Sunday, April 17, 2022

A Warning call to readers to not continue to allow this take-over of the media by foreign-dominated fascists and their American puppets whom they "handle"--and Nazis and Mafia. This is a warning about parts of your relaxation lifestyles (or your careers) which you truly love *or maybe not* that are in peril: Fascists and art do not MIX well--you get a waterboarded result of mediocrity that is endlessly monopolized and enforced into a brainwashed population, subject to entertainment-fisted mesmerized-suppression of originality and style. Of course, fashioned and approved of by government which wants obedience to mediocrity and authority and blinded to the harsh realities that an "Hegemon" like the United States is in the "theater of global politics". They don't want you to think, question, truly speak out in an original voice (i.e. the singing style) and want a drone-like monotone in our computerized age of music. This same quantized tone is carried to all countries in what appears to be a flatline globalization of the music industry and a toned-down mediocrity is the result.


"Tina Turner--Acid Queen (Live). Tina Turner Official. April 23, 2020.

Tina Turner in this video: Her voice in 2012 (or whenever this video was recorded) sounds almost better than in the 1975 film---. Some try to imitate Tina Turner (i.e. at least one of the music "stars" who has blown up the planet for what I consider to be part of the fascist mediocrity push to demoralize the planet into accepting fascism and all it's pornographic exploits which accompany planetary genocides, as well as blinding media about ecstatic joy while the genocides are occurring--and then the "stars" imitating the real originals but being paid in infinite more amounts of money. In the case of Turner, the discrediting has not truly occurred but in most cases it is protocol, like all their hate operations. (I still believe Prince was assassinated and perhaps partially by order due to the global reach this media terror group in H-wood belongs to. He was not only original in every way, but had at least a semblance of constructive empathy in some part and I had tried to reach out to him 2 weeks to his murder to try to get to Minneapolis and to his group instead of the hate org in H-wood; mysteriously that never panned out since Prince just up and died suddenly TWO WEEKS LATER and he had responded in this terror network but not hatefully with sinister trickery, as they all do and are all about in their productions and public appearances).

But as for the singers who are part of this team, from listening to them, I know they can never compare in power, originality and style to Tina Turner, even if their style is subdued or even ambient. I mean the strength of the music not the volume level of their singing or musical output (they are like limp left-over noodles trying to be hot and fresh in imitating her--but just lame limp and soggy in comparison!)

This is Tina Turner (according to the vid--in her 70's--or at age 70!!) I can't think of any young performer in the line-up of haters who are supposedly "singers" who equate to Ms. Turner in her 70's at their tender young-but-old-sold-out-degenerate ages now. 

Their personalities, their  stupid and meaningless songs, the bs they are but represent such false values to fool a population about the ugliness that is inherent behind their every power promotion and the lies they truly live in contrast to their public personas. 

Watching this video reminds me that there are bygone days when talent was more exceptional than now. It is your responsibility, readers, to not allow a further decline in American exceptionalism in the Arts, film and in general. My posts I have tried to WARN you endlessly against allowing these fascists to continue to be put into lead positions. Fascists and art do not MIX well--you get mediocrity that is endlessly monopolized and enforced into a brainwashed population, subject to entertainment suppression of originality and style.

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Teleportation filth, hate, sleaze, rape, violence, threats, toxic poison attacks from actors DeNiro and Pesce. It's gone on and on for years, but this week they've been on a filth and sleaze, hate rampage. They are not merely deplorable (T-rump minions operating for that organization of hate and bigotry and mafia and Nazism and tech torture and usurpation and theft and rape and murder and genocide).

"The Who--Do You Think It's Alright (2) Fiddle About (Tommy: The Movie) (HD)". Mateo J. April 11, 2020.


I am truly not in the mood to go into detail, but for years now I have written about their filth and hate poured on me. Nothing ever stops them (meaning no one). I implore again: they are vile and ugly and sick and mentally deranged people from a culture that inculcates this as predatorial behavior to their clanish cohesion. It is a barbaric mentality based on intimidation. Spike Lee made a movie on this theme, in part, but then of course Lee has also joined with this group (under Obama) and stole an idea from me, put the finished product on my search engines and then put photos of him glaring in hate into a camera right on my media pages--the protocol that the mafia uses and everyone else in this mafia-Nazi organization. But still, Lee had to participate but formerly, perhaps in his former incarnation as a politically-correct somewhat wanna be before his huge leap into fame and mind control programming to become just like the bigot creeps he formerly claimed he was so fully against--but retaining that hate for "another "group while undoubtedly kissing up to his former "enemies"--i.e. these two actors. None of these righteous people in H-wood intervenes as far as I know--I mean "righteous". They are just wealthy.

However, the main point was that currently, today, yesterday, the day before, the year before, the year before that, the year before that, and the year before that this duo of creeps have either collaterally participated or directly inflicted filth, hate and rape upon me (they used someone else to rape me, I mean a few others, I mean a lot of others). They organize the situation and profit thereof---endlessly profiting off this situation. Behind them is Stallone who has been attacking me via his Italian (not "Italian-Americans" out of the East Coast but out of Italy) mafia since 1996. Yes, this has not stopped being a bonanza for Rambo since decades of his involvement through his most disgusting and vile friend and partner who formerly managed Stallone's nightclub in Miami--Bar None (partnering with Steven Tyler from Aerosmith, who also attacked me and probably has a stake in this situation but is more of a "silent partner"--I suspect since his band members partnered with Depp while HE was attacking me all those years, prior to handing me over to pitt and his group who haven't stopped for YEARS, and now it's a continuous reshuffling of the oldies who play their games like broken records following the sick and psychopathic protocols that this contract entails. It's hard to fathom how my society can have installed people like this into positions that are supposed to represent society in any form--except to be put there to help deteriorate the moral fiber of society in order for the Europ-a's to infiltrate and take over, with Americans fawning over how "classy" the Europigapes are--but only deluded by glittering posturing which has been inculcated into that group for centuries so it's just another protocol. The money they flaunt is all from genocides, Imperialism and destruction of life and environment. I keep on this theme because people are far too mesmerized by this most ugly and vile and vicious entity that is fully in the more controlling puppet-string levels of this entire operation and the corporate power and political influence behind all these more minor actors and politicians (acting and politics appears to be easily interchangeable now in my deteriorating society).


but Pesce and DeNiro are sick and vile an disgusting on levels that are akin to having psychic slime poured from a gushing and infected source, endlessly outpouring their suppressed dark energy and bad negativity and psychopathic criminality and hate and sleaze and...

the skits they order their equally sleazy and sick minions to perform are vile and nasty and stupid. They have me repeat sentences that they write (this happened last night) and as I was under hypnosis, asleep, in deep sleeping state, and sick from detox and I always am (I am disabled from it) I repeated these sentences as some white bigot Nazi-looking creep began to yell misogynist hate terms at me (these men I refer to appear to have very nasty sexual problems or association of pornographic woman-hating in their repertoire of suppressed hate attacks which this technology enables them to unleash). I hear from them endless misogynist and genitalia dysfunctional hate terms that are only what the most jaded porno-addicts would say after years of hating women and having dysfunctional relationships. Their violence in their career lives as mafia and history have obviously affected their perception of women and sexuality. Probably they fawn over blonde women Nazis like supplicants. The Nazi bigot women who sit in the row-upon-row of seating while I am teleported, the "audience" of the same celebrities that only take turn attacking me day after year after year (now it's turning into more than a decade of the same people taking turns but adding more and more to the group). The Nazi women are probably so enthralled at their supplicating and ingratiating bigot "Italian" Brooklyn actors who grovel with the brainwashing programming to "worship" Blonde women but turning with vicious filth, hate and sleaze and all their indoctrinated hate for darker women lurking with all the racist "jokes" and memes they grew up with--and also there are the claims that many make that having a "darker" complexion as Europigapes the Italians along with their other Axis allies (still in operational effect, the war pacts remain the same but only shifted in name-only--I mean for a large part, there are anti-fascist rallies allowed in all those former fascist countries but I have never met any real anti-fascist from any of those countries in my life of searching--I am always diverted from meeting people who might actually be legitimately friendly and concerned). I don't mean to sound narrow-minded but I am always put into a cloistered box of hostility and fake liars surrounding me, perpetually so my only experience of Italians and Germans and the other Axis powers is, what I described above. I am certain there are many who are not of this political persuasion but I personally have only encountered fake smiling and vicious bigots and Nazis and violent and anti-Semitic Italians, and indeed "Italian-Americans" who are extremely nasty--my lifetime experience has shown this. The few that aren't of this mentality are far and few between, I suspect. I think those who are of that tiny percentage will avoid me because they are fed lies and they are not strong enough to not follow societal order enough to actually be a real threat to the prevailing order that is emerging constantly on the world political stage (the lies are fading the fascism is growing, in other words).


PLEASE get them off me and stop this sick and disgusting group from attacking me any longer. 


AT least get people (like these two creep actors, Mafia "Italian" but from Brooklyn, and the assorted sordid variety of celebrities from all these other countries and places around the planet and America) who are not sexually dysfunctional who need to vent their genitalia hate memes at me and make "dirty old man" sick "jokes" and sick and stupid statements. They fully advocate for sexual slavery and human trafficking (now in "electronic" teleportation, microchip implant and drugging with mind control and interface technological tyranny form). But, they keep being put into power because the fanbase "loves" mafia movies and these criminally insane goons who make stupid jokes and the planet loves it! Yeah! How funny they are in these movies which are comedies because they can make "fun" of their violent personality iconography (while at the same time inserting anti-Semitic memes that are disgusting and racist but since it's "comedy" no one makes any waves over it. That is the same aspect of "comedy" that I wrote of a few days ago with the embedded anti-Semitism of Colbert who first lauded "blacks" and then inserted a nasty hate and racist insult aimed at Jews, which no one seemed to notice. It is a very useful trick to these comedy media drives to put a few very hate and nasty agendas through the medium of comedy). These vile and filthy and sick men are not funny people. The "jokes" they make are continually tinged with hate and sarcasm, I suspect. I have never heard any of these expletives who teleport me ever say a single intellectual, interesting, witty, funny or "superior" statement in all the years they have only said and hissed stupid cliches, stupid and ugly phrases that absolute hate bigots use, and they only suck every positive thing out of me and drain and use and abuse.


But as to the literal filth content: I just discovered that the air purifier I had bought to try to save my life from the poisoning of all the fungus and stinking toxic substances perpetually sprayed into my clothing, food, furniture, curtains, bed linens, etc--the pig apes who break into my room or use the mechanical arms (under direction from the celebrities and politicians, I think, I don't know for sure) have sprayed filthy and stinking substances directly into the air purifier--not into the filter but they opened up the purifier and doused it with putrid and stinking toxic substances. As I have written for so long, the things they make putrid are laboratory-enhanced to stain permanently. The stink never goes away completely despite furious attempts at scrubbing and cleaning multiple times. I could only spray some cleaning solvents and pour baking soda and essential oil. The air coming out still stinks but not as rancid as before I nearly damaged the interior components by doing this.

That is the kind of stink filth that I think Pesce has ordered, because with Oprah years ago my room was completely saturated as they sat together torturing and abusing me verbally and then ordering this kind of filth to be done to my body and food (at that time the terrorist goons in this condo were breaking into my room and raping my body, putting my spine and hips out of place, inserting fungus into my vagina and hair and ears and then into my food and furniture and clothing. They have done this every day for years.)

When I would wash my underwear, the terrorists using mechanical arms would spray a black/brown line into the crotch area. This is the kind of woman-hating dysfunctional sexuality I refer to--an absolute hate for women and their genitalia. Of course, I can only imagine the same people bowing with submission to Nazis out of Europigapeland, and that is what they are doing now in this contract out on me. It's absolutely a racist operation to the core. But it's being inflicted upon me perpetually day and night and has been for years. The only programming they have done is to deprogram me to view any of them as decent human beings--because I had begun with that premise and now I only see distorted scumbags unworthy of having positions of power in society.


An iconoclastic theme and imagery from (the film Tommy, directed by Ken Russell. Above any other movie (besides A Clockwork Orange) I hold this to be a film I hold near and dear in my MK ULTRA/Sleep teleportation library of films that pay homage to altered states and the exploitation of the unregulated upon those who are under these (Nazi) experiments (now turned State-sponsored terrorism).

I would deem this clip to be a skeptical view on the universally-accepted media and societal Nazification of the planet in Church of Blonde/Nazi media programming worship mind control. One filmmaker could go beyond this programming (Ken Russell, who I have suspicions was drugged and/or mind controlled to stop his genius director input into an otherwise socialized Nazi propaganda push by the media. In the clip, for one single time I have ever seen in the media, there is artistic and symbolic desecration of this pseudo-religious orientation toppled by the blind, not to omit those who can see but can't topple false icons and fake Nazi-inspired psychic, psycho tv and movie "Gods". I have had to confront such people turned into iconic images now for almost a decade and thus I happily turn to some director who would NOT be honored in the current media maelstrom of awards and highest distinction in it's current phase of mind control operations to instill only adoration of the Nazi/blonde or white supremacist image, endlessly repeated with variations in the media, trickling down into society (around the globe).

"Eric Clapton, Arthur Brown e The Who--'Eyesight To the Blind' (Tommy--1975) (Legendado-Pt)". February 16, 2013.


As a complete, but related aside, here is a real homage to the Super-Psychodelic-Fragelistic directing and far-out groovy directing of the late Ken Russel. How I wish there were directors like him around who could both incorporate psychadelia into the movie genre along with in-depth analysis of culture, instead of Nazi programming which essentially lulls one's sense of analysis into a semi-autonomic state of mental paralysis, intellectual nullification and psychic terror (always some psycho bit of violence in such movies, heralded as "the best" by this Nazi-Mafia-driven establishment called "The Media"). Cheered on, of course, by "the masses" who buy into it all and reinforce it at every signal where they are trained to applause every hate subliminal embedded into "comedy" of tragedies and murder suspense thriller dramas, etc etc.

But anyways: here's a fantastic bit from Tina Turner, The Acid Queen and this scene is of her top quality as a "down low" drug and porno Queen but fashioned into a top quality psychadelic drug trip into alternative realities of Life and Living Death--etc etc (you can write themes and reams on this film):

Here's to Tina Turner in her glorious days (oh, and also to the late Oliver Reed, a fantastic actor who makes every movie thrilling with his larger-than-life personality and antics.

"Tina Turner--Acid Queen (Tommy) (1975)". VOS Music Rotterdam. February 29, 2019.

Friday, April 15, 2022

MY Thoughts on Another police murder/"assassination-style" in Michigan. The brutality shown in these police killing videos is what I experience on a lessor form every single day--but from leading celebrities and politicians who order thugs similar to the police thugs who get a high out of inflicting every kind of violence. They also get "paid" for their services but unfortunately I can't provide any video footage of their crimes because NO ONE will assist in supporting me. Unlike the victims in these videos, for whom marches and protests abound. I have tried, trust me I have tried to garner help from various communities and gotten no response but only people trying to participate in attacking me. When I refer to my targeting as being "less violent" than what is caught on the bodycam and mobile phone footage here, I mean the "soft kill" approach has been used against me (car accidents is not exactly a "soft kill" but it is supposed to look "accidental". There have been many of those. Then the poisoning and then the non-stop torture and rape while fighting to heal from extreme poisoning to the point that 11 years have gone by with me fighting groups of celebrities and politicians in teleportation while they block my access to health care, inflict more poisoning and damage and every day attack me verbally and physically thus increasing all kinds of deadly stress levels--without a day's pause--all because I fought to not be killed, would not "submit" to be controlled by disgusting people who have been handed money for their posturing and I am emphatically against the United States being turned into a fascist, Nazi police brutality State, which is what the top-level people I have had to deal with are creating technologically. That includes that electric car dealer who has made billions of $$ while operating as a tech advisor and partner in this hate contract out upon me. The future will be technological police and State murder and brutality unless people begin to try to stop this system from being further enlarged. So far there is still only silence at all levels of society about my predicament, although I can't go anywhere on the planet without entire communities participating in this hate systematic murder system).

 "Full Video: Grand Rapids police release bodycam, dashcam footage of officer killing Patrick Lyoya". MLive. April 14, 2022.

In my "target" situation of being "gang stalked" --which really is being a target of state-sponsored terrorism so there can be an entitled class and another enslaved class operated upon with microchip implants, mind control, drugging and then ensuing torture and if this group had their way---murder as "punishment" for not obeying without question demands for absolute obedience to being murdered if there is a sexual freak who wants to get his/her freak on and kill someone after raping and abusing them. That has been my experience. For my "resistance" to this the police treat me with caustic hate, insults and deny me every bit of law enforcement according to law. This is a universal reaction from all police departments when I have attempted to lodge complaints against stalker terrorists attacking me (neighbor "agents", for example). The people holding highest positions of power are as deadly as the rogue police who kill people on the streets, and in their homes for "no-knock warrants" for example. I personally do not believe some of these murders are "random" or accidental. I believe some of these people who get shot or killed by police have ben targeted beforehand (or, I mean it's a strong possibility). However, when the attacks do occur against me, I don't have any Black Lives Matter advocates fighting for my justice. I get instead silence from all communities which amounts to complicity with police and State brutality against innocent targets, which I am absolutely.


Sick. Sick of hearing about people being killed by police for routine and unnecessary use of force for trivial pursuits. Sickening. A good thing about modern technology is that these crimes can be exposed to the public. The public now has to fight this deadly use of force and try to stop the courts from letting another murderer get off because he is part of a "force" and was acting according to "protocols".

Thursday, April 14, 2022

My "opinion" from personal observations as a bipartisan target, from administration-to-administration, in teleportation capacity involving top level (clearance) personal/personnel political party bipartisan participation, as a neutral observer. There is no or little difference in power structure bipartisan cohesion involved in this technological exercise in power that the teleportation and mind-control tech/surveillance apparatus has amply provided these power brokers in politics and media--in order for me to make this analysis comment based on YEARS of being a passive observer of myself being inflicted with their torture and technological tyranny:

 "Manchin RUBS Inflation in Biden's Face While Pushing For More Coal". Waldorf Nation. April 14, 2022.

The projected sweeping "win" for Repubs in the Midterms began at the onset of the 46th Administration. Why? Because "they" want Republican Rule and are tired of faking Progressive policy. How much easier it will all be once their "friends" are put into power to not have to feign Left Progressive policy any longer. So far, the blame has been conveniently placed on Manchin and Sinema for the failure of the platform that #46 promised during his election campaign of 2020. You can dismiss my pov as "conspiracy theory", mostly because many of you are predisposed and inclined and programmed to first hiss hate at me, dismiss what I say, and then if possible steal all content to crank it out, revised in fascist underpinnings, as YOUR concept or idea-- but if others reading this can be neutral for a moment, look at the support Democrats continue to push for the disparate Manchin who, (according to the commentary on this video below are "ignoring what Manchin did to kill the Progressive legislation that Biden promised in his campaign, and instead are kissing Manchin's ass...").

See video above for more concrete examples and specific detail to support my hypothesis.

My commentary on the state of the nation, economy, politics, and personal observations about terrorists: but....with the hounds of hell on either side growling with vicious and drooling threats of confiscation of every and all things ME if I write any single comment that is not "in line" with their current cartel operation which encompasses the globe--and only acceptable commentarists (sic) who are essentially members of their universal organization albeit "on the other side of the aisle/fence" but still operating the lop-sided and one-sided paradigm: my comments under this inauspicious threat are under extreme scrutiny and threat. My comments are....


"Jabberwocky--Introduction". gwalchjune. July 1, 2007.


’Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
      Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves,
      And the mome raths outgrabe.

“Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
      The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun
      The frumious Bandersnatch!”

He took his vorpal sword in hand;
      Long time the manxome foe he sought—
So rested he by the Tumtum tree
      And stood awhile in thought.

And, as in uffish thought he stood,
      The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,
Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,
      And burbled as it came!

One, two! One, two! And through and through
      The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
He left it dead, and with its head
      He went galumphing back.

“And hast thou slain the Jabberwock?
      Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!”
      He chortled in his joy.

’Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
      Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves,
      And the mome raths outgrabe.


**I am going to download the movie Jabberwocky by the Monty Python ensemble of prolific comedic delight and other assorted sordid depictions: please do not 'BLOODY HELL" participate in the teleportation bloody hell and begin to torture me because I just want a little bit of amusement and a few laughs, I know you can appreciate the need for laughs, can't you? I mean my laughs, not yours in participating in torture and violence using this tech. Don't forget Brazil.....!

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

The sad realities about human cruelty, incompetence (on basic, intrinsic levels of functioning for a society), and blaming the victim mentality which I have seen prevails over all other considerations.

 It is extremely sad to see a societal paradigm that has been slowly and quietly emerging all my life out of an earlier conscientious base-line for behavioral paradigms (in American society, or how I perceived it based on all indicators of general mood and acceptance of these above-mentioned failures on the part of society to act as an integrated wholistic, safe haven for dignity for human rights. 

I am referring to the life I grew up around, where I was not exposed to the really deadly acts of hate that I assume have always been hidden and disguised. But now these are almost open and becoming more visible in society as this hateful cloak of slow death to all human dignity is being allowed to cover the collective sight of our society. This post is reminiscent of a sophomoric essay on ethics or a decline in civilization.


 to understand that I have written of sick and deranged and foul people torturing me using these technologies. That government officials are fully aware, participating and allowing this situation to endlessly engulf my life and others whom I have no contact but I realize there must be many in my situation, and many more to come in the future (which not a single one of you reading this cares or gives a damn about, apparently since no one will fight to protect human rights not just for me but for the other victims of this targeting). I suggest that many of you reading this post are yourselves victims but are unaware of how much your life is not just technologically-induced but the old-fashioned form of social conditioning applies as well.

It is DISGUSTING that I have written for nearly a decade to people asking for help, to stop the teleportation, the rape, the home violations, the abuse in every corner of the planet and have gotten zero real-time response on a practical level of support or condemnation for the perpetrators.

THE PERPETRATORS who are famous have become infamous in the years of teleporting me and some have been "canceled" in H-wood to some degree (if their violent actions have been made open and are supported by clear evidence or accusation). Except for one of them, a male of course who appears to have carte blanche to commit every act of violence and not be attacked in the media for any kind of violence towards me, or anybody else (and he has attacked others and the spotlight has remained firmly fixated upon his every movie and awards season while endlessly attacking me).

Some others who have participated have made global headlines for their acts of violence. I wrote about them, and was tortured, and I wrote about their hate and how dangerous it is to allow them to ferment in the stew of fascist programming that this teleportation contract actually implies for the planet. To no avail, I was met with more abuse, torture and disfiguration on my body. Congress has remained silent. Some of the famous and more media-oriented bombastic types in the US Gov have participated in the verbal abuse and teleportation. Back to the really violent and criminal celebrities--two of whom I have written of who act in a team to verbally and physically threaten and attack me (I won't write in detail any longer about the violence as, unfortunately A TRULY SAD FACT IS THAT THE VICTIM OF RAPE OR DOMESTIC VIOLENCE OR ANY ACT AGAINST WOMEN, IF MINORITY IN STATUS, IS ESSENTILALY AN ACCUSATION AGAINST HER. Blaming the victim, is what it's called.

The people who commit such acts are being awarded and their actions in real-life have resulted in deadly threats to all kinds of systems that are part of the overall structure of American society. And yet, nothing has been done to avert this problem, defend me, or stop the criminals. The most openly committed acts of violence are met with applause and cheers from their peers and from society on a very large scale level. 

The two "mafia" actors I wrote of, and have been writing of how filthy, nasty, sleazy, and disgusting they behave with this technology remain as the "muscle" of attack used by this group to try to inflict traumatization. They are so foul, it' s like the stories of women being assaulted right now in your precious ("your" as in the collective of "you" hackers who are part of this terror organization)--but the women being assaulted by Russian troops in the war right now--as the media is blaring to elicit sympathy for Ukraine--the same people who are shouting about how evil Russia is (the faux liberal celebrities who advertise their support for endless millions of $$ for Ukraine defense) themselves have sat by and participated when one of the very famous celebrities was in partnership with PUTIN and I was being raped by Russians here in this condo where I have had to fight for my life to protect my body from having my teeth knocked out while sleeping, fungus inserted into every orifice, breathing in fungus all night, every night for over 6 years without fresh air--continuously so my body is extremely ill or very poisoned (or perhaps worse) just from that one aspect of this hate contract. But I was being assaulted by Russians in this condo where I now live, under the control of Putin, a "friend" of one of the people involved--and nothing--nothing from anybody on the shock of the evils of this contract or defense of me. But the headlines are blaring now about rape and Russia and how evil Putin is. The very same celebrities now descrying Putin have themselves partnered with him on a very oblong tangent since this group is so interconnected and diverse in scope and scale--but they all knew and had no qualms about this.

I am referring to the reality content and not the fictitious posturing endorsement photo-ops that are the real basis for their presentations of charitable humanitarianism--at least from my perspective. 

IT IS A SAD STATEMENT on the part of American society. It is disgusting on the part of American society to allow this to continue indefinitely and to allow these celebrities and terrorist groups to continue to become psychopathic and extremely violent because they have been given no blocks to the ever-enlarging breadth and scale of their attack system with full remuneration and support from the US Government, and indeed all governments in countries I have lived in with also full support of the top levels of society in all capacities.


With the technology at this level of deadly incision into human life, it will not be shocking to me when society becomes unraveled, and not too very long in the future I expect there to be a cataclysmic shift in the lowering standard of human behavior to the point of near endless chaotic murderous standards, similar to something like a perpetual Inquisition but using these "modern" technologies of "touchless" torture, combined with sadistic surveillance and full applause and awards, cheers from society on a whole. 

But the celebrities who are so openly disgusting and foul, two of whom I wrote of just yesterday, are becoming more disgusting, more like soldiers on a warfront atrocity level of dumb animalistic violence and rape and hate---as the "sophisticated" and "classy" expletive foreigners (in this case it's been a slew of English for months on end--as the celebrities who are "American" have partnerships or family relations with English heritage or claim they are descendants of that culture --not of American culture, but of a foreign culture). This, too is welcomed with cheers as Americans who want to claim that America is great can't stand the concept of a diverse culture where people truly can be free and have equal opportunity. Their system is an entrenched form of racism based on the earlier stereotypes but adjusted to more modern posturing levels of deception.

I cannot write a business letter/email without it being destroyed in part by terrorist hackers who rewrite and discredit all my efforts. I wrote a letter to a bank manager after FOUR HOURS of being lied to, hung up on, redirected, put on hold, lied to, given one answer and then a completely opposite answer, given hostile answers to basic questions when the terror agents gave me indiscernible answers--. the teleportation sickness goes on. Every night teleported to scene of being dying or being killed. The mafia actors out of Brooklyn are grabbing at my body and making their usual filthy and obscene comments about my body and sexuality and when I use the toilet and wash myself--they are dirty and nasty and stinking. They are still operating for the former #45 and he's still behind all these attacks.

 The letter I sent this branch manager after 4 hours of being snapped at with rude nastiness (mostly by the black agents) and with cheerful glee by the whites who probably ordered all of the attacks as their minions outpoured all their lifetimes of racism and oppression out onto me. Nasty and lying and abusive on the phone while my brain was being blasted and while they were perpetually lying. I kept making jokes as they got nasty, and they got nastier.

The teleportation is disgusting. More English sitting in the rows as the mafia "Italian-American" bigots mafia actors (your famous ones) kept on making comments, grabbing at my body, making sleazy and disgusting slurs while I was washing, in the shower, on the toilet, always about my appearance while I am sick, as they order my body disfigured and mutilated while they get deals and promotions. Endless filth and sleazy, stupid and sick comments forced upon me with this tech. Endless truth serum/drugged-up/tech injected sessions of abuse while the English Holocaust-referencing Nazi who "won" the Oscar two weeks ago after his anti-Semitic Nazi hate rant at me, making direct ties to killing me and Nazi genocide in WWII--"won his Oscar--was sitting in the front row of the endless seating of "celebrity" after expletive in these awful rows. It's sickening how they try to obtain ideas out of torturing someone so they can appear sympathetic to human suffering by stealing what I am screaming as they torture me to obtain ideas.

But of course, all you readers, almost all, are fully aware and "love" these celebrities. But the next time you try to ingest their media fodder, try to conceptualize the meaningless behind these mostly crappy movies which keep being put into front position year-after-year and consider how many real artists and people who actually have original ideas are being prevented by them and in light of this contract for perpetual monopoly in this hate propagandized field (connected to politics and the US Government).

All my attacks are sanctioned constantly by the US Government at the Executive and Legislative Branches.


Below is a hacked and terrorist-corrupted redacted copy of the letter I sent the manager of one of the bank branches I reached at 2 a.m. last night--in a last-ditch attempt to get accurate information on a very simple set of basic service questions. This is now the common experience with every single question or request for help at any institution, this bank, for my computer to repair what hackers break or steal--for every single thing almost this is my experience. The phone (which is always hacked and almost all calls re-directed to terrorists operating as agents for the institution or company I try to reach for real and accurate help or information). In the letter below, you can see the almost "ambient" grammatical and cohesion deletions/inserts which are so ubiquitous in all my correspondences. I believe that there is a stream of "subliminal" words and phrases being constantly bombarded into my brain at this inaudible level, which I repeat while I am trying to formulate sentences. I get "lost" in confusion and find also after having written that the wording has been CHANGED ALMOST IMMEDIATELY AFTER I T YPE and the phrasing is so incorrect and unreadable often it's just a jumble of incoherency. The letter below exhibits only some of the endless hacker inserts and deletions. In addition to all sources I asked for information from, in English, to native English speakers, was met by mass confusion and nothing answered after FOUR HOURS of being put on hold, etc. You can read only a very messed-up tiny list of the hours of this going on and on for the entire time that I got no information I really wanted or needed which I had set out to get information on. My head feels, as usual, like it's being slightly crushed inward, my vision is blurry, I feel dizzy--my brain is under severe electronic attack as always happens when I try to speak or write or communicate in any way with any human being--except in teleportation and then I am put into hyperbolic hate and rage mode by the mood-altering tech and all that hate and violence these thug celebrities and politicians continuously--FOR YEARS AND YEARS NIGHT AFTER DAY AFTER NIGHT--fling into my life, their unwanted everything still being forced upon me (as with this entire organization). Still no support anywhere in sight around the world for me.


Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Dear Mr. (name deleted):

Thank you for your response with information on PNC Credit cards and the Secure option. I have to admit that I have never had a credit card in my life and absolutely don't know how that system functions. I would have to go into more research to fully understand the potential liabilities I face if I got into a financial mess and had to deal with all those high percentage fees. I have been going on the older information I was told by BBVA Compass that the Debit card system is more "secure" than a credit card (I was told this maybe a decade ago). I will do the research credit cards offered by PNC and consider the options, because what you have so kindly informed me of is very important. 

*As for garbled telecommunications on my end: my internet system is very hacked, I rely on a WiFi connection in this Thai condominium where I live. My emails are subject to hacking and being literally reworded. If there are egregious mistakes or what seems inappropriate, it is due to hacking "redaction". I cannot stop this nor change it at this time. It is probable that many "mistakes" will appear in this email or in my future correspondences due to this recurring problem. So please understand this when you read my emails and there are oddity words or confusing sentences or wrong grammar.

For now, I would be happy to have some way to ensure that I can use the 24-hour, temporary increase in Visa debit card ATM withdrawal on a monthly, long-term basis. I was first informed of this possibility in one of the many phone calls I endured last night (here in Thailand, GMT+7 time zone). My calls to PNC lasted  yesterday, April 12, at approximately 10 a.m. (EST)-1:30 p.m. when I phoned your office.

 I need to know if I can phone the Visa Credit Card Center/Card Loss Prevention Center (or if there is a more apt department, please inform me of the name and number) every month and obtain a  temporary increase in ATM withdrawal allowance. I was told two contradictory answers yesterday. I was first told by a woman named Theresa at the Card Loss Prevention Department that I could easily obtain a $250 temporary increase in my ATM withdrawal limit if I phoned that department 24-hours in advance to withdrawal at 1-855-866-7020. Theresa said I could use this option every month, or "every day if you want to", as a temporary 24-hour window for ATM withdrawal. Later on, in yet another call, to try to obtain further information and confirm what the Visa Credit Card center had told me, I was told by the PNC call center operator named "Anita" (at the Pittsburgh center) that I had been given incorrect information. She told me that the phone number for that type of temporary withdrawal increase is 1-855-866-7001. She informed me that her contact at this number informed her that this option of temp. increases for ATM withdrawal was based on only emergency-only use, perhaps one-time. I need to know which is the correct information and to which department I can make such a request if it can be granted. That would help me for the short-term, but I would be using it monthly if approved. Can you help me to expedite this monthly or give a kind of consent for me to obtain this permission, or do I just need to phone some department and make a request on a monthly basis? 

This brings me to the "complaint" section: I dealt with elongated periods of being put on hold, waiting while the agents said they were "looking" for the answers to very basic questions about services, and these waiting times took a big chunk of time. I was then subjected to contradictory answers from almost every agent I spoke with. They confirmed some basic points but the particulars were always opposite to the last person I had spoken to. If there are phone records in PNC phone logs, if you can track my calls yestserday using my Social Security number or account number, that would help to verify duration of calls and the content of the calls. I took down names but not all of the people I had spoken with.

The first person I spoke with I was mysteriously disconnected to while being put on hold. The second call I made also was abruptly ended in this fashion, and again I had not taken down the name of the person I was speaking to. 

In each phone call, asking the service rep. to give their location for identification purposes was not met with friendly assistance. One woman (Tamil her name is) told me very abruptly that this was information she was not "allowed" to give out. I need to know if asking for identification verification and location of call center is something approved-of by PNC or how can I go about identifying the person I am speaking to in an easy-going manner. Some of the representatives sound resentful that I am asking for their identification information. 

The person I mentioned above, Tamil, who was not a friendly rep by any means, told me that I could obtain a long-term permission to increase monthly ATM withdrawals unless I spoke with a branch manager. Because I have lived in Gainesville, Florida for years and had known the BBVA Compass staff (and at other branches in Gainesville) I usually try to phone that local Main Street branch for individual problems (when I am locked out of my system). I was put on hold (a long time) and was "helped" by a woman named Fatima. I had to explain to her my situation again (it was by that time the 4th time I had gone through the entire request process) and she then told me that she had to confer with her manager, Mustafa. As I was put on hold, my phone call was again disconnected while I was on hold. I phoned the branch and got the manager named Mustafa on the phone. He told me that I could get permission to increase monthly ATM withdrawal, but only if I went into the branch physically. He repeated this at least 6 times during the entire call, or longer. I tried to get a bit more information and I told him that I had been given "the run-around" and needed his assistance to get to an agent at the PNC call center main line but help in finding someone who could answer my questions definitely. He told me that he was too busy and had other customers waiting. I told him that I am also a customer and I need help because I had already been sent from the call center to him, and he told me he could not help me and that I had to phone the call center once again. He put me on hold for a long time and then he informed me that I could get a withdrawal increase if I phoned "Giovanni" at the "Credit Card Call Center"--the number Mustafa gave me was 1-855-866-7020. When I phoned that number and asked for Giovanni, I was told that the name of the department was the Credit Card Loss Prevention center, and no Giovanni worked there. I then had to explain my situation once more to a woman named Amanda, who had a series of identification questions, who put me on hold, and then I was referred to Theresa (and I wrote about what she said above). 

I decided after hanging up that I had questions about the next level of Virtual Wallet where increase in ATM fees could be increased (we spoke of this on the phone briefly). I phoned the PNC call center line once more and got "Anita" (Pittsburgh). I was put through extended silences and long holds where she claimed she had to "ask my manager" for information on my question (which was the basic policy for the next level Virtual Wallet). I think this process of her putting me on hold and long silences took over 20 minutes. She then began to give me the most basic information and when I got confused because of her answers which were put in a most broad terminology, she began to state that I "had to have a $2000 direct deposit" for the next level account, but that, "as I told you" you can have either/or $2000 in both accounts. I asked her repeatedly because she kept contradicting her answers on any very basic point, to the point that I was very confused. She kept repeating I "must" have a $2000 direct deposit "OR" $2000 in both accounts. I asked her which was which and then she kept stating that she had already told me, in a rude manner. There are more instances but I can't recall them all, with flip-flopping sorts of answers. I was so exhausted by this point that I was making jokes in order to not get flustered, so if  you hear this in my call, it's only because I don't want to be an irate personality on the phone dealing with this sort of trivial but serious lack of coherency on the part of the other person. 

When you explained the situation in your succinct and professional manner, I understood immediately. I also requested from "Anita" the URL to the virtual wallet information she was referring to, and she said in a nasty tone, "It's" and gave no further information. She even refused to give a friendly parting like "good bye when I kept trying to be friendly by the end of this arduous call experience. I think you can discern the levels of comprehensibility if you listen to the call (it's a very long call though). I have tried to express it somewhat.

To recap:

for now I need to know how or if I can phone one of the card centers and speak to a specific person/contact every month in order to make a 24-hour window $200-250 increase for ATM withdrawal.

I hope this letter has not been too long.




Yesterday, during my initial descent into this chaos, I tried to log-in to my bank account and saw that I had been blocked from access. A 'warning" sign appeared and a demand for me to verify a text message to my phone appeared. There even was a phone number put into an encrypted form--"Please verify is xxx-xxx-7929 (or whatever the last 4 digits were). I have no phone and I have that field blank in my personal profile for this bank. I had to do a system restore in order to try to block this freeze on my account. It wasn't the first time this has happened with this bank, and it's been my bank for only 6 months.  When I tried to write this letter (above) the manager to try to write this complaint, I left out 30% of all the verbal attack and lies, at least. I could not access my memory while writing the letter (but now I recall a bit more, and this is always the case that I "remember" what I had tried to say while writing or speaking but it was "blocked" from my memory. I am now almost sick from sitting here under this electronic attack while I write--my head feels like it's just pressed inward--my eyes are very blurry I can barely see.
But I did a system reset function (Windows 10) only three hours before making all these phone calls and after I just used SKYPE for that 4-hour period, wrote a few emails as notes to myself, and clicked on the banking website and on YouTube and my computer the next morning was completely blocked, slow and frozen with DOS attacks permeating all my clicks-still going on.
Hackers deleted parts of my post above--when I was writing about the violence inflicted upon me by the Brooklyn mobster celebrities---the Godfather and good ole boys of mafia movie lore--the English scumbag parasite who attacked me with Nazi language who then "won" the Oscar for his movie about Ireland--which I only saw from the first few moments as an imitation of Steven Spielberg and his movie memes and themes-so copied--so ludicrous this personality really is with his female partner who makes violent looks with threat at me when I am fighting back--as they all do, these celebrities who order their minions to attack me most viciously and violently for them when I fight back and defend myself after years---A DECADE and longer of this endless onslaught of hate directed at me not just by them but revolving revulsive partners of their in the same industry. 

The ugly English parasite was taking notes on what I was saying and trying to make jokes about--for his next dumb and sinister fake movie about what a cheerful and fun guy he is with his anti-Semitic symbolism which no one but me apparently can even assess through the bs movie stuff that comes out--using really Freemason and "Illuminati" themes that I have studied from a source and learned of--based on research from actual texts and translated literally.

But stealing ideas as usual--and for free! Handed to every bigot who wants to posture as if they care about humanity and the "masses" of dumbness that actually help to pay for their luxury entitlement lives while they, in turn, are working to establish an absolute monopoly of not only movies but of thoughts, creativity and in future genocides and murders of the masses~!

So he was stealing ideas while these revolting and ugly "mobster" actors were grabbing at my breasts, grabbing at the flabby poison and hard portions their hate organization had covertly dumped into my food all my life with zero people warning me or alerting me of this slow death. But everyone participating around me, and everyone else remaining silent and letting them get away with it all. 
so that is what is going on. Of course I've only spent years and years writing about this.

Right now the hacking is so bad that I must backspace almost every word and my head feels like it's being crushed inward, I am dizzy, I can't think

I "forgot" to add the details above while hackers continue to delete and rewrite my posts--(deleted in parts, the deleted parts strung together--much is being left out that I had written).

No one of course will do more than read my posts, bemused perhaps? Can't wait for it to happen to you and watch you get destroyed--all you nasty creeps out there reading this who think this is funny. Wait until their system spreads and you are caught more than just covertly while you assume it's not happening to you or don't care because you benefit from this system. The system will cause mass destruction and more than is already happening and has happened. Can't wait to see how many people will be crying for justice when there is none left, if you creeple out there who won't fight for anything but your own selfish aspirations are stuck in a mire due to the deadly problems your "friends" are causing around the world which will eventually come back.

KEEP DOING NOTHING!!! By God, keep doing nothing of course you are comfortable what's the problem? Isn't it "fun" to read my posts about misery your pig ape friends and you are forcing upon me, your filth and ugliness and stupidity.

The rotten filth creeps you inflict upon me, how they are taken as serious "winners" of society. How you love them.

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

MY "new" bank forced upon me--PNC bank and it's non-outsourcing, "make America great as it never has been" American terrorism. Horrible telephone terrorist run-around by my bank--hours of getting wrong answers with repeat information for questions I had already asked and gotten answers to, but wrong information for information not easy to access and kept waiting on the phone while they ut me on hold. Meanwhile I was giggly and fake-happy due to the tech attacking my brain--got different answers from the 6 people I spoke with. People became nasty when they told me one bit of information, contradicting it and then claiming they had already told me--nasty and rude. Hours of this going on and on. At the end, I have been told lie after lie and nothing has changed I got no help.

 After a while, of being constantly lied to repeatedly, while being put on hold indefinitely while they have to "check" for answers--blathering out information that is so basic I must ask questions, and they go into detail with info they had already told me but won't answer my question, then get nasty about how they just told me when they hadn't--becoming confusing while my brain is being BLASTED so I can't think clearly. While I got up to do something I put my reading glasses down and came back and the mechanical arms had reached through my bathroom (the tiles in the walls) and broke the glasses within a 5-minute stretch of me just moving away from the desk area--to come back to the frames broken and the lens falling out (it is a new pair of /cheap glasses, but replacing the last few pairs, the new pair I had just bought but left in this room while I was out shopping is now gone, like the 2 pairs I had never used which are now gone--stolen from my room---

But I was so happy to get any answer, and then it was contradicted by the next representative who then lied to me

but I was put into a silly happy daze by the tech--trying to remain positive instead of blowing up in some "rage" which is how they want me to be,  perpetually with all these hateful people attacking me.

It's easier, I have discovered, when you get people who "no speak English" instead of the blathering haters who speak English with lies and deceit that pour out like the hate that this group always has in abundance--like a pouring of hate endlessly and spattering blathering hate by these institutions like banks and official business offices.


All my calls, of course, are transferred to terrorist agents on the phones who all work for the bank but are part of this global system.

I also got messages earlier today that my bank is frozen and I must have a text message sent to my mobile phone in order to unfreeze my account. Knowing that I do not have a phone, this has been a constant block to my every social media account and now this has happened to my bank website repeatedly for the half year I have had to use this bank.

Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...