Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Terrorist report: February 25, 2021. Nearly hit by cars continuously while driving--nearly hit within a few inches by vans/trucks as cars on the opposite side lurched from side driveways, parking lots and corners so I had to swerve and was nearly hit by cars swerving into my lane from the opposite side. In each case I was nearly hit within 4-5 inches. Other psychological terror attacks aimed at me by terrorist agents assaulting me in stores--while my brain was rendered non-comprehensive but functioning at a much decreased level of awareness while, again, as the anger mounted I began to say things I was not thinking, my voice was literally altered to sound low, ugly and hoarse as my vocal chords are also affected every time I talk to anyone--(there is a microchip implant in my throat which can create everything from constriction while eating/drinking to alteration of my vocal chords). Etc etc

Near-death, barely averted car/truck accidents--all orchestrated terrorist attacks which occur in the same patterns every time I drive. I mentioned one very ubiquitous near-death attack formation while driving above--cars lurch suddenly or drive very quickly towards me from the side of the road (driveways, exits from parking lots, gas stations, they pull into the road so the road is blocked except for 4 feet in the lane where I am driving--and they lurch forward just as I am approaching the side entrance so I have no time to stop or change lanes. They drive very quickly or they are waiting and stationary and then they pull out towards me just as I am approaching--or they are waiting in the middle of the yellow dividing line in between traffic and pull into me as I am driving past--right in the middle of the road not on the side where cars can pull out. 

I live on a hill which is very steep. One side is at the bottom of a curve, and there is a large mirror so you can see what is approaching from around this corner. Because the hillside is so steep, the lowest portion of the entrance into this huge condo on top of the hill inclines so steeply at the bottom where the road intersects that you have almost no time to slow down to brake. Please note that my brakes are remotely attacked, as is my steering, so a potential murder/accident could happen at the bottom of this extremely steep hill where there is no flat area to stop before hitting the main busy road beneath--it's busy of course when I am driving down the hillside, but it's empty most of the time with random cars driving through. There is also a speed bump just before hitting the curve that is just at the bottom of this hillside, where you can't see anything that is approaching from around this curve in the road, at the bottom of this hill, unless you look in the mirror. For this reason, the terrorist organization has people on motorbike driving as far away from the mirror area, on the side of the road, coming at me at very high speed from around this corner so I can't see them in this round mirror that reflects only the larger trucks but not a smaller motorbike which is driving at the farthest extreme of the road. The drivers sped through the speed bump (it was two Thai men driving on one motorbike) and they just went at around 50 mph around this corner over the speed bump to drive right into me after I had looked both ways and was driving into the road. Within the second that I drove into the road, looking in all directions, they were driving exactly into me at the most precise moment when I was driving into the road. I was nearly hit but braked just at the last second. This same type of potentially fatal attack methodology occurs now almost every time I drive out of this condo. AT the bottom of every exit of this huge, very steep incline of this hill the moment I approach the road where, if the brakes are blocked as this group has done with my motorbike, I would be hit instantaneously and potentially killed.

The terrorists come at very high speeds from around these corners and nearly hit me. It's been going on since the most recent terrorist in H-wood began assaulting me with everything from heart compressions using this technology to--now every single day things are ripped, torn and broken in my home. I just saw that another piece of clothing has been slashed with scissors. It was hanging on my clothing rack next to the sliding glass doors of this room, and there were two holes cut with scissors in the very thin fabric. It is a shirt I have worn one time, and it was in new condition when I wore it yesterday. The shirt, by the way, has been so saturated with stinking odors and I have had to wash it so repeatedly that the fabric is deteriorated before I have ever worn it once. Due to this hanging bulge of poison and because this fabric is so sheer, I have not worn it but was waiting to wear this very beautiful light green, sheer top for a few years--(my reward for all the effort for years of detoxifying from this horrific poisoning which appears like "cottage cheese" cellulite as the poison is bulging out of my body, hardened into my back and spine, hips and extending throughout my posterior region (my legs, hips, into my skull) but on my abdomen and where there is adipose tissue, it bulges out, trapped above the hardened areas, and looks disgusting and like nasty flab and cellulite. It literally hangs off my body like I have a pot bellow and have huge reserves of cellulite. I have not been able to wear any kind of beautiful clothing that doesn't completely hang over my body for decades due to this attack. I wore this shirt yesterday and it's now destroyed. Every single day something is killed, destroyed and broken in this room due to this attack by this newest addition to this attack torture situation. The things being broken were not on a daily basis until he began his assault on me. The near-death accidents also are not new, but this new form of attack which is potentially deadly--cars and motorbikes driving into me as I begin to pull out of this condo and the roads below is new and from this newest addition to this attack situation--

Also, if I drive at night, people driving motorbike with metal cars attached to their bikes, huge metal frames with metal rods and things sticking out, drive into me from behind and the side angles as I try to change lanes. They swerve and I nearly am hit--they of course have no lights on these metal frame two-passenger contraptions (which I think are illegal but there is almost no police presence and these people are not stopped) and they are completely blackened further by dim lighting that the city of Phuket of course leaves so dim you can't see these types of death vehicles unless you are piercing the night with your eyes as motorbikes are swerving in hectic exhaustion to get home after work, just as it's dark the more deadly terrorist drivers come to attack me. I would describe more, as these types of attacks are literally continuous while I drive. 


At one store, which has items that are reduced by 150% from "normal" higher-priced stores--but the exact same items repackaged and mostly items out of China sent to Thailand. There is one shop where there is a male who has taken the place of a female who had become too friendly towards me (she had a cat which was extremely loving and I would pet the cat). The cat is gone and so is this woman, replacing both is a Thai male who has is violent and yells at me. They place huge stacks of plastic items at the corners of every aisle so when I try to turn the corner something is knocked off. These stores are very small "hole in the wall" types of discount stores. I carry bags of my items because the terrorists destroy and rip and make stinking my personal items and I have to carry many things with me continuously just to try to save what few items I have left from being completely destroyed. These are items like my Passport which is very hard and expensive to replace. I am thus carrying with me bags from my earlier shopping as this discount store is near my condo--they put these stacks of plastic items that are nearly stacked to my height in every possible place where anyone turning around every aisle who is carrying any bags would knock them over. Anyone who is not extremely thin and agile would also knock over these huge protruding stacks of items that are placed in front of the shelves, just at the corners of this tiny shop. Other shops have done the same thing and I believe this has all been done as an attack upon me because of course this group knows how many items I carry with me at all times. I can't leave anything at the front counter because in every case these Thai people rip and destroy and put stains on my bags and break items if I leave them at any check-in counter or ask to leave things so I can walk through their tiny aisles. I thus carry huge bags around with me after hours of shopping trips being nearly hit by cars and nearly killed.

I tried to get past all the stacks of plastic items that any slight bump would knock over--and this Thai man began yelling at me in the most nasty ugly tone because he had been instructed to do this by his terrorist organization---all of this was pre-planned. Please also note that the mind control technology involves brain-hacking and all thoughts are recorded. This group knows all that I plan on doing and where I plan on going and they are prepared for the most sinister and stupid attacks. I was thus yelled at because they placed huge stacks of items that fall over with the slightest bump around each and every corner. While I was under attack I was swamped with mind control tech so I was shocked and numbed into silence--my brain was partially shut down in other words. It took me a few seconds to recollect what I was doing and then I had a confrontation with this nasty man--who was also trained to glare into my face--while the other terrorists in the store he was extremely polite and gentle and friendly towards but targeted me with absolute hate and violence. I could not think clearly while I was talking to him, telling him he is very rude--he said that it was me who was rude. I began cursing at him--which also happened at another store while I was under a similar type of attack

the basic thing is that while under assault my brain is so bombarded from near-death experiences, shock and "trauma" even though I understand what this group is doing, I am unable to counter electronic blasts coming from technology aimed into my brain so no amount of breathing, composure or mental concentration will allay these electronic blasts of electricity coursing through my brain and altering and inserting my own vocal chord responses, my real ability to deal with situations and etc. 

In another situation at a major retail store (Tesco) I was looking at an electronic appliance--and I asked if I could order a replacement filter at the store. I was surrounded by no less than 8-9 Thai people who all repeated the word filter, opened the item I was looking and said in stupid voices--filter, filter. I went to the service counter where no one in this downtown Phuket major store could speak English. I have been shopping at this store for years and there are perfect English speakers there every time. When I am in this store there is not a single person who can speak English. I began using foul language at them as my voice was altered to sound ugly, lower and hoarse--the entire register of my vocal range was remotely altered while I began to curse at them openly as they laughed, made the stalking gestures as over 9 people by the time i left had asked me what they could do for me--but "speak little English" and I finally left the store calling them names---this happens to me while I am writing as well, I go into long cursing ranting name-calling. THis is part of the discrediting that the mind control effects (with the drugging and the subliminal insertions of words that are intended to make me appear like a very hateful and cursing ranting incoherent "delusional" crazy person.)

Then there are the attacks, which also happened, where I began laughing as some Thai male at another store began talking to me repeating very simplistic terms such as--repeating the size of an item and it's color after I had looked at it for over 10 minutes. Like you would talk to an Autistic 5 year old who can't read or understand anything. In this situation I began to giggle and laugh at everything, while I said things and acted in ways that are not "me". 

I could continue to describe this, but suffice it to say that this is the general pattern. However, yesterday was a continuous assault that never stopped.

Every year at the height of "High Season" here in Phuket these near-death road accidents, or literally being hit by cars, and these assaults by very nasty people who wear the store uniforms

these attacks are so increased when the swarms of Europ-a's come for their endless free weeks of paid vacation to get serviced by the Thais--the hostility , openly discriminatory actions are endlessly and at very ugly and nasty levels especially when the increase of the Europ-a's is at it's highest peak here in Phuket. Even in the lowest point of tourism during the pandemic, the few that have made it through the quarantine operate upon large numbers of Thais who are so eager to be promoted and pour their hate upon someone else.


I am now about to get out of t his stinking room--as I returned "home" the room was stinking from foul odors and cockroaches were running into me as I walked in from having left. I have zero food left out on my counters and I never leave anything in some garbage for any insects to eat. I put all in the freezer and I clean this countertop at least 10 times a day because there are mechanical arms that get through the tiny tiles that are over the kitchen area--I have covered all with paper and decorations but they have cut holes and etc into this decor I put to try to protect myself--I spend so much time and money buying things and fighting every inch of this studio I have no money or time or health to continuously repaste and glue over every surface that I have already covered at least twice--but the counters are routinely sprayed with brown grease and etc

I now am very busy and must go and get assaulted once more--first at the bank where I am routinely assaulted by the staff--and then at the motorbike shop which is a continuous mind control assault experience of hate and negativity--then while driving, and then I must go shopping for something else and thus I write about these attacks just hoping that someone will stop this group, that this newest addition to this terror teleportation protocol is finally pried off me as he's a very ambitious terrorist and of course attacking me is a sure and easy way to both vent hate, increase Nazi fantasies of power and control based on genocidal patterns--and of course huge promotions for the same group and it's implementation of this order of hate that they are striving to entrench into every society around the world.

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Social Security has informed me, after telling me by phone last week that all was fine! My banking information looked "good" and all was well, I was told. They cut my money off the next day. I discovered this yesterday. I phoned today. They are telling me that they have to calculate how much money I have to pay back because I saved the stimulus money and my student loan money for years-trying not be become desperate and not having any financial back-up. I am on SSI disability because this organization fractured my vertebrae not just once while I was in a deep, microchipped comatose drugged poisoned state, but multiple times making such damage to my spine that I am disabled, and then they poisoned me with poison which latches onto food, to fractures and injuries so the poison has hardneed onto it all--plus three major back surgeries due to scoliosis from the poisoning which literally was pulling my spine apart. I went to grad school taking classes online for over 6 years to get out of the hell hole rut this group forced me into--but rambo and his greed and his group had to have me poisoned so they could endlessly exploit me so their movies can endlessly remain as people cheer all of this on and on. I was poisoned so badly I could not move for YEARS. I remain paralyzed and stuck unable to use my laptop to earn any money, they have blocked literally all financial resources to me and all I do is destroyed and blocked, literally every transaction every bank every business every internet attempt I make all is hacked and blocked. //Therefore, this man, under the direction of this hate group in your movie programming system for Nazi induction into hate and murder, inc---told him to tell me it was all okay, t hen to cut my money off, and t hen tell me my money won't be reinstated (he told me it would be reinstated last week) until I pay at least $29,900. I have little more than that to my name--he would be leaving me around $1600 to try to pay rent, food and pay the other amount plus pay for fees to have the cashier check(s) I doubt I can have a check written for that amount--and he MAY take out even more. He told me he has to calculate into the amount all the months that payment was made before the first, which is many months and many more thousands of dollars he says he may add to the amount I must pay before my benefits will be restored. I cannot earn any money, I cannot make money, and I cannot pay and if he tries to add more money I will be stuck with no way to survive financially. ---All the money I saved from stimulus to student loans will be taken and my disability payments has been cut off--the agent played a "game" with me by saying on the 27th that my banking information looked good, and that my benefits were re-instated. He then had my benefits cut off the next day and I only saw t his yesterday. I phoned him today, he picked up at the social security office immediately which means of course all is orchestrated he is not the front desk operator he is a special agent picked for this "job". He was coughing into the phone, the usual "triggering" sound the very nasty people make. .He then began asking me with a nasty tone about my savings and etc. He told me that he had checked the last time I spoke with him and all looked good, but then he h ad to "follow-up" and then--the sledgehammer came down they suspended my money and I had to phone in to be told something else in a negative interrogatory stress--but compared to the hateful celebrity Nazis who orchestrate rape beatings torture and mutilation every single day, it was a "cake walk" in comparison.//It was a million percent a complete sham orchestrated to put me at ease by saying my banking info looked good and then to make this "game" later on--.He is leaving me less than the $200 maximum amount but says he must determine the final cost which I have to pay in check or money order (he suggests I come into the office to pay). //It could have been worse, but all the stimulus I wanted to save. I have NOWHERE to save money without it getting stolen in this room. When I received all the money I had no idea if I was being vandalized while sleeping by rapists in person or not any longer and they are so careful to leave no trace it's hard to tell even now with all the extreme measures I have taken to protect my body--ti's still being mutilated nightly and the terrorism of your celebrities is beyond anything but a torture chamber set of psychopaths. They are all giggling that they took the rest of my saved-up money. I could not find information about how agents have access to my banking information. Most information is blocked from my searches, by the way.//I am now a almost zero, once I make this payment my money will resume. Unless I make this payment I will not be able to survive. I have to start with nothing, which means the money I had saved for emergencies, which this organization is constantly creating, I have nothing no kind of security whatsoever because of this attack upon me by this group of millionaires and billionaires. I find them detestable and sick. I so much never want them in my lfie or ever to see their nasty faces and never their movies and I urge people to BOYCOTT HOLLYWOOD and all it's rotten nasty movies and directors and producers. They have put fascism and totalitarian Nazi dictatorship into power. BOYCOTT that place and the movie trash that comes out of that cesspool!!//The Social Security Agent who told me last week, as he checked my bank account, that all was fine, and that my (interrogation) phone interview to determine my disability payments was fine and that all payments would be reinstated. He said he had looked over my bank account and I had no problems and hung up with a saccharine sweetness wishing me a nice day. A few days later, he had suspended my payments and today he answered the phone when I called that office---my calls are always transferred to the agent sent to attack me and that office is no exception to all of the terrorist delivery services and etc---I told him that the excess was due to student loans which is government loans forgiven by social security and I had saved that money, as well as the stimulus checks I had never used hoping to have any kind of security. Because my home is constantly broken into, every time I leave, and literally all is rummaged through every time I return to my home my personal items are strewn about, damaged broken ripped stained and stinking and just tossed around from the organization I try to have in my life. Every single time I leave even if to go downstairs they destroy and rummage through and break and make dirty and stinking. They have teams doing this. I have no way to store money unless I carry everything around with me. //Not having access to information, not knowing that they had complete and total access to all my bank information which I never gave the agency but they now have all under scrutiny---they want me to pay more than I have as any kind of $2000 maximum. //He told me, promised me a few days ago that all was well, he had looked my bank over and all looked okay. I knew that it was goin to be a back-door slam on my a$$ but ....wondering if there is any kind of person in the entire Congress who can see the injustice in this (not because I went over the $200 limit) but saving the stimulus should not be a penalty. But the billionaires who have stolen my ideas, Oprah, the expletive team--and now they are under T-rump having my money stolen and threatening my life constantly--so writing out their sick behavior is just goin to be mute now they are trying to destroy m y life I am trying to get away from them. No one NO ONE has done a single thing to ever stop them hor help me to live in peace with any kind of financial stability. My family has worked with this group in that filthy dirty place in the Hills of Hell programming the nation and putting fascism into all kinds of power//--The celebrity Nazis & political Nazis had Social Security take all my money away from the stimulus checks and from my student loans saved-up. As I am unable to conduct almost all transactions on any level--I am blocked, my internet is hacked I am unable to do things and get information, my body has been poisoned without end to keep me dying from internal suffocation with murderous toxic poisons that are black and putrid and for 20 years all I have done is lay in beds running to shit this poison out as this group which has been paid and earned hundreds of millions for attacking torturing laughing as one expletive after the next rapes me with dirty sleazy hate as I am asleep drugged teleorted and supposedly the "dirty" one is me not they--. I had no ideas they had access to all my banking information. I accept responsibility for not having known but I looked-up information on how these operations work with social security and I had no ideas they had literally all access to all my banking records. I had saved all the stimulus money and my student loans and then saved my money. I am only "supposed" to have $200 in my bank at all times. I know that student loans under federal guidelines are allowed because it is not income it is loans, but I was told I have to pay double-digit thousands that I have saved for years to try to not be in a dire desperate situation. I have no way to survive the upcoming disaster if I slip in any way where I am---the expetives continue to tortrure me to death and are paid n millions for the continuation of torturing me with screaming rage, greying hair, they had part of my uterus cat out by the way in addition t o poisoning me to death having my hair so badly poisoned I am balding my toe broken my cuticles on all digits cut out and etc skin lacerated slashed and poisoned and I am scarred up from their violence due to mechanical arms, plus non-stop rape. The sickness and sleazy ugliness of this group is never-ending and they remain given all applause by this sick country and by the world. It is disgusting to see that such a low standard has become the norm in the u nited States. And everywhere else as well. They want me to pay something like $29,900 which is more than the $200 maximum I am supposed to have at any time to my name (in any legal account; all banking information is now not private thanks digital world order).