Saturday, February 27, 2021

Terrorist Report: February 28, 2021. I am being poisoned through my furniture. Yes, a covert stealth form of toxicity sprayed on furniture that I inhale.

 This terrorist operation/organization/global conglomerate entity with it's multifarious tentacles of Power extending and grasping onto everything possible it can steal, rob and destroy and then claim all as it's natural right of entitlement: they are stealth, theft, lies, obfuscation and underhanded ploys glorified.


The poisoning of my furniture has been ongoing for at least a decade. My body is too injured from so many attacks (nightly for years and years) to actually continuously clean and bed and fight and pay to repair these damages and buy and pay for items that are quickly destroyed so that all I do is clean and clean and pay and fight every single day to not be submerged in fungus, mold and toxic substance poisoning. I have not been able to defend myself to 7/8 of what is required for years simply due to the effect of poisoning making me paralyzed with hardening poisons that I must literally "rip" out of my cells and my viscerae every day that I am finally able to detox just a small bit that expands and leaves me absolutely too ill to think, move or accomplish anything for hours upon end, day after day, month after month, year after year.


Thus, yesterday I realized that that furniture that I have in this tiny studio--one couch, a huge bed (Queen size) that takes up 1/6 of the room or even a bit more than that. I also have one table and on the patio what had been a new set of wicker chairs and a small plastic-glass table is all broken, substances have been poured so the metal frames of the chairs are all broken and the table has been eroded by this substance. If I touch these items my hands stink of rotting metal that is eroding due to these chemicals. However, in doors, the "bed" that I have is actually a stinking box spring with holes cut into the sides with fungus, mold and other horrific stinking substances that never erode, never fade (but are always resprayed once I leave this room and the terrorists rush into spray stinking filth all over my home--clothing, furniture and put filth on the floors, grime and grease on the walls and into the refrigerator and every single place is corroded with stains, smears, grease, stinking substances that don't come off using any means.

The box spring (with no mattress) I salvaged a little by putting a thick plastic tarp over--(really a huge table cloth that has a dark sort of slip-proof backing). The material is very thick and solid and is of a double thickness with the top plastic coat and the bottom anti-slip almost corrugated bottom. On this bed I also obtained a foam padding that has the appearance of a sponge in texture. It of course absorbs like a sponge any nasty odors that the terrorists spray on it. The terrorists thus slashed a huge knife cut into the plastic--an elongated slash that was one yard in length--into the plastic--and the stinking box spring that I have sprayed so repeatedly with every kind of bleach and cleaning substance--stinks so absolutely because it is continuously resprayed with fungus by these terrorists who rush into my room to obtain their nasty and dirty promotions by being a part of this nasty and dirty terrorist operation. I only saw this yesterday because I was strong enough to spend, literally, 10 hours cleaning the blankets and sheets I placed over this plastic area to try to have some kind of padding that I could also take off and wash. I have to wash separately all these layers of blankets which have been sprayed but the odors that seeped out of the slash in the plastic was absorbed by the foam padding (a huge, very thick and dense material but the entire thing stank which means it was sprayed and didn't just absorb the toxins and poisons in just one area). I had to spray the foam with three different cleaning substances, tape up the slash and then spend the entire day cleaning the blankets because the washing machine that I was given by this landlord has been broken and will not operate on the spin cycle and barely operates at all. It worked perfectly when I moved in two and a half years ago. I have used it rarely because I mostly hand wash clothing (endlessly, day after day so much clothing is stinking from having been sprayed with disgusting and foul substances, every day over an dover and that is all I have been doing for YEARS is cleaning up their filth from my clothing, furniture and my body which remains corroded with their filthy poisons which act absolutely on stealth to penetrate the body and it is 100% unrecognizable --thus you smug people out there reading this should be aware that many of you could so easily be poisoned unaware by your beloved fascist Nazi and mafia "friends" who you obey, follow and laugh and gloat as you participate in these actions).


Like wise the rotten couch that has been sprayed so many times the disgusting material covering these couches is rancid. I have put two layers of plastic over these pieces of furniture and just three days ago, before I went shopping, the plastic piece just covering the top layer of the couch was pliable and there was a knife slash in it that I patched up. This morning I had to readjust the upper piece and it was had been doused with a damaging chemical so it's brittle and cracks upon any slight touch--having to spend more money for tape to patch this up and then repairing. I write this now because this is a deliberate murder attempt albeit slow and unrecognizable because it takes so long for the corrosive effect to be visible and it's very stealth and done in such ways that my very injured body can't continuously recheck endlessly for these hidden attack areas while I'm fighting to clean and clean the more visible stinking items that I must spend all day every day cleaning--and that still won't cover the areas that are made filthy and in all this cleaning I can't actually clean things that are dirty like dusting and things like that--my body can only take so much my entire spine is coated with poisons that are so hard you can pound a fist upon it (lightly) and it is hard, unflexible "shell" that has also pulled my body completely out -of-alignment.

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