Sunday, June 27, 2021

This is a convoluted post as I commented upon the video before I had finished watching the entire monologue in the MSNBC Maddow report below. Terrorist hacking & filth report. June 27, 2021. But first, just yesterday I wrote in one of my lengthy posts that I wished Rachel Maddow would make a report about my situation (which involves MK ULTRA microchip implants, mind control and has involved a US President and has influenced to some degree politics in the US at that level--similar in a way to the movie Manchurian Candidate which Ms. Maddow has commented upon today--just one day after I wrote how I wanted her to conceptualize this subject in a tenable way and one day later she has. Is that just coincidence, considering that she has been a part of the teleportation situation and knows about my blog and Facebook pasts as well? I will not know the answer to that today but it is a question worth rhetorically positing.

 BREAKING TRUMP NEWS. MSNBC. Phat Kmer Official (channel). June 27, 2021.

Terrorist hacking report: once more, as I write in the comment section for a You Tube video (the video below), hackers have deleted parts of the post and of course rewritten what they did not delete and changed grammar and etc etc, the endless discrediting factor of all that I try to write and publish on every forum on the internet-, hackers have deleted parts of the post which I had to rewrite. After re-writing 4 times and discovering after posting the comment that hackers retrieve what I had originally written and insert that but jumble all together. Thus, attempt-after-attempt I write slightly differently and each rewrite is then jumbled with the last one preceding the last post. Writing the same thoughts 5 times in a row just to try to get the concept out is part of the endless disgusting attack system that is part of the Manchurian Candidate system. Cleaning up piles of filth that have been throw on my floor--piles of hair clumps--debris and crap and bits of who-knows-what laying on my floor. The dust bin is nearly half filled to the brim and this is one of those huge hand-held receptacles for cleaning with a broom. Filthy and disgusting. From terrorists of course.

This video appeared on my You Tube page under this false channel I have never subscribed to. I get these videos under my algorithm-controlled "recommended for you" front page every day but I have over 40 other channels I have subscribed to and rarely receive any notification of videos--just what hackers insert so I can see what people involved in triggering me and their videos are putting out--part of the general mind control program.

This video is not about Trump it's about MK ULTRA: a movie called The Manchurian Candidate. Rachel Maddow claims this is her "favorite" film. Interesting choice--perhaps she is trying to influence the viewers to watch the film as I have reservations in believing that this film is Ms. Maddow's first choice as movie (not saying she is lying but I just think there may be other movies she may prefer).

All such videos like this that have no information about Trump are labeled as under some Vietnamese name (or Cambodian) or channel with Trump featured as the news item but often there is nothing regarding Trump in any of the videos with these misleading titles.


Well, good for you MS Maddow and how wonderful if you did take that cue I had written in my post yesterday on this topic of mind control and my situation; as the movie, the original is spectacular as a comedy look at a very serious subject. The subsequent remake is more serious because the situation has morphed into a much more deadly force. Death, much death is the ending of both adaptations of the book (which I have not read as I actually do not need much fiction to enhance my personal experience which is truly "stranger than fiction").
Because my brain is so muddled by the effect of the "mind control" technology I commented upon this video before assessing it as I should have. The video makes the slightest reference, not even a reference, to mind control and quickly makes a sharp deviation into Trump territory--as the title of the video suggests. McCarthyism is the segue into the former allies of Trump and the Mafia connection (which I also wrote of very, very briefly in just one sentence yesterday in one of my lengthy posts). There is a connection between my suggestion to Ms. Maddow as expressed only in my posts yesterday and the highlight she made connection McCarthy to Trump in this convoluted roundabout way.
I think this is the closest major media will dare to go concerning the situation I am embroiled in. That mind control may be a serious issue affecting the country and/or politics is only put as an embroidery around the usual topic of the corruption surrounding Trump and his former and current ties to mafia. No mention whatsoever of mind control but only as the movie The Manchurian Candidate goes, to bring the movie into focus is to make a kind of "mind control" suggestion to viewers to watch the movie and perhaps make connections between all these various "dots" Maddow is drawing lines to and fro from and together.

Final note on Maddow, who I have in sarcasm referred to as Madcow in times of ranting "immaturity" (ha ha).

I also wrote, yesterday, about the exploits of Nancy Pelosi who has attacked me along with the Celebrity Nazi bodybuilder former Governor of CA--it was a very ugly situation but they both appeared in a cozy familial sense of solidarity on this point and like they were best of buds. Thus, today Maddow/cow has included in this mere modicum mention of MK ULTRA that, at the end, Pelosi is akin to "mommy" and that her actions in the House of Representatives are as praiseworthy as her own media output of defending every covert crime she has witnessed and perhaps participated in, just like Pelosi and the usual suspects who are always shielded from every suspicion--the celebrity A-hole crowd.

So much for Madcow and her reporting which I have tried to "ignore" in the past after she glared in hate and spoke at me with hissing hate and negativity just like all the rest of this hate gang of thugs always does--despite me never having harmed them or the Europigape fascists who handed this technology and are partially responsible for meting out these huge contracts to the rotten group. They all behave like jackals and jackasses and hyenas whenever they appear to get a victim. I swear I am innocent of anything remotely deserving of endless years of this kind of violence or attack. Yet it persists like this infection they forced upon me, and the poisoning they forced upon me (this organization all my life I mean) and every other kind of block to my life like forced poverty and discrimination at all levels at all times in all things I pursue and etc etc. But to have just a few cats taken away from me so I have at least some kind of attachment that is unsullied by this subhuman group which is always exalted by popular opinion as if they are untouchable in design and malign intent is just unbelievable. They are so far above suspicion and yet so guilty of collusion and of  helping and assisting in what is now the US fascist Nazi emerging state of terrorism within the United States and now abroad (or vice-versa, as it's been abroad for many decades and is now only surfacing as a serious domestic threat that is visible--thanks to this group now attacking me out of Whorewood, USA with all their Europigape fascist, Nazi handlers telling them what to do and say to become just like them--fully supported for decades by Americans in their foreign policies and the Marshall Plan and etc etc. 

Really, Maddow is part of the problem that she endlessly giggles about in her very well-written and articulated exposes. I watch her videos because her presentation of the information is more detailed than I obtain from other major news sources. I had this experience also with very well adept personalities who play the roles but are part of the sink holes that collapse the entire structure of a free society. They are very well-equipped to crank out the grind that leaves the viewers blind to what is really going on. 

Saturday, June 26, 2021

The American Way of entitlement and the misery that is being inflicted by the entitled has become a near genocidal raise in homelessness for many. "Gang stalking" targets are rendered financially obsolete in this system of terror that has stolen almost all I have ever worked for and handed it over to the "entitled" who viciously attack to obtain more ideas and then leave me with zero opportunity to even earn a single cent in any capacity and no health care and absolute violence inflicted upon me as I am rendered powerless in this system of money-means-all. It is one of the most crucial aspects of targeting possible and this too is a form of state-sponsored terrorism.


The celebrities attacking/torturing/teleporting/raping/stealing/robbing and slowly murdering me have this attitude of entitlement because it is a societal system in California and everywhere else, especially in America. They have disdain for the poor--this organization has forced poverty upon me I am capable of much more than sitting in pain and being blocked from obtaining health care and having zero money (all internet attempts to do so have been blocked by this org so these rapists can hold every threat against me and insult me and if I try to fight back I have this threat hanging over me as well--and nowhere to go for any kind of protection against absolute devastation and worse.

This is the inhumanity that really is at the core of the H-wood crowd and they have zero concern for human beings if they can step on them after they wipe their hands of the charity donations they use as tax breaks and exemptions.

Many "gang stalking" targets become homeless and are further destroyed/murdered by the "system" that you can hear a little bit about in this interview by "Invisible People".

I too have had everything stolen from me when I fought back against rape and attempted murder. I too face every kind of living situation threat including a form of sex trafficking slavery with no support system, all law enforcement and all legal entities fully supporting this terrorist organization attacking me with the billionaires and millionaires "experimenting" with unleashing their violent rape and attempted murder fantasies upon me with this teleportation hell they just use to enhance their sense of entitlement to murder and all and every other kind of crime possible as they languish in their mansions and fly around the world after they gang up together to attack me.
It is the American system it is the American way of life. Homelessness has increased dramatically just in the past year as well as the huge increase in the upper percent of the very wealthy whose fortunes have increased also nearly doubled for some.
The attitude is of absolute entitlement to eliminate any person who has been forced into powerlessness and the technology and the terror operation attacking me, this global system, ensures that this can happen to anybody and anybody can be murdered within the range of the weapons and gangs/groups operating as "force multipliers".
That is, of course, as I have related endlessly in countless posts and entries on Facebook and on this blog--in addition to filthy terrorist creeps breaking into my tiny studio which I can barely afford and spraying filth, grease, dirt, nasty things and just debris and all is shredded, broken, frayed, ripped, torn, stinking and the mechanical arms destroy my room every day as well (mechanical arms breaking through the panels of these fake walls and every tile, crack and panel is a portal for entry of the tiniest of these mechanical arms).

In addition to the filth they have put into my body while blocking my ability to obtain health care (and threat of murder if I do go to a doctor and moreso if I get any kind of procedure or surgery).
I have had to move on average once every few years for over 20 years or longer as each home is so unbearable from hostility and attack from landlords and neighbors and the same situation goes on and on. If I could build a tiny little microhome somewhere and not be bothered and yet be able to exist in some kind of decent way in a decent society I would probably be quite content if I could only have some back-up to protect my home and my body from further destruction as all I do is fight to repair both body and home while I face non-stop further damage to both and not threat but it's a daily and nightly reality.
I can't express how disgusting it is that politicians of both political parties of the US are involved in this situation and that at the Executive level is most appalling. The sense that they can force near homelessness and poverty and illness and then demand a kind of slavery with full participation of all law enforcement and actors in society is most disgusting and that this ubiquitous situation is being enforced at all levels around the planet and that the situation is creating more and more desperate people with more of these entitled "Karens" becoming absolute tyrannical abusers should merit some kind of warning bells ringing in some people's minds as to how dangerous this situation is. That the actors involved have helped Trump to come to power and the Insurrection has not proven any kind of warning signal to people to stop letting every wanna be closet fascist Nazi performer and politician in sheep's disguise to come to higher power by participating in this insidious contract and teleportation violence upon me is still even more enraging in that it's just never being questioned or stopped by anybody.



The American Bitch-eat-Dog society of the USA. Perfect example: Los Angeles, California.



All-in-all, the 22-year sentencing of Chauvin is just another brick in your wall. Celebrities cheer and applaud the verdict for cameras flashing their promotions as being benevolent. They cheer the rape and torture of me by their fellow peers in the celebrity A-hole lister group endlessly assaulting me and being promoted for every felony they commit against me, day after day--year-after-year with no stopping them and no accountability and all cheers and applause, praise, money and all they can steal and rape and rob out of me used as a promotional tool. Injustice reigns and the hypocrisy never wanes. MY LIFE MATTERS and those pigs assaulting me DON'T MATTER even if you put them in spotlight celebrity status perpetually like broken records of infamy and criminality that is always allowed to flourish in the bowels of American Life. Nancy Pelosi just teamed up with S-negger and it was a crime of huge proportion, happening just prior to the 2nd Stimulus Bill where the former Governor of California teamed up with the current Speaker of the House to assault and threaten to mutilate my body in a deadly and serious way, using this teleportation technology. I believe they teamed up to graft money so the State of California could hand these parasites who are or were politicians more lucre after they use this tech to attack me to obtain even more money out of their incompetence as human beings and inept to be in these high positions for this Democratic country which is FAILING. not for the bigot whites of course. Clinton paired-up with mafia out of Brooklyn to assault me and Trump had my body mutilated and fungus poured into my ears, vagina, hair and food, clothing as I was raped and he sat back and smiled over it all with his fascist Nazi wives threatening me when I expressed anything I liked or disliked that didn't coincide with their fascist, Nazi parameters of how they demand that I "change" to fit into their patterns of domesticated slave, through millions of stalking terrorists inflicting deadly violence upon me as a state-sponsored form of terrorism to force behavior modification to adjust to bigot white supremacist parasites raping and abusing me and then destroying all that I am and stealing all they can because they only conform and obey or try to command and they need some different ideas to sell off as their "original" concepts. I sit here now watching black people bitterly assessing the verdict which "should" have carried the maximum of 30 years and I can only sit once more fighting to heal my body which was almost destroyed by this racist network which demands a watered down "symbolic" verdict which is far inferior to actual justice as I remain completely a victim of a slow lynch mob of Nazis and white supremacists and politicians who should have done just a bit more to defend my human rights than the participation in this hate crime that they have done (or nothing, as their cohorts participate and they say and do nothing to defend my rights on any level). I watch these people speak at the 4-hour mark of the video realizing how the situation is not merely systematic but pervasive and offensive and because no one has video recording of me being teleported, raped and assaulted night-after-night these pack of Karen Chauvin's are getting away with the crime that Chauvin assumed so easily that he would also be allowed to get away with Scott-free. In terms of justice it has not been done in the Chauvin sentencing but celebrities who fully support every hate crime against me are applauding the symbolic white supremacy offering to silence the blacks who demand justice in an insult to real justice.


 Because I am unfamiliar with sentencing charges and, like many I suspect around the world, assumed that a 22-year sentence was some kind of punishment fitting the crime. The 3-Strikes laws of Mandatory Minimums punish more punitively than what Chauvin was handed by the White Judge in Minneapolis yesterday.

Justice has a far way to go. In my personal situation justice has been officially denied me and injustice is a daily occurrence. Full pardon is given to rapist bigots and white supremacists who are handed murder and rape technologies and in fact they are continuously promoted. Many of the people involved in this crime against me are making their obligatory remarks of joy and relief that Chauvin got what he deserved, according to them.

All-in-all, the 22-year sentencing of Chauvin is just another brick in your wall.

According to those who are more familiar with the aspects of injustice that these celebrities participate in like criminals and thugs---what Chauvin received was a crime and a perpetuation of white supremacy.

See video at 4 hours into the tape to hear the beginning of the platform and the series of speakers who are rallying to express their chagrin that this was yet another slap in the face towards justice and a pat on the back for white supremacist perpetrators--while H-wood applauds what is going on because being usually ignorant of what is really going on and what is really relevant to any real cause they cheer the abusers and perpetrator Nazi culture on as they are the main cheerleaders for that cult group distributed through the satellites into your brain as you watch the bs they put out perpetually.


Federal Charges are still pending against Chauvin. That means the celebrities can make public statements about the Federal Case against Chauvin and how that must be pushed by the public, as well as the George Floyd Justice in Police Sentencing Act that must be championed and demanded to be passed by the public (send your rage to your Senators) and make public statements about defending the Rule-of-Law in the United States.



This is a most excellent summation of sentencing guidelines and the Chauvin Trial sentencing which was not expressed to this depth in the Ruptly video above. I am amiss at finding facts due to the many blocks I have to concentration (mind control tech and drugging hindering all kinds of focus and ability to read and concentrate) I rely on news clips such as this to discover truth. What Maddow relates is of a much more unbiased and honest appraisal of the situation than those expressed in front of the Hennepin County Courthouse by the near and dear, the lawyers, attorneys and rights activists. It is very hard to get at the kernel of truth when it comes to finding which news source to trust and what is precise and accurate and unbiased. All that has been expressed in both this video and the Ruptly are relevant and newsworthy I do not differentiate but the Maddow/MSNBC presentation is much more comprehensive and accurate. I wonder if Rachel will ever report on my situation as she also has been involved in teleporting me and attacking me, whether pretending or being adverse to me I do not know. I believe it is part of her duty to report on this situation of teleportation but it is hard to gauge how deep into this global terror/promotional organization of terror she is or not.

Friday, June 25, 2021

A sad and pathetic fight I must undergo

 I have tried my very best to have a career and a life that is full of exciting possibilities that are obtainable that showcase my personal talents. I have been attacked most viciously by this hate organization to which most of you reading this belong to. 

I am now confronted with a man who wants IMMEDIATELY to take me away to some location that is hostile to my very existence, or more so than the other places on this planet this hate organization has infiltrated with it's death squads and Imperialistic fascist undertones which are surfacing all over the globe to the delight of these haters who attack me ceaselessly. All of the men involved in teleporting me are busily involved in THEIR careers and are trying to yank me from my goals and aspirations to just live in peace with at least myself and one cat instead of being insulted, humiliated, raped, tortured, mutilated at the expense of these men who are violent, abusive and have no regard for me or what I need or want--(except to fill the protocols of this hate system that they all follow to the T and never deviate from an iota of the repetitive formulas I have had to endure for so many years--longer than a decade from one to the next and all murderous abusers and racists and haters --black, white, Jewish, Latino, etc it makes no different what "race" they belong to as the larger organization has enveloped the planet and there appear to be no individual characteristics of people involved in this global entity of hate and organized torture and murder that all of the people teleporting me are involved in. These are people who force themselves on me in the most intimate and personal ways that should have at least a semblance of intimacy but all have none and they all abandon me with hate and callous insensitivity once they obtain what they have been programmed and instructed to suck out of me and then insult, abuse and sometimes steal, rob and mutilate my body afterwards (or try to murder me). 

I am now confronted with a most ambitious man who is just another component/unit of this H-wood crowd to me by now they are almost indistinguishable except that the passion within this virtuouso violinist far exceeds the emptiness that is at the hollow center of these hollow men who are supposed to represent "art" in modern cinematic culture. 

I have worked for over 6 years to obtain a Masters Degree in any field and fought nearly for 2 decades to obtain health care. I have wanted to just live in peace and be able to establish some kind of career or sustainable lifestyle and have fought every single day to remove the hard poisons that so many of these hateful men and their wives, daughters, sons, my neighbors my family my friends my landlords all put into my body under orders for their promotion while I remain fighting one teleporting hateful rapist abuser user manipulating violent exploiter after the next--without end. 

He wants me to go to Germany and help him to achieve more status in his already packed life of support systems and all handed to him from childhood onwards and his belligerence at the concept of him being something akin to an entitled "Karen" when he addresses and demands all he can obtain out of me with demands for immediate gratification and submission and all he thinks he should automatically be handed, instantly, from me and anyone else he considers ripe for victimization and exploitation. 

This is the same mentality of all of these abusers and users from Whorewood who I detest and can't stand the sight of any longer. this man is also demanding that I have contact with him and with them and do all that he demands and commands and that I must have a baby and go live in Germany while he's going on a world tour next year. I have had to confront a Nazi organization in his home town of Aachen, Germany and I really do not want to return to that place. Regardless, the demand for his instantaneous career promotion out of using me in addition to his increasing violence towards me and the hostility from the group of people in H-wood I can only describe as being a huge pile of excremental bull hogwash con artistry is already influencing his every action towards me.

It appears that if it's a German man attacking me the red carpet treatment includes increasing violence towards me if the man wants to indulge his fantasies upon me with no restraint put upon him whatsoever by all the presidents involved in this hate scheme forced upon me.

I just want to live ALONE and this organization has forced me not only into dire poverty but has blocked all opportunities from me. They have stolen my cat La Moux and if she still lives I want her back returned to me, a house that is beautiful that this group is forced to pay for with full protection offered to me by the entity that should NEVER have allowed this situation to continue much less ever begin: the US Government and it's leadership which has been amiss in every aspect of Democracy towards me all my life but now should be forced to stop this contract and allow me to LIVE IN PEACE with financial restitution and the promise that I will not be terrorized any longer by these Neo-fascist Nazi and Mafia groups and that hate groups which have proliferated to the extent that there is a crisis in the United States concerning these groups and their intention to usurp the government of the United States. 

Hello? Where is anyone who is responsible for ANYTHING AND CAN connect the dots somewhat to this situation and the current crisis in the fascist Nazi movements within the US that almost destroyed the last election? Where is Biden where is Harris where is anyone who will defend me from this endless torture?

The insults and abuse from this man David Garrett are continuous I have no expectation of anything other than living in Hell if I am forced to be around any single one of these people attacking me in this teleportation torture situation, and the stalking organization is an inhuman group of sickness that also should be listed as enemies of humanity and there should be some attention focused upon this problem, but instead the group increases and flourishes from administration to administration. The future of the planet appears very dim and dark and negative indeed if people DO NOT STOP THIS TECHNOLOGY AND THESE PSYCHOPATHS who increase with the concept that they are FULLY ENTITLED TO DO WHATEVER THEY WANT IF THE TECHNOLOGY AND SILENCING OF THEIR CRIMES CONTINUES. The longer they are "allowed" to get away with these crimes the more violent and DISGUSTING they become.


And this German man Garrett is demanding that I move to Germany and have a "baby" with him and all this other stuff that seems impossible for me to conceptualize as being anything other than some dismal hell that I could never get through for a single day. 

I have tried to have a career and now I must fight to establish my LIFE in a way that is not seriously life-threatening and to live at least ALONE so I can heal from the hell of other sick people who have been pasting chemicals into and on my body and  slicing into my body while people break into my room I am unconscious due to this microchip implant hell that the US Government has forced upon me. 

All I do is heal from years of violence while this group out of H-wood is embracing what is now a more violent rapist out of Germany and he's becoming more and more aggressive and demanding and nasty towards me as he has more contact with "them" who haven't stopped nearly murdering me for over a decade by now--every single day and night one of these hateful sick expletives after the next from rotten and filthy foul Whorewood, California . He wants to badly to be part of the celebrity culture and I just want to GET RID OF THEM ALL! Which means I live in peace, in a beautiful home around good-hearted and kindly people and this group must be forced to pay me for damages not only to my body but for my life, career and chances of having any kind of decent life that they have stolen from me in this unbelievable endless crime that no one is stopping or helping me to defend myself from.

And I want to live in peace, just to live without the hell of these foul people endlessly attacking me--these greedy rapist sleazy bigoted hate men who make sure I have no chances for a career as they tell me I'm a "loser" while they have my body mutilated and then tell me that the blonde sleazy rotten skanks they take to the parties and make love to and are wonderful towards as they all punch, slap, rape, have my body mutilated and smeared with damaging chemicals as they have funguses and viruses inserted into my body as they have my hair falling out with chemical treatments and my body raped while I'm teleported to them sitting around in circles yelling in hate at me-as they get award after award for this, deal after deal, promotion after promotion--while they steal ideas from me and torture me to obtain the ideas


“He who cannot obey himself will be commanded. That is the nature of living creatures.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“Madness is something rare in individuals — but in groups, parties, peoples, ages it is the rule.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

Cool versus Happy.

 GET HAPPY. Summer Stock. Judy Garland. (1950).  

This song ain't for no jokers, or maybe it is exactly for jokers. It ain't no joke.
ha ha (lol) . GET HAPPY!!! Get lucky.


COOL. West Side Story. (1961).

As I am a long way from that piece of the Rainbow far, far away I can only attempt to be cool as in not losing it. My consolation is to go man go, but not like a schoolboy. Just gotta play it cool man, real cool. That's my happy and for now it's as good as it gets. Yet another movie dance clip that I find stunning and exciting. (*(*btw the use of the word "stunning" is a deliberate throw-back to the 50's hip vernacular, which would have been one of the terms used to exclaim amazement about the choreography and singing and movies during that time. now people just call all cool but even that is outdated and I don't know what the current term is any longer as America is not happy or cool it seems at this time).


The Happy State has made U.S. Crazy. The Joker has become The Happy State. The State-sponsored terrorist Joker has made the Crazy Cool and the Happy Crazy.

GEE OFFICER KRUPKE! West Side Story. (1961).

The cool who have learned to play cool instead of being rockets in someone else's pocket
have learned that being Happy is a crazy Joker who is too cool for school but still have to deal with the endless State-sponsored Big Brother Fool.

If it rhymes you can't beat it.



Terrorist report on mind control conbobulation (sic) of my brain/cognitive capabilities.

 Oh how horrible to realize yesterday that the email I sent to one of the terrorists in this global organization was a complete flop as to grammar and cohesion and repetition and lack of clarity. While writing posts on my Facebook page today regarding the Chauvin sentencing phase that will erupt into public consciousness today (this Friday, June 25, 2021) I had to realize after having attempted to write clearly that it was a complete jumble of incorrect grammar and lacked all kinds of brevity and comprehensibility. I can't imagine what is being done to achieve this effect upon my brain. I suspect that subliminal streams of random words are being pumped into my brain and likewise, various frequencies or pulses are being aimed into my brain so neural firing sequences are being interrupted. I can't use my imagination to further guess as to how this technological effect operates but I suspect the mode of transmission is similar to what I have just tried to imagine.

It is absolutely horrible and embarrassing and this endless thwarting of my cognitive processes while I attempt to communicate to anybody is part of the non-stop discrediting assault upon my every transaction on this planet. It is a seamless operation. Sometimes this organization makes the microchip implant in my throat literally change my vocal chords or I begin to cough and choke as air is being constricted or my voice actually changes tone and pitch to sound either tired or more chirpy (while someone is attacking me as if I am "happy" about it or not understanding) and this is always done with a combination of brain-altering tech that makes me literally blank out and not understand that malevolence of the smiling insulting scumbag facing me as they are being paid to attack me and I am blanked out and cannot "understand" that this is an attack, which is also part of the very nefarious attack multi-phase and multi-pronged system.

I tried to write just a few sentences and saw that it was so badly written and the grammar was as if I have no education and almost like I am not a native English speaker with almost no background in writing English. It's very, very horrible and absolute breach upon humanity and privacy and every other kind of crime possible that restricts potential and capability.

This same system is continuously used against me.


There is also the ubiquitous factor of non-stop hacking and rewriting by terrorists but, this also contributes but is not the sole reason why I can't write a decent email. My structure is gone when I try to write anything that is determined and clear and to-the-point. I digress and waiver constantly in intention and in tone and it makes me sound ambiguous and "weak".

Thursday, June 24, 2021



Fanning the dreams of sweet fantasy
the image delights
there are no frights in the nights

you can't differentiate the fantasy from the sight
what a sad plight
You're going to do it again tonight
it will be a delight
tonight until the fantasy takes flight
then image and reality will viciously fight.

YOU MADE ME LOVE YOU (DEAR MR. GABLE). (From Broadway Melody of 1938). (1937).

I have ridden the storm out and the pyre has been put out by the fire of the riders of the storm front fronting.


It's pouring rain outside

The moon is obscured
the blood moon left a bloody mark
the infection has died and gone away

The affection has been doused with a cold splash
of bright light of the daybreak
breaking with tradition
the moon gives us a lunacy that can be revealed
the pact was sealed a long time ago many moons have been devoured
by the conqueror worm.
The conqueror worm resembles a dildo he once wrapped around my throat like a vice, intending to entice;
it wasn't very nice.

DARLING NIKKI. Prince & The Revolution.

OH NIKKI--you're so tricky-Dicky like Nixon was a cheap five-and-dime quickie!!!

On a totally different note of inspiration and of love that never has been unrequited because it lay in the domain of the sane--untouched by reality which is a double-header triple play! Reality is what I know of your compassion
and passion
that has not been tainted by this hate organization until they murdered you and took your physical form away from me and the rest of the Prince See (The New Church of the Revolution, Minneapolis the epicenter of the New Revolution 2020).

Prince Rogers Nelson. My muse, one of the greatest. Brought me to life from the edge of the great plain Janes.

Can't express how much I miss you
How I wish you were here on this planet never to leave forever more
MInneapolis sends you it's love you they adore.


OF HUMAN BONDAGE. Bette Davis & Leslie Howard. (1934).

Ms. Betty Bowers, Evangelical maven of the craven ravin' explains history in a way that so relieves my thought into stressing out over anything more extraneous than what I was taught in elementary school in white, suburban Illinois regarding the very same issues.



VIMEO VIDEO. It's the school I was taught Martin Luther King, Jr. lectures, civil rights, history of American slavery, and the hypocrisy that thereafter sprung up once the backlash to all therein produced a schism. Regardless, I invite people to look at the hip culture, which is what I also got from my friends at the school where I learned to dance to The Jackson 5 with my friends (we attempted to play a cover band version of Jackson 5 songs-I was the only "white" in the "band" for example).


When I was bused to the "black" part of Champaign, in order to attend the "experimental" "magnet" school of Booker T. Washington Elementary, with University of Illinois graduate students coming in to assist in teaching grade-schoolers in more refined and higher levels of critical thinking. Race theory was one of the aspects of training about slavery that I never knew had been bypassed to a greater extent in the white suburbia where such issues were relegated to a lower status of whitewashing the severe effects and of the bravery of people such as Harriet Tubman. When I left that school as the systematic backlash against the Civil Rights movement hit that particular school, former teachers who had embraced all kinds of "alternative" learning and skills were replaced by absolute agents of terrorism who were so biased, racist and incompetent as teachers I believe they had no background or serious credentials in education whatsoever. Resorting to then attending my white neighborhood school, where I could simply walk a few blocks instead of taking a yellow bus and being driven 20-30 minutes to that "black" part of town where education was on a much different level (until the backlash against Civil Rights and the Hippie movement took all over and began to suppress such "dangerous" concepts. Now the "alternative" "magnet" school emphasizes higher technocratic education such as robotics and mechanical feats connected to the manufacturing of intertwining human beings to the larger socially engineered mind-control network and WiFi world.

I watch Ms. Bowers and see my "white" educational background resurfacing in memory. There was a few hours of education on the conquest of Latin America but very little of the actual history of the slaughter of Native American tribes and almost no historical information on the sheer oppression of slavery in the United States. There were almost no black students and I can't recall seeing a black teacher at this school where I could just walk down a few blocks. The other "black" zone school had some African-American teachers but eventually they too participated in the reverse discrimination along with many of the African-American students who operated as minions for the white supremacists who were also "friends" of mine--fellow children of professors who were sent to this school to obtain a higher quality education via this expanded interaction between University of Illinois graduate students assisting in much higher levels of learning than the typical classroom (i.e. reading Shakespeare at age 9). As stated above, that level has changed to children at age 9 learning how to build robots so they can fully function in the upgraded technocracy rather than form independent and creative thought along philosophical or ethical concepts. 

As for the religious education in that part of the "Bible Belt" of the Midwest, when it came to race and supremacy, all the children in my neighborhood who were forced to attend weekly Church mass and Sunday school absolutely negated their endless years of moral instruction when it came to terrorist "gang stalking" activities and their parents who had Crosses and Bibles displayed fully in their homes on the alter--I mean fireplace" mantles of their homes--also abandoned those principles when it came to crushing my ability to compete against their little nasty children who have become either "liberal" fascists disguised as just "liberals" or the more open and transparent bigots who make no such pretenses.

Listening to Ms. Bowers reminds of of the hypocrisy I was brought up with but so far there are no exposes of the hypocrisy of the victimized groups such as those who are the open targets of racists (Blacks, Jews, Latinos, Feminists--no immune to participating in terrorist racist and sexist activities if they can get promoted).


AMERICAN HISTORY STORY TIME. Ms. Betty Bowers, America's Best Christian. June 23, 2021.

Authoritarianism: traits of suppression part of the daily routine set of protocols aimed at my targeting situation. As defined in video below.

 I would like to add as further example the brain-altering tech which I currently at this very instant experience and all my posts from recent years have been tainted to some degree by the effects of this tech partially blocking or enhancing various unsavory aspects of exaggerated response or lack of clarity (combined with hacker redaction and deletions and rewrites to my words and thoughts).

The suppression involved in the actual practices of an authoritarian regime (which the United States is very much involved in at the current time, in regard to my situation it is an absolute pervasive characteristic of the everyday and night systematic varying set of attacks upon my very freedom of privacy of thought and action and ability to produce any kind of "voice" into the world and especially the thwarting of my financial solvency).


The list of authoritarian blocks to freedom of expression and of an individual's self-determination, in corporate sense to have any kind of independent capital without constraints of oversight and overbearing institutional constriction due to racist or sexist mandates that are often unexpressed and often cloaked as being "anti-discriminatory" yet overriding all restraints intended to protect civil rights.

The situation of overbearing authoritarianism is going to become much more extreme the longer the mind control programming terrorist organization with it's countless global partners exists without any kind of official recognition that this is the prevailing power behind the various thrones of false Democratic institutions.


As for the list of characteristics of how authoritarian state's control and restrict, see video below as I am under attack as I write and my only defense is to try to protect my brain and limit my writing because the attacks on my brain render me nearly faint and incapable of thought the longer I try to write the more the effect of the tech bears down upon my clarity and ability to concentrate to the point that I feel like I am about to faint if I don't get up and stop writing and walk away from this system which is somehow in a zone of radiated mind control tech blasting away into my brain. This form of covert and undetected attack is part of the larger authoritarian attack system and thus far this is being fully embraced by the US Government with all the terrorist operations fully funded at "black-ops" and "dark money" levels. For people who are sensitive to the use of "black" and "dark" having subtle insinuation to black people, the use of these terms of unfortunate and also need to be changed to not imply that color and evil are synonymous.


Understanding what authoritarianism is/ University of Amsterdam/Political Science Department. September 12, 2018.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

"What the world needs now, is love, sweet love." and this can be accomplished through a vetting process of political priority to stick to Democratic principles. On Bernie Bro "Feel the Burn" and Stacey Abrams who are the future of Democracy for the planet. This could also include greats such as AOC, or others unnamed. This is not to say that there are many others, even in the Republican Party (i.e. Kinzinger and America First) who also hold values of cohesion and respect for the US Constitution and the rule-of-law, however for people like me, the "hope" that a Party will not submit to absolute fascist ideology lies more within the Democratic Party than the Republican, from my years of life on this planet I believe this to be the case and there are many problems I have encountered in this respect to Progressives and Democrats as well. To not be narrow-minded I am open to anyone of any political Party who will stand by respect for human rights, dignity and respecting items such as the 4th Amendment and stopping these egregious terrorist "gang stalking" organizations and technologies from deteriorating the rule-of-law and thus enhancing the chaos that has brought both the Insurrection of Jan. 6, 2021 but also continues to foment this type of hate crime behavior as all crimes are allowed under this system that has been so heartily pushed by Democrats and Republicans for far too long.

 I may be writing prematurely for the upcoming 2024 election and the 2022 midterms, but the situation is now dire and my former apathetic attenuation into concern for politics is at a new high where it should have been but I was brainwashed, drugged and under mind control to be apathetic. From my years of experiencing political machinations and deterioration of American Democratic solvency into it's near unraveling last January, I fervently put this forward as a tenable solution to the problems that also affect me in this state of being a state-sponsored victim of terror campaigns which are more congenially termed, "gang stalking harassment" which is really state-sponsored torture and murder and mind control programming.

If the world has a future for independent thought, at this point-in-time with the increasing expansion of these technologies and the literal outer space technologies which are creating a mental iron clasp upon freedom of thought--a kind of electronic fence around human brain activity through the global network of these technologies and the countless millions of people who are viciously zombiesque participating in this hate crime upon orders, without thinking or blinking and very frenetic in their approach to torture, rape and murder protocols as they are insidious as they are evil and loveless and without thought and barely under control with their violence.



SANDERS: "I'm tired of talking about Mr. Manchin and Miss Sinema." MSNBC. June 24, 2021.

 STACEY ABRAMS On Voting Rights: "We are seeing a subversion of Democracy."  Yahoo Finance. June 16, 2021.

STACEY ABRAMS BIOGRAPHY. (The True Story, Episode 1). Goodread Biography. April 22, 2020.

Yale Law School graduate (for those who doubt her capabilities and don't know her bio) Stacey Abrams believes that being US President is her future and has stated that this is her goal. I would vote for her but would have a hard time choosing between her and Bernie Bro feel the burn. I think Abrams has a chance to win an election for US President and I think this is the future of America and what it needs to be a more fully fledged Democratic institution that the world can see as an example and not a deteriorating, authoritarian Police state of brutality and global terrorism disguised as geopolitical control for world peace and "Democracy". Much of the planet is now embroiled in impoverished despair and tyrannical governments and I fear US foreign policy is partially to blame and the planet really needs to change this and install a truly benevolent leader who cares about humanity on a much broader scale than the current more myopic level of a narrow focus on Eurocentrism. 

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Holden Caulfield is fighting from his otherworld perch to stop the dinosaurs from breaking free from the glass cages that Democracy has held in check for a few hundred years. The Dark Money donors bellow in rage to break the glass barriers to their Machiavellian schemes and donations for ultimate and historical absolute power. Wining and dining in H-wood they purr in delight as my situation proves that the Kids are alright and numb and dumb and going for every lure possible.


Please see commentary below from Senator Whitehouse as a revelatory addition to this reference to the Dark Money donors and their ancient regime disguised as offering "liberty" to "do what thou wilt" as the rule of law/Libertarian even implies "liberty" but means really....


"Koch was a libertarian. He was the 1980 Libertarian candidate for Vice President of the United States and helped finance the campaign...and donated to advocacy groups and political campaigns, most of which were Republican. Koch became a Republican in 1984; in 2012, he spent over $100 million in a failed bid to oppose the re-election of President Barack Obama.

Koch was the fourth-richest person in the United States in 2012 and was the wealthiest resident of New York City in 2013. As of June 2019, Koch was ranked as the 11th-richest person in the world (tied with his brother Charles), with a fortune of $50.5 billion. Koch contributed to the Lincoln Center, Sloan Kettering, NewYork–Presbyterian Hospital, and the Dinosaur Wing at the American Museum of Natural History." --David Koch
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The dinos are so grateful to Koch and owe so much to his legacy His contribution to the dinosaur wing at the American Museum of Natural History has kept dinos in a powerful position in the museum, which has the same Greco-Roman architectural structure as the Capital Bldg, DC! Somehow the reference to that museum reminds me of one of the last parts of A Catcher in the Rye when our hero, the anti-establishment protagonist, was trying to save his innocent virgin sister and run away to some other happier place, but the dino legacy as symbol kept him in that metaphorical place, entrenched in the ancient regime ruled by megalithic dinosaurs and their cascading ilk of followers in the stream of history that has turned into a cesspool.


The Scheme Speech 3: The Latest Virus. --Senator Whitehouse. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse. June 6, 2021.

Senator Whitehouse, the esteemed Senator from Rhode Island is protecting the Holden Caulfields of the planet who want to rescue their sisters and brothers from the predatory Catchers in the Rye who are bare-fanged, blood-sucking smiling multi-millionaire billionaires with billions of followers who worship the vicious ascent into power and follow the chain of command, just like dumb and numb lemmings who will follow the piper off a cliff to their crashing demise on the rocks of stupidity and greed below.


Speckles The Dinosaur King. The Final Battle v. T-Rex.

The Catcher in the Rye Reality Tour, Vol. 1: American Museum of Natural History. Jeff Giovanniello. February 11, 2016.

Dark money donors in the political arena. Mark how many politicians have their roots in H-wood and in the entertainment industry. Collusion abounds but this is an area that remains off-limits somehow to serious inquiry or scrutiny as if these celebrities are beyond all speculation as to their authenticity, or the forces that back their every mind programming movie, tv ad, pop music grind display and their eventual foray into the political game (whether that is to promote or ridicule politicians or vie for power as politicians themselves).






Hombres y sus Mujeres muy, muy malo.

Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...