Thursday, February 18, 2021

Terrorist report: my feet have been slashed and burned in the same spot once again last night while I slept. Now 3 months of cuts into my toes every single night which I am fighting every day to stop and protect myself from.

 Not Pelosi, not Bernie Sanders, not Hillary Clinton and certainly not Trump who has ordered this attack upon me, all of whom have participated on teleporting me, will stop this attack upon me.

The lead "A-list" of celebrities, in addition to torturing and drugging, having me raped nightly, fungus inserted into my body, food and hair and sprayed on all furniture--while being forced to live in tiny stinking rooms which I must tape all windows and doors to prevent entry by terrorists--my body put out of alignment while I am raped or after or before, as my feet, fingers are being cut into every single night--my hair cut out from my scalp--they have been trying to knock out my lower teeth for two years now and that was after I asked for JUSTICE and for celebrities to stop being awarded with highest prizes especially after they torture me to obtain ideas from which they make their movies or get promoted.


Who is ever going to stop them? How much more violence do you readers think they will inflict upon innocent people, as I most definitely am--and upon the planet with all their construction of cement and destruction of the environment-=but their real destruction is on Democracy and Freedom and Equality and also against women. So many women actually participate in this misogynist rape contract it's unbelievable. They are handed studios and free contracts which ultimately will be taken away from them once this hate organization is fully implemented and absolute Martial Law is put into global order instead of just in the "third world" dictatorships.

How many more capital riots will it take and exposure of corrupt politicians will it take before people begin to investigate the technology they are using to consolidate endless power for their Totalitarian technocratic regime that they are creating every single day that no one does anything. 

Meanwhile, my toes are rancid from whatever they are putting on my toes after they use lasers to slash the skin so it's burned away and cut as if by an exact precise cutting tool like a laser. I plaster layers of tape around every toe, with cotton balls inbetween the toes, and then I tape another piece of tissue over all with layers of tape around it all. I wear pants with sewn-in footies so there is no opening where the feet should be exposed. I have a tie around my waist with belt loops and the terrorist mechanical arms get through every single thing I use to defend myself. The walls and floor and ceiling are coated with taped down, glued down paper and the corners of all panels are hooked together with metal hooks tied completely firmly with rope. The edges of all the panels in this room are sealed with silicone and I also have put hooks on the exterior of all the doors and have done everything for over 2 years to stop these attacks.

How many more days and years must I describe this endless ensuing catastrophe that threatens Democracy and my body and the planet before anyone gets out of their glib support of this disgusting organization to understand the absolute death they are bringing to the entire planet?

Just watch the news and see what they have created in the environment alone with all their greedy contracts and need for plantations and slaves and mansions and orgies and victims to take their loveless and lifeless hate upon as they feed off the life force of the victims they suck everything out of. This technology enables them to suck life out of people not just rape them but they are absolutely disgusting in every way. 

They want to try to force a baby out of me with one of them. Will SOMEONE ever get this group of sick parasites off me and stop this contract and stop the endless devastation they are wreaking on all life on this planet?

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