Thursday, February 18, 2021

Terrorist report: terrorist hackers have distorted my posts that today I spent hours rewriting my last post OVER EIGHT TIMES trying to rewrite what had been deleted. Entire segments of information and detail were CENOSRED by hacking deletions. So much was left out, and the parts of the sentences that had been deleted were left so the remainder of the sentences just had complete breaks in meaning as incongruous words appeared suddenly and the entire paragraph was absolutely incomprehensible. That is the hacking that is going on now, which has worsened. The current terrorist actor, a most disgusting personality in every way, has brought on worse censorship and asked me, in teleportation, if my ideas would be spread. The concepts I write of are so threatening to him that he's ordering much worse censorship of my writing than I have experienced in the past. He has brought this US politician into the contract (or into the teleportation aspect, as I believe she has been involved for years and has fully endorsed the Europ-a factions to have the technological capability to enhance their "Italian" mafia cartels within H-wood and into the US Congress and in D.C. Mind controlling people into obedience is a huge priority for them and all I see are criminals being put into lead roles in politics and in the media. The focus now is on the politicians because I have begun to pay great attention to politics lately.

 Will anyone ever get them off of me, ever? Will there ever be Democracy in the United States instead of a Mafia-Nazi cartel with Socialist Nazi and Communist Totalitarian fascist regimes behind them operating from hidden places but controlling these "leaders" who keep retaining power in these arenas of absolute power? 

They are despicable and sick, the crap they force upon me just in the sleeping state is absolutely indicative of their psychological inner workings of psychopathic and psychotic breakdown. These are very sick and disgusting people and yet they keep being put into positions of power in the United States but they have the mentality of sadistic psychopathic S&M torture prison guards being handed torture weapons to inflict their misery upon others using covert assassin stalking gangs and covert technologies to cause heart palpitations, heart attacks, aneurisms, cancers, slow death through non-stop torture, endless systems of blocks to all success against anyone who does not conform to their demands and this system. The absolute overthrown of Democracy has already occurred. They are just waiting for the prime time to completely storm the capital and take down any existing leader who may present opposition. 

The person who was slated for execution during the last siege upon the Capital is now attacking me, perhaps to prove her allegiance to this fascist nazi cartel and thus allay another potential murder attempt upon her life? In addition to being promoted and I want to emphasize that this sick and rotten foul person, like all of these people attacking me prove to be with their actions and words--should not be in power. There needs to be a much stronger vetting process for civilians to judge and gauge how authentic these media and political personalities are. However, the technology used upon me creates a miasma of acceptance like a drugged up state--this can be induced via this technology so even the most obvious of liars appears credible when people are under the influence of these mind control technologies. 

That is how so many mediocrities and hypocrites and liars are so entranced by having access to this technology being "experimented" upon me. 

If you people reading this don't do something to stop this system and these people, their absolute ignorance and greed alone will help to create absolute destruction upon the planet at large. Already their greedy policies for their personal gain have created such devastation that the planet is dying just from climate change. Even the obvious does not sway them from furthering their personal gain by utilizing death technologies--and the technologies being used upon me are also death technologies not just murder upon an individual physically but  in the realm of the interpersonal rather than in environmental rape and death that they also encompass in their every attack and action where they create barren landscapes (except for their manicured lawns which they just look at, which are like empty golf courses instead of anything flowing with nature and natural beauty).

They are dead souls bringing about more death onto the planet and into the interpersonal planes of existence. Yet no one will stop them and I am always under attack when I attempt to write about the truth. No one will even stop this hacking terrorism against me.


The post I wrote earlier today, as I recall now in some of the points that hackers had deleted--after trying to read it earlier, was so badly censored that perhaps half of what I had originally written was deleted--after I get off the laptop I "remember" what I had written, what I was not able to write as my brain is being seriously blasted by this brain-altering tech while I fight to type against non-stop--literally every second I write the keyboard is hacked and blocked. Then what I do get out is partially deleted so it sounds and reads like rambling ranting and incoherent insane writing. I just want to add this and I know this is the intention of the readers as well. however, I am trying to continue to convey my situation, what is actually happening, despite this huge discrediting effort. What I do write is recorded in it's original state and the parasites hacking in to steal ideas obviously suck out as many phrases they can steal, ideas and concepts while fully supporting this endless hack into my system and they personally act in attacking me afterwards, if they get access to teleporting me.

All I am doing is fighting for my life against this. Another person has just become involved, who should have been protecting my rights as a citizen for all these decades she has partnered, I believe, with this Italian mafia group out of Miami which has been showered with businesses and deals while beforehand (before attacking me using teleportation) they were not even in the league of owning a club or business until they began this endless assault upon me. They never stop attacking me and have not stopped since 1997, but because they attacked me so badly I moved out of Miami. In 2009 they began teleporting me and with the blessings of Pelosi and Obama they have not stopped obtaining businesses and deals, alongside their partners the black puppet and his Italian white Mafia racist ally in crime and politics. I have had two 5-minute conversations in person with this sick mafia man out of Italy in my entire life. In the teleportation he also never spoke just raped me and attacked me endlessly while I wrote posts to him in emails and on his facebook page screaming in words to stop--phoning his phone number and getting answering machines screaming in dying and drugged up hysteria to stop as he kept having me raped and then teleporting me to be raped--he went on and on for 3years doing this after I finally realized what he was doing. This man, Nicola Siervo--who has been teleporting and raping me and poisoning me with intention of murder in all these years in actual real life and in teleportation sickness he has been profiteering off for all these years, now I see partners with Pelosi and thus my chagrin at her is increased by her claims of being "Italian-American", the Obama years where the Italian attacked me in murderous ways that went on and on as Obama just participated to see what he could gain out of the process, along with his black nazi buddies in H-wood, and now I see that Pelosi has been a part of this probably for all these years as well. Siervo--the friend of Sylvestor Stallone, his personal friend and partner (Siervo was the manager of Stallone & Steven Tyler's disco Bar None, where I independently sold cigars and was never officially employed there and also lived in that building where these people had me raped and hundreds of dollars stolen from my cigar earnings. He had people attack me on South Beach for a number of years as well after I left that environment and assumed I could return without being attacked. At that point I had no idea it was Siervo and the Italian mafia attacking me. There are so many people involved I just thought it was creepy and nasty people on South Beach, as there are plenty of those and with this contract out on me, I was besieged and I still am. I had no idea what was happening but I do now. He's STILL attacking me. This "Italian-American" Speaker of the House of Representatives wants me to write about her ugliness and negativity towards me because every time I try to describe how awful these people are when they get a hold of this contract and this technology of teleportation, they get immediately showers of promotions and free deals and properties, lead roles and etc etc. Stallone's photo was on the flags that the Capital terrorists carried into the Capital building (or in front of the building) the photo of Trump pasted on top of Stallone's photo. I want people to understand how much connection there is between these people and the groups which they really represent and their true motives for power. 

Pelosi, she also behaves (in teleportation) as if I should hold her in some kind of awe because she's a construct of lies put into power. AT this point the people attacking me are only disgusting from my perspective and do not deserve anything but the violence heaped upon them that they shower onto me and onto millions of others. With this technology the violence they have endorsed will only exponentially increase into more mass genocidal policies.

The investigation Pelosi plans on making will be a sham and will only indict the more powerless of the attackers but omit her collusion with these same people who plotted to have her killed. Her inclusion right now is perhaps a way to redeem her mafia and nazi affiliations to prevent another such murder attempt by this group at large---only because she tried to block the Trump 2nd Administration by her claims of "Defending the Constitution and The American People". 

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