Saturday, February 13, 2021

To back-up my claim of how False (constructed and covertly operated) opposition undermines real adversarial power. One man in the video below is partners with T-rump in this teleportation terror contract. As a false opposition operative, he has played into the drama once more (as he is an actor from Whorewood) by playing hero when he is a villain who helped bring the coup into direct reality by indirect false opposition. I wrote of him extensively for years on Facebook as he was and still is a terrorist attacking me (albeit many others have stepped in to attack me using the exact same protocol). But in case you don't know who I am referring to: his suave, smooth voice is also an act. So anyone who sounds too "good" to be true is one of the more representative dis/mis information operatives actually working for T-rump in this contract out on me (for his promotions into lead roles for yet another decade cycle). The other operative who plays a lead role in the false opposition that undermines actual strong opposition to T-rump especially now at this most critical juncture in time when the most powerful impact needs to be made; instead her acting (badly done) is being used to defend T-rump, and that is how an operative of false opposition truly sneaks into a movement and topples it from within. Her "squad" is another example of a gaggle of minority minions doing what they are told by bigot Whitey telling them what to do. They have been used as part of the Defense by their orchestrated false oppositional tirades that are an embarrassment to the real act of engaging in opposition and defense against fascist Totalitarian dictatorship/fascism/Nazism (they all belong to the same group, but play on both sides of the false duality of oppositional sides--aka "bipartisanship").

**Nota Bene: all of this post was written under the duress of hacking blocks to the keyboard, my brain functioning (i.e. my hands get stuck in midair because my brain is under attack and I can't move my hands to the keys I want to press-my motor skills are being attacked by the technology. Plus the endless subliminal bombardment that always accompanies what I type and write so I can't think clearly. Plus as usual I must pound down with all my hand and arm strength to get the keys to function. If I don't pound down, the keys won't operate. Thus by the time I write a few paragraphs plus endless backspacing to correct what hackers insert or are blocking, my entire arm is very sore and I must stop--I also can't think clearly as I wrote earlier. I wait for the day when someone will protect me from this as all my efforts are being blocked by T-rump and his minority minions and associates who are part of this false opposition narrative --two of which are featured in this defense video and they are famous "liberals". Absolutely FALSE AND LYING DISSESMINATORS OF HATE-MONGERING AND FASCIST OVERTAKE OF THE UNITED STATES with them playing the "opposition". They are destroying the opposition and are being used, as they have always been intentionally used for in helping to crush real opposition and in this particular time, as they are false oppositional operatives, they are actually being used to defend T-rump at this critical juncture of this "trial".

This post is a bit redundant as I am being blasted by this tech so I get "lost" in writing and repeat often. I am now editing here at this addition: there is a third  personality--very famous--"liberal" politician also in this video who has participated one time directly in teleporting me (where I was aware he was involved). Sneering at me in contempt and mocking the violence that fascist Nazis are aiming at me, he is one of the lead "actors" in this farce of "fighting" against T-rump. He is vying for political power but as I have written earlier, the Progressives (which he is a member of that party) are in these instances of elevated personalities within that movement simply the "Socialist" arm of the fascist National Socialism aka Nazism. I also wrote of this and yet another one applies to my statement here (which has been repeated, I really am struggling to type amidst extreme blocks to thinking and typing). 

When I write that America is in trouble and that simply eliminating T-rump is not going to actually solve much of anything in terms of blocking fascist Nazi white supremacy or it's political contenders. The problem of these false opposition "liberals" and "Progressives" who have been put in lead positions of power (by the Nazis who have control over the larger fundamental systematic operation of politics and it's media-driven machinery of machinations).


All mistakes (mostly) are due to hackers rewrites and blocks. I want to add at the beginning of this post that I end it (as I am now re-editing for the 3rd time after publishing) that I finish with the sensation of being spun around and feeling dizzy and a bit nauseous but while sitting still in one spot. Whatever is being done to my brain is making me nearly faint and I must stop and try to regain my focus and balance, in addition to the pounding of my arm to get words to print out and how my hands won't operate I must fight to think and move my hands to the correct keys. Thus blocked, I got this post out the best I could but in re-reading once it was published I see that my short-term memory was blocked and I rewrote the same things at least three times in succession. I am indeed under extreme brainwave attack/mind control while fighting hackers to get this out. I am so dizzy and tired from fighting to backspace and correct and pound down and rewrite and review and re-edit I can't correct this post and delete the repeated sentences because I am simply fatigued and dizzy to the point of feeling like I'm going to pass out if I don't stop immediately.

I have to get up and walk out of range of this technology being blasted into my body.

I am waiting for some politician to stop this contract out on me, but apparently most of these politicians appear to be members of both sides of the partisan fascist Nazi party. Those who are not probably don't have access to this information or mostly they simply do not care and are used to exploiting people who are left defenseless--which makes them actually just members of the fascist Totalitarian Party but claiming they are "liberal" "Progressive" and they too play into this Party line by remaining silent, if they disagree with these torture, implant "experiments" which brought about the T-rump administration by his inclusion with the Whorewood Nazi "liberal" rapist bigots for promotion. The promotion for being involved at this level of my "experimental" contract in mind control are so high I think I used to think of these people being as high in stature as the sky, but instead it's all JUST A LIE.


CNN: Trump lawyer uses Democrats' words in impeachment defense. (You Tube title).

This video helps to back-up my earlier statement about the false oppositional players and lying disseminators of hate in 
Whorewood and in politics as well (coming as "Angels of Light" to rescue America from tyranny when they are actually it's agents of hate and death).

I wrote about the female just a few days ago. I watched the video pasted above just today, which confirms to any potential readers (who may be inclined to take what I write seriously, even though I curse often but realize that I am under mind control and drugging and tech interface). That these same players within the same organization using this teleportation contract for their enhancement politically and for their H-wood career promotions has played out to really underscore what I wrote of when I made the post with AOC as the titular significance. However, near the middle of the post I got to Warren, and I hinted at Depp but I am loathe to write his name or hers even.

Any mention of any "perpetrator" attacking me appears to only warrant a promotion for them, more torture for me, and I am still discredited no matter what I say or do (plus cursing and calling these terrorists names and cursing does not improve the discrediting aspect of how I am so discredited and also the rewriting by hackers completely shreds the semblance of credibility although I do write on every post that I am being hacked and I can't use the keyboard. Right now the hacking is so bad, and the attacks on my brain (motor skills are almost destroyed I can't use my hands to write clearly--like my hands become frozen--I am also being "burned" by microwave or some other technology (that is a constant every night and during parts of the day).


Here is at least some sort of support for my claims that at least two (because I could not watch the entire video as these people who attack me, and to hear them endlessly yell about "fighting" all the time, makes it like a huge circus football game of violent proportion. They are really all on the same, very violent side of the fence. That has been my point for years but now it appears in stark terms in this video:


How disinformation and false opposition operatives operate (backing up my claims in my post on AOC I wrote a few days ago, the general principle applies and also I included notice of the female "politician" who is absolutely a pundit of T-rump, a rabid racist (with her gaggle of minorities being promoted into media celebrity status). I did write of this, now T-rump is utilizing all this (I believe) absolutely orchestrated footage to actually defend his own stance. That is the function that these false oppositional operatives are used for, intended to further the interests of T-rump and this video certainly adds some weight to my assertion/hypothesis (which I now know personally is correct but the closest I can get to "proving" this concept is through this video:


I walked away from the laptop, the spinning sensation stopped. I am now writing a bit more that I could not get to because I was writing about how hacking is making me unable to write well (at all). To try to clearly define how badly "mind control" affects cognitive processes while under the influence, so to speak--it's nearly impossible to relate while these attacks are obstructing any form of communication that could access a more poignant appraisal of how nefarious this intrusion into my brain and body is through these technologies and drug interfaces:

to have achieved a much better posture of defense, if these players/performers/false oppositional actors had been savvy--was not to use the word "fight" repeatedly (perhaps just a few times but the clips above have repeated usage of the term "fight"--which as I wrote, the woman in question and her Progressive team are absolute supporters of the T-rump and other fascist Nazi agenda(s)--plants into the power structure, diversions from real opposition.

They should have had the verbal competence to vocalize opposition without having to revert to hints of violence and sports vocabulary (go team go, fight fight fight, kick ass fight fight etc etc like morbid angels of death cheering fascists on through the repeated use of these terms which all hint at violence, or have violent implications when used as part of a dialogue about opposing an adversary.

These "liberals" are shouting "fight" and "fight" and with no contrast to their opponent (seemingly) they echo the sentiments that are being used as the rationale to accuse their (covert "friend") foe for these false oppositional circus performances for the media spectacle of this Impeachment trial.

They should be able to competently verbalize their opposition without having to revert to the more low and base insinuations of using violence ("fight fight") instead of more elaborate but more highly elevated use of the English language to convey the same principle. If Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin could shake of the world with their words which used elaborate and nearly ornamental use of the English language, in a post poetic but clearly persuasive form of argument, how is it that these false oppositional players (as I call them, as I know from my personal experience of having been teleported or their intrusion into the promotional "mind control"/ teleportation "experiment" has been for me to have to see who and what is involved. Now mind you readers, I do know that my posts here are not being published to anything but a relatively small circle of these same terrorists who are part of this huge, global organization. I know this, but I continue because I still try to leave a record of this. Perhaps at some point in the future the use of teleportation will be made public knowledge and the silencing of this kind of torture (when the technology is applied to "behavior modification" through torture and rape and violence to alter and destroy a target's personality--used in other context probably for infidelities and rape of whatever or "pleasure" or extra-marital affairs or pedophilia or whatever--).


I am now getting exhausted again, backspacing, can't focus, feel sick and dizzy as the tech is once more being blasted into my body to stop me from being able to formulate sentences and write without having to endlessly pound down, backspace, rewrite and fight to get a clear sentence out.


DEMOCRATIC Representative JAMIE RASKIN: I am trying to "help" him in some way as I have no offensive remark to make abou him. On the contrary. This is in regard to how I see the deterioration of his physique and the fact that his son committed suicide. My postulate is that Raskin is being poisoned by this murder operation which is attacking me. I think it is possible that his son was "suicided" by this organization. I was put under "suicide programming" while under extreme drugging and duress. Subliminals of suicide were implanted into my brain continuously even though I was not suicidal I would have killed myself because, literally, THIS WAS PROGRAMMING. Raskin has physically deteriorated and I see every evidence of him and his family having been TARGETED in ways that I and my family have also been; that is how I "know" that this is possible and I believe very probable in his case. If anyone could connect to him, if anyone out there is at that level, please advise him to be extremely wary of his food intake; that includes going to restaurants where poisoning is very easy for anyone in the service industry to do. Plus, operatives are brought into businesses and pour poisons into food and/or drug them. He also has to guard his food in his home. All security systems can be breached by this highly evolved terrorist organization. There is no electronic system that can stop this organization from breaking and entering, and they leave zero evidence if and when they do. The poisons are tasteless, odorless and clear. T-rump has been used to using these terror network operations and these technologies on me (and undoubtedly long before, as this system is very old within the United States) and I sincerely hope that Mr. Raskin will take this seriously as his body has completely broken down since T-rump came to office 4 years ago. Raskin looks like he's been extremely poisoned and I doubt that the stress of his son's suicide or a heavy schedule is the reason for his very obvious physical decline. Raskin is an adversary of T-rump and thus, was targeted for slow death by covert stealth operations to make it appear like he is falling apart, after the (possible) suiciding through mind control, drugging and poisoning and targeting of his son and also of himself.


..and now my arm is in pain and sore from pounding down and I feel like my brain is in a sieve and I'm sick from this attack. I can never get much out or produce anything more than a few badly hacked/rewritten paragraphs within a very badly hacked blog post. 

I wait for my government to stop these attacks. I warn Congress that the situation that these "professional" caretakers of "The People" and of "The Constitution" who allowed this to happen to me and many others, who looked the other way, smirked, laughed, shrugged it off as not being their problem: now it could very well be your problem. Your sacrosanct House has been breached by people who would happily chop off your heads, shoot you in the head, and the people who organize these terrorist operations against me with these same Congressional members clandestinely brokering the assimilation of these death technologies into the groups which they used to believe were their ardent supporters and "friends" out there in bigot Nazi America. That also applies to your "friends" in H-wood who are more connected to fascist Nazis from Europe than they are to any allegiance to "Democracy" or any of you politicians. You have allowed these groups to go on unchecked and now the technologies and the groups you allowed to flourish not just under T-rump but for decades are so against you while you have actually helped to fund them as part of your "gang stalking" civilian army doing the hate and dirty work for you. Now they are turning against you by a leader who has entertained them out of H-wood, which you have also relied on for your endorsements. 

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