Monday, February 1, 2021

Terrorist Report: February 1, 2021. On the great con job a "lawyer" putting out YouTube videos is cranking out daily to the blind-viewers who rely on "professional" opinions because law is a slippery slope and interpretation of legalese is far beyond most people to comprehend. What a great and sinister con job he is making (and he has participated in attacking me for his promotions, under terms of this contract I have been under for over a decade so I understand completely how this operates by now. The attack: to steal ideas I write or even think to myself and publish as one's one, and then regurgitating the information back and putting it on my internet searches especially on YouTube--despite algorithms. I did not "search" for this man's videos they appeared despite the many other subscriptions I have which Never appear, only people who repeat phrases or make references to what I have actually written--not copying what I have heard from other media pundits but expressing my own opinion not being parroted by what I have heard. Thus, in this indirect and very coded form of usurpation and intellectual property theft, he made direct reference to an obscure play written by Samuel Beckett which I used in conjunction with a lack of justice for my targeting situation: Waiting for Godot, that I used in conjunction of waiting for justice to be enforced against this criminal organization and these terrorists who are attacking me who are all friends with all the fake oppositional YouTubers in this group who endlessly force their videos on my channel and I am blocked from finding anything I consider legitimate. I also experience great blocks in my searches, and in sites where I find content I really like--all is deleted after I am glad to have found something I really enjoy. The hackers simply block all content except for their brainwashing info-entrainment-brainwashing programming that I mostly understand and find repugnant when I can't get it off my every search). As for mutilation:The terrorists are cutting my toes and skin between the toes to the bone. Infected and being slashed through tendons and veins. Fighting to protect my body using all kinds of makeshift means. The attacks continue. I am putting swabs of cotton pads, taped in layers with a layer of tissue taped over all toes. I then have begun for the last three nights sleeping with thin, stretch tights over the taped and padded toes and the ball of my foot. My toes are still being slashed, probably as the mechanical arms use spray solvents to easily enter through the taped area and using lasers or some other cutting tool, slashes into my bone continue so it's hard to walk. Along with the hard chemicals latched onto my hips and spine which terrorists put in my food all my life. Of course, all my life not a single person around me warned me that I was being poisoned. No one has come forward to protect me. Now that US Presidents, politicians in Congress, famous celebrities are involved, I remain as I always have been. No one comes forward to stop these crimes or punish the criminals. They remain instead gloating in their mansions. The lower economic level terrorists are still glib but now facing eviction or death from the pandemic that may have been an orchestrated event created by the laxity or collusion of their favorite politicians, celebrities operating in tandem with their higher-ups. Even if they are blissfully unaware of how the operation of mass genocide has been created through technological means, they remain enjoying being handed the terrorist technology and these terror groups to order this mutilation upon me. Since the Capital insurrection, they have not changed an iota in their demeanor or the protocol. The famous celebrities I mean. That they all (the famous ones I have written of on Facebook and hinted at or wrote about directly) on this blog are still catered to as near iconic symbols of Freedom and Democracy. Unrepentant about their terrorism, they remain handing me to the next terrorist celebrity who is out of Europ-a-land. The sickening uglinss continues from this next one, who has gone on for a month of utter hate and depravity. I watched a video about the "Satanic cult" status of the higher-ups in these covert operations. Whatever that means. the actions they all use, and this one is most vehement and programmed to behave in this manner, they are "evil" and vile and this one currently being promoted and now using more black celebrities to attack me (in this Oreo-formation most racist black-white supremacist organization. The term "black" can apply to anything other than the white Nazi bigots of any cultural identification).

*Please note that during the course of writing this post and then getting off the page, doing something else, my brain "retrieved" information that had been blocked/thwarted by this brain-altering attack ALWAYS, every single time I fight to type, always blocking cognitive functioning in articulation and memory. Emotional responses are extremely exacerbated. I find that with hackers deleting words and grammar, plus my brain under such attack, and hackers then rewriting segments and pasting them together, this post is still not 100% a product of my thoughts, writing and has been refabricated to discredit me by this hacking terror arm of the terrorist organization. Always I must include this from the beginning of every post or at the end. 

After reading just a small few sentences, post publishing this post, I see that the endless attack continues. All of the attacks continue. Despite years of me writing about it with an ever-widening "audience" of prominent personalities hacking into or being involved with this situation. I write this post below aimed at you who believe you are warm, snug and safe within the folds of a genocidal terrorist organization.


Now I realize, as I am under this mind control attack, but nevertheless, over a decade of torture and non-stop drugging, that I write in ways that people will be turned off by. Calling the terrorists pig-apes and hormone-growth hyenas and scum and etc is not exactly intellectual or sound argumentative rhetoric. I understand that. What readers may not understand is what over 10 years of daily torture through electronic weapons, people breaking into my home and destroying my hair, skin, toes, fingers, teeth, putting my hips out of place and raping me upon order of the former and his predecessor black/white-supremacist US Presidental leadership, all has been condoned and supported by both of the black and white non-polar non-oppositional leaders who espouse and endorse all of this because they and their friends in top media positions (as that is my area of attack, I have been teleported and forced to have to be surrounded by them every night in their dark, hate and psychopathic violence fantasies that they unleash like addicts hooked on a hormone-high drug of violence and sinister energy parasitism. 

Thus, I fight for my human rights, for the America that was supposed to have been a country of protecting human rights, and I remain alone and being mutilated every day.

I continue to see white males repeating phases or making reference to ideas and concepts I have written on this blog and Facebook and I just saw one that came out exactly yesterday. The post in question was a "blue-eyed" devil speaking about impeaching T, and the process of exacting "justice". He has a law degree and is in collusion with a mainstream media outlet. 

Ironically, all the years he has been putting out his videos the injustice meted out to politicians and their exoneration from all legal jurisprudence has not only been lax, but void and null. Seemingly, his endless videos have not produced anything but more collusion with criminality. Prior to T, it was O who was assisting his black fellow Nazi wanna-be's into power in the H-wood orbit. Now they are entrenched, they are Governors in the Academy Awards, and they have become established since having participated in this hate contract out on me and they fully support the most openly racist whites in attacking me. All is hidden, all disguised. However, the lawyer has made me think of what an absolute con job anyone with a law degree, with his arms around politicians and famous news anchors, who always reminds his audience of his "credentials" for operating with major legal entities of the US Congressional level. He was either in the DOJ or in some other highly major institutional agency at the top tiers of the Judicial Branch of Government. 


I had written a post about Beckett's play, Waiting for Godot and I also included videos from some clips put on YouTube. I believe my post was on Facebook but I may have also put it on this blog. How long ago did this happen? Perhaps 3 months ago, some time in the last 6 months. I am loathe to try to dig it up. After having written it, the post may get deleted by terrorist hackers to hide evidence, should anyone ever investigate this crime instead of supporting it.


Forensic digital research is what is required to help me prove some of my allegations about this terror network and all their crimes against me.


How much more convincing is a terrorist in sheep's clothing spouting vlogs daily about the need for Justice while fully indoctrinating people into inaction? His videos, so emphatically nearly hissed out, are a collection of legal terms that, unless the viewer has studied law even in an introductory course, may may cause a reliance upon instant belief and thus the brainwashing terrorist can elude the questioning of such statements as being valid or invalid. 

If at the highest level of the courts today pondering the Constitutionality of Impeaching a non-sitting President, how then can any "normal" viewer understand the legal terminology, even though put in sophomoric terms by this legal pundit of "legal justice matters" who is participating in this hate crime against me, putting his videos on my YouTube channel as I search for information on exactly what has been going on. Hearing him repeat a most unusual reference to a Beckett play that no one ever mentions and that I did--understanding that these people participating in stealing ideas from me then regurgitate my concepts as being THEIRS and then, according to contract, reinserting it at the forefront of my every internet search so if I by chance click on it, they get more points and promotions for enticing me into their brainwashing reverse psychology scheme, and then if I like the video, they get even more rewards! The essence of brainwashing and mental manipulation is going on completely silenced by all governments, but  this is one enlarged perspective into the microcosm that my situation is being utilized in a much larger macrocosm of daily media consumption and consumer invocation into extremely deadly group psychological mass engineering. The "lawyer" in question used my reference to this play as his concept and said that "justice" was going to happen to the terrorists. That means that of course he's implying that no justice should be enacted, but is silencing people who may otherwise be spurred to ACTION to try to get involved in protest or in actually pushing their representatives in Congress to actually stop this criminal negligence that these leaders and media reps are guilty of by association, if only as a small tie to the crimes that they participate and commit and are completely exonerated from and all information about their collusion and these crimes remains absolutely quelled and compressed into silence. Yet they keep putting out their videos, the viewer is relieved that this "expert" is letting them know that of course the criminals are going to "get it" and you just wait and see. Keep waiting and do nothing. As usual, for all these years this colluding criminal has been put into a high legal position in the US Government, and now an agent operative putting out disinformation but making reference to actual law or procedure, which he knows can and will be circumvented by the packs of experts who understand how to get around all restrictions. With the help of these "do-nothing" advocates who claim they are experts and know about all the angles, they keep the most important details off of their lectures. The illegality of the criminal top tiers of this huge global terrorist network remain safely exonerated after every trial, thanks to people like this YouTuber (whose name I won't mention, but he uses the same theme of "justice matters" for his every video and it's supposed to emphasize how much he "cares" about law and in fighting "criminals" ). I hate making any direct reference to these creeps because they always get promoted and I am then tortured nevertheless. 

I wait for Justice to occur and this dismemberment and one after the next psycho scumbag out of Whorewood to be stopped. The current Euro-p-a Nazi fascist is disgusting and sickening and he's just going on and on bringing more black people to attack me almost every day now. 

The same mutilation that began months ago continues. All I can do is struggle to fight to try to block these mechanical arms from cutting my toes off and inserting fungus into the wounds they slash. 

I do know that for most of the current hackers/ readers of this blog, my information is a "turn-on" as the sickening ugliness of these terrorists is endless hate, death, misery, ugliness, they feed off violence people are probably masturbating reading about how my body is being slowly cut off in pieces while, especially, their great boon, is that no one continues to do anything I mean, they always do nothing you always do nothing. Keep on doing nothing and see how many more terrorist operations will occur in America and around the world using police and politician collusion to execute politicians they don't like who won't support their fascist, Nazi agenda. I wonder if the politicians who have formerly been involved in this attack upon me (the Democrats) are reading this and finally begin to scratch their heads in wonder that what they thought were their "friends" are actually con artists exploiting them too. They thought they were all in this together.

A silly movie reference but it's so potent. A recognition of author Tolkien but not any kind of support of some/many members of this H-wood cast or production, although it was a stunning film visually. I watched the LOTR trilogy after the end of every grad school semester because the amount of studying and work required was akin to a pilgrimage of depositing a heavy load and then freedom. It was about the journey, not in fighting "evil" due to Grad studies or the school. However, knowing what I do know now about the utter duplicity and editing capabilities of the media, I can only endorse Tolkien and hesitate to say that the acting was engaging. Doubtful that most of the actors actually believe in a free society sans surveillance and them being put in top tiers of a surveillance, fascist and racist society where they control and continue to manipulate the masses with their reverse psychological movie and media K-rap (as in the K-economy--they get richer people get mesmerized into believing that those in power actually care, they watch and believe, and the system continues to burrow into their brains of conformity into mediocrity and instant belief mostly in fictitious characters who they associate with the ideals that these fakes are paid in millions and billions to continue to crank out, year after year.


As all the current targets in Congress and in American politics who have been involved in this situation against me have said about their Repuglican colluders, "They are my friends." Now they face extermination at the hands of the terror operations they also assumed were their subordinates in this global organization. Assuming that people of lower economic status are inferior in power. Spurred to reactionary violence, they now form a most discernable system of murder using the same "friends" and systems that these "liberal" Democrats have always covertly endorsed and/or have seen operating upon me and many others (many of whom have already been assassinated and murdered or died from shock, illness which is just a stealth form of murder). Now they face being murdered too. And yet, they remain never stopping this situation. I can only add today a clip from this movie because even a most wizened wizard can be duped by a smooth-tongued "expert" magus (as in an "expert" lawyer or politician). They do not "share" power. They use people who they embrace and hug at parties (political and otherwise) and then steal, rob and murder them once they have obtained their power objective. 


"There is only one Lord of the Ring and He does not share power." (YouTube title, which is a quote from the movie and perhaps from the book as well).

I really "hate" when news anchors make reference to movies when they are analyzing politics. However, this clip bears resemblance to the utter blindness some leaders have made when considering allowing terrorism to be inflicted upon people "like me" as a form of social engineering so their fascist Nazi constituents can continue to foment a fascist Nazi society. They all assume that they are safe within the folds of this organization. What Tolkien did in this book was to expose the utter "evil" machinations that these warm-embracing cold-blooded users employ to dupe their victims into serving the cause of their utter grasp of power and control. Once the exploited is no longer needed, they are eliminated. That includes the "liberals" who also participate in these nefarious criminal, terrorist activities that are being employed against me by people of all the sides of the one-sided fascist organization they are all employed by but not are all favored and can live happily ever after once the objective of absolute power has been officially obtained through treachery, mass murder, genocide, Technocratic Authoritarianism and Totalitarian regimes sometimes disguised as being "Democracies". That seems to be what America NOW IS but is still being disguised as being in "shock " after all recent terrorist events, especially in all these media presentations including YouTube.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...