Friday, February 5, 2021

A continuation of my post regarding the AOC hype: a Trump media plant, put into celebrity status. Caught lying about her "trauma" during the Capital riots. A bit more basis for my claims that she is a fraud and a facet of false opposition, created as a "minority" placating Millennial to create the illusion of change but actually reinforcing white supremacy. Playing the Progressive agenda but actually bringing in fascist Nazi organization. The minority minions Trump brought into the White House.

*On hacking and hacker intrusion: this post has been slightly rewritten. There are parts that are legitimate, but most of the post has had commas deleted and have been turned into long rambling sentences with grammar also hacked so tenses are incorrect, and etc etc. This post is no exception to all the other posts I have written for years. My brain is under so much attack that it feels like my "brain" is "spinning" around while I sit still trying to fight to get past hackers blocking keys, while my hands can't move correctly my brain is under a swamp of electronic attack. My arm is in pain from pounding down and I must backspace every other word to correct what is being hacked into and the keys don't operate what I type is being juxtaposed while I type (I type one letter and another letter appears, for example.) I must pound down on the keys to get the letters I am attempting to get out appear on the page. It is always the same thing.

Just by the way--today I was almost hit by cars while driving at least 10 times. Cars would drive within two feet behind me on fast-lane roads. My handlebars are toggled at such moments and the bike swerves to one side without me doing anything to move to any other side. The terrorists make the steering toggle while I drive so I am almost continuously hanging on to the handlebars of the motorbike as it shakes almost from side-to-side and sometimes the bike just wobbles as the steering is remotely toggled and sways and swerves--in the middle of deadly traffic on all sides of me. As the car nearly hit me, the handlebars swerved to one side before I had time to look to see if someone was driving next to me. It could have killed me. At other times today cars drove from parking lots and drove right directly into me nearly hitting me as I drove past on normal lanes at high speeds. All is perfectly timed probably by drone or other forms of GPS surveillance and coordination.
But back to the AOC show and the celebrity mash-up of distortions, the underdog victim script and formula, and the media blitz and attention and the lies and the rape and the hate she really promotes behind all her hipster posturing. As I wrote upon seeing her video somewhere on YouTube about her experience of "nearly being killed" or "fearing for my life" or whatever exact quote it is, I am paraphrasing her hyperbolic traumatized scripted story which has created another boost to her media celebrity status regarding this issue--what a great photo-op this has been for her to claim being victimized--and traumatized. As she participates in traumatizing me under the umbrella of the same organization which created the terrorist attack on the capital. Because I have no evidence this remains as a hypothesis and not a "conspiracy theory" or crazy delusional rant. This is real. What I have been writing about in a tortured and drugged up state has come to pass in reality with a vengeance. All these years of writing about an imminent take-over but I wrote of the celebrity corner of this octagon group. Celebrity coaching and politics is NOW THE UNITED STATES VERSION OF POLITICS and that really is a reality that the media is ignoring. I wonder why that is? Could it be that they too are part of this teleporting terror situation, as Rachel Madcow has been and has attacked me in teleportation? The famous MSNBC anchor and perhaps some of these other famous tv anchors know and they continue to provide the audiences with "liberal" slants at taking barbs aimed at what they only play at opposing for profit, gain and this one-sided duality that they always represent?

"AOC caught LYING about the Capitol Riot". (YouTube title).


And here's what the NY Post has to say on the subject of AOC and her validity and her attention-grabbing videos of playing the underdog victim, a script straight out of a movie or a person screaming rape but who later on proves to be lying. In fact, if what I write about AOC is correct, she is an absolute adherent of a rape and torture situation that she is happily participating with when it comes to this contract out on me. How much MORE publicity she has obtained from participating in this hate crime I do not know. I DO know that a few of the white "Progressive" men who have attacked me in teleportation or in the other nefarious forms of these attacks absolutely endorse her and exclaim about her wonderful antics and her claims and lectures. It is all too reminiscent of celebrity worship endorsement. The merging of these two strains of deception so interwoven now are almost indiscernible and people need to understand how they are being played like bouncing balls being bounced from one arena to the next until they can't differentiate between the fantasy land movie formulas and their actors and the real and authentic personality who is not a CLOWN prancing around for attention and putting out fake sympathetic promotions but in actuality are just on the payroll and connected to the strings that are pulling them. In the case of AOC she is a Trump-era puppet performer and has been really playing her part very well indeed.

The New York Post article:

"+AOC blasted for exaggerating her ‘trauma’ from Capitol riot experience"

 I realize that this is a controversial statement, that is in tune with "conspiracy theories". However, the post I wrote two days ago left me pondering whether her account was a hyped up version to promote herself as a "victim", as playing victim is the role used in the movies, as the formula I have written of very often. The underdog motif which carries the wave of gullible sentimentality into the hearts and minds of the viewers. The terrorist actors who play victim and underdog in their movies are some of the most callous brutalizing collaborating rapist, abuser, victimizers you could even not even begin to imagine considering the images they promote. The formula remains always the same. I was wondering if her account which has been so highly publicized because she is a media construct, a fake who has stolen ideas from me I BELIEVE but cannot prove--has participated in some corollary way in this rape, torture, racist Nazi fascist contract out on me, as I wrote two days ago but I have no evidence, this is NOT conspiracy theory however but I cannot back up my claim until someone provides me with the evidence I need, as I believe it may be somewhere on some information-gathering system.

However, as I was thinking these thoughts just today, voila! There appears confirmation as if my prayers for something that would support my "thesis" would emerge and it has!

That is not to say that AOC is an incredibly talented verbalist, incredibly adroit in loquacious performances and absolutely ingenious in her spoken word presentations. 

Highly intelligent, yes she is. That does not make her any less of a plant or a sociopathic liar or user or degenerating effect upon those people looking for a representative who want a real Progressive Party and platform to be pushed in Congress. 

People need only to study how Stalin operated to deceive people into holding the authentic Communist line but then ordering the deaths of millions of people so he could cast aside any real threat to his power. He rose to power with charm, intelligence, lectures, speeches, ingenious displays of verbal contortionist allegiance to the Common Man and his cause for Freedom--along with women. He is sometimes accused of having shot his wife after she argued with him about his policies, so the gossip/theories go. Why do I associate Stalin with charming, perky AOC? Because the consequences of her --as I have observed from what I believe is her participation in this contract out on me, a most deadly false picture of the promise of change, equality and the white males who put her into power have as usual constructed a minority minion to actually deflect attention from real issues as they have installed a most talented fake as their plant into the Democrat Party. Already one of the plants has run for President on the Democratic ticket. She's a most violent, lying, fake and then "Amen" and "Jesus" type along with her charities, movies (one of which she and her crew obtained the idea from by stealing it from my Facebook post( and then, like all the rest, torturing me afterwards for years. That I called her a name after YEARS of non-stop torture with all these covert methods has had no effect on her non-stop years of attacking me after I called her a negative name--once, one single time. 

These are the minority females who have been enhanced in their careers during the Trump era. There is a reason for this, and it is not the disgruntled denizens who wanted an outspoken "brown" "Latina" as their representative who just happened to have worked in a bar, in odd jobs and of course has the talent to have graduated from a highly respected Boston college. Regardless, I am not trying to attack her although it may appear as such. I am saying that I believe she has participated in a grievous highly illegal and amoral crime against me that should have been stopped years ago and still is ongoing. The damage that someone like her could inflict in the sense that she could prevent real, authentic leadership which will not tolerate for a second any kind of covert terrorism or gang stalking (which is terrorism and murder and assassination). I believe that she does, I know that she has participated in this attack and crime against me. Her "concern" for "the People" is really perhaps for her constituents and for her specific segment of followers but, in terms of going along with the big white boys in helping to rape, torture, dismember, disfigure, turn into an electronically-tortured human trafficking victim and then profiting or exalting in stealing concepts from said victim (me). 

How many more lies how many more corrupt leaders how many more "feminists" who help and assist with white supremacist rape and torture of women to get promoted because they are "good girls" helping to entrench the old status quo?


As the NY Post article mentions, she pits herself as being a victim of sexual assault but leaves out the basis of her claim. The underdog victim formula that is so often used to exalt fascist, cruel and violent bigot racist hater rapists in Whorewood is being used again by this personality who, if my hypothesis is correct (NOT a conspiracy theory): she plays fascist sadistic rapist misogyist with and then gets to steal my ideas and claim them as her own but adapts them to her jargon and style. She gets more MEDIA CELEBRITY STATUS, FASHION PHOTOS SHOOTS, ENDLESS media celebrity attention. I have seen her as judge on  a panel for some tv show (or cable?) ladyboy contest, just like a celebrity. 

The celebrities that become catastrophic politicians, and the politicians who are now becoming groomed as celebrities (groomed prior to having been chosen as these fake oppositional personalities). 

So odd that she was working in a bar and then rose to become a member of Congress. 

Now she's both a celebrity and a politician. The merging of the two has not proven, in the cases I have observed not just limited to Ray-gun or T-rump but to others who have never made a corruption splash in the media but they are bringing horrendous fascist Nazism into H-wood and into America--and the conjunction of these two corporate entities--the media and the US Congress at all the 3 branches--has turned out to be anything but disaster for the US on either a very direct and discernable form of catastrophe, or a very subtle and underhanded effect.

I hope this endless fascination with this personality wanes in the coming new administration so that people who are far less keen on performing and making antics for publicity are not endlessly intertwined into media and entertainment and vice-versa. I really find her a fake and a manipulative force of fascism disguised. Minorities are being used for these purposes I have to see this all the time when teleported to these absolutely racist bigots and their minoirity minions. AOC is just another one.


..and another one detailing the "facts" about AOC's whereabouts during the Capital attack. If my hypothesis is correct, she would have been "warned" ahead of time to play this game with supreme skill. The script of claiming to be a victim, a sexual assault victim on top of that although omitting details of her victimization--only a brief sentence will do to arouse greatest passions in the viewers and media consumers who are gravely influenced after being traumatized by the endless media assault that has been an ongoing traumatizing event for America for the last 3 months. Now worn down and used to egregious psychological assault, Americans go into shock once again by just the mere mention of sexual assault (all too worn-in by the #Me Too! rapist female sexual assault companions of violent rapist celebrities who have tortured me for almost a decade without end--and there is of course a "new one" now torturing me so he and his friends, family and lover and wife and daughter and everyone else around him can get a free deal out of this contract--but the American public has only seen the fake smiles, the claims of victimization and deduced that the movie plots are really just like reality and can't tell the difference any longer. All these media celebrity politicians have to do is make brief reference to the well-worn and so oft-used formulas of the downtrodden victim, the underdog, and the minority being disenfranchised, assaulted, and abused for the sad music to play already from some movie soundtrack that they have stored somewhere in their memory database--in the "hard drive" of their brain configurations. 

I am very much fighting hackers to get anything out. I don't know if I have written the point that the white men who have attacked me are pushing AOC--a lot. If anyone remembers, Trump was a major figure in H-wood and has so much experience promoting people into media spotlight positions and knows what formulas work to entice crowds to FOLLOW a platform. AOC didn't just miraculously land into a political career from pumping out alcohol in a bar by some miraculous ingenious lobbying on her part, I believe. My experience of so many of the "minority" performers is that they are, as I have only been writing of for YEARS now, fake false opposition playing a role to weaken any real and authentic opposition (actually helping in assassinations and murder, they ARE and AOC is no exception because I believe and KNOW she has participated in this hate crime against ME using the exact same protocols and formulas of attack that so many others have used. Perhaps she is too busy actually DOING SOMETHING to teleport me like working hard for her job. The celebrities seem to have all the time to attack but I think AOC legitimately works and does an excellent job even if I believe she is a true detriment to any real "Progressive" agenda of equality for minorities which I believe she was groomed and chosen to represent but ultimately create a fascist Nazi state with her in lead position--as all these fakes are doing who are advertised as "representing" some minority faction or feminist ideal.



This article claims that AOC has been consistently attacked by "The Right". I would argue on that point that the "tension" in this schemata is enhanced by creating an opposition that appears more genuine to the gullible media consumer. The vehemence that is supposedly the ire of the Repuglicans could be the "good versus evil" movie plot, or really the attacker versus the "underdog "minority poor, discriminated against heroically fighting for justice superhero plot/script/political machination.

*And now it is nearing impossible to type as hackers are truly blocking the function, my brain and body are under attack and assault. I have just only today read any article about the doubts of the veracity of AOC's video. Her video immediately sparked a reaction of doubt from me, as I watched it when it came out because I am now an avid consumer of news data for whatever I can obtain despite hackers blocking most of the content I am unable to access. 

Her video immediately made me go into reveries of how much of a fake she really is and I just see now that this has caused a kind of mini-"uproar" in the media about whether her exaggerations are legitimate or not. 

I can assure you that she is an actor, has been groomed, is a liar a rapist enabler and like Stalin, an accomplice to genocidal fascist factions just as some members of the Progressive Party, I believe, are the "Socialist" arm of the Nazi party that can't be sold in America under that brand as the American version of Nazism must have white men holding economic power over the market and thus capitalism must remain intact in name and under their grip. To assimilate the incongruous labels, the Progressives have been carefully placed into the Democratic Party, as the Repuglicans went boldly into the real fascist Nazi cartel that they assume they could carry forth all with the help of people they put in power like AOC to create this false opposition. Also, her performances helps to quell the real dissent that minorities being killed in the streets and absolutely crushed, locked in cages and in prisons and they look up to this charming sociopath fake who lies and makes great media sound bytes as representing the oppressed underdog victim. The movie plays on and on and her scrips are coming out of H-wood. 

I feel that the articles and videos such as what I am pasting now in a sense confirm my original post a few days ago where I came to the conclusion that I could not deny any longer that she is a do-nothing fake put into power by Trump and is an absolute fascist Nazi minority minion. I can't express how disgusting they have been towards me and I can only view such people in this light of blackest illumination.


"GOP Attacks on AOC Are Cheap. But Whether She's Telling the Truth Matters | Opinion" (Newsweek)

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...