Saturday, February 6, 2021

C-O-W. C(onsiracy) O(f) W(omen). Get off your mental masturbation dildos and open your brainwashed mind and broken heart for another Lydia Lunch de-programming from your anal and oral penetration fixation obedience.

 Writing about all these pricks for all these years. How refreshing to hear someone articulate the disentanglement of programming training all good little girls from infancy 2 worship the plastic phallus culture that has kept itself erect by raping my and much of the planet's life repeatedly because the COW(S) who help them to rape and remain in power can't do more than moo in agreement.


Come one, come all to the Lydia Lunch spoken word brain deprogramming poetry session, because it's time to give the pricks their due, which is nothing and no time wasted on writing or thinking or handing them any more free passes to commit their crimes and hate. That also includes the collusion from the COWs of complicity.


Here she is. Isn't she remarkable? Doesn't she make the cheesy lectures given by the bland "feminist" icons fall in the dust of oblivion and no-change-meaninglessness compared with the alive and thriving energy she pours into the dulled dilapidated brainwaves you've become entrained from in all your years of being socialized in the mass spectacle of numbed mental inertia (and compliance=OBEY)? If only I could get the life-f*** love-s*** pricks off me I could live my life with the energy that should make me fly into a higher level of mental and emotional bliss. I swear from all these years of observing the subordinate prick culture pyramid structure I can only say that one of the main foundations that supports that entire misogynist structure are WOMEN and they are the C(onspiracy) O(f) W(omen) the COWS OF COMPLIANCE.

So nice to hear a deconstruction and deprogramming of the mental grip of this death prick pyramid dildo mental construct and hear her art piece on the art of life and of living, by Lydia Lunch.

The COWs breed the pig apes who rape and kill the entire planet. If not for them, mommy could not have her little boy to coddle if he gets upset and needs protection after he's raped to shut up a woman who doesn't moo when he barks and snorts for the power assumption.

This is not a man-hating, bashing post. It may be more of a woman-hating, bashing post about the complicit COWS who foster hate crimes against women their sons rape and torture and kill.


Lydia Lunch - Conspiracy of Women  (YouTube Title).

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