Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Yet another, oh yes another teleporting terrorist connected to this terrorist contract out on me, yet another famous "A-lister" celebrity has been accused of violence against women. The list is growing now of these men who after participating or teleporting and attacking me, turn around to terrorize others. They achieve fame for their violence because they have so much "practice" and "experience" of unleashing their inner pig ape hyena that when it comes to actually behaving in some socialized way towards others, they tend to "forget" that they are not exempt from legal consequences when the victims are not me but people who are famous celebrities or protected somewhat. I guess that could be called, "Karma" on them. As for the more trivial fodder:Scanning the zombie tabloid Entertainment section to discover teleporting terrorists advertised in a succession of glowing dumbed-down notifications on their heaving, sweating and android antics which attain media notification for zombie tabloid entrainment. Almost within a few days of me writing about their terrorist activities, hate and violence, their stupid antics make the rounds of media spotlight 4-5 minute "fame".

 The things that are reported are the most inane and stupid odd-ball behaviors or tiny little gestures, a word or phrase spoken reverberates around the media world and in a vortex in the zombie dumbed-down viewer/readers' brains as they ingest all the "information".

What these parasitic vile violent hybrid pig-hyena-apes must do in order to attain some kind of media recognition is beyond mere mental acrobatics for those not in the scene to even begin to grasp, vaguely. 

This is akin to dining in a very well-respected restaurant, but then going into the back room of the cooking area to see all kinds of nasty surprises floating in the greasy piles of dishes and pots and pans that are lined up with parasites and cockroaches dining on the left-over left to rot--the interior landscape of how these celebrities act, and what is required of them for being put into the spotlight for the most trivial of dumbed-down articles about what they wore and who they whore.


Yes, oh yeah! Another one has lost his license to perform openly with absolute red carpet treatment after more than a few women have "come out" and claimed emotional, psychological and I'm not sure..did any of them get raped, beaten, tortured as he has been wont to observe and collaterally partake in as an observer when it comes to me as his good buddies he performs with beat, rape and torture me and he approves. And thus approving, obtains record deals and prizes and parts in movies---up until that Karma came rolling down the bs hilltop where the rest of his hyena friends are still making those gloating hyena noises as they feed off hate and violence. The induction into the hall of abuser participating in this contract has added yet another male--so far none of the females have had the slightest of public condemnation. I could try to guess at that reason--no projectile to stick into another human being meaning they can't so easily be accused of rape. Castrated rapists in the guise of being wonderful "feminist" liberals and all the skanky rapist enablers remain untouched by all the hate gossip attending the hate crimes that they remain unscathed in from public scrutiny. They play the "good girl" game and thus are rewarded with absolute exemption from all speculation or scrutiny into their heinous atrocities.


But still unsurprisingly, the people I wrote of just a few days ago are now featured in these online celebrity zombie tabloid type entrainment magazines. Their faces are on the celebrity list of the dumb things they do and say, what they wear and how much they "care". Very funny sick sad and pathetic how America worships these criminal terrorists and continues to put them into power. I remain silenced as if no one has ever heard of this situation although a president participated in this...now he's on the list of abusers on a national scale with international awareness but no one can focus on how this contract out on me with this teleportation has created a growing list of celebrities who become advertised as being violent abusers. No...people keep it all silenced, as if there is nothing amiss in all this artificial bliss of having someone to torture and no legal ramifications arise. However, they become so violent that they achieve even more "fame" for their violence and hate acts unleashed upon others, which they got into the practice of performing nightly and daily upon me. Oh, how the zombies remain silent about all this and they still remain entertained by this spectacle of men now debased by the violence they pour out upon other women who are not silenced and yet--not a single one of them could ever come to me and protect my life from the violence that is being passed around from one of them to the other. Perhaps that's because these abused victims are "friends" with the rape enabler women who they partner with to make more fame and fortune, digging gold makes for such a busy life but attaining fame as a victim is yet another BINGO in the media. 

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