Friday, November 24, 2023

HAMAS straight outta Brooklyn: The procession of demonic Oreo past-shelf-life activists and "leaders" continues. The next Black Nazi antisemite giggly and laughing and smug and overjoyed, absolutely elated in "heaven" in his hell of being a righteous victim of racism is using this teleportation tech to inflict more evil and hate upon me in the name of defending poor black victims of racism, i.e. Farrakhan one of the most outspoken and vile racists next to rotten evil bs-slinging Johnson of the Repug Party.

"Israel's Hamas War SETS STAGE for Exekiel's War of Gog & Magog and Psalm 83?/Watchman Newscast". Erick Stakelbeck--The Watchman. November 25, 2023.

**The hacking and rewriting "redaction" is very, very bad and I just spent 10-15 minutes simply fighting to type the rewrite to the first paragraph which terrorists absolutely deleted most of and rewrote so it makes no sense.//right now, 15 minutes later, I am re-reading this comment on the hacking and the hackers deleted words and rewrote and deleted punctuation and turned meaning into other. I wrote the word "rage" in regard to the brain-altering terrorist tech which is inflicted upon me while I'm in a happy mood as creeps push into me and do very nasty things but my brain is unable to cope in a copasthetic way due to the terrorist technology. The terrorists changed the word "rage" to "rape". I had to delete the p and backspace and write a G. I see this is ongoing and they rewrote almost all of my sentences in like manner. Sometimes just repetitions of words to sound extremely broken record-like, and sometimes complete change to words--it is never-ending all my posts. I usually don't re-read my posts because this takes so much time to fight the hacking to the keyboard and rewriting so I don't go over my posts usually any longer--** I had to rewrite and rewrite almost every sentence and I am very busy today and don't have time to endlessyl rewrite and rewrite and delete and fight to pound down on keys and etc. I have to go out and risk my life with drivers driving into me directly from all sides and swerving within an inch from my motorbike as I drive at normal speed but a deadly speed, within an inch swerving into my motorbike from all sides and from the sides of roads. Sleazy white Nazi hormone growth bigots will be using brain-altering tech to blast my happy mood into hate and rage as they attack me in stores, pushing into me openly and directly with hate and aggression and then following me around as my brain is pummeled with subliminals. So I only could rewrite half of the first paragraph and it took a long time, mostly due to the hacking to the keyboard and the amount of effort, energy and time it takes to just get words out correctly, which are then either deleted or rewritten so the meaning is completely lost. I re-read and most of the meaning I had written has been so mutilated that there is no actual sense to my sentences. This is part of the labeling and discrediting of me. NO one stops this, the evil pig apes go on smirking and laughing and pumping out their religious bullshit about how impeccable they are morally conforming to every dictate of the Bible and Koran and to the instruction manual for deception and global overtake by the 4th Reich. My writing only results in more torture, and my not writing results in worse torture because if you don't fight they just go full force to destroy you (me) but it's also you. None of you could give a damn if the targets are me or you, only if you get a cozy house and are comfortable in this league of hate. AS for the white supremacist celebrities, they are absolutely on a death cult exploitation push along with Trump, whom they put in power along with Elon Musk to implement a much greater force of brain-altering tech and look at the result. None of you does anything as usual and the insurrection mentality has increased and nothing proving how dangerous this movement is will dissuade and I believe that is due to a massive mind control operation. The stupid sleazy whores of whorewood for the most part never denounce Trump not because they are "scared" but because they fully approve of a fascist and Nazi dictatorship where they will have spotlight monopoly past their shelf life. That is already the case now. I feel so old and sucked dry as they never stop. The younger blond women like rotten maggot robber from Australia is so delighted at this most disgusting example of racism and has profited off it so much for so many years, and the shit like Ewe the white trash sheep actor from Scotland also a minority minion trying to prove how violently antisemitic he is for the approval of the cloaked and veiled English controllers for his dumb acting or lack of skills thereof to be promoted. It is the same story over and over for years and years and years and years and years the pattern I have had to deal with is undeniably recognizable after so many years of it playing out in the same pattern protocol system I know exactly what it is. this is not just "ranting" I mean to say. But the post is completely distorted and unreadable and incomprehensible due to hacking deletions and restringing together of sentences. Goddamn no one will even stop this much less support me. The white shit whore holes with their greasy and stupid sick minority minions are having a Ball they are dancing around laughing giggling they get to exert deadly violence under the protection of the United States Government. Minorities even jews rush to join in. confronted with the demons of the actual reality of these post-shelf-life dinosaurs so filthy and greasy and nasty and disgusting (that includes "clean" Mike Johnson who truly does not deserve to be in that position absolutely denigrating not just human beings en masse but also the principles of the US Constitution and using his background of blathering state-sponsored Nazism handing him a microphone to blather mind programming and hate and guilt onto the student and other population. A tyrannical religious pretender only wanting Stalinist power through another fake religion (it used to be called "Communism"). Anyway, the stupid pigs surround me with questions and I can't stop answering or block them out. Today I referred to something I learned from a farming class but I only told them it was from farmers so they insulted me for having anything to do with farmers as if that means I am a low redneck "nothing". I told them how stupid they are as usual because farming is actually a hugely necessary component of life and understanding how soil operates is also good if you want to have a garden. But my brain was blanked out and put into a hate ranting mode so I just could get out how stupid they are as the ground basis of their every word and action and that is the base point of modality but with a lot of blathering repetition speeches and pontifications about how religiously ethical and morally superior they are. Their mutilation of my body and poisoning and drugging o my brain have given them fodder in which to fling at me accusing me of not being as beautiful to their plastic surgery multi-million dollar allowances they are given by the 4th Reich for their distortion of the concepts that actual activists and feminists were KILLED for espousing.


This next one has some officious religious title next to his name such as well--is it Reverend, or Minister, or Pastor I wonder (not going to look it up). He is known for saying that NYC is "Himie Town (sp?)" as a direct racist slur against NYC being a target of Nazis for annihilation of Jews. Just to truncate the definition. Yes, turning blacks from their victimization stance (which I am not denying) and turning that wrath not onto the white Nazis but instead, of course, another Genocide and Holocaust upon the Jews with blacks being put into both pastor, minister, Reverend and also militarized militia death squad leadership (ie. the Proud Boys, but that's the "Latino" component of the Nazified minority minion brigade, leading the way and taking the brunt of the punishment for the white supremacists)--promoted all, to cajole and be employed by the white Nazis as this group of ministers, pastors and Reverend's yapping in rage into microphones for decades and decades the same slogan that they are being victimized but it's mostly by Jewish landlords and Wall Street Brokers. The Wall Street Brokers who are Jewish who are their "neighbors" so to speak such as Jewish Nazi Bloomberg are essentially omitted from their private diatribes as he's "on the same page" when it comes to pointing at me as the full reason for all their problems and the dog whistle has been blown by the plantation masters and they are so very eager to prove how sleazy, dirty and foul they can be just to pour out upon me all the hate crimes they have been lecturing about that happened to "them" (while they live in mansions, just like  Hamas in Qatar while the Palestinians are being used as shields and all money mostly for the funding of the actual security of the State is going for their "war" on Jews. Same with the minority minions straight outta Brooklyn. Note that the movie outta Compton had a huge antisemitic component to it with images of Farrakhan as some "empowerment" icon while the black terrorist who was represented by his son. Lice Pube Sr. attacked me for the sake of white supremacy and a white Nazi Europigape was "offended" because I told him I don't need his approval for my interpretation of an art piece and he had Ice Pube physically assault me for "talking back" the plantation slave has been well-trained by Farrakhan. As for Jesse Jackson,newly added to the hate crime against me, also another racist antisemitic and violent, sleazy and stupid hateful minister, pastor or whatever outta wherever he's from. I actually cheered for him at a Gainesville rally on black activism for the Democratic Party, held at a little community center stage outdoors with a small gathering of 99% blacks. I was amongst them and I am photographed staring up at this "jerk-off" who railed against Jews (along with his fellow religious icon supporting hate, racism and a power cartel intending to use violence to defend themselves which means helping white Nazis to kill and abuse and rape Jews, Holocaust style and that is part of their "religion"); Farrakhan, but I was staring up at him (Jackson) in this photo from The Gainesville Sun, put on the front page I believe it was, me standing at the front of the stage staring up at Jackson in admiration because I am very happy that people are fighting against racism against blacks. This photo is still in the Gainesville Sun when Jesse Jackson spoke at this center for the Democrat Party rally, it was around 2003 (?) or 2004. You can see I was actually cheering on the black activism campaign and that I truly am not what rotten and actually malignant and evil sleazy dirty Farrakhan is trying to superimpose upon me. I was there because I am against racism for anyone unless they are white supremacists and you can bet that projections of being racist are often very appropriate when it comes to that demographic as they are very apt at killing off anyone not fully in line with their Nazi genocidal program/pogrom so the assumption that many and most are part of the racist cartel striving to destroy, kill off, divide and conquer are part of that movement. The Black demons and the white demons I am surrounded by in teleportation , your celebrity representations of culture, are an integral part of that push for this crazy-making chaos so the white supremacists can take all over (now the outright declaration of destroying the Constitution and for creating a death squad concentration State has been put out by Trump). This is being fully sanctioned and is in full swing effect by the expletive group endlessly attacking me straight outta Whorewood.. Farrakhan and Jackson are also an integral component of that, but on the branch of the multi-pronged system with the vernichtung of Jews. They are very keen.

So in deep sleep, they had spiders crawling on me and crushed cockroaches as I was forced into a filthy room. I woke up to a filthy room that the pig apes surrounding who have stolen my ideas non-stop for years and made millions out of them have ordered their minority "yellow" minions of Thai culture to pour filth on me, because that culture also has been contaminated and the poveryty filth they spew is what they have also been forced into and are doing the same thing as the blacks coming from the orchestrated filth of America.

The more I see of this filthy evil creep Johnson spewing his bs about his sanctimonious religious zeal to "educate" children in schools while all I have seen of him is a sexual debaser sleazy lying evil corrupt inquisition of oppression in terms of mental and emotional and sexual debasement, just like Jackson with his bs and Farrakhan with his slimy sickness  and racist denigration. Fully supporting the blonde bigot piece of shit from Australian who has partnered with the blonde bigot piece of shit from Oklahoma pig pitt and shitalina with her English Imperialist Monarchy Crown mother and that group, attacking me as a black bat from hell for the white supremacy league because I have been writing of over SIX YEARS of that ugly dirty piece of prostituted skank shit stealing my ideas or participating in this contract and stealing ideas from me about Barbie about feminism and Tarantino stealing ideas I wrote of about Charles Manson and mind control LSD programming for his cult and turning it into glorification of this ugly blonde piece of shit, as they got some English white trash pig ape to rape me, Johnson raped me, they beat and raped adn abused and tortured and used heart palpitation murder torture because I was writing about what this group has done for the past few months. They ran to attack me because that means an award for them once again for the Oscars and for the Golden Globes and their Europigape "journalist" award Nazification of America awards system, where every violent evil perpetrator of Nazi propaganda disguised as victimization for these sleazy and rotten movies gets to attack me in teleportation and then immediately is awarded at these or other awards (sometimes given "lifetime achievement" immediately after they attack me, and they attack me under contract to prove how Nazi they are).


And so the black evil contagion of demonic pastors, ministers and judgement of doom Nazi drooling minions also sent dirty and disgusting whoopie this foul and really acts like a stupid and ugly racist filled with antisemitism which she occasionally splurts out of her greasy and slimy ugly dirty mouth (I believe she has been fully poisoned with mind control drugs and bloating chemicals, which I told her and that she needed to try to cleanse her body--but she remains huge, fully under control and thusly she attacked me for brainwashed mind control puppet sleaze filth Farrakhan and now rotten Jackson. All pastors of antisemitism in the media and fully attacking me with vicious hate as the white supremacist Nazis watch on and award them more spotlight arenas in which to garner more support for blacks for trump and blacks for the 4th Reich. They promise, like Hamas leadership, a cozy mansion far away from the ghettos where the victims of the human shield death zones are; promising that their incompetence and greed and collusion with Nazis will reap endless rewards and they can live, like Lice Pube and Snoop Poop Hog and et al all the ministers and pastors co-opting and usurping religion that hails compassion and love, also Johnson their mentor actually who is something like a violent bully waiting to become a fascist Nazi dictator once his religious murder group attains power, which they are trying to use the media to brainwash people into following and of course the Democrats put him into that position with the lie that if they expose the insanity of the Republicans (as they call it) then the American People will vote for the "sane" choice i.e. shit like the black Nazi circus caucus of scum and lying Nazi minion blathering bs to attract more fascist Nazis into the 4th Reich.

And of course, after  pounding every key as hard as possible to get anything out, the internet WiFi has been turned off as usual. I might have to lose all that I just wrote. Who is reading this anyway? Only the evil that supports this organization and all their pundits like Nazi Sarandon who is also now a part of this, dolly the racist bigot from Tennessee with her fake chirpy yapping bs America loves it's happy bigot buxom plastic surgery dinosaurs and demonic preachers who represent the "sane" of America as contrasted by the insane "woke" and those who are against being enslaved, beaten, robbed, made homeless, etc .

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...