Sunday, February 7, 2021

Terrorists have been breaking into my home/room/surveillance/torture situation by cleverly getting around the shoddy defenses I have barely been able to construct. They realign the defenses after my front door has been breached. I have inserted items into the cracks of the door--as the door, like all the cabinets, has been shaved so it doesn't fit into the doorframe without huge cracks emitting light, and of course, it provides yet another opening for insertion of objects or whatever they are using these very large cracks to attack me for.

 Exhausted when I returned from being nearly hit by cars every 20 minutes or so while driving (for miles to get to places where I normally shop, as I must go to various stores to get the best prices instead of paying double the price in my district where the "world class" stores are. That designation is a bit misleading but whatever...


Exhausted from having to swerve into traffic rushing on all sides of me--as terrorist drivers surround me while I drive and drive within sometimes one foot behind me, honking while I am trying to navigate the swerving terrorist attackers who surround me on all sides continuously, throwing leaves out their windows as this trigger signal that I am being followed--it's all very innocuous seeming if you are driving you can't see them throwing leaves--it's just one or two large leaves but they do it. Cars begin to drive at high speeds like they are on crack within two feet behind my back wheel as I am blocked on all sides and my steering is being remotely attacked so the handlebars are swerving. If I look in the rear-view mirrors to ascertain how much my life is under threat, the second I take my eyes off the road, because I have been told that these terrorists have implanted some kind of optical brain/interface device where they also can "see" what I am looking at--thus, when I look into the rear mirror they immediately, as they are training their surveillance upon my every action, knowing of course that when a car rushes within a few feet behind me honking I am of course going to look in my rear view mirror--the second I look and my eyes are not directly ahead and I have to adjust my arms/hands on the steering, I don't move my arms but the remote tech that makes the handlebars continuously jiggle side-to-side while I am driving, and thus they force my bike to go in a small mini-series of swerves to one side nearly causing a deadly crash as the bikes around me then swerve into me from side angles. Then, while driving in high-speed traffic, cars approach from the drive ways of parking lots for things like gas stations and they LURCH head-on into me as they accelerate. This happened at least 10 times and then a very nasty near-accident occurred as well where the handlebars were swerved as cars and motorbikes swerved behind and into me on all sides and including on the front. If I had slipped I would have been hit by cars driving at 45 mph or more.


But after being told that Thai workers at things like stores that cater to English-speaking tourists that they "no understan"--(misspelling intentional as they also accentuate the fake bad English). I explain what I am looking for, they direct me to another person after I explain once, that next person "no understan" and then they tell some other agent to come and I explain. After this happens four times, while my brain is under so much attack I am unable to tell that an attack is occurring, I literally smile and continue to explain that I need a plastic scraper-which is such an easy term as most people use scrapers in endless construction Rawai for the endless onslaught of construction and renovation. I lived down the street from this shop and when I went into this shop a few months ago, it was silent, quiet and the person who I had the pleasure of doing business with when I used to live in the area, polite, helpful, saying he was glad to see me again and helped me and was very friendly and spoke perfect English. Two weeks later I returned to that store and nasty Thai women had replaced him and "no speak English good" was the recurrent theme. Glaring with black-eyed hate and maliciousness, the same teams have been at this one shop ever since then. I had of course thought to myself that I wanted to buy this, because there is a long list of items I must re-purchase that are completely destroyed and broken down, stained with black grease substances that never come out--so I must buy and buy what this insidious group has repeatedly destroyed. That is the terrorist protocol and most victims' sites refer to endless damage. I have not been able to access any kind of information here in Thailand for a decade on this situation--all the relevant information I did obtain was while I had very high-speed internet service when I lived in Stuttgart, Germany. Now I get almost no information.


However, I am again going off into subtle tangents but they are related to this theme that, wasting my time writing it appears as only enemies are hacking in and reading this, blocking my content from the real WWW/internet and then stealing all they can as their idea and concept. 


The defenses I have made were altered and I was too exhausted from hours of dodging death by cars nearly driving into me nearly continuously. Also swerving next to and into me as I drove--that was countless times. These types of energy-wasting events are absolutely enervating and draining of energy. Of course, that is the point of the attacks. 

The defenses I made I was too exhausted after returning from hours of my brain being bombarded by this technology that creates a chasm of forgetfulness for critically important details--plus the physical condition these terrorists have forced upon me made the endless hours of unpacking and putting things into storage so the mechanical arms can't spray more stinking filth on my clothing and furniture, blankets and pillows but I spent at least two hours just putting away things after I go out to shop. I also spend 2 hours getting things ready, endlessly spraying bleach and cleaning and softening sprays on clothing because the terrorists make the clothing so stinking even after I clean them that I am continuously cleaning what had been clean the night before. I can't leave anything out because when I try to put them on, the clothing, there are rips, tears, sprays, stinking, sometimes shrunken. I have to figure out what to wear in the morning, then spray everything anyway but at least it's functional clothing and not ripped and nearly falling apart and stinking to the point that no bleach or spray can get the stink out. 


So I was too tired, even yesterday, and today, with all my body endlessly fighting to detox as cells, muscles and skin tissue is continuously being ripped out while this hardening cement-type poison ever-so-slowly comes out from endless exertion and guessing how to get it out on my part--as health care is also denied me due to financial blocks from this group of hyena pig ape fascist Nazis attacking me.


The terrorists have broken into my room and with the mechanical arms just reinserted the objects that have been altered so they easily slip out--I put layers of packaging tape around these items so it is too hard to pull them out unless you brace one hand against the door and very carefully insert them--there is no slippage. When I return from being nearly killed and assaulted while shopping nearly every second--as my brain is rendered a kind of cognitive jelly and I can't "understand" that I am under attack as if this part of self-defense is being blocked--it is all very dangerous. 

The items that I have stuck into the door cracks are so easily pulled out that they just fall out if I take one off that overlaps the next--they are overlapping to increase the thickness so it's very hard to pull them out by a mechanical arm--or even impossible. Thus, I have to spend so much money to pay for packaging tape which I must use to tape my hands, feet and other areas to try to block the damage to my body these mechanical arms are inflicting. I believe I was physically assaulted last night and have been since returning two days ago. I had told myself to make sure the defenses I have haphazardly constructed were not flimsy and the tape that creates this thickness has not once more been taken off. But I have had to spend so much of my time cleaning pillows, blankets and other items that I use all the time because I am simply partially paralyzed from this hard poison, and so I spend most of my time in pain and exhaustion and healing sitting in this chair--which I must put pillows and blankets on as it's just a partially broken wicker chair--the pillows and blankets and pillow cases smelled so rancid that I have had to clean them all after returning because the stench was unbearable. The washing machine has been remotely altered so the spin cycle does not operate but the other functions do. I have to lift out very heavy blankets and items dripping wet so they are extremely heavy. As I have very few back muscles and it's like an interior corsette pulling my vertebrae and muscular structure and tissue in every kind of angle--if I bend and lift, after all the blocks and all the exhaustion and all the blocks to my self-defensive mental notes that are blocked--literally I think of them and the thoughts are immediately "erased".

So I think I was physically assaulted and have been but this group is so stealth that every kind of defense or observation I have is tailored to appear as if there has not been an attack, and then my memory and brain are also affected so I "can't remember" that I had warned myself not to "forget" to do these very important self-defensive checks. However, because they destroy my property if I do not put them under items so they are not ransacked and made stinking and broken down--things such as my passport--they spray such stinking substances that NOTHING gets the stench off except very timely work of letting something absorb the stink--and it's not easy to find these objects and I must drive for miles to get the one item that will take the smell off. I also noticed that MONEY WAS STOLEN from my purse and there is nothing I can do. 

I have since retaped the door because I think I was sexually assaulted last night and the night before, in addition to more cuts into my feet which are now completely slashed up and almost in slivers with skin deformed from months now of these nightly attacks just on my toes--one of the attacks has been ongoing for years--cutting the tissue to the bone between the webbing of the large toe that this group broke so it's pointing nearly at a 45-degree angle into the other toes, which are now pointing at wrong angles as well. Many of the toes have been broken, and also they smear a hardening chemical into the toenails which are extremely hard and never grow. So being deformed nightly and fighting against this with almost no resources and zero defense and asking the "Greatest Country" this "Democracy" the "leader of the free world" to stop their presidents the black and white oreo criminal fascist Nazi operation that has sponsored and participated in these attacks for nearly l2 years now--before the celebrities it was two Europigape fascist Nazis who have completely infiltrated the US and are still living large in Miami and in NYC and H-wood--they have made movies and are mafia and nazi backed and yet--it all continues to this day. Week number three of the new administration is beginning and the next celebrity who I have only been screaming in hate at (nearly screaming) that he is unbearable and undesired but t his contract and his conviction that out of Austria this Nazi bigot has every entitlement to exploiting every single thing out of America the Nazi network allows this violent, morbid and sleazy nasty filthy thing to inflict upon me and anyone else they want to destroy, reprogram, induct into their minority minion obsequious league of injustice operating as agents using the old formula of being victims while living in mansions and being promoted. I have told this unwanted thing, whose eyes are on the goal of obtaining every kind of free new promotion along with his girlfriend, lover, wife and gaggle of buddies as, all I have ever seen and experienced of them, they sit drooling to attack me because all they get is endless multi-million dollar deals out of this terror teleportation and torture protocol that is designed to "reprogram" through terror, through human trafficking of a most insidious technological form of terrorism and torture, rape and murder and mostly of racism--but I guess that really won't matter in the future because anyone they can grab to teleport and have an "untouchable" with no evidence form of rape and human trafficking but returning the victim  while in their drugged up, sleeping state back into their own beds and no evidence could ever be possible. The police of course are the first gatekeepers of this tragedy and thus they will always hiss at the victim when they try to get legal help that the claimant is delusional and schizophrenic. They will deny that a basic lock system installed is impossible for anyone to break into, for example. 

And so, the operation continues into the 3rd week of the next administration. The same people are waiting for me to be "broken" and this thug criminal "actor" is a huge violent and sleazy and very nasty operator and infiltrator; so highly beloved for his stupid jokes and Nazi posturing but his claims of having been a victim of Nazism as a child (that same old formula and always the reversion to mentioning mommy and daddy that so many of these fascists make because they ultimately are playing "Big Brother" watching you and controlling all they can). He won't go anytime soon because the deals are too enticing. He gets to order near death car crashes and put death into my teleportation skits every night, as he's been doing for the last month now. 


I have just re-taped the items I stick into the door frame, overlapping, with more tape so they are essentially too hard to pull out and then reinsert unless you use a hand and carefully insert using fingers and hands--I believe--and so, being so exhausted upon returning after nearly being killed repeatedly and then my brain under a smog of mind control technology so my only aim is to get all these things cleaned and put away so  they are not destroyed--I "forgot" to do this for another two days. This morning there were signs of having been raped--I hate to write this so openly but just in case there is anyone out there who may not be an inhuman subhuman hormone growth hyena pig ape reading this and smug and laughing internally at least about this--maybe someone will care enough to stop this situation so I am not eternally under non-stop violent attack and assault by pig and ape after whore after piece of shit from whorewood or any other ape or scumbag who wants a free deal, free rent, a new car a new business a lead role--and etc etc--the list of participants never dwindles it is like hyperinflation--and actually, hyperinflation is one of the policies that these pigs economically endorse as well because with the leadership of their extremely anti-American fascist Nazi Europigapes and from the other fascist countries who participate in this crime, they want American absolutely destroyed as they then take control and have been destroying the country "from within" for DECADES and yet, with all the programming and the victim-turned-hero formulaic plot that they all employ, you are programmed not only to follow and obey (under subconscious threat of death if you don't by the way that is part of the programming) and then you "love" them and keep them in power as they continue to wreak as much financial, economic, leadership and every kind of psychological devaluation and attack upon America as possible. 


I believe that every time I write about this group or anyone of them go takes the next to turn to have me raped while I am sleeping, my home stinking, broken down, stained, destroyed, fungus sprayed, mold mildew stinking chemically-altered substances that never come out with any solvent--attacked in every store, attacked on every phone call--absolutely shunned and avoided by all society and all people on every place of the planet I am shunned and left to face millions of people attacking me. All seeming defenses for people in this situation are fakes and infiltrated front operations with absolutely nasty agents who terrorize, just like the police do. This "gang stalking" and electro-torture "human trafficking" situation--sex trafficking and slavery and torture and assassination system--just keeps growing as more adherents are inducted and more adversaries are assassinated. 

When I write on this blog the criminals operating to attack me at the Whorewood level only get more promotions for leading these terrorist attacks upon a civilian. That their network for which they are very intimately tied-to has almost murdered US politicians seems and appears of no concern whatsoever to the leadership of the United States which continues to foster and support these actions and I am left with silencing blocks and only terrorists who highly approve of this system are able to read my posts. They repeat my phrases in their presentations to appear as if they are "fighting" injustice and promoting "Democracy" and this just goes on and on indefinitely.

However, I continue to write because it is unlikely that every person on the planet is in favor of this system. Perhaps on e day or even now people are reading what I am writing. I hope they will one day coalesce into a powerful lobby and stop these scumbags who really are most proficient in the art of deception and subterfuge and destruction.


This current terrorist actor is a man who is hideously repugnant on every level in my opinion. He is disgusting  towards me, he is an enemy of the United States like all of the Europigape hyenas that these stupid American celebrities have brought to the table in this terror contract. It appears that these Europigapes are absolutely in control over the situation and are training the Americans in fascist Nazi protocols, i.e. Stasi terror operations. 


I keep writing about this, no one appears to take it seriously but they continue to hack in to obtain ideas to steal because they are only puppets following orders and can't think or talk outside of their programmed limited lexicon of vocabulary or acceptable ideas. By necessity they must conform and the penalty for actually being or thinking in any kind of real "alternative" mind set is extremely dangerous. However, they are most violently in favor of enforcing these policies as they want to get higher out of their more subordinate roles in the hierarchical structure. 


And so I wait once more for anyone to have any real desire to have a free and fair United States but so far greed takes precedence over any real concern for any reality associated with actually working to ensure that the system that was once created long ago might actually operate and be improved upon. Instead they are operating to completely destroy it but keep it up in appearances by name only.

Thus I write about this and it's obvious that no one can do more than watch and smirk or laugh or do nothing. 

I keep writing because even if no one cares about me or they will never do anything, I am still putting this out into the void because for my personal stance, it is not energy wasted and I am not wasting time and I think that when enough of the damage has been done people will get tired of the hyena pig apes who are insidious and disgusting and one day the disguises they flaunt and posture in will be so unveiled  that people will actually discover how utterly repugnant and vile and deadly to the planet they really are.


Meanwhile I have to wait for someone or anyone to stop this terror torture contract out on me. With all the "alternative" hipster activists and feminist and blacks working to stop racism and rape culture and sexism and fighting for Democracy and Freedom, you would think that at least ONE of them would step up to defend me against their rape culture colleagues (including most of the most famous #MeToo! fellow females but, not even ONE CAN STEP UP TO ACTUALLY DEFEND A SINGLE THING IF IT INVOLVES AN ACTUAL FIGHT instead of a promotion for appearances sake.


My radio station continues to be blocked from all content. No files appear as archived now for the last two or three weeks. All is being deleted and blocked. Every search results in the page spinning into a black page with all activity stopped. Every time I click on some other station, songs that have whining dogs howling and creepy ritual music from some tin pot human sacrifice tribe in some creepy country---really awful noises and the same songs and noises are repeated on every alternative station I play. Every single thing is blocked from my search, information, art or whatever I want to investigate. All that I do write from things I have studied in the past are being stolen by this group of stupid and dirty,, filthy and disgusting hormone-growth hyena pig apes with their Europigape leaders instructing them as they laugh and party over the huge mafia nazi cartel that you have all cheered them on into and promoted and love them and  you love them so much for their hate and bs pumped into the masses through all their victim-turned-hero repetitious plot formulas that are cranked out year after year.

All furthering the fascist Nazi Totalitarian oppressor regime that nearly toppled the government last month. And yet, you keep allowing them to go on. Of course, most of you very badly want this system in place. As I wrote, I know this, but this is my forum and I know that some people who are against this system may have access to this and even if no one is or cares, I am still putting it out.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...