Thursday, February 4, 2021

Strategies to integrate "Socialist" "liberal" "radical" "Democrats" merging with "Right Wing" Nazi Party "Repuglicans". The integration aims at creating the new National Socialist Party of Amerika aka Nazism. Conservative values integrated with the Europigape Socialist Nazi agenda. As the parties are all merging towards a more "Right" position on the political spectrum, but integrating what are called "Socialist" policies. As many have noted, the Democrats appear to have shifted to a centrist Republican stance and even Obama labeled himself as a more moderate "Republican" in one interview. The integration is really a merging of both parties into a new fascist Nazi State replete with Socialist policies (so-called) but also representing the ever-right-leaning brainwashed and manipulated masses (through Whorewood media productions for example which always seem superficially to be supporting all the "liberal" causes but really are subliminally encouraging racism, hate, violence, murder and genocide). My personal perspective (adding on the political analysis video posted below) and my theoretical analysis, not deviating from reality very much (in my opinion absolutely 100% correct).

"Josh Hawley Sucks Up To Republicans By Voting Against Every Biden Cabinet Nominee" (YouTube title).


Pasted and copied from Facebook today. As this concerns mind control and programming I add it here. 


Please do not blame me for what terrorist hackers are retyping, deleting, redacting or deleting to create discrediting and confusion in my writing.


The Nazis were Socialist. You must see the video above to get the reference to Socialism that Farron Cousins uses in his analysis--my input is that the "Far Right" is actually a Socialist organization but the basic followers, brought up on a "Capitalist" system, don't understand that they are actually espousing a Socialist system by endorsing Nazism-- =German Workers National Socialist Party which Hitler lead. That is why the integration of Dems with Repugs is more akin to a seeming duality but it's really being integrated into one, larger concept of incorporating Socialism into Fascism and "Far Right" politics. There is little division and eventually they will--meaning Congress--will emulate a National Socialist (fascist Nazi, Totalitarian) system. That is one of the main reasons the Demorepuglicrats have done NOTHING to stop this terrorist attack upon me and have indeed sponsored and funded these illicit, illegal and criminal organizations. Obama wanted to help create a Black caucus as long as he toed the line. Performers in droves of the black diaspora have flocked to attack me alongside their good "friends" of the extremely bigoted and openly racist mafia and Nazi persuasions and organizations. They operate hand-in-hand but appear as diametrically opposed for public brainwashing effect. The illusion that America represents a spectrum of political opposites the cooperate into one "Democratic" society has been a farce plied upon the American and global consciousness, operating in an unconscious/subconscious manipulative force for decades or even a century or two. Thus, all the Democrat leaders, some Progressives of extreme fame now promoted into leadership position have also teleported me and gloated, smirked and laughed and made jokes about my torture and rape and violence, racism and all that they nearly shout against and rail against for their promotional schemes--all called "Socialists" by their "opposition" (which spurs their followers to assassinate them so only the most fascist can control the political landscape) but..the illusion of duality in politics and in American society persists. The only real duality that I can actually perceive is betwixt victimizers and victims. Also known as "the wealth gap" or "rich versus poor". The "gap" is widening and has been created under the much touted segue into fascism that Ronald Reagan presented which was cheered on for decades and now parroted in mainstream media by anchors. That Reagan created more National Debt that ALL PRESIDENTS COMBINED since the beginning of our current presidential system is never, once not ever mentioned in all the exclamations about how great Reagan was and is considered to be (according to these fasco-pundits which Fox News claims are the "liberal" media). The widening gap has become a chasm in the last year alone. The ramifications are leading to an ever-traumatized Republic of America that is slowly becoming a fascist Totalitarian State following the former German Nazi strategies into turning a formerly advanced Democratic system into a genocidal death culture of fascism and Nazism (and Communism and Socialism and the pretense of concern for all humanitarian goals once the system is exposed and deadly and through violence quelled but never stopped--as America has truly sponsored the Nazi party since the end of WWII and is now a colonized protegee of Nazi indoctrination and take-over.) That is why none of the very famous Progressives, or Democrats who have been involved with teleporting me and this contract will or has ever really stepped in to stop this vile violence that their seeming opposition but what they personally call "friends" when they teleport me--they never stop the rape and dismemberment and destruction of my finances and home that their "friends" are forcing upon me (and countless others) which they covertly endorse, with smug smiles of hate and glee of violence and torture. This of course I cannot prove but it happened during teleportation. If there have been video records of me being teleported, perhaps one day these instances I try to make a record of will surface. As it stands, all the attacks are orchestrated to coincide with insinuations of delusions and schizophrenic episodes of a break with reality, and I try to describe their tactics and I am only left with unsubstantiated claims which so easily can be turned against me to actually imprison me.
However, as it stands I have seen the criminals who attacked me for YEARS in teleportation performed for the Inauguration of Biden and the ones that have not performed have been mentioned in glowing admiration by the leaders of the new admin and now I remain in the same old position of asking for people to intervene because my fascist Nazi country is in the left-swing of the Right-pendulum switch from open fascism into the "opposite" "liberal" position but it's all slowly rolling to the Right-wing of utter Totalitarianism Technocratic absolute oppression. The swings always bring the entire apparatus to the Right side of the inevitable Nazi State/or Communist Totalitarian system if you will--unless people stop believing at face-value all that the "liberal" performers and leaders claim they are fighting for (who are trained by H-wood acting coaches to make their speeches)
Like everything else that is being done, the lies and revisionism have created more deception. The materialist Capitalists who want private entrepreneurial hegemony are throwing labels of "Socialism" as an evil at the "libtards" but in actuality, what they want is the same old racism but under another name of private capitalistic entrepreneurial hegemony over the market. Also just the old white racist supremacy but now using the hate label of "Socialism" to throw at their "black and brown" and female "enemies". The Dems are just part of this seeming bipartisan divide which is slowly pushing the entire contraption of this orchestrated deception into a complete Socialist-Nazi State.
Oh, by the way: when I refer to Progressives who have teleported me I am NOT referring to AOC or any female: I refer to white males. One of them physically assaulted me for saying I don't like his political/comedy talk show format. The other one I never had direct contact with but he was there smirking and making jokes about my situation with sneering derision alongside a white female who has been a world leader of Democracy who also wanted to exploit me in this teleportation contract alongside her fascist Nazi mafia/Nazi cartel backers of the far right Nazi persuasion. I just want to add this as I do not want to put this stigma on AOC who only put countless videos of herself alongside all the other hacked into videos of the terrorists who routinely teleported or assisted in the teleporatation. The usual sneering smirking glaring look was put on some of her videos and as I have tried to express endlessly, I and not they, are discredited for attempting to describe how their triggering internet terrorist attacks operate. All is orchestrated to make me appear delusional if I begin to try to describe how these triggers are created in my every internet search and always on my YouTube channel, which I rely on to obtain news clips. I am financially blocked from subscribing to any real channels and if I did, as I have done before in other years when I had the money (when I survived off loans and my family supported me financially) I was still hacked with endless movies by the same perpetrator criminal rapists teleporting me (the celebrities). All media sources and all electronic equipment and mechanical as well are hacked or inserted with AI or "smart" tech to infiltrate, hack and disrupt functions (it can be deadly as a result). All endorsed by this emerging fascist state that still appears as a "bipartisan" Democracy that is undergoing a "crisis" but has now put some colors into the formerly white spectrum. I suspect most of them have been fully indoctrinated and gone through the gauntlet of trauma-based mind control so they are fully integrated into the fascist Nazi system but still "represent" those who are oppressed but still able barely to vote. Not yet disenfranchised as voters, but now the facades are so ingeniously created by psychological advertising agencies that fully train the politicians and celebrities in how to program the public into believing the lies they spew all the time. I have to see the reality and I am silenced and blocked from all transmission except to the criminals who are a part of this huge organization. Undoubtedly what I write now will be stolen by the white men and their on-knee supplicant "brown and black" subservients who are put into leadership (in name) positions. I use the terms "black and brown" in quotes because they are simply American but they are labeled as black and brown by the white supremacists who keep claiming that they are simply labeling them as racial designations. Thus they can label the voter constituency and then re-align the imminent voter suppression accordingly in the future.
The Dems keep watching me undergo torture from their "friends" on the "other side of the aisle" and as always, do nothing to stop this endless passing around of me to every scumbag whore rapist bigot Nazi white supremacist and it's black and brown knee-supplicating minion who also wants a piece of the power. Perhaps they justify it all with self-delusion that they are actually helping their "people" to rise out of destitution. All they have done is create more death and confusion for "their people" while the terrorist minions get more mansions in Phuket as reward for helping their fascist bigots in attacking me using this racist genocidal technology used for absolutely fascist and racist purposes. They embrace it and get promoted they are getting even more millions of dollars for representing the "black and brown" disenfranchised who they falsely provide a sense of hope and relief--which in turn is absolutely a delusional state of orchestrated schizophrenia.
However, this video, like all the Farron Cousins vlog posts is both humorous as also politically insightful.
On to the 2024 Presidential Election cycle already, pre-planning stages and political maneuvers analyzed.

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