Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Terrorist Report: February 2, 2021. Not so very long but still very important (for the consequences and potentials of your future too).

 The terrorist network has blocked all archived files from the radio station I have been listening to and downloading music from for over 10 years. For the last 4 days no files appear. There should be a "Play" link and the sites all have a "no file" listed. If and when I do discover an old file, I open the file and click on "play". The file operates and I scroll to halfway down the file to see what kind of music await. I hear one type of music but...when I back-up and play the file from the beginning, a totally new roster of music plays which has a completely different theme from what I had JUST HEARD when skipping through the file to see if I want to hear it. One thing they play is a 10-minute horrific creepy kind of music that appears to be ritualistic tribal stuff with a man making absolutely detestable sounds with his wiry voice that sounds like some pathetic corpse has been artificially brought back from the crypt. It's definitely a ritual sort of music. The other songs that play are from the same German male singer that appears on various other hacked and completely over-ridden files. The songs are all in German but the lyrics are extremely simple and easy to understand. It's all about loving blonde women and stuff like that. The same songs repeat throughout the months when I click on former files from the last few years. It is a horrible block to something that has truly inspired me for years but is now a disgusting example of how badly this group attacks great art and replicates, destroys and then co-opts and usurps all they can. The station is wnyu.org it is the New York University station that has years of archives that can be accessed. Most of the time when I try to access old files that are operable they are blocked (by hackers). That is if I can open any older archive section, as that function is blocked so I can't even access any files beyond what has been stored in the last day. The hackers block all of it. What they do insert into my attempt to listen to what should be incredible and "alternative" music is horrid, mainstream and nasty stuff that like these people attacking me are completely what I consider to be unexemplary and unsurprising in content.

Secondly, I have had to spend another 45 minutes simply opening the cabinet doors under this "kitchen" area that is just the entranceway to a tiny microstudio with a table that has been made ugly, stained and broken across a two foot space between the cabinets and the table. The sink areas of every place I have lived for years has been made stinking with every rubber seal in the pipes broken and cracked. It doesn't matter if I replace the seal, the terrorists come into my HOME and destroy each and every single one immediately. Dripping and stinking because they also insert fungus into this area. I have had to put aluminum foil taped with cloth tape 6 times in just one year alone. I opened the doors which are tied with string which I have to lace around hooks I had to pound into the plastic-laminated doors (with my body in absolute pain the entire time and the terrorists coming in my room while I slept to put my hips and spine out of alignment to try to stop me from defending myself--). Stinking odors as usual and black pieces of fungus floating in the 1/8 inch depth of water on the plastic trays that I have to put over the bottom (which I have had to cover with artwork because they put grease and black grime stains on every single thing on the walls and the bottom of the cabinet.) The plastic trays which I use to also hold bottles of cleaning stuff submerged to that 1/8 or sometimes it's 1/4" of stinking, black-fungus growth fungus with the materials I used that completely stopped the dripping of water ripped open and falling apart--while they were absolutely waterproof after I put them on just last month. 

Cleaning their filth and stinking crap over and over day after day. The floor has been sprayed with layers of brown grease that even washing with bleach never get up. I have to scrub after bleaching and washing and only a paper towel will get some of the disgusting brown grease up--

to have to endlessly be attacked by greasebag scumbag dirty and filthy parasites like this, the famous actors and rapist celebrities and genocidal politicians and then they accuse me of being the burdened thing with their filth and they claim that this is my inherent state and of course they are "superior" and I sit here cleaning endlessly day after day and repairing and all my money and time is spent cleaning my body and home and fighting to protect myself against being raped, mutilated and tortured to death by a bunch of crap you all keep on allowing to go on and on. The longer you wait to respond to this NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT the worse their grip on power and the more fanatical terrorists will latch onto this system. THere are already MILLIONS of terrorists participating in this crime in all the various avenues and rivulettes of the streams of "power" that this criminal cartel uses as their operatives and minions to terrorize, torture and murder upon order (without question). 

These dirty and foul and filthy parasites who have millions and billions of $ for portraying their false opposition to fascism, Nazism and racism and of course, sexism as they all rape, sieg heil in private and then go off raping when they can get away with it as they are promoted by this genocidal, fascist organization which most of you reading this are also integral to (whether you actually belong or not, you participate by not doing anything to stop this endless incursion into all aspects of power around the world).

They call me "dirty" after they have filth sprayed on my body, into my body, into my food, on my furniture into all cabinets on my clothing and all surfaces have been sprayed with stinking, brown and toxic substances. They say I have no merit because they poisoned me all my life so I can't complete and win and beat them any longer, as I used to all the time. They then have done endless attacks upon me and every attack which they instigate they turn around to blame me for having been under assault for--not just blaming the victim but claiming that it is ME who is guilty of the crimes and not them--or moral or ethical or financial blame for what they created and forced upon me. Being poisoned all my life unbeknownst to me is not my fault for not being allowed to receive health care and that extends to Thailand where it should be affordable but they have blocked my finances so badly I still am blocked from all health care, literally--even with having saved money because I MUST have money in my bank account due to other serious problems that require an emergency fund if such an instance occurs. Thus, I remain being insulted daily by disgusting, filthy, dirty rapist sleazy whores and parasites who steal my ideas and then have me poisoned afterwards while they are ordering their filthy dirty minions to make my body, home and everything broken down and then they claim that I am thus "inferior" of course to them while they are being paid in millions to get beauty treatments and every kind of luxury ass-kissing reward possible from this nasty and dirty, vile, evil and filthy organization which has been fomenting death and hate throughout the world, with martial law, military dictatorships, which is now extending even to the Democracy that America would be if only people would actually stop only caring about being promoted for behaving like hybrid animals to get promoted for financial gain. 

Their filth, dirt, hate and destruction of all the beautiful things and people who they can just force and rape their ugliness into and suck all the beauty and life out of--these dirty and rotten ugly life-screw parasites keep spreading their filth, disease and death to the entire planet. The planet is suffocating for the GDP that these parasites need to continue so disgusting pornographic rapists can profit off obtaining new businesses cemented over the Paradises that they cement manicured parking lots over. Spreading all over the world as the planet is dying and the weather is going into the same death throes (to the environment) perhaps trying to kill off the destroyers so the planet can heal from all the filth and dirty sleaze and crap that these hybrid animals pour onto animals, people and the vulnerability of Nature that they assume is their to rape endlessly with more profit-engineered cement monstrosities. All so ugly, white men and their hateful wives and their nasty, dirty minority minions who bow down to them like praying to Mammon and Satan and all demons combined and loving them like divinity and of course not caring what they have to do to get out of the ghettos and impoverished areas that their beloved idols have forced upon them.

Thus, once more I urge people to re-consider allowing this organization to continue to terrorize people they don't "like" because of their racism, hate and ignorant assumption that only they should rule the planet and be considered the only superior group or race (as I have written for years, the claim of superiority is being rented out to blacks and other minorities but it's not ownership it's only temporary rental of a supremacist posturing).

The necessary change will be a greater concern for the planet and the world community and rather than for a specific group or race. Since the planet is now inter-connected, and environmental devastation is now global, operating to crush one group or country will only reverberate into the destruction of all. 

Re-think continuing to do nothing about these terrorists and their operations.

Meanwhile, I sit here after years of fighting for my human rights, my Constitutional Rights, my right to type and think and study and operate without torture, all the violations of every decree of the United States and the United Nations and all laws combined. All exonerated and allowed by the Executive Branch of the US government my entire life. 

Is it not time for this to be stopped NOW? If not now, when? I now have to quote the sentence that was bandied about during the 60's Civil Rights fight, now turned against me by blacks who have once marched in protest for equal rights, who slur hate at me alongside vicious white males making racist comments to my face, while I am teleported, as they join in and get more lead roles for their movies. All of them, black and white. So now I must use the phrase that they leaned on as a crutch which they continue to use in some semblance for their million dollar march to the Capital (blacks also participated alongside their white supremacist masters). That also includes the Latino who is "leader" of the Proud Boys. 

I wonder what it will take for people to stop this filthy group with all their dirt, rape,. hate and violence to be stopped from inflicting their filth upon me or anyone else? What will it take for people to stop allowing them to continue doing this to INNOCENT CIVILIANS LIKE ME? What will it take for me to get anyone to intervene so I am living in a clean home and all I have to do is clean up what I make dirty instead of having to perpetually clean up stinking fungus and filth because some dirty and ugly nasty parasites want to steal, rape and rob every bit of energy, joy in living, every animal I love, every idea they can use to continue to project themselves as being anti-Nazi, anti-Fascist, with all their cleaning squadrons and teams of cover-up lawyers and protection from all examination by the media for all the claims they make which so easily could be scratched off if anyone would just care to scratch one millimeter beneath the superficial surface of their greasy, faces which belie a filthy spiritual and physical state of decay that they spread like the virus of hate and ugliness and death that they are really projecting into the airstream of mass mind control and programming. 


Other random attacks (which just were aimed at me):

The microchip implants in my body/brain plus the remote tech aimed at me produce a sudden reflex where anything I am holding falls out of my hands--my fingers become instantaneously splayed and open in a jerking spasmatic motion where all is dropped that I had been holding firmly before. All the attacks are aimed at me at absolutely random times. I was holding a shoe I had just polished, because the shoe polish remains moldering underneath my kitchen cabinet which I spent over one hour just opening, cleaning and then fighting to mend the ripped apart covering I had put over the endlessly leaking pipe. The sink also has a leak which the slumlord terrorist will not repair, refuses but comes to attack me in the evenings screaming that I am watering plants and it is bothering the terrorists below me, who make triggering coughing noises while I am watering my plants quietly above--they rush out as soon as I walk outside to make noises and they begin to shout on phones so loudly it literally is shouting into phones. 

They are also randomly, in the same manner as I wrote above, making my throat constrict while I eat or drink so I can't swallow. This has been going on in an increasing rate since the latest dirty and filthy terrorist performer has begun his endless promotional-based assaults upon me which are filthy and disgusting, as I think he and his group are. They continue and my YouTube channel is polluted by videos where they appear, sometimes within the context of the video but not in the opening title or photo. These are for items I have lately done searches for (i.e. I was quoting Lydia Lunch during her early NYC years, and also because I lived in NY near the Big Apple in 1984 and I experienced the avant-garde set of artists during that time, in that special NYC atmosphere that can never be replicated or imitated but of course copied and stolen and then refabricated in a more mundane form--that is the usual misappropriation that these hybrid animals always employ for their promotions in this same sort of contractual terror protocol for this global terror operation. 

I opened this video which stated it was about NYC in 1984--but there was a billboard featuring the face of the current terrorist placed in Times Square--for this old video made in 1984. It is disgusting to have to be endlessly visually assaulted by people I want nothing to do with who have tortured me. The entire thing that they do is filthy and dirty as Hell and yet they remain to promote this terror organization which has recently nearly assassinated members of Congress. They remain mute and allowing these terrorists and their dirty filthy network to continue their hate actions of death and destruction which they tout as being development and their power structure take-over of the planet.


Speaking of which: the dirty nasty actor who I have been writing about, like the rest of this nasty thing's friends the famous actors who steal, rape and rob (and I believe they are partially responsible for the murder of Prince, who was killed two weeks after I tried to contact him to get this group of K-rap off me. He responded in this stupid way these creeps all react by internet stealth--which whenever I try to describe it, I sound "crazy" or "delusional" and that is an intended label that has been carefully constructed as the "normal" response to my claims. Since my claims remain unsubstantiated I remain fighting to not incriminate myself but I still am writing this to my peril and "their" entertainment as they just laugh about my fight to stop this terror operation. 


You can bet the dirty actor has been handed some business or patch of land here in Phuket to pour his filth and cement onto. All the parasites who have attacked me have businesses here. Two of them have the iconography of the actors' movie themes and these are easily identifiable. One of them is "Lucky 13" Sandwich shop, which had the Pirates of the Caribbean motif. Another one has the soccer ball symbol used in that movie about a solitary survivor of an airplane crash who lived on a tiny island awaiting rescue. The soccer ball symbol is atop a restaurant right across the huge dirt-crusted road from Lucky 13, right in the area I used to live in. Rawai.

Not "coincidences" at all. This one has not hesitated to grab as much as his huge self can suck out from this contract. As they all do. They all essentially act the same. All follow one set of conduct and protocol. They are undifferentiated they are uniformly disgusting and greedy they all get huge business deals in Phuket along with prizes, top awards, contracts in Whorewood and awards at the Academy Awards. The blacks participating in this terrorist contract have been awarded Governor positions for the Academy Awards. Their movies, always focusing in black victimization, support violence as the means of achieving liberation from racist oppression. I believe one of the most famous one of these is putting out many movies based on the theme of death, violence and warfare in order to achieve dominance or at least equilibrium over white racist murdering bigots. If could just indulge in a "conspiracy" theory that is not my own concept but I have heard before (i.e. Charles Mansion followed this particular theory--using the Beatles song Blackbird as the backdrop to his theorizing about the upcoming "race war" that Nazis probably fervently yearn for. I won't go into how that would further enhance the grip of power that white supremacists have, but I just end with how disgusting all this is and that they should be forced to pay me compensation so I can live in a clean and decent home (with swimming pool, jacuzzi and in my name, purchased and this terror operation stopped, with financial support so I can live because they have blocked my ability to have a career--they put  hints that I should "get a job" and I have gone to grad school to HAVE A CAREER which they have completely discredited me into dissolution, disaster, and financial ruin. Even "getting a low-paying job" is probably very dubious due to my lack of resume and physical limitations due to their physical attacks upon me. Otherwise, they continue to block the functioning of my laptop (this blog post has been rewritten by hackers, I have read partway and of course words were rewritten, grammar deleted, words in the plural are made singular and vice-versa) and....that's it for today. 

I pray, I ask that these people and this criminal organization is completely stopped and all their terrorist and torture technology is rescinded by the covert operations that the US Government has meted them out to--all taken into account, all preferably destroyed all the templates and all the research deemed a threat to Humanity and not just to national security.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...