Monday, December 23, 2024

All of the expletives mentioned in this post are under direct influence, incentivized by the German team one of whom is a most foul violent rapist who forced his nasty self upon me and began terrorism and torture--is now instructing his minions, which means the A-list of Whorewood, into Nazi-strategies for "breaking" someone's soul and personality. All actions are a result of the initialization of this German filth dirty "demonic'" porno Nazi-concentration camp spewing filth cesspool and his blonde Nazi friends and family and organization, whatever it is, it now has full sway over the dirty and really stupid and incompetent Whorewood team--shitpigapalina and all the hundreds of celebrity shit and scum who rush to violently abuse me, the German is instructing them on forcing absolute silence, no commentary on my part, but their uninterrupted torture using teleportation drugging trauma-based mind control, which i24/7 poisoning drugging mutilation rape and assault from millions of operatives who are everywhere, all the time so there is no place on earth I can go to live in peace and no representative of any government who will stop this and protect me, not anywhere around the world. This group is now fully performing the acts as proxy for this filth creep they all adore. Thusly the rest of this post regards the training and programming of Whorewood into Nazi brutal methods for psy-ops torture, rape and silencing of any criticism. //They are ALL fully engaged in this torture protocol Stasi/KGB methodology. This filth German actor scumbag who truly is sick and stuipd as they really all appear to be, has played in his roles, mesmerized by the violence and "power" obtained through torture concentration camp methodology--he has played a corrupt Stasi agent scumbag, and a concentration camp sexual predator abuse. He is fully imprinted in the roles in a form of transference ,and is instructing the already filthy and Nazi programmed group of expletive-soiled filth into more extreme methods of violence. Not that anyone appears to be concerned as my 15 years of writing about this has resulted in only a rise in fascist Nazism in all aspects of life, and around the world. All I have done is writing in resistance of, and this is now being rteleportation terrorism by the endless Tyler family--hitting, punching, yelling death threats. I wrote a post about a general condition of politics and entertainment on Facebook--dirty parasite from this filthy tv show Harlots who have rushed sprinted to get their free entrance into American media and of course politics--because I watched a shit tv show about prostitutes in London back in some early century--I like period dramas out of Europ-a-land also for the costume and design, just by the way it wan't just fascination with much more than that and watching Samantha Morton, a most vile fake feminist bigot racist and I wanted to see if her slew of white trash feminist k-rap was intriguing--as I had hoped that someone who appears soft-spoken could be somewhat intellectual. No such luck, they are just trying to capitalize on the American "woke" scene by incorporating the empowerment of their characters along something like Disney lines of entertaining upcommance to white male superiority. The first people who attacked me from their group were white males and then the blonde skanks--then using their black minions and then sliding on down to the Tyler family, who had been behind the endless attacks in the first place. I did not watch that tv series to watch Americans from Whoreowod and her character appeared in ether Season 2 or later on in the series. I just went on like a dumb tv addict not assuming that this trash filth would viciously hand me over for their entire plot to attack me so viciously--as Europigapes do they are practiced in fascism and Nazism and Totalitarianism and Centralized control structures and lying and deceit about their true intentions--vicious vultures and liars and absolutely into Nazism and Totalitarianism. Equating that with elite entitlement as if there is a difference. And thusly, the vicious hateful Tyler is kicking punching and yelling death threats for me writing a post on my Facebook page today about the fakes of the entertainment and political machine on the "Democrat" side. As they all do, using any single pretext/lie to attack me viciously and Tyler is a horrible sick personality--whatever his imbalance is or his vicious assault and lack of intelligence on the part of himself and his really uneducated daughter who has not read a book has nothing but "give me/I demand" mentality, as all this filth and crap all behave like the politicians and the sleazy fakes of Whorewood. I wrote that politics should not be intertwined with celebrity any longer, that Harris should NEVER run again and to get the Obamas, Hillary and Oprah OUT of the collective political clown show. That they are money grabbing fakes destroying the legitimacy of the authenticity of concern about their "vulnerable" constituents (I only alluded to that, in general they are only out for money and are fake and the sleazy sick clown show of the Harris campaign was a sleazy dirty event)--and then I added a youtube video in the comment section about a band, 711 Spacechoir, which was too cool for the norm and have been relegated to obscurity. I recommended song #3 called "ego trippin'"nd that was b

 **hackers have blocked my typing in the space above, I tried thrice to scroll forward to finish the sentence and every time I highlighted and scrolled forward as soon as I let my finger off the mouse it reverted to the beginning. I fast-forwarded using the arrow key and then I could not access where I had left off, so here I am, they want to interrupt my writing they are blocking my internet despite using a VNP nothing is not hacked or blocked no matter what I do or what system I use--I assume paying for any service would mean the same hacking and I also can't afford it

*for the 2nd time, I was adding the intro to this post and in the middle of a sentence the cursor jumped the page disappeared I got lost in fighting to retain my brain feels like a fog is smothering thought coherency--as it is.

I was writing that for the past 15 years I have spent my life writing about the threat of a Nazi rise, and it has happened because so many people have been completely primed by the Whorewood 4th Reich movie machine and celebrity worship of Nazis disguised as being heroes of themes and scripts they never conceived or or wrote. It follows with my example that for 15 years they cannot think independently of their own award-winning ideas it comes from me. The problem is not "them" but all of society (It feels like "all" to me from a lifetime of this going on and on) which followed these same protocols so I was drugged and exploited tortured but not like this group of hyena whores who are the most foul of all people I have ever met, the most apparently stupid and sick (but I never got very close to the majority of the terrorists as they amount to millions of sick creeps doing sick and violent nasty things) but to continue---the programming into brutal rape and torture protocols is being implemented not by Victoria Gotti or any of the celebrity or mafia Nazi shit I find detestable and just think of them as slime ooze by now and they prove it with their semen-laced dead meat insertions into my refrigerator because I called them slime-they are slimy they are greasy sick operators--but it's the majority of society which I can only blame as without the major consent of the "silent majority" none of this would ever have happened. I could add that if Citizens United were no implemented these lobbies would not exert such control or through the rigged electoral college have voted such nefarious haters who I have had to deal with from the political spectrum. But they are trying to just suck out ideas from me while murdering me--not a single penny not a thank you in over 15 years of them going to top festivals and awards with ideas they have dispersed to the creeps who join in. Not a single day of cessation no holiday no break nothing they are going on until I break and die---I have no doubt. But, this German sleazy fuck who is just another dumb muscle-bound porno scumbag (I see them every year in this tourist place where they come to learn boxing and have sleazy encounters almost for free with master-slave entitlement which only bolsters their Nazi mentality in attacking me with circles of brown and blacks around them; it is exactly the same in affluent Whorewood.

But the programming is entering a notch of violence of repression of any commentary about the reality and the truth as I see it and observe through analysis not conjecture. I base my writings on experience and detail the structures. In all these 15 years EVERYTHING i HAVE SAID WAS GOING TO HAPPEN HAS HAPPENED in terms of the vicious rise of authoritarianism and Nazism. I believe Trump and his team were aware that they had the electoral college and election fully under control (they could have bought out the e. college or a conspiracy theory I believe is very likely possible (emphasis on likely) is satellite interference and hacking. I have not seen any study or research negating that hypothesis). 

And so the training into fascist violent repression of anti-fascist operatives is being by proxy instructed to the stupid meaningless mediocrities who otherwise refuse to spend their own money and they are repeats of repeats so they can't think of any original ideas whatsoever. The daily torture of me so they can obtain ideas, I can assure anyone that I can indeed think of creative ideas without being tortured. But the themes they ask me for to scream out are about victimization, as that is the "revenge" and "righteous" assumption of power over unjust powers that these perpetrator Nazis are struggling to find original ideas for, plus the Nazi rape cheerleader bigots need new ideas about "feminism" to sell and etc.

THey continue to ask me why I don't like them or being tortured, literally every single, single day until I 'break" due to the drugging and HOURS AND HOURS OF ABUSE TORTURE and assault . The smiles on their ugly sick faces after abusing me and then the sneering hate looks of murder when I fight back--and it's still being completely protected and funded by the ersatz government. Protected by Whorewood and championed as such. Defended by "society" at large.


(((***It is truly unfortunate that in writing this post naming these foul criminal psychopaths (I suggest most of them former addicts or current, and in many respects other than just drugs or alcohol but now they are addicted to torture)

Too bad these people I write of will only be more promoted for me writing about how sick and vile they behave towards me. It has proven 100% that everyone I write about is almost instantly promoted into a much higher orbit. The waiting line of shit, scum and lying pretentiously creative artist k-rap shit is never-ending Like rats starving with rabies, they rush frantically to abuse me for as long as they can per day and night. The gottis have clutched on for maybe over 7  years by now. Truly sinister and disgusting, they truly are. Absolute Nazis absolutely anti-semitic and beloved by all the Presidents and all the politicians and they are just foul and slime sleaze and it's sickening to have to be around such filth creeps every day every night paralyzed writing about them every day and hoping some decency will emerge in Christian and "liberal" fucking American government. 


so, I had written about one little paragraph on my personal facebook page in response to Harris being mentioned as running in 2028. I wrote no no no and why, which I elaborated upon above.

For this slim pretext, it is now INTO HOUR THREE of Tyler punching me from side angles, my rushing to strangle and kill him and punch his filthy ugly face as they pull me off him. His ugly sick spawn daughter is there to help, her "daddy" abusing me for her as she also got her vicious English skank whore white Nazi and Black Nazi trash team to viciously for 10-16 hours per day to assault me because they --the Tylers, are blank hateful sleazy and have NOTHING TO SAY.. Tyler with his crap cock rock band always had nothing to say and  always creeped me out---his appearance the horrid music in my opinion I have never liked them, her in Lord of the Rings-and now they are filthy they have been spewing semen and dead meat substances into my kitchen for the past 3 days every single moment possible using mechanical arms to wreak their parallel stink their ugly dirty evil energy manifested into this stinking attack--and they are sick ugly and foul.

I can't use correct grammar I am not using commas the keyboard is nearly impossible to pound on constantly and backspace and rewrite constantly

3 HOUR HOURS HOURS of this dirty ugly old creep man with his shit career in having infiltrated the alternative music industry to promote NOTHING BUT WHITE MALE SUPREMACY.  That is all they are all about. The white "feminists" capitalize on feeding off the wave of white male succor and endless instant assumption to being given everything first.

Last night in teleportation it was sleazy horrid Victoria Gotti having me sexually abused and they had a skit where I was told I was a waitress and that in serving food to a table a man told me to only be his waitress and "serve him" so I said I would, assuming I was a "waitress" and I was actually in a restaurant setting. Instantly I was sexually assaulted by a women gyrating into my body and then the seeming "hostess" told me that some other man and his group wanted me to "service" them--as if it was an escort service but I was in deep sleep, could barely see anything in front of me or around me; they had me in "stop and start" mode of consciousness being blanked out and then re-awoken in another place, and I could not say no I just was frozen and uncomprehending could not see and said that I was only going to "serve" this person I had made this "promise to" assuming as they had me under hypnosis, while in deep sleep, drugged, that I was a waitress but they turned it into a prostitution situation.

And more greasy sick stupid crap going on in the teleportation.

Obviously this is part of the murder, these skits are psychically murderous every night for hours and hours.

When I saw that the Democrats want Harris to run again, I thought of her smiling into the German sick greasy fuck's face after the Gottis put him into viciously beating and raping me--and now every rotten white trash pig ape and his black minion is punching into my face while I am put instantly into the sleep "waking" state of teleportation\

so this filthy dirty ugly creep, who is using my post about not wanting Harris to run again, is screaming any excuse that I have no right to write anything bitch and I will kill you punching into me, as I hit this ugly rat skunk creep his dirty daughter rushes to attack me as well

and now, they are benefiting from me writing about their sick ugliness, which will remain as it always is, them being handed this tech again tonight and tomorrow and forever, 30 years of them having me slowly paralyzed raped poisoned and fighting for my life is NOT enough because they are blank hateful sleazy filth all of these filthy fuckers who teleport me--they can't think of any single original thing but they can't stand to see me have more talent, and more beauty so they have spent decades mutilating poisoning abusing torturing me every single day for hours and hours per day plus poisoning my food and infecting my home with fungus and mold making me paralyzed slicing into my body making my hair fall out permanently etc

and now this pair of filth will as usual as all this shit does, get more promotions for murder threats, using my every written post about the sleaze, corruption and this dirty death system of lies and corruption and incompetence that has been put into lead positions not only in politics but especially in dirty, stupid filthy Whorewood, that is all  I have seen of them never heard a single intelligent sentence not even once from any of these filthy parasites for over 15 years. They are instructed to say nothing and to insult me in every way so that is all they exhibit. 

Still, writing about it to try to get someone to get this incompetent pair of parasites, this ugly rat sleaze dirty skunk-looking creep S.Tyler and his apparently even more stupid than most of the stupid celebrity skank whores-absolutely incompetent both of them to have been put into power. Their ugly miserable faces detail the agony of their careers being in decline so they are most viciously assaulting me under every pretext.

I only hope that what I wrote this morning will have some effect on having some actual real people running for the Democrat Party--to get fucking rotten Obama and Hillary and Oprah OUT of their endless political grifts using this contract on me to crank out constantly pure bs about how "great" they are (not) and how viciously abusive and despotic they are in actuality--including so many of the senators like the Democrats who have joined in even more vicious than the Republicans in open racism and violence and stupid narrow-minded bigotry. And putting these filthy stupid meaningless shit whore celebrities and the dirty evil Gotti and Mafia crime families in partnership with the Government has indeed created this criminal rotation of ...well, just look at the situation of Impeachments and attempted Impeachments on all sides--those who could hide from the law played their hands very well (i.e. The Clintons with Whitewater and the murder of a politician--his name escapes me now but they slithered out of all direct legal repercussion with their slime partnership with the English Crown, as Hillary and her hubby are intimately connected Bill Clinton studied at Oxford on a Rhodes Scholarship; there can be no doubt, but of course I  am not able to obtain evidence, but the connection to England is feasibly connectable. 

I wrote to stop putting entertainers into political campaigns.

\It really must be done and the landscape of celebrity dinos who are vicious miserable ugly nasty lying filth who were put into these movements about political change for more freedom for women and minorities are just pure bs operators, agents, probable CIA agents death squad operatives-such as dirty filthy Fonda by the way--and she is also connected to the Manson Family and that group working with drug dealing and prostitution and etc. She is a most nasty representative of fake alternative culture and a vulture usurper of all these feminist and other movements; a complete Europhile as well

they all are death threatening me for writing about the heinous behavior they all exhibit like rabid rats on crack.


After "traumatizing" me with sexual assault--a woman stood in front of me and began rubbing her behind onto my body while I thought I was a waitress in a restaurant in front of the hostess who watched smiling and laughing while I was being sexually assaulted by some creep gyrating into my body while I had been put into an instant "waking" state so I had no preparation for anything

Victoria Gotti then showed me some "Movie clip" or something of that nature, about a female being mind controlled who was absolutely following orders but other people were around her. She asked me for another idea, which this group has capitalized off for over 15 years, the Gottis and DeNiro in Joker (they tortured a puppy in a place I am familiar with, the puppy was just abused so badly it shrank into a little ball looking like it was dying from sorrow--I pet it played with it and bought it toys--rushed out to the dollar store to help this little puppy baby--and they asked me "what name should we call it?" and I said, "Happy" and that is the name they used for the Joker character and the trauma skit was to entice me to be in the "trauma" state of mind, as I tried to raise the energy they just sucked another idea out of me--and they have been "traumatizing' poisoning paralyzing mutilating abusing raping putting me in accidents making my home stinking filthy as they really are and they spew their filth on me every day literally all day long in one facet or another

and she asked me again, and they all go off taking whatever idea they can out of me, every day they ask me "why" and for ideas after they drug me in deep sleep, have me abused for hours in deep sleep, then I wake and they begin using voice-to-skull saying they will smash my head against objects and etc to stab myself they will stick the pair of scissors  I am using into my eyes, etc they go on and on and on and on for hours and hours.

Finally I write on Facebook or here to alleviate the stress as I am constantly disabled, constantly in pain, constantly unable to move bend or do anything most of the day. They poisoned me with hardening poison until my body cannot bend while stinking filth is poured on all cracks and angles that you must use a curved spine to clean or patch up because the mechanical arms are coming out of low-lying places in my bathroom and behind the kitchen sink piping there is a huge space and they also literally used laser tech to slice through the bottom of the cabinet so there are huge gaps. They are insering these mechanical amrs consatantly--I try to block the 1-2 inch gap at the top of the cabinet doors which they broke so they are crooked, the hinges are rusted nearly shit. I would have to spend a huge portion of money to try to repair just so I can try to do what my body will not allow.

They literally carved out of the floor the top layer of PVC plywood (if there is such a thing) but it was a top layer over the more crude wooden floor-they cut 1-inch hole into this area behind my chair plus everything is stinking broken and the mechanical arms are being pushed through wall sockets and behind unreachable objects for me, with this paralysis of hard poisons

And so, they go on torturing poisoning and insinuating that I am a prostituted sex slave that I am ugly a bitch and stupid yet they keep on asking me for ideas, never paying me, having me poisoned mutilated and thusly all their "loser' "nothing" "bitch" when I am fighting back against this dehumanizing extremely antisemitic situation of Nazis disguised as alternatives, feminists and anti-racists.

One thing I told that hideously nasty undoubted drug saturated creep Tyler, is that he usurped the alternative movement with his dirtynasty porno cock rock crap and all that the 70's and 80''s had to bring he and his nasty cock rock crap buddies who have rushed to assault me, ranging from the nasty and meaningless Paul McCartney, to Roger Waters (yelling screaming hateful slime nothing to do with the alternative movement and all of his music which purports to be against all the fascism and materialism but in private he is every single thing in spades that his public image--ltd claims as his personality--a nasty group of racist rape culture bigots who Weinstein only was imitating in his need to be "one of the guys" of Whorewood, 

they use every sex abuse against minorities to oust them and put this white trash shit into the former place of the "Jew" they could not tolerate to see him have more creative talent than their insipid entitlement demands which are backed by almost nothing--shitty stupid songs, a few chords and shitty simple lyrics that is all that this awful sleazy dirty creep has ever been about

and his daughter, I asked her if she had actually ever read any books or studies on feminism--like them all, she remained silent because they are instructed to just suck ideas out of me so they can have some unique approach to integrate with their old racist bullshit hegemony posturing---

they say nothing, but I saw that she is blank as hell has never done any research and they are not superior in any respect. The mentality of these lying fakes, from the politicians to the scum of Whorewood is an atrocity to culture in that they are lacking, all of them, in any ethical superiority they are callous criminals and psychopaths the Democrats and Republicans mouth some gestures of Christian and Ethical concern all of which are thrown out when this contract is dangled in front of their filthy snouts. All use the pig-sniffing-the-air Nazi posture (Obama uses this Nazi pose quite often) Hillary as well. They are all indoctrinants of the 4th Reich and they all have about a list of repeat slogans they use in alteration repeating one another as well.

They keep traumating and torturing me and I can't even stop the mechanical arms from poisoning and drugging me every night while they just inflict death and hate and murder upon me. I write in rage suppressed about the topics of these shit group which are destroying America and have destroyed all my plans for my life my cat stolen my uterus partially severed out my hair almost destroyed completely

and they have made millions off my ideas are constantly going to the Oscars. The schedule of non-stop murder against me is still never thwarted they may be instructed to "tone it down" and then they resume. The influence of this greasy German scumbag filth creep, whom they all nearly worship as if he is their leader, they are such meaningless shit and that this group of fucking trashy filth is using my ideas to sell off Nazism in disguise is horrific

and this ties into the Kamala Harris run for president in 2028

goddamn do not let that awful stupid creep run again along with dirty foul obama and oprah selling their greasy clown show and the gyrating dirty filthy Cardi B that filthy creep once more selling "Freedom" along with Beyonce. 

Get something that actually has meaning, both in Whorewood and in politics.

I can't tell if the Trump terrorism remained in full place under the Biden Mafia Nazi crime family syndicate, or if Biden''s criminal ties to Mafia are linked to Trumps---(collective inc). The same Mafia Nazis remain firmly being welcomed and applauded who for years have assaulted poisoned and tortured ideas out of me because inherently they are inconsequent mediocrities not suited for artistic expression, and if so, not at top quality level, the levels the sick mediocrity of politicians have kept them in as their criminal partners so the politicians can have media Broadway shows as Hillary had under this hate contract, and she just came back to get another boost by sleazy sinister attack upon me. The Tyler rat skunk hate family along with the Gottis are mocking abusing me--for hours this morning, because I wrote about the declining dinos that Stallone and Tyler were back in 1he 1997's when I first began to sell cigars, upon invitation from the Italian scumbag manager Freddi DiGrassa and Nicola Siervo--scumbag dirty creeps I would not know their names of if I had not sold cigars in that filthy dirty club of thugs, skanks and crap disco music--but the money was flowing, and my money II had earned by selling cigars up and down Ocean Drive, in the other French Mafia-controlled restaurant down the street, The Strand owned by the malevolent rape Nazi brother duo Frances and Eric Milan, who also very nastily forced me to work for the thuggery of Stallone/Tyler and then the Italian Managers who spent the next 3 decades having me poisoned they raped they teleported they stole and were handed, after years of just managing tiny little clubs, a huge huge building called The Wall. Tyler, whose career was in decline just like Stallone, has remained "relevant" through endless DECADES of feeding parasitically off sucking my life out of me aloing with his mediocre and really untalented daughter who has a range of vocal skills and facial expressions ranging into three--really linept, non-intellectual promotes "feminism" with Nazis from England who are also in the decline of their crap careers and are latching viciously onto abusing me under any pret ext of words they either forced out of me using mind control, including reactions. And yet my days and weeks and years of writing about this has produced cheers from the Biden Criminal Family, the Obamas and the Clintons, Elon Musk Mike Johnson of course Trump--there is a linear singularity betwixt them all. All criminals, all violating every single aspect of Law and the Constitution, all claiming t hey adhere fastidiously but they make it clear, only for their priority group, which is never me because I was shunted out of everything all my life. The English have been scouring America in a Search and Destroy mission for overtake all my life, or beginning very openly as far as I know back in 1974 (a long story, I have written of it before many times, it involves the director and the dirty Nazi father of the filthaliona spawn who made the film Deliverance---to which my step-father was involved in a parallel context with James Dickey (in Atlanta) due to my father's involvement in poetry and the anti-War effort.

It is in the range of impossible to type anything out without non-stop backspacing and rewriting. Pounding every key constantly because of the malware afflicting the keyboard functioning. They will be rewriting this once I publish as always happens with my every written communication in any context.
The Tylers, as I wrote a few days ago, appear like vicious parasites lunging at me for displaying intelligence, over the English filth bigots who sit violently assaulting me for responding to the condescending old white gay male sentences which I can easily respond to with light retort--not in an attempt originally to over-ride him but just responding as I have zero people to talk to, no one with any intelligence has ever come to attack me or they display only greed, sleaze and silent observation and do nothing say nothing and are obviously part of the hate cartel that appears to be completely mediocre

The theme of this attack was in forcing me to have to get up and urinate by injecting liquids into my bladder--I got up and was told subconsciously that I was awake, I felt lively, and that I would take off all my glove protection for my hands because they slash under my nails and cut into cuticles every day unless I cover u my body as much as possible--they inject liquids into my body and drug and poison me, I can't find anything to block that portal of attack 
and I went into a deep sickness sleep they had poisoned me so badly
I woke up at 11:30 a.m. with yelling screaming and the filthy parasitic family of the Tylers who must rely on this contract, as well as the rotten Gottis and DeNiro and Pesce, although they are famous, how many decades of rotten mafia thug movies can America endlessly watch with these dirty nasty criminals endlessly  playing the same roles? 

thusly, torturing me for years endlessly with murder and poisoning to bloat dismember disfigure and make me spend my life fighting to block mechanical arms, cleaning most foul stinking filth

the tylers are most foul and dirty, like the greasy filth of the German Nazi they are completely "in bed" with Europigape Nazi fascism, their souls are dirty and blackened by their sleazy orgy luxury and the hate and viciousness they rush at me that i have no right to write about THIRTY YEARS of torture poisoning rape that this dirty foul spawn like shitalina and the rest of this Europigapeland group depends on for the continuation of their mutual criminal enterprises with the politicians who also rely on rigged everything to remain in power.

I have no doubt that the political elections are as rigged as the movie rigged awards system, which I have been privy to for years and I know that they must demonstrate some kind of deterioration movie plot disguised as "exposing corruption" which subconsciously makes the viewer associate the "heroes" with the Nazi adherents--the actors whatever race, skin color must all prove that they are fully into the 4th Reich.
And so, there is no one to stop t his. THIRTY YEARS of the Tyler spawn and this ugly rat creep cock rock "singer" latching onto attacking me with brutality and violence to be put into every kind of media focus as possible although they are not great, I don't think so at all and never have, but America loves this crap shit and I could give a damn about the stupidity of Americans any longer to keep believing in the stupidity and rancid filth of this political-entertainment mafia crime syndicate endless rotation of the obamas the clintons the trumps and the endless non-stop entrenched dinos who remain in congress literally until they fall over in comas while in front of cameras. Rotten Biden is completely so corrupt that I can't determine if he is moreso than Trump or Musk?

And no one will pry this ugly rat family off me, nor the dirty stupid shitalikna team of pig pitt incorporated which adds dirty greasy filth to that enlarging group literally every day to join into this attack upon me to prove their absolute oath of fealty to the Nazi Mafia organization which controls both Whorewood and Congress-Whorewood (they are inextricably intertwined).

They are pouring dead meat and stinking semen into my refrigerator defrost tray as many times as possible per day. THis is mixed with permanently staining-absorbing chemicals which they likewise spray around my room so no matter how much I scrub (and it's very painful for me to clean, impossible most of the time) the stains are never diminished they are coated onto everything.
the vicious clinging latched on parasites are screaming to keep on feeding off my life beauty health my ideas--the stupid uneducated spawn nepo-shit spawn of this creep cretin tyler is endlessly asking me for ideas because it is blank and believes that my life is for them to feed off until they suck everything out, with hate and violence afterwards and assumption of entitlement because of cock rock bullshit rape culture which the cock rock rape culture of the world embraces---(they can also be classical musicians but the rape scumbags who are classical who join in also play boring horrid pop and Nazi folk music because like monkeys who are trained to play instruments or whatever, they can mechanistically play, or even learn to emulate the masters but get them to create a single original theme they are defunct in all relspects.
So the dirty black energy demonic hate team of the English and the German scumbags with the Tylers, and the German sleazy dirty fuck who claims that he is something akin to Bach because when I clicked on a hacked Bach music video on youtube to listen to some music he rushed to claim that this is what he can play, and thusly he is a sophisticated aristocrat and entitled and suave--he's a greasy stupid thug playing cock rock but in the form of German oompa music schlager and he's just stupid as they all are--=but conniving, lying leeching and parasitic feeders.
the endless association of this group with Italy and England, because their rotten ancestors went from those countries to the U.S. and now all they care about is killing Jews like the "old country" so the old system of death pogroms and oppression can continue.
This is evident in what Trump is doing with Musk and the universal devotion of fascist Nazi Eurpigape-based fascism is now openly made clear. 
It was embraced by the white "liberal" males of America who happily watched me raped and tortured and many participated. I was drugged and this sexual enhancement technology blasted my mind, along with no concept of mind control and that I was a target so their system "worked".
Get the screeching parasites off me. THe years of them sucking my life out--with full applause by Biden who embraced DeNiro who pretended and feigned to be against Trump--an absolute deception as all the "opposition" to fascist overtake is the same.

-----------------Stinking filth is everywhere, I am in pain from the stinking filth poison shit like the tyler ugly skunk/rat family and the dirty sleazy greasy Stallone family have remained "relevant" as America loves Rambo and dumbo shit like cock rock crap.

Lunging at me, punching into my head from a side angle while I am put within half a second into "waking" consciousness while in deep sleep teleportation terrorism. This began with the greasy ignorant stupid filth of the German rape Nazi machine who is a most foul ant-everything that Whorewood supposedly stands for. HE is one of the most imitated and coveted of all the line-up of shit and scum from EUropigapeland in all the years of they violent murder operation against me which I have been fighting for my life against literally every single day for more than 15 years literally every day.

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Constant, literally non-stop pouring of stinking whitish semen-dead meat stinking absorbing gelatinous substance in the defrost tray behind my refrigerator. All day, literally every moment I clean it out as the room stinks, somehow using mechanical arms more is injected into that tray. The refrigerator is very clean on the inside the creeps have scraped paint all over the front and sides of the fridge but the wall behind the fridge, which is the only solid cement wall of this room (all the rest is panels opened from the other side---

 Watching the damn tube because of the sense of endless attack, needing to hear if anything possible is going to stop this fascist Nazi group from taking over all the sides of all the sides---hearing the "Left" discuss how great things are going, seemingly. And while watching the stinking filth is being constantly injected into this tray--I have to pull it out from the nook in the wall nestled in the stinking foul cabinets which I cannot use due to stinking filth sprayed on everything whether outside or in, but if any enclosed space the smell permeates and then they spray such stinking permanently-absorbing filth on my clothing hanging on racks in front of my front door so the room stinks constantly of foul odors I spray and spray bleach water and fabric softener everywhere but this seme dead meat stinking ooze is being constantly sprayed

it sticks to the plastic defrost tray and it sticks to the porcelain of the toilet as I have had to pour it out 6 times all day--I pour in bleach and flower-scented cleaning stuff and within 20 minutes it is oozing with white dead meat semen stuff--somehow put into that tray behind the fridge. I must pull it out constantly. It is very heavy--the paint scratched off everywhere stains and literal holes dug into the front of the fridge so it looks like a pock-marked catastrophe--they have broken pieces inside the fridge--the room itself is completely broken down in disrepair completely, 100% from the endless daily attacks and the sick creeps working for the filth scum who order these attacks

all foul and dirty and nasty, but they all have cleaning people cleaming up their mess constantly

so they torture me to get a reaction and the torture never ends even if I remain silent until I finallly can't take it any longer

they drug and poison my food so the culmination of non-stop years of attacks constitute a lack of balance while I am shitting out the poison and sick from the poison ripping out of my body as they drug my food and all love friendship companionship is gone--

my body covered with  poison and scars literally from being slashed pounded made crooked drugged and my hair gone my fingers slashed into the nail bed liver spots from so much toxicity my body is being slauthteredj

every day some hate so traumatic I write to get my brain into another gear because there is no companionship no way for me to move I can't get out of this room due to the hard poisons and fighting to rip them out--they are completely embedded into my spine in a huge piece similar to some turtle shell but half-broken latched all along my spine as they never-ending torture me before they win after they win the day after they win for ideas they have stolen from me

Friday, December 20, 2024

2nd time today: more semen-dead meat-laced permanently staining/sticking gelatinous substance poured into the defrost tray behind my refrigerator---put into a nook in the otherwise hugely protruding wall structure of extended cabinets which are the fake wall separating my room from the room next door; there IS no wall, it is a series of removable/opening panels through which mechanical arms are entered to pour suck stinking filth into my space. I was on my patio so I could not see from whence the attack had come. The foul dirty filth who ordered this are watching feeling sexually turned on, excited and vindicated by the endless decades of these attacks upon me for any resistance or response to the terror apparatus, writing to a nearly black and void readership which can barely respond until the threat is so looming into your own lives that finally you emerge as a collective albatross to respond--lethargic but a bit panicked now as all I have been writing of, considered "crazy" and so "bad" is now apparently coming to life as a monster that might actually be coming for YOU next. As I wrote so long ago, there will be no action until people realize that I am not the problem and that I did nothing to deserve it, but if people saw this happening to me and did nothing, and they now fear that they will be targets, and t hey are now losing power, they may lose much more when the 4th Reich comes into full international power, then you will have indeed deserved "it" if you continue to allow this group to go on with domestic, State-sponsored terrorism. So far, no president has given even the smallest concern about this they gloat in it, they revel in it, the Senators revel and dance around and laugh, the former "hope and change" laughs about a reversion to fascist Nazism imposed into American culture because he and his family can continue to get media coverage for their tv shows about Black blonde Beyonce being a private Nazi-spewing hate along with Jay Z and the tv shows this former president family write is about black girls being "strong and powerful" by killing any black men who get in their way--or white, not sure I can't remember how many casualties and which race I do remember that black men were the targets. It was based on Nazi Beyonce, in my situation I wrote of this for years. That is why they are joining with Nazis (rhetorical question)...? To promote Black nazism.

 On the same theme of the "pecking order" the "food chain" and the "feeding frenzy" for down-pressor rights in the 4th Reich being fully implemented by all above--so they are paid in multi-millions for their effort to conform to 4th Reich standards of minority minion antisemitism and the murder of those who will not submit or agree to their supremacy claims and demands---(this group is torturing me for analysis of the symbolism contained in their Nazi-programming media--I have not yet seen any cultural interpretation of symbolism done by any of the critics they only focus on performance and basic theme as if there are no underlying programming messages embedded, whatsoever).

Jackie Chan (I did not want to write THE OBAMAS openly above) but now I will name names

he spent more than 2 months--I don't know how long but it felt like forever--attacking me as a vicious bully when my nervous system was under attack, I was drugged, my body huge with poisons (as it still is but then it was liquid stinking filth trapped in pockets inside my body which I have had to rip out using extreme exercises which I had to amalgamate myself from observing some of the videos which the Chinese Martial Artists hacked into my YouTube--and others which I discovered myself and then they began a barrage because if I clicked on one video, they could then justify teleporting me to torture abuse and more drugging poisoning and etc.

Chan the worst of the bullies

he is now coming out with his formulaic movie about the young (white Italian-sounding name actor) boy as victim of bullies, needing the ancient-knowledge nice old Chinese "victim" of racism--so it would seem something like a poor janitor or whatever--Karate Kid, is that the name my brain is currently under mind control blanketing and I only watched a few minutes of the movie back in the day--

it came out again with the Smith's son playing the poor little victim role and the Chinese "sifu" training him to be a fighter for righteousness (of course, all actors are horrid racist perpetrators of fascism when they possibly can obtain promotions for their movies based on formulaic returns of movie themes--for decades)

and, the pecking order movie that Jackie Chan has made, out of bullying me viciously to the point I had to write and write, he was yanked off feeding off abusing me as a parasite

and the movie trailer I saw is apparently about the former white privileged male who had starred in the 80's version (looking well-off, looking like a wealthy white male because in real life he is, probably)

and there is a young "victim" Chinese boy--teen I mean. I can only guess that the subject is of the Chinese boy being bullied looking for martial arts support to fight off the bad guys. My interpretation of the "message" of this film is that by bullying me viciously, Chan let it be known that Chinese, and males in particular, are on a higher level of the trickle-down Nazi/Mafia 4th Reich than me (representing the "bad" Jews who do not automatically conform to Nazi subjugationg and allow racism and antisemitism to continue, laughing at victims like me and trying to fully bring in every fascist white Nazi Mafia supremacist not only into their homes, their bodies and into Israel but into the world with me being the universal target--and I have not  been associated with Jews just the cliche they are trying to endlessly foist upon me--as a symbol)_

that is the feeding food chain that the blonde Nazis of Whorewood and of the English Harlots team which has just wrought as much hate vitriol physical violence, the same principle applies--push her down (meaning me and all that I am supposed to "represent" and we are on the higher level of the death food chain of the 4th Reich)

and that is what I believe is the "real" message of the next Jackie Chan movie. They will probably say that they want to bring "martial arts" into America as Bruce Lee had done. Bruce Lee's widow is fully a part of this team, by the way. She has been personally involved in all these months of torture since I clicked on a series of Bruce Lee videos because I was searching for some alternative to the basic stretch videos that Baryishnikov had his employees hack into my YouTube, so HIS friends could be incorporated into the terrorism group if I so much as clicked on their hacked videos

hacking is very horrid now, pounding and rewriting backspacing is constant almost every word and letter

another set of hours cleaning, writing pounding on the keyboard and so much time wasted. Hopefully this will do some benefit to fighting in real time fighting not fictitious movie fantasy "fighting" or photo-op political "fighting" for a real cause that no one can be concerned against until the "wolf is literally breaking down the door".

Teleportation slow torture-to-death continues--the cast of Harlots, this English tv show which is sold off as empowering women who have been sexually exploited in their "empowerment" I watched to get some sense of my own empowerment. Yet another actor featured and made famous by Steven Spielberg demonstrates genocidal racist violence towards me--not part of any religious or cultural diaspora and thusly not in the discriminatory boxes and not willing to be confined, she and her crew are torturing me 10-16 hours per day. I had no idea that Liv Tyler was in the series until season 2 I believe she showed. It did not register with me that Steven Tyler yes...he had partnered with Stallone but it was Italian managers of Bar None who were raping me and poisoning me to death, as I fought to get them to stop along with the English Crown associate Danny Moynihan--known to Roger Waters through his star of his movie about fighting Nazis---yelling screaming the English are so openly bigoted and violent--in America i have been viciously attacked by English training Americans into outright Ghandi-esqe racism you may see in that movie---from decades ago before any independence or any fight for civil rights the English are so openly racist in the privacy of this terror teleportation. IT began with me complimenting Samantha whatever her last name is, my brain is under attack my memory is gone. As they all do, the celebrity expletives, if I so much as watch a trailer or a movie or watch a news clip or anything relating to the terrorists who jump to attack me, they sprint into the shitpigapealina group to try to torture me to death using this system. They can see me with daily greying hair and screaming like a destroyed person so they increase the violence. All yelling and screaming at me. Samantha Morton, that's her name I have blocked it out of memory plus the attack on my keyboard and brain at the moment renders my memory very inaccessible. She began abusing me the next day after receiving her instructions. Their protocol is for me to say I like their f-ing movies or whatever--and then they abuse me. If I give in, they then poison me to death steal any idea they want rape and abuse and poison me and then go whistling away with huge promotions and all that they never could have obtained otherwise. They rape, abuse and insult me and if I say nothing they just tell me to f--off afterwardsl. If I fight back, they have me hit by cars, my body smashed, people attacking me, animals I love killed, and all the while they are poisnoing me to death. So Morton began her abuse schedule using insults after I had told her that I really liked her "feminist" movies and tv shows--silly me had assumed she was a feminist. She is a Nazi bigot wanting power and that is all--any power will do. Power over me is just part of that power cartel that she and her ilk demonstrate. White power is really all they are about a lot of blacks violently assault me for the sake of white supremacy, and that happened with the black male of that series who was punching me in the face and he's a huge brick wall type boxer. The blonde women who elaborate clearly about women "finding their power' and etc in the interviews which, one of which was hacked into my youtube autoplay--I clicked it off asap within 30 seconds--for the past 3 days she has sat screaming out the most offensive insults and abuses that grate at my nervous system while my nervous system is actually under deadly attack (from over-stress) by the microchip implants that are embedded into the hard poisons all along my back from multiple surgeries spinal fusions. The terror organization can "tweak" these microchips when they create a loud, slamming noise such as a door slamming next to my room, and I feel a ping in my body, a shock actually and they do this with making my hands open while I am holding something--they can force my body to spasm and I was put into a serious accident due to how they can force my body -legs to actually move while I am running, my arms to fly up and etc--they can force the body to do a lot of things. So while they are shouting non-stop for hours, after hours of teleportation abuse skits that are nasty, usually focusing on death and murder, homelessness and everything sick and rotten that they can almost, they yell abuse at me into my brain bypassing my ability to block out the noise--I have to "see" them and they go on and on literally every minute for hours--over 3 hours until I break and begin shouting and rushing to hit them in rage and murderous exasperation to shut up. They go on and on, they bring in more English who demand apologies and sit insulting my body my life everything they can while I am still paralyzed, in pain in agony in fact from fighting to rip internally glued hard-as-cement poisons out of my body. They begin usually while I am just falling asleep. They take turns so the German rape scum filth ape who is so disgusting and foul and dirty but they love that pig ape, oh how they love the more dirty and foul abuser because it's supposed to imply their hate aimed at me as if their low and dirty filth is what I am instead of them. They transfer that onto me. I also must clean endless filth they order sprayed into my body and room constantly, I mean constantly literally all day all night everything is sprayed with some stinking thing--my food tainted with semen fungus filthy foul substances if I don't absolutely secure everything possible. It is done with mechanical arms while I am sleeping--I assume.

"The Bags--We Don't Need The English". laminatedeffect. November 3, 2008.

"F**ck You, England". Dropout. July 4, 2014.

My nervous system I am unable to control for the 6-10 hours of non-stop torture abuse insults threats punching into my face death threats hate and hate


so they go on. 

These grating yapping dirty ugly creeps, who sound so elaborate about women's power women's rights women finding power women fighting exploitative men through their wiles in that environment of sexual exploitation.

Endless violence from the Steven Tyler group associated with Stallone but Tyler is much more stealth than the Italians but of course, dirty filthy foul shitalina, the favorite of Whorewood with her antisemitism  her brood of brown and black conscripts to being props used to imply she is not a KKK Nazi bigot with a lot of minorities surrounding her that she adopted--along with nasty racist bigot pig pitt who has done the same and his stupid greasy movies about gay black men and black men in Florida ---it's like a costume he wears for a pre-orgy race-based gay-themed top over the bottoms--

speaking of gay

The real abuse began when the English actor who is supposed to be this icon, Ian Mckellan came to abuse me. I said something in jest just brushing off his insult, and the gasp from Morton and being punched in the face by the black thug who plays an antiracist a la Civil Rights America, as they have to steal the memes out of America as they always do, and this group has been stealing my ideas for 20 years or loner

(this group meaning that Tyler is connected to shitalina and the rest of the English Crown, and the Italian Mafia contingent is just more viciously brutal than the conniving English who are much more adept at the machiavellian lying conniving power assumption with so many more people wanting to learn the art of deception and overtake that the English have perfected, all the while appearing benevolent and intelligent.

but if you get close, the articulation becomes hateful stupid insults that go on and on, as has happend to me under the one pretext of me responding not with minority awe and silenced acceptance that any bigot is more intelligent than me by mere assumption.

And so, beatings abuse, and it's extremely violently abusive, the contemptuous hate of this English pair of skanks who play prostitutes makes the characters in the 18th Century drama appear sophisticated and well-spoken in comparison. 

I thought the roles--not the taller brown-haired one, I really never liked her character but the blonde yapping one always sarcastic I found entertaining--and then it came after hacking a video of her interview, which i heard and I heard someone who either does have some sort of training in how to appear articulate or it was a sort of script on the part of both as in person the endless insulting and "stupid" behavior but endless egging me on to obtain ideas so they can steal more as they are all doing, for decades

and thusly, it is more murder

every one is a vicious leech parasite looking to torture me into old age and death and obtain a boost for--I can assure I mean, I feel certain that their careers are not in a high position\they are latching onto abusing me to death every minute the abuse is like murderous hate and my nervous system my body is being remotely affected so I am breathing in an extremely shallow mode. I try to breathe and I cannot control my words my reactiosn my entire nervous system is being remotely assaulted into hate and negative states with an entire network of these microchips implanted in my brain, down my spine which has been literally cemented with the microchips buried inside the hard chunk of poison that is like ripping parts of my back out every time I finally manage to get some out with all the healing herbs and exercises I am doing

I am so exhausted and in pain from a recent release of some of the extremely hard poisons I can't take a shower I can't exercise or do anything I am too tired to cook--I spend so much of my life fighting to type and clean the stinkin filth and begging for this group of fucking shit, one sick creep after the next to be pried off me

dirty ugly filthalina and shit pig ape pitt are ALWAYS THERE. They are always being hosted by any president in power and always they are allowed to go on and on forever to my death

so asking to the infinite for anything out there to the endless ignoring of my fucking decades of torture openly done for Whorewood to see so more Nazi applicants can be programmed into murder using these tehcnologies and Nazi protocols and genocidal death threats using Nazi concentration camp murder and torture and rape of me is the prevailing operative norm by now

Please get this murder sick sleazy dirty crew off me. I don't know if they usually talk like intelligent people but they all, every one who rushes to abuse and insult me, talks like a stupid ignorant disgusting low-life trashy sick filth parasite--the things they say and do are beyond reprehensible there is no humanity there is no intelligence it is pure violence hate torture rape--they are not human they become sleazy dirty sick and disgusting and they remain that way for the entire duration of the teleportation adn that is EVERY SINGEL DAY FOR UGLY SICK SHITALINA PIGPITT THE PAIR OF SHIT

every day since 2013 every day without fail every day they are torturing me bringing on more German English black and Jewish Nazis and politicians

how the fuck this can happen with two stupid ignorant bigot pieces of sick s hit and supposedly well-educated "elite" politicians for years and years and years and years an dyears I can't understand except that people are openly saying how destroyed America has become. 

No one can seem to connect the dots. The murder and depravity is non-stop and it's being programmed more and more sick filth shit creeps join in 

Once more I appeal to the empty void of America to get this filth shit whore team off me and to stop this unbelievable torture and murder situation. This group has obtained oscars for years and they are going on and on because without this contract, as they were before, they were not --they were sinking most of the fuck scumbags who rush to assault me were in decline of their careers. All of them have spiraled to the top for full viciously stupid sick behavior demonstrations of Nazi death and hate aimed at me--

can't this fucking sick shit ever be stopped are there only greedy greasy sick fuckers in all positions of power in America?


I can see my hair literally turning more grey every day now--the poisoning the years of daily and nightly torture--but some creep sleaze raping poison into my body with athletic violence and hitting me for pulling away trying to get it to stop, telling him that I am very sick--I was so ill I was shitting poison out that had hardened into my body for decades--he pounded my body punched slapped and hit me when I kept saying NO_-every moment I was almost unconscious from sickness from detox the more vulnerable I was the more he pounded poison into my body. Dirty shitalina made sure to instruct him, knowing that from the 15 years of me writing about the filth apes she sent to rape me that it was pounding poison into my bloodstream and internal organs more deeply--and I cannot brace against impact

 death threats being punched in the face from this German fuck--Obama Hillary Clinton all the presidents the senators rushed to congratulate him for abusing me to death like this and for trying to make me a gang rape (and he used gang rape as well0

ugly sick sleazy--dirty foul they love him for it

he's been so awarded

and next to the English skanks of this "feminist" group of white supremacist English Nazis, he's always there to punch abuse and laugh and get invitations he's glowing and ecstatic because his filthy career has been put into A-list Whorewood as a result-the dream of these Europigapes because their countries are just so lacking in originality they all want to take over stupid AMerica which welcomes Europigape fascists in completely allowing them to train in fascist nazism and they are handed EVERY SINGLE GODDAMN THING

I can't name how many brown and black sick fucks came to threaten my life in most brutal ways---around this German rotten sleaze slime

and so they are a pack of demons--and the English are a yapping bunch of pretentious scum 

I am now ranting. but it's hours per day, and years of hours per day

my hair is turning grey the death and destruction of my body and non-stop paralysis and pain and then being abused slowly to death my food has been tainted and they are putting semen in my food (yogurt ) and replacing filtered water with nasty foul water--

and etc etc etc

and hours of abuse I can't block it out

my nervous system is rendered in a hypertense mode artificially I can't breathe at all in any moderation I can't control my breath to try to relax my entire spine has been operated upon and I realize from years of being spasmatically forced to drop things--they got my legs to pop up while I was sprinting on cement--my legs flew up-they have drugged me and my arm has flown into things in a spasm movement

they are so badly murderously attacking my heart, breathing and ability to think I fly into a violent rage every single day due to this and begin to scream in violent rage and hate for hours screaming trying not to react trying to breathe and I cannot get a grasp of my breath--I realize that this is an remote attack on my nervous system heart and brain.

They are making my hair fall out turning grey my body is wracked with poison I am stuck in this torture room in pain--the poisons ripping out of my body which were supposed to kill me, and shitalina and filth pig pitt were happily knowingly poisoning me to death, having one sick fuck whore creep pound poison into my body as I asked begged and for years now I have had to physically fight to get them off me as they literally rape poison as deeply into my body as possible

every fucking day they ask me if I "like" them, just that question makes me fly into rage

they smile at it, they laugh and go off sexually titillated awarded and praised

I remain writing fucking posts every day to STOP THIS FUCIING MURDER TO THE VOID OUT THERE OF FAMOUS FUCKERS OUT OF AMERICA to goddamn stop this murder I am innocent goddamn stop them finally take this equipment and destroy it and , unfortunately you all put Elon Musk into power he is developing MORE of these brain implants and he's fully into the torture regime as they all are--

as most of you all are

you have no idea what kind of "Serpentine Fire" you idiots are playing with. You have no idea what kind of pandora's box you are opening. Your instant gratification for power and gratification is a fault not something to enhance with this insidious technology. The absolute dumbing down and psychopathy factor is rising exponentially.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Hammering continues in the room directly beneath mine--now non-stop pounding on the walls//terror teleportation with me not able to breathe and control the affliction of remotely-administered "rage" which I could not control--my breathing was remotely controlled as was my nervous system. Seeing the sinister expletives who have been literally feeding off my ideas my body my life force and everything destroyed as they revel in it, no "adult in the room" anywhere to be seen anywhere--hours of screaming and trying not to rant and scream and hit them as I did--tried to stop myself--finally after 3 hours tried to breathe without their drugging and brain-attacking tech forcing my shallow breathing, nervous system attack which was impossible, literally I was drugged always am drugged every night in deep sleep. If there is any compassion out there, I desperately need a place to live where they can't insert mechanical arms into my room or poison my food any longer--but it's being done while I sleep. IT is a form of murder.. They ekep asking me if I "like" them as I rush to try to kill them. Trying to breathe and not react requires hours to not be so drugged that I cannot breathe or control my energy--it is remotely being forced as well as drugging that forces reactions under the hate of the sick group which is death hate stupidity sickness rape ugly filth scum hate endlessly as they are plastic surgery rennovated applauded and the government continues to allow this so their sleazy media reps can continue to sell every kind of concept of freedom and equality. They are absolutely death fascist bigot murderous bigot filth, their filth polluting every aspect of my life is cntinuous. Their stupidity s non-stop their ugliness is sickening I am confronted with it every day. Every day I am convinced that they cannot have more and I try to do my duty of not allowing filthy shit to control the country that doesn't give a damn about me and has allowed this to continue unabated for over 15 years for over 50 years the government I am now a murder operation of. I see and hear the youtube podcasters now bemoaning all the new developments that THEY--the "liberal" commentators and political pundits of the "Left" have actually fully allowed to come into being. They read my posts they teleported me they participated in torturing me when I wrote that Elon Musk was a foreign agent set to create a fascist Nazi 4th Reich and is a Euro-Nazi agent and everyone has been raping beating torturing me prior to me writing this and after--without pause. The same people warning America to just wait for another 4 years and to be strong now and try to fend off the fascist wave under Musk and Trump are the same sucker s who rushed to abuse attack and torture me for the same scum group of celebrity filth and stupidity and sickness who put Musk and Trump into power. The torture continues without pause, because they all want Musk they all want fascism they are all murderous bigots--all, all put into any media position of any "side". And so, I am tortured for not allowing some scum filth pig whores to just suck my life out of me without resistance. The ugly sleazy shit never stop, filthshitpigapealina the team of sick rotten fucking shit--every day they are sucking my life out of me so their stupidity and blank fascist rape racist shit can be applauded as representing the "Fight against racism, fascism and rape culture' they are sleazy evil abomination. Absolutely deferred to in their 4th Reich status since they were handed this tech as torture rape and murder agents of me--and ideas non-stop from me are being put into limelight Oscars and Broadway awards from dirty ugly sick prostitutalin and shit pig pitt--this year his anti-racist movie is so stupid driving miss daily fake bs really the programming is to revert racism back to the Jim Crow era which these old time movies about black men fighting racism are really about. They are so sick, ugly and putrid and every day I am screaming that I wish them death. My body is being blasted during these times of rage and hate, as grey hair spreads now from daily death energy forced upon me through drugging, teleportation where I can't block them out can't stop from responding to the stupid sick things their dirty ugly English yapping shit whores are saying that are so ugly and sinister--their forte--asking me as usual for ideas. I try to control it I AN'T. the government and these fucking whore apes laugh about inducing a form of trauma upon me as the stress grows from this filthy Gemran ape shit punching slapping raping beating having my home made filthy dirty stinking broken and teams of white trash Hamburger body builder crap pushing into me going into my room when I am out they approach me coming out of the elevator as I go upstairs--the hallways of this condo completely empty so the terror operation will not be evidenced and the criminal thug operations surrounds me--anyone approaching me when I am returning to my room has gone into my room and sprayed and stolen and destroyed--the filth hate death continues. I cannot control the remote attacks on my breathing, nervous system while I am completely drugged and under the hate envelopment of the stupid yapping hate death creeps who are trying to poison, drug and rape and abuse me to death. Every day seeing them smiling as they get more fuck actors now out of England and Germany to yell sick insults as the filth shitpigapealina pair sit smiling watching glowing with joy over it--watching me age and die from stress. It is calculated It is never stopped. The government officials are being interviewed about how they are "fighting" Trump when they rushed to join in having me poisoned raped and beaten, as they did too (Raski n in particular) now he is "fighting' trump. I see the senators and politicians yapping about their "fight" against fascism the news anchors who rushed to assault me yapping about fighting trump--they all joined in. The people angrily describing how Elon MUsk has become president as they interview their "experts" on how they will fight the destruction of the country and the endless money poured into the sleazy wealth fascist group that Whorewood represents. Thusly no one stops this filth group, and all I see are liars on the news and in the media especially the "left" most famous political podcasters and news talk show and joker interview talk shows--it's abomination. After more than 15 years of this and my endless detailing of how sick they are of how Musk and Trump will create a fascist Nazi dictatorship and the same people who are now descrying the situation rushed to join into abusing me because I was writing about the inevitable daily as they all participated in the rise of fascist Nazi dictatorship. Nothing stops this group of filth out of Whorewood, not years of writing about their shit and stupidity, not years of asking for help, not years of them putting people like Musk and Trump into power which everyone who yaps about fighting it in the media all are aware of and they protect this information. //So it's never stopping. With the poison and drugs in my body, Imust find a way to not be killed from stress and screaming murderous rage which envelopes me because tolderance is now low from daily rape beatings because ugly sick shitalina and pig filth pitt are once more up for oscars and 15 years of them winning on my ideas they tortured out of me is not enough. Their shit spawn also expect nepo-baby entitlement and they ahve to go on and on until I am dead from fighting and torture poisoning and abuse. The politicians join in laughing and mocking me as they continue to do NO FUCKING THING TO EVER STOP IT.

This whorewood group, and especially this stupid English group of dirty sick skanks, I call ugly they are out of racist stereotypes supposed to be this standard I can't subscribe to any longer. Women exactly like them, and it is monotonous repeats of cliche types coming out of these Europigapeland fascist Nazi countries--England being one

and their nasty stupidity is ongoing and it's like dirty rat hybrid leeches yapping and gnawing into my brain with ugly sick statements. For hours, ongoing non-stop  the most evil and sick things any dirty foul crap creep could ever invent and they do it non-stop their ugly black holes in the middle of their blank stupid ugly dirty faces go on emitting frogs toads of words of evil and hate.

Dirty ugly shitpigapealina sitting there smug and smiling as usual--15 years of them torturing ideas out of me and they cannot obtain a single original idea, they are paid in millions with top fashion designers and production teams for years of hourly torture of me. Literally if they stopped for a single day their mediocrity ugliness and stupidity would not be able to get them past any finish line for any single endeavor.

They can't "win" the Oscars unless they torture me literally into hysterical enraged murderous reactions of violence because of the endless poisoning for over 15 years of rape poisoning non-stop beatings rape with politicians rushing to laugh with them and threatening my life for fighting to stop this sick fucking shit. 

I have never done a goddamn thing to deservenon-stop torture rape only tried to compete and not let shit fucking pig creep Nazi bigots abuse and exploit me.

That is the Nazi 4th Reich you all put into power. They can't win unless they continuously abuse me and they can't succeed or have any single idea unless they extract it through torture out of me. They can' stop for a single day,not one. Once they "win" they continue without a single hour of cessation of torture of me. They keep "winning" and their circle of Engish shit and scum also are relying on this endless torture so they can infest America and you all want it to happen as obviously no one ever stops this and it continuously enlarges by the day.

And I am just trying to get them off me. Their filthy movies their ugly shit faces and stinking foul energy their ugliness their stupidity and it's forced upon me; then I have to meet the smug and ugly sick politicians who are a sick joke upon humanity. Then I have to meet these lying abusive violent podcasters who are all yapping about the evils of Musk and Trump now, an they HELPED TO PUT THEM INTO POWER and are violent white supremacist bigots--the black ones as well and Jews especially if they are in leading positions of power.

Still I cannot remain calm, I feel the external control over my nervous system as I drink the drugged energy drinks that they break into my room and replace what I have bought with drugged energy drinks. I need the energy drinks in order to wake up from the poison detox that they spent at least 13 years continuing so I would shit diarrhea black poison out every day and become huge, bloated and deformed with the poison compressing into my back as ugly shitalina laughed about it and the filth men she brought on in monthly rotation pounded the poison as deeply into my body as possible--all extremely turned on by it, filth ugly sitalina laughing and smiling about it hugging them all and being invited to the White House by Biden afterwards and by Schumer for supporting the Violence Against Women Act and at the United Nations.

The death squads are being more fully funded as this group grows. 

So no one stops this inhumanity.

I cannot stop my reactions which are also being enhanced by creeps using extremely deadly subliminal content spewed into my subconscious while the groups of yapping and sick stupidity out of England are teaming up with the extremely murderous and violent German shit team who are using the tech to blast murder threats and insults and all name calling into my subconscious while the English are yapping hate.They all expect an entire empire out of this for just being sick sleazy ugly dirty and foul and abusive and then performing lines they don't understand nor care about. Endlessly promoted by the government and by Whorewood

i remain fighting a fight no one else will get involved with. 

If you sick fuckers want a fascisst government with Europigapes controlling your country and lives, and I don't, I have already been abused into moving to the other side of the planet, and that is not enough for you goddamn fuckers you can't ever stop this or get it to be stopped.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Please take this teleportation terror technology away from the parasitic psycho leeches of Whorewood and Congress. So far, no luck in 15 years of writing to get them off me. I am assaulted now by the spawn of another latched on 30 years of torture, murder attempts rape and exploitation by the spawn filth of Steven Tyler. The spawn like the spawn of Depp obtained her nasty career in Lord of the Rings=Lord of the Flies with so many of the performers of that crew rushing to attack me. As I recall, in the endless process of the filth brigade out of London rushing to have their brainwashed "I'm part English Part German "shit out of Whorewood hand them carte blanche to rape pillage exploit and because some of them can recite Shakespeare they are granted something like untouchable label of such "superiority" but when I questioned that and had my own intelligent response to a stupid hate barb by the "intellectual old dino" of the English stage, partnering with the filthy hateful screaming leech spawn of Steven Tyler, whose bigotry hate and exploitation are not matched by the sick filth and utter depravity of the Stallone team of Italian greasy scum who have been pounding poison into my body raping using this tech to sexually torture me (to thrilling for most of you reading this but anyone actually caring about sexual assault date rape torture mind control this might be a bit unnerving considering that murder can be done in a most grotesque manner by poisoning and having the pig ape scum rape poison into the body of the sleeping victim teleported and tortured for saying and screaming no). Right now dirty foul Liv tyler is screaming with violence rushing at me screaming that I have "insulted her friends" but they first issued Ian Mckellen (?sp) to abuse me, I answered with my own intelligent response and when I didn't just grovel in deference to an insult to me and my intelligence Samantha Morton gasped with rage and began a series of English shit filth scumbag creeps attacking me daily for hours per day--a yapping sleazy sick stupid skank I dn't know her name-she played a yapping sleazy dirty skank "feminist" in the movie tv show about prostituted "woke" and black anti-racist shit who have rushed using every racist sexist excuse for violence to get their mediocrity careers out of the lame orbit of lame English tv shows and probably most of them are mostly unemployed for any major career move--until NOW. And that goes for the filthy Liv Tyler who I am sure obtained her Lord of the Flies performance with her (cock) Ring of "power" by having me raped and raped by her dirty cock rock daddy greasy scumbag trash musician and his band members toured with Depp around the world while he was teleporting and raping me (to death)_ while he also was beating Amber Heard as she explained to the press, but she never stated that he was becoming unmanageably violent after beating and raping me for a few years prior to him switching to her. All the while, the cock rock trash musicians of the 70's with their sleazy lyrics and fake MIck Jagger imitation and awful hair band crap got the dirty nasty daughter, now years of major movies from Lord of the cock rings flies--and her nasty Harlots team and the yapping stupidity of one of them who plays a stupid yapping skank "feminist" now a racist rape enthusiast . Their ever interview is about "empowerment" of women and etc. She is screeching at me , clawing at my face i can see her through the veil of teleportation while I am in my room. The years of the Tyler family using this contract of poisoning and torture murder and now they expect for the dirty daughter to continue, as the Depp family has done as the filthy pig pitalina spawn are doing, endless movie deals and for the filth Europigapeland scum who are partnering with them for this Nazi contract. The flies with their Lord of the Cock Ring Fly swarms out of Europigapeland in particular are endlessly monotonously in an imperious "supremacy" and thusly when Ian Mc-gay klan a franchised gay personality type for England--=and I could mentally counter any remark he had made to the hateful shock and brutal violence of this group of mediocrity shit who are relying on torturing me to obtain access to Whorwood, with the endless full welcome of the endlessly protected stupid shit mediocrity team of pig shitalina whose "winning" movies have only been annually a spectacle of grift and corruption and Nazi Mafia take-over completely ousting Jews who rush to perform acts of hate at me just to not be disenfranchized.

 So please, the technology and hate operation has been used by foul and evil Stallone and tyler and their filthy children wives friends and the circles enlarge constantly--since 1997 --it has been going on and on and on and on

what I said to Mk-gay-clown the Shakespearian Lord of the Cock Ring Flies was not rude, not "impertinent" it was just intelligent, not just playing him up and remaining silent as he approached me with sneering contempt so his career like all of them can more and more be funded by the take-over of the United States--they all gravitate to the openly Nazi scumbag who everyone appears to love for his sleazy sick violent assumption of just being as nasty and violent as possible and taking and grabbing--they have been waiting for the green light. No intellectualism about any of it. Nothing there but fake gestures of expected adulation because of the endless stereotypes that they have all been superimposed into. Meanwhile they strive to superimpose me into an extremely negative stereotype and when I am capable of responding intellectually, not out of spite just answering some statement made to exemplify his supposed intellectual "superiority" and I just made a comment adding to it but elaborating upon it in a way that is original and now "bowing " to some stereotype of the craggy white male "controller" of thought and intellect. The stupid lying violence of "victim woman" actor Samantha Morton her every role that I have seen is about a woman being oppressed by the male structure rising up through--machiavellian ruses and assumption to power. 

It is empowering but alas it's only meant for white Nazi trash women who love watching me get poisoned raped beaten and my original ideas stolen--any performance of my part in demonstrating intellectual capability because their racism is so deeply entrenched into the structure of their culture that any expression of intelligence when expected to listen and just bow and agree by the white pig ape cartel which I never thought was great, intellectual or anything just watched the roles of how women evaded white male suppression, usually the racism is embedded into their tv shows as the only minority ever shown are blacks (representing a demographic minority in their country) but always depicted as agreeable and subordinate mostly sex object partners disposable but necessary.

And they expect that out of me.

thusly the yapping stupid trashy gutter trash talk of yet another blathering English endlessly yapping skank creep has been  ongoin because the white vampire male the black subordinate "victim of racism" thug punching into my face the German rapist sleaze scumbag the 15 years of the torture and rape of MULTIPLE LORD OF THE COCK RING FLIES rushing likewise to assault me--one of whom "won" an Oscar for that stupid syrupy racist "antiracist" flick --what was it called, something about "green" but my brain is being blanked out--a white man racist driving a black intellectual to some event through lynch mob southern places and oh, how they became "friends' a "true story" etc won an award. That kind of syrupy trashy supposed "anti racist" crap dirty stupid racist bigot Nazi pig shit scumbag pitt has been "winning" awards for through his Anniston production company since they all began attacking me

but over 30 years of this Liv Tyler and her teams attacking me--and others from that movie as well, and then spiraling to THEIR FAMILY and friends, and on and on

so I am fighting to get t hem off me. I sold cigars at the Stallone-Tyler little cheesy club called "Bar None" as an independent cigar seller. My money was being stolen from my purse nightly while I was rendered unconscious due to the brain implant microchips as they stole my money, replaced $100 bills with $1's, and raped me and I was so drugged normally I would fall asleep nearly collapsing on my bed with my clothing still on, so drugged. I always had not enough money to eat, I was always financially desperate I could not count my money I was living in perpetual poisoning with bloating and hardening poison retaining the mind control drugs through the shell of hard filthy poison.

that is what dirty "feminist" Liv Tyler and her nasty Lord of the Flies group who, as they all do, took the anti-nazi theme that lord of the rings had intended and by putting Nazi filth trash from Whorewood and an ensemble of established Nazi thugs who can recite Shakespeare regardless their intention is racist highly smug and through the established cliches of their "superiority" any threat by me just making a statement, adding to the statement that Mk-clown made I embellished it, I was not trying to "compete" I was just adding but a gasp and shock from what has proven to be a most thug and stupid ox-like animal named Samantha Morton, who plays well at disguising her power motives in movies so it was intriguing for me to watch the machinations of Europigape power-mongering ploys for power (by women against men)

unfortunately, her assumption to power is based on the same system of men oppressing women and children and other men, but as long as it's not her, or rotten Liv Tyler, they are 1 million percent into DECADES of torturing me to obtain more and more. Most of these filthy creeps have their careers in decline--that goes for the German sick rotten fuck, that has gone for Dolly Parton who got endless plastic surgery and endless deals endless promotions it has happened to Helen Mirran and Jane Fonda. They rush to embrace the |German sleazy violent sleazy sleazy dirty creep and they are rushing to violently assault me for "insulting their friends" after hours of torture per day and me responding and writing

and DECADES of Liv Tyler being established as an "actor" and they all get huge chances at "winning" awards and endless promotions for just being nasty stupid and sick, endlessly unabashedly.

How can any of this denote any higher intellectual superiority--?


They are a serious threat to my body and life, I need anonymity and for them to be pried off exploiting me FOREVER FUCKING DECADES OF THE FILTH OF STALLONE AND H IS DIRTY COCK RING CREW OF TYLER AND ENGLISH ITALIAN GERMAN SICK CRAP RUSHING TO TAKE OVER AMERICA    

this is not paranoia--I can't express how many Americans want Europigapes to fully control America and turn it into a Nazi death squad KGB concentration camp plantation with Europigapes put into highest office best real estate and instructing on the old school complete oppression and trauma-based torture control of the "old world".

-------Get them off me goddamn fuck off you Tyler group of goddamn white trash shit and your Europigapeland scum you bring in like flies to your cock ring power  cartel, cock rock music that is disgusting I never could hear that awful cacophony. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Trump Tower is sinking (in Florida Sunny Isles tax exempt-land): amongst other huge high-rise luxury developments I saw while driving from South Beach to my Medicaid dental appointment in Sunny Isles, just a Left-hand turn from the new high-rise with a huge billboard-sized photo of Donald Trump nestled in between two other of the developers, could not recognize them, but they had the bombastic approach of advertising Trump in the center to lure in prospective buyers--the building new, the condo building appeared a bit empty. No other building along the shoreline had any huge billboard display of developers and I have never seen it before or since. As I turned, I thought with disdain not of Trump in particular, but that the former moratorium that Miami Beach had ordained against building such huge high-rises had been struck down by the Europ-a-land influx when the Euro caused the dollar to weaken in comparison and investment in South Beach became almost exclusively 4th Reich French, Italian and it was called the "Riviera" ---others had more deragitory names. I only thought that the endless blotting out of the skyline as one drove up the Beach on Highway 1, and the endless huge rise of nth-story building on South Beach, which had been forbidden, and the deadly fascist attacks upon me after the influx, but in particular once the Euro came into effect and the dollar was weak in comparison and the investment became non-stop of fascist Nazis and the American eager-to-invest and suckling little piggies who wanted to be part of the 4th Reich (the underlying dire threat also urging them to "play the game to get a piece of the pie". So many who do not did not play the "game" were kicked out unceremoniously. One who warned me, and a few (mostly black men) who had been extremely original, beautiful people (i.e. American rasta, dreadlocks, selling the BEST crippie available on the beach, riding little Mongoose bikes around in the sun, happy and beloved as clams, were put in prison for drug possession and distribution after years of being welcomed on the beach. Replacing them were vicious cocaine and lower quality mj dealers out of France and Italy--absolutely nasty, vile and dirty with zero personality but vicious attainment of a consolidation of fascist Nazi envelopment. Ensuing was the endless development of skyrise after skyrise whereas formerly the area was peaceful, rife with beautiful artists, young people making art, music all kicked out and their art stolen if possible. I wrote years ago when one of the English rapist scumbags out of something like Brixton, a Dubstep artist, (cannot discredit him for his artistic talent but his black friend is much better at the genre--the one who came along and probably dissuaded finally the viciousness of the dude who sank back to his tour that he obtained in America---I had written about the huge techno festival that is so famous now in Miami that this dubstep dude was featured in--and how t he origins of that festival began on South Beach and how the Europigape invasion began to robotically change the artistic American atmosphere of peaceful and languid love for the beach, for creative and independent pursuits now a completely technocratic Mafia Nazi enclave of hateful bigots who are murderously 4th Reich--I was tortured attacked mostly by Latinos and Blacks by the end I had to literally run for my life from literal gangs of people I had never seen before frenetically rushing to viciously murderously poison and deny me service in outright discriminatory abuse at a Jewish-owned restaurant --as usual the Jew was catapulted afterwards for his open racism aimed at me. But to continue, I had written a few years ago that this Florida greed for racism entrenched to kick out the alternatives to put down all and any black, Jewish or otherwise not 4th Reich person. I had my own little business my money was stolen I was raped and forced into deadly health condition by this group with t heir poisoning and h ate. All t he people involved said that they were "half-Italian" but American and they only identified with being "Italian". Called the Latino fellow gang stalkers "monkeys" openly while we were walking on Washington Avenue--it was extremely loud. The Latinos hung their heads and pretended to ignore it. The same types of Latinos are openly vicious towards me when they are ordered to do so by their openly racist white 4th Reich counterparts. The end is that, by years of this Florida-endorsed 4th Reich Nazi-Mafia collaboration with urging foreign investment so South Beach could be sold off as a Riviera with "real" europigapes and their franchise corporate discos replacing the American independently-owned clubs with live performances and people happily open in the streets dancing and laughing. I NEVER heard of shootings, rape and murder until a German who attacked me when I sold cigars at the STallone-tyler owned club Bar None came to "invest" in high-rises--named Thomas Kramer--he introduced RAPE CULTURE and building high-rises. He assaulted me with white male Americans watching transfixed in neophyte training on how to become more fascist Nazi=the exact replication of what has already been established in Whorewood. I wrote of this, and also that the buildings that were built so the greed sleaze that the fascist 4th Reich is trained and programmed to automatically deem the "superior race" whether consciously or not, blindly agreed to the building of these foreign-investment pig apes to build build build huge condos along the shoreline in order to suck the life out of America, a country so many of the fuck scumbag Europigapes all sneered openly in hate saying that "Americans are stupid/Americans have no class" etc etc--they hissed this at me and other Americans just stood dumb and silent. Obeying they kicked me out, destroyed my business were poisoning me to death under instruction. I wrote years ago that the huge condos that the pig ape scumbags built are built on sand, literally sand bars. I wrote that the buildings would sink. It doesn't take an engineer to understand this, I knew it because I lived on 2nd Avenue off of Washington Avenue in the now extremely over-priced Europigapeland controlled mafia nazi area called "South of Fifth"--now extremely exclusive, hugely overpriced condos line the formerly clear beautiful skies--the water on the beach is greasy, the fish that had been so beautiful to see when swimming before this German-lead rape cartel of Italian French fuck whores who you all worship but have no idea that they are just copying imitations of copies of fashion while they also control the American fashion scene so it appears automatically '"inferior" in comparison. And now the BUILDINGS ARE SINKING AND TRUMP'S TOWER IS ONE OF THOSE SINKING. I knew the buildings would sink because I tried to plant a garden in the little area next to the house I was renting--it was just a bit of dirt comprised mostly of sandy material. The few sunflowers I was able to grow the German ape who was part of the Latino-American bund of hate assaulting me (one was brought to assault me a few months ago by the Europigapeland-controlled stupidity Shitpigapealina pair who bring every ch ildhood abuser terrorist to threaten my life if they possibly can.

**The tone of this post, and all posts, is written after about 3-4 hours of the usual English pest infestation of my private life in my morning routine of endless hate, insults and finally they broke through my attempt, after the 2-hour mark of the yapping dirty scumbag parasites who sit in chairs making murder statements when I am holding anything sharp, insults about my body while I am on the toilet, the detoxification of the poison that creeps like them poured into my body--including the filth prostitutalinapigpitt duo they lavish with love 'n joy for bringing ignorant mediocrity like them into more tv show awards and series and like the other English rapists and German scumbags they are put into the limelight ONLY for me having watched a show, in a drugged dazed attempt to ignore hours and hours per day after years and years and decades of this same formula going on day after day. So my hate-riddled ranting about Europigapes is part of the endless disgust and rage that I try to quell, but I am drugged. I have not yet reached the Nirvana stage of enlightenment under this unhuman stress of non-stop torture that I think has never been recorded in history of DECADES of torture of an individual to destroy and suck everything out of them and steal and rape and plunder while the target sits in sickness from a global network of poisoning rape terror agents who are just "normal" citizens who create the death that omits all higher intelligence from having any say or any life because only stupid dumbing down is all that they need to continue to thrive and jive turkey their way into the limelight, into political positions of power and etc etc etc.

It's sinking now, their structures are sinking. The global warming will create massive death of their Nazi pig ape cartels when the tsunamis hit Florida--or a huge hurricane--it is possible and not in the far-too-near future which ever it is feasibly a huge catastrophe in the making already a done deal. The culprits can go off back to Europigapeland with all the lucre they were handed for the rape and pillage of America. Literally making date-rape drugging "popular' which brought the way for gang stalking MK ULTRA torture of me into a huge undertaking as all the dumb lemmings try to be "elite" Europigapes in emulation. Little do they know that this behavior is highly frowned upon in actual Europigapeland but when the filth scum teams rush to invest and rape America, the full red carpet treatment is given. Stupid dumb swaggering psychopaths who are incompetent and dumb scum whores like pig shitalina need violent crews from EUropigapeland to feign being sophisticated with so much posturing lessions they emulate fascist Nazism and Mafia criminality which AMerica has fully embraced . Literally or figuratively, your stupidity in general has made a death zone of the dumb minions who invested and thought that they could be swank celebrities, get plastic surgery to appear more white privileged and now, they could just get the wrath of whatever--nature?? instead of more luxury plantation mentality 4th Reich-ism. But my tone is peppered with hours of hate, days of the same rat ugly sick filth rushing to get infestation allowances into America. My years of writing about how they rush to develop invest take over and they don't care if the country is wrecked, and Americans are so brainwashed to worship white Nazi appearances and culture they go along completely brainwashed. Anyone intelligent enough to not AUTOMATICALLY follow the directives to let this shit and filth completely infiltrate the country are met with death or elimination, being made homeless or whatever (they must flee the country). I am now halfway across the globe from having to get away from stupid sick shit like this, only to have more of the filth building building over nature, more brown and black eager greasy minions puffed up in Nazi poses glorified and promoted--the nature dying, the high rises non-stop, ugly dirty men investing their porno sleazy sons rushing to marry women they would never have anything to do with in their own country because they must invest with a native partner.

And I'm teleported to the sick SHIT AND FILTH of these Europigapes now, with stupid ugly dirty prostitutalina-shit-pig pitt the pair of brainwashed "puppet" whores who are so glorified--brining in every sleazy dirty fascist, the leagues of dirty filth minority pussy-gyrating scumbag whores rush to threaten to kill me as they lovingly glance next to the greasy filth rapist German scumbag they all nearly worship automatically which is why and how they were put into lead positions to see filthy shit instead of actual art. All sinking but no one notices they just gyrate like they are "Free"--symbolically or not.

Thusly, my tone is so "old" so embittered. Laughing and disgusting Nazi racists put into positions of power where they should be protecting their citizens but instead are putting murderous genocidal shit and filth into the country, using tactics of torture, rape and murder and being honored by the white supremacy idiot savants who claim they are otherwise for their public positions of fake representation of their own culture and country.

It is the same when the Americans of Florida wanted Nazis to control their art and culture scene so the blacks and Jews would be kicked out (killed). All must comply or face dire threat. The lemmings rushed and rush to attack me with murderous hate now when I am in Miami--but it used to be warm welcome, I did not outstay my welcome the trend became what I detail below--the United States decided to let the Euro surpass the U.S. Dollar and in particular the British Pound Sterling. No one mentions how this is a covert Imperialist strategy for the financial overtake of the United States.

Now hacking is very bad. Perhaps you can connect the dots, if possible. The stupid and ugly dirty English remain making the most stupid yapping hate murder remarks fully supported by the Senators and the House of Representatives. Most claim that they are "part English and part German" a huge mix that controls America. They will kill in order to "preserve" their heritage which is death squads pogroms concentration camps, ghettos and absolute open humiliation destruction of Jews so that America can NEVER once ever again be a threat to the instant assumption of white supremacy that all the shit who coagulate like a bunch of poison  parasites infecting my life through this technology use to put in their death and hate and racism. I am now pounding with all my hand strength to get a single word out--I am ranting due to subliminal hate words these stupid ape death whores and pig filth scumbags are hissing into their dirty nasty microphones. They are or will be starring in Whorewood productions because the decades of these filth creeps mostly cranking out old ancient themes of royalty and Victorian crap which is fascinating (I love looking at the fashion, mostly they drape the costumes with American-made "feminist" plots which are just bs wrapped in white supremacy)

I can't pound this out any longer. Keep following the pied pipers off a cliff oh brainwashed and dumbed-down Americans. The cliff is sinking the idiot Europigapes and their American Nazi puppets are stupid as hell you should recognize that their soft-spoken well-heeled mannerisms and seemingly sophisticated allure is a cultural mandate they are forced to adapt to. They have never created anything they claim they are the owners of in cultural superiority. Because so much higher superiority art has been made (so often by Jews) they rush to get their parasitic leeching apparatus into controlling and sucking all money possible out of America, controlling the stupid greasy filth of Whorewood and Congress into more emulation of fascist Nazism.

I have "seen this movie before" on South Beach. The result is sinking buildings, dead aquatic glory of the nature that is dead and gone, and the deterioration of the coral reefs that the Nazi-controlled governor is not really paying attention to and is stifling any protest, and etc etc.




"Florida high-rises and luxury hotels are sinking, study finds". CBS News. December 18, 2024.

**I am going to just copy and paste videos of past years of violence on South Beach that NEVER, NEVER NEVER NEVER EVER EVER happened while I lived there before the fascist Nazi overtake once the Euro and Pound put in Europigape investment in the year that the Republicans stole STOLE the election in 2000 between Bush and Gore--from the Broward County elections and onward, the election was turned to Bush in 2000. That year the Euro was instituted as the more powerful and also especially the British Pound. The fascist rise had already begun as the investors and those in the Nazi 4th Reich know that this was going to happen at least one year before it actually was put into real financial establishment control and the Europigapeland invasion of Miami and of FLorida and the United States began in earnest. Now the crime and death is a common theme on South Beach. With all the mixing of races that had been the norm before the white supremacy league cast out the Haitians and replaced their hang out with Nazi biker bars (wet willy on Ocean Drive) drove the prices into hundreds of percent increases and etc which the Europigapes and in particular the English controlled, took over and here is the ultimate result because their (the 4th Reich Nazi Europigapeland league of filth and hate, they are not sophisticated they are not glamorous they have been handed through generations of people creating fashion which they emulate, they are worshipped out of trauma-based mind control programming by the victims)

and it's too hard to pound every word out. I spent a few hours fighting to type this out instead of getting what I need done. However, this theme must not be ignored as I am being attacked BECAUSE OF THIS SAME PROGRAMMING which I am trying to express is just the dumb being lead by the sleazy death parasites who are not classy they are not superior they are filthy trash and shit--sorry, that is all I have seen for years and years there is NOTHING superior whatsoever. They are training the rotten mediocrity of Whorewood into fascist take-over so THEY can take over and turn it into another death catastrophe of destruction. Their divide-and-conquer racist strategies are working extremely well, their take-over of the United States into a fascist colony of their control HAS ALREADY BEEN ACCOMPLISHED THROUGH THIS SICK STUPID INCOMPETENT MEDIOCRITY OF WHOREWOOD using MY IDEAS by the way. I am still being tortured and asked for ideas by the sick Europigapeland shit and no one can recognize the deadly threat they impose--so I am writing it is a relevant topic it is critical that people stop being brainwashed into handing control over to ENEMIES.

here is a slew of videos depicting what NEVER happened before the Europigapeland invasion which kept rotten dirty Stallone and Steven Tyler into power (the dirty daughter of Tyler is involved with the Europigape stupid shit whore group out of London so this applies even moreso today)

I am the ONLY PERSON writing or even thinking in this way. HERE IS EVIDENCE ABOVE AND BELOW I am an insider I sold cigars on Ocean Drive and throughout Miami Beach South Beach for over two years just prior to this invasion and I saw it happening through this filth of stallone and tyoer and many others

do not discount me although I am being discredited with hacking and mind control ranting-the pounding of every key is breaking my laptop and my hands are just exerting non-stop top strength to getany key out I am ranting--try to understand if anyone out there can get past their greasy selfish gaze for just a moment to try to look at the absolute destruction that has been wrought on Florida by this filthy stupid 4th Reich organization and it's white Nazi Mafia minions brainwashed completely so people like me cannot be a threat to their conformity to mediocrity.


**it is also  nearly impossible for me to expand the video on the page, besides all functions being hacked like highlighting so I can copy and paste anything whatsoever on any page or format-I must fight to highlight codes, sentences at least 6-8 times for any single word or sentence or url link--now I can't expand the videos I click on the expand and it is blocked--this makes ranting for discrediting more possible because I spend so much time of my life fighting hacking and pounding and backspacing to fight to write one single word,,to get anyone to fucking think about what you are allowing to happen to the county in the endless smiles giggles of the white supremacist who are rotting the country and being called everything from Constitutional Democrats to Patriotic Christian Republicans they all adhere to fascist Nazi white supremacy death squad divide-and-conquer they get mansions estates they are all lying fucking scum--the celebrites are just greasy stupid ignorant filth and their are controlled by conniving dirty Europigapes who are sick and stupid as hell. They want death and crime and by allowing them to take control you are helping to destroy your own "crib" think about it goddamn do-nothing Americans who may care about your lives, if that is possible outside of trying to be as Europigape aristocratic as possible for your gyrating sleazy orgy lifestyles you hope will make you "someone important".

 I had written just about 1-2 years ago that the sinking of the buildings was inevitable and it didn't take any genius engineer to figure that out.

The greed of the sleaze of Florida once the Nazi Mafia invasion took over not just Miami but the government as well of that State, the Nazi networks of poisoning and death squads using this disgusting technology and the manufacture of this sickeningly disgusting poisoning which I know is being used, and has been used, on many people (look at Andrea Dworkin to see her huge deformed body, her death ruled a mysterious source undiagnosed she just "died" somehow--it was internal suffocation of her intestines and it is obvious that no one looks like that rotund puffy bloated bouncy and I know what this filthy poison is, and I know the filthy sick shit whores who perform these poisoning tasks they took over the networks of Florida, they are completely in Los Angeles as well)

The sinking of the Trump Towers on Sunny Isles--there are two very closely situated, and I saw these towards as they were selling Trump in order to sell the buildings

and the dental exercise in terrorist gang stalking abuse was done by really creepy latinos--who in these awful Medicaid offices (actual offices not specified as being Medicaid but they accept Medicaid and they treat Medicaid clients with hate, misdiagnosing and when I called the Florida Medicaid complaint line I was told with a sigh by the woman on the phone that complaints of malpractice abuse insulting treatment and abuse were extremely common.

The nasty dental appointment with stupid questions and me being drugged before, during and  of course eternally almost after were by Latinos who perhaps, eventually did buy into those luxury condos that Trump and his cohorts built, on Sunny Isles facing the  Ocean. Thinkin that they really got it good in America a real piece of the pie.

All they had to do was berate, abuse and give substandard treatment, cut into my gums and make insults and get paid, promoted and can now live in the sinking condo that Trump and the other developers, all completely Europigapeland controlled not INDEPENDENT as you-know-who claims he is.

You can make the connection to that thing called "Karma" but....

it's too bad that it had to take years of the encroaching disaster for this to be officially recognized years after it should have never happened in the first place. Anyone with any inkling of soil content and the plated structure of the S. Florida coastline in that area would know how extremely unstable the sand structures really are. I knew it without having studied architecture but my father was in charge of a high-rise development in Florida which DID collapse (and kill construction workers). He told me that he was lied to about how the cement was being paid-for and mixed, and how "corners had been cut"  but my father was out playing golf, because that is what the wealthy do when they are investors in Florida, aren't they?


Another threat to my life immediately after Senator Klobuchar attacked me with a grim look of death on her face after I was enraged from years, decades of murder torture rape and abuse which she has laughed about and joined in with yesterday--I received a letter bundle sent via USPS tracking out of Las Vegas Disability Determination Services, which is a review. I am chronically disabled not temporarily--they have never sent me any letters until today, the time stamp was 4 pm but I checked my mail t his morning way past 4 pm LA time and there was no letter sent during business hours. It was sent this evening and the time changed to 4 pm but it was sent around 8 a.m. the next day it was "stamped" as being sent. I have been determined chronically disabled, not just temporarily. Never have I received a stamped USPS letter demanding a physical review until today, the day when Klobucher came to laugh and then glare with murderous hate after I lost my control after decades of non-stop torture, rape anad the German rapist right there with Klobuchar watching glaring with murderous hate after I just was outraged and began fighting after they began hitting me--these men who have raped and attacked me. She has responded by sending out a physical examination determination demand, I believe it was her. It could be my death I cannot go to any place where they demand I go for an examination. The mail service in Los Angeles has lied to me stating they would open and scan mail but they refuse to do it now so they only will tell me maybe the name of the sender or address, maybe. They charge me more than exorbitant and incorrect mailing prices to have a single page letter sent via their "cheapest" service is more than $ 60 and this is a "box" and the contents are "bound package" which means a stack of papers.

 Hypertension is a beeoch--I am dying from stress. I read on gang stalking websites that the goal of the terror groups is to abuse the target to death with stress and this group of filth is doing it. I just phoned the 
Social Security Administration and I was told by a chirpy no-nonsense bureaucrat that any letters sent to me within the Social Security Administration she would have record of. She told me nothing more than the COLA letter was sent out recently.

But the last time I phoned the same SS number, I was LIED TO yes they lied about the change in the log-in system which now records your exact location, your IPS address and time and everything is digitalized now.

She told me nothing else had been sent out. I asked her if disability determination was within or not within the Social Security Administration and she repeated chirpy annoyed "anything sent out by the Social Administration I would have record of and nothing was sent out" but her voice was crisp no nonsense no jokes allowed. I made a joke and I said out of stress relief: I though it was a Christmas present from YOU (meaning them) and she tried to hang up and I told her Merry Christmas and happy new year in a delightful tone and she said Merry Christmas and instantly hung up.

I don't know if she is lying or not. I was told a direct lie which lead me to have to pay a few hundred dollars as a result of the lie out of going in a tail-chasing fight to get past the hacking which blocked me from logging into this imperative site for my financial security which is very slim and always on the verge of destruction and always being threatened to be pulled away from me by the death hate team of Whorewood and now Congress-Whorewood, more sinister now ever increasing then the celebrities who are demonically possessed and evil and stupid but educated politicians sleazy demonically possessed and sick are far more sinister and nefarious and more murderous. Alas that America is sliding into outright sick sinister murderous politicians using this modern technology they all love what Elon Musk will provide them with--endless rape and torture victims endless date rape teleportation drugging victims--more orgies where their senses are expanded into ecstasy so they can "love" people when they have no capability to love in any sexual encounter--the drugging will permit the opening of closed aspects of the brain and nervous system

and I realize now that the package, sent from an undisclosed location to this mail service which, since I opened the box and they LIED to me about their services, now preventing me from knowing what mail I receive and charging me something like $500 to mail a bundle of papers--for example

absolute lies; they told me they would open and scan letters now they claim they are not "allowed" to open letters. I signed and notarized through much effort and abuse at a mail station with a predictable abuse situation the USPS 1583 form, and there are no webcams available in my area, and this group broke my webcam so it barely works--after NEVER having ever used it it behaved like a used 1981 experiment in technology

all my cameras are hacked to operate the same way

and so, I received a notice of mail package from USPS--no location other than Las Vegas, and a "bundle" but the mail service refuses to do anything but charge me about 1000% more, part of the terror racket operation all the filth scum and shit use to get their nasty promotions as being "the best"

and this mail service has been labeled as "the best mail service" in Los Angeles now, but it wasn't labeled that just 6 months ago when I opened this box an dhave been stuck with almost no access to my mail

I received this package no information on sender. Because it is Las Angeles and the disability determination center is in Las Vegas I made this connection, but the lying hostile agent on the phone may have not been so crispy clean honest as she appeared to be with her starchy voice, stiff and pressed compressed and punctual no-nonsense but lying nevertheless. I will not know until I have to sweat it out tonight waiting for a reply. I sent a request to the USPS to track the sender and asked the defunct terrorist mail service for the name of the sender and address.

told nothing but a cola,  a little tiny cola adjustment of $20 was sent out to me a letter but no message in my account online yet

and they never send any letters that are deadly serious to the online account as well--you have to get it in person

and the next administration wants to cut social security from people who are on the brink of being homeless or dead and must have MORE money not less

it has taught me an unbelievable lesson which I already knew--looking at the f-ing government or the YouTube bs is worthless the news the anchors the society is just a dead drowning rat suffocating on it's platitudes it killed decades ago

watching any more of these lying politicians on any tv tube podcast and the rotten youtube podcasters is like self-punishment for me by now they are all attacking me all trying to use me all full of lies and total bullshit, the politicians are outright genocidal murdering sick fucks lying constantly and feeding off misery and death--stealing as much from the public and turning society into a bloodbath.


Update, next morning: response from my mail service, informed that the package was, indeed, coming out of the Las Vegas SSA administration for health care providers in CA---which is out of the Disability Determination Services general area of Las Vegas, perhaps not the same exact office but from the general information pool.

I had asked the sniffy spiffy woman, who was cheery and friendly but bot-like--if the offices for DDS (disability services) Las Vegas were out of the same Government agency umbrella as the SSA (social sec admin) she repeated a formula statement because she did not know: "any letter coming from the Social Security Administration I would have record of" (or a paraphrase of that statement, which she only would repeat). I must repeat that in addition to the endless hacking of the keyboard right now, my brain is also under attack now, as it was when I was using SKYPE to phone the general SSA 800-line. My brain jumped and skipped as I attempted for utter out any question--I wavered with "is it or is it...part of or not" as I stammered the question, immediately she nastily replied with the perfect bot voice "is it it or is it not part of the government what do you mean?" in interrogation "what a stupid question" type tone but pleasant computer blue voice nevertheless.

I asked if any letter coming out of Las Vegas, which I looked up is where Disability Determination for California does send out letters for all kinds of health care issues, including determination or re-determination. She responded with, "Any letter sent from Social Security Administration I would have information on".

She never answered the question but her tone implied that the question was ridiculous and "stupid" in other words, the tone condescending.

It turns out that the letter WAS from the Social Security Administration BUT out of the California-Nevada jurisdiction for disability services, claims, etc. My question, which I could not formulate my voice was not able to speak clearly, the attack on my throat with the microchip implant caused a slight disturbance but my brain was blocked from thinking clearly. I am certain this agent was aware of my situation as my phone calls in particular to government or other lending institution agencies (or anything else) are always re-directed with the hacking of all telecommunications devices (except in rare instances when I am in a hilly place, such as driving alone at night where I am not followed with vehicles next to a very dense wooded area and rocks and boulders and hillside could block signals of remote attack technologies--at such moments I find that I can actually "sing" my throat is not being blocked as it always is when I am attempting to sing, or speak on the phone. I know that the remote attacks relaying block signals to my brain, throat and nervous systems are not in full service at such moments. Wait until the network of satellites penetrates the skies for full and total tracking and attack upon the next generation of microchip implanted poor souls, poisoned by this hateful life-screw organization of wealthy fools who want all people to be their tools.

So, as I wrote above, yesterday, I could not trust what this perfected vocal bot-like person was ejecting out of her orifice yesterday on the phone, and it has proven to be correct, my apprehension of  being lied to.

Fortunately, it was more innocuous I obtained a bit of information about a State partnership of Nevada and California. 

Otherwise, the gamble is now how to juggle the system so that they cannot attack me and lie--not sure how in the world I can do that. The lying by government officials, institutions education establishments (i.e. financial aid from my university which forced a loan on me which I never requested and lied to me about how it operates and why--so drugged I was being murdered at the time because this organization of hate and racism could not tolerate me being well educated beyond drugged-up stupor and I just "accepted" the loan mostly because I was not in the area, could not go into the financial aid office directly I had already received the money and I was told I can't backtrack and change. I had signed the form because I was always in need of money instantly for survival as I relied on loans to live along with everything else--and I thought it would not be so bad and FAFSA had always been reliable. I am now blocked from receiving my Masters Degree because afterward, I was informed that the loan I had been given must be, in part repaid and I would not be able to receive my diploma for years of graduate study until I paid the pot of fools gold at the end of the rainbow.

It was the poisoning which lead me to have to rush for my life to try to get the poison out. More than 12 years later I finally found perhaps a few people not so engrossed in the murder protocols to actually care enough to stop the poisoning--and it could commence at any time.

But, that is how the system operates to murder--one thing goes wrong, the dominos fall the target gets shut  out of everything but the worst are the steal attacks on health. The extremely and nearly impossible microchip implants are perhaps impossible for the majority of people to comprehend or begin to asses whether they have been inflicted or not. When the attacks come, they come in very rare instances when the target is otherwise preoccupied with basically trying to save their lives from some catastrophe (such as almost being hit by cars).

but, my writings are just ignored. Everyone happily is following the mad piper off a cliff in the name of convenience and luxury modernity and innovation and controlling others, at more private levels of having victims to easily steal, rape and rob from or murder, etc etc (and of course, orgies with people who are consenting where senses from the drugging(s) are so enhanced that the participants are in ecstasy no matter what happens--all sensation is heightened at least --i don't know, ten-fold under this influence. People who are numb and sexually repressed or oppressed can be induced into the greatest love passion possible for people who are essentially abusive, whom they don't like never would want anything to do with.

For children who are susceptible this is a hate crime beyond mere social conditioning that puts people at huge advantage or disadvantage, usually for their entire lives.

And the laughter of the people put into power over this "God-like" power over others in the realm of the brain, one of the frontiers of expansion of tyranny and abuse of power---