Thursday, February 4, 2021

Terrorist Report: February 4, 2021. Disgusting as usual from disgusting hyena pig apes and their nasty minions. What they do to me they have done to you or will do and that is true.

 The mechanical arms being inserted onto my patio from the floor above are spraying fungus onto my shoes which are rubber and I place them outside on the patio. I have two pairs of rubber shoes, I wash and scrub them every morning because the mechanical arms spray stinking substances which only lightly washing don't get out. I must use a bristle brush to scrub the scum (laboratory-created which permeates into the very fabric of the rubber and absorbs completely through-and-through). While I sleep the mechanical arms, operated by the scum in the rooms next to mine on both sides, entering in cracks, areas I have spent 2 years and longer pounding and pasting and gluing everything every kind of metal hook to stop the panels from being opened on the other side, gluing pasted stickers on all cracks and then lining all the shelves and panels on the walls with paper and then pasted over with packaging tape. They get through because it only requires less than 1/4 of an inch or less to get through with a mechanical arm--which I guess can be inserted in a flattened or round withdrawn state and then expanded to have clasps and mechanical tentacles that can grasp and conduct all kinds of terrorist activities. As I sleep very long due to poisoning which these mechanical arms continue to inflict on my body: they have hours to make a mess of my room and body and clothing and furniture every time they possibly can. Besides my body being cut to the bone and then sprayed with fungus in the wounds, they are spraying fungus on my shoes that lay outside the plastic-covered box spring sans mattress as all material fabric is saturated with stinking odors and fungus so I must have the bare essentials and all furniture including all walls, the floor and everything possible is covered with a thick layer of plastic sheeting that blocks some of the toxic odors from being inhaled because I must also seal my one open air source all night long due to more mechanical arms from the patio area inflicting even more damage or possibly opening my front door--which as has happened for YEARS pig apes rush into my room and RAPE me and insert fungus into my body afterward, then put my hips and spine out of place and also put disgusting things in my food and etc. That is what Obama endorsed, that is what every Congress has supported willingly, unwillingly, openly or without consent or knowledge but never conducting any investigation to the allegations that many of these legislatures have undoubtedly heard in "gossip" or seen in videos. Oh now...they "must' continue to "experiment" in controlling people and their mental states and supporting totalitarianism through their many guises and disguises of Democratic bipartisanship.

thus, my feet stink after I have scoured the shoes only one hour ago. I used the other pair of shoes and then, putting on this pair--(each pair is used for different purposes and have different types of styles/shapes and absorbencies). It is completely disgusting, just like the sleazy and sick teleportation skits that these "elite" entertainers who always have an arsenal of "jokes" at their disposal along with their plastic surgery and coached speech patterns and lectures and public appearances to the contrary of their real personality depravities.

The disgusting things they say and do, and I am only describing one tiny disgusting thing that is being done and has not stopped for at least 40 years of my life, but in the last 10 years the disgusting attacks have increased to the point that it's absolute terrorism that I remain unable to expose, vindicate or prove. 

I have described these attacks for years and the terrorists operating these activities are only promoted into higher and higher positions in the media and in politics. I just wrote of a white "Progressive" male who has teleported me and basically laughed about a very disgusting attack that was heaped upon me by some South African racists who have a posse of "brown" Thai minions doing every disgusting, filthy and dirty act of sabotage for them. It is exactly the same configuration in Whorewood that I have also attempted to describe but not being able to prove, can only make assertions and accusations and then, while writing the hacking makes it so frustrating and the frustration enables a "backdoor" hacking into my brain and cerebral functioning so I only begin to curse and call these heinous hyenas names that are "immature" and can be called all kinds of adverse things, thus completely discrediting me from all real reliability in what I write.

It is impossible after just one week of this kind of torture that is ongoing 24//7 to be able to remain calm if one is left alone, and after more than a decade of it going unmet by any political response except for more silencing, more torture and more creeps joining in including politicians. 

I just want to add this, not because anyone is there concerned about this torture and inhumanity but just in case the white males (mostly ) who claim they are "progressive" who are hacking in miss something that they steal from my writing (even just mini-byyes of words, vocab or concepts--all they have to do is steal something to get promoted---mostly white males but a scattering of females who must play 2nd role. What they miss perhaps readers who may not want such a hideously insane system to be put into place and enacted upon by the armies of brown, black, Jewish, Asian, Latino and et al minions who just play the subordinate roles but put into power as leaders who absolutely obey all the fascist protocols they have been traumatized into following in order to get out of the ruts that these fascist white bigots create in order to induct the many desperados into their gangs and cartels of fascist, Nazi persuasion.

I write of this disgusting attack, as my home is saturated with laboratory sprays that make brown toxic substances absorb into every fabric, including the floor--my body is likewise covered with scars and my feet and fingers have been slashed to the bone nightly for years upon end. 

I expect to see or hear my ideas now mimicked and turned into fascist Nazi white male commentaries but only using small bits and refabricating the rest into subversive Nazi brainwashing and programming disguised as "liberal" or "progressive" lecturing. They usually focus on what is wrong with the fascist Nazis--as I have been doing, which in turn is a kind of endorsement. I focus on them because they are threatening my life every day. They focus on the fascists because they are being paid for promoting them through a reverse psychological twist of denouncement every single time they steal my ideas or put out this for their "Progressive" agenda they are actually promoting the "Left" side of the Nazi Party agenda.

It's all very disgusting like fungus sprayed everywhere these criminal terrorist operations only enhance the most smutty, violent and sick and disgusting aspects of humanity and people embrace it fully. 


After having walked away from the laptop, ideas that I had wanted to write, while pounding down, backspacing and retyping words every second, literally, I "forgot" to include that the psycho who teleported me last night and for the last month has gone on and on with his profiteering off terrorism using this New technology which enables human trafficking with the press of a button--sexual trafficking along with torture, mutilation, torture and poisoning, drugging and all kinds of theft of every single thing every hyena-growth hormone scum ape can suck out and steal for their own propagandized performance:

the pig in question just had one small animal living on my patio killed--that was within 2 days of the filthy attacks he has since not stopped attacking me with. It was first heart palpitations and nervous system attacks that are absolutely deadly. Then he had a small animal killed. The other animal that survived the entire hillside being demolished by a blast that T-rump's team created 2 months after I moved into this place--or I mean 3 weeks, I am not able to access my real critical capabilities my brain is severely being swamped by electromagnetic or other brainwave activities by this implant or tech--but, all flowers, every single animal outside my patio, which faces an entirely natural environment that used to be covered birds and flowers and trees. The trees outside my window that were unique asian varieties have been cut down and killed. What has grown up are weeds and the pig minions have scattered pieces of plastic bags and cartons on the hillside alongside the dead and dying weeds. Zero birds even fly outside the window, and if they do they are so quick you can barely see them. They used to land on the hillside and now it is a dead zone. The single animal that survived was this incredibly unique and huge lizard that I made contact with. I would throw food to it and it made a loud buzzing noise in response (at nighttime). They blasted the crevice in the rocks where it lived--at nighttime so it was sleeping or sheltering and it's now dead. There was this other animal as I wrote above that made it's home on my patio. I really liked watching it and I would give it water and they just killed it. The place it had lived had a kind of "blood" stain and it's completely gone.

That was from this current psycho scumbag actor out ofAustria who is really just immediately disgusting not only for the fascist ways he behaves but also after his American friends, probably under his instruction, have behaved like parasitic rabid pig apes (sorry, but this description although it sounds immature and silly is actually really very parallel to how these creeps actually act. They put on such absolutely fake veneers of respectability in their public appearances. One of them literally changes his voice, slows it down, and sounds incredibly mature and sophisticated. In private he whines and talks in a high-pitched dorky voice and acts like a disgusting and stupid idiot and rapist racist scumbag who says the most stupid and sick things. The current rotten foul parasite attacking me put his videos right alongside the actor I wrote of just now, both together and videos of them together. After a decade of these pig ape hyenas having part of my uterus cut out, my lower jaw nearly broken, my teeth nearly pulled out and the gum tissue cut into to the bone every day after they nearly knocked my lower teeth out while I was sleeping--to inserting metal objects under cuticles every single day for over 6 years every single night so the injuries are absolutely horrific. Cutting my toes to the bone and putting fungus in the wounds. Smearing fungus into my hair every day for at least three days. Inserting fungus and stinking fluids into my vagina every day for years. POisning my food with fungus and drugs every day and bloating hardening poison (all my life). Inflicting some kind of substance that makes my skin breakout and then smearing some kind of tattooing chemical so the break-outs become ingrained into my skin. Making my hair fall out and rubbing horrid chemicals on my skin and hair to utterly damage both so they are curdling and scarring and falling out and scarred completely. Breaking my left large toe repeatedly and then stealing all I try to conceive of to try to have a career in writing or in any form. All finances blocked so I have not been able to afford a doctor or any medical care for years. No dentist, and nothing. 

They have made millions off stealing my ideas and I sit here endlessly cleaning up the stinking crap they have their pieces of sick minion crap spray on my furniture, the walls, the appliances, all doors, walls, clothing, shoes, etc all is sprayed, ugly and shabby, scratched, shrunk, stained, and broken down. 

All of this because I am defending my human rights, defending the US Constitution and warning readers for years that Nazis are infiltrating Whorewood and for a long time the White House and the Executive Branch and now I can add the House and the Senate as well. 

No response, ever. None of it is ever stopped. I write of these "brown and black" females who are iconic symbols of equality--supposedly--because they have allowed this terrorism to go on unabated and have participated in the tenure of this contract. The white male in question has just been put in charge of a very prominent leadership position in the Senate and globally represents freedom for the impoverished. All of them blather on about "The American People" and "Democracy" and I am writing this not only to try to get SOMEONE who actually cares about these concepts to stop this terror organization from slowly murdering me or murdering me or attacking me, to protect my human rights that this damn government was supposed to have done not just from corrupt and lying Obama but for ALL OF MY YEARS ON THIS PLANET not a single one has ever defended my rights as a citizen of the planet. 

As I write so often and has come true: what they do to me will also be done to you. All the micro attacks upon me have been foisted upon the American public in many multifarious insidious ways. I write these things, I have been writing about these terrorist activities and the culprits are lounging in their mansion, the white men at the lower ranks are reading my posts to steal concepts because they so fervently desire to be lounging in the mansions as well and as for the rest of society well they can go to hell. (If you like them subscribe to them and "ring the bell" that is the hell they all say like parrots in their videos on YouTube).


All of this torture because when I was capable of performing in some semblance of movement in society (not paralyzed by hardening bloating poison that has left me completely partially paralyzed for over a decade while these apes attack me non-stop) but when I could compete I  won competitions very often. The people who befriended me in these types of situations were terrorist attackers (in many cases, children or college-age) who viciously attacked me at critical vulnerable points when I was in need of a place to live, as every landlord has attacked me so badly all I have done is run from place-to-place in search of a peaceful life without abusers surrounding me (now it's torture and rape, which it always was but now it's much more in the open). If this system become instituted without the need for these hyena ape pigs to have to hide because they will institute fascism as the law of the land, which is what they just attempted under T-rump, then they will not need to hide any longer their penchant for torture and murder. As it is, the police in 100% of the cases I have appealed to for justice always attack me when I fight to defend myself legally. You can see from just the brief evidence that even an FBI member has been part of the Insurrection at the Capital last month. The uniformity of police participation in these covert terrorist operations is much higher than a few handful recognized by media. The complicity of the celebrities for this takeover has been recognized by media at ZERO PERCENT. The percentage is actually something at least 40-50% as a very conservative estimate. Those at the "A-list" level are at a very high percent of absolutely endorsing fascist Nazi takeover of America. As I have written of endlessly.

But I digressed and "forgot" what I had wanted to write. The sick actor who attacked me years ago, the friend of the current psycho who is disgusting to me, as I cringe now without waiting to see how disgusting, stupid and rotten they are because none of them even deviates from this protocol they just have a few idiosyncratic moments of deviation from disgusting protocols only to insert more disgusting varieties of torture--for which they are endlessly promoted for by this pernicious group they all belong to--the international group which has absolutely no fidelity to the United States or it's laws or Constitution. 


The creep in question had my cat thrown in the swimming pool just two weeks after I began to scream online to get off me, sending him a slew of hate messages on his Twitter account telling him he's a psycho pig and to stop teleporting adn raping me. He blocked my posts but continued FOR ANOTHER TWO YEARS until I was almost murdered in an orchestrated car attack that I was very nearly crushed by--after multiple car crashes the entire month--6 attempts in a 4-week period until I finally clicked on Trump's posts on my Facebook page and he began IMMEDIATELY to teleport/rape ("only one time" that I am conscious of in my unconscious state) and then he rose in position during the primaries into the lead candidate position for the Repuglican primaries and has since created a TERRORIST NETWORK of fascist Nazis both in the police and law enforcement arenas, including the FBI and others, but also within, as I try to detail and have done for years--in the ranks of the main brainwashing operation known as H-wood that infects the population with subliminal mind programming and inducts them covertly into the fascist mentality which they are being programmed to obey upon triggered call and response cues.


They stole my most beloved cat La Moux who was my emotional sustenance. They also have killed off, mutilated any subsequent cats I nurtured who were homeless and I fed them (first, because I had a bag of cat food from my cat who had been stolen, thrown in a swimming pool where I was residing, the photo of her drowning put on my Facebook feed, adn then I was teleported to her running to me in joy that I have come to rescue her. That was years ago, and now Trump has her some place along with the family of cats I also loved--the ones that had eyes gouged out, diseases cut into their necks as they died slow, painful deaths as the terrorists then crushed their spines after I have just fought to get anyone to stop this crime. 

I describe years of torture, mutilation and every kind of crime possible that these famous scumbags have inflicted upon me. I used to compete and be beautiful, happy and win in competitions against these mediocre bigot Nazis. Now I sit here with years of poisoning, disfigurement, my body slashede and scarred from head-to-foot. Years of endless ranting in drugged up hysteria that has only proven to be a laughing stock for the creeps, not excluding so many blacks in the media who laugh and glare in hate in photos as they are promoted into Nazi fashion circles and get every kind of mansion living in the white fascist mansion hills and welcomed into Nazi European parties. All puppets. But I describe this endlessly and wait and wait and I waited under Obama and I waited under Trump and it's now 2 weeks of Biden and all the culprits have done is laugh and party over their endless joke of being allowed by leaders to get away with their every dark, sinister fantasy (almost, they are so foul their fantasies are undoubtedly the worst kind of mutilation and torture-t-death possible). But you can catch a glimpse of how sinister those at the top are by the parrots that repeat memes about shooting political adversaries in the head, hanging them, drawing and quartering their bodies--and etc etc etc. 

What will it take for people to defend me and stop this death organization from inflicting their mediocrity, ugliness and sickness on the rest of the planet? And on me, when will ANYONE ever stop it to stop this and protect me? Also financial compensation for these crimes and my cat La Moux returned alive and healthy and well and my own home whrre these scumbags can't bother me and they are GONE and stgopped permanently from every attacking me or anyone with these weapons and terrorist surveillance and attack groups. When? If not now, when? After the Capital Riots they continue with the lie in the media about how they are "fighting" against evils of fascism and they are just continuing the same path down to fascist overtake of the country. If you don't stop them now, after what transpired at the Capital last month, when will you ever do anything? Are you going to wait until it's too late to do anything as you succumb and accept being controlled to the extent that this groups wants you to be? So many of you, like AOC, assume you can't ever be put into peril by this organization simply because you participate in the crimes of silencing, making mockery of victims and doing nothing and then you get promoted. What they hand you for your assistance to their power can so easily be taken out of your dead hands and possession after you are killed by them after being the main dirty-dealing minions participating in collaboration even if by just not seeing what is happening and DOING NOTHING as you have all been doing for years watching this unfold when it happens to me you all just laugh about it. Right now hacking is making this too hard to type out any longer--they are literally blocking the bottom of the page where I am typing so I can't see it and then rewriting what I type--. How many more years must I write and write asking anyone to stop this contract? I have read that these stalking terror contract end only when the target finally dies or commits suicide. Goddamn you do-nothing idiots out there as you help to destroy the United States and the planet with all your greed and sense of entitlement while you are also being poisoned, drugged and slowly murdered and perhaps you will be assassinated for real one day by your "friends" in this terror organization. You managed to escape it in Congress but what will happen when your back is turned and you get zapped and have a heart attack due to non-lethal weapons being aimed at you from behind--as these terrorist parasites always operate from behind, from side angles so you can't see them coming. Then they, your lovers, friends and colleagues, family members et al can poison you, drug you, rape you, dismember you, put cancers in your food, or kill you through non-lethal weapons so your heart attack appears "normal". The varieties for murder are endless now and YOU HAVE ALL ENDORSED THIS AND KEPT SILENT LIKE THE GOOD LITTLE CHILDREN THAT YOU ARE. I have to add that these politicians all make reference to their mommies and daddies in their public statements. All little children still living under the dominion of big daddy and mommy telling them what to do. You can hear them say these types of "my father told me" and "My mother" endlessly echoed by them, as their confirmation of being controlled by an authoritarian figure but it's disguised and encoded as references to their dearly departed mommies and daddies who control them from the grave, in fond remembrances of being children controlled and told what to do. The political perpetrators seem to endlessly reverberate this type of fundamental reference to authority figures controlling them. You can hear that in the AOC video I posted where she says her source of defiance comes from her mother telling her to fight back. It's not from her own integral source of empowerment but because someone else told her how to act and she follows what mommy told her to do like the good subordinate she proves to be in her "progressive" role of enabling rapist racists to terrorize me for years as she inserted her smug gloating face in weird photos on my YouTube channel--the photos were not normal they were not nice photo ops but the very usual glaring into the camera with a smirking look of disdain and disbelief. This is very hard to describe for anyone not in my position as it is intended to make me sound "delusional" and paranoid and schizo but this is their modus operandi. As I begin to write about AOC and years of her putting such endless photos on my page and my endless writings warning people reading my posts that this terrorism can also affect them too. As I believe AOC has participated in this attack but is now traumatized by the people she thought were her "friends" who tried to have her murdered--she continues to do nothing more than try to protect her self-glorifying little girly daughter obedient to big Mommy and Daddy minion to her overlord white supremacist handlers in Congress who helped put her in this position to create a false image of multiculturalism and thus, false hope for the voters who will be swayed and then controlled by the mommies and daddies put into power who then play big brother to all. Killing as many as possible and trying to murder then own brainwashed opposition who bought into the lies despite seeing me write about how dangerously deceptive these people are--so discredited they just laughed at my torture and the increase of violence as I kept on and am still writing about how duplicitous all of this is and how many people are being absolutely programmed and also manipulated by brainwashing subliminal technologies. The participants who represent the "Subculture" "black and brown" continue to just go along and hope that they personally are protected from any other attack and just continue like the brainwashed minions that they are to continue to promote how gratuitously alternative and hip and supportive of the victims that they essentially ignore and help to further oppress. 

I still wait for any responsibility on the part of the US Government or any Government or any person to stop torture, but all the torture apparatus remains going on and on. The  next filthy scummy psycho creep is now attacking me and the politicians only support this Europigape infiltrator fascist Nazi and approve of his lying videos of how he's fighting against fascist Nazism that they are really bringing into horrible power political base in the United States.

I watch AOC ranting about being nearly killed and all I can think of is that this is what she allowed spread and could not associate her glorified dumbed-down "hipster" posturing with the reality of what I have been writing of for years and she took as a hysterical victim rant that she participated in smirking and laughing about. 


In the shower, as water washed away the electromagnetic attack residue of these electronic weapons aimed into my body and brain--as I now struggle to fight to type while hackers block functions of the keyboard and juxtapose the letters I write so ALL I do is backspace to correct (which they then rewrite after I click on publish)

but...AOC once more: I wrote in a blog post (or on Facebook) within the last 6 months, perhaps in October--I don't know, it wasn't so very long ago but the last few months have absorbed all my attention on the news so I can't recall exactly when:

I wrote that the American Neo-Nazi MAGA's denote the term "Freedom" to mean that they have the freedom to steal, rape and rob and murder--according to my experience of "them" and the one talk show I was interviewed on (and attacked on, with innuendos of me being murdered on film, as these same sorts of terrorists wanted to do to the b-word's like AOC (according to their definition not mine).

I wrote that they claim this type of "freedom" as their entitlement but all is twisted into the All-American "Patriot" terminology so, like even what AOC does in her false oppositional stance, all is externally created to sound legitimately against oppression when in fact as a coded term it implies something entirely opposite. Freedom thus has come to mean freedom from equality of the races and freedom from laws restricting freedom of discrimination and freedom to rape, torture, steal and murder anyone they don't like--this entirely normal civilian terrorist organization as I have experienced a globe of it operates under the exact same, deadly and violent use of terminology.

AOC, in one of her House lectures, used almost the same phrasing and this video of her speaking was pasted onto my  YouTube page so I opened it because the caption under the video explained some policy I was vaguely interested in. Instead it was her imitating what I had written. By the time she had put this video on my YouTube--or had it done--or perhaps to 1% probability it was due to an algorithm of some search that I never did on her or this subject--as I try my best to avoid all movies, videos or information concerning people I suspect or know to be involved in this. However, with the drugging and the mind control tech blasting away at my brain while I surf the internet (which is and will be used against the global media consumer population, if not already being done) I click and I am baited. She said that: "I am tired of the use of the word 'Freedom" to mean that racists have freedom to commit crimes in the name of Freedom." That is a paraphrase and I later probably deleted the video. However, as she has been inserting her face sneering or looking in a negative way into the camera, not concerned as she poses for the cameras when she is "fighting" for "The American People" and foir "women" and "people of color" but it was a most nasty personalized set of photos plus many others--for at least over one year. Thus, if this has been a part of the terrror internet "stalking" operation, I can only tentatively suggest that she stole this as per contract to portray herself as having original thoughts and concepts--while watching me beg for my life online daily while she went out partying over her glorified "brown girl" position heralded as being Pro9gressive for the media and for her political advancement into higher political status---following her ally Trump who also almost had her assassinated. By the way. 

I just want to add that I can prove nothing as I have stated all my electronic and even personal body movements are hacked and attacked with all kinds of weapons, electronic, pulsed, etc etc embedded into my brain, all that they endorse and are perpetuating, these "brown and black" women in Congress. Put there as a calculated iconography of "liberal change" but meaning nothing. In action and in deed and in word and in everything they are performers playing a most deadly insidious role. The technologies that they do not nor want to stop can have them killed but they are so blind to their real enemies they embrace they still, even now, believe that this was a temporary situation adn they will always be embraced by racist bigots who employ them to place these farcical but deadly fake oppositional roles.

Strategies to integrate "Socialist" "liberal" "radical" "Democrats" merging with "Right Wing" Nazi Party "Repuglicans". The integration aims at creating the new National Socialist Party of Amerika aka Nazism. Conservative values integrated with the Europigape Socialist Nazi agenda. As the parties are all merging towards a more "Right" position on the political spectrum, but integrating what are called "Socialist" policies. As many have noted, the Democrats appear to have shifted to a centrist Republican stance and even Obama labeled himself as a more moderate "Republican" in one interview. The integration is really a merging of both parties into a new fascist Nazi State replete with Socialist policies (so-called) but also representing the ever-right-leaning brainwashed and manipulated masses (through Whorewood media productions for example which always seem superficially to be supporting all the "liberal" causes but really are subliminally encouraging racism, hate, violence, murder and genocide). My personal perspective (adding on the political analysis video posted below) and my theoretical analysis, not deviating from reality very much (in my opinion absolutely 100% correct).

"Josh Hawley Sucks Up To Republicans By Voting Against Every Biden Cabinet Nominee" (YouTube title).


Pasted and copied from Facebook today. As this concerns mind control and programming I add it here. 


Please do not blame me for what terrorist hackers are retyping, deleting, redacting or deleting to create discrediting and confusion in my writing.


The Nazis were Socialist. You must see the video above to get the reference to Socialism that Farron Cousins uses in his analysis--my input is that the "Far Right" is actually a Socialist organization but the basic followers, brought up on a "Capitalist" system, don't understand that they are actually espousing a Socialist system by endorsing Nazism-- =German Workers National Socialist Party which Hitler lead. That is why the integration of Dems with Repugs is more akin to a seeming duality but it's really being integrated into one, larger concept of incorporating Socialism into Fascism and "Far Right" politics. There is little division and eventually they will--meaning Congress--will emulate a National Socialist (fascist Nazi, Totalitarian) system. That is one of the main reasons the Demorepuglicrats have done NOTHING to stop this terrorist attack upon me and have indeed sponsored and funded these illicit, illegal and criminal organizations. Obama wanted to help create a Black caucus as long as he toed the line. Performers in droves of the black diaspora have flocked to attack me alongside their good "friends" of the extremely bigoted and openly racist mafia and Nazi persuasions and organizations. They operate hand-in-hand but appear as diametrically opposed for public brainwashing effect. The illusion that America represents a spectrum of political opposites the cooperate into one "Democratic" society has been a farce plied upon the American and global consciousness, operating in an unconscious/subconscious manipulative force for decades or even a century or two. Thus, all the Democrat leaders, some Progressives of extreme fame now promoted into leadership position have also teleported me and gloated, smirked and laughed and made jokes about my torture and rape and violence, racism and all that they nearly shout against and rail against for their promotional schemes--all called "Socialists" by their "opposition" (which spurs their followers to assassinate them so only the most fascist can control the political landscape) but..the illusion of duality in politics and in American society persists. The only real duality that I can actually perceive is betwixt victimizers and victims. Also known as "the wealth gap" or "rich versus poor". The "gap" is widening and has been created under the much touted segue into fascism that Ronald Reagan presented which was cheered on for decades and now parroted in mainstream media by anchors. That Reagan created more National Debt that ALL PRESIDENTS COMBINED since the beginning of our current presidential system is never, once not ever mentioned in all the exclamations about how great Reagan was and is considered to be (according to these fasco-pundits which Fox News claims are the "liberal" media). The widening gap has become a chasm in the last year alone. The ramifications are leading to an ever-traumatized Republic of America that is slowly becoming a fascist Totalitarian State following the former German Nazi strategies into turning a formerly advanced Democratic system into a genocidal death culture of fascism and Nazism (and Communism and Socialism and the pretense of concern for all humanitarian goals once the system is exposed and deadly and through violence quelled but never stopped--as America has truly sponsored the Nazi party since the end of WWII and is now a colonized protegee of Nazi indoctrination and take-over.) That is why none of the very famous Progressives, or Democrats who have been involved with teleporting me and this contract will or has ever really stepped in to stop this vile violence that their seeming opposition but what they personally call "friends" when they teleport me--they never stop the rape and dismemberment and destruction of my finances and home that their "friends" are forcing upon me (and countless others) which they covertly endorse, with smug smiles of hate and glee of violence and torture. This of course I cannot prove but it happened during teleportation. If there have been video records of me being teleported, perhaps one day these instances I try to make a record of will surface. As it stands, all the attacks are orchestrated to coincide with insinuations of delusions and schizophrenic episodes of a break with reality, and I try to describe their tactics and I am only left with unsubstantiated claims which so easily can be turned against me to actually imprison me.
However, as it stands I have seen the criminals who attacked me for YEARS in teleportation performed for the Inauguration of Biden and the ones that have not performed have been mentioned in glowing admiration by the leaders of the new admin and now I remain in the same old position of asking for people to intervene because my fascist Nazi country is in the left-swing of the Right-pendulum switch from open fascism into the "opposite" "liberal" position but it's all slowly rolling to the Right-wing of utter Totalitarianism Technocratic absolute oppression. The swings always bring the entire apparatus to the Right side of the inevitable Nazi State/or Communist Totalitarian system if you will--unless people stop believing at face-value all that the "liberal" performers and leaders claim they are fighting for (who are trained by H-wood acting coaches to make their speeches)
Like everything else that is being done, the lies and revisionism have created more deception. The materialist Capitalists who want private entrepreneurial hegemony are throwing labels of "Socialism" as an evil at the "libtards" but in actuality, what they want is the same old racism but under another name of private capitalistic entrepreneurial hegemony over the market. Also just the old white racist supremacy but now using the hate label of "Socialism" to throw at their "black and brown" and female "enemies". The Dems are just part of this seeming bipartisan divide which is slowly pushing the entire contraption of this orchestrated deception into a complete Socialist-Nazi State.
Oh, by the way: when I refer to Progressives who have teleported me I am NOT referring to AOC or any female: I refer to white males. One of them physically assaulted me for saying I don't like his political/comedy talk show format. The other one I never had direct contact with but he was there smirking and making jokes about my situation with sneering derision alongside a white female who has been a world leader of Democracy who also wanted to exploit me in this teleportation contract alongside her fascist Nazi mafia/Nazi cartel backers of the far right Nazi persuasion. I just want to add this as I do not want to put this stigma on AOC who only put countless videos of herself alongside all the other hacked into videos of the terrorists who routinely teleported or assisted in the teleporatation. The usual sneering smirking glaring look was put on some of her videos and as I have tried to express endlessly, I and not they, are discredited for attempting to describe how their triggering internet terrorist attacks operate. All is orchestrated to make me appear delusional if I begin to try to describe how these triggers are created in my every internet search and always on my YouTube channel, which I rely on to obtain news clips. I am financially blocked from subscribing to any real channels and if I did, as I have done before in other years when I had the money (when I survived off loans and my family supported me financially) I was still hacked with endless movies by the same perpetrator criminal rapists teleporting me (the celebrities). All media sources and all electronic equipment and mechanical as well are hacked or inserted with AI or "smart" tech to infiltrate, hack and disrupt functions (it can be deadly as a result). All endorsed by this emerging fascist state that still appears as a "bipartisan" Democracy that is undergoing a "crisis" but has now put some colors into the formerly white spectrum. I suspect most of them have been fully indoctrinated and gone through the gauntlet of trauma-based mind control so they are fully integrated into the fascist Nazi system but still "represent" those who are oppressed but still able barely to vote. Not yet disenfranchised as voters, but now the facades are so ingeniously created by psychological advertising agencies that fully train the politicians and celebrities in how to program the public into believing the lies they spew all the time. I have to see the reality and I am silenced and blocked from all transmission except to the criminals who are a part of this huge organization. Undoubtedly what I write now will be stolen by the white men and their on-knee supplicant "brown and black" subservients who are put into leadership (in name) positions. I use the terms "black and brown" in quotes because they are simply American but they are labeled as black and brown by the white supremacists who keep claiming that they are simply labeling them as racial designations. Thus they can label the voter constituency and then re-align the imminent voter suppression accordingly in the future.
The Dems keep watching me undergo torture from their "friends" on the "other side of the aisle" and as always, do nothing to stop this endless passing around of me to every scumbag whore rapist bigot Nazi white supremacist and it's black and brown knee-supplicating minion who also wants a piece of the power. Perhaps they justify it all with self-delusion that they are actually helping their "people" to rise out of destitution. All they have done is create more death and confusion for "their people" while the terrorist minions get more mansions in Phuket as reward for helping their fascist bigots in attacking me using this racist genocidal technology used for absolutely fascist and racist purposes. They embrace it and get promoted they are getting even more millions of dollars for representing the "black and brown" disenfranchised who they falsely provide a sense of hope and relief--which in turn is absolutely a delusional state of orchestrated schizophrenia.
However, this video, like all the Farron Cousins vlog posts is both humorous as also politically insightful.
On to the 2024 Presidential Election cycle already, pre-planning stages and political maneuvers analyzed.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

A message to AOC regarding the terrorism that she and her colleagues have allowed to go on unabated which almost resulted in her being assassinated by the same organization of terrorism. Animals decapitated in teleportation terrorism from last night by a most insidious scummy "actor" of "fame" out of Europigapeland, the fascist continues. More political commentary aimed at lax politicians who almost were murdered by the same terror operation that they watched me get tortured by and did nothing to stop it or them.

 Subjected to animals being (hopefully, theatrically) beheaded in the teleportation sickness that this sick nasty "actor" and his friends are forcing upon me in my sleep. The mentally ill subjects of this utterly creepy sleaze are only the shadows of the fake smiles and stupid jokes it puts out to the public, which really only eats up the fascist Nazi appeal that it promotes in it's every blockbuster murderous movie role, or fake funny but still stupid movies but America welcomes in yet another Europigape Nazi and even elected it to highest office in the Nazi state of California. I've only been writing about the crimes of this scumbag for a month now. Nothing stops the next piece of sleaze from attacking me. Nearly a decade of watching one of them after the next get highest awards year after year. One of the black minions attacking me in tandem with this disgusting thing, another black supremacist Nazi (wanna be white supremacist) is on the rolls of the Golden Globes list for obtaining an award. He won't get it, I suspect. The white male out of England who has also won award after award for that "Foreign Press" Nazi media affair is projected to win once again. His movie makes a mockery of Americans, as most of his fellow English and Austrian and German and French colleagues do (those who have participated in teleporting me). This white male actor out of England in question has not personally teleported me nor inserted lists of his videos on my YouTube channel as the people attacking me have done. Please note that by writing about their hacking only puts me in the jeopardized position of appearing "delusional" and that this has been a construct that these pig ape hyenas use in order to discredit me. But still, they insert video after video and advertisement endlessly the same people associated with the terrorists teleporting and raping, beating, hitting, assaulting and using every kind of psychological traumatizing event in these "skits" so they can "win" more awards and lead roles. This white English man who never stops "winning" awards every year has never done a single thing to "attack" me in all these years. And yet he's slated to be the top male "winner" for the next fascist Golden Shower Award debacle of fascist Mafia Nazi awards for the "best" performers who do the most heinously stupid and sleazy evil performances of hate and racism and bigotry and violence in their personal lives when they are being judged as they attack me, and apparently I can't be the only one they are attacking.

Yet because he's been awarded for so long, I have to wonder--how much collusion he has with these terrorists now attacking me? I really don't know, but I do know that there are people who advise, watch from the rows of people sitting in chairs as they have me like someone on a stage as they observe one of their hyenas attacking me after the next. I am sure they are conduits of instruction for fascist protocol that is being relayed to the psycho clowns who then are handed serious roles to portray all the aspects of a "Democratic" society which is now toppling and if they are not stopped in this mind programming avenue of the media the endless erosion of the system of equality and Freedom that has been renowned around the planet--America--will be destroyed from WITHING by these hyena-hormone-growth idiots that you all cheer in as they sell you all out.


Animals decapitated was the theme last night. Every night this odious ugly sinister hyena-looking creep goes on with his sininster" evil" agenda. The first night he had "brown" women performing fellatio on white men who stood over them in Nazi positions of "supremacy". The next night it was black Aprah sitting alongside this pig ape supporting him and smug and laughing as I was attacked by this rotten ugly dirty pig hyena ape. A few nights later another black male "actor" teleported me with ole disgusting Europigape fascist Nazi and this black male is on the roster of Golden Shower Awards for yet another wanna be black Nazi to "win" another award. As I wrote above, but I am now putting this into context of what a sinister sick ugly thing this "man" is. I wonder how long it will take for anyone to ever consider stopping him or these scumbags from going on and on as they have been doing for nearly a DECADE just against me--completely alone--shunned by everyone, left to rot and die, fight and cry for help endlessly as politicians join on in to get their promotions as well.


Thus, I wrote about AOC while the hackers blocked the keys so badly that I had to backspace every single word and then it became every other word as my hands jumped like being spasmatically attacked and I could not hit the right keys while I fought to pound down to get anything out. I could not begin to get to the comma button as I fought to pound out and backspace. My brain was under so much attack I got into the same hate rant that I am now into --calling these scumbags all these names, I know it discredits me but if anyone can imagine YEARS of torture by some pieces of sick shit, who also sit like stupid animals asking questions about concepts I have studied for my own career, that they have never read of or understood and still don't understand because they just want a sound byte of a concept to modify into Nazi programming templates for their mediocre performances of how much they care about defending justice and women's rights and always screaming in rage about discrimination against blacks but laughing as they help white supremacist NAZIS USING FACSISM to attack me they join in to the hyena pig apes and act exactly like the pig apes of the plantation mimicking their masters--not using these terms lightly. 


Thus, not long ago when this Austrian ignoramus put out his most lying video that reached global proportions about how much he cares about America--only two days after I was first attacked by him, which was just two days after I downloaded an 80's movie about an impending apocalypse due to a technocratic society (that these scumbag morons are now completely assisting in creating with this teleportation and terrorism networking, microchip implants, theft of ideas they never study for but steal and then have their covert operations destroy the person they stole from just so only fascists can control any opposition to their own fascist party affiliations)

Kamala "advertised" this ugly man on her Facebook page as having put out such a wonderful and delightful video about how much he is against T-rump his good friend and fellow Nazi, his businss partner his good friend and subordinate as Trump plays absolute minion for Europigapes and treats them like they are royalty. Completely controlled, Trump is by foreign fascists and Nazis and Communists and KGB. Writing as a victim and having been subjected to them, I can write this but I can't provide evidence as no one will stop the hacking, block and obstruction of my internet searches and all block of all electronic equipment--while everyone shuns and attacks me and never helps me in any way to defend myself.

Kamala, like the good California "brown" woman (called "Black") has done her part in adulating fascist Nazi white men--for her career and like Aprah who sleeps with them (i.e. Trump, her former lover as they put a photo of them together in an undeniable lovers embrace, it was an old photo perhaps from the 80's). Kamala who is supposed to sense or know what a true abuser and criminal is, of course is part of this system. The only difference between the blacks and whites participating in this fascist crime is that the whites are already established politically and the blacks are now vying for a black caucus in politics and thus they band together when it comes to attacking me. That is all. If you want black Nazis to replace white Nazis then keep on your blinders and put an aspiring black who participates in these Nazi-oriented crimes against me into power. I should have known that a tv show host who attacked me physically in teleportation because I said I did not like his tv show--that is all I said, was that I didn't like his show. He assaulted me and put endless videos of his ugly face on my YouTube channel. He endorsed Kamala early on in her primary run for Prez and I thought that if he endorsed her that there may be a serious problem with her belonging to this fascist black-wanna-be-white Oreo political Party of fascism and Nazism disguised as being Democratic. I feel that I was correct, but the choices of candidates that have been selected by the already-controlled Demoratic Party left one only with a few choices. What black little girls are cheering on about is that they want a black caucus and to have power but the only ones who are "allowed" into the highest halls of "power" both in the media and in politics are obedient "brown" girls on their knees--symbolically--like rotten Arnie the snort-a-nigger hormone-growth hyena put in his sick and sleazy filthy teleportation most bigoted hate skit on me--the "brown" girl is on her knees performing fellatio for the white male who stands in an attitude of being serviced above her. That is what nasty dirty Arnie snort-a-nigger projects, it is the essence of his racism in the sexual purview, and I can only say that Kamala on some keep level adheres to this policy. That she claims she "knows a perpetrator" and has dealt with them obviously is a false claim because when it comes to being promoted she will be the good friend to every rapist, abuser, racist and perpetrator if possible to continue to get the good graces of the California Nazi Party which has handed her highest positions for years. I lived in San Francisco and I know that no one, including former Mayor Willie Brown, is no exception to this rule.

I feel a need to write this although I must appeal to these very "brown" and "black" women to have them not submit to these fellatio position that they hold but get promoted for playing into. That includes endlessly promoted and filthy whore Aprah, whose performances of feigning "altruistic" humanitarianism are never put under scrutiny or question. That rotten and really stupid whore ran for president against her former lover Trump and would have sold out the Democratic Party to help him get re-elected by watering down the impact of the Democratic Party. 


So I turn now to AOC and what I wrote yesterday. The post was replete with errors and--just today, I received an email response from the radio station I tried to contact--I have no idea if my email actually reached the legitimate source but they wrote back. The email I sent had been rewritten to sound and appear completely contradictory. My post below and this post will be similarly rewritten by this terror operation.

When will the "brown" and "black" women being handed the ropes of power stop protecting rapist white supremacist Nazi men? When it comes to "The American People" as these women in power (including whites like "Italian-American" Pelosi--which to me rings like all the mafia Nazis who claim they are "Italian" but are actually Americans belong to) and....they are all "fighting" for "The American People" and they have all--all the feminists--all of them, have watched and read of me being tortured and they did NOTHING. Could they rationalize it that they have not the power to do anything? When it comes to them being nearly murdered by an arm and branch of the same terrorist organization to which their most beloved white Nazi rapist racist men are also a component of, they then scream about injustice and terrorism and that they really had no idea how bad it all was. I only wrote about them trying to infiltrate the US government for over 8 years and was tortured by them and by these men they condone and protect. Like all the enablers of domestic violence these women in power have looked the other way, allowed terrorism to flourish and like so many women who defend abusive men when they attack women, they keep the abused woman isolated, they participate, perhaps they say to themselves that the woman "did something to deserve it" and they do nothing. These women in power have done nothing. Now they are screaming about racism and injustice and woman-baiting-hating because of the men they allowed to terrorize me forming a deadly coalition of terrorism aimed at THEIR ASSASSINATION. Now they are terrified now they are traumatized and now they remain doing NOTHING to stop this terror operation once more while their beloved Nazi white supremacist Europigape actor is attacking me in much worse ways than they ever encountered on January 6, 2021--for just ONE DAY. Every single day for the past 8 years they have watched me get raped and tortured, disfigured dismembered and my ideas stolen my property destroyed my finances ruined my cat stolen animals killed that I take care of.

I wrote this yesterday but I ask the readers and not these deplorable women put recently into power to do something to stop this terrorism if you don't want the United States or the planet absolutely ENGULFED IN FASCISM, TECHNOCRATIC DESPOTISM, MASS GENOCIDAL MURDER REGIMES, MARTIAL LAW and all that this group has been formenting.

You can add Spiked Pee into this category, the fake creepy hypocritical "black" revolutionary who only espouses the old ideas that the real martyrs lectured on. His themes are almost universally about creating armies of black soldiers to defend against whites who have electronic mass murder weapons that the public does not know about. This sinister wanna be white supremacist fake has been put into lead position after years of his career declining--only surging after he stole an idea from me--under Obama and since then--has been promoting white nationalism under the guise of black supremacy for years (as they are all doing, these hideously revolting blacks in Whorewood and I see there are some in politics as well). That the whites with all the control of these electronic weapons could easily disengage the blacks who have mere guns, even if militarily trained--blown away by sonic pulses--eardrums can be ruptured with the stroke of a pulsed-ray aimed at a crowd (this is actually a weapon that you can find on a defense magazine--it is online but not advertised as such by the media or Whorewood). 

Like the FBI now conducting absolute surveillance of the terrorists who broke into the Capital last January--the black militants or guerillas can also be easily identified and thus eradicated/eliminated by the white supremacist Nazi factions holding much superior technological warfare know-how and equipment. 

However, the public only keeps buying into lies and fantasies. 

I write this today not only to "blame" these do-nothing now "victims" of terrorism but to try to shed a light on what must be done if people do not want another fascist regime nearly destroying the United States to come to power--that INCLUDES H-WOOD CELEBRITIES who are an INTEGRAL COMPONENT OF THE HUGE POLITICAL-MEDIA-MACHINARY.


The very badly hacked/written/redacted post I wrote on Facebook yesterday---

I am very sad to have helped this disgusting actor yet another day after his disgusting attack upon me--I respond and this ugly pig gets another deal, promotion along with his ugly American female hyena-looking actor who has not played in any significant role except for the decaying role she has played recently trying to reformat the same old theme--but of course, the "brown" girl in the movie is now the "heroine' while these absolute racists are putting out the K-rap about anti-racism and anti-authoritarianism and all that bs that they continuously crank out. The public is so beguiled they believe any bs they spout for videos--how can an Attorney General actually fall into the category of clueless believer of lies that a predatorial fascist Nazi sex trafficking scumbag puts out because he's a higher ranking member of the Nazi Party of California where she has relied upon obtaining her "brown" woman position of power all these years and thus she still promotes this scumbag even when she has attained such a high level of power. She must still necessarily get on her knees to a fascist white man and I write this to try to get people to actually stop this before the United States is completely overrun by Europigape fascists who have already taken over far too much of the country and the planet. Years of living in Thailand have shown me the exact same formula and protocol fascist Nazi take-over system. Because I am tortured and drugged up I am discredited, along with the "immature" labels I put on these atrocious actors who behave in the most sinister and stupid ways in order to obtain a reaction. I have reacted once again because this pig ape is sick and disgusting and I am waiting for all the "black" and "brown" political female leaders to actually stop adulating these disgusting pigs who actually are oppressing them.

Maybe you can get this rotten ugly Europigape actor off me, and get all of these terrorists you call your "friends" off me. All they have done for 8 years is institute fascist terrorism that has nearly had you murdered. Believe me they would not care really if you had been killed, oh hipster AOC and Kamala.


More on Nazis, bigots, rapists, fascists and Democrats and their response: Well, Miss AOC, what you experienced for one day on Capital Hill your fellow Dems and Repugs have covertly sponsored to be inflicted upon me through the gang stalking terrorist networks EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR OVER A DECADE and then much more stealthily for all my life. Every day I wait for some politician to stop this US-sponsored terrorist attack upon me where millionaire and billionaire MEN AND WOMEN--YES WOMEN WOMEN WOMEN ALL "FEMINIST" ARE attacking me using the same words, calling me "dangerous" and the "b-word" and raping, torturing, mutilating, and almost murdering me in accident after accident that they instruct their terror operation to force upon me. I wait for Congress members such as YOU, ms AOC, to take a stand against this unofficial hate crime that has been censored but fully allowed to persist up to this very second in time with no constraint upon terrorist after terrorist passing this torture and terror teleportation equipment, plus the terror operations and poisoning and drugging and mutilation and rape and home violations.
All that has happened to you, if you had been "sold out" by your family to this organization as my family has done to me, would mean your eventual demise as what you experienced is only the "tip of the rape projectile" that this hate group very vastly comprised of most vicious WOMEN who are giddy with power and delight to be participating in a male hate rape and sexist/racist crime.
What you have allowed to continue to be inflicted upon me has happened to you but you cannot make the connection between my situation and yours.
I wait for responsibility on the part of the US Government, under this new Democrat leadership, to go far beyond the inadequacies that Obama and his WIFE partook in so black celebrities can be included in the power structure of white supremacist Nazi Ho-wood culture (into the more "entitled" circles of Europ-a-land fascist fashion elitism and wealth) as conspicuous consumptive con artists alongside their other dubiously "alternative" white fascist Nazi partners (with their fascists out of Europ-a-land smug and gloating watching their dirty, nasty and violent puppet whores performing the hate acts that they have all been trained in--with blacks and "feminists" now joining ranks but all following orders) and that includes also Congressional and Presidents like the former Dem leadership.
I await for your awareness and reckoning of how awful this situation has been allowed to persist not only when it comes to your own targeting but in general, the weapons and terrorist tactics and surveillance methods are so sophisticated that perhaps you can understand how deadly this situation could have been if you had not been so fully protected. Oh right: you are now despairing how near to death you were from not having stopped Trump or this situation from continuing to develop all these months of (perhaps? Obviously as I believe you know 100% what has been forced upon me and yet still you do nothing to stop this situation from continuing).
I wait for you and your group of other women to stop this rape and torture situation forced upon me by black and white male presidents of both parties because they wanted their celebrity endorsers to help them attain book deals and celebrity backing--leading into the portals of fascist Nazi supporters with millions and billions of dollars from fascist cartels out of Europe who have seriously taken over America in a very covert fashion and are your mentors and controllers/aka handlers.
As the hacking is very bad and I struggle immensely to struggle to type this out--the keyboard is very badly hacked and my brain is under severe attack from their remote tech.
AOC and goddamn whatever else is out there in Congressland who is perhaps a bit more wary of just allowing these people to continue to get away with these terror operations, as you watched me fight for my life and did nothing for years--now you can perhaps understand as what you experienced from YoHo was no ho ho oddity but what your governmental friends and enemies in your Congress have allowed to happen to me--every single day they call me "bitch" endlessly through subliminal tech which I hear as a "hissing" noise but the words are discernable--into my "inner ear" and etc etc. If you continue to do nothing more independent and strong women will be executed in these covert fashions and perhaps that also applies to you, as you now understand that you TOO are a targeted under an assassination list.
It's time for you and for others like you who have been elected to power to actually stop the terrorism that the government continues to silence--the gang stalking which is another facet of the terrorism you were nearly killed by. I wait for you to actually DO SOMETHING during the next term or immediately to stop this terrorism from continuing (especially against me) but for everyone and in general this must not be allowed to continue.

Because you did nothing for so long to stop the terrorism aimed at me, my only response to seeing you squirm about death threats and hate and orchestrated attacks is to encourage you to stop talking about your experience and instead get busy stopping the larger stalking and terrorist operation which you know exists and should have done something about long ago. Now you understand the necessity of doing more than assuming it's happening to someone else like me.


Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Yet another, oh yes another teleporting terrorist connected to this terrorist contract out on me, yet another famous "A-lister" celebrity has been accused of violence against women. The list is growing now of these men who after participating or teleporting and attacking me, turn around to terrorize others. They achieve fame for their violence because they have so much "practice" and "experience" of unleashing their inner pig ape hyena that when it comes to actually behaving in some socialized way towards others, they tend to "forget" that they are not exempt from legal consequences when the victims are not me but people who are famous celebrities or protected somewhat. I guess that could be called, "Karma" on them. As for the more trivial fodder:Scanning the zombie tabloid Entertainment section to discover teleporting terrorists advertised in a succession of glowing dumbed-down notifications on their heaving, sweating and android antics which attain media notification for zombie tabloid entrainment. Almost within a few days of me writing about their terrorist activities, hate and violence, their stupid antics make the rounds of media spotlight 4-5 minute "fame".

 The things that are reported are the most inane and stupid odd-ball behaviors or tiny little gestures, a word or phrase spoken reverberates around the media world and in a vortex in the zombie dumbed-down viewer/readers' brains as they ingest all the "information".

What these parasitic vile violent hybrid pig-hyena-apes must do in order to attain some kind of media recognition is beyond mere mental acrobatics for those not in the scene to even begin to grasp, vaguely. 

This is akin to dining in a very well-respected restaurant, but then going into the back room of the cooking area to see all kinds of nasty surprises floating in the greasy piles of dishes and pots and pans that are lined up with parasites and cockroaches dining on the left-over left to rot--the interior landscape of how these celebrities act, and what is required of them for being put into the spotlight for the most trivial of dumbed-down articles about what they wore and who they whore.


Yes, oh yeah! Another one has lost his license to perform openly with absolute red carpet treatment after more than a few women have "come out" and claimed emotional, psychological and I'm not sure..did any of them get raped, beaten, tortured as he has been wont to observe and collaterally partake in as an observer when it comes to me as his good buddies he performs with beat, rape and torture me and he approves. And thus approving, obtains record deals and prizes and parts in movies---up until that Karma came rolling down the bs hilltop where the rest of his hyena friends are still making those gloating hyena noises as they feed off hate and violence. The induction into the hall of abuser participating in this contract has added yet another male--so far none of the females have had the slightest of public condemnation. I could try to guess at that reason--no projectile to stick into another human being meaning they can't so easily be accused of rape. Castrated rapists in the guise of being wonderful "feminist" liberals and all the skanky rapist enablers remain untouched by all the hate gossip attending the hate crimes that they remain unscathed in from public scrutiny. They play the "good girl" game and thus are rewarded with absolute exemption from all speculation or scrutiny into their heinous atrocities.


But still unsurprisingly, the people I wrote of just a few days ago are now featured in these online celebrity zombie tabloid type entrainment magazines. Their faces are on the celebrity list of the dumb things they do and say, what they wear and how much they "care". Very funny sick sad and pathetic how America worships these criminal terrorists and continues to put them into power. I remain silenced as if no one has ever heard of this situation although a president participated in he's on the list of abusers on a national scale with international awareness but no one can focus on how this contract out on me with this teleportation has created a growing list of celebrities who become advertised as being violent abusers. No...people keep it all silenced, as if there is nothing amiss in all this artificial bliss of having someone to torture and no legal ramifications arise. However, they become so violent that they achieve even more "fame" for their violence and hate acts unleashed upon others, which they got into the practice of performing nightly and daily upon me. Oh, how the zombies remain silent about all this and they still remain entertained by this spectacle of men now debased by the violence they pour out upon other women who are not silenced and yet--not a single one of them could ever come to me and protect my life from the violence that is being passed around from one of them to the other. Perhaps that's because these abused victims are "friends" with the rape enabler women who they partner with to make more fame and fortune, digging gold makes for such a busy life but attaining fame as a victim is yet another BINGO in the media. 

I played into the terrorists trap of reacting. It is part of the protocol of attacking me so viciously or in such disgusting ways that I write about what they are doing to try to get anyone to stop them. The torture stops and another torture begins. The terrorists get more promotions and I remain fighting for my life. The ultimate goal of their is to torture me slowly to death after sucking everything possible out of me, including reactions to their ugly sinister activities of terrorism aimed at me. Every new form of attack is met with another promotion for them. I succumbed to reacting. I wrote about someone I loath who I think should never be promoted ever again. He just got promoted, I believe, because I wrote about the filthy dirty things he's doing to attack me. This never ends. I see from my posts so many posts, so many posts. So much time spent writing and fighting against hackers. Such little has ever been done to stop this for over 8 years and longer of fighting and writing and fighting to write about what should be considered "right" but instead "Right-wing" terrorism (as they label it--meaning ulta-fascist Nazi and Stasi activities of surveillance and torture and murder) continue to help these murdering bigots to reap more rewards from this most pernicious system. I so regret writing about it.

 As for the radio station I wrote about. One single file emerged that had just been archived. Out of the last three days, where every single archived show displays "no file" which is an impossibility and is an absolute hack and block of media content that I use every single day and is one of my main sources of exploration on the internet that isn't rife with their hacking and sick subterfuge: the one file was a disgusting and horrid sample of music that has been repeated (every show has, essentially, new tracks, all must be at least to some degree very original--it isn't mainstream music radio songs are not repeated until you are brainwashed by the lyrics). But this one program was songs that have been played (on other hacked and reprogrammed shows this group has inserted) and in the end is was the same thing as mainstream radio but just slightly improved without endless commercials and dopey radio over-hyperactive radio hosts. It was horrible considering what WNYU used to be and this group has destroyed the line-up of original shows that this station used to have. 

But the worst really is that knowing that I responded and this utter dirty nasty actor has been awarded with having used mind control tech to slowly murder me so this group can eventually murder a lot MORE people using this same system. All will be concealed, everyone will continue to say and do nothing. People who participate don't even know they are targets themselves and are being slowly killed off too.


But I am now able to access earlier years' worth of archives so the day has ended somewhat upbeat--as hackers had blocked all pages on this site. However, the slow murder has continued as stress and hate pervade through, probably, the technology which is making my heart contract and palpitate, and also the attack on my nervous system inducing a negative/hate state which is very hard to get out of while I am spending hours and years cleaning up stinking grime and fungus and stinking substances poured on clothing every single day and night by mechanical arms while what I write is still being stolen by utterly disgusting foul parasitic whores out of Whorewood--(I am now riled by the tech attacking my brain and nervous system at this moment) but, with cursing I continue: today has ended as it began with the usual non-stop series (including non-stop 24/7 attacks on my heart by their remote technology) inducing the omnipresent deadly attack to slowly murder me--the accumulation of years of non-stop attacks has produced very adverse health conditions that are reaching critical stages of body deterioration--part of the murder. I so wish the utter, final and complete (and immediate) destruction of each and every person participating in this crime against me. 

Terrorist Report: February 2, 2021. Not so very long but still very important (for the consequences and potentials of your future too).

 The terrorist network has blocked all archived files from the radio station I have been listening to and downloading music from for over 10 years. For the last 4 days no files appear. There should be a "Play" link and the sites all have a "no file" listed. If and when I do discover an old file, I open the file and click on "play". The file operates and I scroll to halfway down the file to see what kind of music await. I hear one type of music but...when I back-up and play the file from the beginning, a totally new roster of music plays which has a completely different theme from what I had JUST HEARD when skipping through the file to see if I want to hear it. One thing they play is a 10-minute horrific creepy kind of music that appears to be ritualistic tribal stuff with a man making absolutely detestable sounds with his wiry voice that sounds like some pathetic corpse has been artificially brought back from the crypt. It's definitely a ritual sort of music. The other songs that play are from the same German male singer that appears on various other hacked and completely over-ridden files. The songs are all in German but the lyrics are extremely simple and easy to understand. It's all about loving blonde women and stuff like that. The same songs repeat throughout the months when I click on former files from the last few years. It is a horrible block to something that has truly inspired me for years but is now a disgusting example of how badly this group attacks great art and replicates, destroys and then co-opts and usurps all they can. The station is it is the New York University station that has years of archives that can be accessed. Most of the time when I try to access old files that are operable they are blocked (by hackers). That is if I can open any older archive section, as that function is blocked so I can't even access any files beyond what has been stored in the last day. The hackers block all of it. What they do insert into my attempt to listen to what should be incredible and "alternative" music is horrid, mainstream and nasty stuff that like these people attacking me are completely what I consider to be unexemplary and unsurprising in content.

Secondly, I have had to spend another 45 minutes simply opening the cabinet doors under this "kitchen" area that is just the entranceway to a tiny microstudio with a table that has been made ugly, stained and broken across a two foot space between the cabinets and the table. The sink areas of every place I have lived for years has been made stinking with every rubber seal in the pipes broken and cracked. It doesn't matter if I replace the seal, the terrorists come into my HOME and destroy each and every single one immediately. Dripping and stinking because they also insert fungus into this area. I have had to put aluminum foil taped with cloth tape 6 times in just one year alone. I opened the doors which are tied with string which I have to lace around hooks I had to pound into the plastic-laminated doors (with my body in absolute pain the entire time and the terrorists coming in my room while I slept to put my hips and spine out of alignment to try to stop me from defending myself--). Stinking odors as usual and black pieces of fungus floating in the 1/8 inch depth of water on the plastic trays that I have to put over the bottom (which I have had to cover with artwork because they put grease and black grime stains on every single thing on the walls and the bottom of the cabinet.) The plastic trays which I use to also hold bottles of cleaning stuff submerged to that 1/8 or sometimes it's 1/4" of stinking, black-fungus growth fungus with the materials I used that completely stopped the dripping of water ripped open and falling apart--while they were absolutely waterproof after I put them on just last month. 

Cleaning their filth and stinking crap over and over day after day. The floor has been sprayed with layers of brown grease that even washing with bleach never get up. I have to scrub after bleaching and washing and only a paper towel will get some of the disgusting brown grease up--

to have to endlessly be attacked by greasebag scumbag dirty and filthy parasites like this, the famous actors and rapist celebrities and genocidal politicians and then they accuse me of being the burdened thing with their filth and they claim that this is my inherent state and of course they are "superior" and I sit here cleaning endlessly day after day and repairing and all my money and time is spent cleaning my body and home and fighting to protect myself against being raped, mutilated and tortured to death by a bunch of crap you all keep on allowing to go on and on. The longer you wait to respond to this NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT the worse their grip on power and the more fanatical terrorists will latch onto this system. THere are already MILLIONS of terrorists participating in this crime in all the various avenues and rivulettes of the streams of "power" that this criminal cartel uses as their operatives and minions to terrorize, torture and murder upon order (without question). 

These dirty and foul and filthy parasites who have millions and billions of $ for portraying their false opposition to fascism, Nazism and racism and of course, sexism as they all rape, sieg heil in private and then go off raping when they can get away with it as they are promoted by this genocidal, fascist organization which most of you reading this are also integral to (whether you actually belong or not, you participate by not doing anything to stop this endless incursion into all aspects of power around the world).

They call me "dirty" after they have filth sprayed on my body, into my body, into my food, on my furniture into all cabinets on my clothing and all surfaces have been sprayed with stinking, brown and toxic substances. They say I have no merit because they poisoned me all my life so I can't complete and win and beat them any longer, as I used to all the time. They then have done endless attacks upon me and every attack which they instigate they turn around to blame me for having been under assault for--not just blaming the victim but claiming that it is ME who is guilty of the crimes and not them--or moral or ethical or financial blame for what they created and forced upon me. Being poisoned all my life unbeknownst to me is not my fault for not being allowed to receive health care and that extends to Thailand where it should be affordable but they have blocked my finances so badly I still am blocked from all health care, literally--even with having saved money because I MUST have money in my bank account due to other serious problems that require an emergency fund if such an instance occurs. Thus, I remain being insulted daily by disgusting, filthy, dirty rapist sleazy whores and parasites who steal my ideas and then have me poisoned afterwards while they are ordering their filthy dirty minions to make my body, home and everything broken down and then they claim that I am thus "inferior" of course to them while they are being paid in millions to get beauty treatments and every kind of luxury ass-kissing reward possible from this nasty and dirty, vile, evil and filthy organization which has been fomenting death and hate throughout the world, with martial law, military dictatorships, which is now extending even to the Democracy that America would be if only people would actually stop only caring about being promoted for behaving like hybrid animals to get promoted for financial gain. 

Their filth, dirt, hate and destruction of all the beautiful things and people who they can just force and rape their ugliness into and suck all the beauty and life out of--these dirty and rotten ugly life-screw parasites keep spreading their filth, disease and death to the entire planet. The planet is suffocating for the GDP that these parasites need to continue so disgusting pornographic rapists can profit off obtaining new businesses cemented over the Paradises that they cement manicured parking lots over. Spreading all over the world as the planet is dying and the weather is going into the same death throes (to the environment) perhaps trying to kill off the destroyers so the planet can heal from all the filth and dirty sleaze and crap that these hybrid animals pour onto animals, people and the vulnerability of Nature that they assume is their to rape endlessly with more profit-engineered cement monstrosities. All so ugly, white men and their hateful wives and their nasty, dirty minority minions who bow down to them like praying to Mammon and Satan and all demons combined and loving them like divinity and of course not caring what they have to do to get out of the ghettos and impoverished areas that their beloved idols have forced upon them.

Thus, once more I urge people to re-consider allowing this organization to continue to terrorize people they don't "like" because of their racism, hate and ignorant assumption that only they should rule the planet and be considered the only superior group or race (as I have written for years, the claim of superiority is being rented out to blacks and other minorities but it's not ownership it's only temporary rental of a supremacist posturing).

The necessary change will be a greater concern for the planet and the world community and rather than for a specific group or race. Since the planet is now inter-connected, and environmental devastation is now global, operating to crush one group or country will only reverberate into the destruction of all. 

Re-think continuing to do nothing about these terrorists and their operations.

Meanwhile, I sit here after years of fighting for my human rights, my Constitutional Rights, my right to type and think and study and operate without torture, all the violations of every decree of the United States and the United Nations and all laws combined. All exonerated and allowed by the Executive Branch of the US government my entire life. 

Is it not time for this to be stopped NOW? If not now, when? I now have to quote the sentence that was bandied about during the 60's Civil Rights fight, now turned against me by blacks who have once marched in protest for equal rights, who slur hate at me alongside vicious white males making racist comments to my face, while I am teleported, as they join in and get more lead roles for their movies. All of them, black and white. So now I must use the phrase that they leaned on as a crutch which they continue to use in some semblance for their million dollar march to the Capital (blacks also participated alongside their white supremacist masters). That also includes the Latino who is "leader" of the Proud Boys. 

I wonder what it will take for people to stop this filthy group with all their dirt, rape,. hate and violence to be stopped from inflicting their filth upon me or anyone else? What will it take for people to stop allowing them to continue doing this to INNOCENT CIVILIANS LIKE ME? What will it take for me to get anyone to intervene so I am living in a clean home and all I have to do is clean up what I make dirty instead of having to perpetually clean up stinking fungus and filth because some dirty and ugly nasty parasites want to steal, rape and rob every bit of energy, joy in living, every animal I love, every idea they can use to continue to project themselves as being anti-Nazi, anti-Fascist, with all their cleaning squadrons and teams of cover-up lawyers and protection from all examination by the media for all the claims they make which so easily could be scratched off if anyone would just care to scratch one millimeter beneath the superficial surface of their greasy, faces which belie a filthy spiritual and physical state of decay that they spread like the virus of hate and ugliness and death that they are really projecting into the airstream of mass mind control and programming. 


Other random attacks (which just were aimed at me):

The microchip implants in my body/brain plus the remote tech aimed at me produce a sudden reflex where anything I am holding falls out of my hands--my fingers become instantaneously splayed and open in a jerking spasmatic motion where all is dropped that I had been holding firmly before. All the attacks are aimed at me at absolutely random times. I was holding a shoe I had just polished, because the shoe polish remains moldering underneath my kitchen cabinet which I spent over one hour just opening, cleaning and then fighting to mend the ripped apart covering I had put over the endlessly leaking pipe. The sink also has a leak which the slumlord terrorist will not repair, refuses but comes to attack me in the evenings screaming that I am watering plants and it is bothering the terrorists below me, who make triggering coughing noises while I am watering my plants quietly above--they rush out as soon as I walk outside to make noises and they begin to shout on phones so loudly it literally is shouting into phones. 

They are also randomly, in the same manner as I wrote above, making my throat constrict while I eat or drink so I can't swallow. This has been going on in an increasing rate since the latest dirty and filthy terrorist performer has begun his endless promotional-based assaults upon me which are filthy and disgusting, as I think he and his group are. They continue and my YouTube channel is polluted by videos where they appear, sometimes within the context of the video but not in the opening title or photo. These are for items I have lately done searches for (i.e. I was quoting Lydia Lunch during her early NYC years, and also because I lived in NY near the Big Apple in 1984 and I experienced the avant-garde set of artists during that time, in that special NYC atmosphere that can never be replicated or imitated but of course copied and stolen and then refabricated in a more mundane form--that is the usual misappropriation that these hybrid animals always employ for their promotions in this same sort of contractual terror protocol for this global terror operation. 

I opened this video which stated it was about NYC in 1984--but there was a billboard featuring the face of the current terrorist placed in Times Square--for this old video made in 1984. It is disgusting to have to be endlessly visually assaulted by people I want nothing to do with who have tortured me. The entire thing that they do is filthy and dirty as Hell and yet they remain to promote this terror organization which has recently nearly assassinated members of Congress. They remain mute and allowing these terrorists and their dirty filthy network to continue their hate actions of death and destruction which they tout as being development and their power structure take-over of the planet.


Speaking of which: the dirty nasty actor who I have been writing about, like the rest of this nasty thing's friends the famous actors who steal, rape and rob (and I believe they are partially responsible for the murder of Prince, who was killed two weeks after I tried to contact him to get this group of K-rap off me. He responded in this stupid way these creeps all react by internet stealth--which whenever I try to describe it, I sound "crazy" or "delusional" and that is an intended label that has been carefully constructed as the "normal" response to my claims. Since my claims remain unsubstantiated I remain fighting to not incriminate myself but I still am writing this to my peril and "their" entertainment as they just laugh about my fight to stop this terror operation. 


You can bet the dirty actor has been handed some business or patch of land here in Phuket to pour his filth and cement onto. All the parasites who have attacked me have businesses here. Two of them have the iconography of the actors' movie themes and these are easily identifiable. One of them is "Lucky 13" Sandwich shop, which had the Pirates of the Caribbean motif. Another one has the soccer ball symbol used in that movie about a solitary survivor of an airplane crash who lived on a tiny island awaiting rescue. The soccer ball symbol is atop a restaurant right across the huge dirt-crusted road from Lucky 13, right in the area I used to live in. Rawai.

Not "coincidences" at all. This one has not hesitated to grab as much as his huge self can suck out from this contract. As they all do. They all essentially act the same. All follow one set of conduct and protocol. They are undifferentiated they are uniformly disgusting and greedy they all get huge business deals in Phuket along with prizes, top awards, contracts in Whorewood and awards at the Academy Awards. The blacks participating in this terrorist contract have been awarded Governor positions for the Academy Awards. Their movies, always focusing in black victimization, support violence as the means of achieving liberation from racist oppression. I believe one of the most famous one of these is putting out many movies based on the theme of death, violence and warfare in order to achieve dominance or at least equilibrium over white racist murdering bigots. If could just indulge in a "conspiracy" theory that is not my own concept but I have heard before (i.e. Charles Mansion followed this particular theory--using the Beatles song Blackbird as the backdrop to his theorizing about the upcoming "race war" that Nazis probably fervently yearn for. I won't go into how that would further enhance the grip of power that white supremacists have, but I just end with how disgusting all this is and that they should be forced to pay me compensation so I can live in a clean and decent home (with swimming pool, jacuzzi and in my name, purchased and this terror operation stopped, with financial support so I can live because they have blocked my ability to have a career--they put  hints that I should "get a job" and I have gone to grad school to HAVE A CAREER which they have completely discredited me into dissolution, disaster, and financial ruin. Even "getting a low-paying job" is probably very dubious due to my lack of resume and physical limitations due to their physical attacks upon me. Otherwise, they continue to block the functioning of my laptop (this blog post has been rewritten by hackers, I have read partway and of course words were rewritten, grammar deleted, words in the plural are made singular and vice-versa) and....that's it for today. 

I pray, I ask that these people and this criminal organization is completely stopped and all their terrorist and torture technology is rescinded by the covert operations that the US Government has meted them out to--all taken into account, all preferably destroyed all the templates and all the research deemed a threat to Humanity and not just to national security.

Monday, February 1, 2021

Terrorist Report: February 1, 2021. On the great con job a "lawyer" putting out YouTube videos is cranking out daily to the blind-viewers who rely on "professional" opinions because law is a slippery slope and interpretation of legalese is far beyond most people to comprehend. What a great and sinister con job he is making (and he has participated in attacking me for his promotions, under terms of this contract I have been under for over a decade so I understand completely how this operates by now. The attack: to steal ideas I write or even think to myself and publish as one's one, and then regurgitating the information back and putting it on my internet searches especially on YouTube--despite algorithms. I did not "search" for this man's videos they appeared despite the many other subscriptions I have which Never appear, only people who repeat phrases or make references to what I have actually written--not copying what I have heard from other media pundits but expressing my own opinion not being parroted by what I have heard. Thus, in this indirect and very coded form of usurpation and intellectual property theft, he made direct reference to an obscure play written by Samuel Beckett which I used in conjunction with a lack of justice for my targeting situation: Waiting for Godot, that I used in conjunction of waiting for justice to be enforced against this criminal organization and these terrorists who are attacking me who are all friends with all the fake oppositional YouTubers in this group who endlessly force their videos on my channel and I am blocked from finding anything I consider legitimate. I also experience great blocks in my searches, and in sites where I find content I really like--all is deleted after I am glad to have found something I really enjoy. The hackers simply block all content except for their brainwashing info-entrainment-brainwashing programming that I mostly understand and find repugnant when I can't get it off my every search). As for mutilation:The terrorists are cutting my toes and skin between the toes to the bone. Infected and being slashed through tendons and veins. Fighting to protect my body using all kinds of makeshift means. The attacks continue. I am putting swabs of cotton pads, taped in layers with a layer of tissue taped over all toes. I then have begun for the last three nights sleeping with thin, stretch tights over the taped and padded toes and the ball of my foot. My toes are still being slashed, probably as the mechanical arms use spray solvents to easily enter through the taped area and using lasers or some other cutting tool, slashes into my bone continue so it's hard to walk. Along with the hard chemicals latched onto my hips and spine which terrorists put in my food all my life. Of course, all my life not a single person around me warned me that I was being poisoned. No one has come forward to protect me. Now that US Presidents, politicians in Congress, famous celebrities are involved, I remain as I always have been. No one comes forward to stop these crimes or punish the criminals. They remain instead gloating in their mansions. The lower economic level terrorists are still glib but now facing eviction or death from the pandemic that may have been an orchestrated event created by the laxity or collusion of their favorite politicians, celebrities operating in tandem with their higher-ups. Even if they are blissfully unaware of how the operation of mass genocide has been created through technological means, they remain enjoying being handed the terrorist technology and these terror groups to order this mutilation upon me. Since the Capital insurrection, they have not changed an iota in their demeanor or the protocol. The famous celebrities I mean. That they all (the famous ones I have written of on Facebook and hinted at or wrote about directly) on this blog are still catered to as near iconic symbols of Freedom and Democracy. Unrepentant about their terrorism, they remain handing me to the next terrorist celebrity who is out of Europ-a-land. The sickening uglinss continues from this next one, who has gone on for a month of utter hate and depravity. I watched a video about the "Satanic cult" status of the higher-ups in these covert operations. Whatever that means. the actions they all use, and this one is most vehement and programmed to behave in this manner, they are "evil" and vile and this one currently being promoted and now using more black celebrities to attack me (in this Oreo-formation most racist black-white supremacist organization. The term "black" can apply to anything other than the white Nazi bigots of any cultural identification).

*Please note that during the course of writing this post and then getting off the page, doing something else, my brain "retrieved" information that had been blocked/thwarted by this brain-altering attack ALWAYS, every single time I fight to type, always blocking cognitive functioning in articulation and memory. Emotional responses are extremely exacerbated. I find that with hackers deleting words and grammar, plus my brain under such attack, and hackers then rewriting segments and pasting them together, this post is still not 100% a product of my thoughts, writing and has been refabricated to discredit me by this hacking terror arm of the terrorist organization. Always I must include this from the beginning of every post or at the end. 

After reading just a small few sentences, post publishing this post, I see that the endless attack continues. All of the attacks continue. Despite years of me writing about it with an ever-widening "audience" of prominent personalities hacking into or being involved with this situation. I write this post below aimed at you who believe you are warm, snug and safe within the folds of a genocidal terrorist organization.


Now I realize, as I am under this mind control attack, but nevertheless, over a decade of torture and non-stop drugging, that I write in ways that people will be turned off by. Calling the terrorists pig-apes and hormone-growth hyenas and scum and etc is not exactly intellectual or sound argumentative rhetoric. I understand that. What readers may not understand is what over 10 years of daily torture through electronic weapons, people breaking into my home and destroying my hair, skin, toes, fingers, teeth, putting my hips out of place and raping me upon order of the former and his predecessor black/white-supremacist US Presidental leadership, all has been condoned and supported by both of the black and white non-polar non-oppositional leaders who espouse and endorse all of this because they and their friends in top media positions (as that is my area of attack, I have been teleported and forced to have to be surrounded by them every night in their dark, hate and psychopathic violence fantasies that they unleash like addicts hooked on a hormone-high drug of violence and sinister energy parasitism. 

Thus, I fight for my human rights, for the America that was supposed to have been a country of protecting human rights, and I remain alone and being mutilated every day.

I continue to see white males repeating phases or making reference to ideas and concepts I have written on this blog and Facebook and I just saw one that came out exactly yesterday. The post in question was a "blue-eyed" devil speaking about impeaching T, and the process of exacting "justice". He has a law degree and is in collusion with a mainstream media outlet. 

Ironically, all the years he has been putting out his videos the injustice meted out to politicians and their exoneration from all legal jurisprudence has not only been lax, but void and null. Seemingly, his endless videos have not produced anything but more collusion with criminality. Prior to T, it was O who was assisting his black fellow Nazi wanna-be's into power in the H-wood orbit. Now they are entrenched, they are Governors in the Academy Awards, and they have become established since having participated in this hate contract out on me and they fully support the most openly racist whites in attacking me. All is hidden, all disguised. However, the lawyer has made me think of what an absolute con job anyone with a law degree, with his arms around politicians and famous news anchors, who always reminds his audience of his "credentials" for operating with major legal entities of the US Congressional level. He was either in the DOJ or in some other highly major institutional agency at the top tiers of the Judicial Branch of Government. 


I had written a post about Beckett's play, Waiting for Godot and I also included videos from some clips put on YouTube. I believe my post was on Facebook but I may have also put it on this blog. How long ago did this happen? Perhaps 3 months ago, some time in the last 6 months. I am loathe to try to dig it up. After having written it, the post may get deleted by terrorist hackers to hide evidence, should anyone ever investigate this crime instead of supporting it.


Forensic digital research is what is required to help me prove some of my allegations about this terror network and all their crimes against me.


How much more convincing is a terrorist in sheep's clothing spouting vlogs daily about the need for Justice while fully indoctrinating people into inaction? His videos, so emphatically nearly hissed out, are a collection of legal terms that, unless the viewer has studied law even in an introductory course, may may cause a reliance upon instant belief and thus the brainwashing terrorist can elude the questioning of such statements as being valid or invalid. 

If at the highest level of the courts today pondering the Constitutionality of Impeaching a non-sitting President, how then can any "normal" viewer understand the legal terminology, even though put in sophomoric terms by this legal pundit of "legal justice matters" who is participating in this hate crime against me, putting his videos on my YouTube channel as I search for information on exactly what has been going on. Hearing him repeat a most unusual reference to a Beckett play that no one ever mentions and that I did--understanding that these people participating in stealing ideas from me then regurgitate my concepts as being THEIRS and then, according to contract, reinserting it at the forefront of my every internet search so if I by chance click on it, they get more points and promotions for enticing me into their brainwashing reverse psychology scheme, and then if I like the video, they get even more rewards! The essence of brainwashing and mental manipulation is going on completely silenced by all governments, but  this is one enlarged perspective into the microcosm that my situation is being utilized in a much larger macrocosm of daily media consumption and consumer invocation into extremely deadly group psychological mass engineering. The "lawyer" in question used my reference to this play as his concept and said that "justice" was going to happen to the terrorists. That means that of course he's implying that no justice should be enacted, but is silencing people who may otherwise be spurred to ACTION to try to get involved in protest or in actually pushing their representatives in Congress to actually stop this criminal negligence that these leaders and media reps are guilty of by association, if only as a small tie to the crimes that they participate and commit and are completely exonerated from and all information about their collusion and these crimes remains absolutely quelled and compressed into silence. Yet they keep putting out their videos, the viewer is relieved that this "expert" is letting them know that of course the criminals are going to "get it" and you just wait and see. Keep waiting and do nothing. As usual, for all these years this colluding criminal has been put into a high legal position in the US Government, and now an agent operative putting out disinformation but making reference to actual law or procedure, which he knows can and will be circumvented by the packs of experts who understand how to get around all restrictions. With the help of these "do-nothing" advocates who claim they are experts and know about all the angles, they keep the most important details off of their lectures. The illegality of the criminal top tiers of this huge global terrorist network remain safely exonerated after every trial, thanks to people like this YouTuber (whose name I won't mention, but he uses the same theme of "justice matters" for his every video and it's supposed to emphasize how much he "cares" about law and in fighting "criminals" ). I hate making any direct reference to these creeps because they always get promoted and I am then tortured nevertheless. 

I wait for Justice to occur and this dismemberment and one after the next psycho scumbag out of Whorewood to be stopped. The current Euro-p-a Nazi fascist is disgusting and sickening and he's just going on and on bringing more black people to attack me almost every day now. 

The same mutilation that began months ago continues. All I can do is struggle to fight to try to block these mechanical arms from cutting my toes off and inserting fungus into the wounds they slash. 

I do know that for most of the current hackers/ readers of this blog, my information is a "turn-on" as the sickening ugliness of these terrorists is endless hate, death, misery, ugliness, they feed off violence people are probably masturbating reading about how my body is being slowly cut off in pieces while, especially, their great boon, is that no one continues to do anything I mean, they always do nothing you always do nothing. Keep on doing nothing and see how many more terrorist operations will occur in America and around the world using police and politician collusion to execute politicians they don't like who won't support their fascist, Nazi agenda. I wonder if the politicians who have formerly been involved in this attack upon me (the Democrats) are reading this and finally begin to scratch their heads in wonder that what they thought were their "friends" are actually con artists exploiting them too. They thought they were all in this together.

A silly movie reference but it's so potent. A recognition of author Tolkien but not any kind of support of some/many members of this H-wood cast or production, although it was a stunning film visually. I watched the LOTR trilogy after the end of every grad school semester because the amount of studying and work required was akin to a pilgrimage of depositing a heavy load and then freedom. It was about the journey, not in fighting "evil" due to Grad studies or the school. However, knowing what I do know now about the utter duplicity and editing capabilities of the media, I can only endorse Tolkien and hesitate to say that the acting was engaging. Doubtful that most of the actors actually believe in a free society sans surveillance and them being put in top tiers of a surveillance, fascist and racist society where they control and continue to manipulate the masses with their reverse psychological movie and media K-rap (as in the K-economy--they get richer people get mesmerized into believing that those in power actually care, they watch and believe, and the system continues to burrow into their brains of conformity into mediocrity and instant belief mostly in fictitious characters who they associate with the ideals that these fakes are paid in millions and billions to continue to crank out, year after year.


As all the current targets in Congress and in American politics who have been involved in this situation against me have said about their Repuglican colluders, "They are my friends." Now they face extermination at the hands of the terror operations they also assumed were their subordinates in this global organization. Assuming that people of lower economic status are inferior in power. Spurred to reactionary violence, they now form a most discernable system of murder using the same "friends" and systems that these "liberal" Democrats have always covertly endorsed and/or have seen operating upon me and many others (many of whom have already been assassinated and murdered or died from shock, illness which is just a stealth form of murder). Now they face being murdered too. And yet, they remain never stopping this situation. I can only add today a clip from this movie because even a most wizened wizard can be duped by a smooth-tongued "expert" magus (as in an "expert" lawyer or politician). They do not "share" power. They use people who they embrace and hug at parties (political and otherwise) and then steal, rob and murder them once they have obtained their power objective. 


"There is only one Lord of the Ring and He does not share power." (YouTube title, which is a quote from the movie and perhaps from the book as well).

I really "hate" when news anchors make reference to movies when they are analyzing politics. However, this clip bears resemblance to the utter blindness some leaders have made when considering allowing terrorism to be inflicted upon people "like me" as a form of social engineering so their fascist Nazi constituents can continue to foment a fascist Nazi society. They all assume that they are safe within the folds of this organization. What Tolkien did in this book was to expose the utter "evil" machinations that these warm-embracing cold-blooded users employ to dupe their victims into serving the cause of their utter grasp of power and control. Once the exploited is no longer needed, they are eliminated. That includes the "liberals" who also participate in these nefarious criminal, terrorist activities that are being employed against me by people of all the sides of the one-sided fascist organization they are all employed by but not are all favored and can live happily ever after once the objective of absolute power has been officially obtained through treachery, mass murder, genocide, Technocratic Authoritarianism and Totalitarian regimes sometimes disguised as being "Democracies". That seems to be what America NOW IS but is still being disguised as being in "shock " after all recent terrorist events, especially in all these media presentations including YouTube.

Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...