Tuesday, February 16, 2021

"Just be best" beast. Non-consensual Nanotechnology insertions via syringe injections underlying Christian conspiracy theories of "The Mark of the Beast". The revelation of William Cooper on how using swipe-able RFID microchip implanted plastic cards to enter entertainment "rides" at the Luxor Hotel in Las Vegas (1994) is actually subliminal programming to train people to swipe hands embedded with microchips in the future (now). This form of pre-programming for microchip implants used for massive social engineering and control and mind programming incorporated into "entertainment" and "amusement" rides in the amusement park theme of the Illuminati base of the pyramid structure of the Luxor Hotel in Las Vegas (based on how the hotel casino was created to implant these programming concepts into Mystery School/Freemason compliance indoctrination). Leading to mind control induction of the Sheeple led astray into a "One-World, Totalitarian, Socialist New World Order". That order includes: Israeli New World Order Neo-Nazi White Supremacist Lost Tribe MAGA Throne at the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem as the World Council Seat of power for the political-religious claim to supremacy. All the lies turned into conspiracy theories turned into myths turned into political action turned into "truth" by lying genocidal factions vying for power, turned into murder for political violence purposes. The immediate laughing point is the seemingly silly "conspiracy theory" about how wearing masks is the "Sign of the Beast". Satanic overtake of your body, soul and of America and the planet by Covid Shots and wearing masks as being part of a Satanic conspiracy. The basic pattern is lies turned into a set of realized political violence or targeting/assassination agendas, backed by violence and murder for white supremacist overtake of all institutions. Sounds like a conspiracy theory already but I try to make an argument below albeit with extreme interference and my brain put into some kind of technological vice so it's almost impossible to get anything out that is coherently organized, plus hacker terrorists ALWAYS rewrite and delete and add discrediting words into all that I type after I publish. It all boils down to how the lies of the white supremacist Christian deceivers are turned into conspiracy theories which turns into violent actions for the usurpation of all they can steal and rob and kill and destroy in order to claim their ascendency as their natural white entitlement right. The minions to these white supremacists fall in line, bow down to the Gods which are put in costume as Christian entities. Conspiracy theories have lead to conquest out of the belief-system but soon, all will be entrenched with microchip implants--or so the theory goes. More below--this is very disjointed it is almost completely impossible for me to write with all this hacking and interference by mind control technology blasting away at my brain and body while I type and then have to rewrite constantly CONSTANTLY it's a non-stop attack. This post is therefore extremely chaotic and I just rewrote and once I published, hackers once more deleted words and I had to rewrite for the 4th time just this opening title to this post.

"Religious-based coronavirus vaccine conspiracies circulating online." CBS News. February 17, 2021.


"Hacking the Human Is the Next Cyber Threat." The Cyber Edge (August 1, 2018).

My first reaction to the CBS video was a stifled chuckle of sarcastic "wtf...stupid Evangelicals/Christians and their mythological Devil conspiracies." My reaction was expressed this early morning (after having been injected with mind control drugs or a skin-based patch inserting the drugs so I wake up in this mind control drugged state, every morning) and thus, I reacted in such a manner and wrote this short brevity about a seriously lengthy subject:

(Copied From my Facebook post this morning):

(referring to the CBS video above): ...another wtf moment in US history...seemingly. However, microchips inserted through nanotechnology....I have heard of these theories from "gang stalking" websites years ago and I have done a bit of research and from what little I was able to obtain, such covert non-consensual implants using nanotechnology are not impossible. There may be some truth behind what appears to be "nutcase" conspiracy theory.


But then upon a one-minute reflection, I remembered that I ---ME--I, am a target, of mind control and it's adjacent "trauma-based" terrorism and "gang stalking" on a 24/7 basis for over a decade of non-stop attack with implants attacking my body and brain functioning. After years of observing as unbiased as possible I have come to the conclusion and I know that I am microchipped. I am attacked by remote control. I am being attacked by what I have observed to be people imbibing "evil" energies using technology for the most stupid, sick and sinister of reasons. Some of these creeple attacking me have staunchly claimed that I am 'EVIL" because I do not follow the Christian faith as they swear they do, while they are attacking me using these torture methodologies, implants and drugs and poisons and laughing about it (I recall in particular my years of having been attacked by Christian Identity neo-Nazi fascists in Gainesville, Florida. These false adherents who actually espouse "Satanic" belief-systems and are a socio-political force are not to be confused with the "legitimate" Christians I also met in Gainesville who were delightfully eager to follow "The Word" of Love, Goodness, compassion and kindness in action and thought and deed. I highly praise these people of that legitimacy who I had contact with in Gainesville, this section of "The Bible Belt". The contrast between the two seemingly sister congregational stances could be summed-up as light and shadow inextricably separate but seemingly following the same creed, some more fanatical than others. The legitimate persons who I met who I observed followed "The Word" in deed, action and thought were not ostentatious about their claims of devotee adherence to their faith-based political organizations but instead were mild, kindly about their beliefs and never tried to force their system or condemnation upon me ever, not once. The ones who attacked me would condemn me immediately as being "evil" if I were not following them or their fascist Neo-Nazi cartel "Christian"-based bigot organizations. Thus is it very difficult to embrace any claims such people make when they perform and pass-on hate and lies so often and are connected to hate organizations.


Having remembered the condition I have been placed into, and that these seemingly "Nutcase" conspiracies are not wack but actually do exist, I began to rummage through the internet and within the few minutes the hackers blocked my internet surfing time, I discovered exactly what I was looking for: a scientifically-based article, with references but no peer-reviewed list of research articles to back-up the claims (referencing the work of other researchers but I have not scrutinized the article to discover exactly how legitimate this article is). Regardless, what appears as "science" confirms what I read years ago and is actually not new information, in the "gang stalking" target reading list. (Admittedly, the gang stalking sites I have encountered I have found to be hacked and moderators make death threats, albeit disguised not openly stated, which of course may be the actual threat of the terrorist operative "moderator" or it could be a hacker inserting these threats into the page..?). The legitimacy of the articles remains in question for me especially when I cannot afford to pay for more acceptable mainstream news sources and I cannot access a real scientific database due to having lost all accessibility to my former library service and my former University access to EBSCO Host.


Yes, these technologies are possible as hacking/mind control devices inserted through injection, according to the sources I have been able to access online (which is 100% hacked every time I click on anything or attempt to search for information). 

Regardless, I believe that the information regarding nanotechnology insertions via injection are not so concealed that this information would be skewed as to misrepresent the information available to the public on any search, even if it is being hacked to the extreme as in my case.


Is the "Devil" behind the (Prada) gear for Covid-19? What we wear is a product of conditioning and the programming in much Christian ideology is that what you wear can invite the Devil if you are careless about what you are exposing or not exposing to the public. 

Wearing a facemask and inviting the Devil seems to be a far cry from inciting demonic possession and that is where the WTF moment comes to play in this conspiracy theory WTF moment in US history:


"Mark of the Beast ? wear a mask?". (You Tube title).


A plausible take on implant microchip/nanotechnology tracking, however,  intertwined with the pseudo-Christian Revelation about social engineering for the predicted Mark of the Beast and Revelation. (According to this man in the video): Prepare for End Times when your microchip will lead you to your spiritual death through the technological backdoor hacking portal the Beast will use to violate the sanctity of your spirit through the corrupted flesh. The Covid-19 injection with it's microchip tracking device is a sure  invitation into the new World Order of the Devil inserted deep into the tissue of your very body, injecting your soul with EVIL and Satanic CONTROL. (This is a paraphrase and interpretation of what he said, which was just a plain matter-of-fact sort of delivery system of injecting  fear-mongering opinion into fear-mongering fact). I think this video can be summed-up as an amalgamation and integration of repeated "conspiracy theory" hype on the anti-mask/vaccine rants posted around on Social Media.

Aspects of his video are extremely plausible and hard to deny. I have heard such arguments before on other videos on YouTube about how people are being socially conditioned to get used to swiping wrists in front of scanners as part of this microchip/nanotechnology implant process. I actually heard the exact statement on a William Cooper video on his investigative lecture on the Las Vegas Luxor Hotel and it's social engineering process of allowing tourists to enter into a "ride" inside the hotel but having to first pass their wrist in front of a scanner as they held the admittance plastic card. This video I paste now is not the same lecture I heard on the mp3 Hour of the Time lecture series so I do not know if this part has been included, however this is the reference to the lecture series and has visuals. The concept of socially engineering people to scan their wrists which herald the introduction of microchip implants for the "New World Order" (in Christian conspiracy theory terms, "The Mark of the Beast") are in this sense synonymous but not identical. Cooper was a faith-based Christian (of the type I find authentic and inspiring) but he did not equate the scanning as being The Mark of the Beast, it was the beginning of programming for microchip implants for a system that in essence was of Satanic/Occult origin behind the political facade of "Totalitarian Socialist One/New World Order" (Cooper's words repeated in many or most of his Hour of the Time lecture series on the MP3 archived site dedicated to Cooper). The occult background of the political adherents of these technologies supports the "pyramid" structure of this "Illuminati"/ Freemasonry of the Southern Jurisdiction" organization (sic).

I want to add, as I just "remembered" due to my brain being blocked by the very "evil" implants in my brain that are supposed to imply that I am "crazy" if I try to vocalize or write about this subject in any public forum or form: that the video below by Cooper, which I have not watched as I watched a different video on this subject by same source many moons ago, however, the microchip plastic card that visitors had to carry and swipe to enter into one of the Luxor Hotel rides, was mandated that the holder must carry the card exclusively in the RIGHT hand and never the left in order to enter into the ride. There were monitors checking each and every entrant into the ride to ensure that they were swiping the card only with the right hand. That, according to Cooper, was the "social engineering" to program people to accept using the right hand, where he claims implants would be inserted and not in the left hand/wrist (to be more precise). That is how Cooper deduced his premise that the use of this card only held in the right hand, only swiped in front of a laser, programmed people into becoming accustomed in this "Illuminati" replication of the indoctrination into Freemasonry/Illuminati programming (aka "Evil" and the age of "The Mark of the Beast" as the Christians claim it is in their theorizing conspiracies). 

How plausible is all this? The answer is a personal revelation but I only contend that the misuse of technology is only as evil as the people misusing it and the people willing to accept it if they know about this misuse and perpetuate the system upon the innocent "Sheeple" obeying and accepting the lies they are being fed like fodder by socially-accepted institutions.


"William (Bill) Cooper. LUXOR (1994)". (You Tube title).


"We are being socially conditioned for the mark of the beast! | Phillip Blair". (You Tube title).


"Israelites"=British People. The Christian Identity Movement (white supremacy based in Biblical interpretation and the rise of the Church of England, aka Evangelical Church or Anglican Church).

"A look at the Christian Identity movement : a study of extreme racism". (You Tube title).

Everything you wanted to know about the Christian MAGA movement. People so pure white and indelibly pure cannot be touched by the evils of Corona Virus and all it's spawn of Satan variants. (please note this is my injection into this theme. This video is 20 years old. The theme is over 400 years old. 


*Slight correction: I am under various impediments while typing, as I always relate in these posts. I used the term "Satanist" to refer to the misappropriation of Christianity and the Christian Identity white supremacists I mentioned above in this post. I actually was "blocked" from writing or thinking clearly as my memory was also stunted by the microchips and other technologies always being blasted into my brain while I fight around hacker blocks which occur every single second that I type, continuously.

I had meant to use the term, LUCIFERIAN and not Satanic but I got lost in the panic of fighting to pound words out and bypass hacker intrusions and blocks while continuously backspacing to correct what hackers are blocking/inserting and then fighting to think clearly while my brain feels like it's spinning and I'm too dizzy and finally whatever comes out is then rewritten by hacker terrorists! 

Thus, using the term Satanic is in line with the mentality but the correct term to use is LUCIFERIAN. 


I am in the re-editing phase because I have only just now, hours after having written most of this post, opened it once more to read what I had to try to re-edit as my brain was "blocked" from accessing the thoughts that have just now re-surfaced which were formerly blocked by the "mind control" technology blocking my ability to write cohesively (plus hacking).

The title of the post, as always appears on every post after I publish, has been rewritten, parts deleted and it comes out as a long string of ideas pasted together. I am trying to re-edit it but my brain literally can't concentrate and I get lost in fighting to pound out words, backspace and retype what hackers are blocking, the keyboard won't operate unless I pound every letter out with my entire hand and arm at times, and hackers are blocking keys and inserting letters as I type. My brain feels like I am spinning in some daze and can't focus long enough to try to carefully reword what has already been rewritten by these terrorist hackers.

I am going to paste one more article, which I do not agree with on some points such as the length of the history of the Christian Identity Movement (which stems from King Henry VIII in England and not from 19th and 20th century writers, as the ADL claims in this piece. however the page cryptically introduces the subject matter albeit leaves quite a lot of information out in it's brevity and lack of a correct time-line. It is incomplete but essentially narrates the brief outline of the basic set of premises of this movement. When I wrote of people in Gainesville, Florida who are/were members of Christian Identity, I am not merely borrowing the phrase they referred to portions of the Bible as referring to their organization and that the "jews" of the Bible were not really correctly referenced. These Christian Identity people I met (when I first moved to Gainesville, and I only met them because I was looking for a place to live/rent. They answered my inquiries (as the ONE and only respondent because my phone is hacked/blocked and all searches for places to live, information and all I do is blocked and redirected to terrorist agents and that is all I have experienced for decades in every attempt I make to accomplish any single thing in society (to a 90% rate of all endeavors possible).

Thus, not wanting to connect to these people, but not knowing anything about Gainesville or even about the Christian groups, I went along to their Church one time out of curiosity (which almost got me killed and my cat as well!). It was "Satanic" and these Christians-so-called were violent people who I believe helped organize the poisoning that I have spent over 10 years fighting to eliminate out of my body (they hinted that they were going to "fatten me up" as I gained 30 pounds in a few months and it was due to the hardening and bloating poisoning which began in earnest to murder me in Gainesville--after I met with this group. They "spoke in tongues" and referred to themselves as being part of the rightful children of Israel, but they kept much of their supremacist ideology hidden from me but referred to it almost in passing but it was direct and really implied. I believe they were a Neo-Nazi white supremacist pseudo "Christian" organization and the bible belt is rife with many calling themselves Christian (and burning crosses when they want to kill).

I also want to include to this that a "Jewish" man from Israel who I met, through the network of "gang stalker" terrorists who have completely overrun Miami Beach; that includes the "Jews" I met on South Beach, which is a completely Europeanized and colonized Nazi, fascist State within the State of Florida (I lived there for at least 4 years and was attacked by series of people of all races and ages and affiliations) but this was (not just the only one out of Israel but MANY) who used part of the white supremacist theology when making assumptions about me, in a conversation I had with him. He was, like so many "Jews" I met while living in Miami, an absolute devotee of white supremacist culture and an agent of their hate and attack campaign(s). He used almost exact terms that the ADL site uses in their list of variations of the racist creed of hate and anti-Semitism. Jews from Israel actually further white supremacist causes. My post here had begun about wearing masks and the "Christian" reaction, but the concept has of course gone into another tangent associated with this trend. The various aspects of what I write of in this shifting post are all inter-related and relevant to the main discussion of mind control and programming. 

Because my brain is under so much attack I cannot render this post (or any post) in the best possible form I am capable of (much diminished by hackers and blocks to my cognitive processes and motor skills plus endless disruptions due to hacking and rewriting and backspacing).


The people using the wearing of masks during a pandemic, in other words, to try to connect all these seemingly disparate ideas into one attempt at coherency: these are hate and death proponents. These people want to murder, they want death they want to KILL. They call themselves Christians because they are waiting for the rebirth of the anti-Christ and for that reason they call themselves Christians. The absolute connection to the State of Israel and forming a Christian State in that country has also been one of the foundations of the T-rump campaign. The backing he has had for this within the Christian groups is only a testament to this Christian Identity/white supremacist organization and it's claim to being the true and only descendants of the House of King David, inheritors to the Throne of the long-awaited Temple at Jerusalem and this Holy Land that white supremacists claim is their inherent birth right. The use of murder to accomplish this claim as being legitimate has a long and bloody past, long before the timeline set in the ADL article pasted and copied below.


"Just be best" beast. The mark of the feast of blood and hate drowning in love of Christ reborn (the anti-Christ). 

No masks, no injections, no fear. They believe they are strong in Jesus. Filled with judgment and accusations about Evil and Satan. Willing to kill to get their way. Denying wearing masks and getting injections against Covid 19. May their real God Lucifer smite them and send them back to the gates of Hell from whence they originate.



I have copied and pasted the entire article here (below):


Christian Identity

Christian Identity is a religious ideology popular in extreme right-wing circles. Adherents believe that whites of European descent can be traced back to the "Lost Tribes of Israel." Many consider Jews to be the Satanic offspring of Eve and the Serpent, while non-whites are "mud peoples" created before Adam and Eve. Its virulent racist and anti-Semitic beliefs are usually accompanied by extreme anti-government sentiments. Despite its small size, Christian Identity influences virtually all white supremacist and extreme anti-government movements. It has also informed criminal behavior ranging from hate crimes to acts of terrorism.

Quick Profile

  • Origins: Mid-20th Century (origins date to mid-19th Century)
  • Background: A racist and anti-Semitic religious sect whose adherents believe that white people of European descent are the descendants of the "Lost Tribes" of ancient Israel.
  • Influential Personalities: Howard Rand, William Cameron, Wesley Swift, Bertrand Comparet, Richard Butler, William Potter Gale, James K. Warner, Sheldon Emry, Dave Barley, Pete Peters
  • Ideology: Anti-Semitic, racist, anti-government, conspiratorial
  • Outreach: Churches, pamphlets, tracts, books, shortwave radio, Web sites Estimated Size: 25,000 to 50,000
  • Criminal activity: Overall level of criminal activity is high, ranging from hate crimes to acts of terrorism

The "Lost Tribes" Found

One of the most remarkable developments in the extreme right in the United States in the past few decades has been the rise of an obscure religious ideology known as Christian Identity. Penetrating existing racist and anti-Semitic groups and movements, it has inflamed their bigotry with religious fervor and also sparked the creation of many new groups. Adherents have committed hate crimes, bombings and other acts of terrorism. Identity's current influence ranges from Ku Klux Klan and neo-Nazi groups to the anti-government militia and sovereign citizen movements-yet most Americans are unaware that it even exists.

Christian Identity's origins can be traced back to the nineteenth century in Great Britain, where a small circle of religious thinkers advanced the idea, known as British-Israelism or Anglo-Israelism, that modern Europeans were biologically descended from the ancient Israelites of the Old Testament-specifically, from the "Lost Tribes" scattered by invasions of Hittites, Assyrians and Babylonians. The Lost Tribes had purportedly made their way to Europe, and from them descended the modern European nationalities.

These peculiar views-arrived at through creative interpretation of scripture, language, and history-never became widely popular. According to Michael Barkun, the leading historian of Christian Identity, the British-Israel movement in Great Britain peaked in the 1920s with approximately five thousand adherents. Although eccentric, British-Israelites seem to have had no ambitious political agenda or animus, and were probably no more racist or anti-Semitic than the mainstream of Western culture at that time.

By the late 19th century, British-Israelite doctrines began to migrate to the United States; they had a particular appeal to some of the many Americans who believed that the country had a special destiny in God's eyes. British-Israelites began to lecture and publish across the nation, especially in New England, the Midwest and along the West Coast. The foremost American believer was New Englander Howard Rand (1889-1991), whose Anglo-Saxon Federation distributed thousands of pieces of literature. Nevertheless, British-Israelism remained small and obscure.

An Ugly Turn

Once on American shores, British-Israelism began to evolve. Originally, believers viewed contemporary Jews as descendants of those ancient Israelites who had never been "lost." They might be seen critically but, given their significant role in the British-Israel genealogical scheme, not usually with animosity. By the 1930s, however, in the U.S., a strain of anti-Semitism started to permeate the movement (though some maintained traditional beliefs - and a small number of traditionalists still exist in the U.S.).

Taking hold in this country at a time when anti-Semitism was as well, British Israelism increasingly advanced the idea - common in anti-Semitic circles in the early twentieth century - that most Jews were not really descendants of ancient Israelites, but were instead descended from an Asiatic people known as the Khazars, who settled near the Black Sea during the Middle Ages. European (Ashkenazic) Jews were thus "false" Israelites who further obscured the fact that it was really white Europeans who were the "true" Israelites. One of the most influential British-Israel advocates of this and other anti-Jewish ideas was William J. Cameron, editor of the Dearborn Independent, the weekly newspaper published by automobile magnate Henry Ford in the 1920s, and Ford's press adviser until the 1940s. Under Cameron's leadership, the Independent popularized the infamous anti-Semitic hoax, "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion."

The anti-Semitic strain of British-Israelism was particularly strong on the West Coast of Canada and the United States. The key figure in the transformation of British-Israelism into what was increasingly called "Christian Identity" was Wesley Swift (1913-1970), a former Methodist minister from Southern California. In the 1940s, Swift started his own church, later known as the Church of Jesus Christ Christian. He was active in extreme right-wing groups, including the Ku Klux Klan, and developed a close friendship with the nation's most prominent postwar anti-Semite, Gerald L. K. Smith. Because of the activities of Swift and associates such as Bertrand Comparet and San Jacinto Capt, Christian Identity increasingly became linked with extreme right-wing ideologies.

A Theology of Hate

Under the leadership of Swift and his disciples, Christian Identity theology diverged sharply from traditional British-Israelism. It remained loosely organized, however, without one "orthodox" set of dogma; instead, Identity came to involve a variety of ideas and theories orbiting around several core precepts.

The core of the system, as with British-Israelism, was that white Europeans were descended from the Israelite people of the Bible: this was their true "identity." Volumes of Identity writing is devoted to revealing this hidden history. As anti-Semitism came to be folded into these accounts, the result was a fanciful but ostensibly Biblical rationale for hatred of Jews.

The most extreme expression of Identity anti-Semitism is the so-called "two-seed" (or "seedliner") theory, developed by Swift, his associates and his disciples in the 1960s. According to the two-seed theory, the seduction of Eve by the Serpent in Eden was sexual, Cain was the product of their liaison and Cain, in turn, was the father of the Jewish people; all Jews, therefore, are children of the devil, literally demonic. The other seedline in the two-seed scheme traces from Adam and Eve's other son, Abel, through the lost tribes to today's white European-derived believers.

"One-seed" Identity adherents do not believe that Jews are physically descended from Satan, though in other respects they are no less anti-Semitic than the two-seedliners.

Many adherents, especially seedliners, also believe in pre-Adamic races. That is, they contend that Adam and Eve were not the first people created by God, but were the first created in God's image. Other previous creations, not endowed with the divine likeness, were the forerunners of all the nonwhite peoples of the Earth, the "mud peoples," who had no soul. Adam and Eve, and their Israelite descendants, were the first whites, a fact "proven" by the suggestion that the very name "Adam" means "to show blood," or blush, which they claim is only possible for whites.

Another significant aspect of Christian Identity theology is its millennialism-the belief that the world is in its final days. Millennialism is widespread among Protestants around the world, but Identity diverges sharply from traditional forms of Protestantism. Like many evangelicals, Christian Identity adherents believe that Jesus Christ will return to the Earth following a period of "tribulation." However, Identity adherents reject the popular evangelical contention that devoted followers of Jesus will be "saved" or "raptured" before the Tribulation begins (a concept known as premillennialism). Identity is postmillennial: it holds that Jesus will not return until after the Tribulation. Many believe they are in or are about to enter into the time of Tribulation, a great battle between good and evil in which they will take part. While some Protestants are also postmillennial, Identity Christians view the apocalypse as a racial battle, which helps to create a hothouse atmosphere wherever Identity thrives.

Because they believe in the imminent collapse of worldly institutions, Identity adherents tend to devalue and distrust secular institutions in ways that make extreme anti-government ideologies (such as those of militia groups or sovereign citizens) appealing. They hold themselves to "God's laws," not "man's laws," and many do not feel bound to a government that they consider run by Jews, the New World Order or some other sinister entity. This anti-secularism has led to reclusiveness among Identity Christians, with some living by themselves or with like-minded people in isolated locations (such as the "Elohim City" compound in eastern Oklahoma).

A Movement Develops

By the 1960s, a new group of Christian Identity leaders had emerged. In the ensuing decades, they would spread Identity throughout the far right. Most prominent among them were California disciples of Wesley Swift: James K. Warner, William Potter Gale and Richard Butler. Warner (1939-), who moved to Louisiana and became active in the segregationist struggle against civil rights, was the head of the Christian Defense League and the New Christian Crusade Church. Gale (1917-1988) was an early leader in the Christian Defense League as well as its paramilitary arm, the California Rangers. In the 1970s he founded the Posse Comitatus (the group that helped spawn the sovereign citizen movement), while in the 1980s he created the Committee of the States and served as the "chief of staff" of its "unorganized militia." Most famous of all, Butler (1918-) moved Swift's Church of Jesus Christ Christian to northern Idaho in 1974, where he recast it as the neo-Nazi group Aryan Nations.

Christian Identity penetrated most of the major extreme-right movements. Thanks to Aryan Nations, some neo-Nazis became believers. Klan leaders such as Thomas Robb and Louis Beam adopted the faith, as did some racist skinheads, such as the Hammerskins. Christian Identity also found a welcome home in extreme anti-government activism, notably the tax protest movement, the sovereign citizen movement (descended from Gale's Posse Comitatus) and the militia movement. The resurgence of right-wing extremism in the 1990s following the Ruby Ridge and Waco standoffs further spread Identity beliefs.

The influence of Identity often extends beyond Identity circles. The Militia of Montana, which helped create the militia movement, is headed by Identity adherents, though they do not promote the theology. Similarly, one of the most popular anti-government magazines, Media Bypass, was recently purchased by the Identity journalists Chris Temple and Paul Hall, Jr., who have so far only rarely injected Identity messages into the magazine's anti-government, conspiratorial contents.

At the start of the 21st century, Christian Identity is strongest in the Pacific Northwest and the Midwest, but Christian Identity groups or churches can be found in virtually every region of the United States (outside the United States, it is much weaker, but there are Identity groups in Canada, Ireland, Great Britain, Australia and South Africa). Yet while spread far it is also spread thin. Estimates of the total number of believers in North America vary from a low of 25,000 to a high of 50,000; the true number is probably closer to the low end of the scale. Given this relatively small following, its extensive penetration of the far right is all the more remarkable.

Violence and Hate

Christian Identity's racist and apocalyptic qualities helped lead to several well-known incidents of domestic terrorism during the past quarter century. In North Dakota in 1983, Gordon Kahl demonstrated how radical Identity adherents could be when he killed two U.S. Marshals who had come to arrest him for a parole violation (a mourner at one funeral was Assistant Attorney General Rudolph W. Giuliani, later to become all too familiar with such funerals). A four-month manhunt ended in another shootout in Arkansas, where Kahl killed a local sheriff before he himself was killed.

That same year, the white supremacist terrorist group known as The Order began its series of armed robberies (to which it would add additional crimes ranging from counterfeiting to assassination). Several members of the gang were Christian Identity, including David Tate, who in 1985 killed a Missouri State Highway Patrol officer attempting to reach an Identity survivalist compound called the Covenant, the Sword, and the Arm of the Lord (CSA). An ensuing standoff resulted in the demise of the CSA and the arrest of its leadership. During the 1980s, several Identity groups attempted to follow in the footsteps of The Order, including The Order II and the Arizona Patriots, who committed bombings and an attempted armored car robbery, respectively.

In the 1990s, Identity criminal activity continued apace, including efforts by an Oklahoma Identity minister, Willie Ray Lampley, to commit a series of bombings in the summer of 1995 in the wake of the Oklahoma City bombing by Timothy McVeigh. The following year, the Montana Freemen, whose leaders were Identity, made headlines for their "paper terrorism" tactics and their 81-day standoff with the federal government. In 1998, Eric Rudolph, who had been associated with Identity ministers such as Nord Davis and Dan Gayman, became a fugitive after allegedly bombing gay bars, the Atlanta Summer Olympics, and an abortion clinic. The following year, Buford Furrow, a former Aryan Nations security guard, went on a shooting spree at a Jewish Community Center in Los Angeles, wounding four children and an adult, and later killing a Filipino-American postal worker.

Perhaps the most chilling manifestation of Identity terrorism can be found in the concept of the Phineas Priesthood, set forth by Richard Kelly Hoskins in his 1990 book Vigilantes of Christendom. The Priesthood is based on the concept of the obscure Biblical character Phinehas, an Israelite who used a spear to slay a "race-mixing" fellow Israelite and the Midianite woman with whom he had sex. Hoskins conjured up the idea of an elite class of "Phineas Priests," self-anointed warriors who would use extreme measures to attack race-mixers, gays, or abortionists, among other targets. Over the years, some have committed crimes using the Phineas Priest label, including a group of about eight who committed bombings and bank robberies in the Spokane, Washington, area in 1996 (four of whom were caught and sentenced to lengthy prison terms). In 2002, two Aryan Nations splinter groups openly adopted Phineas Priest names or symbols."


And thus, I present in this circuitous post (due to hacking and brain-attacks) a modern example of how conspiracies are turn into codified dogma. That dogma is reinforced through VIOLENCE. Need I include a video on Karens yelling in public about how they don't need to wear a mask at some restaurant, as they are threatening the "black and brown" service workers, the white Karens are only carted out by white officers while the "black and brown" officers venture to try to suppress her yelling waiting in the background for the white officer to actually restrain or arrest her or get her out of the environment. From the videos I have seen, racism appears to also be incorporated into the police reaction to these anti-mask Karens who do not flaunt Christian Identity but they certainly do not hide the basic premise that accompanies the movement and it's followers.


I cannot express how my brain feels like it's being slightly crushed inward while also spinning around as I sit absolutely still fighting to pound out words and retype non-stop as hackers block the keyboard function. This is extremely chaotic in organization, this post, however with my head "spinning" as I fight to type, this is the best I can do. What the hackers rewrite I will probably not read at this time as it's exhausting just fighting to get ANYTHING out even if it's rewritten and made incomprehensible afterwards--and also while I type I simply cannot function, my eyesight goes blurry--my hands can't move to keys while my brain is being attacked (motor skills blocked) and my thoughts skip and are blocked by this remote interface with what I believe are microchip implants, non-consensually injected into my body and then solidified by hardening poison latched into my body from all the terrorists poisoning my food (all my life, everywhere, all the time, day after day breaking into my home). Many of these terrorists call themselves "Christians" and this post on this subject I dedicate to them and their leadership and to the American politicians and actors who go along with this philosophy--and there are many more than any outsider to this organization could possibly imagine.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...