4 hours on the phone with terrorists posing as PNC Bank agents--or they work for the bank, they had information but were lying so continuously and repeating the same questions, not "understanding" what I had repeated at least 10 times earlier. I had to repeat that I have no phone at least 20 times and still they informed me that they would phone me back.
I had to eek out information from a man speaking to me like I was about 8 years old, in a slow and deliberate "dumbed" down version of misinformation---he searched for the "chat" button because according to him the only way this terrorist attack on my bank account could be fixed if I were to contact their agency via "chat" to remove the block which claims I must provide a phone number in order for me to access my account.
I was told for the first 2 hours that the one and only way for me to access my bank account, as they figuratively scratched their heads in wonder over the phone, was to provide an international phone number so they could make a one-time phone attempt to verify that this was my bank account. It was all balongny just bs but there is nothing I can do.
I phoned bank after bank to try to reach a literal real person and not a terrorist. I phoned banks in the headquarters region of the country and the first ring on my SKYPE line would ring, and then the call was disconnected.
After the 3rd hour of endlessly asking if there must be some way to stop this block, realizing that I have no options that all calls are rerouted and that also the brand "new" router they put on my line is more invasive and blocks and hacks worse than ever before. This was put a few days ago after 10 days of no internet while I scrambled just to be able to access my bank account in any way whatsoever to get my funds for the month--the sub-sub-poverty that I am forced into and can't get out of, all options are blocked, I am blacklisted in every single financial transaction or earning capability possible by the expletives who have destroyed what was formerly the beautiful people and group of caring and concerned people who would have fought against all the carnage and destruction this stupid group of incompetence is bringing into the world--with global destruction as the end result and I can almost guarantee that is all they will inevitably achieve despite their claims and posturing.
I tried to retrieve a phone number I had stored in one of my protonmail accounts, and that was also blocked. The computer was also remotely hacked by the expletive who kept me on the phone for over 2 hours while he lied continuously and imitated my tone of voice repeatedly like mocking me as he lied and kept me sitting there asking repeat questions, to which I received the most ridiculous lies. He said that the "chat" line only operates at random times and I have to search constantly to see if someone will be available and then the chat will "appear" on the page, if I can log-in that is (which I can't). I would counter the bs and I just sat there giggly under mind control attack on my brain so I was foggy and giggly and searching and gaping at the huge website like I had just smoked a huge bong and could not fathom that it was all a complete sham--but I knew, but had and have no options none whatsoever except to try to sift through the bullshit for hours just to get enough of a sliver of information to try to get around the complete block to my bank account that is being hacked into the system. I know that I am actually completely able to get into the account, and while I was on the phone I did get into the account because the creep who was on the other end was remotely hacking into my system.
The malware he and this group infected my laptop with was so bad that I had to do a complete system restore, requiring another 2 hours of waiting--which I just completed. As I type I must endlessly and constantly backspace and rewrite words as hacking continues. My brain can't function as usual in a concise manner as well.
When I cleared the cache, there was something like 10,000 files that had to be deleted-temporary files. They had injected my laptop continuously with these files to bog down the system.
All phone calls to do business I make are subjected to being rerouted to people lying and using remote hacking into my system while they attack what I am saying, how I say it, my brain is under attack.
I have gotten NOTHING done except spend hours just fighting to get most basic information on how to try to begin to get around the blocks this group has forced upon me.
Of course, "forgot" to add, lengthy periods of being put on hold, repeatedly put on hold while they had to ask about basic information. They--meaning the three people or four I had to deal with to get basic information that all agents should know instantaneously---all had to sit blank and telling them they just did not know, then putting me on hold to ask a manager about how to do basic operations that the bank does at least 5, 000 times per day per branch---or region--whatever....
Then going through the endless question-and-repeat sessions of information I gave out succinctly at the very beginning of every call--only to have to repeat it for the next hour as I was kept waiting, my brain being deflated into giggly and not-understanding the malevolence behind the giggly and silly people blathering on the other end.
I just attempt to log in to my account, and I got in instantly. The hacking is atrocious. The "new" router is able to block all calls and make the laptop completely bogged down even after I did a restore operation yesterday, and then went back to the restore point I had created yesterday, this morning, only to find over 10,000 temporary files and useless files bogging my system down after being online and having a file-sharing terrorist hacking attack installed on my laptop, and not getting any answer except to have to go through hoops of bs in order to just go online and access my bank account.
And this type of harassment and block of actually reaching competent, friendly and helpful people has been going on and on for years. My phone calls when I had phones or even used a payphone were always re-routed to terror agents who would put me on hold for over 45 minutes for government agencies, only to be rudely treated almost yelled at and lied to continuously with hate.
It's worse than dealing with the "no understan English" Thais--the same protocols are being used by by now I am so uninterested in Americans or Westerners and their hateful dispositions. As I wrote above, the truly beautiful people have been so greatly eliminated and all that is left are ungodly incompetent facetious destroyers who I believe to be absolutely incompetent to lead. Not just the stupid and sick skits they force upon me making out like it's supposed to be me who is stupid and not they--
My definition of what entails "competence" is not just merely the capabilities to function as a unit within a system and perform the functions necessary. But I won't go into more detail as my thoughts are so often stolen by those who are only exhibiting inferior personality traits, according to my personal definition. Of course, to those who are administering these weapons of elimination and murder, torture and rape, the people I consider to be incapable are considered by the exterminators to be exactly the perfect requirement for the kind of planet they are yearning for--but can't quite understand the future consequences of what they imagine the outcome will be.
All over and across America I have come up against these types who have made survival impossible for me in my own country. They are so foul and disgusting, and yet they are everywhere and do the same awful sick and stupid things in orderly fashion. At this point, because so many are put into these positions, and so few expose them or do anything about this horrific overtake of the country by inept and vile and sickeningly disgusting people---I have no longing to live in America any longer, nor in any part of Europe after having to see all these nasty tourists for so many years and what they really and truly are when their pretense of being "Democracy-loving" normal and caring citizens turns into fascist Nazi overlord mentality with Thai slaves servicing them in every way with true devotion and slavish love and desire.
I dream and hope that somehow someone will force at least one of these ultra wealthy who have attacked me--or all of them--to provide me with financial compensation (lets also not forget just the United States government for state-sponsored torture, implants of microchips, rape, disfigurement, torture, destruction of my body and home and property and life, and etc for all these years of my life starting from before I was even born).
And they should pay me so I can live in peace ALONE and with my cat La Moux returned--I think she is dead or near dying--she was the last love of my life and probably the one and only thing I will ever love at this point except for other animals. I can't stand the thought of Americans and America any longer, or Europe or anything else but just having my own home, this sickness stopped and the criminals responsible for creating this forced to pay me in huge amounts and this contract stopped--with all the expectations of a baby with haters and abusers I really ask for someone to intervene once more---to end this completely and finally with me alive and living and healthy and well and my own home, in my name, all deeds including land my own--in a place I love, left to live in peace with money to live off of for at least half a century in luxury--I deserve it, the people who have made all this money off attacking me and stealing my ideas don't deserve an iota of the exaltation they receive or the money either.