"Marianne Williamson ROASTS the Democratic Party". Sabby Sabs. November 28, 2024.
IT's coming out now post-partum Democrat Party that the people I wrote of who participated and profited off this torture Nazi/Mafia contract are lousy louse and it's coming out now with their reactions and hostilities and a$$-kissing behavior to all they claimed they were against.. The list is long, it's endless recrimination for me writing about it, but so many and so much of what I had written about, warning educating letting people know, including that Biden was not doing a good job, for which I was threatened with death by Bloomberg for weeks after saying what is now evident and what WAS NEEDED AT THE TIME to stop the current fiasco.
They---these terrorist politicians, aspiring promotion representatives, senators, presidential candidates, all billionaires millionaires or after attacking me obtain more millions---
all worked to further the Trump take-over with feigned chagrin at the J-6 episode which is now being dissolved into a misty forget by history, a few references may be available if the planet survives much longer, which is apparently becoming a global threat due to this 'system" that the life-rape haters all cling to for their endless "obedience" reward contracts for a lifetime of following orders and using death squads to further a fascist take-over of the United STates by the enemy from without and within (they are the enemies)
some mentioned in the video above, and I mean all the candidates and politicians mentioned in this video above have participated in teoleporting me, with death threats mockery laughs insults and complete compliance, just as Trump has done had done and continues to do.
And they all go along. They made a mockery of justice and allowed this criminal gang to come to power, as they rake in the $$$ and retain their positions.
Using this system of torture heaped upon me as ways and means of obtaining candidates for 3 ELECTION CYCLES and voila! here is the result. Total catastrophe candidates that many want nothing to do with, many are shocked at the corruption but no one will point to the real epicenter (Whorewood/California)
No one mentions or investigates the sleazy sick corruption rigged awards and vile sleazy fascist despotism of Whorewood which is where both Harris and Trump originated (their political bids for power out of torturing me and laughing participating and non-stop death threats and giggles and cackles and jokes and smirking enthusiasm as they get more and more 4th Reich promotions out of performing the behaviors of incompetent in terms of Democracy anything
supported with death threats by all mentioned and many not mentioned but IN MY BLOGS AND IN FACEBOOK for the past FIFTEEN YEARS of me being ignored but "everyone" wants to participate in this contract. People read my posts and then after the damage from the expletives has gone so far that people can only shake their heads, while I have to sit in silence saying to the screen "I told you years ago". But everyone continues to support this "system" of corruption but reports as if it's all a shock to them. The saddest part is that in my lifetime of fighting to live in peace, every single place I have gone around the globe terrorists were waiting to poison abuse rape and make life so impossible that I searched for yet another place. Never having a single concept of this global 4th Reich system because of the people like all the news anchors who have participated but NEVER investigate or report anything related to this global threat of mass murder overtake. That is exactly all that it is.
My landlord is threatening to "come here" to my unit, where he has ordered so much destruction of the property that it's been literally lasered cut in the formica the cabinet doors have been literally bent out of shape, hanging off the hinges. Huge cuts into the door frame have been made. The floor under the endless rape, and the attacks from the German Nazi-mentioning hateful thug for the creeple who have had me raped while in deep sleep drugged state, finally beginning to fight back so they obtained a violent rapist Nazi-referencing (constantly) CONSTANT DEATH THREATS boy-man who is being championed by Obama & Harris by all theWhorewood celebrity nazis you all have been programmed to believe care about human rights from over 15 years of them stealing MY IDEAS REGARDING their torture and mental sickness emotional spiritual--writing in a drugged frenzy from torture and poisoning and being murdered hit by cars non-stop torture heart palpitations from electronic torture weapons tears pouring out of my eyes for hours from the microchip implant in my throat operating with the brain implant operating with the remote tech drugging interface to damage my skin and eyes--and on and on, broken body and scars blemishes cut into my skin NIGHTLY for 15 years, since thisWhorewood plastic surgery group of skank shit joined into the fascist Europigape group from England and Italy with the Whorewood thug you all know as Rambo or whatever--his name is anathema
and so, the German the most violent and abusive on a true open level of smut filth abuse pornographic abuse sexual slavery concentration camp references and etc constant life-threatening violent threats constantly as he is surrounded by all and smiled upon and showered with prizes for this behavior
my hair turning grey from poison shitting out of my body every day for over 15 years--I mean OVER 15 years the poisoning to death has been ongoing for at least 30 years but deformation of my body much earlier accidents fractures and etc constant but total bodily deformation slicing my body pouring filth into my body has been a total destruction campaign from the pig pittalina shit pair and their odious friends and partners, all showered with top plastic surgery and beauty treatments so they are working to absolutely destroy me in every way possible but leaving me broken and devestated because this German hater is demanding that I just provide him, as their violent thug who will "not take no" under orders from filthy ignoraus shitalina--who is trying to win the usual yearly annual Oscar from this group at large who has been stealing my ideas for over 15 years and going to festivals and awards so they are not depicted as being sleazy foul ignorant Nazi Mafia hate but with my ideas, original and caring and unique and expressive and etc
but, the landlord as their proxy has sexually abused me has groped has endlessly insulted while my brain has been blasted with technology so I am in a dizzy tither of giggly incapacity mental states
threatening me after having this unit completely broken down--the German ordered not just shit and urine to be sprayed into my bathroom daily for weeks--through the tiles behind the toilet from the room on the other side--
but literally ripped out the top layer of the floor boards behind my chair, after they broke one of the wheels of this office chair
and the landlord will not send me a rental renewal he has told me to "do not write again I will renew the contract in February when I come to Phuket" which means the lease will already have expired.
they have turned off my internet constantly while I'm fighting to type and surf for over 6 years of me living here so earning money online is impossible. All services are blocked to me my phone calls are rerouted to terror agents I am lied to perpetually by all services no matter which country I phone.
I am stuck as a torture prisoner of attempted murder and rape by this vile landlord who can come in demanding anything and physically assaulting me as he has done. I am stuck with no options almost
not sure what he will do
please make him just leave a contract in my box and fuck off
I can't afford to live anywhere any longer and they have blocked almost all legal and financial avenues of solvency for me for over the 15 years of this hell from vile and foul whorewood. They expect a complete control over Whorewood after establishing black brown jewish and media anchors along with a non-stop rotation of politicians on all "sides" joining into this 4th Reich fascist Nazi enterprise---controlled from my observation absolutely from Euro-land with extremely violent white supremacists who always play "gentle caring non-Nazi" roles in movies, as these expletives do using MY IDEAS for over 15 years and mutilating torturing and abusing me to death..
IT IS NOT A MATTER OF ME GIVING THEM WHAT THEY WANT for the torture to end. No, they suck out and then continue the poisoning and abuse to death. This is no mere conjecture on my part, it is a ritualistic slaughter contract in which the exact same behaviors and actions have been a protocol formula fastidiously followed by one and all who join in.
I need actual protection from the landlord from theWhorewood group and to live in peace. I am being treated like a criminal under capital punishment on death row constantly attacked viciously by almost everybody,literally around the world. Everyone wants to get into this system everyone joins in like vicious real "vermin"
So more and more grey hair appearing as the stress from detoxifying CIA or Government laboratory horrific poisons which are so foul and toxic---murder. Plus the sleaze and greed hate and racism and selfishness of Jewish Nazis Black Nazis Mafia Nazis Jewish Mafia Nazis Asian Nazis Latino Nazis Latino Mafia Nazis and the list goes on and on.
My hair greying, my body wracked with poison and slices into my skin my skin covered every single inch with scars that are tattooed into my skin--my hands doused with damaging chemicals as with my forearms and arms and legs--red pimple scars from outbreaks I never had until the Whorewood plastic surgery expletives got a hold of a victim.. Their racism is of murder and mutilation rape and torture to death--to destroy my beauty my joy in life as they feel "better and better" huge smiles new plastic facial coverings as I am aging and my body is breaking down, they have a rotational list of celebrities boxers singers of all genres coming to insult my body after they poison and mutilate it and etc
it is every day for hours and hours, while I"m sleeping and all day and the stinking filth I am forced to clean non-stop every direction my living space is filthy, blackened foul broken
and the landlord who has been promoted for ordering all of this through his teams, is coming to viciously abuse me, can do a lot of damage because this group forced me into DESTITUTION with all legal avenues blocked, all financial avenues blocked, all protection instructed to abuse and insult me if I ask for help or try to report this
but everyone else participating.
If I had any information on this system I might have averted a lot, but the people responsible for reporting on this system to alert the public have instead put a fascist Nazi dictatorship into power and that includes the "Democrats" who sear they find Trump abhorrent but nevertheless, when it comes to participating in this contract, they are all "on the same page' all perform the hate giggles laughs and insults mocking me insulting how I look laughing joking and abusing punching hitting me and torturing me as I beg online for YEARS for the poisoning to be stopped---ignored completely as I wrote for YEARS that this is murder, and it is STILL MURDER
I hear now the commentators who hack their reports, always mentioning (on MSNBC) some movie reference in relation to politics, but using the same actors who have participated in this contract out on me and rappers and etc, sometimes it's rap music lyrics, sometimes actors but most of the references are pointing at the terror 4th Reich black Jewish antisemitic white supremcy performers who put fascist Nazism directly into power so it is not concealed by "change and hope and joy" any longer.
They continue to spew out similar motifs in Whorewood of celebrity feminism with Hillary's endorsement and participation in her media productions along with the Obamas--all fully helped put Trump in power, and they continue to be paid in millions for it, and they can never get enough of sucking the country dry for more and more and more and more and more and more. They take turns to get more and more and more and more out of attacking me in a never-ending succession of hate. My grey hair is growing daily by now.