Saturday, February 6, 2021

A languid, luxurious terrorist report. The sun is shining, the grass is dying because the terrorists exploded/demolished the hillside so all the top soil was blown down the hill. Nothing grows except during rainy season because what had been a thin top layer of soil is now gone, and that soil probably took decades to support perennial flowering vines and other foliage. The sun has begun to pour down and the weeds that have grown are dying as is the grass because it has no support to sustain any growth and just dies. Regardless, the sun is indeed shining after many months of rain because the Thai government cloud-seeded due to environmental damage that the person who has terrorized me has decided is a "hoax". It's all interconnected, don't ya know? More cuts into my feet by mechanical arms using lasers I believe it is. Etc.

The hillside that was covered with white flowering vines and birds with nests, flying around all day and chirping is now a dead zone. Whenever any flowering vines have risen up in defiance of these life-f** haters, the haters simply have chemicals poured down the hillside and all is dead within a few days of beginning to blossom, and it all turns into brown dead debris within a week of having been green and growing and blossoming. Imagine how many animals, insects and forms of life have lived in that area and thrived, as this kind of refuge in the middle of Phuket Town--only because some psychopath group of rapist bigot Nazi haters needs to torture me because I am saying NO and fighting for my life after repeated murder attempts that they are still gloating about, after having stolen all they from me (conceptual ideas, literally stealing my words verbatim, and poisoning me to death afterwards using their minion terrorist network, aka "gang stalking"). By now, I fight to destroy them and to save my life. They continue with more and more celebrities and politicians to attack me so I just "accept" being raped and poisoned, drugged, murdered without complaint after they are "finished" raping, abusing, destroying and stealing what I have worked for as they use it for their own sales con job pitch to sell fake altruism and fake alternative activism and fake everything. I can't imagine any of them actually having a real relationship with any other human being but they appear to be married and in "love" so I guess by dumping their hate onto others they can "love" each other. i really don't know, but I don't consider that to be a form of love it's just consolidation of egoism embracing one another in their mutual criminal support base. I don't know, I don't even know these "people" after years of being teleported to them because they are instructed to never actually talk to me. Instead, they are instructed to harrass, abuse, insult and steal ideas after raping, abusing, beating torturing and inflicting as much damage without murdering or completely disfiguring me as possible. Their next goal is to force a baby out of me while all I have done with each and every single one of them from the beginning to this very moment to what I so sincerely hope is the LAST of them--telling them that I never liked them, as I never have with any of them except for one who I had formed a fantasy around but ONLY after initially despising him and his concept, but then drugged I could "love" just about anything that I was put in front of--the mind control and drugging is so bad and awful you would think some disgusting creep was beautiful under these drugging and electronic brain-altering technologies.

Thus they have made not only every home here in Thailand a dead zone which had been gorgeous flowers, birds and trees. They  make the planet a dying destitution of the living dead. Environmentally and otherwise. I think about this as I write (fight to write as hacking and brain-altering tech is as usual swamping my laptop and brain so I can't think and I go into digressions, which means that some wortheless ape pig will be scouring this for content to literally steal verbatim and then get off by attacking or disfiguring or abusing or raping me afterwards if possible--I no longer react sexually they also stole that sense of love and desire until I can only feel a murder wish upon them and would kill them if I only could have a weapon I certainly would do it (without getting caught by law enforcement or any other negative repercussions and aye there's the rub). They want a baby out of me now. That is a life and then they want my death after they have literally sucked all live and living energy out of me--that, I believe, is their goal. I just want them dead and gone and off this planet and out of my life which should be beautiful and joyous as it was before they intruded with their life-f** screw system. Now I have gone into a complete tangent where I had not intended to go. My brain is 100% under extremely negative effect while I sit in front of this--or any--computer fighting against hackers to get my thoughts out. How I wish people reading my posts would stop defending these life-f** bigot murdering ignoramus sleaze creeps instead of allowing them to continue to destroy life, people who are not a threat to them except for their claims of superiority, which they must back up by eliminating competition through these covert means. Unfortunately, the US Government has been sponsoring these groups for so many decades the problem has even, by now, far exceeded the government's capabilities of thwarting any real coup because the weapons and activities are now so fully ingrained into society that even the government feels a distinct threat to it's own existence.

But back to NATURE: it's a beautiful day, I am glad the air is fresh because the endless millions of mostly Europigape whore scumbags are not flying into Phuket to get sucked, f**ed and serviced by their endless swarms of slaves they condescendingly "love" as they get their investment deals out of exploiting them. The pigs are in Europigapeland for the most part and the air is not contaminated with the stench of their endless pollution as they are "vacationing" with the money they obtained from massacres and genocidal banking policies handed to them by the IMF and World Bank (or mafia and Nazi organizations).


I wrote yesterday about my handlebars being remotely swerved while I was driving. I had "forgotten" while fighting to type endlessly about another case where my bike almost wiped out but I had to stand and catch the bike from falling. I was turning a corner, and as usual, at the precise moment I was turning, another car was turning right into me from the other side of this tight angle curve. That is the stalker protocol and methodology. Every corner is a terrorist waiting to turn into me while I drive and usually they are swerving into my lane. As I turned my bike suddenly fell over because the handlebars were remotely swerved another 180-degrees as this car, with black tinted windows, stood still as the occupants were observing, or using the remote tech to spin the handlebars while I was turning this corner. My body is extremely weak from poisoning and I had to heave the motorbike up with my body strength because it really had just wiped out but I caught it as it was on the way down and then had to lift it up. 


Now my bicep is extremely sore from using all my arm strength to get this out--the stiffness of the keyboard is being also remotely forced upon this and I can't fight this any longer my arm literally is in pain from this small exertion of pounding down at this angle to get anything out. So I can't continue. I have already gone so far into theorizing (so idiots can steal ideas and claim them as their own--this is the endless protocol system and I write about their crimes, they continue to steal ideas, I continue to WAIT for any organization or political body or any of these endless lines of politicians and actors who are "fighting" every injustice for "Democracy" but participate or do nothing when they see this happening to me; what is happening to me is the precursor to a completely anti-Democratic system that is the most basic description for all the words that could be used to describe this endless repetition of absolutely unDemocratic violence aimed at me by your leaders, your dear leaders and performers who you elect to be your dear leaders.


AS the planet is dying because they are life-f** scumbags who have no soul, no humanity they are dissected from nature and from life. Even if they eat organic, yes even if they plant flowers--



I still feel good, this is actually more like the Thai Spring season that anything like hot weather. The Chinese New Year has just ended and it fits into the weather patterns for SE Asia. The air is not contaminated and smells fresh and purified. 

Yes, I have deduced that the mechanical arms which are expertly used by terrorists to not only break into my room through various panels in the walls that I have taped and pasted with epoxy glue and hooks into the panels--but the tiny mechanical arms get through all due to, I believe only through surmising, that solvents are used to unseal the glue, then re-glued by very strange substances that are hard, not like the gooey and malleable epoxy from the dollar store that I buy in huge amounts of tiny tubes--for years going on and on fighting to protect my body and life from attack. As for the panels in the walls in the interior where I have pounded hooks into all corners and middle sections of the panels. The surface of the panels feels like a very thin "skin" type of covering. If I press on the panels they indent very slightly. The surface feels very thin and the panel has a very slightly malleable backing. If I tap or knock there is a hollow sound. There is NO WALL separating these panels from my room to the next. I believe that these tiny lasers that are being used to cut into my body--my feet and under my cuticle of my hands in precise spots--are cutting through the very thin layer of semi-hard material that is supposed to be the "wall"--then the mechanical arms are inserted, perhaps, where the lasers cut around the hooked areas. There is another theory which I wrote below. I am not a carpenter and I have never used a laser system. I have only tried to analyze without bias what I observe from a few years of inspecting these cabinets and the result of gluing and pasting and how these glued areas later on have hard substances coating the formerly very gooey soft glue (it hardens, but is like rubbery if you try to take it off. The stuff they re-seal these entry points is almost blackened, hard and stiff like it's a kind of semi-plastic type of sealant that breaks and doesn't stretch like the cheap but effective epoxy I have been using on these areas). I am just trying to describe the mechanical aspects of how I fight to protect myself. Until I can literally hammer wood panels into the walls, and I am no expert in these types of "home improvement" so it would look very bad and the landlord can so easily just kick me out without any warning and I have zero protection from this. I can't do what is required to really protect my body without risking becoming homeless, where the problems would amplify at an exponential rate of attack at almost 100 times what I am currently experiencing.

I need people, as I have been writing for years, to intervene and protect me from this murder and assassination contract. I also can't imagine having a "baby" with one of these criminals and I only expect them to try to murder me after they suck out all they can get out of me and they are bored or whatever. That is what I have observed from people being "handled" in the past and I don't expect this to change in my contract, or in anyone else's contract.


This is a little aside and I am inserting it here not as a blaring title but as a tiny little sentence inserted into this post about home mechanics and terrorist break-ins: Elizabeth Warren has also inserted endless photos and videos of herself--years ago when T-rump was first put in office. Alongside Putin and the former leader of the KKK (out of Louisiana --I can't "remember" his name and he's loathsome and I don't want to look it up--spiked pee made a movie based on a 70's prank on this KKK leader---in the end advocating violence as the solution to this problem because law enforcement also participates in racism and murders that are covered up by "protocol" --while he's participating in the same crime but profiting off making movies about it and then advocating violence which could lead to certain death by those who follow this "advice" in his movies. But Elizabeth Warren--following in the same footsteps as fascists and dictators and KKK and all the posturing fakes in the media and in H-wood--I am trying to make this short. The "Squad" has her as it's white supremacist "handler". That makes the Minnesotan rep out of a Muslim country also complicit in this hate crime organization. She wears the thigh-high leather boot gear that the Repugs wear along with the fascist Evangelical Whores of Babylon Florida. It's really sadistic fascist marching boots but sexualized. They wear the same symbolic representation of dominitrix Nazi leather boot gear. That's Omar and Paula White and the former 1st "lady" and a whole lot of people imitating the fashion. The symbolism, along with military style vests, jackets and coats with rows of brass buttons with these pseudo-fascist black dominitrix boots makes them all like the bearers of fascist fashion affiliation. Elizabeth Warren and her fascist fake minority minions, including that NYC bartender I wrote of yesterday and a few days ago. I just wanted to write this in quickly. If there is digital forensics then perhaps someone can "dig" up my posts, if not completely erased, during the 2016 time frame when I wrote about how Warren is participating in this internet sabotage and triggering attack system that these really deadly "right-wing" conspirator terrorists all employ for their entire arsenal of endless attacks.

That of course includes her minions who are being controlled by her. I saw Omar speak yesterday about the suffering of millions of people in America who are experiencing hunger and homelessness. Behind her was Warren and another very large black woman. They were giggling and making dopey faces while Omar was lecturing in a very coached very typical voice for these politicians about the suffering of Americans while Warren was making jokes with another one of her minions in the background, Taking the seriousness and deadly lecture as a podium of (covertly) insinuating that they "don't care and why should you?". If you don't understand that reference...look it up.


The types of injuries that are being sustained by these attacks are, I think, being performed by tiny lasers. I think these types of precise lasers are also being used to cut around the metal hooks I have pounded into all the corners and middle sections of every single cabinet with the interior panels--however, at a plastered area where I think the mechanical arms are getting through, which is a very small but elongated panel above a cabinet, the plaster is so cheap that any kind of metal drilled into it crumbles and the hook can't be inserted or remain fixed into the hole. I taped some Christmas lights and looped them around this area. I noticed yesterday that the tape which was firm and has been in one place was suddenly falling off---I had glued it on not just taped it. Probably I was in some other room and they inserted the mechanical arms and didn't glue it back properly. 

Whatever or however they are breaking through my very shoddy and cheap defenses working with all I can afford and under the prescribed limitations of this rental contract under the puppet terrorism of this "landlord" terrorist agent, all I can do is use easily removable items to try to shield myself, instead of actually changing the structure to make a permanent block or construction for defense. 

The skin around the severed areas in my toes, which are cut so thinly and precisely it has to be a tiny laser doing this act of terrorism. My skin is peeling away as if it has been burned and not as if it has been cut. The precision of the cuts and the form of the wound does not coincide with a knife or sharp object. 

It is hard to walk.

My room has been made filthy and disgusting again. 

My clothing I bought and have never used, which I really like, has been shrunk so it is the size of an 8 year old tiny female. 

My patio is strewn with mud, filth and fungus. I am limping from these lasers cutting into the flesh of my feet and toes and into the webbing between the toes, like my feet are completely slashed up and they are and have been doing this nightly for almost 4 months now. AS there is not much skin and flesh in these areas it is very dangerous for me and I have been fighting this for over 2 years. 

I need people to get involved and stop them and put me into a beautiful home in my name, financially secured and protected from these life-f-ers who are killing the planet. I see the destruction to the environment that they create for their "vacation" and I see the destruction on a micro-level outside my window and I see that they are worthless but they have been trained to POSTURE in these glorious postures with pig-sniffing-the-empty-air postures that belie their claims of being magnificent. They are essentially void and null on every level except for bs.


The hacker terrorist network continues to block all archived WNYU shows. All show a "no file" and the usual "play" button is gone. I wrote an email to the "director" and received a response from someone else claiming that their system is "down". IN all the years I have observed this station, there have never been "no files" on their archived programs. They are highly professional out of NYC from NY University, a very expensive and highly regarding educational institution. They are not lacking engineering expertise or funding. This is a hack. This has been going on since the beginning of this month. The page keeps blacking out when I try to access earlier years. Like my cat, and my feet, and my hair, and the ideas I have written because I have always worked to have a career and a professional life--this is another thing that this group has blocked or stolen from me with full permission of society and the US and every government around the planet. 

How long will it take for people to not allow this kind of terrorism to continue on any level every again?

When the damage to the environment has been so deadly that people will have to investigate all the sources of corruption and then discover that by allowing people to create a death system, this has turned into greed that is destroying the planet by their endless theft of all that they can rape out of nature and out of people's natures because they are devoid of love, life and the life force that sustains respect for life and other human beings and animals and plants without having to manicure it and pour cement over it to have a GDP profit-quarter higher than the last quarter as they keep killing ecosystems and vulnerable populations (replacing them by robots).


I need to add here that because it is nearly impossible for me to type without physical exertion until my arm is too sore from pounding until it hurts to type out anything (due to hacking): When Elizabeth Warren (I believe, again an unsubstantiated claim on my part, but the personalized photos are absolutely indicative of a hate stance that is never shown for her otherwise warm-hearted homey personable Democratic posturing). A glowing hateful smile staring into the camera in a setting of some backyard environment. The smug and hateful smile she had on, and other such photos, I can only describe as being "evil" in nature and gloating over this situation. I can also state that this could have been falsely surmised by me but the photos went on into my Facebook feed without having once ever investigated this woman in any semblance for years I have never looked up a single iota of information on her. Now at least one member of her posse has been, from my personal situation of being confined, under threat, and hacked and blocked--censured and obstructed while thinking and writing--but under attack by at least one member of her "squad" with her right in the center of a circle of "brown and black" women who all kind of sound exactly the same when they lecture on the oppression that they are fighting--of course with the warm beckoning of what appears to me to be a very racist "liberal" who I think has been enjoying watching this situation of torture unfold around me. I can only try to describe how the photos appeared. I could wax more poetic but it's so hard to think and write as it is. Also, every time I write anything creative it is stolen and then put in my every search engine result as part of this heinous contract upon me, the terms of the contract I believe are to "stick the theft" in my face and they all do this. When I react they increase the levels of these "trigger" visuals and I also deduce that they get promotions for forcing a negative or angry reaction out of me.

I am writing this as a kind of warning and a hope for a real better future for America without fakes and fascists being put into all the "liberal" positions. 

As for Biden, I am relieved at some of the legislation he has put into Executive order and I am so far unscathed by any attack from his quarter. I am of course wary and don't have the patience to see if another person is going to inevitably fall into the same protocols as every other monkey sees and does when they have a chance to attack someone else for profit and promotion.


another add-on I "forgot" to write in the middle of struggling to type and think clearly (right now I am correcting almost every word due to hacker intrusion):

I did look up information on Elizabeth Warren after I decided and determined that she was using the internet triggering visual attack system that all the terrorist performers and politicos use to garner the benefits of this contract of hate upon me (and anyone else who is targeted and exploited with the use of the technology and these terror networks). I looked up her information which I have since forgotten, but only to try to ascertain who this woman was/is and what her background or group identity is. Two years later, under the auspices of T-rump (as my assertion goes, my exploration into the avenues of how this multi-pronged (left and right) attack system which has been integrated into all political parties but seemingly and externally in opposition: She comes I believe from the NE region or something like that. Seems like apple pie in half-life stage of decomposition. I am now getting silly. Operating for a take-over, she brought in the "Squad" after T-rump also made a speech , back in his early 2015-16 election parade speeches, about how he wanted Muslim immigrants from places like where Omar comes from--deported or something like that. And voila! A Muslim woman fitting that description has been taken under the "handler" wings of Warren to be used as part of a backdrop for her "alternative" political "leadership" which, with these minority minions at her disposal, can achieve a greater level of power and infiltration due to her seeming support of the disenfranchised "black and brown" (not "American" but only using these types according to this separation of identities as being colors and not people or Americans much less) and....if Nancy Pelosi makes the error of assuming that the "enemy from within" is limited to a few Trump parrots also using three names to denote their identities--ending in something rhyming with Spleen--she is wrong, I humbly submit that members of her own party may also be her deadly enemies (which she probably knows far more than I do, but then again, maybe not). The duplicity these terrorists are capable extend into marrying their target and easily assassinating them while they are at their weakest and then sobbing in hysteria at the funeral after grabbing all the money from the inheritance and Will they can. Plus all the rewards from this terrorist operation for simply being agents performing a murder but behaving like a beloved spouse of friend or colleague. I know this all to well and know how it is operated by now. But since I am so discredited all I can do is put this out there into the ether of the void of the black hole of the internet to try to convince people to stop being more concerned with promotions and a lot more concerned about the health of the nation and the planet and it's people.


I am now lost in a digression and I have spent so much time back-spacing to correct so I "lost" what I was writing about and got into a digression that just came to mind--


Oh yes, I walked away from the laptop, began doing something else and I "remembered" what I had tried to express but got lost in struggling to type and think:

Elizabeth Warren was running for President, was she not? Or for some high political office, wasn't she? Wouldn't being speaker of the House be a wonderful boon to her career if Pelosi had been killed or harmed or paralyzed or shot or raped or beaten into unconsciousness or a coma during the riots on Jan. 6, 2021? A very hard postulate as I of course am basing my thoughts on a few videos that were carefully place in connection to other people who were doing the same thing. I.e. one such video was of Ivanka T-rump posing with "the mistress of Putin". Other such videos were similar in personal nature. On Facebook Warren's face appeared endlessly during this time frame. I ignored her posts and videos for probably 6 months and finally it disappeared from view. Only to have AOC attack me so their posse could continue to be promoted by inclusion, covert of course, into this terrorist organization from the very top of the pyramid that they are scaling the heights of deception in order to be promoted into more duplicitous leadership roles. 

Yes, Warren was running for president I think. Or she had been considering that play for power. If people are saying that the Repuglican party is in a vacuum at this time, no one has any idea of what a sink hole the Demo-repuglicrat leadership is in behind all the great showers of public parades about the brand new leadership that is a relief from the tyranny of the old (that was a relief to many from the old in turn, and on and so on and so forth).

yes, my hypothesis for today. I believe in this but of course I am just writing on my blog. 


Thusly: if the rioters on Jan. 6, 2021 had taken members of Congress hostage and/or killed or maimed them, as they were shouting that they would do if they caught them, then AOC was busy in another building preparing for her role as victim and hiding and surfing for food while (if my hypothesis is correct) knowing that the potential carnage was happening in some other area and she was safe. I don't know where Warren was during all of this turmoil. I have not looked it up. However, I expect that she had been shunted off to safety from the very beginning of the violence and break-in. Thus, if someone like Pelosi had been harmed or killed, the Squad would have swept into "rescue" hero-like the "American People" with their hipster, alternative, Progressive, "Black and brown" feminist political Machiavellian plot fully hidden and safe from all scrutiny--just like the Whorewood crowd which I have had to see be completely protected under the very invulnerable guise of displaying alternative mottos while underhandedly subverting everything they claim to stand for. The "ordo ab chaos" motif would have swept through "the swamp" as "the squad" would have performed their squalid act of treachery disguised as being progressively alternative and feminist and politically-correct for all things compassionate and "liberal" against the "tyranny" to which they probably pay their monthly dues for membership and access to this contract out on me. Having been trained in expert manipulation for public image Ltd they all are being trained in exactly the same operational principles of duplicitous image orchestration for political and power grabs and Machiavellian power ascensions. 


And of course, trying to surf the internet is like operating in a pool of molasses. Nothing opens. The computer freezes halfway between opening a page or for any function I click, it won't respond. There is a lag time now between when I type letters and when they appear on the page. Usually letters don't print while I am typing and gaps and wrong letters appear. I just copied and pasted some information (music stuff) and there was no writing program on my new laptop (Windows 10 system) that would open or function. I have to resort to opening my email account and copying and pasting information onto an email and sending it to myself in order to simply copy and paste something about a playlist for music. Nothing works whatsoever in regard to writing functions and saving and opening any Word program. It took me over 5 minutes to open up the Sticky Notes function and then I could not save anything so it was worthless for my purpose of saving information on my laptop.

Etc etc, the hacking is so bad. Information is routinely blocked from my searches. I can give a very good example: I first heard of the social site Parlor just a week before the Jan. 6 uprising. I did a search and got ZERO information on how to access the site. There was no URL and no access but the "results" page listed a few thousand results. Not a single page referral to Parlor because I wanted to read some of the Patriot stuff. That is just one small example. Being very ill and my body not in good shape, and my brain always under influence of drugs due to these nighttime break-ins and the never-ending break-ins when I leave this room to go shopping when I am strong enough--my entire room is filthy, stinking and broken down with huge stains flicked onto the walls and on everything. I try to clean but I am very constrained by these hard chemicals latched onto my spine and hips. By the way.

Waiting for Godot to come and rescue me from this evil systematic black and white supremacist organization. Gang stalking target lives matter!

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...