 randomly selected subjects. The test group for the vaccine consisted of 7 or 8 subjects. THE RESEARCH/STUDY/TEST LASTED FOR 7 DAYS up to the point of the publicized findings of over 90% efficacy in reducing or blocking Covid-19 transmission or in blocking it's effects. That is less than 10 people receiving the vaccine in a 7-day trial period.


GERMAN COMPANIES OFFERED THE VACCINE. The heroes coming to the rescue. The villains who may have helped generate or create the pandemic (CONSPIRACY THEORY--BASED ON MY EXPERIENCE OF HAVING LIVED IN GERMANY AND BEING POISONED NEARLY TO DEATH WITH MIND CONTROL AND ATTACKS--with Americans doing the same thing in The United States.).

THEORY: perhaps they had the antidote ALL THE TIME. Look at how devastated the United States is, while China is on top of the situation and is economically booming! Germany is suffering from another outbreak, but I do not know the demographics of who and how many are being affected and in which community. If Germany parallels America in any way, I would suspect that a much higher concentration of Turkish and immigrant populations are being affected while the Nazi Germans are not as much. I have not looked at statistics I don't know how or where to find them. I have not searched for any information as well. 

Here in Nazi Paradise Phuket, Thailand, where the German Consulate was a booming trade center over a century or longer ago: where "Hitler chic" has become synonymous with "FASHION" here in Thailand (look it up on YouTube). The transmission rate is almost at zero here. Guidelines were followed but now I almost never see Thai people wearing masks or taking precautions. I attribute this to a blank trust in their leaders, as they are fully indoctrinated into Nazi ideology, like Americans appear to be to a great extent.

The Chinese are the main investors in business and property here in Phuket, while I hardly see Chinese residences, and surely not in the most coveted and higher-priced bigot white supremacist neighborhoods. The Thai people are there to help clean, be investment partners (marrying is one sure way to obtain contracts that are similar to ownership/partnerships and that is perhaps one of the few or only ways for the "normal" citizenship to invest).. The partnerships are entrenched between Nazi and Europigape exploiter colonialists and Communist Chinese investors (of the Oligarch stature) but the white supremacist Nazi haters are loathe to include Chinese at their events or parties unless they can profit or exploit. As I have only heard from Europigapes from Europe, when I lived there for over 6 or 7 years (in a few different countries, but in Germany mostly) they "hate" Americans. The Thai people express trained monkey "hate" for Americans as well, to my face at least. They literally repeat what they are told to say, so when they speak, it's really a Europigape telling them what to say and how to think, which they repeat. I can't say there is much different from the white supremacists out of H-wood who are teleporting me, and even more so with the blacks participating with them, and the Jews, and etc etc. It is extremely rare to meet a single person who has anything original to say, but I am ALWAYS surrounded by rotten creeps who are instructed and are being trained in fascist Nazi hate machinations and crimes. The pandemic has left Nazi paradise Phuket alone for the most part. Many other countries surrounding Thailand are also relatively or almost completely unaffected by Covid, and it's not due to cleanliness or intelligent design by the Thai people who throw germs around like it's Sangkron every day. Having written what could be construed as a most racist piece of commentary on my part, however I know this to be true and accurate and not a reflection of racism on my part. The part about Americans behaving exactly like infiltrated Thais is even more poignant but always unexpressed, as I'm sure Americans assume they are superior to Thais in some respects because they assume they are in control and not a developing country infiltrated and colonized by Europigapes. Nothing could be further from the truth in their assumption of independence and originality and freedom. They have very little to compare their actions to, and my ten years experience of living in Phuket and then 5-6 years of living in Germany and plus some other European countries has proven to me that my assumptions are based in fact, although not written in a politically-correct manner. Offensive but a reality. It's my blog. 

How amazing that a 7-day trial is being expressed as 95% effective as a vaccine in this situation, coming out of an American-German narco-industrial pact that has existed since Project Paperclip and before!

My conspiracy theory. Personally, I doubt it is incorrect, if not in detail but in larger scope, at the very least.

As people have become more attenuated to Nazi ideology during the pandemic, as the misery, fear and hate explodes and people are going (probably with a lot of help from remote technology skewing their brainwave patterns into hysteria and suggestibility from remote brain-altering tech like HAARP)--in addition to Nazis waiting t o shoot to kill orders from their leader: Millionaires have become billionaires. Billionaires have become multi-billioniares from the misery that the pandemic has created in the market. The increase in the poor means more recruits into the folds of the power-brokers who want to demolish "Democracy". The last Great Depression brought on The Nazi sweep over Euroapepigland and is still the most dominant force regardless of the public political posturing these groups make in politics and in the media. Now America has joined almost oifficially into the large Nazi plexiverse corning all markets around the planet. Misery is one of the main avenues of indoctrination of the masses. Death is another, meaning murder. A massive pandemic brought on, not easily dismissed by me and many others as being some freak of nature or even, perhaps, solely created by The Chinese in a laboratory in Wuhan as an isolated semi-terrorist global power-grab over the United States. (That, is a QAnon conspiracy).


Once again, I claim this as a "conspiracy" theory of ranting range. However, it is too coincidental that the vaccine has emerged from a German-US collaboration for me to ignore these thoughts that I have expressed so poorly due to brain-altering tech, hacking blocking keys and my rage from years of torture which no one ever stops, despite the leaders of the "Free World" all participating and laughing about it almost openly in the inserts they put on my internet searches (the subtle cues are revealing after years of people using this same form of discrediting attack--for merely trying to report it I jeopardize being labeled crazy/delusional or schizo but this is the sick protocol these psychos all adhere to.)


My food has been tampered with. Jars of chocolate have been opened and hairs inserted into the chocolate. My body slashed and cut into nightly after I paste tape and gloves, socks on hands and feet and literally tape my entire face except for my nose and terrorists break through and slash and cut into my gums, teeth, fingers and  toes nightly. They are absolutely sick and disgusting foul crap that people still think are superior for some reason. The technology they use to stifle and murder any opposition is all that separates them from mediocrity and being "losers" if others were only allowed to be not microchipped, not drugged, not deprived of opportunities and not brainwashed by this endless onslaught of Nazi ideology in the media and in art and literature and music productions that are all controlled by this one source but appears as divisions of power.


My years of experience seeing how and what these terrorists really are and how they operate has only proven that they are a deadly threat to the survival of the planet and I urge you readers to stop admitting them into power, stop allowing them to get away with their crimes only to continue to commit more.


boy-oh-boy am I ranting in excess today. It must be due to my feet being sliced to the bone every night, my fingers swollen and internally bleeding every day upon waking without a day of it ending for over 7 years. It must be due to being teleported and attacked by the people who have obtained huge businesses, million dollar contracts, MY IDEAS THEY TURNED INTO THEIR IDEAS, and awards without end, nominations into highest office and thrills from having a torture and rape and slow murder target to torture day and night through proxy sleazebag scumbag agents galore, some good-looking, expensively-dressed Europigapes but mostly impoverished nasty stupid minority minions performing outrageiously sick and stupid hate attacks which they are instructed to perform by the well-dressed, polished pieces of pigape crap they worship nearly, as you all do and are.

I am ranting waiting for a change in administration after over 8 years of waiting for anyone from Whorewood or Congress to stop this crime they are all endorsing and profiting off and waiting in line to participate in as well (or get their own victim when the technology becomes more available to the general public, as they assume in the bright future of "progress" every trailer trash white supremacist member of this organization can teleport a child from a pizza parlor to rape and torture them and then have them killed if they want or enslave or just rape "bad" women who threaten their hegemony which their nasty Nazi wives and children all support but claim they are "fighting" against.

Oh, the ranting the conspiracy theories the bad names such as Europigapes which appears to make me so "immature" and crazy. Oh's nothing compared to your silence which means you conform and approve of the sick, sleazy things your friends and partners and neighbors are doing to me, which are so stupid and immature I am merely responding in just a fraction of reflective response.

I wait now for the "new" administration which will probably be a huge let-down from the last two (and earlier ones). However, it could be different and so I must wait for the hope to emerge (probably as a disappointment but I can only wait to see). Meanwhile, here I am in dire poverty, needing financial and domestic security and a safe home where I won't be dismembered or attacked any longer. to wait for over 8 years for the United States government to actually stop funding and approving of domestic abuse fabrications forced upon me, as I would most definitely never allow this or encourage this or become entrapped in any situation like this if I were not forced into it by technology and drugging and poisoning which has left me in a state of nearly perpetual infirmity with no access to health care, thanks to the billionaires attacking me so they can exploit me more fully for their endless more millions and billions of dollars in paid-for promotional expenses.

I have to wait and wait, because over two years of fighting to stop home invasion by mechanical arms which have been ordered by sick psychos who want to see me broken physically, but in the misery they create, can exploit ideas which I pour out due to the technology they are being paid to use upon me so their blank hate mentalities can have some original or new concept to sell off to augment the lies that they represent the concerns of humanitarianism. Waiting forever it seems. Waiting for my government to NOT fund this torture program any longer. Waiting for ANYONE TO PROTECT ME IN REALITY AND PERMANENTLY SO I CAN LIVE IN PEACE with prosperity to the degree that I am safe and supported. Waiting in vain I am sure no one is going to do anything as nothing has ever stopped this and no one has ever, ever helped me beyond a mere tiny bit and just for a short while and always from behind the scenes so I can never tell if anyone has actually ever, once, intervened in this hate crime perpetually being dumped upon me. That I was beautiful, talented and a top athlete has meant a lifetime of torture, disfigurement, theft of my concdepts and insults and rape and poisoning and disfigurement and parts of my body broken so I am disabled, paralyzed and sick perpetually while these apes torture me to the point of hysteria every single day operating with the drugging--and NO ONE CAN EVER INTERVENE ADN STOP THEM OR HELP ME it is unbelievable to me. 

2020 the year of this writing and I remain waiting for Biden to be a change to actually encompass some of the campaign promises that his predecessors also promised with even more fervor than he has and proved to be PERPETRATORS PROFITING AND LAUGHING ABOUT THIS TORTURE CONTRACT OUT ON ME. Participating and supporting their black friends attacking me, who they helped be inducted into the Nazi realms of power in the media (I'm not exactly sure how much "real power" has been conferred to these fake lying performers but they certainly were sold and paid for and they are glowing in delight over it with the politicians who promised all the world has delivered Nazi hate to me).

Then the current fiasco which has resulted in me fighting for my life while fighting to heal while fighting to keep people out of my home for over 4 years.

Now I have to wait another 2 months--over 60 days--plus 12 hours to see if any transition is just going to be a transitory trip to another terror terrorist administration concealed by rhetoric of Democracy.

Following upon my last post on indoctrination into the York Rite (Illuminati): STANLEY KUBRICK'S SYMBOLIC INITIATION RITE INTO THE YORK (ILLUMINATI) FREEMASON CONGLOMERATE. I make reference to: A Clockwork Orange scene of the Droogs holding a meet at the Duke of York pub, "nestled" like babies in a safe, warm zone of comfort and security that these Rites and societies afford their adherents (which adds to the popularity of increased membership) deep into the warm womb of the brotherhood fraternal induction and indoctrination therein. Prior to Nestling into the womb area, the Droogs perform an initiation ritual that appears as a movie violence scene but, as Kubrick was no ordinary H-wood director or artist, was of high symbolic meaning and a profound exploration of how the mechanisms of society truly operate. The color red blood crimson combined with the Illuminati symbol of The Sun create the color ORANGE. The mechanisms of the time-gate-keeper society thus merged into a book/movie that still baffles the mostly white male movie reviewers who never get to these interpretations but somehow seem to belong to the terror/stalking/ritualistic group which is attacking me as they must conform at all levels of initiation and are using attacking me as a leverage device to be promoted. They have no originality thus and perform exactly what they are told to do. Election 2020 indoctrination explanation #2: poorer white demographic turnout with expected results but no reasonable explanation given in the media for how and why this has been so widely accomplished.

 There are no clips on YouTube of this scene and I also cannot download a clip of the entire movie onto this blog through YouTube. This scene occurs after the power struggle between "Alex" the mind control subject, who is subjecting his Droogs to his power play at the lower-class flats where he resides. He pushes one into the dirty dregs of the Flats huge water pool (or however they label this expanse of the womb of dirty foul cesspool poverty created as a poor people's diversion from slum living conditions). 

After Alex has not really successfully bullied and battered his subordinates (who later assert power through steal attacks), they all go to discuss their next crime and robbery exploit at THE DUKE OF YORK pub, which as so many of Kubrick's movies are explained by movie critics as having a wealth of symbolism, mostly of Illuminati principles, incorporated into his movies and characters. This is no exception, the Duke of York meeting of the Droogs to discuss their next criminal exploit, which also involved the onset of a power struggle resulting in a promotion of the criminals into governmental and police positions and accepted as "Gatekeepers" and administrators protecting society. 

This indoctrination process, which has been ignored because "The media" established is so highly geared towards exposing "some" truths while hiding "in plain sight" others such as this reference to the York Rite ritual induction and indoctrination allegory in Kubrick's movie, which has never been "exposed" and is completely ignored by all the media "experts" who plague the lopsided and controlled, censored "free" internet. I am of course blocked in all aspects and all my searches result in restricted access to information, when I am pre-conceiving of what I want to research. On the spur of the moment, I am able to access initially some more controversial ideas and writings which may have current relevance to my situation. 


Although I cannot find a clip from A Clockwork Orange where Alex and his three Droogs sit "nestled" at The Duke of York, after the INITIATION RITE AT THE FLATS, I could find said clip and will comment upon it thusly:

"A Clockwork Orange, Flat Block Marina scene" (YouTube).

I guess the body of water can be called a "Marina" as this YouTube clip labels it, for the pedestrian mind. However, the hues of this scene are almost completely black and white, though the flesh colors of the initiates and adepts are not obscured. The leader, or Hierophant, Alex, holds in his hands a large cane implying power. The Rod is his staff and he shall lead his Droogs into initiation with the force of his bold wiles and cunning leadership.

The the body of water appears as a black pool, rippling with turmoil while the Droogs in all white saunter crookedly like they are bobbing in disarray, except for the leader. This body of water is a womb, the Flats are the temple of plebian life, although appearing like a Temple of initiation out of the poverty zone. 

ABLUTION STAGE: The Droogs are thrust into the water like a black sabbath baptism. Immersed into the black and incomprehensible waters, the knowledge base of the Mysteries (which the Rites herald back to out of the Halcyon days of antiquity ---for those who have enjoyed the throes of privilege through this indoctrination process all these Millennium--not for those who suffer under it's oppression and hefty weight)

Immersed in the waters, baptismal style. Still unable to get their bearing even in knee-deep black pools of confusion and slippery sliding, the most out-spoken "upstart" reaches his hand out to his oppressor for "help", which the Hierophant gladly accepts.

BLOOD RITUAL. The hand is sliced by a ritual knife (symbolically, for purposes of this film and it's hidden messages regarding the York Rite of initiation). The hand is cut deeply into as blood begins to flow. The Blutbruderschaft--the Blood Brotherhood rite has been initiated. A blood pact, in other words, something to which a bearer is bound to for life in a secret society or a binding oath. This act can also be seen performed in many other H-wood movies.

The Sheep are quelled and the Hierophant has indoctrinated the sheeple which then convene in The Duke of  York Temple where mind-numbing alcohol is imbibed on a daily basis--as has been tradition for most of the planet throughout all the centuries. 

The next level of initiation begins, with a theft, break-in, home violation, and then human sacrifice with a phallic symbol included in the scene. 

The bearers of these more threatening and violent levels completed are then purged into a purgatory situation (police training or prison). They perform the rites of pretense, the joker ritual of feigning ignorance of crime and of it's consequences. They employ slavish devotion to the false religious affinity that the plebian sheeple adhere to. After this stage of initiation they are further tested, controlled, and if and when they break into the final phase of torture, indoctrination and release by their own efforts to break the rules that at first bound them; then they become our administrators, leaders and protectors of the Gates leading to the sanctuary of normative society.

The End....or so it would seem. The indoctrination process of The Apprentice begins with a reality tv program and is elaborated upon by Stanley Kubrick in what is called a "classic" but this interpretation that I just wrote has NEVER been seen by me in any search for commentary in video or written form. I think it might exist. If these concepts begin to flourish on YouTube after I publish this today, which will remain unseen, unpublished for the majority of the planet as all I do is stolen and blocked from the public or those outside of this ritualistic hate organization aka "Secret Society" or Cabal or whatever one could label this group as. To be sure: when my ideas as written now suddenly appear (in the next few months) it will be a testament to how many people are stealing my concepts and hacking in to block my ability to earn from my interpretations and writings and for them to claim rights and financial earnings from therein. It has not stopped like this for over TEN YEARS.


Back to ME ME ME and what THEY THEY THEY are doing to ME. My feet are cut and partially severed in places, as are my teeth and the rest of my body literally covered on every inch with (their) blemishes, incisions, red breakouts which have been tattooed into my skin by their chemicals, and broken vertebrae, bones and etc. My skin very badly damaged with harsh chemicals smeared on every single night. I have spent over 2 years in a tiny studio, sick and too ill to move most of the time, with no money or rental agreement to really protect myself in a sustainable way. I have detailed this repeatedly all these years and months and still, no help financially, physically or in any way from readers and people surrounding me. 

They are removing the packaging tape which I plaster over my feet, hands and over my mouth. The terrorists remove the tape in these specific areas of regular severing, using solvents, and then retape all. I wake up with very visible evidence but I am not going to take photos as the terrorists have broken my camera/phone and I have no money to buy another one (not really, I must have money in reserve for emergencies, which I am always on the brink of due to the financial attacks which have never been met with any financial or physical support from any single human being all my life, up to this point it's just endless lies I see around me of people who are performing roles of being "decent" who are attacking me with the most hate possible, using these technologies and stalking terrorist groups all backing them up completely. Waiting for some shift in society--but even with a pandemic, the evidence of corruption, people are still unwilling to unclutch their greedy aspiration to this group which keeps them nestled in the warmth of having others to put into poverty and ugliness while they feed off feeling entitled and above it all. Promised endless awards, luxury and entitlement, I remain sitting here waiting for any individual to actually care about such a system of hate being promulgated but the real reactionaries are dead or avoid and ignore me as they only care about themselves or their group--or put out charity as acts of random kindness but can't do a damn thing when it's right in front of them and they have to do more than pull out a checkbook.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

"The Apprentice" is (literally) the title of one of the levels of initiation into the (Illuminati) York Rite of Freemasonry. York as in England, not New York, USA but it's been imported and expanded since. Livin' just enuf for the City. New Jack-the-rip-off City. FOR THE LOVE OF MONEY. Election results and demographic shifts all supporting my claims (for so many years) of "minorities" pitted against me in racist slurs, physical assault and participation in Nazi hate crimes against me, although I have never participated in the "Jewish" diaspora except to investigate it, met with mind control and torture to try to imbibe hate stereotypes into my very mental fabric by all kinds of "minorities" working with their fascist and racist white controllers in these "secret" hate teleportation and "stalking" attacks upon me every single day now for years without end. Last night included, attacked by white supremacist movie celebrity and black celebrities operating together to oppress me endlessly with every kind of violence possible (mental, sexual, physical, financial, domestic violence without end, etc etc etc DISCRIMINATION ENDLESS EVERYWHERE WITHOUT END orchestrated by THEM). My years of detailing their (black "anti-racist" celebrities and of their minions who form these terror attack death squad activities in the streets and in homes and businesses and government and et al) hate crimes of teleportation torture and participation therein which has been met with claims that I am racist and not they who participate but claim they are fighting against racism.

NEW YORK/JACK CITY Apprentice Season 2020 post election demographic non-Democrat results.

America, the Statue of Liberty. Symbol of freedom around the world (or at least in America). New York new Jack city. In Thailand, this symbol has been reduced to a movie depiction of the Three-fingered salute offered in a movie that I can't watch as I know that this is another "false narrative" actually expressing subliminal programming to endorse a master-slave society. However, in Thailand it is exalted as a realistic symbol and is met with the Force of the (Nazi, fascist Communist) State with imprisonment and tear gas and water canons. It could be a news clip coming out of America while the poor protest in the streets peacefully for equal rights and protection from being killed in the streets. However the demographics of the election 2020 have SHOCKED those who assumed (for public purposes) that the disenfranchised would continue to want to be tear gassed and shot in the streets for protests for justice. No...what has been such a careful marketing strategy for DECADES has finally succeeded and thus I present: 

One could equate Thai protests spilling over into the media as a partial echo of the impoverished and disenfranchised in the United States at this time, who protest in league with those murdered in the streets by authoritarian figures who are supposed to Protect and Serve (whom?) Well, who is supposed to be protected and served?

The answer in Thailand (Bangkok) is clear: not those who stand in lines with rubber ducky beach floaties as shields against water cannons, as they peacefully protest a Constitution after innumerable Coups over the last few decades. Dissent and silence is the Law and any breach is met by imprisonment for over 5 years or longer (any criticism, expressed, spoken or written criticism can be met by years of PRISON in Thailand):

Protests Happening right now in Bangkok:

I can assure anyone reading this that the words I wrote below were written, as my continuous caveat about hacking and brainwave obstruction by these technologies aimed into my brain while I write-absolutely block correct grammar, delete, rewrite, paste and string together partially deleted and rewritten sentences so please bear with this rambling hacked post. I must write this every time as the discrediting never ends aimed at me by their drugging, obstruction and endless attack system. Much of what I write will be labeled "crazy" and even as being "racist" by those very eager to dispel any portrayal of their sell-out dispositions towards wealth and power accumulation and hegemony over the media and in politics. That I criticize Blacks who participate like gloating demons posing as Christian zealots and sympathetic charitable pundits of equality and freedom (for blacks not for me however) and I express my chagrin at their grins as they participate with bigot whitey who rapes, tortures and then steals ideas out of me while they also do the same. All selling my ideas they obtain out of torture as their own, then torturing me for writing about the hypocrisy of the "equality" and "feminist" values they have become sellable merchandising consumer representatives--as they are probably considered as marketing forces that executives consider rather than as human beings putting out media information or concepts. They revel in luxury and clap their hands as their slaves exit or enter upon the slightest whim, in their condos, penthouses and mansions (and especially overseas, now some of them have been handed in formerly excusive white neighborhood Phuket high income areas for their inclusion in the Nazi programming they are shadow puppets performing for the subliminal programming into buying the vote of the aspiring instant-gratification wealth display vote population which has swung into the fascist zone. That includes many whites as well as Jews and others. They claim I am racist and hiss and assault me for writing about the reality I am forced into having to see, although I have told them asked and fought to get them to stop teleporting me for over 8 years they continue. I continue to write about how America is being sold out and now the evidence is more clear about this phenomenon and the Apprentices are coming out as demographics in the voter turn-out as a testament of what I have been writing of and then tortured afterwards for having written.


From my Facebook post written today, as the brainwave altering tech just opens portals of my brain I pour out ideas, the hacking makes writing tangibly impossible and thus--this is rambling and appears "conspiracy theory" hate ranting but it really is not. I cannot express myself. I also wait for the day when I am actually protected from these attacks and brainwave altering tech and protection from therein. My writing turns into hate expletives and ranting crazed sentences. The brainwave altering tech is more powerful than I am at this point. Very sick from drugging and poisoning still and attacked in teleportation by the actor contingent of this torture technology as I slept in deep sickness from a continuation of ten years of detoxing from the most horrific poisoning I have ever heard of--happening to me with no help in healing from any of them but instead torture so my immune system is overtaxed day and night while I fight to heal from toxic shock. I can only write my posts as they peruse what to steal for their endless presentations of how alternative and concerned with protecting liberty and "Democracy" while they continue to attack me slowly into old age, deterioration and body break-down while they go off laughing and making jokes about their crimes and then exonerated and protected by the others aspiring into having full range criminal breadth and wealth accumulation. Waves of fans cheering them on, and many are part of this death system and know full well what their icons are and participate in. Everyone remains glued to the boob tube for further instructions on how to deviate from intellectual debate and rationality so they can rise up as a force of destruction for the pursuit of luxury and wealth accumulation free without having to earn it (aka master-slave plantation system).


Nazi Paradise coming soon to a theater near you (in America) unless you stop the plague of fascism and control through foreign entities disguised as "friends" and media moguls and investors and "partners" in multi-national conglomerates controlling tech, media and politics. The Thai version is much cuter and if it does happen in America it will be automatic machine gun fire met with tanks weaponized with sonar pulsating blasts blowing out ear drums, paralyzing peaceful protestors with various microwave and other techno versions of "non-lethal" weaponry, plus various other versions met peacefully on the battleground of the Senate and House Floors---(going up to the Supreme Court). Televised with prayers to the dumbed down Americans who are not actually stupid but pretend they can't understand the implications as they forge ahead using FORCE to supplant debate and discourse and the joy of dismissing the annoying clauses of political laws and blocks are just too hard and time-consuming to care about for the average boob tube consumer which wants instant gratification and immediate luxury money grabs and people to control, turn into slaves and exploit without legal repercussions but all entitlement in a slave state. Welcome to the potential future of America which exhibits absolute control using Lese Majeste, but in America there will be no excuses all will be rationalized under "Democratic bi-partisan" egress and megalomania will be endlessly encouraged in these crime and murder movies and music gyrating skank videos called "music pop stars" who turn into media personalities who become politicians, endorsing immediate wealth through block of law, and immediate gratification, and the sleaziness of women and bigot subliminal programming to endorse absolutely false personality constructions as being legitimately intellectual pundits for politics.


The aspiration of ostentatious wealth is what drove the minority vote, to be included in the capitalist game even if it means having your former neighbors as your subordinates (actually this is what the aspiring eagerly desires, even if secretly even if unspoken to themselves). All the while all claim victory for Jesus as they put hands in the air like they just don't care. This is the underlying principle that has been exploited for the minority vote, and the future of the poor being shot at in the streets when they call for reform, well, from the upper grottos outside of the filthy ghettos where the activists who want legitimate change from the endless bigotry await resurrection, after they get microwaved, pulsed, brain-wave altered attacks, surveillance without end, and blocked from economic opportunity disguised in various forms. Those who knocked at the gates of wanton ostentatious instant gratification have been awarded with welcoming tickets at the lottery of the entrances to the halls where they must watch their one or two token representatives entertaining those who are laughing about the entire mind programming spectacle they created and all bought into. The golden dangling promise of wealth and being invited into the closed sanctuaries of privilege are the lures by which they were seduced. Watch your favorite folk heroes gyring in movies as they claim they represent you but you remain impoverished as you are authentically fighting for justice. Somehow, you just can't make it but they do. How can that be, so endlessly year after year as the world proclaims that there is finally Justice and Equality in the media. Like a premature ballot decision Justice has come in as the Loser. That is the future that awaits as you hold up a 3-finger salute you saw in a movie, hoping for an American-based system of Equality and Freedom. The placating of America continues and more movies professing the aspiring hopes of the downtrodden and underdog will happy happily continue as the hate-filled orgiastic billionaires who monopolize that industry play the same roles for years upon years, one administration to the next--seamless brainwashing as your fight to protest in the streets will become a life-threatening exercise in futility. If this is not stopped if this system is not stopped if you remain silent and obedient and not able to think outside of what you are told to believe by these media pundits who have been aspiring into political power since at least Reagan. not great never was brought the country into huge debt and helped created an impoverished country with the worst debt crisis accumulation in history of the US. The wealthy keep promoting this scheme. The "liberals" keep playing that they are fighting against it but exonerating the guilty and handing power over to the opposite side because THEY GET DEALS OUT OF IT FOR PRIVATE INVESTMENTS AND LUXURY INVESTMENTS AND MORE MILLIONS/BILLIONS OF MONEY AND POWER FOR OSTENTATIOUS LUXURY MASTER-SLAVE ENTITLEMENTS.


Troop - For The Money - Living For The City [First bit Accapella] [New Jack Swing]

New jack city - For the love of money

Welcome to the weakening of the Democratic black vote and the increase in fascism. Good for tv and all it's promises of instantaneous gratification and wealth if you just follow in the groove that is portrayed endlessly by your starz-turned-politicians exhorting you to vote (in either direction tending towards one ultimate one-sided path leading to a one-dimensional fascist Totalitarian system even with appearances of bi-partisan politics. You can see in the power struggles in these movies that a supreme leader appears who won't take any opposition and kills off opposing factions. As above so below believe that the lies seep into the very cracks of the "loser" system which retains hegemony over who "wins" or "loses" and if the "losers" want to "win", they had better lose the trappings of integrity and fealty to Justice and Truth.

As an afterword: I was cut into, my body sliced by  mechanical arms once more last night, while teleported to really stupid sick skits by famous black and white personalities last night. While my consciousness was teleported to another location as they insulted and used stupid and mean-spirited emotional/psychological oppression tactics and forced "edited" behavior modification skits of submissive obedience to people I can't pretend I respect or admire in any form---the "minorities" surrounding me (Thai people being offered free rent and whatever else to insert mechanical arms into my room, sever parts of my body nightly and spray stinking substances and fungus into my room and food--every single night without end for decades, but increasing in deadly attacks since the wealthy and famous have obtained these contracts. My fingers are internally bleeding, swollen as they are upon waking every morning. I tape my fingers and hands in layers of packaging tape before going to bed, then cover all with light-weight permeable shower gloves (so the mechanical arms can pierce through them, I ascertain--but I am too ill to go out shopping or sew something light over them--I am too ill from detox and their endless re-poisoning to do more to defend myself I can barely function or walk the poison is RIPPING OUT OF MY SPINE AND BODY AND MUSCLE TISSUE AND OUT OF MY VISCERAE DAILY--at this end point of the detox process I remain paralyzed and they spray or inject drug patches I remain sick and poisoned and drugged and paralyzed in pain as hard poisons continue to rip out of my spine and body--so I can't defend myself whatsoever and have spent over 6 days of not being able to accomplish the smallest of things except to endlessly clean off the stinking substances and wash objects that had been clean which are now stinking, with substances that never come off no matter what bleach or cleaning or airing out in heat and sunshine nothing gets these laboratory-created substances out fully.

I cover my hands with packaging tape, shower gloves (for washing the body) and then a pair of socks, rolled up because I am simply too ill to sit and sew hooks or things over these items right now the healing and then cleaning up the stinking filth that these terrorists spray involves my every moment and sleeping for 12 hours in a deep healing sleep which entails teleportation rape, torture or abuse every night while I fight to heal. My immune system is shot, my endocrine system is shot. I need ultrasound. They continue to torture me without end for their dirty and filthy nasty multi-million dollar contracts. They have zero humanity but represent such in the media. They are fully indoctrinated into an "elitist" Totalitarian/fascist organization and as such, they represent nothing but a Jack-the-rip-off tirade of false compassionate Democracy for which their fans cheer on and then are induced to VOTE for fascists posing as those helping the poor out of their plights if only you vote for them and join the ranks of the swelling fascist totalitarian ranks, rank and foul and offering ultimately perhaps their demise as how many can fit into the narrow halls of extreme wealth and entitlement?
Thus I remain poised for a new administration to stop this travesty aimed continuously at me but I fear this indoctrination has seeped into every fissure of society and thus--if a new "breed" of New Jack-off Millennials comes into power, would that only be encrusted corrupt following in the footsteps of their predecessors?

I thus face never having a support system of getting rid of these people. I thus write, as they want me to do so their luxury lifestyles won't be hampered by study, research or deep penetrating thought--and I am then tortured and more disfigured for writing any kind of criticism. I included the small link to the Bangkok protests and the response by the Thai Government because the response of crack-down against ANY CRITICISM is exactly the same in Lese Majeste Thailand (where Nazis have free sex and cleaning slaves--almost free the cost is so low it's essentially for free, but keeping the slaves living in their cheap and broken-down impoverished shackles so they continue to do ANYTHING to rise up in distinction to live in the BIG HOUSE instead of in the FIELDS in poverty in tin shacks. 

There is such a direct correlation between the Thai and minority minion New Jack For The Love Of Money Apprentices----

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

In loving memory of my disfigured, dismembered, poisoned and drugged and covertly MURDERED step-father. 

I just read (for the 2nd time) the highly offensive Daily Illini obituary about my Step Father and his legacy at the years of his graduate, undergraduate and post-graduate lectures which had garnered waiting lines of eager students having to put names on lists and waiting in line to get access to his courses. Reduced by the article's author to being a "Brooklyn Jew" and not more of what he WAS: a Columbia University PhD graduate, an author of a range of literary works and reviews and writings and publications unlisted by this eulogy, a student and community leader in the anti-war movement during the Vietnam era, the president of the local AFL-CIO labor union in Champaign, a father to me and my siblings, and a revered professor students loved. Instead, this skewed review of his life held not much more but a few brief statements about him being simply a professor who was a "Brooklyn Jew" whose loving non-Jewish (read Christian but really Nazi member of this terrorist cartel attacking me) wife devoted her life "lovingly" only to him, focusing on him and his Christian forays into literature, almost exclusively with no mention of his other writings or life experiences or personality other than being a component of Nazi culture and how he adapted to Christian writers as a "Jew" with this most hideously ugly photo attached, as a discrediting attack upon him.

A whole pile of horse radish stained deep brown. Lies lies lies lies about his loving and devoted Nazi wife, no mention of my mother whatsoever. Absolute racist sentimentality driven through the entire short synopsis of his life, which completely bypassed his labor union activism, his anti-war stance, his huge popular stand as a pillar during the Vietnam War in the student community, his activism, his books and writings, and the photos taken of him by this Nazi-era re-fabrication of real-life are the worst I have ever seen of him, thanks to the "loving" devotion of his insulting, nasty and cruel "devoted" bigot Nazi wife, my "step-mother" (8 years my senoir).

You can read parts of this bigoted Illini eulogy describing him as a "Jew" who wrote extensively about Catholic writers, which is just a small snippet of information completely ignoring a wealth of other writings not devoted to Nazi ideological writers. His "devoted" cruel wife who abused and killed animals, Nazi style and what I have experienced for years from this terrorist "stalking" group, which she is a rabid redneck originated member of has done. She has attacked both and my step-father and me AND my family as well in contribution to and with this global Nazi terrorist "gang stalking" organization. Only the lies abound, the reality is filtered through a Nazi bigot lens and my step-father is portrayed as deformed, as he was poisoned, deformed just as I have been by the Nazis and bigots operating for Nazis surrounding me. By the time my step-father was at the threshold of dying, as I met him not long before he died of "diabetes" but also poisoning and drugging by my heinous "step-mother" Nazi bigot lying hateful creep, another agent of this hate organization which has plagued my family all of my life and has brainwashed my family into serving their interests. Obviously they would not have succumbed if people would not endorse these activities but it appears to be a major plague within the fabric of American society.

This lying terrorist organization eulogy piece about my step-father, depicting him in such a racist slant, his photo so insulting to his real memory and how regal and beautiful he was before this step-mother parasite began to disfigure him as these apes are doing to me now using this same protocol and systematic destruction that is adhered to globally: when I had no idea what situation was forced upon me, through her lying fake demeanor and horrid midwestern nasal ugly accent, I had assumed that coming from a religious family she had some semblance, along with her fake clothing of alternative subculture fashion (dyed hippie clothing supposedly to create an image of organic, peace-loving hippie who had only love and peace as her real goals, along with a construed series of lies and performances when I had met her long ago and approved, unknowing of this heinous group or it's practices and never getting any information about it until desperate search on it, decades later. Too late as my step-father had been covertly destroyed and then murdered by her helping or assisting in poisoning. She liked to torture his dogs and create pain and misery in my step-fathers dogs and in other people. This I witnessed first-hand, a reality.

She, this creep as my family called her and I could not understand why at first because she played the game so well--comes from a Methodist Preacher environment out of a small town where Caterpillar tractors used to be based on, before the headquarters became outsourced to another country, red neck style, just before the years of hating foreign imports and outsourcing became popular before outsourcing became popular as they all follow the instructions of their leaders without question.

She rose above it all to exploit, poison and abuse my step-father and possibly to have covertly murdered him (along with at least one of his dogs, my cat who I had grown up with and another dog I had grown up with--a black magick ritual of killing the pets that I and my mother and family had loved which were left behind--to murder us, and finally to murder my step-father who wanted to have access to publishing his books and the only way, as this group has blocked so many people, i.e. jewish men--from having real success in their Nazi-controlled world of commerce, is that they must have a Nazi "handler" control them. Thus he was very keen to marry this creep skank and thus, he was murdered, my dogs and cats I grew up with horribly poisoned to death and left dying agonizing deaths, and my step-father castigated, humiliated and yelled at by this "loving wife" this article so falsely puts as the main pillar of my step-father's life and success and love. NOTHING could be further from the truth. My step-father was drugged daily by his insulin doses and you can believe he was drugged via this portal of direct injection, plus implants and microchips. She essentially chewed him up, got into his nice house out of her mobile trailer home style Peoria lifestyle, was paid to go to Paris and go on vacations as part of this endless Nazi promotional scheme; her only goal was to live and vacation in Paris and in France, as she adopted the mannerisms of hate and supremacy because she was promoted and paid to go to France and promote hate interests of infiltration and brainwashing in America.

The worst, ugliest photo of him I have ever seen. The discrediting of this Nazi organization was completed with him and I know and understand the protocols and what they are doing to me, and plan on continuing to do with forcing me to be exploited by some bigot Nazi forcing a "baby" out of me, and I appeal to readers to stop this crime against me because they are dismembering and disfiguring me every day so I look something similar to my step-father who was slowly eaten-away by the nightly incisions and poisonings and attacks people like my Nazi step-father forced upon him. In his attempt to integrate into this endlessly burgeoning Nazi-based culture that Amerikkka has turned into, is morphing into, and has become. I fight this every day and ask for assistance and help because of the damaged memory of my step-father and because of the ugliness and the discrediting "eulogy" that remains of his incredible life and legacy. The beauty and joy he exuded was literally sucked out of him by Nazis and his nasty hateful violent murdering wife and associates. (This accusation is based on: My belief based on observation and experience of being targeted. Understanding full well that my family has been targeted all my life as well as I am being now).

My step-father disfigured, the worst photo of him I have ever seen, that which the bigot NazI University of Illinois newspaper chose from decades of him living and working at the University. They chose to make him appear in his declining and dying stages (of having been poisoned and drugged and disfigured by my Nazi step-mother, his 'handler" and murderer--in my opinion and awareness I do know this is true but have no evidence of this claim directly). He used to be extremely handsome and fit and healthy and shiny and glowing before his Nazi handler destroyed him and then stole his home and killed my childhood pets and was honored by the Nazi publication making this bigoted Nazi statement about a bigoted synopsis of his "life" which I consider to be factually missing and distortion bordering on sheer lies and containing absolute LIES WITHOUT END about his Nazi wife (not my mother although she is not innocent and neither is/was my Step-father).

So I know intimately what these creeps exploiting me are all about. They have no independent thinking capabilities and I have seen this formula operate throughout my family, people I have known who used to support me fully and are now dead or avoid me (brainwashed I believe). I my family accepted these parasites into my home and their lives and beds only to be slowly poisoned, dismembered and all possible stolen from them (after death these Nazi bigot whores obtained all properties, blocked all inheritance from me and probably much that should have gone to the "good" siblings who went along with watching my father(s) get abused, insulted and then murdered by these rotten whore women who are married to the men who want to force a baby out of me--who are as heinous and evil as the women. I ask once more for this crime agenda and this group to be forced off sucking my life and destroying me.

It is time for this group to be stopped and permanently. If people cannot begin to grasp the importance of not allowing these psychopath parasites to continue to ravage and rape and steal and rob and murder using these protocols, death squads, technology and brainwashing apparatus I have been writing of the alterations in personalities of people utilizing these technologies and how subversive and deadly they become as more and more power is handed to them for committing these crimes after they get wealthier and wealthier by stealing all possible from their victims and laughing with their partners as I stand here alone asking the planet to not allow them to get away with these racist crimes of genocidal proportion any longer.

I also want to add that I tried to change the font color which should have been in the red/pink hue and has been altered by hackers. I have changed the font color 6 times and hackers are blocking the function every single time so nothing whatsoever happens with repeated attempts.

I can only imagine how badly hackers are going to rewrite this post after I publish it. As it stands now, I must fight to backspace while they block keyboard function and my brain's motor skills are being "hacked" into frozen partial paralysis while I fight to type. Can't think clearly--I always "remember" the more excellent phrases I had wanted to write which literally are pushed into my subconscious while other words I had not intended with insults and hate ranting come pouring out while I fight to pound out words on hacked keyboards (also happens when I hand write in a similar fashion).


Now: to all you disgusting, sleazy, stupid pig apes, even the most famous of you, who are trying to force this contract out on me, who have already tortured, raped, disfigured, tormented me for over a decade without end (and all my life shit like you has done these actions of breaking vertebrae, breaking my body, poisoning me slowly to death, denying me healthcare to heal and money to do so even to this day of billionaires attacking and exploiting me with their rotten ugly whore wives and family members (including the black, Jewish and all the minority minion groups who are at the front of these lines of attack, ALWAYS WITHOUT EXCEPTION)

If you think that your status as big nazi pig ape in society means anything but a false fiction of grandiosity to me, you are deluded just as your officials accuse me of delusion when I try to report your hate crimes of your mentally ill system and broke spiritual power grabbing attempt (and have obtained "power" through your hate crimes and group systematic racist protocols).

You are only pieces of rotten shit in my estimation after a lifetime of pig ape whores like you drugging, raping and attacking me and always when I reach high positions after having competed. Now paralyzed for nearly a decade and telpeorted, raped and tortured by you ugly, disgusting and stupid (on a personal level, in your fields you can perform your jobs and have enough fake panache to be able to lie and fake your competency for which you are so highly elevated by participation in this hate organization instead of having real personal or real merit or credibility).

You are shit, period. I ask this world and planet to get this crap off me I am waiting for the 8th year in a row for Hollywood executives, performers, politicians, presidents of the United States, Senators and so many others who have known and participated in whatever aspect they have, to actually enforce the laws of the United States in protecting my human rights. People like my step-father and so many countless others have willingly or unwillingly participated in their own demise by conforming to the demands of your rotten group so they can pronounce themselves as the superior. I have always competed and gained top or high ranking and for that I am now healing for the tenth year in a row of paralysis due to hard poison I still cannot get out and you block my healthcare so you can try to brainwash me into accepting your murder and theft of everything you want to steal from me. My step-father had at least the chance to publish and was ignored afterwards and then discredited. I am stolen from and silenced to the extreme.

I will not accept your shit system nor any of you ugly and stupid, sick and evil pieces of pure shit and your hate system you are trying to force through violence, dismemberment and torture for me to willingly accept and "obey". You can fuck yourselves into the Hell you have brought upon this planet, which is now laughing at the laughing stock that America presents itself due to this system which no one will actually admit to or acknowledge, but which has ruled politics, the media and our brains for far too long.

"Our" meaning me and those who are in accord with me, as distant as they are, I know they exist. I submit this as an attempt once more to get people to defend my rights as a human being because I cannot accept or obey the bullshit of this shit group or be brainwashed into thinking that a pile of mediocre hate shit parasites constitutes nothing more than glorified shit put on pedestals.

The cursing is due to brainwave altering technology and the endless years of writing these same appeals. My ability to cognitively function has lowered into a range of hate expletives and I do know this is being remotely technologically enhanced although this is part of some internal thought process it has much more to do with subliminal brainwashing and injection of words and thoughts in yet another discrediting scheme by this terrorist group; aka "you".

My feet have been slashed in criss-cross patterns, are infected and swollen and smell infected. All is being cut into every single day to the bone on the fleshy meat areas of my toes every time I sleep, which is now twice a day due to sickness form detox.. I tied two strings tightly around a rubber band, covering a pair of socks, rolled up around the three layers of strings tied and looped around the strings, on top of the socks, with packaging tape tied around my feet. I had to sleep in a sick daze from detoxing from hard poisons entrapped into my body for probably more than 3 decades, coming out after almost 10 years of fighting to get to this level of my body where poisons are literally latched into my spine and flesh at the lowest level of skin and bone. I noticed where the terrorists had inserted their mechanical arms.

 I am not trying to get all the nasty, dirty old "wanker" men reading this sexually turned on by the descriptions of me endlessly fighting for my life in vain as terrorists cut out parts of my body and into my body to the bone daily, while my feet are now incapable of bearing weight, in addition to the hard poisons latched into my hips from a scoliosis surgery that the terrorists forced upon me because their hardening poison has latched into the bone area where surgeons removed bone tissue to fuse the spinal fusion. My spine was put out of alignment daily by terrorists which utilized the MK ULTRA microchipping device which renders me utterly unconscious while every creep, scumbag and whore can do whatever they want (under order from their puppeteers who control them and give orders, otherwise I probably would have been utterly dismembered and murdered a long time ago if these parasites had been given free reign to do whatever they really wanted to do to my body as I lay unconscious and incapable of defense, as I remain).

My room: 2 years of fighting to block off all the panels. I have literally pasted over all the cupboards in the "kitchen" area except for one under the kitchen sink, which is lined with hooks. Regardless, terrorists soften the wood material so the hooks become loose. I can't even use them and can't hook the doors together. The terrorists then shove them out slightly from the interior. The interior has been smeared with softening fluids under the kitchen sink area and I literally cannot block the mechanical arms from entering this area no matter what I do. It is impossible 100% to stop this. The two doors of this under-sink cupboard area are stuffed with rubber matting on the exterior, with items balanced precariously so I can see where mechanical arms have entered. The stealth with which terrorists push up the matting and deflate it and put it back in what appears the same place, but if I touch it I see a huge depression in the matting and that this has been manipulated for entry purposes. There are absolute experts in this area surrounding me in how to manipulate materials to conceal entry or violation of property using these technologies, and my very cheap inexpensive attempts to block dismemberment and disfigurement and poisoning and my door being opened and then raped and my hips and spine being put out of place, and etc. 

There are gaps in the half-inch or one-inch spaces where the doors actually should close tightly against the wooden surfaces of the cabinets but are cut so there are huge gaps although the doors "close" but there are gaps where Mechanical arms of course get through the gaps.

Hackers are now rewriting as I type. The sentences are confusing as hackers delete and repaste wrongly written sentences into huge disconnected and repeat sentence structures.

I noticed today after more huge red swollen internally bloodied cuts were slashed into my pinky, my middle fingers under the cuticles (years of this nightly, the fingernails are partially black and falling out in places, completely broken down and always huge and bloody puffed up and black from deadening nerve endings cut into every single day.

Now my feet are being cut into every single night to cause permanent damage there as well. this is torture from years of parasites being put into lead positions, being paid in millions to torture and extract ideas as they get paid in millions for the ideas, and not a thank you but dismemberment afterwards to this degree because they are torturing me slowly to death to obtain a baby that I would destroy if possible after destroying these creeps attacking me, if at all possible I would do this I swear.

Otherwise, there is one other cabinet that I realize was broken through but done in that stealth way so I could not tell. I literally pasted paper and tape over ever single cupboard in the kitchen area so I have to leave plates, cutlery, food and anything else in crevices of the tiny microstudio instead of being able to use the cabinets, all are blocked off. There is one food storage cabinet area next to the front door which I have left stuffed with rubber matting instead of taping and pasting completely shut so no mechanical arms can pierce through without leaving obvious evidence. In the front door I have stuffed layers of paper with packaging tape covering the paper so inserted they completely block the opening of the door. The terrorists have removed the packaging tape so the paper pieces slide out with ease. I then poured more *(money) and packaging tape over these pieces so they could not be budged and I must fight to insert them into the door. While I was out shopping the terrorists removed the tape from two pieces that stick out covering the last edge gap of the cabinet door, the hinge side which has a half-inch gap where the door should cover the cabinet wood panel but instead closes but leaves this huge gape where mechanical arms obviously got in as I slept today. I detoxed huge horrific poisons that have been glued into my body for decades and was so ill I could do nothing all day but sit in front of the computer writing about torture used against me in teleportation and rape and etc that these parasites used because I am fighting for my life to stop them and get rid of them, asking indefinitely for years for my country to be anything other than a Nazi vassal state utilizing Nazi technology and genocidal hate terrorist groups (mostly comprised of compromised minority minions, so often black people screaming about being victims of hate crimes and Latinos and jews and et al it's disgusting how much hypocrisy I have to be subjected to with these creeple terrorist minions)

The rubber matting, which I had stuffed into this large half inch gap at the last portion of the cupboard door paneling just right next to the door frame had been breached, the padding I had inserted was stuffed precariously (you could say in an amateur fashion from someone who knows very little about defense but also I cannot defend myself in the way I should and would if I had not signed a contract with a violent rapist landlord operating for these violent Nazi pig apes who are profiting off this terror contract out on me and continue to have me dismembered and raped and etc continuously as they have for years--laughing, they laugh about it and gloat they are repugnant, your Nazi heroes of politics and movies and tv you all love so much! Yeay, you all love what they are doing to me otherwise perhaps some one at least one person would at least defend me)

and not to sound like a complaining victim but....I had also stuffed a plastic bead into the rubber matting, to see if the terrorists had uplifted the matting. Lo and behold, after waking up and seeing that the two strings, tied around rubber bands, tied around the socks, covering the packaging tape had been put almost exactly as I had tied and taped them all before falling into a sick and drugged up detox deep sleep of exhaustion and sickness, deadly at that. However, it was all completely removed by solvents and their expert military-grade technology and surveillance capability, put exactly back in the same place to appear as if no tampering had occurred and leaving zero evidence. However, the evidence was that the pieces of paper that jut out from the door frame in this one area which I had three times made so tight you have to pull on the door to remove them, which terrorists had reduced in size so you only have to lightly pull and they fall out. The bead which had been balanced on top of the rubber matting was completely gone because that was the entry point. 

I am detailing this in a way that will be hacked so it's going to become a repetitive exercise in trying to understand what I am trying to convey. I read the first part of this post a short time after beginning to write it, just to check if hacking had changed anything and hackers had changed almost everything into nonsensical repeats, deleted grammar and sentences partially deleted and then pasted together into long and repetitive structures that lost the real context and focus.

This is the extent to which I must fight to not lose my toes, fingers, fingernails--my hair has been made stinking, greasy and balding for years from these people entering my home. My skin is marked completely 100% every inch has scars, blemishes and blots from poisons, chemicals and marks slashed into my body every single time I sleep. This list is too long to elaborate upon at this point.

I have been waiting for over EIGHT YEARS for any politician or personality to defend me as I write and write and write these posts daily and there is NEVER A REAL RESPONSE OF DEFENSE FOR ME.

I wait and wait once more for a change in political presidential leadership to actually NOT SERVE THE INTERESTS OF THESE NAZI AND FASCIST FORCES which have predominated American life albeit in the undercurrents of power all my life. Since my story and my experiences have been completely stifled and silenced and blocked and ignored (mostly the latter) I ask once more for people to intervene and to stop this slow murder protocol. The terrorist rape and torture and assassination death squads are coming to a theater near you and they are not going to entertain you even if you think you will enjoy watching your enemies get slaughtered in the privacy of their own public surveillance death chamber stalking targeted domestic State-sponsored terrorist places of neighborhood rape, torture, disfigurement, dismemberment and murder centers of activities that so many people simply LAUGH about participating in.

You won't be laughing as you community begins to unravel and your society deteriorates and even if you can go out on a shooting rampage calling it a "Civil War" and you are a Right-wing conpiracy theory QAnon, you will f88-ing regret your lack of real pride, you are not proud, you are too stupid to be boys but instead are just dumber than dumb in assuming that this protocol and these technologies are going to bring America into a blissful Nazi state. I have also lived amongst peoples of East Soviet bloc countries who appear to be pale, devoid of blood or life, appear zombiesque and have absolutely mediocrity as the only basis to rely upon as their social structure. They are controlled by despots who rape the finances of the countries and the people wait in lines for state handouts due to fascist tyrannical leadership. These are countries that embraced these State-sponsored terrorist death squad activities (aka STASI surveillance police state tactics and other such nefarious names and titles given to former Communist countries which are not dead and forgotten or gone in these countries and in Europigapeland, and that includes the Western countries where the funds from the Holocaust are still raking in billions for their luxury endless weeks of paid vacation here in Thailand so they can prostitute and use the locals with no restraint by the local puppet authorities--forget about protection for the oppressed or the prostitutes, labor unions or wage protection as there is none whatsoever and the conditions are nicer than slave labor for the prostitutes and that is just about the best for the common wage earner--working 12 hours per day sometimes for less than $20 a day).

That is "Paradise" for the bigot Nazis who come for vacation out of funds they obtained by mass murder of millions of people who actually earned all the gold and millions of dollars by being BETTER than the Europigapes if there was a chance for competition. I see the same slavish tendencies of Americans and a devout adherence to following the protocols of these death squad torture protocols and murder templates using this Nazi/Communist a la Stalin technologies. I really urge you to consider that you all act like Thai slaves in obeying Nazi commands and you are not going to inherit the Nazi gold but the fool's gold of a slave state once you comply and then hand over the United States to there Europigape fascists who are smiling in your face for now and waiting for the time they can reduce your wages, rape and turn women (like me) into sex slaves being raped and tortured as people who I could outperform if I were not tortured into paralysis, I would perform better, are STEALING IDEAS FROM ME and then torturing me for years afterwards. When they are overtaken by their "partners" they will be reduced to the mediocrity that they all are, and the society will become a wasteland like Armenia, Romania, Slovania, Slovakia--but without all the old architecture just a wasteland of ghettoized broken down infrastructure. Oh wait! that is what America has become ALREADY!

Just a further warning to you do-nothing readers that your glib delight at what your minority minions are doing to me on behalf of you WILL result in your utter deterioration and perhaps death if you do not stop these activities and instead of following your usual pattern of greedy, grasping hate activities to steal, rape and rob and murder PERHAPS IT WOULD BEHOOVE YOU TO CARE ABOUT THE UNITED STATES, THE CONCEPTS OF FREEDOM AND THE FREEDOM OF PEOPLE TO LIVE IN PEACE AND COMPETE AGAINST YOUR MEDIOCRITY AND HATE WHO COULD ALSO PERFORM BETTER THAN YOU AND MAKE MONEY INSTEAD OF BEING FORCED INTO DESTITUTION AS THE SOCIETY YOU ARE DESTROYING IS DECAYING AND DYING.